path: root/tests/www/bookmarksTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/www/bookmarksTest.php')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/www/bookmarksTest.php b/tests/www/bookmarksTest.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ac549d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/www/bookmarksTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../prepare.php';
+require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php';
+class www_bookmarksTest extends TestBaseApi
+ protected $urlPart = 'bookmarks.php';
+ /**
+ * Test that the default privacy setting is selected in the Privacy
+ * drop-down list when adding a new bookmark, sending the form and
+ * missing the title and the privacy setting.
+ */
+ public function testDefaultPrivacyBookmarksAddMissingTitleMissingPrivacy()
+ {
+ $this->setUnittestConfig(
+ array('defaults' => array('privacy' => 2))
+ );
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getLoggedInRequest();
+ $user = $this->us->getUser($uId);
+ $req->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
+ $req->setUrl($this->getTestUrl('/' . $user['username'] . '?action=get'));
+ $req->addPostParameter('submitted', '1');
+ $response = $req->send();
+ $response_body = $response->getBody();
+ $x = simplexml_load_string($response_body);
+ $ns = $x->getDocNamespaces();
+ $x->registerXPathNamespace('ns', reset($ns));
+ $elements = $x->xpath(
+ '//ns:select[@name="status"]/ns:option[@selected="selected"]'
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($elements), 'No selected status option found');
+ $this->assertEquals(2, (string)$elements[0]['value']);
+ }//end testDefaultPrivacyBookmarksAddMissingTitleMissingPrivacy
+ /**
+ * Test that the default privacy setting is selected in the Privacy
+ * drop-down list when a new bookmark is being created.
+ */
+ public function testDefaultPrivacyBookmarksAdd()
+ {
+ $this->setUnittestConfig(
+ array('defaults' => array('privacy' => 1))
+ );
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getLoggedInRequest();
+ $user = $this->us->getUser($uId);
+ $req->setUrl($this->getTestUrl('/' . $user['username'] . '?action=add'));
+ $response = $req->send();
+ $response_body = $response->getBody();
+ $this->assertNotEquals('', $response_body, 'Response is empty');
+ $x = simplexml_load_string($response_body);
+ $ns = $x->getDocNamespaces();
+ $x->registerXPathNamespace('ns', reset($ns));
+ $elements = $x->xpath(
+ '//ns:select[@name="status"]/ns:option[@selected="selected"]'
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($elements), 'No selected status option found');
+ $this->assertEquals(1, (string)$elements[0]['value']);
+ }//end testDefaultPrivacyBookmarksAdd
+ /**
+ * Test that the private RSS link exists when a user
+ * has a private key and is enabled
+ */
+ public function testVerifyPrivateRSSLinkExists()
+ {
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getLoggedInRequest('?unittestMode=1', true, true);
+ $user = $this->us->getUser($uId);
+ $req->setUrl($this->getTestUrl('/' . $user['username']));
+ $response = $req->send();
+ $response_body = $response->getBody();
+ $this->assertNotEquals('', $response_body, 'Response is empty');
+ $x = simplexml_load_string($response_body);
+ $ns = $x->getDocNamespaces();
+ $x->registerXPathNamespace('ns', reset($ns));
+ $elements = $x->xpath(
+ '//ns:link[@rel="alternate" and @type="application/rss+xml"]'
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 2, count($elements), 'Number of Links in Head not correct'
+ );
+ $this->assertContains('privateKey=', (string)$elements[1]['href']);
+ }//end testVerifyPrivateRSSLinkExists
+ /**
+ * Test that the private RSS link doesn't exists when a user
+ * does not have a private key or is not enabled
+ */
+ public function testVerifyPrivateRSSLinkDoesNotExist()
+ {
+ list($req, $uId) = $this->getLoggedInRequest('?unittestMode=1', true);
+ $user = $this->us->getUser($uId);
+ $req->setUrl($this->getTestUrl('/' . $user['username']));
+ $response = $req->send();
+ $response_body = $response->getBody();
+ $this->assertNotEquals('', $response_body, 'Response is empty');
+ $x = simplexml_load_string($response_body);
+ $ns = $x->getDocNamespaces();
+ $x->registerXPathNamespace('ns', reset($ns));
+ $elements = $x->xpath(
+ '//ns:link[@rel="alternate" and @type="application/rss+xml"]'
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 1, count($elements), 'Number of Links in Head not correct'
+ );
+ $this->assertNotContains('privateKey=', (string)$elements[0]['href']);
+ }//end testVerifyPrivateRSSLinkDoesNotExist
+ /**
+ * We once had the bug that URLs with special characters were escaped too
+ * often. & -> &amp;
+ */
+ public function testAddressEncoding()
+ {
+ $this->addBookmark(null, 'http://example.org?foo&bar=baz');
+ //get rid of bookmarks.php
+ $this->url = $GLOBALS['unittestUrl'];
+ $html = $this->getRequest()->send()->getBody();
+ $x = simplexml_load_string($html);
+ $ns = $x->getDocNamespaces();
+ $x->registerXPathNamespace('ns', reset($ns));
+ $elements = $x->xpath('//ns:a[@class="taggedlink"]');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 1, count($elements), 'Number of links is not 1'
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'http://example.org?foo&bar=baz',
+ (string)$elements[0]['href']
+ );
+ }
+}//end class www_bookmarksTest