path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
4 files changed, 220 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Api/PostsAddTest.php b/tests/Api/PostsAddTest.php
index f3bb31e..4e2f4fa 100644
--- a/tests/Api/PostsAddTest.php
+++ b/tests/Api/PostsAddTest.php
@@ -421,6 +421,11 @@ TXT;
$this->assertEquals($title2, $data['bookmarks'][0]['bTitle']);
+ /**
+ * Test that a default privacy setting of 2 (Private) is used in adding
+ * a bookmark.
+ */
public function testDefaultPrivacyPrivate()
@@ -428,17 +433,21 @@ TXT;
list($req, $uId) = $this->getAuthRequest('?unittestMode=1');
- $req->addPostParameter('url', '');
+ $req->addPostParameter('url', '');
$req->addPostParameter('description', 'Test bookmark 1 for default privacy.');
$bms = $this->bs->getBookmarks(0, null, $uId);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($bms['bookmarks']));
$bm = reset($bms['bookmarks']);
$this->assertEquals('2', $bm['bStatus']);
- }
+ }//end testDefaultPrivacyPrivate
+ /**
+ * Test that a default privacy setting of 0 (Public) is used in adding
+ * a bookmark.
+ */
public function testDefaultPrivacyPublic()
@@ -446,19 +455,215 @@ TXT;
list($req, $uId) = $this->getAuthRequest('?unittestMode=1');
- $req->addPostParameter('url', '');
+ $req->addPostParameter('url', '');
$req->addPostParameter('description', 'Test bookmark 1 for default privacy.');
$bms = $this->bs->getBookmarks(0, null, $uId);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($bms['bookmarks']));
$bm = reset($bms['bookmarks']);
$this->assertEquals('0', $bm['bStatus']);
- }
+ }//end testDefaultPrivacyPublic
+ /**
+ * Test that the default privacy setting is used when an existing
+ * bookmark is updated with edit.php.
+ */
+ public function testDefaultPrivacyEdit()
+ {
+ $this->setUnittestConfig(
+ array('defaults' => array('privacy' => 2))
+ );
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getAuthRequest('?unittestMode=1');
+ $req->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
+ $req->addPostParameter('url', '');
+ $req->addPostParameter('description', 'Test bookmark 2 for default privacy.');
+ $req->addPostParameter('status', '0');
+ $req->send();
+ $bms = $this->bs->getBookmarks(0, null, $uId);
+ $bm = reset($bms['bookmarks']);
+ $bmId = $bm['bId'];
+ $oldUid = $uId;
+ $reqUrl = $GLOBALS['unittestUrl'] . 'edit.php/' . $bmId . '?unittestMode=1';
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getAuthRequest('?unittestMode=1');
+ $req->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
+ $req->setUrl($reqUrl);
+ $testcookiekey = md5($GLOBALS['dbname'].$GLOBALS['tableprefix']).'-login';
+ $userinfo = $this->us->getUser($oldUid);
+ $testcookiepassword = $userinfo['password'];
+ $testusername = $userinfo['username'];
+ $testcookievalue = $oldUid . ':' . md5($testusername . $testcookiepassword);
+ $req->setCookieJar(true);
+ $req->addCookie($testcookiekey, $testcookievalue);
+ $req->addPostParameter('address', '');
+ $req->addPostParameter('title', 'Test bookmark 2 for default privacy.');
+ $req->addPostParameter('submitted', '1');
+ $req->send();
+ $bm = $this->bs->getBookmark($bmId);
+ $this->assertEquals('2', $bm['bStatus']);
+ }//end testDefaultPrivacyEdit
+ /**
+ * Test that the default privacy setting is used when bookmarks
+ * are imported from an HTML bookmarks file using importNetscape.php.
+ */
+ public function testDefaultPrivacyImportNetscape()
+ {
+ $this->setUnittestConfig(
+ array('defaults' => array('privacy' => 1))
+ );
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getAuthRequest('?unittestMode=1');
+ $req->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
+ $req->setUrl($GLOBALS['unittestUrl'] . 'importNetscape.php' . '?unittestMode=1');
+ $testcookiekey = md5($GLOBALS['dbname'].$GLOBALS['tableprefix']).'-login';
+ $userinfo = $this->us->getUser($uId);
+ $testcookiepassword = $userinfo['password'];
+ $testusername = $userinfo['username'];
+ $testcookievalue = $uId . ':' . md5($testusername . $testcookiepassword);
+ $req->setCookieJar(true);
+ $req->addCookie($testcookiekey, $testcookievalue);
+ $req->addUpload('userfile', '../data/BookmarkTest_netscapebookmarks.html');
+ $req->send();
+ $this->us->setCurrentUserId($uId);
+ $bms = $this->bs->getBookmarks(0, null, $uId);
+ $this->assertEquals(3, count($bms['bookmarks']));
+ $bm = reset($bms['bookmarks']);
+ $this->assertEquals('1', $bm['bStatus']);
+ }//end testDefaultPrivacyImportNetscape
+ /**
+ * Test that the default privacy setting is used when bookmarks
+ * are imported from an XML bookmarks file using import.php.
+ */
+ public function testDefaultPrivacyImport()
+ {
+ $this->setUnittestConfig(
+ array('defaults' => array('privacy' => 2))
+ );
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getAuthRequest('?unittestMode=1');
+ $req->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
+ $req->setUrl($GLOBALS['unittestUrl'] . 'import.php' . '?unittestMode=1');
+ $testcookiekey = md5($GLOBALS['dbname'].$GLOBALS['tableprefix']).'-login';
+ $userinfo = $this->us->getUser($uId);
+ $testcookiepassword = $userinfo['password'];
+ $testusername = $userinfo['username'];
+ $testcookievalue = $uId . ':' . md5($testusername . $testcookiepassword);
+ $req->setCookieJar(true);
+ $req->addCookie($testcookiekey, $testcookievalue);
+ $req->addUpload('userfile', '../data/BookmarkTest_deliciousbookmarks.xml');
+ $req->send();
+ $this->us->setCurrentUserId($uId);
+ $bms = $this->bs->getBookmarks(0, null, $uId);
+ $this->assertEquals(3, count($bms['bookmarks']));
+ $bm = reset($bms['bookmarks']);
+ $this->assertEquals('2', $bm['bStatus']);
+ }//end testDefaultPrivacyImport
+ /**
+ * Test that the default privacy setting is selected in the Privacy
+ * drop-down list when an existing bookmark is accessed with bookmarks.php
+ * and the get action.
+ */
+ public function testDefaultPrivacyBookmarksGet()
+ {
+ $this->setUnittestConfig(
+ array('defaults' => array('privacy' => 2))
+ );
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getAuthRequest('?unittestMode=1');
+ $req->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
+ $req->addPostParameter('url', '');
+ $req->addPostParameter('description', 'Test bookmark 1 for default privacy.');
+ $req->addPostParameter('status', '0');
+ $req->send();
+ $bms = $this->bs->getBookmarks(0, null, $uId);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($bms['bookmarks']));
+ $bm = reset($bms['bookmarks']);
+ $bmId = $bm['bId'];
+ $oldUid = $uId;
+ $user = $this->us->getUser($uId);
+ $userId = $user['username'];
+ $reqUrl = $GLOBALS['unittestUrl'] . 'bookmarks.php/' . $userId . '?action=get' . '&unittestMode=1';
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getAuthRequest('?unittestMode=1');
+ $req->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
+ $req->setUrl($reqUrl);
+ $testcookiekey = md5($GLOBALS['dbname'].$GLOBALS['tableprefix']).'-login';
+ $userinfo = $this->us->getUser($oldUid);
+ $testcookiepassword = $userinfo['password'];
+ $testusername = $userinfo['username'];
+ $testcookievalue = $oldUid . ':' . md5($testusername . $testcookiepassword);
+ $req->setCookieJar(true);
+ $req->addCookie($testcookiekey, $testcookievalue);
+ $req->addPostParameter('submitted', '1');
+ $response = $req->send();
+ $response_body = $response->getBody();
+ $start = strpos($response_body, 'Privacy');
+ $end = strpos($response_body, 'referrer');
+ $length = $end - $start;
+ $response_body = substr($response_body, $start, $length);
+ $start = strpos($response_body, 'selected');
+ $start = $start - 3;
+ $length = 1;
+ $selected_privacy = substr($response_body, $start, $length);
+ $this->assertEquals('2', $selected_privacy);
+ }//end testDefaultPrivacyBookmarksGet
+ /**
+ * Test that the default privacy setting is selected in the Privacy
+ * drop-down list when an existing bookmark is accessed with bookmarks.php
+ * and the add action.
+ */
+ public function testDefaultPrivacyBookmarksAdd()
+ {
+ $this->setUnittestConfig(
+ array('defaults' => array('privacy' => 1))
+ );
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getAuthRequest('?unittestMode=1');
+ $req->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
+ $req->addPostParameter('url', '');
+ $req->addPostParameter('description', 'Test bookmark 2 for default privacy.');
+ $req->addPostParameter('status', '0');
+ $req->send();
+ $bms = $this->bs->getBookmarks(0, null, $uId);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($bms['bookmarks']));
+ $bm = reset($bms['bookmarks']);
+ $bmId = $bm['bId'];
+ $oldUid = $uId;
+ $user = $this->us->getUser($uId);
+ $userId = $user['username'];
+ $reqUrl = $GLOBALS['unittestUrl'] . 'bookmarks.php/' . $userId . '?action=add' . '&unittestMode=1';
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getAuthRequest('?unittestMode=1');
+ $req->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
+ $req->setUrl($reqUrl);
+ $testcookiekey = md5($GLOBALS['dbname'].$GLOBALS['tableprefix']).'-login';
+ $userinfo = $this->us->getUser($oldUid);
+ $testcookiepassword = $userinfo['password'];
+ $testusername = $userinfo['username'];
+ $testcookievalue = $oldUid . ':' . md5($testusername . $testcookiepassword);
+ $req->setCookieJar(true);
+ $req->addCookie($testcookiekey, $testcookievalue);
+ $req->addPostParameter('submitted', '1');
+ $response = $req->send();
+ $response_body = $response->getBody();
+ $start = strpos($response_body, 'Privacy');
+ $end = strpos($response_body, 'referrer');
+ $length = $end - $start;
+ $response_body = substr($response_body, $start, $length);
+ $start = strpos($response_body, 'selected');
+ $start = $start - 3;
+ $length = 1;
+ $selected_privacy = substr($response_body, $start, $length);
+ $this->assertEquals('1', $selected_privacy);
+ }//end testDefaultPrivacyBookmarksAdd
if (PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD == 'Api_PostsAddTest::main') {
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/BookmarkTest.php b/tests/BookmarkTest.php
index ad1cb48..f54fe9a 100644
--- a/tests/BookmarkTest.php
+++ b/tests/BookmarkTest.php
@@ -1343,92 +1343,6 @@ class BookmarkTest extends TestBase
- /**
- * Test that the default privacy setting in
- * $GLOBALS['defaults']['privacy'] is used
- * as expected.
- *
- * @return void
- */
- public function testDefaultPrivacy()
- {
- //For this test, the default privacy has been set to 2 (private) in the configuration file.
- require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php';
- require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/config.php';
- $this->bs->deleteAll();
- $this->us->deleteAll();
- $request = new HTTP_Request2('http://localhost/edit.php/2', HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
- $testcookiekey = md5($GLOBALS['dbname'].$GLOBALS['tableprefix']).'-login';
- $userinfo = $this->us->getUser('1');
- $testcookiepassword = $userinfo['password'];
- $testcookievalue = '1:'.md5('dpuser'.$testcookiepassword);
- $request->setCookieJar(true);
- $request->addCookie($testcookiekey, $testcookievalue);
- $request->addPostParameter('title', 'Test bookmark 2 for default privacy.');
- $request->addPostParameter('address', '');
- $request->addPostParameter('submitted', '1');
- $request->send();
- $bm = $this->bs->getBookmark('2');
- $this->assertEquals('2', $bm['bStatus']);
- $request = new HTTP_Request2('http://localhost/importNetscape.php', HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
- $request->setCookieJar(true);
- $request->addCookie($testcookiekey, $testcookievalue);
- $request->addUpload('userfile', './data/BookmarkTest_netscapebookmarks.html');
- $request->send();
- $bm = $this->bs->getBookmark('3');
- $this->assertEquals('2', $bm['bStatus']);
- $bm = $this->bs->getBookmark('4');
- $this->assertEquals('2', $bm['bStatus']);
- $bm = $this->bs->getBookmark('5');
- $this->assertEquals('2', $bm['bStatus']);
- $request = new HTTP_Request2('http://localhost/import.php', HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
- $request->setCookieJar(true);
- $request->addCookie($testcookiekey, $testcookievalue);
- $request->addUpload('userfile', './data/BookmarkTest_deliciousbookmarks.xml');
- $request->send();
- $bm = $this->bs->getBookmark('6');
- $this->assertEquals('2', $bm['bStatus']);
- $bm = $this->bs->getBookmark('7');
- $this->assertEquals('2', $bm['bStatus']);
- $bm = $this->bs->getBookmark('8');
- $this->assertEquals('2', $bm['bStatus']);
- $request = new HTTP_Request2('http://localhost/bookmarks.php/dpuser?action=get', HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
- $request->setCookieJar(true);
- $request->addCookie($testcookiekey, $testcookievalue);
- $request->addPostParameter('submitted', '1');
- $response = $request->send();
- $response_body = $response->getBody();
- $start = strpos($response_body, 'Privacy');
- $end = strpos($response_body, 'referrer');
- $length = $end - $start;
- $response_body = substr($response_body, $start, $length);
- $start = strpos($response_body, 'selected');
- $start = $start - 3;
- $length = 1;
- $selected_privacy = substr($response_body, $start, $length);
- $this->assertEquals('2', $selected_privacy);
- $request = new HTTP_Request2('http://localhost/bookmarks.php/dpuser?action=add', HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
- $request->setCookieJar(true);
- $request->addCookie($testcookiekey, $testcookievalue);
- $response = $request->send();
- $response_body = $response->getBody();
- $start = strpos($response_body, 'Privacy');
- $end = strpos($response_body, 'referrer');
- $length = $end - $start;
- $response_body = substr($response_body, $start, $length);
- $start = strpos($response_body, 'selected');
- $start = $start - 3;
- $length = 1;
- $selected_privacy = substr($response_body, $start, $length);
- $this->assertEquals('2', $selected_privacy);
- }//end function testDefaultPrivacy
diff --git a/tests/data/BookmarkTest_deliciousbookmarks.xml b/tests/data/BookmarkTest_deliciousbookmarks.xml
index d2bcfc5..87c67dc 100755
--- a/tests/data/BookmarkTest_deliciousbookmarks.xml
+++ b/tests/data/BookmarkTest_deliciousbookmarks.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<posts user="dpuser" update="2011-03-24T21:09:22Z" tag="" total="3">
- <post href="" hash="4f8533885bb5740b98b6415140a0c8c6" description="Test bookmark 6 for default privacy." tag="tag1, tag2" time="2011-03-24T21:09:11Z" extended="" meta="5c80704730a1bf1b9eb615d4ba7a59bd" />
- <post href="" hash="21eee08d7945ac23c4cc2b6d08d02212" description="Test bookmark 7 for default privacy." tag="tag2, tag3" time="2011-03-24T21:08:33Z" extended="" meta="7514ab84f61ba1dd0413572f7c12348d" />
- <post href="" hash="cd64042205a083f1cf1e009344daef84" description="Test bookmark 8 for default privacy." tag="tag1, tag2, tag3" time="2011-03-24T21:07:44Z" extended="" meta="9cb24fddbc011e9634595d2f5e1a6537" />
+ <post href="" hash="4f8533885bb5740b98b6415140a0c8c6" description="Test bookmark 1 for default privacy." tag="tag1, tag2" time="2011-03-24T21:09:11Z" extended="" meta="5c80704730a1bf1b9eb615d4ba7a59bd" />
+ <post href="" hash="21eee08d7945ac23c4cc2b6d08d02212" description="Test bookmark 2 for default privacy." tag="tag2, tag3" time="2011-03-24T21:08:33Z" extended="" meta="7514ab84f61ba1dd0413572f7c12348d" />
+ <post href="" hash="cd64042205a083f1cf1e009344daef84" description="Test bookmark 3 for default privacy." tag="tag1, tag2, tag3" time="2011-03-24T21:07:44Z" extended="" meta="9cb24fddbc011e9634595d2f5e1a6537" />
<!-- uncompressed/chunked Thur Mar 24 21:09:33 UTC 2011 -->
diff --git a/tests/data/BookmarkTest_netscapebookmarks.html b/tests/data/BookmarkTest_netscapebookmarks.html
index 07c7448..305662c 100755
--- a/tests/data/BookmarkTest_netscapebookmarks.html
+++ b/tests/data/BookmarkTest_netscapebookmarks.html
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ It will be read and overwritten.
Do Not Edit! -->
-<TITLE>Bookmarks for dpuser</TITLE>
+<TITLE>Bookmarks for testuser</TITLE>
-<H1>Bookmarks for dpuser</H1>
+<H1>Bookmarks for testuser</H1>
- <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1301178264" LAST_VISIT="1301178075" LAST_MODIFIED="1301178075">Test bookmark 3 for default privacy.</A>
- <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1301178264" LAST_VISIT="1301178075" LAST_MODIFIED="1301178075">Test bookmark 4 for default privacy.</A>
- <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1301178264" LAST_VISIT="1301178075" LAST_MODIFIED="1301178075">Test bookmark 5 for default privacy.</A>
+ <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1301178264" LAST_VISIT="1301178075" LAST_MODIFIED="1301178075">Test bookmark 1 for default privacy.</A>
+ <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1301178264" LAST_VISIT="1301178075" LAST_MODIFIED="1301178075">Test bookmark 2 for default privacy.</A>
+ <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1301178264" LAST_VISIT="1301178075" LAST_MODIFIED="1301178075">Test bookmark 3 for default privacy.</A>
<DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1301178264" LAST_VISIT="1301178075" LAST_MODIFIED="1301178075">This bookmark will be ignored by importNetscape.php.</A>