if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.image.Magnifier"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dojox.image.Magnifier"] = true; dojo.provide("dojox.image.Magnifier"); dojo.require("dojox.gfx"); dojo.require("dojox.image.MagnifierLite"); dojo.declare("dojox.image.Magnifier", [dojox.image.MagnifierLite],{ // summary: Adds magnification on a portion of an image element, using dojox.gfx // // description: An unobtrusive way to add an unstyled overlay // above the srcNode image element. The overlay/glass is a // scaled version of the src image (so larger images sized down // are clearer). // // over-ride the _createGlass method to create your custom surface, // being sure to create an img node on that surface. _createGlass: function(){ // summary: create the glassNode, and an img on a dojox.gfx surface // images are hard to make into workable templates, so just add outer overlay // and skip using dijit._Templated this.glassNode = dojo.doc.createElement('div'); this.surfaceNode = this.glassNode.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement('div')); dojo.addClass(this.glassNode,"glassNode"); dojo.body().appendChild(this.glassNode); with(this.glassNode.style){ height = this.glassSize + "px"; width = this.glassSize + "px"; } this.surface = dojox.gfx.createSurface(this.surfaceNode, this.glassSize, this.glassSize); this.img = this.surface.createImage({ src:this.domNode.src, width:this._zoomSize.w, height:this._zoomSize.h }); }, _placeGlass: function(e){ // summary: position the overlay centered under the cursor var x = e.pageX - 2; var y = e.pageY - 2 ; var xMax = this.offset.x + this.offset.w + 2; var yMax = this.offset.y + this.offset.h + 2; // with svg, our mouseout connection to the image surface doesn't // fire, so we'r have to manually calculate offsets if(xxMax || y>yMax){ this._hideGlass(); }else{ this.inherited(arguments); } }, _setImage: function(e){ // summary: set the image's offset in the clipping window relative to the mouse position var xOff = (e.pageX - this.offset.l) / this.offset.w; var yOff = (e.pageY - this.offset.t) / this.offset.h; var x = (this._zoomSize.w * xOff * -1)+(this.glassSize*xOff); var y = (this._zoomSize.h * yOff * -1)+(this.glassSize*yOff); // set the image offset this.img.setShape({ x: x, y:y }); } }); }