#--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default simplepkg configuration. # File: /etc/simplepkg/default/simplepkg.conf # # This file contains the default behaviour of simplepkg scripts. # Please do not edit this file. Use /etc/simplepkg/simplepkg.conf # instead for overriding the default configuration. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # GENERAL SECTION #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default architecture: set this option if you dont want simplepkg # to use the value from /etc/slackware-version # DEFAULT_ARCH="i486" # Default version: set this option if you dont want simplepkg # to use the value from /etc/slackware-version # DEFAULT_VERSION="12.2" # Temporary folder TMP="/tmp/simplepkg" #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # MKBUILD AND CREATEPKG SECTION #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set default directory for mkbuilds MKBUILDS_DIR="/var/simplepkg/mkbuilds" # Set SlackBuilds default directory for scripts SLACKBUILDS_DIR="/var/simplepkg/slackbuilds" # Set packages default repository directory PACKAGES_DIR="/var/simplepkg/repos" # Set mkbuilds svn default repository MKBUILDS_SVN="http://slack.sarava.org/mkbuilds" # Set SlackBuilds svn default repository SLACKBUILDS_SVN="http://slack.sarava.org/slackbuilds" # Set packages svn default repository PACKAGES_SVN="http://slack.sarava.org/packages" # Set the binaries default repository nested folder, useful if you manage # packages from different distribution versions and architectures in the # same parent folder. # # You can use any string here and also de special parameters none, distro, # arch and version. You can also mix more than one parameter, like # "distro-version". # # Default value is "distro/distro-version" and you should change this just # if you know what are you doing. PACKAGES_REPOS_STYLE="distro/distro-version" # Se this to "yes" if you want createpkg to put noarch packages also in # a noarch/ folder. PACKAGES_REPOS_NOARCH="on" # If your packages repository is under svn and you plan to manage it with an # user different than root, then set this parameter with the username # owning the repository working copy. PACKAGES_SVN_USER="" # Same as the previous option, but for svn repository group. PACKAGES_SVN_GROUP="" # If your mkbuild and slackbuild repositories is under svn and you plan to # manage it with an user different than root, then set this parameter with the # username owning the repository working copy. MKBUILDS_SVN_USER="" # Same as the previous option, but for svn repository group. MKBUILDS_SVN_GROUP="" # Set sources default directory SOURCE_DIR="/var/simplepkg/sources" # Set color style. Possible values are: color,gray, none. COLOR_MODE="none" # Createpkg architecture. Use this to force createpkg to a given arch. # CREATEPKG_ARCH="i486" # Remove build files CREATEPKG_CLEANUP="yes" # Remove old packages from repository tree by createpkg REMOVE_OLD_PACKAGE="off" # Move package to SlackBuilds-like tree MOVE_BIN_PACKAGE="on" # Move package's slack-required to binary repository MOVE_SLACK_REQUIRED="on" # Set this to override the default author on each SlackBuild. Use alphabetic # characters only and no spaces. CREATEPKG_AUTHOR="" # Whether createpkg should sign packages. SIGN_PACKAGES="off" # Username used for package signatures. SIGN_PACKAGES_USER="" # GPG key id used for package signature, leave blank to use default key. SIGN_PACKAGES_KEYID="" #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # SIMPLARET SECTION #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Whether mkjail should clean the package cache before installation # to enable it, set to "1" or "yes" SIMPLARET_CLEAN="1" # whether mkjail should clean the package cache after the installation; # to enable it, set to "1" or "yes" SIMPLARET_DELETE_DOWN="1" # Whether mkjail should issue a simplaret --update before install the jail; # to enable it, set to "1" or "yes" SIMPLARET_UPDATE="1" # Wheter try to download from the next repository on failed download. SIMPLARET_DOWNLOAD_FROM_NEXT_REPO="1" # Wheter delete also patches when simplaret --purge is called; # to enable it, set to "1" or "yes" SIMPLARET_PURGE_PATCHES="0" # Whether delete each package rigth after its installation; # to enable it, set to "1" or "yes" SIMPLARET_DELETE_DURING="0" # Delete packages older than N weeks from the cache SIMPLARET_PURGE_WEEKS="3" # Where patches are placed PATCHES_DIR="/var/simplepkg/patches" # Place to store your packages STORAGE="/var/simplepkg/packages" # Whether to use passive ftp transfers; # to enable it, set to "1" or "yes" PASSIVE_FTP="1" # Http retrieval tool; # available parameters are "wget" or "curl" HTTP_TOOL="wget" # Ftp retrieval tool; # available parameters are "wget", "curl" or "ncftpget" FTP_TOOL="wget" # Set connection timeout in seconds CONNECT_TIMEOUT="20" # ROOT repository package priority ROOT_PRIORITY="patches slackware extra testing pasture" # REPOS repository package priority REPOS_PRIORITY="patches slackware extra testing pasture" # Whether to check package signatures (you should have the repository # maintainer key on your keyring) SIGNATURE_CHECKING="on" # Whether simplaret will try to solve dependencies by looking # for packages' slack-required DEPENDENCY_CHECKING="1" # Enabling this option (i.e, setting to "1" or "yes"), simplaret will # donwload even already applied patches, a good option when you plan # to keep local copies of all needed patches for your system DOWNLOAD_EVEN_APPLIED_PATCHES="0" # Enabling this option (i.e, setting to "1" or "yes"), simplaret will # look at your standard repositories for new packages; if it find a # package with different version of your current installed package and # also this package isnt in the packages folder, then the new package # is applied; if in doubt, just say no or leave blank. Otherwise set it # either to "yes" or "1" and remember that if enabling this feature can # cause problems if you use more than one REPOS definition for each # ARCH and VERSION. Also, this option can be very slow. CONSIDER_ALL_PACKAGES_AS_PATCHES="0" # Enabling this option (i.e, setting to "1" or "yes"), simplaret will # store patches it finds on ROOT repositories on # # $PATCHES_DIR/$ARCH/$VERSION/root-$repository_name. # # By default this option is turned off because it breaks the standard # way to store packages and can cause some confusion, but its an useful # feature if you like to see all patches apart from common packages and/or # stored in the same tree. STORE_ROOT_PATCHES_ON_PATCHES_DIR="0" #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # TEMPLATEPKG SECTION #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set to yes if your templates will be placed in a subversion repository # This just work if TEMPLATE_STORAGE_STYLE is set to own-folder or compact. TEMPLATES_UNDER_SVN="no" # Where your templates will be located. # Dont change it except you know what you're doing. TEMPLATE_FOLDER="/etc/simplepkg/templates" # This variable controls in which folder / subfolder your templates will # be stored. Possible values are: # # - simplepkg-folder: templates are stored at /etc/simplepkg # - templates-folder: templates are stored at /etc/simplepkg/templates # - own-folder or compact: each template stored at its own folder # at /etc/simplepkg/templates/template-name # # This variable has backwards purposes only, so dont change it. TEMPLATE_STORAGE_STYLE="compact" #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # MKJAIL SECTION #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Where jails are placed JAIL_ROOT="/vservers" # Wheter mkjail should add new jails in the jail list; # to enable it, set to "1" or "yes" ADD_TO_JAIL_LIST="1"