#!/bin/bash # # slackbuild script for librsync # CWD="`pwd`" if [ -f "/etc/slackbuildrc" ]; then source /etc/slackbuildrc fi if [ -f "~/.slackbuildrc" ]; then source ~/.slackbuildrc fi # default settings PACKAGE="librsync" ARCH=${ARCH:=x86_64} VERSION=${VERSION:=0.9.7} BUILD=${BUILD:=1rha} SRC_DIR=${SRC:=$CWD} TMP=${TMP:=/tmp} if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then LIBDIR=/usr/lib64 export CFLAGS=-fPIC else LIBDIR=/usr/lib fi RTOOL="wget" PACKAGE_EXT="gz" SRC="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.$PACKAGE_EXT" URL="http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/librsync/$SRC" if [ "$PACKAGE_EXT" == "bz2" ]; then tarflag="j" else tarflag="z" fi if [ "$RTOOL" == "wget" ] && [ ! -f "$SRC_DIR/$SRC" ]; then wget "$URL" -O "$SRC_DIR/$SRC" fi cd $TMP rm -rf package-$PACKAGE mkdir package-$PACKAGE cd package-$PACKAGE tar xvf$tarflag $SRC_DIR/$SRC cd $PACKAGE-$VERSION ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --libdir=$LIBDIR make all check make DESTDIR=$TMP/package-$PACKAGE/$PACKAGE install CWD="`pwd`" cd $TMP/package-$PACKAGE/$PACKAGE find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null mkdir install cat << EOF > install/slack-desc # HOW TO EDIT THIS FILE: # The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line # up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' # on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must # make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also # customary to leave one space after the ':'. |-----handy-ruler-----------------------------------------------------| librsync: librsync librsync: librsync: librsync implements the rolling-checksum algorithm of remote file librsync: synchronization that was popularized by the rsync utility and is used librsync: in rproxy. This algorithm transfers the differences between 2 files librsync: without needing both files on the same system. librsync: librsync: librsync: librsync: librsync: EOF # docs mkdir -p usr/doc/$PACKAGE-$VERSION for file in AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README README.CVS README.RPM THANKS TODO; do cp $CWD/$file* usr/doc/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/ done echo 'chroot . /sbin/ldconfig' > install/doinst.sh makepkg -c y -l y $TMP/$PACKAGE-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz