if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit.form._Spinner"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dijit.form._Spinner"] = true; dojo.provide("dijit.form._Spinner"); dojo.require("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"); dojo.declare( "dijit.form._Spinner", dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox, { // summary: Mixin for validation widgets with a spinner // description: This class basically (conceptually) extends dijit.form.ValidationTextBox. // It modifies the template to have up/down arrows, and provides related handling code. // defaultTimeout: Number // number of milliseconds before a held key or button becomes typematic defaultTimeout: 500, // timeoutChangeRate: Number // fraction of time used to change the typematic timer between events // 1.0 means that each typematic event fires at defaultTimeout intervals // < 1.0 means that each typematic event fires at an increasing faster rate timeoutChangeRate: 0.90, // smallDelta: Number // adjust the value by this much when spinning using the arrow keys/buttons smallDelta: 1, // largeDelta: Number // adjust the value by this much when spinning using the PgUp/Dn keys largeDelta: 10, templateString:"

\n", baseClass: "dijitSpinner", adjust: function(/* Object */ val, /*Number*/ delta){ // summary: user replaceable function used to adjust a primitive value(Number/Date/...) by the delta amount specified // the val is adjusted in a way that makes sense to the object type return val; }, _arrowState: function(/*Node*/ node, /*Boolean*/ pressed){ this._active = pressed; this.stateModifier = node.getAttribute("stateModifier") || ""; this._setStateClass(); }, _arrowPressed: function(/*Node*/ nodePressed, /*Number*/ direction){ if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; } this._arrowState(nodePressed, true); this.setValue(this.adjust(this.getValue(), direction*this.smallDelta), false); dijit.selectInputText(this.textbox, this.textbox.value.length); }, _arrowReleased: function(/*Node*/ node){ this._wheelTimer = null; if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; } this._arrowState(node, false); }, _typematicCallback: function(/*Number*/ count, /*DOMNode*/ node, /*Event*/ evt){ if(node == this.textbox){ node = (evt.keyCode == dojo.keys.UP_ARROW) ? this.upArrowNode : this.downArrowNode; } if(count == -1){ this._arrowReleased(node); } else{ this._arrowPressed(node, (node == this.upArrowNode) ? 1 : -1); } }, _wheelTimer: null, _mouseWheeled: function(/*Event*/ evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); var scrollAmount = 0; if(typeof evt.wheelDelta == 'number'){ // IE scrollAmount = evt.wheelDelta; }else if(typeof evt.detail == 'number'){ // Mozilla+Firefox scrollAmount = -evt.detail; } var node, dir; if(scrollAmount > 0){ node = this.upArrowNode; dir = +1; }else if(scrollAmount < 0){ node = this.downArrowNode; dir = -1; }else{ return; } this._arrowPressed(node, dir); if(this._wheelTimer != null){ clearTimeout(this._wheelTimer); } var _this = this; this._wheelTimer = setTimeout(function(){_this._arrowReleased(node);}, 50); }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited('postCreate', arguments); // extra listeners this.connect(this.textbox, dojo.isIE ? "onmousewheel" : 'DOMMouseScroll', "_mouseWheeled"); this._connects.push(dijit.typematic.addListener(this.upArrowNode, this.textbox, {keyCode:dojo.keys.UP_ARROW,ctrlKey:false,altKey:false,shiftKey:false}, this, "_typematicCallback", this.timeoutChangeRate, this.defaultTimeout)); this._connects.push(dijit.typematic.addListener(this.downArrowNode, this.textbox, {keyCode:dojo.keys.DOWN_ARROW,ctrlKey:false,altKey:false,shiftKey:false}, this, "_typematicCallback", this.timeoutChangeRate, this.defaultTimeout)); if(dojo.isIE){ // When spinner is moved from hidden to visible, call _setStateClass to remind IE to render it. (#6123) var _this = this; this.connect(this.domNode, "onresize", function(){ setTimeout(dojo.hitch(_this, function(){ // cause the IE expressions to rerun this.upArrowNode.style.behavior = ''; this.downArrowNode.style.behavior = ''; // cause IE to rerender this._setStateClass(); }), 0); } ); } } }); }