isAdmin() ) { return $defaultPerPageForAdmins; } else { return $defaultPerPage; } } function getSortOrder($override = NULL) { global $defaultOrderBy; if (isset($_GET['sort'])) { return preg_replace('/[^a-z_]/', '', $_GET['sort']); } else if (isset($override)) { return $override; } else { return $defaultOrderBy; } } function multi_array_search($needle, $haystack) { if (is_array($haystack)) { foreach(array_keys($haystack) as $key) { $value =& $haystack[$key]; $result = multi_array_search($needle, $value); if (is_array($result)) { $return = $result; array_unshift($return, $key); return $return; } elseif ($result == true) { $return[] = $key; return $return; } } return false; } else { if ($needle === $haystack) { return true; } else { return false; } } } function createURL($page = '', $ending = '') { global $cleanurls; if (!$cleanurls && $page != '') { $page .= '.php'; } if(strlen($ending)>0) { return ROOT . $page .'/'. $ending; } else { return ROOT . $page; } } /** * Creates a "vote for/against this bookmark" URL. * Also runs htmlspecialchars() on them to prevent XSS. * * @param boolean $for For the bookmark (true) or against (false) * @param integer $bId Bookmark ID * * @return string URL to use */ function createVoteURL($for, $bId) { return htmlspecialchars( createURL( 'vote', ($for ? 'for' : 'against') . '/' . $bId ), ENT_QUOTES ); } /* Shorten a string like a URL for example by cutting the middle of it */ function shortenString($string, $maxSize=75) { $output = ''; if(strlen($string) > $maxSize) { $output = substr($string, 0, $maxSize/2).'...'.substr($string, -$maxSize/2); } else { $output = $string; } return $output; } /* Check url format and check online if the url is a valid page (Not a 404 error for example) */ function checkUrl($url, $checkOnline = true) { //check format if(!preg_match("#(ht|f)tp(s?)\://\S+\.\S+#i",$url)) { return false; } if($checkOnline) { //look if the page doesn't return a void or 40X or 50X HTTP code error $h = @get_headers($url); if(is_array($h) && strpos($h[0], '40') === false && strpos($h[0], '50') === false) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } /* Returns a concatenated String * including all the tags from the array $arrayTags (excepted of the $exceptedTag) * separated by the $separator. * */ function aggregateTags($arrayTags, $separator = ' + ', $exceptedTag = '') { $output = ''; for($i = 0; $isql_error(); $debug_text = ''; if ($sql_error['message'] != '') $debug_text .= '

'. T_('SQL Error') .' : '. $sql_error['code'] .' '. $sql_error['message']; if ($sql_store != '') $debug_text .= '

'. $sql_store; if ($err_line != '' && $err_file != '') $debug_text .= '

'. T_('Line') .' : '. $err_line .'
'. T_('File') .' :'. $err_file; debug_print_backtrace(); } switch($msg_code) { case GENERAL_MESSAGE: if ($msg_title == '') $msg_title = T_('Information'); break; case CRITICAL_MESSAGE: if ($msg_title == '') $msg_title = T_('Critical Information'); break; case GENERAL_ERROR: if ($msg_text == '') $msg_text = T_('An error occured'); if ($msg_title == '') $msg_title = T_('General Error'); break; case CRITICAL_ERROR: // Critical errors mean we cannot rely on _ANY_ DB information being // available so we're going to dump out a simple echo'd statement if ($msg_text == '') $msg_text = T_('An critical error occured'); if ($msg_title == '') $msg_title = T_('Critical Error'); break; } // Add on DEBUG_MODE info if we've enabled debug mode and this is an error. This // prevents debug info being output for general messages should DEBUG_MODE be // set TRUE by accident (preventing confusion for the end user!) if (DEBUG_MODE && ($msg_code == GENERAL_ERROR || $msg_code == CRITICAL_ERROR)) { if ($debug_text != '') $msg_text = $msg_text . '

'. T_('DEBUG MODE') .''. $debug_text; } echo "\n\n". $msg_title ."\n

\n". $msg_text ."\n"; exit; } ?>