1: Defaults: lines, no axes.
2: Defaults: lines, no axes, and custom strokes.
3: Areas, orange theme, no axes.
4: Areas, no axes, custom strokes and fills.
5: Lines, axes, blue theme.
6: Lines, axes (aligned on minor ticks), cyan theme.
7: Lines, axes (aligned on major ticks), green theme.
8: Lines and markers, no axes, purple theme, custom min/max.
9: Markers only, no axes, custom theme, custom markers, custom min/max.
10: Lines and markers, shadows, no axes, custom theme, custom markers, custom min/max.
11: Stacked lines, markers, shadows, no axes, custom strokes, fills, and markers.
12: Stacked areas, axes (aligned on major ticks), custom strokes and fills.
13: Columns, no axes, custom strokes and fills.
14: Columns with gaps beetwen them, vertical axis aligned on major ticks, custom strokes, fills.
15: Stacked columns, no axes, custom strokes and fills.
16: Bars, axes aligned on major ticks, no minor ticks, custom strokes and fills.
17: Stacked bars, no axes, custom strokes and fills.
18: Clustered columns, custom axes, custom strokes, fills, and gap.
19: Clustered bars, custom axes, custom strokes, fills, and gap.
20: Columns with gaps beetwen them, grids, custom strokes, fills, axes.
21: Columns with gaps beetwen them, grids, custom strokes, fills, axes, with min=0, max=8, and manually specified ticks on the vertical axis.
22: Columns with positive and negative values, axes, and grid.
23: Clustered columns with positive and negative values, axes, and grid.
24: Bars with positive and negative values, axes, and grid.
25: Clustered bars with positive and negative values, axes, and grid.
26: Default lines with 2D data, custom axis, red theme.
27: Scatter chart, custom axis, purple theme.
28: Markers, lines, 2D data, custom axis, blue theme.
29: Clustered columns with positive and negative values, readable theme.
That's all Folks!