#!/bin/bash # # build script for fglrx by rhatto | gpl # build it with slacktrack, example: # # ARCH=x86_64 slacktrack -jefkzp "fglrx-module-8.14.13_1-x86_64-1rha.tgz" "./fglrx.build" # # TODO: finnish and test PACKAGE="fglrx-module" VERSION="8.14.13_1" cd /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod chmod +x make.sh # Patches aplicados em sequencia: http://www.tux3d.org/fglrx/Patches/Kernel-2.6.12/good-tested/ patch -p0 < patches/fglrx-2.6-agpgart.patch patch -p0 < patches/fglrx-2.6.12-inter_module_get.patch patch -p1 < patches/fglrx-2.6.12-new-agpgart.patch patch -p0 < patches/fglrx-2.6.12-x86-64.patch # aply? -> patch -p0 < patches/firegl.patch # -------------- para kernel 2.6.14 em diante, faça isto -------------- # modulo verify_area (make e make install jah resolvem) # http://www.colino.net/wordpress-1.5/archives/2005/10/29/fglrx-unknown-symbol-verify_area/ # http://www.geekounet.org/patches/files/verify_area.tar.gz # # especial atencao para o firegl_public.c, caso role erros do tipo # fglrx: Unknown symbol register_ioctl32_conversion # voce terah que remover nesse arquivo as chamadas a # return register_ioctl32_conversion(cmd, handler) e # unregister_ioctl32_conversion(cmd) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ./make.sh cd /lib/modules/fglrx chmod +x make_install.sh ./make_install.sh mkdir /install cat << EOF > /install/slack-desc # HOW TO EDIT THIS FILE: # The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line # up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' # on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must # make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also # customary to leave one space after the ':'. |-----handy-ruler-----------------------------------------------------| fglrx-module: fglrx-module (kernel module for ATI's binary blob) fglrx-module: fglrx-module: fglrx-module: fglrx-module: fglrx-module: fglrx-module: fglrx-module: fglrx-module: fglrx-module: fglrx-module: EOF