============================ SemanticScuttle installation ============================ .. contents:: Prerequisites ============= To run SemanticScuttle, you need: - PHP5 with filter functions enabled - A web server, for example Apache Standard installation instructions ================================== If you've downloaded a ``SemanticScuttle-x.y.z.zip`` file from SourceForge, then this instructions are for you. 1. Create a new MySQL/PostgreSQL database 2. Import ``data/tables.sql`` into that database, i.e. run :: $ mysql -umyusername -p mydatabasename < data/tables.sql on the shell. If you run PostgreSQL, use ``tables-postgresql.sql``:: $ psql mydatabasename myusername < data/tables-postgresql.sql 3. Copy ``data/config.php.dist`` to ``data/config.php`` and modify it as necessary. See configuration_ for more information. 4. Make the cache directory writable by your web server. For example, run :: $ chmod 0777 cache on the shell. 5. Set the ``www/`` directory as document root in your web server, restart the web server. 6. That's all! Visit your SemanticScuttle installation web site now with your browser. 7. Register a user and add bookmarks. .. _configuration: configuration.html Ugly www directory in URLs -------------------------- In case point 5 of the installation instructions cannot be put into practice by you because you are not able to change the web server configuration, you are not lost! There is a way to get rid of ``www/`` in your URL! Imagine following directory layout: :: /home/customer123/ www/ subdomain1/ subdomain2/ subdomain3/ Create a SemanticScuttle directory somewhere outside ``www`` if possible and put all directories except ``www/`` in there. Move all files and directories from ``www/`` into your subdomain directory. Then modify ``subdomain/www-header.php`` to include the correct file path. The new directory layout should look that way: :: /home/customer123/ semanticscuttle/ doc/ data/ src/ www/ subdomain1/ subdomain2/ (this is the semanticscuttle subdomain) about.php admin.php .. www-header.php subdomain3/ Now open www-header.php and replace :: require_once '../src/SemanticScuttle/header.php'; with :: require_once '../../semanticscuttle/src/SemanticScuttle/header.php'; PEAR package installation ========================= Apart from the normal installation, you may install the SemanticScuttle PEAR package - it gives you the ability to upgrade to the next version with a single command, without manually unzipping files. 0. The SemanticScuttle PEAR channel is available at http://semanticscuttle.sourceforge.net/pirum.html 1. Make sure you have the PEAR installer (or Pyrus) available and working. You can check that by running :: $ pear version PEAR Version: 1.9.2 PHP Version: 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.2 Zend Engine Version: 2.3.0 Running on: Linux bogo 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:56:25 UTC 2011 x86_64 2. Discover the channel if you haven't done so yet:: $ pear channel-discover semanticscuttle.sourceforge.net Verify that the channel has been added with:: $ pear list-channels Registered Channels: ==================== Channel Alias Summary ... semanticscuttle.sourceforge.net sc SemanticScuttle PEAR channel ... 3. Install SemanticScuttle:: $ pear install sc/semanticscuttle-beta 4. Find out where it got installed to:: $ pear list-files sc/semanticscuttle 5. Generally, the directory you need to point your web server's ``DocumentRoot`` to is the *PEAR www directory* + ``/SemanticScuttle/``. Find the www directory with:: $ pear config-get www_dir /usr/share/php/htdocs 6. The configuration file is located in *PEAR's data directory* + ``/SemanticScuttle/``:: $ pear config-get data_dir /usr/share/php/data In ``$data_dir/SemanticScuttle/``, copy ``config.php.dist`` to ``config.php`` and continue with configuration_.