<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <project name="SemanticScuttle" default="zip" basedir="."> <!-- SemanticScuttle phing build file. This script should provide a one-stop tool for all administrative tasks around SemanticScuttle, like creating a release version, tagging a release, running unit tests etc. --> <property file="build.properties" /> <property file="html.properties" /> <property name="version-m" value="0.97" /> <property name="version" value="0.97.0" /> <property name="stability" value="beta" /> <property name="releasenotes" value="- Many SQL optimizations - SemanticScuttle shows bookmarks 4 times faster now - New config option to skip 'SET NAMES UTF8' call: $dbneedssetnames - Do not highlight admin bookmarks when $enableAdminColors is disabled - Add russian translation - Make HTML export follow the specifications a bit better - Fix bug #2953732: faulty error message for duplicate bookmarks - Fix bug #2960663: do not send content-type headers twice for ajax/api scripts - Fix bug #2976593: fr_FR locale is vietnamese " /> <property name="zipfile" value="${phing.project.name}-${version}.zip" /> <property name="pkgfile" value="${phing.project.name}-${version}.tgz" /> <property name="distfile" value="dist/${zipfile}" /> <property name="distpkgfile" value="dist/pear/${pkgfile}" /> <property name="sfproject" value="SemanticScuttle" /> <property name="sffilepath" value="s/se/semanticscuttle/" /> <property name="svnpath" value="https://semanticscuttle.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/semanticscuttle/" /> <taskdef classname="phing.tasks.ext.d51PearPkg2Task" name="d51pearpkg2" /> <target name="zip" depends="check" description="Create zip file for release" > <!-- The release file is for end users, so it is safe to remove anything developer-related. Test your zip with: unzip -l SemanticScuttle-0.95.0.zip --> <echo msg="Creating distribution zip for SemanticScuttle ${version}"/> <delete file="${distfile}" failonerror="false"/> <zip destfile="${distfile}" prefix="${phing.project.name}-${version}/"> <fileset dir="."> <include name="data/**"/> <include name="doc/**"/> <include name="src/**"/> <include name="www/**"/> <exclude name="**/.gitignore/"/> <exclude name="**/.svn/"/> <exclude name="data/config.php"/> <exclude name="data/locales/messages.po"/> <exclude name="data/locales/*/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po"/> <exclude name="doc/developers/"/> <exclude name="src/php-gettext/examples/" /> <exclude name="src/php-gettext/bin/"/> </fileset> </zip> </target> <target name="package" depends="check" description="Creates the pear package" > <!-- fixme: create package.xml with d51pearpkg2 --> <d51pearpkg2 dir="." baseinstalldir="/"> <name>SemanticScuttle</name> <summary>A social bookmarking tool</summary> <description> A social bookmarking tool experimenting with new features like structured tags or collaborative descriptions of tags. </description> <channel>semanticscuttle.sourceforge.net</channel> <lead user="cweiske" name="Christian Weiske" email="cweiske@cweiske.de" /> <license>GPL</license> <version release="${version}" api="${version}" /> <stability release="${stability}" api="${stability}" /> <notes>${releasenotes}</notes> <dependencies> <php minimum_version="5.2.0" /> <pear minimum_version="1.8.1" /> <package name="HTML_QuickForm2" channel="pear.php.net" minimum_version="0.4.0" /> </dependencies> <!-- map directory (key) to role --> <dirroles key="www">www</dirroles> <dirroles key="data">data</dirroles> <dirroles key="doc">doc</dirroles> <dirroles key="src">php</dirroles> <dirroles key="tests">test</dirroles> <!-- do not add the following files to the package. copied from excludes above --> <ignore>**/.gitignore</ignore> <ignore>**/.svn</ignore> <ignore>build*</ignore> <ignore>data/config.php</ignore> <ignore>data/locales/messages.po</ignore> <ignore>data/locales/*/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po</ignore> <ignore>dist/**</ignore> <ignore>doc/developers/**</ignore> <ignore>scripts/**</ignore> <ignore>src/php-gettext/examples/**</ignore> <ignore>src/php-gettext/bin/**</ignore> <ignore>*.tgz</ignore> <ignore>*.properties</ignore> <replacement path="src/SemanticScuttle/header.php" type="pear-config" from="@data_dir@" to="data_dir" /> <replacement path="src/SemanticScuttle/header.php" type="pear-config" from="@www_dir@" to="www_dir" /> <replacement path="www/www-header.php" type="pear-config" from="@data_dir@" to="data_dir" /> <replacement path="tests/prepare.php" type="pear-config" from="@data_dir@" to="data_dir" /> <changelog version="0.97" date="2010-06-09" license="GPL"> - Many SQL optimizations - SemanticScuttle shows bookmarks 4 times faster now - New config option to skip "SET NAMES UTF8" call: $dbneedssetnames - Do not highlight admin bookmarks when $enableAdminColors is disabled - Add russian translation - Make HTML export follow the specifications a bit better - Fix bug #2953732: faulty error message for duplicate bookmarks - Fix bug #2960663: do not send content-type headers twice for ajax/api scripts - Fix bug #2976593: fr_FR locale is vietnamese </changelog> <!-- <dirroles key="bin">script</dirroles> --> <!-- <replacement path="bin/doctrine" type="pear-config" from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" /> --> <!-- <release> <install as="doctrine" name="bin/doctrine" /> --> </d51pearpkg2> <!-- time to fix the package.xml file since the task does not allow everything we need: - strip the base directory names like src, data and www - remove that dumb baseinstalldir from files - md5sums are generated automatically when packaging --> <!-- yes, we need to generate a 2nd file and move it back --> <copy file="package.xml" tofile="package2.xml" overwrite="true"> <filterchain> <replaceregexp> <!-- remove md5sums --> <regexp pattern="md5sum="[a-z0-9]{32}" " replace="" /> <!-- remove baseinstalldir for files --> <regexp pattern="<file baseinstalldir="/"" replace="<file" /> <!-- install-as for different directories --> <regexp pattern="(<file name="data/(.+?)")" replace="\1 install-as="\2"" /> <regexp pattern="(<file name="doc/(.+?)")" replace="\1 install-as="\2"" /> <regexp pattern="(<file name="tests/(.+?)")" replace="\1 install-as="\2"" /> <regexp pattern="(<file name="www/(.+?)")" replace="\1 install-as="SemanticScuttle/\2"" /> <regexp pattern="(<file name="src/(.+?)")" replace="\1 install-as="\2"" /> </replaceregexp> </filterchain> </copy> <move file="package2.xml" tofile="package.xml" overwrite="true" /> <!-- package up --> <exec command="pear package" passthru="true" /> <move file="${pkgfile}" todir="dist/pear/" /> <delete file="package.xml" failonerror="true" /> </target> <!-- you need to have the python docutils package installed, since we use the rst2html tool --> <target name="build-docs"> <foreach param="fname" absparam="abs-fname" target="build-doc-file"> <fileset dir="."> <include name="doc/ChangeLog"/> <include name="doc/**.txt"/> <include name="doc/**.rst"/> <include name="doc/**/*.rst"/> <exclude name="doc/LICENSE.txt"/> <exclude name="doc/developers/TODO.rst"/> </fileset> </foreach> </target> <target name="build-doc-file" depends="check" description="Builds a single documentation file. Pass file path as $fname" > <echo msg="${fname}"/> <php function="preg_replace" returnProperty="outfile"> <param value="/^(.+)(.rst|.txt)$/"/> <param value="dist/\1.html"/> <param value="${fname}"/> </php> <!-- only render file if the doc file is newer than the html file --> <property name="isuptodate" value="false"/> <uptodate property="isuptodate" srcfile="${fname}" targetfile="${outfile}" /> <if> <not><istrue value="${isuptodate}"/></not> <then> <exec command="rst2html --exit-status=2 ${fname} ${outfile}" checkreturn="1" /> </then> </if> </target> <target name="release" depends="check,zip,package,deploy-sf" description="Release the version on sourceforge" > <!-- meta-target --> </target> <!-- /home/frs/project/s/se/semanticscuttle/SemanticScuttle/v0.94/ /home/frs/project/s/se/semanticscuttle/SemanticScuttle/v0.94/SemanticScuttle-v0.94.zip /home/frs/project/s/se/semanticscuttle/SemanticScuttle/v0.94/SemanticScuttle-v0.94.1.zip https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Release%20files%20for%20download --> <target name="deploy-sf" depends="check,zip" description="Upload release to sourceforge" > <delete dir="dist/deploy-sf" /><!-- make empty --> <mkdir dir="dist/deploy-sf" /> <mkdir dir="dist/deploy-sf/v${version-m}" /> <copy file="${distfile}" tofile="dist/deploy-sf/v${version-m}/${zipfile}"/> <!-- test <exec command="rsync -av dist/deploy-sf/ /tmp/test/" escape="false" /> --> <exec command="rsync -av -e ssh dist/deploy-sf/ ${sfuser},${sfproject}@frs.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/${sffilepath}/${sfproject}/" escape="false" checkreturn="false" /> <!-- rsync always returns code 23 on sourceforge releases, so we can't check return values --> </target> <target name="deploy-sf-pear" depends="check,package" description="Update PEAR channel on sourceforge" > <available file="${websitedir}" type="dir" property="available.websitedir" /> <fail unless="available.websitedir" message="Website directory not set" /> <!-- 1. rsync channel data from sourceforge to local, deleting superfluous channel files. Need to do that so pirum knows all previous releases when adding the new package 2. update channel with pirum update 3. rsync to sourceforge --> <exec command="rsync --include-from=.rsync-include-files --delete -avP -e ssh ${sfuser},${sfproject}@web.sourceforge.net:htdocs/ ." dir="${websitedir}" escape="false" checkreturn="false" passthru="true" /> <exec command="pirum add ${websitedir} ${distpkgfile}" passthru="true" /> <!-- fix the generated html --> <!-- yes, we need to generate a 2nd file and move it back --> <copy file="${websitedir}/index.html" tofile="${websitedir}/pirum.html" overwrite="true"> <filterchain> <replaceregexp> <!-- make meta links relative --> <regexp pattern="href="http://semanticscuttle.sourceforge.net/" replace="href="" /> <!-- add sourceforge logo --> <regexp pattern="powered by " replace="powered by ${html.sflogo} and " /> </replaceregexp> </filterchain> </copy> <!-- overwrite pirum generated index with our own --> <copy file="${websitedir}/our-index.html" tofile="${websitedir}/index.html" overwrite="true" /> <!-- add our custom css --> <append destFile="${websitedir}/pirum.css" file="${websitedir}/pirum-custom.css" /> <!-- rsync always returns code 23 on sourceforge releases, so we can't check return values --> <exec command="rsync --include-from=.rsync-include-files -avP -e ssh . ${sfuser},${sfproject}@web.sourceforge.net:htdocs/" dir="${websitedir}" escape="false" checkreturn="false" passthru="true" /> </target> <target name="check" description="Check variables" > <fail unless="version" message="Version not defined!" /> <fail unless="sfuser" message="Sourceforge username not defined!" /> <fail unless="sfproject" message="Sourceforge project name not defined!" /> <fail unless="sffilepath" message="Sourceforge project file path not defined!" /> <mkdir dir="dist" /> <mkdir dir="dist/doc" /> <mkdir dir="dist/doc/developers" /> </target> </project>