* @author Christian Weiske * @author Eric Dane * @license GPL http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @link http://sourceforge.net/projects/semanticscuttle */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../prepare.php'; require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php'; if (!defined('PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD')) { define('PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD', 'ajax_GetAdminLinkedTagsTest::main'); } /** * Unit tests for the ajax linked admin tags script * * @category Bookmarking * @package SemanticScuttle * @author Christian Weiske * @license GPL http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @link http://sourceforge.net/projects/semanticscuttle */ class ajax_GetAdminLinkedTagsTest extends TestBaseApi { protected $urlPart = 'ajax/getadminlinkedtags.php'; /** * Used to run this test class standalone * * @return void */ public static function main() { require_once 'PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php'; PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run( new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(__CLASS__) ); } /** * Verify that we get the configured root tags if * we do not pass any parameters */ public function testRootTags() { $req = $this->getRequest(); $res = $req->send(); $this->assertEquals(200, $res->getStatus()); $this->assertEquals( 'application/json; charset=utf-8', $res->getHeader('content-type') ); $data = json_decode($res->getBody()); $this->assertInternalType('array', $data); //same number of elements as the menu2Tags array $this->assertEquals( count($GLOBALS['menu2Tags']), count($data) ); //and the same contents foreach ($data as $tagObj) { $tagName = $tagObj->data->title; $this->assertContains($tagName, $GLOBALS['menu2Tags']); } } /** * Verify that we get subtags of a given tag */ public function testSubTags() { $t2t = SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::get('Tag2Tag'); $t2t->deleteAll(); $menu2Tag = reset($GLOBALS['menu2Tags']); //we have a subtag now $this->addBookmark( $this->getAdminUser(), null, 0, $menu2Tag . '>adminsubtag' ); $res = $this->getRequest('?tag=' . $menu2Tag)->send(); $this->assertEquals(200, $res->getStatus()); $this->assertEquals( 'application/json; charset=utf-8', $res->getHeader('content-type') ); $data = json_decode($res->getBody()); $this->assertInternalType('array', $data); //only one subtag $this->assertEquals(1, count($data)); $this->assertEquals('adminsubtag', $data[0]->data->title); } /** * Verify that we only get admin tags, not tags from * non-admin people */ public function testOnlyAdminTags() { $t2t = SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::get('Tag2Tag'); $t2t->deleteAll(); $menu2Tag = reset($GLOBALS['menu2Tags']); //we have a subtag now $this->addBookmark( $this->getAdminUser(), null, 0, $menu2Tag . '>adminsubtag' ); //add another bookmark now, but for a normal user $this->addBookmark( null, null, 0, $menu2Tag . '>normalsubtag' ); $res = $this->getRequest('?tag=' . $menu2Tag)->send(); $this->assertEquals(200, $res->getStatus()); $this->assertEquals( 'application/json; charset=utf-8', $res->getHeader('content-type') ); $data = json_decode($res->getBody()); $this->assertInternalType('array', $data); //we should have only one subtag now, the admin one $this->assertEquals(1, count($data)); $this->assertEquals('adminsubtag', $data[0]->data->title); } } if (PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD == 'ajax_GetAdminLinkedTagsTest::main') { ajax_GetAdminLinkedTagsTest::main(); } ?>