Templater / Skeletor / Boilerplater =================================== Project bootstrapping made easy! Setup useful configuration for your software project. Tired of tediously creating the basic skeleton for your projects? What if you forget to add a LICENSE or some other important file? This project helps you handle metaproject tasks. ## Instalation Simply clone it and add to your `$PATH`: git clone https://git.fluxo.info/templater You can also verify the latest commit's OpenPGP signature: /usr/bin/git -C templater verify-commit HEAD Note that `/usr/bin/git` is called to avoid any other `git` wrappers or aliases you might have available on your shell. ## Examples ### Basic project Say you want to start a new project `myproject` at `$HOME/src/myproject`, using git, basic files an a GPLv3 license: templater $HOME/src/myproject basic gpl git ### Drupal 8 Development Create the project (requires [KVMX](https://kvmx.fluxo.info)): templater drupal8 basic gpl conduct git puppet kvmx drupal8 && cd drupal8 Basic puppet configuration: vim puppet/config/node/drupal8.example.org.yaml # set nodo::role to 'dev::drupal8' Edit your drupal config vim settings.php # database config Set kvmx parameters: kvmx edit # basebox shared_folder_mountpoint provision_rsync provision_command run_spice_client port_mapping Provision the virtual machine: kvmx provision Install the drupal instance: echo '( cd /srv/kvmx && make drush )' | kvmx ssh echo '( cd /srv/kvmx && make site_install )' | kvmx ssh ## Writing modules Modules can be written using any programming language. It will be called from the project toplevel folder with templater's `share` folder as the first parameter. Module layout: - description: states in natural language what the modules does - setup: states in programing language what the module does (the actual script) - files (optional) Example: when you call `templater myproject basic`, templater finds a script at `$path_to_templater_install/share/basic/setup` and execs it like this: cd myproject && share/basic/setup $path_to_templater_install/share/templater You might even use `templater` to create a module: cd path/to/templater/repo && templater share/templater/ templater