if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.Deferred"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.Deferred"] = true;

dojo.Deferred = function(/*Function?*/ canceller){
	// summary:
	//		Encapsulates a sequence of callbacks in response to a value that
	//		may not yet be available.  This is modeled after the Deferred class
	//		from Twisted <http://twistedmatrix.com>.
	// description:
	//		JavaScript has no threads, and even if it did, threads are hard.
	//		Deferreds are a way of abstracting non-blocking events, such as the
	//		final response to an XMLHttpRequest. Deferreds create a promise to
	//		return a response a some point in the future and an easy way to
	//		register your interest in receiving that response.
	//		The most important methods for Deffered users are:
	//			* addCallback(handler)
	//			* addErrback(handler)
	//			* callback(result)
	//			* errback(result)
	//		In general, when a function returns a Deferred, users then "fill
	//		in" the second half of the contract by registering callbacks and
	//		error handlers. You may register as many callback and errback
	//		handlers as you like and they will be executed in the order
	//		registered when a result is provided. Usually this result is
	//		provided as the result of an asynchronous operation. The code
	//		"managing" the Deferred (the code that made the promise to provide
	//		an answer later) will use the callback() and errback() methods to
	//		communicate with registered listeners about the result of the
	//		operation. At this time, all registered result handlers are called
	//		*with the most recent result value*.
	//		Deferred callback handlers are treated as a chain, and each item in
	//		the chain is required to return a value that will be fed into
	//		successive handlers. The most minimal callback may be registered
	//		like this:
	//		|	var d = new dojo.Deferred();
	//		|	d.addCallback(function(result){ return result; });
	//		Perhaps the most common mistake when first using Deferreds is to
	//		forget to return a value (in most cases, the value you were
	//		passed).
	//		The sequence of callbacks is internally represented as a list of
	//		2-tuples containing the callback/errback pair.  For example, the
	//		following call sequence:
	//		|	var d = new dojo.Deferred();
	//		|	d.addCallback(myCallback);
	//		|	d.addErrback(myErrback);
	//		|	d.addBoth(myBoth);
	//		|	d.addCallbacks(myCallback, myErrback);
	//		is translated into a Deferred with the following internal
	//		representation:
	//		|	[
	//		|		[myCallback, null],
	//		|		[null, myErrback],
	//		|		[myBoth, myBoth],
	//		|		[myCallback, myErrback]
	//		|	]
	//		The Deferred also keeps track of its current status (fired).  Its
	//		status may be one of three things:
	//			* -1: no value yet (initial condition)
	//			* 0: success
	//			* 1: error
	//		A Deferred will be in the error state if one of the following three
	//		conditions are met:
	//			1. The result given to callback or errback is "instanceof" Error
	//			2. The previous callback or errback raised an exception while
	//			   executing
	//			3. The previous callback or errback returned a value
	//			   "instanceof" Error
	//		Otherwise, the Deferred will be in the success state. The state of
	//		the Deferred determines the next element in the callback sequence
	//		to run.
	//		When a callback or errback occurs with the example deferred chain,
	//		something equivalent to the following will happen (imagine
	//		that exceptions are caught and returned):
	//		|	// d.callback(result) or d.errback(result)
	//		|	if(!(result instanceof Error)){
	//		|		result = myCallback(result);
	//		|	}
	//		|	if(result instanceof Error){
	//		|		result = myErrback(result);
	//		|	}
	//		|	result = myBoth(result);
	//		|	if(result instanceof Error){
	//		|		result = myErrback(result);
	//		|	}else{
	//		|		result = myCallback(result);
	//		|	}
	//		The result is then stored away in case another step is added to the
	//		callback sequence.	Since the Deferred already has a value
	//		available, any new callbacks added will be called immediately.
	//		There are two other "advanced" details about this implementation
	//		that are useful:
	//		Callbacks are allowed to return Deferred instances themselves, so
	//		you can build complicated sequences of events with ease.
	//		The creator of the Deferred may specify a canceller.  The canceller
	//		is a function that will be called if Deferred.cancel is called
	//		before the Deferred fires. You can use this to implement clean
	//		aborting of an XMLHttpRequest, etc. Note that cancel will fire the
	//		deferred with a CancelledError (unless your canceller returns
	//		another kind of error), so the errbacks should be prepared to
	//		handle that error for cancellable Deferreds.
	// example:
	//	|	var deferred = new dojo.Deferred();
	//	|	setTimeout(function(){ deferred.callback({success: true}); }, 1000);
	//	|	return deferred;
	// example:
	//		Deferred objects are often used when making code asynchronous. It
	//		may be easiest to write functions in a synchronous manner and then
	//		split code using a deferred to trigger a response to a long-lived
	//		operation. For example, instead of register a callback function to
	//		denote when a rendering operation completes, the function can
	//		simply return a deferred:
	//		|	// callback style:
	//		|	function renderLotsOfData(data, callback){
	//		|		var success = false
	//		|		try{
	//		|			for(var x in data){
	//		|				renderDataitem(data[x]);
	//		|			}
	//		|			success = true;
	//		|		}catch(e){ }
	//		|		if(callback){
	//		|			callback(success);
	//		|		}
	//		|	}
	//		|	// using callback style
	//		|	renderLotsOfData(someDataObj, function(success){
	//		|		// handles success or failure
	//		|		if(!success){
	//		|			promptUserToRecover();
	//		|		}
	//		|	});
	//		|	// NOTE: no way to add another callback here!!
	// example:
	//		Using a Deferred doesn't simplify the sending code any, but it
	//		provides a standard interface for callers and senders alike,
	//		providing both with a simple way to service multiple callbacks for
	//		an operation and freeing both sides from worrying about details
	//		such as "did this get called already?". With Deferreds, new
	//		callbacks can be added at any time.
	//		|	// Deferred style:
	//		|	function renderLotsOfData(data){
	//		|		var d = new dojo.Deferred();
	//		|		try{
	//		|			for(var x in data){
	//		|				renderDataitem(data[x]);
	//		|			}
	//		|			d.callback(true);
	//		|		}catch(e){ 
	//		|			d.errback(new Error("rendering failed"));
	//		|		}
	//		|		return d;
	//		|	}
	//		|	// using Deferred style
	//		|	renderLotsOfData(someDataObj).addErrback(function(){
	//		|		promptUserToRecover();
	//		|	});
	//		|	// NOTE: addErrback and addCallback both return the Deferred
	//		|	// again, so we could chain adding callbacks or save the
	//		|	// deferred for later should we need to be notified again.
	// example:
	//		In this example, renderLotsOfData is syncrhonous and so both
	//		versions are pretty artificial. Putting the data display on a
	//		timeout helps show why Deferreds rock:
	//		|	// Deferred style and async func
	//		|	function renderLotsOfData(data){
	//		|		var d = new dojo.Deferred();
	//		|		setTimeout(function(){
	//		|			try{
	//		|				for(var x in data){
	//		|					renderDataitem(data[x]);
	//		|				}
	//		|				d.callback(true);
	//		|			}catch(e){ 
	//		|				d.errback(new Error("rendering failed"));
	//		|			}
	//		|		}, 100);
	//		|		return d;
	//		|	}
	//		|	// using Deferred style
	//		|	renderLotsOfData(someDataObj).addErrback(function(){
	//		|		promptUserToRecover();
	//		|	});
	//		Note that the caller doesn't have to change his code at all to
	//		handle the asynchronous case.

	this.chain = [];
	this.id = this._nextId();
	this.fired = -1;
	this.paused = 0;
	this.results = [null, null];
	this.canceller = canceller;
	this.silentlyCancelled = false;

dojo.extend(dojo.Deferred, {
	makeCalled: function(){
		// summary:
		//		returns a new, empty deferred, which is already in the called
		//		state. Calling callback() or errback() on this deferred will
		//		yeild an error and adding new handlers to it will result in
		//		them being called immediately.
		var deferred = new dojo.Deferred();
		return deferred;

	toString: function(){
		var state;
		if(this.fired == -1){
			state = 'unfired';
			state = this.fired ? 'success' : 'error';
		return 'Deferred(' + this.id + ', ' + state + ')';

	_nextId: (function(){
		var n = 1;
		return function(){ return n++; };

	cancel: function(){
		// summary:	
		//		Cancels a Deferred that has not yet received a value, or is
		//		waiting on another Deferred as its value.
		// description:
		//		If a canceller is defined, the canceller is called. If the
		//		canceller did not return an error, or there was no canceller,
		//		then the errback chain is started.
		var err;
		if(this.fired == -1){
				err = this.canceller(this);
				this.silentlyCancelled = true;
			if(this.fired == -1){
				if(!(err instanceof Error)){
					var res = err;
					err = new Error("Deferred Cancelled");
					err.dojoType = "cancel";
					err.cancelResult = res;
		}else if(	(this.fired == 0) &&
					(this.results[0] instanceof dojo.Deferred)

	_resback: function(res){
		// summary:
		//		The private primitive that means either callback or errback
		this.fired = ((res instanceof Error) ? 1 : 0);
		this.results[this.fired] = res;

	_check: function(){
		if(this.fired != -1){
				throw new Error("already called!");
			this.silentlyCancelled = false;

	callback: function(res){
		//	summary:	
		//		Begin the callback sequence with a non-error value.
		callback or errback should only be called once on a given

	errback: function(/*Error*/res){
		//	summary: 
		//		Begin the callback sequence with an error result.
		if(!(res instanceof Error)){
			res = new Error(res);

	addBoth: function(/*Function|Object*/cb, /*String?*/cbfn){
		//	summary:
		//		Add the same function as both a callback and an errback as the
		//		next element on the callback sequence.This is useful for code
		//		that you want to guarantee to run, e.g. a finalizer.
		var enclosed = dojo.hitch.apply(dojo, arguments);
		return this.addCallbacks(enclosed, enclosed);

	addCallback: function(/*Function|Object*/cb, /*String?*/cbfn /*...*/){
		//	summary: 
		//		Add a single callback to the end of the callback sequence.
		return this.addCallbacks(dojo.hitch.apply(dojo, arguments));

	addErrback: function(cb, cbfn){
		//	summary: 
		//		Add a single callback to the end of the callback sequence.
		return this.addCallbacks(null, dojo.hitch.apply(dojo, arguments));

	addCallbacks: function(cb, eb){
		// summary: 
		//		Add separate callback and errback to the end of the callback
		//		sequence.
		this.chain.push([cb, eb])
		if(this.fired >= 0){
		return this;

	_fire: function(){
		// summary: 
		//		Used internally to exhaust the callback sequence when a result
		//		is available.
		var chain = this.chain;
		var fired = this.fired;
		var res = this.results[fired];
		var self = this;
		var cb = null;
			(chain.length > 0) &&
			(this.paused == 0)
			// Array
			var f = chain.shift()[fired];
			if(!f){ continue; }
				res = f(res);
				fired = ((res instanceof Error) ? 1 : 0);
				if(res instanceof dojo.Deferred){
					cb = function(res){
						// inlined from _pause()
							(self.paused == 0) && 
							(self.fired >= 0)
					// inlined from _unpause
				fired = 1;
				res = err;
		this.fired = fired;
		this.results[fired] = res;
			// this is for "tail recursion" in case the dependent
			// deferred is already fired
