================================= Tools to use with SemanticScuttle ================================= Scuttleoid ========== Scuttloid is an android client for managing your bookmarks that are stored on a Semantic Scuttle server. It allows to list/search your personal bookmarks, add and edit existing bookmarks, and share them to other applications. Installable via `f-droid`__. Also see the `source code`__. __ https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=gr.ndre.scuttloid __ https://github.com/ilesinge/scuttloid Scuttle for Android =================== Scuttle for Android is a client for the Scuttle bookmarking software (http://scuttle.org/). Enter your Scuttle login information and you will presented with a list of your bookmarks. Touching a bookmark will load that web page in the browser. Use the browser's "Share" menu option to add bookmarks to your Scuttle. See the homepage__ and `source code`__. __ http://slideme.org/application/scuttle-android __ https://github.com/shadybrooksoftware/Scuttle-For-Android ttrss2scuttle ============= Announced in a `blog post`__, the plugin for the feed reader `Tiny Tiny RSS`__ allows you to bookmark any of the articles in your own SemanticScuttle instance. Source code and installation instructions are on the `ttrss2scuttle github page`__. __ http://www.versvs.net/anotacion/plugin-tiny-tiny-rss-semanticscuttle __ http://tt-rss.org/ __ https://github.com/versvs/ttrss2scuttle