
Stowpkg: ports system based on GNU Stow

A portable, non-conflicting Unix package manager built atop of GNU Stow.


  • Non-conflicting with any other package management in use (distro-specific, npm, pip, etc).
  • Multi-target support: you can keep may isolated and independent software trees.
  • Multi-distro support: works for any GNU/Linux and possible any BSD-variant.
  • Repository signature verification using GnuPG and signed git commits.
  • Small enough so everybody can learn how a package manager works.


Simply clone it and add to your $PATH:

git clone https://git.fluxo.info/stowpkg

You can also verify the latest commit's OpenPGP signature:

/usr/bin/git -C stowpkg verify-commit HEAD

You'll also need some dependencies. On a Debian-like system those can be installed using

sudo apt install stow build-essential


stowpkg install   <package>           # install   packages from source
stowpkg switch    <package> <version> # switch a  package to another available version
stowpkg remove    <package>           # remove    packages
stowpkg reinstall <package>           # reinstall packages
stowpkg build                         # simple    package  builder (./configure && make && make install)
stowpkg search                        # list      packages available on ports
stowpkg list                          # list      packages installed
stowpkg sources                       # list      program  sources available
stowpkg binaries                      # list      program  binaries available
stowpkg purge     <package>           # purge     packages
stowpkg upgrade   <package>           # upgrade   packages
stowpkg update                        # update    ports    repository

Running installed applications

Make sure to include stowpkg package tree into your PATH, MANPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.


Use ~/.config/stowpkg do put any default parameters. Current supported params include

  • BASE: defaults to <stowpkg-repo>/tree/<architecture>, but can be configured to anything like /usr/local with corresponding packages installed at /usr/local/stow.

Filesystem layout

Current ports tree is distributed directly along with stowpkg source repository. A binary repository has the following layout starting from $BASE (like /usr/local):

{bin,lib,man,share,etc,src}: usual Unix paths

What it does

If you want to do it manually:

sudo apt install <luakit-depencies>
git clone https://github.com/luakit/luakit
cd luakit
make PREFIX=/usr/local/stow/luakit
sudo make PREFIX=/usr/local/stow/luakit install
cd /usr/local/stow/
sudo stow luakit

Further development

  • Automatic application patching.
  • Source code verification using multiple methods (commit hash, checksums, OpenPGP).
  • Port releases using git branches and tags, allowing to swtich the current installed applications' versions by doing a git checkout and a stowpkg switch: that way you could easily switch all packages to the versions shipped in a given branch.

Other commands can easily be implemented:

stowpkg upstream <package> # check packages versions at upstream

Also, per-architecture binary package support might be implemented using git-annex and GnuPG signatures, giving us commands like

stowpkg pack  <package> # pack an installed package
stowpkg fetch <package> # fetch package from the repo
