if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.fx.scroll"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dojox.fx.scroll"] = true; dojo.provide("dojox.fx.scroll"); dojo.experimental("dojox.fx.scroll"); dojo.require("dojox.fx._core"); dojox.fx.smoothScroll = function(/* Object */args){ // summary: Returns an animation that will smooth-scroll to a node (specified in etup()) // description: This implementation support either horizental or vertical scroll, as well as // both. In addition, element in iframe can be scrolled to correctly. // offset: {x: int, y: int} this will be added to the target position // duration: Duration of the animation in milliseconds. // win: a node or window object to scroll if(!args.target){ args.target = dojo.coords(args.node,true); } var isWindow = dojo[(dojo.isIE ? "isObject" : "isFunction")](args["win"].scrollTo); var _anim = (isWindow) ? (function(val){ args.win.scrollTo(val[0],val[1]); }) : (function(val){ args.win.scrollLeft = val[0]; args.win.scrollTop = val[1]; }); var anim = new dojo._Animation(dojo.mixin({ beforeBegin: function(){ if(this.curve){ delete this.curve; } var current = isWindow ? dojo._docScroll() : {x: args.win.scrollLeft, y: args.win.scrollTop}; anim.curve = new dojox.fx._Line([current.x,current.y],[args.target.x,args.target.y]); }, onAnimate: _anim },args)); return anim; // dojo._Animation }; }