#!/bin/bash # # dopewars.SlackBuild is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. # # dopewars.SlackBuild is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA # # slackbuild script for dopewars # by rhatto at riseup.net # CWD="`pwd`" if [ -f ~/.slackbuildrc ]; then source ~/.slackbuildrc elif [ -f /etc/slackbuildrc ]; then source /etc/slackbuildrc fi # default settings PACKAGE="dopewars" ARCH=${ARCH:=i486} VERSION=${VERSION:=1.5.12} BUILD=${BUILD:=1rha} SRC_DIR=${SRC:=$CWD} TMP=${TMP:=/tmp} REPOS=${REPOS:=$TMP} # ------- error codes for createpkg -------------- ERROR_WGET=31; ERROR_MAKE=32; ERROR_INSTALL=33 ERROR_MD5=34; ERROR_CONF=35; ERROR_HELP=36 ERROR_TAR=37; ERROR_MKPKG=38; ERROR_GPG=39 ERROR_PATCH=40 if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then LIBDIR=/usr/lib64 else LIBDIR=/usr/lib fi gpg --import <<EOF -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBD+FrAMRBACyEqh7S8vqlbYzptrQGHCpsrG8Djo3pCBkXWJ/Pfv4bZPf2voU bn19j+8fVncE527hWvlLY4dYR04jRVAifBvgTUbXNrl/3IxAelKmq0T22/qSCy8X DEHB2g9qgwhLPK44lVN7bN93VN8JEFrcFrFYanYQekq2xux0aL9digsX7wCgog+T xoUngcKQh8Pvt1mjWC5W5aUD/3OeX4ZEITchxh0E5OKWrpVvSRz4mpk4F1BrUe9y A3v4d8pyQurd5tCcwnZLKI8hqeKZ6ozZJEkO6NG9QYDNkHzPEdh4yi46JhnjP+9S KY3AAOSF0aR9r4k/iw7GbeuAxcRJp5zUxtUuASoVewMt46qkrIeBGXHMjy+yjgIg Uik2A/9v9yizDH/dIDWodlCK+GzpgZuy7IwgW+5H9fOfMj4GIzS7JoiCHNYRtsx6 bJbAzYG9g86KXnMzEzkpZHs1C5lb8HFUgbpx6+zxi5FOwir08Gk7RA14b2xy7pYM 1pNoWaM4XWCnttP9IgP15YcW0oqsnb9pC0GnzNbUFnSFVprr+bQaQmVuIFdlYmIg PGJlbkBzYWxpbGFiLm9yZz6IWQQTEQIAGQUCP4WsAwQLBwMCAxUCAwMWAgECHgEC F4AACgkQHMfQWXReYJONxACeOmq1bvpQ1dbX9Ns9X+SQnCeV5TwAnA/Kl5LC81eT iXvWhS87vkSYGpt+uQENBD+FrAUQBADYv786KL918UBe22Fa/cyC9pdSGmJNWMTW fFt/jQRc87voaWR5xHowO0W9j+Vw453nxdpGw5sBtL0UYHWd1LHYwu8atC+gP8yI 7REyczt1vgZE+MJe13Skd1hKIBxOUPb0Ib3j+XAl+8aaf1OZ0l5/bw6hX38xSo8z cYj/x+Ba1wADBQQAnFNWQ8HjgXjg6rWR/85mLUlovwlfWu5RVMvBxdkslM9vTIFZ HlWIMcAh2eisesbJLXne+9CYLvKiPVmN5jK5umj9CSy7+5ubrpEfkPI4TtETtw7+ k1A+jquMTa+oEr245vgQud+Jopou7P+zSnGiduMUIh3ummHcZwKSsXQ3jrmIRgQY EQIABgUCP4WsBQAKCRAcx9BZdF5gk7lPAJ9OtD+wr4mZTz7kkbMAJUpzGonfegCe LOV9WF3BhJoMhxVgqbLDywOcjb8= =4zKp -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- EOF RTOOL="wget" PACKAGE_EXT="gz" SRC="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.$PACKAGE_EXT" URL="http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/dopewars/$SRC" SRC_DIR="$SRC_DIR/$PACKAGE" mkdir -p $SRC_DIR if [ "$RTOOL" == "wget" ] && [ ! -f "$SRC_DIR/$SRC" ]; then wget "$URL" -O "$SRC_DIR/$SRC" || exit $ERROR_WGET wget "$URL.gpg" -O "$SRC_DIR/$SRC.gpg" || exit $ERROR_WGET fi gpg --verify $SRC_DIR/$SRC.gpg $SRC_DIR/$SRC || exit $ERROR_GPG TMP="$TMP/$PACKAGE" rm -rf $TMP mkdir -p $TMP cd $TMP tar xvf $SRC_DIR/$SRC || exit $ERROR_TAR cd $PACKAGE-$VERSION if [ -f "$CWD/$PACKAGE-$VERSION.diff" ]; then patch -p1 < $CWD/$PACKAGE-$VERSION.diff || exit $ERROR_PATCH fi ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --libdir=$LIBDIR || exit $ERROR_CONF make || exit $ERROR_MAKE make DESTDIR=$TMP/package-$PACKAGE install || exit $ERROR_INSTALL CWD="`pwd`" cd $TMP/package-$PACKAGE find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null mkdir install cat << EOF > install/slack-desc # HOW TO EDIT THIS FILE: # The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line # up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' # on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must # make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also # customary to leave one space after the ':'. |-----handy-ruler-----------------------------------------------------| dopewars: dopewars (drug dealing game) dopewars: dopewars: Make a fortune dealing drugs on the streets... dopewars: dopewars: This is dopewars 1.5.10, a game simulating the life of a drug dealer dopewars: in New York. The aim of the game is to make lots and lots of money; dopewars: unfortunately, you start the game with a hefty debt, accumulating dopewars: interest, and the cops take a rather dim view of drug dealing... dopewars: dopewars: dopewars: EOF # docs mkdir -p usr/doc mv usr/share/doc/$PACKAGE-$VERSION usr/doc/$PACKAGE-$VERSION rmdir usr/share/doc # for file in ABOUT-NLS AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL LICENCE NEWS README TODO; do # cp $CWD/$file* usr/doc/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/ # done makepkg -c y -l y $REPOS/$PACKAGE-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz || exit $ERROR_MKPKG if [ "$CLEANUP" == "yes" ]; then rm -rf $TMP fi