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  <title><?php echo filter($GLOBALS['sitename'] .(isset($pagetitle) ? ' ยป ' . $pagetitle : '')); ?></title>
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if (isset($rsschannels)) {
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            . htmlspecialchars($rsschannels[$i][0]) . '"'
            . ' href="'. $rsschannels[$i][1] .'" />';

<?php if (isset($loadjs)) :?>
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<?php endif ?>


$headerstyle = '';
if(isset($_GET['popup'])) {
	$headerstyle = ' class="popup"';

<div id="header" <?php echo $headerstyle; ?>>
<h1><a href="<?php echo ROOT ?>"><?php echo $GLOBALS['sitename']; ?></a></h1>
if(!isset($_GET['popup'])) {

if (isset($subtitle)) {
	echo '<h2>'. $subtitle ."</h2>\n";
	echo '<p class="error">'. T_('Admins, your installation is in "Debug Mode" ($debugMode = true). To go in "Normal Mode" and hide debugging messages, change $debugMode to false into config.php.') ."</p>\n";
if (isset($error) && $error!='') {
	echo '<p class="error">'. $error ."</p>\n";
if (isset($msg) && $msg!='') {
	echo '<p class="success">'. $msg ."</p>\n";
if (isset($tipMsg) && $tipMsg!='') {
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