isLoggedOn() && sizeof($_FILES) > 0 && $_FILES['userfile']['size'] > 0) { $userinfo = $userservice->getCurrentObjectUser(); if (is_numeric(POST_STATUS)) { $status = intval(POST_STATUS); } else { $status = 2; } // File handle $html = file_get_contents($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']); // Create link array //preg_match_all('/([^<]*)/si', $html, $matches); preg_match_all('/([^<]*?)<\/a>.*?(
)/si', $html, $matches); //var_dump($matches);die(); $links = $matches[1]; $titles = $matches[2]; $descriptions = $matches[4]; $size = count($links); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { // echo "
"; // echo $links[$i]."
"; preg_match_all('/(\w*\s*=\s*"[^"]*")/', $links[$i], $attributes); //$attributes = $attributes[0]; // we keep just one row $bDatetime = ""; //bDateTime optional $bCategories = ""; //bCategories optional foreach ($attributes[0] as $attribute) { $att = preg_split('/\s*=\s*/s', $attribute, 2); $attrTitle = $att[0]; $attrVal = eregi_replace('"', '"', preg_replace('/([\'"]?)(.*)\1/', '$2', $att[1])); switch ($attrTitle) { case "HREF": $bAddress = $attrVal; break; case "ADD_DATE": $bDatetime = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $attrVal); break; case "TAGS": $bCategories = $attrVal; break; case "NOTE": $bPrivateNote = $attrVal; } } $bTitle = trim($titles[$i]); $bDescription = trim($descriptions[$i]); if ($bookmarkservice->bookmarkExists($bAddress, $userservice->getCurrentUserId())) { $tplVars['error'] = T_('You have already submitted some of these bookmarks.'); } else { // If bookmark is local (like javascript: or place: in Firefox3), do nothing if(substr($bAddress, 0, 7) == "http://" || substr($bAddress, 0, 8) == "https://") { // If bookmark claims to be from the future, set it to be now instead if (strtotime($bDatetime) > time()) { $bDatetime = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } if ($bookmarkservice->addBookmark($bAddress, $bTitle, $bDescription, $bPrivateNote, $status, $bCategories, null, $bDatetime, false, true)) { $countImportedBookmarks++; } else { $tplVars['error'] = T_('There was an error saving your bookmark. Please try again or contact the administrator.'); } } } } //header('Location: '. createURL('bookmarks', $userinfo->getUsername())); $templatename = 'importNetscape.tpl'; $tplVars['msg'].= T_('Bookmarks found: ').$size.' '; $tplVars['msg'].= T_('Bookmarks imported: ').' '.$countImportedBookmarks; $tplVars['subtitle'] = T_('Import Bookmarks from Browser File'); $tplVars['formaction'] = createURL('importNetscape'); $templateservice->loadTemplate($templatename, $tplVars); } else { $templatename = 'importNetscape.tpl'; $tplVars['subtitle'] = T_('Import Bookmarks from Browser File'); $tplVars['formaction'] = createURL('importNetscape'); $templateservice->loadTemplate($templatename, $tplVars); } ?>