<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../prepare.php'; require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php'; class www_rssTest extends TestBaseApi { protected $urlPart = 'rss.php'; /** * Verifies that the given number of feed items exist in the feed * XML tree. * * @var SimpleXMLElement $simpleXml RSS feed root element * @var integer $nCount Number of expected feed items * @var string $msg Error message */ protected function assertItemCount( SimpleXMLElement $simpleXml, $nCount, $msg = null ) { $this->assertEquals($nCount, count($simpleXml->channel->item), $msg); } /** * A private bookmark should not show up in the global rss feed if the * user is not logged in nor passes the private key */ public function testAllPrivateBookmarkNotLoggedIn() { list($uId, $username) = $this->addUserData(); $this->addBookmark( $uId, null, SemanticScuttle_Model_Bookmark::SPRIVATE ); $req = $this->getRequest(); $response_body = $req->send()->getBody(); $rss = simplexml_load_string($response_body); $this->assertItemCount($rss, 0, 'I see a private bookmark'); } /** * A private bookmark should not show up in the user's rss feed if the * user is not logged in nor passes the private key */ public function testUserPrivateBookmarkNotLoggedIn() { list($uId, $username) = $this->addUserData(); $this->addBookmark( $uId, null, SemanticScuttle_Model_Bookmark::SPRIVATE ); $req = $this->getRequest('/' . $username); $response_body = $req->send()->getBody(); $rss = simplexml_load_string($response_body); $this->assertItemCount($rss, 0, 'I see a private bookmark'); } /** * Test the global feed by passing the private key */ public function testAllPrivateBookmarkWithPrivateKey() { list($uId, $username, $password, $privateKey) = $this->addUserData( null, null, true ); $this->addBookmark( $uId, null, SemanticScuttle_Model_Bookmark::SPRIVATE, null, 'private bookmark' ); $req = $this->getRequest('?privateKey=' . $privateKey); $response_body = $req->send()->getBody(); $rss = simplexml_load_string($response_body); $this->assertItemCount($rss, 1, 'I miss the private bookmark'); $this->assertEquals( 'private bookmark', (string)$rss->channel->item[0]->title ); } /** * Test the user feed by passing the private key */ public function testUserPrivateBookmarkWithPrivateKey() { list($uId, $username, $password, $privateKey) = $this->addUserData( null, null, true ); $this->addBookmark( $uId, null, SemanticScuttle_Model_Bookmark::SPRIVATE, null, 'private bookmark' ); $req = $this->getRequest('/' . $username . '?privateKey=' . $privateKey); $response_body = $req->send()->getBody(); $rss = simplexml_load_string($response_body); $this->assertItemCount($rss, 1, 'I miss the private bookmark'); $this->assertEquals( 'private bookmark', (string)$rss->channel->item[0]->title ); } /** * Verify that fetching the feed with a private key * does not keep you logged in */ public function testUserPrivateKeyDoesNotKeepLoggedYouIn() { list($uId, $username, $password, $privateKey) = $this->addUserData( null, null, true ); $this->addBookmark( $uId, null, SemanticScuttle_Model_Bookmark::SPRIVATE, null, 'private bookmark' ); $req = $this->getRequest('/' . $username . '?privateKey=' . $privateKey); $cookies = $req->setCookieJar()->getCookieJar(); $response_body = $req->send()->getBody(); $rss = simplexml_load_string($response_body); $items = $rss->channel->item; $this->assertEquals(1, count($items), 'I miss the private bookmark'); $this->assertEquals('private bookmark', (string)$items[0]->title); //request the feed again, with the same cookies $req = $this->getRequest('/' . $username); $req->setCookieJar($cookies); $response_body = $req->send()->getBody(); $rss = simplexml_load_string($response_body); $this->assertItemCount($rss, 0, 'I still see the private bookmark'); } }//end class www_rssTest ?>