<?php /** * Returns a list of tags linked to the given one(s), * suitable for jsTree consumption. * * Accepted GET parameters: * * @param string $tag Tag for which the children tags shall be returned * Multiple tags (separated with comma) are supported. * If no tag is given, all top-level tags are loaded. * @param integer $uId User ID to fetch the tags for * @param boolean $parent Load parent tags * * SemanticScuttle - your social bookmark manager. * * PHP version 5. * * @category Bookmarking * @package SemanticScuttle * @subpackage Templates * @author Benjamin Huynh-Kim-Bang <mensonge@users.sourceforge.net> * @author Christian Weiske <cweiske@cweiske.de> * @author Eric Dane <ericdane@users.sourceforge.net> * @license GPL http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @link http://sourceforge.net/projects/semanticscuttle */ $httpContentType = 'application/json'; require_once '../www-header.php'; $tag = isset($_GET['tag']) ? $_GET['tag'] : null; $uId = isset($_GET['uId']) ? (int)$_GET['uId'] : 0; $loadParentTags = isset($_GET['parent']) ? (bool)$_GET['parent'] : false; $tags = explode(',', trim($tag)); if (count($tags) == 1 && $tags[0] == '') { //no tags $tags = array(); } function assembleLinkedTagData( $tags, $uId, $loadParentTags, SemanticScuttle_Service_Tag2Tag $t2t ) { $tagData = array(); if (count($tags) == 0) { //no tags given -> show the 4 most used top-level tags $orphewTags = $t2t->getOrphewTags('>', $uId, 4, 'nb'); #$orphewTags = $t2t->getOrphewTags('>', $uId); foreach ($orphewTags as $orphewTag) { $tags[] = $orphewTag['tag']; } $loadParentTags = true; } if ($loadParentTags) { //find parent tags + append the selected tags as children afterwards foreach ($tags as $tag) { $parentTags = $t2t->getLinkedTags($tag, '>', $uId, true); if (count($parentTags) > 0) { foreach ($parentTags as $parentTag) { $ta = createTagArray( $parentTag, true, true, true ); //FIXME: find out if there are subtags $tac = createTagArray($tag, true); $ta['children'][] = $tac; $tagData[] = $ta; } } else { //no parent tags -> display it normally //FIXME: find out if there are subtags $tagData[] = createTagArray($tag, true); } } } else { //just find the linked tags foreach ($tags as $tag) { $linkedTags = $t2t->getLinkedTags($tag, '>', $uId); foreach ($linkedTags as $linkedTag) { //FIXME: find out if there are subtags $tagData[] = createTagArray($linkedTag, true); } } } return $tagData; } /** * Creates an jsTree json array for the given tag * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param boolean $hasChildren If the tag has subtags (children) or not. * If unsure, set it to "true". * @param boolean $isOpen If the tag has children: Is the tree node open * or closed? * @param boolean $autoParent If the tag is an automatically generated parent tag * * @return array Array to be sent back to the browser as json */ function createTagArray($tag, $hasChildren = true, $isOpen = false, $autoParent = false) { if ($autoParent) { $title = '(' . $tag . ')'; } else { $title = $tag; } $ar = array( 'data' => array( //<a> attributes 'title' => $title, 'attr' => array( 'href' => createUrl('tags', $tag) ) ), //<li> attributes 'attr' => array( 'rel' => $tag,//needed for identifying the tag in html ), ); if ($hasChildren) { //jstree needs that to show the arrows $ar['state'] = $isOpen ? 'open' : 'closed'; } if ($autoParent) { //FIXME: use css class $ar['data']['attr']['style'] = 'color: #AAA'; } return $ar; } $tagData = assembleLinkedTagData( $tags, 0/*$uId*/, $loadParentTags, SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::get('Tag2Tag') ); echo json_encode($tagData); ?>