<?php class Api_OpenSearchTest extends TestBaseApi { protected $urlPart = ''; public function testOpenSearchAvailable() { $req = $this->getRequest(); $xhtml = $req->send()->getBody(); $xml = simplexml_load_string($xhtml); $xml->registerXPathNamespace('h', reset($xml->getDocNamespaces())); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'SimpleXMLElement', $xml, 'SemanticScuttle main page XHTML could not be loaded - maybe invalid?' ); $arElements = $xml->xpath( '//h:head/h:link' . '[@rel="search" and @type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"]' ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count($arElements), 'OpenSearch link in HTML is missing' ); $searchDescUrl = (string)$arElements[0]['href']; $this->assertNotNull($searchDescUrl, 'Search description URL is empty'); $req = new HTTP_Request2($searchDescUrl); $res = $req->send(); $this->assertEquals( 200, $res->getStatus(), 'HTTP response status code is not 200' ); $this->assertEquals( $GLOBALS['unittestUrl'] . 'api/opensearch.php', $searchDescUrl, 'OpenSearch URL found, but it is not the expected one.' . ' It may be that you misconfigured the "unittestUrl" setting' ); } public function testOpenSearchContentType() { $res = $this->getRequest('api/opensearch.php')->send(); $this->assertEquals( 'text/xml; charset=utf-8', $res->getHeader('content-type') ); } public function testOpenSearchSearchUrl() { $xml = $this->getRequest('api/opensearch.php')->send()->getBody(); $x = simplexml_load_string($xml); $x->registerXPathNamespace('os', reset($x->getDocNamespaces())); $arElements = $x->xpath('//os:Url[@type="text/html"]'); $this->assertEquals( 1, count($arElements), 'Url in OpenSearch description is missing' ); $this->assertEquals( $GLOBALS['unittestUrl'] . 'search.php/all/{searchTerms}', (string)$arElements[0]['template'] ); } } ?>