if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.grid._grid.builder"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dojox.grid._grid.builder"] = true; dojo.provide("dojox.grid._grid.builder"); dojo.require("dojox.grid._grid.drag"); dojo.declare("dojox.grid.Builder", null, { // summary: // Base class to produce html for grid content. // Also provide event decoration, providing grid related information inside the event object // passed to grid events. constructor: function(inView){ this.view = inView; this.grid = inView.grid; }, view: null, // boilerplate HTML _table: '<table class="dojoxGrid-row-table" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" role="wairole:presentation">', // generate starting tags for a cell generateCellMarkup: function(inCell, inMoreStyles, inMoreClasses, isHeader){ var result = [], html; if (isHeader){ html = [ '<th tabIndex="-1" role="wairole:columnheader"' ]; }else{ html = [ '<td tabIndex="-1" role="wairole:gridcell"' ]; } inCell.colSpan && html.push(' colspan="', inCell.colSpan, '"'); inCell.rowSpan && html.push(' rowspan="', inCell.rowSpan, '"'); html.push(' class="dojoxGrid-cell '); inCell.classes && html.push(inCell.classes, ' '); inMoreClasses && html.push(inMoreClasses, ' '); // result[0] => td opener, style result.push(html.join('')); // SLOT: result[1] => td classes result.push(''); html = ['" idx="', inCell.index, '" style="']; html.push(inCell.styles, inMoreStyles||''); inCell.unitWidth && html.push('width:', inCell.unitWidth, ';'); // result[2] => markup result.push(html.join('')); // SLOT: result[3] => td style result.push(''); html = [ '"' ]; inCell.attrs && html.push(" ", inCell.attrs); html.push('>'); // result[4] => td postfix result.push(html.join('')); // SLOT: result[5] => content result.push(''); // result[6] => td closes result.push('</td>'); return result; // Array }, // cell finding isCellNode: function(inNode){ return Boolean(inNode && inNode.getAttribute && inNode.getAttribute("idx")); }, getCellNodeIndex: function(inCellNode){ return inCellNode ? Number(inCellNode.getAttribute("idx")) : -1; }, getCellNode: function(inRowNode, inCellIndex){ for(var i=0, row; row=dojox.grid.getTr(inRowNode.firstChild, i); i++){ for(var j=0, cell; cell=row.cells[j]; j++){ if(this.getCellNodeIndex(cell) == inCellIndex){ return cell; } } } }, findCellTarget: function(inSourceNode, inTopNode){ var n = inSourceNode; while(n && (!this.isCellNode(n) || (dojox.grid.gridViewTag in n.offsetParent.parentNode && n.offsetParent.parentNode[dojox.grid.gridViewTag] != this.view.id)) && (n!=inTopNode)){ n = n.parentNode; } return n!=inTopNode ? n : null }, // event decoration baseDecorateEvent: function(e){ e.dispatch = 'do' + e.type; e.grid = this.grid; e.sourceView = this.view; e.cellNode = this.findCellTarget(e.target, e.rowNode); e.cellIndex = this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode); e.cell = (e.cellIndex >= 0 ? this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex) : null); }, // event dispatch findTarget: function(inSource, inTag){ var n = inSource; while(n && (n!=this.domNode) && (!(inTag in n) || (dojox.grid.gridViewTag in n && n[dojox.grid.gridViewTag] != this.view.id))){ n = n.parentNode; } return (n != this.domNode) ? n : null; }, findRowTarget: function(inSource){ return this.findTarget(inSource, dojox.grid.rowIndexTag); }, isIntraNodeEvent: function(e){ try{ return (e.cellNode && e.relatedTarget && dojo.isDescendant(e.relatedTarget, e.cellNode)); }catch(x){ // e.relatedTarget has permission problem in FF if it's an input: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=208427 return false; } }, isIntraRowEvent: function(e){ try{ var row = e.relatedTarget && this.findRowTarget(e.relatedTarget); return !row && (e.rowIndex==-1) || row && (e.rowIndex==row.gridRowIndex); }catch(x){ // e.relatedTarget on INPUT has permission problem in FF: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=208427 return false; } }, dispatchEvent: function(e){ if(e.dispatch in this){ return this[e.dispatch](e); } }, // dispatched event handlers domouseover: function(e){ if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode!=this.lastOverCellNode)){ this.lastOverCellNode = e.cellNode; this.grid.onMouseOver(e); } this.grid.onMouseOverRow(e); }, domouseout: function(e){ if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode==this.lastOverCellNode) && !this.isIntraNodeEvent(e, this.lastOverCellNode)){ this.lastOverCellNode = null; this.grid.onMouseOut(e); if(!this.isIntraRowEvent(e)){ this.grid.onMouseOutRow(e); } } }, domousedown: function(e){ if (e.cellNode) this.grid.onMouseDown(e); this.grid.onMouseDownRow(e) } }); dojo.declare("dojox.grid.contentBuilder", dojox.grid.Builder, { // summary: // Produces html for grid data content. Owned by grid and used internally // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering. update: function(){ this.prepareHtml(); }, // cache html for rendering data rows prepareHtml: function(){ var defaultGet=this.grid.get, rows=this.view.structure.rows; for(var j=0, row; (row=rows[j]); j++){ for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){ cell.get = cell.get || (cell.value == undefined) && defaultGet; cell.markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.cellStyles, cell.cellClasses, false); } } }, // time critical: generate html using cache and data source generateHtml: function(inDataIndex, inRowIndex){ var html = [ this._table ], v = this.view, obr = v.onBeforeRow, rows = v.structure.rows; obr && obr(inRowIndex, rows); for(var j=0, row; (row=rows[j]); j++){ if(row.hidden || row.header){ continue; } html.push(!row.invisible ? '<tr>' : '<tr class="dojoxGrid-invisible">'); for(var i=0, cell, m, cc, cs; (cell=row[i]); i++){ m = cell.markup, cc = cell.customClasses = [], cs = cell.customStyles = []; // content (format can fill in cc and cs as side-effects) m[5] = cell.format(inDataIndex); // classes m[1] = cc.join(' '); // styles m[3] = cs.join(';'); // in-place concat html.push.apply(html, m); } html.push('</tr>'); } html.push('</table>'); return html.join(''); // String }, decorateEvent: function(e){ e.rowNode = this.findRowTarget(e.target); if(!e.rowNode){return false}; e.rowIndex = e.rowNode[dojox.grid.rowIndexTag]; this.baseDecorateEvent(e); e.cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex); return true; // Boolean } }); dojo.declare("dojox.grid.headerBuilder", dojox.grid.Builder, { // summary: // Produces html for grid header content. Owned by grid and used internally // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering. bogusClickTime: 0, overResizeWidth: 4, minColWidth: 1, // FIXME: isn't this getting mixed from dojox.grid.Builder, -1 character? _table: '<table class="dojoxGrid-row-table" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" role="wairole:presentation"', update: function(){ this.tableMap = new dojox.grid.tableMap(this.view.structure.rows); }, generateHtml: function(inGetValue, inValue){ var html = [this._table], rows = this.view.structure.rows; // render header with appropriate width, if possible so that views with flex columns are correct height if(this.view.viewWidth){ html.push([' style="width:', this.view.viewWidth, ';"'].join('')); } html.push('>'); dojox.grid.fire(this.view, "onBeforeRow", [-1, rows]); for(var j=0, row; (row=rows[j]); j++){ if(row.hidden){ continue; } html.push(!row.invisible ? '<tr>' : '<tr class="dojoxGrid-invisible">'); for(var i=0, cell, markup; (cell=row[i]); i++){ cell.customClasses = []; cell.customStyles = []; markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.headerStyles, cell.headerClasses, true); // content markup[5] = (inValue != undefined ? inValue : inGetValue(cell)); // styles markup[3] = cell.customStyles.join(';'); // classes markup[1] = cell.customClasses.join(' '); //(cell.customClasses ? ' ' + cell.customClasses : ''); html.push(markup.join('')); } html.push('</tr>'); } html.push('</table>'); return html.join(''); }, // event helpers getCellX: function(e){ var x = e.layerX; if(dojo.isMoz){ var n = dojox.grid.ascendDom(e.target, dojox.grid.makeNotTagName("th")); x -= (n && n.offsetLeft) || 0; var t = e.sourceView.getScrollbarWidth(); if(!dojo._isBodyLtr() && e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft < t) x -= t; //x -= getProp(ascendDom(e.target, mkNotTagName("td")), "offsetLeft") || 0; } var n = dojox.grid.ascendDom(e.target, function(){ if(!n || n == e.cellNode){ return false; } // Mozilla 1.8 (FF 1.5) has a bug that makes offsetLeft = -parent border width // when parent has border, overflow: hidden, and is positioned // handle this problem here ... not a general solution! x += (n.offsetLeft < 0 ? 0 : n.offsetLeft); return true; }); return x; }, // event decoration decorateEvent: function(e){ this.baseDecorateEvent(e); e.rowIndex = -1; e.cellX = this.getCellX(e); return true; }, // event handlers // resizing prepareResize: function(e, mod){ var i = dojox.grid.getTdIndex(e.cellNode); e.cellNode = (i ? e.cellNode.parentNode.cells[i+mod] : null); e.cellIndex = (e.cellNode ? this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode) : -1); return Boolean(e.cellNode); }, canResize: function(e){ if(!e.cellNode || e.cellNode.colSpan > 1){ return false; } var cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex); return !cell.noresize && !cell.isFlex(); }, overLeftResizeArea: function(e){ if(dojo._isBodyLtr()){ return (e.cellIndex>0) && (e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth) && this.prepareResize(e, -1); } return t = e.cellNode && (e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth); }, overRightResizeArea: function(e){ if(dojo._isBodyLtr()){ return e.cellNode && (e.cellX >= e.cellNode.offsetWidth - this.overResizeWidth); } return (e.cellIndex>0) && (e.cellX >= e.cellNode.offsetWidth - this.overResizeWidth) && this.prepareResize(e, -1); }, domousemove: function(e){ //console.log(e.cellIndex, e.cellX, e.cellNode.offsetWidth); var c = (this.overRightResizeArea(e) ? 'e-resize' : (this.overLeftResizeArea(e) ? 'w-resize' : '')); if(c && !this.canResize(e)){ c = 'not-allowed'; } e.sourceView.headerNode.style.cursor = c || ''; //'default'; if (c) dojo.stopEvent(e); }, domousedown: function(e){ if(!dojox.grid.drag.dragging){ if((this.overRightResizeArea(e) || this.overLeftResizeArea(e)) && this.canResize(e)){ this.beginColumnResize(e); }else{ this.grid.onMouseDown(e); this.grid.onMouseOverRow(e); } //else{ // this.beginMoveColumn(e); //} } }, doclick: function(e) { if (new Date().getTime() < this.bogusClickTime) { dojo.stopEvent(e); return true; } }, // column resizing beginColumnResize: function(e){ dojo.stopEvent(e); var spanners = [], nodes = this.tableMap.findOverlappingNodes(e.cellNode); for(var i=0, cell; (cell=nodes[i]); i++){ spanners.push({ node: cell, index: this.getCellNodeIndex(cell), width: cell.offsetWidth }); //console.log("spanner: " + this.getCellNodeIndex(cell)); } var drag = { scrollLeft: e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft, view: e.sourceView, node: e.cellNode, index: e.cellIndex, w: e.cellNode.clientWidth, spanners: spanners }; //console.log(drag.index, drag.w); dojox.grid.drag.start(e.cellNode, dojo.hitch(this, 'doResizeColumn', drag), dojo.hitch(this, 'endResizeColumn', drag), e); }, doResizeColumn: function(inDrag, inEvent){ var isLtr = dojo._isBodyLtr(); if(isLtr){ var w = inDrag.w + inEvent.deltaX; }else{ var w = inDrag.w - inEvent.deltaX; } if(w >= this.minColWidth){ for(var i=0, s, sw; (s=inDrag.spanners[i]); i++){ if(isLtr){ sw = s.width + inEvent.deltaX; }else{ sw = s.width - inEvent.deltaX; } s.node.style.width = sw + 'px'; inDrag.view.setColWidth(s.index, sw); //console.log('setColWidth', '#' + s.index, sw + 'px'); } inDrag.node.style.width = w + 'px'; inDrag.view.setColWidth(inDrag.index, w); if(!isLtr){ inDrag.view.headerNode.scrollLeft = (inDrag.scrollLeft - inEvent.deltaX); } } if(inDrag.view.flexCells && !inDrag.view.testFlexCells()){ var t = dojox.grid.findTable(inDrag.node); t && (t.style.width = ''); } }, endResizeColumn: function(inDrag){ this.bogusClickTime = new Date().getTime() + 30; setTimeout(dojo.hitch(inDrag.view, "update"), 50); } }); dojo.declare("dojox.grid.tableMap", null, { // summary: // Maps an html table into a structure parsable for information about cell row and col spanning. // Used by headerBuilder constructor: function(inRows){ this.mapRows(inRows); }, map: null, mapRows: function(inRows){ // summary: Map table topography //console.log('mapRows'); // # of rows var rowCount = inRows.length; if(!rowCount){ return; } // map which columns and rows fill which cells this.map = [ ]; for(var j=0, row; (row=inRows[j]); j++){ this.map[j] = []; } for(var j=0, row; (row=inRows[j]); j++){ for(var i=0, x=0, cell, colSpan, rowSpan; (cell=row[i]); i++){ while (this.map[j][x]){x++}; this.map[j][x] = { c: i, r: j }; rowSpan = cell.rowSpan || 1; colSpan = cell.colSpan || 1; for(var y=0; y<rowSpan; y++){ for(var s=0; s<colSpan; s++){ this.map[j+y][x+s] = this.map[j][x]; } } x += colSpan; } } //this.dumMap(); }, dumpMap: function(){ for(var j=0, row, h=''; (row=this.map[j]); j++,h=''){ for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){ h += cell.r + ',' + cell.c + ' '; } console.log(h); } }, getMapCoords: function(inRow, inCol){ // summary: Find node's map coords by it's structure coords for(var j=0, row; (row=this.map[j]); j++){ for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){ if(cell.c==inCol && cell.r == inRow){ return { j: j, i: i }; } //else{console.log(inRow, inCol, ' : ', i, j, " : ", cell.r, cell.c); }; } } return { j: -1, i: -1 }; }, getNode: function(inTable, inRow, inCol){ // summary: Find a node in inNode's table with the given structure coords var row = inTable && inTable.rows[inRow]; return row && row.cells[inCol]; }, _findOverlappingNodes: function(inTable, inRow, inCol){ var nodes = []; var m = this.getMapCoords(inRow, inCol); //console.log("node j: %d, i: %d", m.j, m.i); var row = this.map[m.j]; for(var j=0, row; (row=this.map[j]); j++){ if(j == m.j){ continue; } with(row[m.i]){ //console.log("overlaps: r: %d, c: %d", r, c); var n = this.getNode(inTable, r, c); if(n){ nodes.push(n); } } } //console.log(nodes); return nodes; }, findOverlappingNodes: function(inNode){ return this._findOverlappingNodes(dojox.grid.findTable(inNode), dojox.grid.getTrIndex(inNode.parentNode), dojox.grid.getTdIndex(inNode)); } }); dojox.grid.rowIndexTag = "gridRowIndex"; dojox.grid.gridViewTag = "gridView"; }