/*===== // this file is in place as a quick way to give summaries to all available dojox projects. dojox = { // summary: // DojoX: the home for Dojo eXtensions // // description: // DojoX is a collection of subprojects provided by Dojo committers and subject to // the generous licensing and policies of the [Dojo CLA](http://dojotoolkit.org/cla) // Each subproject in DojoX has its own top-level directory and a README file with // status information and project status and a stability rating (experimental, beta, stable) // // Projects may or may not depend on other top-level Dojo projects, like Dojo or Dijit. // Unlike Dojo and Dijit, code is not subject to i18n and a11y restrictions and may vary // in quality (experimental code is encouraged in DojoX, but currently prohibited in Dojo // and Dijit) // // DojoX projects may mature to a stable state and stay in DojoX, or on occasion // after proving themselves may migrate to Dojo Core or Dijit. Dojo and Dijit projects // are constrained both by development resources as well as design goals, so DojoX is // a natural place to provide enhanced behavior or extend Dojo Core or Dijit primitives. // DojoX can also be an incubator for entirely new projects. } dojox._sql = { // summary: objects to support Dojo Offline (dojox.off) }; dojox.charting = { // summary: Vector graphic, data-driven graphs and charts }; dojox.collections = { // summary: A set of lists and hashes for easy use within your applications. }; dojox.color = { // summary: Advanced color methods, including HSV, HSL, and CMYK conversion, a color generator and advanced colorspace calculations. }; dojox.cometd = { // summary: A cometd client written in Dojo }; dojox.crypto = { // summary: Cryptography in JS. DEPRECATED: use dojox.encoding instead. }; dojox.data = { // summary: Additional dojo.data data stores and demos }; dojox.date = { // summary: Additional date manipulation functions }; dojox.dtl = { // summary: Django Templating Language implementation }; dojox.encoding = { // summary: Various encoding algorithms, including crypto and digests. }; dojox.flash = { // summary: Utilities to embed and communicate with Flash-based objects }; dojox.fx = { // summary: Extension animations to the core dojo FX project // // description: // A package of animations, and FX-related code, extending Dojo Core fx. // Including this package includes all the Base and Core fx packages. // style: { // summary: Module to provide CSS animations }, scroll: { // summary: Module to provide scroll-related FX } }; dojox.fx["ext-dojo"] = { // summary: Direct extensions to dojo.fx namespace NodeList: { // summary: module to include to support dojox.fx animations in dojo.query() } }; dojox.gfx = { // summary: Cross-browser vector graphics API // description: // // dojox.gfx is an advanced API providing normalized vector drawing // in a variety of browsers. It has individual renderers for SVG, VML, // Canvas, and Silverlight. }; dojox.gfx3d = { // summary: A 3d API for dojox.gfx }; dojox.grid = { // summary: An advanced Grid widget with virtual scrolling, cell editing, and much more }; dojox.highlight = { // summary: A client-side syntax highlighting engine. // description: // This project parses pre > code nodes, and applies syntax highlighting for // a wide variety of languages. Simply dojo.require() in all the // dojox.highlight.languages you wish to include in your highlighingting, // and customize colors in the highlight.css. // // It is provided as a dojo package, contributed under CLA // by Ivan Sagalaev and is available originally from: // http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/ // }; dojox.image = { // summary: A collection of image related widgets }; dojox.io = { // summary: Extensions to the Core dojo.io transports }; dojox.jsonPath = { // summary: A query system for JavaScript objects }; dojox.layout = { // summary: A collection of layout related Widgets }; dojox.lang = { // summary: Language specific extensions functional: { // summary: Functional language constructs, including currying and lambda. } }; dojox.math = { // summary: A collection of various advanced math functions. }; dojox.off = { // summary: the Dojo Offline project }; dojox.presentation = { // summary: A simple, experimental PowerPoint-like presentation project }; dojox.regexp = { // summary: Additional pre-made regular expressions for use }; dojox.storage = { // summary: Objects for mass storage within the browser. For when cookies just aren't enough. }; dojox.string = { // summary: A collection of various objects for advanced string manipulation, including a Builder and a tokenizer. }; dojox.timing = { // summary: A set of objects to perform advanced time-based tasks, including a basic Timer. }; dojox.uuid = { // summary: Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) implementations, including an implementation of UUID 2 }; dojox.validate = { // summary: Additional input validation methods ca : { // summary: Methods specific to the Canadian provinces }, creditCard : { // summary: Validate various credit card types } }; dojox.widget = { // summary: A collection of un-categorized widgets, or code not requiring it's own package. // // description: // These are standalone widgets with varying levels of stability. Some are useful, // some were created for demonstration purposes, and learning tools. The each maintain // their own .css file (typically dojox/widget/WidgetName/WidgetName.css) }; dojox.wire = { // summary: // Declarative data binding and action tags for simplified MVC }; dojox.xml = { // summary: XML utilities. Currently only includes a DomParser, which returns a psuedo-XML document in JSON-like form. }; =====*/