 * Base file that is used by shell scripts and www/www-header.php.
 * SemanticScuttle - your social bookmark manager.
 * PHP version 5.
 * @category Bookmarking
 * @package  SemanticScuttle
 * @author   Benjamin Huynh-Kim-Bang <mensonge@users.sourceforge.net>
 * @author   Christian Weiske <cweiske@cweiske.de>
 * @author   Eric Dane <ericdane@users.sourceforge.net>
 * @license  GPL http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @link     http://sourceforge.net/projects/semanticscuttle

if ('@data_dir@' == '@' . 'data_dir@') {
    //non pear-install
    $datadir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../data/';
    $wwwdir  = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../www/';
} else {
    //pear installation; files are in include path
    $datadir = '@data_dir@/SemanticScuttle/';
    //FIXME: when you have multiple installations, the www_dir will be wrong
    $wwwdir  = '@www_dir@/SemanticScuttle/';

if (!file_exists($datadir . '/config.php')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error');
        'Please copy "config.php.dist" to "config.php" in data/ folder.'
        . "\n"
    get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR
    . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'

// 1 // First requirements part (before debug management)
require_once $datadir . '/config.default.php';
require_once $datadir . '/config.php';

if (isset($_GET['unittestMode']) && $_GET['unittestMode'] == 1
) {
    if ($allowUnittestMode !== true) {
        header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
        die("Unittestmode is not allowed\n");

    define('HTTP_UNIT_TEST_MODE', true);
    define('UNIT_TEST_MODE', true);
if (defined('UNIT_TEST_MODE')) {
    //load configuration for unit tests
    $testingConfigFile = $datadir . '/config.testing.php';
    if (file_exists($testingConfigFile)) {
        require_once $testingConfigFile;
    //test-specific configuration file
    $unittestConfigFile = $datadir . '/config.testing-tmp.php';
    if (file_exists($unittestConfigFile)) {
        require_once $unittestConfigFile;

    //make local config vars global - needed for unit tests
    //run with phpunit
    foreach (get_defined_vars() as $var => $value) {
        $GLOBALS[$var] = $value;

// some constants are based on variables from config file
require_once 'SemanticScuttle/constants.php';

// Debug Management using constants
    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
    ini_set('mysql.trace_mode', '1');
} else {
    ini_set('display_errors', '0');
    ini_set('mysql.trace_mode', '0');

// 2 // Second requirements part which could display bugs
// (must come after debug management)
require_once 'SemanticScuttle/Service.php';
require_once 'SemanticScuttle/DbService.php';
require_once 'SemanticScuttle/Service/Factory.php';
require_once 'SemanticScuttle/functions.php';
require_once 'SemanticScuttle/Model/Bookmark.php';
require_once 'SemanticScuttle/Model/UserArray.php';
require_once 'SemanticScuttle/Model/User/SslClientCert.php';

if (count($GLOBALS['serviceoverrides']) > 0
    && !defined('UNIT_TEST_MODE')
) {
        = $GLOBALS['serviceoverrides'];

// 3 // Third requirements part which import functions from includes/ directory

// UTF-8 functions
require_once 'SemanticScuttle/utf8.php';

// Translation
require_once 'php-gettext/gettext.inc';
$domain = 'messages';
T_setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $locale);
T_bindtextdomain($domain, realpath($datadir . 'locales/'));
T_bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, 'UTF-8');

// 4 // Session
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
    if ($GLOBALS['enableVoting']) {
        if (isset($_SESSION['lastUrl'])) {
            $GLOBALS['lastUrl'] = $_SESSION['lastUrl'];
        //this here is hacky, but currently the only way to
        // differentiate between css/js php files and normal
        // http files
        if (!isset($GLOBALS['saveInLastUrl'])
            || $GLOBALS['saveInLastUrl']
        ) {
            $_SESSION['lastUrl'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

// 5 // Create mandatory services and objects
$userservice = SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::get('User');
$currentUser = $userservice->getCurrentObjectUser();

$templateservice = SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::get('Template');
$tplVars = array();
$tplVars['currentUser'] = $currentUser;
$tplVars['userservice'] = $userservice;

// 6 // Force UTF-8 behaviour for server (cannot be moved into top.inc.php which is not included into every file)
if (!defined('UNIT_TEST_MODE') || defined('HTTP_UNIT_TEST_MODE')) {
    //API files define that, so we need a way to support both of them
    if (!isset($httpContentType)) {
        if (DEBUG_MODE) {
            //using that mime type makes all javascript nice in Chromium
            // it also serves as test base if the pages really validate
            $httpContentType = 'application/xhtml+xml';
        } else {
            //until we are sure that all pages validate, we
            // keep the non-strict mode on for normal installations
            $httpContentType = 'text/html';
    if ($httpContentType !== false) {
        header('Content-Type: ' . $httpContentType . '; charset=utf-8');