* $admin_users = array('adminnickname', 'user1nick', 'user2nick'); * * * @var array */ $admin_users = array(); /** * If admin users can edit or delete bookmarks belonging to other users. * * @var boolean */ $adminsCanModifyBookmarksFromOtherUsers = true; /** * If tags from other admins are proposed to each admin * (in add/edit a bookmark page). * * @var boolean */ $adminsAreAdvisedTagsFromOtherAdmins = false; /** * Array of usernames that cannot be registered * * @var array */ $reservedusers = array('all', 'watchlist'); /*************************************************** * Anti SPAM measures */ /** * A question to avoid spam. * Shown on user registration page. * * @var string * @see $antispamAnswer */ $antispamQuestion = 'name of this application'; /** * The answer to the antispam question * Users have to write exactly this string. * * @var string * @see $antispamQuestion */ $antispamAnswer = 'semanticscuttle'; /** * Enable or disable user registration * * @var boolean */ $enableRegistration = true; /*************************************************** * Display Templates */ /** * Directory where the template files should be loaded from. * Template files are *.tpl.php * * @var string */ $TEMPLATES_DIR = dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/'; /** * Header template file. * Included before content files. * * @var string */ $top_include = 'top.inc.php'; /** * Footer template file. * Included after content has been generated and output. * * @var string */ $bottom_include = 'bottom.inc.php'; /** * Ordering of sidebar blocks. * See $menu2Tags for item of menu2 * * @var array * @see $menu2Tags */ $index_sidebar_blocks = array( 'search', 'menu2', 'menu', 'users', 'recent' ); /*************************************************** * Bookmarks */ /** * Format for short dates. * Used in date() calls * * @var string * @link http://php.net/date */ $shortdate = 'd-m-Y'; /** * Format of long dates. * Used in date() calls. * * @var string * @link http://php.net/date */ $longdate = 'j F Y'; /** * Include rel="nofollow" attribute on bookmark links * * @var boolean */ $nofollow = true; /** * Default number of bookmarks per page. * -1 means no limit. * * @var integer * @see $defaultPerPageForAdmins */ $defaultPerPage = 10; /** * Default number of bookmarks per page for admins. * -1 means no limit. * * @var integer * @see $defaultPerPage */ $defaultPerPageForAdmins = 10; /** * Number of days that bookmarks or tags are considered "recent". * * @var integer */ $defaultRecentDays = 14; /** * Bookmark ordering * (date, title, url) * in order ascending or descending * - date_desc - By date of entry descending. * Latest entry first. (Default) * - date_asc - By date of entry ascending. * Earliest entry first. * - title_desc - By title, descending alphabetically. * - title_asc - By title, ascending alphabetically. * - url_desc - By URL, descending alphabetically. * - url_asc - By URL, ascending alphabetically. * * @var string */ $defaultOrderBy = 'date_desc'; /** * Database field to use when sorting by date. * Options here are 'bModified' to sort after * modification date, and 'bDatetime' to sort * after creation date * * @var string */ $dateOrderField = 'bModified'; /** * What to show instead of a description if * a bookmark has none. * Default is '-'. Setting this to '' will collapse * the description row for bookmarks without * a description. * * @var string */ $blankDescription = '-'; /** * Number of entries that are shown in * the RSS feed by default. * * @var integer */ $defaultRssEntries = 15; /** * Number of entries the RSS puts out * at maximum. * * @var integer */ $maxRssEntries = 100; /** * Redirect all bookmarks through $url_redir to improve privacy. * * @var boolean * @see $url_redir */ $useredir = false; /** * URL prefix for bookmarks to redirect through. * * @var string * @see $useredir */ $url_redir = 'http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q='; /** * Enable short URL service. * Can be used to visit urls using http://example.org/go/shortname * * @var boolean */ $shorturl = true; /** * Array of bookmark extensions that Scuttle should add system tags for. * When adding an URL with one of the given extensions, a system * tag is automatically assigned. * * @var array */ $filetypes = array( 'audio' => array('mp3', 'ogg', 'wav'), 'document' => array('doc', 'odt', 'pdf'), 'image' => array('gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png'), 'video' => array('avi', 'mov', 'mp4', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'wmv') ); /** * Enable the "common bookmark description" functionality * * @var boolean */ $enableCommonBookmarkDescription = true; /** * Enable bookmark voting system * * @var boolean */ $enableVoting = true; /** * Voting mode: * 1 - voting badge * 2 - voting links: hand up/down * * @var integer */ $votingMode = 2; /** * Hide bookmarks below a certain voting from all users. * Null to deactivate it. * * @var integer */ $hideBelowVoting = null; /** * Default privacy setting for bookmarks: * 0 - Public * 1 - Shared with Watchlist * 2 - Private * * @var integer */ $defaults['privacy'] = 0; /**************************** * Website Thumbnails */ /** * Enable bookmark website thumbnails. * * According to artviper.net license, buy a license if you * gain profit with your pages. * * @var boolean * @link http://www.websitethumbnail.de/ */ $enableWebsiteThumbnails = false; /** * User ID from websitethumbnail.de * * You need to register on * http://www.artviper.net/registerAPI.php * in order to use thumbnails on your domain * * @var string * @link http://www.artviper.net/registerAPI.php */ $thumbnailsUserId = null; /** * API key. * Sent to you by artviper.net after registration. * * @var string */ $thumbnailsKey = null; /**************************** * Tags */ /** * Enable common tag descriptions * * @var boolean */ $enableCommonTagDescription = true; /** * If everybody may edit common tag description. * When set to false, only admins can do it. * * @var boolean */ $enableCommonTagDescriptionEditedByAll = true; /** * Name of the tag whose subtags will appear in the menu box. * * @var string * @see $maxSizeMenuBlock */ $menuTag = 'menu'; /** * Maximum number of items (tags) appearing in menu box. * * @var integer * @see $menuTag */ $maxSizeMenuBlock = 7; /** * List of tags used by menu2 sidebar box * Empty list = hidden menu2 box * menu2 displays linked tags just belonging to admins. * * @var array */ $menu2Tags = array( 'menu2', 'tags', 'configurable', 'in', 'data/config.php' ); /**************************** * Search */ /** * Number of users' searches that are saved. * 10 is default, -1 means unlimited. * * @var integer */ $sizeSearchHistory = 10; /** * Enable Google Search Engine into "gsearch/" folder. * * @var boolean */ $enableGoogleCustomSearch = false; /**************************** * Other */ /** * Enables special colors on admin pages and bookmarks. * Colors mark the difference to normal users. * * @var boolean */ $enableAdminColors = true; /** * FIXME: explain better * * Add a possible anchor (structured content) for bookmarks description field * a simple value "xxx" (like "author") automatically associates xxx with * [xxx][/xxx]. * A complex value "xxx"=>"yyy" (like "address") directly * associates xxx with yyy. * * @var array */ $descriptionAnchors = array( 'author', 'isbn', 'address' => '[address][street][/street][city][/city][/address]' ); /** * GoogleAnalytics tracking code. * Empty string disables analytics. * * @var string * @link https://www.google.com/analytics/ */ $googleAnalyticsCode = null; /**************************** * avahi export script */ /** * Location of avahi service files, * often /etc/avahi/services/ * * @var string */ $avahiServiceFilePath = '/etc/avahi/services/'; /** * File name prefix of SemanticScuttle-generated * service files * * @var string */ $avahiServiceFilePrefix = 'semanticscuttle-'; /** * Name of tag that bookmarks need to have to * get exported into avahi service files. * * @var string */ $avahiTagName = 'zeroconf'; /** * Array of key value pairs to override service class names. * Key is the old service name ("User"), value the new class * name. * * @var array */ $serviceoverrides = array(); /**************************** * External user authentication */ /** * Type of external authentication via PEAR Auth * To use this, you also need to set * $serviceoverrides['User'] = 'SemanticScuttle_Service_AuthUser'; * * @link http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.authentication.auth.intro-storage.php * * @var string */ $authType = null; /** * Options for external authentication via PEAR Auth * * @link http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.authentication.auth.intro.php * * @var array */ $authOptions = null; /** * Enable debugging for PEAR Authentication * * @var boolean */ $authDebug = false; /** * Optional prefix to create email addresses from user names. * i.e. "@example.org" to create "user@example.org" email address * from "user" username. * * @var string */ $authEmailSuffix = null; /** * URL unittests are being run against * Has to have a trailing slash * * @var string */ $unittestUrl = null; ?>