if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Theme"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Theme"] = true; dojo.provide("dojox.charting.Theme"); dojo.require("dojox.charting._color"); (function(){ var dxc=dojox.charting; // TODO: Legend information dxc.Theme = function(/*Object?*/ kwArgs){ kwArgs=kwArgs||{}; var def = dxc.Theme._def; dojo.forEach(["chart", "plotarea", "axis", "series", "marker"], function(n){ this[n] = dojo.mixin(dojo.clone(def[n]), kwArgs[n]||{}); }, this); this.markers = dojo.mixin(dojo.clone(dxc.Theme.Markers), kwArgs.markers||{}); this.colors = []; this.antiAlias = ("antiAlias" in kwArgs)?kwArgs.antiAlias:true; this.assignColors = ("assignColors" in kwArgs)?kwArgs.assignColors:true; this.assignMarkers = ("assignMarkers" in kwArgs)?kwArgs.assignMarkers:true; this._colorCache = null; // push the colors, use _def colors if none passed. kwArgs.colors = kwArgs.colors||def.colors; dojo.forEach(kwArgs.colors, function(item){ this.colors.push(item); }, this); // private variables for color and marker indexing this._current = { color:0, marker: 0 }; this._markers = []; this._buildMarkerArray(); }; // "static" fields // default markers. // A marker is defined by an SVG path segment; it should be defined as // relative motion, and with the assumption that the path segment // will be moved to the value point (i.e prepend Mx,y) dxc.Theme.Markers={ CIRCLE: "m-3,0 c0,-4 6,-4 6,0 m-6,0 c0,4 6,4 6,0", SQUARE: "m-3,-3 l0,6 6,0 0,-6 z", DIAMOND: "m0,-3 l3,3 -3,3 -3,-3 z", CROSS: "m0,-3 l0,6 m-3,-3 l6,0", X: "m-3,-3 l6,6 m0,-6 l-6,6", TRIANGLE: "m-3,3 l3,-6 3,6 z", TRIANGLE_INVERTED:"m-3,-3 l3,6 3,-6 z" }; dxc.Theme._def={ // all objects are structs used directly in dojox.gfx chart:{ stroke:null, fill: "white" }, plotarea:{ stroke:null, fill: "white" }, // TODO: label rotation on axis axis:{ stroke: { // the axis itself color:"#333", width:1 }, line: { // gridlines color:"#ccc", width:1, style:"Dot", cap:"round" }, majorTick: { // major ticks on axis color:"#666", width:1, length:6, position:"center" }, minorTick: { // minor ticks on axis color:"#666", width:0.8, length:3, position:"center" }, font: "normal normal normal 7pt Tahoma", // labels on axis fontColor:"#333" // color of labels }, series:{ outline: {width: 0.1, color: "#ccc"}, // line or outline stroke: {width: 1.5, color: "#333"}, // line or outline fill: "#ccc", // fill, if appropriate font: "normal normal normal 7pt Tahoma", // if there's a label fontColor: "#000" // color of labels }, marker:{ // any markers on a series. stroke: {width:1}, // stroke or outline fill: "#333", // fill if needed font: "normal normal normal 7pt Tahoma", // label fontColor: "#000" }, colors:[ "#000","#111","#222","#333", "#444","#555","#666","#777", "#888","#999","#aaa","#bbb", "#ccc" ] }; // prototype methods dojo.extend(dxc.Theme, { defineColors: function(obj){ // summary: // Generate a set of colors for the theme based on keyword // arguments var kwArgs=obj||{}; // deal with caching var cache = false; if(kwArgs.cache === undefined){ cache = true; } if(kwArgs.cache == true){ cache = true; } if(cache){ this._colorCache=kwArgs; } else { var mix=this._colorCache||{}; kwArgs=dojo.mixin(dojo.clone(mix), kwArgs); } var c=[], n=kwArgs.num||32; // the number of colors to generate if(kwArgs.colors){ // we have an array of colors predefined, so fix for the number of series. var l=kwArgs.colors.length; for(var i=0; i