if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._Calendar"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dijit._Calendar"] = true; dojo.provide("dijit._Calendar"); dojo.require("dojo.cldr.supplemental"); dojo.require("dojo.date"); dojo.require("dojo.date.locale"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.declare( "dijit._Calendar", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], { // // summary: // A simple GUI for choosing a date in the context of a monthly calendar. // // description: // A simple GUI for choosing a date in the context of a monthly calendar. // This widget is used internally by other widgets and is not accessible // as a standalone widget. // This widget can't be used in a form because it doesn't serialize the date to an // `` field. For a form element, use dijit.form.DateTextBox instead. // // Note that the parser takes all dates attributes passed in the // [RFC 3339 format](http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3339.html), e.g. `2005-06-30T08:05:00-07:00` // so that they are serializable and locale-independent. // // example: // | var calendar = new dijit._Calendar({}, dojo.byId("calendarNode")); // // example: // |
// templateString:"\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n


\t\n", // value: Date // the currently selected Date value: new Date(), // dayWidth: String // How to represent the days of the week in the calendar header. See dojo.date.locale dayWidth: "narrow", setValue: function(/*Date*/ value){ // summary: set the current date and update the UI. If the date is disabled, the selection will // not change, but the display will change to the corresponding month. if(!this.value || dojo.date.compare(value, this.value)){ value = new Date(value); this.displayMonth = new Date(value); if(!this.isDisabledDate(value, this.lang)){ this.value = value; this.value.setHours(0,0,0,0); this.onChange(this.value); } this._populateGrid(); } }, _setText: function(node, text){ while(node.firstChild){ node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } node.appendChild(dojo.doc.createTextNode(text)); }, _populateGrid: function(){ var month = this.displayMonth; month.setDate(1); var firstDay = month.getDay(); var daysInMonth = dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(month); var daysInPreviousMonth = dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(dojo.date.add(month, "month", -1)); var today = new Date(); var selected = this.value; var dayOffset = dojo.cldr.supplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.lang); if(dayOffset > firstDay){ dayOffset -= 7; } // Iterate through dates in the calendar and fill in date numbers and style info dojo.query(".dijitCalendarDateTemplate", this.domNode).forEach(function(template, i){ i += dayOffset; var date = new Date(month); var number, clazz = "dijitCalendar", adj = 0; if(i < firstDay){ number = daysInPreviousMonth - firstDay + i + 1; adj = -1; clazz += "Previous"; }else if(i >= (firstDay + daysInMonth)){ number = i - firstDay - daysInMonth + 1; adj = 1; clazz += "Next"; }else{ number = i - firstDay + 1; clazz += "Current"; } if(adj){ date = dojo.date.add(date, "month", adj); } date.setDate(number); if(!dojo.date.compare(date, today, "date")){ clazz = "dijitCalendarCurrentDate " + clazz; } if(!dojo.date.compare(date, selected, "date")){ clazz = "dijitCalendarSelectedDate " + clazz; } if(this.isDisabledDate(date, this.lang)){ clazz = "dijitCalendarDisabledDate " + clazz; } var clazz2 = this.getClassForDate(date, this.lang); if(clazz2){ clazz += clazz2 + " " + clazz; } template.className = clazz + "Month dijitCalendarDateTemplate"; template.dijitDateValue = date.valueOf(); var label = dojo.query(".dijitCalendarDateLabel", template)[0]; this._setText(label, date.getDate()); }, this); // Fill in localized month name var monthNames = dojo.date.locale.getNames('months', 'wide', 'standAlone', this.lang); this._setText(this.monthLabelNode, monthNames[month.getMonth()]); // Fill in localized prev/current/next years var y = month.getFullYear() - 1; var d = new Date(); dojo.forEach(["previous", "current", "next"], function(name){ d.setFullYear(y++); this._setText(this[name+"YearLabelNode"], dojo.date.locale.format(d, {selector:'year', locale:this.lang})); }, this); // Set up repeating mouse behavior var _this = this; var typematic = function(nodeProp, dateProp, adj){ dijit.typematic.addMouseListener(_this[nodeProp], _this, function(count){ if(count >= 0){ _this._adjustDisplay(dateProp, adj); } }, 0.8, 500); }; typematic("incrementMonth", "month", 1); typematic("decrementMonth", "month", -1); typematic("nextYearLabelNode", "year", 1); typematic("previousYearLabelNode", "year", -1); }, goToToday: function(){ this.setValue(new Date()); }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); var cloneClass = dojo.hitch(this, function(clazz, n){ var template = dojo.query(clazz, this.domNode)[0]; for(var i=0; i