if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.data.tests.stores.jsonPathStore"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dojox.data.tests.stores.jsonPathStore"] = true; dojo.provide("dojox.data.tests.stores.jsonPathStore"); dojo.require("dojox.data.jsonPathStore"); dojox.data.tests.stores.jsonPathStore.error = function(t, d, errData){ // summary: // The error callback function to be used for all of the tests. d.errback(errData); } dojox.data.tests.testData=dojo.toJson({"store": {"book": [{"category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title": "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn": "0-395-19395-8", "price": 22.99}], "bicycle": {"color": "red", "price": 19.95}}}); dojox.data.tests.test_ID_Data=dojo.toJson({"gadgetList": {"myId": "product", "1000": {"name": "Gadget", "type": "Junk", "myId": "1000", "price": "19.99"}, "1001": {"name": "Gadget2", "type": "Junk", "myId": "1010", "price": "17.99"}, "1003": {"name": "Gadget3", "type": "Junk", "myId": "1009", "price": "15.99"}, "1004": {"name": "Gadget4", "type": "Junk", "myId": "1008", "price": "13.99"}, "1005": {"name": "Gadget5", "type": "Junk", "myId": "1007", "price": "11.99"}, "1006": {"name": "Gadget6", "type": "Junk", "myId": "1006", "price": "9.99"}}, "testList": {"a": {"name": "test", "type": "Junk", "myId": "3000", "price": "19.99"}, "b": {"name": "test2", "type": "Junk", "myId": "3010", "price": "17.99"}, "c": {"name": "test3", "type": "Junk", "myId": "3009", "price": "15.99"}, "d": {"name": "test4", "type": "Junk", "myId": "3008", "price": "13.99"}, "e": {"name": "test5", "type": "Junk", "myId": "3007", "price": "11.99"}, "f": {"name": "test6", "type": "Junk", "myId": "3006", "price": "9.99"}}, "bricknbrack": [{"name": "BrickNBrack", "type": "Junk", "myId": "2000", "price": "19.99"}, {"name": "BrickNBrack2", "type": "Junk", "myId": "2010", "price": "17.99"}, {"name": "BrickNBrack3", "type": "Junk", "myId": "2009", "price": "15.99"}, {"name": "BrickNBrack4", "type": "Junk", "myId": "2008", "price": "13.99"}, {"name": "BrickNBrack5", "type": "Junk", "myId": "2007", "price": "11.99"}, {"name": "BrickNBrack6", "type": "Junk", "myId": "2006", "price": "9.99"}]}); doh.register("dojox.data.tests.stores.jsonPathStore", [ { name: "Create, Index, Export: {clone: true, suppressExportMeta: true}", options: {clone: true, suppressExportMeta: true}, runTest: function(t) { var original= dojox.data.tests.test_ID_Data; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({ data: original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "myId", indexOnLoad: true }); //snapshot of the store after creation; var storeWithMeta = dojo.toJson(store._data); var result = store.dump(this.options); doh.assertEqual(storeWithMeta, result); } }, { name: "Create, Index, Export: {cleanMeta: true, clone: true}", options: {cleanMeta: true, clone: true, suppressExportMeta: true}, runTest: function(t) { var original= dojox.data.tests.test_ID_Data; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({ data: original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "myId", indexOnLoad: true }); var result = store.dump(this.options); doh.assertEqual(original, result); } }, { name: "Create, Index, Export: {suppressExportMeta: true}", options: {suppressExportMeta: true}, runTest: function(t) { var original= dojox.data.tests.test_ID_Data; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({ data: original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "myId", indexOnLoad: true }); //snapshot of the store after creation; var storeWithMeta = dojo.toJson(store._data); var result = store.dump(this.options); doh.assertEqual(storeWithMeta, result); } }, { name: "Create, Index, Export: {clone: true, type: 'raw', suppressExportMeta: true}", options: {clone: true, type: "raw", suppressExportMeta: true}, runTest: function(t) { var original= dojox.data.tests.test_ID_Data; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({ data: original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "myId", indexOnLoad: true }); //snapshot of the store after creation; var storeWithMeta = dojo.toJson(store._data); var result = dojo.toJson(store.dump(this.options)); doh.assertEqual(storeWithMeta, result); } }, { name: "Create, Index, Export: {clone: true, suppressExportMeta: true}", options: {cleanMeta: true}, runTest: function(t) { var original= dojox.data.tests.test_ID_Data; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({ data: original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "myId", indexOnLoad: true }); //snapshot of the store after creation; var result = store.dump(this.options); doh.assertEqual(original, result); } }, { name: "Create, Index, Export: {type: raw}", options: {type: "raw"}, runTest: function(t) { var original= dojox.data.tests.test_ID_Data; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({ data: original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "myId", indexOnLoad: true }); //snapshot of the store after creation; var result = dojo.toJson(store.dump(this.options)); var storeWithMeta = dojo.toJson(store._data); doh.assertEqual(storeWithMeta, result); } }, { name: "ReadAPI: fetch() Empty Request Test [SYNC_MODE]", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); var success = dojo.toJson([{"book": [{"category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][0]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_1"]}, "_id": "_auto_3"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][1]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_2"]}, "_id": "_auto_4"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][2]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_3"]}, "_id": "_auto_5"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title": "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn": "0-395-19395-8", "price": 22.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][3]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_4"]}, "_id": "_auto_6"}], "bicycle": {"color": "red", "price": 19.95, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['bicycle']", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_5"]}, "_id": "_auto_2"}, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_0"]}, "_id": "_auto_0"}, [{"category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][0]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_1"]}, "_id": "_auto_3"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][1]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_2"]}, "_id": "_auto_4"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][2]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_3"]}, "_id": "_auto_5"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title": "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn": "0-395-19395-8", "price": 22.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][3]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_4"]}, "_id": "_auto_6"}], {"color": "red", "price": 19.95, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['bicycle']", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_5"]}, "_id": "_auto_2"}, {"category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][0]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_1"]}, "_id": "_auto_3"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][1]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_2"]}, "_id": "_auto_4"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][2]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_3"]}, "_id": "_auto_5"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title": "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn": "0-395-19395-8", "price": 22.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][3]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_4"]}, "_id": "_auto_6"}]); var result = dojo.toJson(store.fetch()); doh.assertEqual(success, result); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: fetch('$.store.book[*]') test [SYNC_MODE]", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); var success = dojo.toJson([{"category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][0]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_1"]}, "_id": "_auto_3"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][1]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_2"]}, "_id": "_auto_4"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][2]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_3"]}, "_id": "_auto_5"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title": "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn": "0-395-19395-8", "price": 22.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][3]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_4"]}, "_id": "_auto_6"}]); var result = dojo.toJson(store.fetch({query:"$.store.book[*]"})); doh.assertEqual(success, result); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: fetch('$.store.book[*]') test [ASYNC_MODE forced SYNC_MODE by string parameter]", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.ASYNC_MODE}); var success = dojo.toJson([{"category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][0]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_1"]}, "_id": "_auto_3"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][1]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_2"]}, "_id": "_auto_4"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][2]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_3"]}, "_id": "_auto_5"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title": "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn": "0-395-19395-8", "price": 22.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][3]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_4"]}, "_id": "_auto_6"}]); var result = dojo.toJson(store.fetch("$.store.book[*]")); doh.assertEqual(success, result); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: fetch({query: '$.store.book[*]', start: 2})", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); var success = dojo.toJson([{"category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][2]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_3"]}, "_id": "_auto_5"}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title": "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn": "0-395-19395-8", "price": 22.99, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][3]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_4"]}, "_id": "_auto_6"}]); var result = dojo.toJson(store.fetch({query: '$.store.book[*]', start: 2})); doh.assertEqual(success, result); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: fetch({query: '$.store.book[*]', start: 2, count: 1})", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); var result = store.fetch({query: "$.store.book[*]", start: 2, count: 1}); doh.assertEqual(result[0].author, 'Herman Melville'); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: fetch(query: '$.store.book[0]'...callbacks...) [ASYNC_MODE]", runTest: function(datastore, t){ var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData}); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onBegin(count, args){ doh.assertEqual(1, count); } function onItem(item){ doh.assertTrue(store.isItem(item)); } function onComplete(results){ doh.assertEqual(1, results.length); doh.assertEqual("Nigel Rees", results[0]["author"]); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({query: "$.store.book[0]", onBegin: onBegin, onItem: onItem, onError: onError, onComplete: onComplete}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "ReadAPI: isItem() test", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); var result = store.fetch("$.store.book[*].author"); doh.assertFalse(store.isItem(result[0])); result = store.fetch("$.store.book[*]"); doh.assertTrue(store.isItem(result[0])); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: getValue() test", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); var data = store.fetch("$.store.book[*]"); var result = store.getValue(data[0], "author"); doh.assertEqual("Nigel Rees", result); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: getValues() test", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); var result = store.fetch("$.store.book[*]"); doh.assertEqual(dojo.toJson(store.getValues(result[0], "author")),dojo.toJson(["Nigel Rees"])); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: getAttributes() test", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); var result = store.fetch("$.store.book[*]"); doh.assertEqual(dojo.toJson(store.getAttributes(result[0])),'["category","author","title","price","_meta","_id"]'); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: getAttributes() test [hideMetaAttributes]", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, hideMetaAttributes: true}); var result = store.fetch("$.store.book[*]"); doh.assertEqual('["category","author","title","price","_id"]',dojo.toJson(store.getAttributes(result[0]))); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: hasAttribute() test", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); var result = store.fetch("$.store.book[*]"); doh.assertTrue(store.hasAttribute(result[0], "author")); doh.assertFalse(store.hasAttribute(result[0],"_im_invalid_fooBar")); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: containsValue() test", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); var result = store.fetch("$.store.book[*]"); doh.assertTrue(store.containsValue(result[0], "author", "Nigel Rees")); doh.assertFalse(store.containsValue(result[0], "author", "_im_invalid_fooBar")); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: getFeatures() test", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); //doh.debug("Store Features: ", dojo.toJson(store.getFeatures())); var success='{"dojo.data.api.Read":true,"dojo.data.api.Identity":true,"dojo.data.api.Write":true,"dojo.data.api.Notification":true}'; doh.assertEqual(success,dojo.toJson(store.getFeatures())); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: getLabel(item) test [multiple label attributes]", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, labelAttribute: ["title", "author"]}); var result = store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]; doh.assertEqual("Sayings of the Century Nigel Rees",store.getLabel(result)); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: getLabelAttributes(item) test [multiple label attributes]", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, labelAttribute: ["title", "author"]}); var result = store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]; doh.assertEqual('["title","author"]',dojo.toJson(store.getLabelAttributes(result))); return true; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: getLabelAttributes(item) test [single label attribute]", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, labelAttribute: ["title"]}); var result = store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]; doh.assertEqual('["title"]',dojo.toJson(store.getLabelAttributes(result))); return true; } }, { name: "jsonPathStore Feature: override createLabel", runTest: function(t) { var createLabel = function(item){ return item[this.labelAttribute[0]] + " By " + item[this.labelAttribute[1]]; }; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, labelAttribute: ["title", "author"], createLabel: createLabel}); var result = store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]; doh.assertEqual('Sayings of the Century By Nigel Rees',store.getLabel(result)); return true; } }, { name: "jsonPathStore Feature: autoIdentity", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "_id"}); var result = dojo.toJson(store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]); var success=dojo.toJson( {"category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95, "_meta": {"path": "$['store']['book'][0]", "autoId": true, "referenceIds": ["_ref_1"]}, "_id": "_auto_3"}); doh.assertEqual(success,result); return true; } }, { name: "jsonPathStore Feature: autoIdentity [clean export removing added id attributes in addition to meta]", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "_id"}); //do a search to popuplate some of the itesm with autoId data var result = store.fetch("$.store.book[0]"); result = store.dump({cleanMeta: true}); doh.assertEqual(dojox.data.tests.testData,result); return true; } }, { name: "IdentityAPI: getIdentity(item)", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "_id"}); var data= store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]; var result= store.getIdentity(data); var success="_auto_3"; doh.assertEqual(success,result); return true; } }, { name: "IdentityAPI: fetchItemByIdentity(item) [SYNC_MODE]", runTest: function(t){ var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "_id"}); var data= store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]; var id = store.getIdentity(data); var result = dojo.toJson(store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity:id})); var success = dojo.toJson(data); doh.assertEqual(success,result); return true; } }, { name: "jsonPathStore Feature: byId(item) [fetchItemByIdentity alias] [SYNC_MODE]", runTest: function(t){ var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "_id"}); var data= store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]; var id = store.getIdentity(data); var result = dojo.toJson(store.byId({identity:id})); var success = dojo.toJson(data); doh.assertEqual(success,result); return true; } }, { name: "IdentityAPI: fetchItemByIdentity(id) single Item [ASYNC_MODE]", timeout: 1000, runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, indexOnLoad: true}); var d = new doh.Deferred(); var query = {query: "$.store.book[0]", mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}; var data = store.fetch(query)[0]; var id = store.getIdentity(data); function onItem(item){ doh.assertTrue(store.isItem(item)); doh.assertEqual(data["author"], item["author"]); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: id, onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "IdentityAPI: getIdentityAttributes(item) ", runTest: function(t) { var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:dojox.data.tests.testData, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "_id"}); var data= store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]; var result = dojo.toJson(store.getIdentityAttributes(data)); var success = '["_id"]'; doh.assertEqual(success,result); return true; } }, { name: "WriteAPI: newItem(item) add to store root.", runTest: function(t) { var original = dojox.data.tests.testData; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "_id"}); var testObject = { propA: "foo", propB: "bar" } var testObject2 = { propA: "foo", propB: "bar" } var newItem = store.newItem(testObject); doh.assertTrue(store.isItem(newItem)); newItem = store.newItem(testObject2); doh.assertTrue(store.isItem(newItem)); return true; } }, { name: "WriteAPI: newItem(item) no idAttribute on data item, added only with pInfo", runTest: function(t) { var original = dojox.data.tests.testData; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE}); var parentItem = store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]; var testObject = { propA: "foo", propB: "bar" } var newItem = store.newItem(testObject,{parent: parentItem, attribute: "TEST_PROPERTY"}); doh.assertTrue(store.isItem(newItem)); return true; } }, { name: "WriteAPI: newItem(item) given id, no parent Attribute", runTest: function(t) { var original = dojox.data.tests.testData; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "_id"}); var parentItem = store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]; var testObject = { _id: "99999", propA: "foo", propB: "bar" } var newItem = store.newItem(testObject,{parent: parentItem}); doh.assertTrue(store.isItem(newItem)); return true; } }, { name: "WriteAPI: newItem(item) given id and parent Attribute", runTest: function(t) { var original = dojox.data.tests.testData; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "_id"}); var parentItem = store.fetch("$.store.book[0]")[0]; var testObject = { _id: "99999", propA: "foo", propB: "bar" } var newItem = store.newItem(testObject,{parent: parentItem, attribute: "TEST"}); doh.assertTrue(store.isItem(newItem)); return true; } }, { name: "WriteAPI: newItem(item) adding to an array", runTest: function(t) { var original = dojox.data.tests.testData; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, idAttribute: "_id"}); var parentItem = store.fetch("$.store")[0]; var testObject = { _id: "99999", propA: "foo", propB: "bar" } var newItem = store.newItem(testObject,{parent: parentItem, attribute: "book"}); doh.assertTrue(store.isItem(newItem)); return true; } }, { name: "WriteAPI: setValue(item, value)", runTest: function(t) { var original = dojox.data.tests.testData; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, indexOnLoad: true, idAttribute: "_id"}); var item = store.fetch("$.store")[0]; var snapshot = store.dump({clone:true, cleanMeta: false, suppressExportMeta: true}); store.setValue(item, "Foo", "Bar"); doh.assertEqual(store._data.store.Foo, "Bar"); doh.assertTrue(store._data.store._meta.isDirty); store.save(); doh.assertFalse(store._data.store._meta.isDirty); return true; } }, { name: "WriteAPI: setValues(item, value)", runTest: function(t) { var original = dojox.data.tests.testData; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, indexOnLoad: true, idAttribute: "_id"}); var item = store.fetch("$.store")[0]; var snapshot = store.dump({clone:true, cleanMeta: false, suppressExportMeta: true}); store.setValues(item, "Foo", ["Bar", "Diddly", "Ar"]); doh.assertEqual(store._data.store.Foo[0], "Bar"); doh.assertEqual(store._data.store.Foo.length, 3); doh.assertTrue(store._data.store._meta.isDirty); store.save(); doh.assertFalse(store._data.store._meta.isDirty); return true; } }, { name: "WriteAPI: unsetAttribute(item, attribute)", runTest: function(t) { var original = dojox.data.tests.testData; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, indexOnLoad: true, idAttribute: "_id"}); var item = store.fetch("$.store")[0]; var snapshot = store.dump({clone:true, cleanMeta: false, suppressExportMeta: true}); store.setValues(item, "Foo", ["Bar", "Diddly", "Ar"]); doh.assertEqual(store._data.store.Foo[0], "Bar"); doh.assertEqual(store._data.store.Foo.length, 3); doh.assertTrue(store._data.store._meta.isDirty); store.save(); doh.assertFalse(store._data.store._meta.isDirty); store.unsetAttribute(item,"Foo"); doh.assertFalse(item.Foo); doh.assertTrue(store._data.store._meta.isDirty); store.save(); doh.assertFalse(store._data.store._meta.isDirty); return true; } }, { name: "WriteAPI: revert()", runTest: function(t) { var original = dojox.data.tests.testData; var store= new dojox.data.jsonPathStore({data:original, mode: dojox.data.SYNC_MODE, indexOnLoad: true, idAttribute: "_id"}); var item = store.fetch("$.store")[0]; var snapshot = store.dump({clone:true, cleanMeta: false, suppressExportMeta: true}); store.setValues(item, "Foo", ["Bar", "Diddly", "Ar"]); doh.assertEqual(store._data.store.Foo[0], "Bar"); doh.assertEqual(store._data.store.Foo.length, 3); doh.assertTrue(store._data.store._meta.isDirty); store.revert(); doh.assertFalse(store._data.store._meta.isDirty); doh.assertFalse(store._data.store.Foo); return true; } } ] ); }