) than the other API calls. // Force HTTP authentication first! require_once('httpauth.inc.php'); require_once '../../src/SemanticScuttle/header.php'; /* Service creation: only useful services are created */ $b2tservice =SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::getServiceInstance('Bookmark2Tag'); // Get the tag info. if (isset($_REQUEST['old']) && (trim($_REQUEST['old']) != '')) $old = trim($_REQUEST['old']); else $old = NULL; if (isset($_REQUEST['new']) && (trim($_REQUEST['new']) != '')) $new = trim($_REQUEST['new']); else $new = NULL; if (is_null($old) || is_null($new)) { $renamed = false; } else { // Rename the tag. $result = $b2tservice->renameTag($userservice->getCurrentUserId(), $old, $new, true); $renamed = $result; } // Set up the XML file and output the result. header('Content-Type: text/xml'); echo '\r\n"; echo ''. ($renamed ? 'done' : 'something went wrong') .''; ?>