#!/bin/bash # # build script for munin # by rhatto at riseup.net by rhatto | gpl # # # TODO: criacao de configuracoes padroes no /etc/munin # pegar mais plugins de vserver em http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vserver/people/holger/munin-plugins/plugins/?rev=0&sc=0 # if [ -s "slack-required" ]; then echo Recomended and required packages for building munin.build are: cat slack-required | sed -e 's/^/\t/' if [ "$INTERACT" != "no" ]; then echo If you dont have those installed, press Ctrl-C. Otherwise, hit ENTER. read crap # else # echo Sleeping 3 seconds... # sleep 3 fi fi CWD="`pwd`" if [ -f "/etc/slackbuildrc" ]; then source /etc/slackbuildrc fi if [ -f "~/.slackbuildrc" ]; then source ~/.slackbuildrc fi # default settings PACKAGE="munin" TMP=${TMP:=/tmp} VERSION=${VERSION:=1.2.5} ARCH=${ARCH:=i386} BUILD=${BUILD:=3rha} SRC_DIR=${SRC:=$CWD} # ------- error codes for createpkg -------------- ERROR_WGET=31; ERROR_MAKE=32; ERROR_INSTALL=33 ERROR_MD5=34; ERROR_CONF=35; ERROR_HELP=36 ERROR_TAR=37; ERROR_MKPKG=38; ERROR_GPG=39 ERROR_PATCH=40 if ! grep -qe "^$PACKAGE:" /etc/passwd || ! grep -qe "^$PACKAGE:" /etc/group; then echo "WARNING: user and/or group $PACKAGE does not exist" echo "Create it manually with \"groupadd $PACKAGE ; useradd $PACKAGE -g $PACKAGE\" and run this script again." exit 1 fi cat << EOCAT Attention: be sure that theres no munin installed on this system, otherwiser installation procedure will fail to copy plugins to their right place. Please uninstall any munin packages before continue. EOCAT if [ "$INTERACT" != "no" ]; then echo Hit enter to proceed. read garbage fi if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then LIBDIR=/usr/lib64 else LIBDIR=/usr/lib fi RTOOL="wget" PACKAGE_EXT="gz" SRC="$PACKAGE"_"$VERSION.tar.$PACKAGE_EXT" URL="http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/$PACKAGE/$SRC" SRC_DIR="$SRC_DIR/$PACKAGE" if [ ! -d "$SRC_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p $SRC_DIR fi if [ "$RTOOL" == "wget" ] && [ ! -f "$SRC_DIR/$SRC" ]; then rm -f $SRC_DIR/$SRC wget "$URL" -O "$SRC_DIR/$SRC" || exit $ERROR_WGET fi TMP="$TMP/$PACKAGE" if [ ! -d "$TMP" ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi cd $TMP tar xvf $SRC_DIR/$SRC || exit $ERROR_TAR cd $PACKAGE-$VERSION # config and install! mkdir -p /install sed -e 's/PREFIX = $(DESTDIR)\/opt\/munin/PREFIX = $(DESTDIR)\/usr/' \ -e 's/CONFDIR = $(DESTDIR)\/etc\/opt\/munin/CONFDIR = $(DESTDIR)\/etc\/munin/' \ -e 's/DBDIR = $(DESTDIR)\/var\/opt\/munin/DBDIR = $(DESTDIR)\/var\/munin/' \ -e 's/LIBDIR = $(PREFIX)\/lib/LIBDIR = $(PREFIX)\/lib\/munin/' \ -e 's/HTMLDIR = $(PREFIX)\/var\/www/HTMLDIR = \/var\/www/' \ -e 's/CGIDIR = $(HTMLDIR)\/cgi/CGIDIR = $(HTMLDIR)\/cgi-bin/' Makefile.config > Makefile.config.new mv Makefile.config.new Makefile.config make install-main || exit $ERROR_INSTALL make install-doc install-man || exit $ERROR_INSTALL make install-node install-node-plugins || exit $ERROR_INSTALL # make the package cp $CWD/plugins/* /usr/lib/munin/plugins/ chmod 755 /usr/lib/munin/plugins/* mkdir -p /etc/munin/plugin{s,-conf.d} mv /etc/munin/munin.conf /etc/munin/munin.conf.sample mv /etc/munin-node.conf /etc/munin-node.conf.sample mkdir -p /etc/rc.d cp $CWD/rc.munin-node /etc/rc.d/rc.munin-node.new cat << EOF > /install/slack-desc # HOW TO EDIT THIS FILE: # The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line # up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' # on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must # make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also # customary to leave one space after the ':'. |-----handy-ruler-----------------------------------------------------| munin: munin (system to gather and graph all sorts of information) munin: munin: Munin the tool surveys all your computers and remembers what it saw. munin: It presents all the information in in graphs through a web interface. munin: Its emphasis is on plug and play capabilities. After completing a munin: installation a high number of monitoring plugins will be playing with munin: no more effort. Using Munin you can easily monitor the performance of munin: your computers, networks, SANs, and quite possibly applications as munin: well. It makes it easy to determine "what's different today" when munin: a performance problem crops up. It makes it easy to see how you're munin: doing capacity wise on all limited resources. EOF echo '( chroot . /sbin/ldconfig )' > /install/doinst.sh echo '( if ! grep -qe "^munin:" etc/group; then echo creating group munin ; chroot . /usr/sbin/groupadd munin; fi )' >> /install/doinst.sh echo '( if ! grep -qe "^munin:" etc/passwd; then echo creating user munin ; chroot . /usr/sbin/useradd munin -g munin; fi )' >> /install/doinst.sh echo '( if [ ! -f "etc/rc.d/rc.munin-node" ]; then mv etc/rc.d/rc.munin-node.new etc/rc.d/rc.munin-node; fi )' >> /install/doinst.sh echo '( mkdir -p var/log/munin var/run/munin var/munin )' >> /install/doinst.sh echo '( chroot . /usr/bin/chown munin.munin /var/log/munin /var/run/munin /var/munin )' >> /install/doinst.sh