path: root/trunk/src/createpkg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/createpkg')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/createpkg b/trunk/src/createpkg
index e5fd73a..5d28d17 100644
--- a/trunk/src/createpkg
+++ b/trunk/src/createpkg
@@ -27,21 +27,62 @@
# Createpkg functions
function usage {
# Help message
- eecho $commun "Createpkg version $CREATEPKG_VERSION\n"
- eecho $commun "Usage: createpkg [--install/-i] package_name"
- eecho $commun " createpkg --all/-a"
- eecho $commun " createpkg --no-deps/-np package_name"
- eecho $commun " createpkg --search/-s package_name"
- eecho $commun " createpkg --info/-f package_name"
- eecho $commun " createpkg --list/-l"
- eecho $commun " createpkg --sync"
- eecho $commun " createpkg --help/-h"
- exit
+ echo -e "${red}NAME${normal}
+ createpkg - create Slackware packages
+ createpkg${normal} [${green}OPTIONS${normal}] [${green}program${normal}]
+ [${green}program${normal}] name to build/search
+ Input ${green}OPTIONS${normal}:
+ ${red}-i${normal}, ${red}--install${normal} ${green}<program>${normal}
+ create the package ${green}<program>${normal} and install
+ ${red}-a${normal}, ${red}--all${normal}
+ create all packages and install
+ ${red}-np${normal}, ${red}--no-deps${normal}
+ does not solve dependences
+ ${red}-s${normal}, ${red}--search${normal} <program${normal}>
+ search for a ${green}<program>${normal}
+ ${red}-f${normal}, ${red}--info${normal} ${green}<program>${normal}
+ show description and dependences of the program
+ ${red}-l${normal}, ${red}--list${normal}
+ list all the SlackBuilds
+ ${red}--sync${normal}
+ synchronize SlackBuilds repository
+ ${red}-h${normal}, ${red}--help${normal}
+ show this help
+ ${red}createpkg -i scilab${normal}
+ build and install scilab package
+ ${red}createpkg -s at*${normal}
+ search for all at* SlackBuilds scripts (at-spi, atk, ...)
+ ${red}createpkg --info pyrex${normal}
+ show pyrex description and dependences
+ Written by ${blue}Rudson R. Alves${normal}
+ by svn: ${yellow}svn checkout svn://slack.sarava.org/simplepkg${normal}
+ this mkbuild is found in branches/0.6/
+${red}REPORTING BUGS${normal}
+ Report bugs to <${blue}rudsonalves[at]rra.etc.br${normal}>
+ Copyright © 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the
+ terms of the GNU General Public License
+ <${yellow}http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html${normal}>. There is NO WARRANTY, to the
+ extent permitted by law." | more
function build_all_slackbuild {