getCurrentUserId(); $exploded = isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? explode('/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) : null; if(count($exploded) == 4) { list($url, $range, $terms, $page) = $exploded; } else if (count($exploded) == 2) { list($url, $range) = $exploded; $terms = $page = NULL; } else { list($url, $range, $terms) = $exploded; $page = NULL; } //some OpenSearch clients need that $terms = urldecode($terms); $tplVars['loadjs'] = true; // Pagination $perpage = getPerPageCount($currentUser); if (intval(GET_PAGE) > 1) { $page = intval(GET_PAGE); $start = ($page - 1) * $perpage; } else { $page = 0; $start = 0; } $s_user = NULL; $s_start = NULL; $s_end = NULL; $s_watchlist = NULL; // No search terms if (is_null($terms)) { $tplVars['subtitle'] = T_('Search Bookmarks'); $s_end = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('tomorrow')); $s_start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($s_end .' -'. $defaultRecentDays .' days')); // Search terms } else { $tplVars['subtitle'] = T_('Search Results'); $selected = ' selected="selected"'; switch ($range) { case 'all': $tplVars['select_all'] = $selected; $s_user = NULL; break; case 'watchlist': $tplVars['select_watchlist'] = $selected; $s_user = $currentUserId; $s_watchlist = true; break; default: $s_user = $range; break; } if (isset($s_user)) { $tplVars['user'] = $range; $s_user = $userservice->getIdFromUser($s_user); if($s_user == NULL) { $tplVars['error'] = sprintf(T_('User with username %s was not found'), $s_user); $templateservice->loadTemplate('error.404.tpl', $tplVars); exit(); } } } $bookmarks =& $bookmarkservice->getBookmarks( $start, $perpage, $s_user, NULL, $terms, getSortOrder(), $s_watchlist, $s_start, $s_end ); // Save search $searchhistoryservice->addSearch( $terms, $range, $bookmarks['total'], $currentUserId ); if (isset($_GET['lucky']) && $_GET['lucky'] && isset($bookmarks['bookmarks'][0]) ) { $url = $bookmarks['bookmarks'][0]['bAddress']; header('Location: ' . $url); exit(); } if ($GLOBALS['enableGoogleCustomSearch']) { $tplVars['tipMsg'] = T_('Unsatisfied? You can also try our ') . 'Google Custom Search page.'; } $tplVars['rsschannels'] = array(); $tplVars['page'] = $page; $tplVars['start'] = $start; $tplVars['popCount'] = 25; $tplVars['sidebar_blocks'] = array('search', 'recent', 'menu2'); $tplVars['range'] = $range; $tplVars['terms'] = $terms; $tplVars['pagetitle'] = T_('Search Bookmarks'); $tplVars['bookmarkCount'] = $start + 1; $tplVars['total'] = $bookmarks['total']; $tplVars['bookmarks'] =& $bookmarks['bookmarks']; $tplVars['cat_url'] = createURL('tags', '%2$s'); $tplVars['nav_url'] = createURL('search', $range .'/'. $terms .'/%3$s'); $templateservice->loadTemplate('bookmarks.tpl', $tplVars); ?>