SemanticScuttle installation ============================ Prerequisites ------------- To run SemanticScuttle, you need: - PHP5 with filter functions enabled - A web server, for example Apache Installation instructions ------------------------- 1. Create a new MySQL database 2. Import tables.sql into that database, i.e. run > mysql -umyusername semanticscuttle < data/tables.sql on the shell ("semanticscuttle" being the database name) 3. Copy data/config.php.dist to data/config.php and modify it as necessary. 4. Make the cache directory writable by your web server. For example, run > chmod 0777 cache on the shell. 5. Set the www/ directory as document root in your web server, restart the web server. Ugly www directory in URLs -------------------------- In case point 5 of the installation instructions cannot be put into practice by you because you are not able to change the web server configuration, you are not lost! There is a way to get rid of www/ in your URL! Imagine following directory layout: /home/customer123/ www/ subdomain1/ subdomain2/ subdomain3/ Create a SemanticScuttle directory somewhere outside www if possible and put all directories except www/ in there. Move all files and directories from www/ into your subdomain directory. Then modify subdomain/www-header.php to include the correct file path. The new directory layout should look that way: /home/customer123/ semanticscuttle/ doc/ data/ src/ www/ subdomain1/ subdomain2/ (this is the semanticscuttle subdomain) about.php admin.php .. www-header.php subdomain3/ Now open www-header.php and replace require_once '../src/SemanticScuttle/header.php'; with require_once '../../semanticscuttle/src/SemanticScuttle/header.php';