path: root/includes/js/dojox/wire/Wire.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/wire/Wire.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 336 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/wire/Wire.js b/includes/js/dojox/wire/Wire.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f9dde1d..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/wire/Wire.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.wire.Wire"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dojox.wire.Wire"] = true;
-dojo.declare("dojox.wire.Wire", null, {
- // summary:
- // A default and base Wire to access an object property
- // description:
- // This class accesses a property of an object with a dotted notation
- // specified to 'property' property, such as "a.b.c", which identifies
- // a descendant property, "object.a.b.c".
- // Property names in the dotted notation may have an array index, such
- // as "a[0]", to identify an array element, literally, "object.a[0]".
- // When a notation start with an array index, such as "[0].a", it
- // specifies an array element of the root object (array),
- // "object[0].a".
- // This class also serves as a base class for other Wire classes,
- // preparing a root object and converting a return value, so that
- // sub-classes just can implement _getValue() and _setValue() called
- // from getValue() and setValue() implemented by this calss.
- _wireClass: "dojox.wire.Wire",
- constructor: function(/*Object*/args){
- // summary:
- // Initialize properties
- // description:
- // If 'converter' property is specified and is a string for
- // a converter class, an instanceof the converter class is
- // created.
- // args:
- // Arguments to initialize properties
- // object:
- // A root object (or another Wire to access a root object)
- // property:
- // A dotted notation to a descendant property
- // type:
- // A type of the return value (for the source Wire)
- // converter:
- // A converter object (or class name) to convert the return
- // value (for the source Wire)
- dojo.mixin(this, args);
- if(this.converter){
- if(dojo.isString(this.converter)){
- //First check the object tree for it. Might be defined variable
- //name/global function (like a jsId, or just a function name).
- var convertObject = dojo.getObject(this.converter);
- if (dojo.isFunction(convertObject)){
- //We need to see if this is a pure function or an object constructor...
- try{
- var testObj = new convertObject();
- if(testObj && !dojo.isFunction(testObj["convert"])){
- //Looks like a 'pure' function...
- this.converter = {convert: convertObject};
- }else{
- this.converter = testObj;
- }
- }catch(e){
- //Do if this fails.
- }
- }else if(dojo.isObject(convertObject)){
- //It's an object, like a jsId ... see if it has a convert function
- if(dojo.isFunction(convertObject["convert"])){
- this.converter = convertObject;
- }
- }
- //No object with that name (Converter is still a string),
- //then look for a class that needs to be dynamically loaded...
- if (dojo.isString(this.converter)) {
- var converterClass = dojox.wire._getClass(this.converter);
- if(converterClass){
- this.converter = new converterClass();
- }else{
- this.converter = undefined;
- }
- }
- }else if(dojo.isFunction(this.converter)){
- this.converter = {convert: this.converter};
- }
- }
- },
- getValue: function(/*Object||Array*/defaultObject){
- // summary:
- // Return a value of an object
- // description:
- // This method first determins a root object as follows:
- // 1. If 'object' property specified,
- // 1.1 If 'object' is a Wire, its getValue() method is called to
- // obtain a root object.
- // 1.2 Otherwise, use 'object' as a root object.
- // 2. Otherwise, use 'defaultObject' argument.
- // 3. If 'property' is specified, it is used to get a property
- // value.
- // Then, if a sub-class implements _getValue() method, it is
- // called with the root object to get the return value.
- // Otherwise, the root object (typically, a property valye) is
- // used for the return value.
- // Finally, if 'type' property is specified, the return value is
- // converted to the specified primitive type ("string", "number",
- // "boolean" and "array").
- // If 'converter' property is specified, its convert() method is
- // called to convert the value.
- // defaultObject:
- // A default root object
- // returns:
- // A value found
- var object = undefined;
- if(dojox.wire.isWire(this.object)){
- object = this.object.getValue(defaultObject);
- }else{
- object = (this.object || defaultObject);
- }
- if({
- var list ='.');
- for(var i in list){
- if(!object){
- return object; //anything (null, undefined, etc)
- }
- object = this._getPropertyValue(object, list[i]);
- }
- }
- var value = undefined;
- if(this._getValue){
- value = this._getValue(object);
- }else{
- value = object;
- }
- if(value){
- if(this.type){
- if(this.type == "string"){
- value = value.toString();
- }else if(this.type == "number"){
- value = parseInt(value);
- }else if(this.type == "boolean"){
- value = (value != "false");
- }else if(this.type == "array"){
- if(!dojo.isArray(value)){
- value = [value];
- }
- }
- }
- if(this.converter && this.converter.convert){
- value = this.converter.convert(value, this); // optional "this" context
- }
- }
- return value; //anything
- },
- setValue: function(/*anything*/value, /*Object||Array*/defaultObject){
- // summary:
- // Set a value to an object
- // description:
- // This method first determins a root object as follows:
- // 1. If 'object' property specified,
- // 1.1 If 'object' is a Wire, its getValue() method is called to
- // obtain a root object.
- // 1.2 Otherwise, use 'object' as a root object.
- // 2. Otherwise, use 'defaultObject' argument.
- // 3. If 'property' is specified, it is used to get a property
- // value.
- // Then, if a sub-class implements _setValue() method, it is
- // called with the root object and 'value' argument to set
- // the value.
- // Otherwise, 'value' is set to a property specified with
- // 'property' property.
- // If the root object is undefined and 'object' property is a Wire
- // and a new object is created and returned by _setValue() it is
- // set through 'object' (setValue() method).
- // value:
- // A value to set
- // defaultObject:
- // A default root object
- var object = undefined;
- if(dojox.wire.isWire(this.object)){
- object = this.object.getValue(defaultObject);
- }else{
- object = (this.object || defaultObject);
- }
- var property = undefined;
- if({
- if(!object){
- if(dojox.wire.isWire(this.object)){
- object = {};
- this.object.setValue(object, defaultObject);
- }else{
- throw new Error(this._wireClass + ".setValue(): invalid object");
- }
- }
- var list ='.');
- var last = list.length - 1;
- for(var i = 0; i < last; i++){
- var p = list[i];
- var o = this._getPropertyValue(object, p);
- if(!o){
- o = {};
- this._setPropertyValue(object, p, o);
- }
- object = o;
- }
- property = list[last];
- }
- if(this._setValue){
- if(property){
- var o = this._getPropertyValue(object, property);
- if(!o){
- o = {};
- this._setPropertyValue(object, property, o);
- }
- object = o;
- }
- var newObject = this._setValue(object, value);
- if(!object && newObject){
- if(dojox.wire.isWire(this.object)){
- this.object.setValue(newObject, defaultObject);
- }else{
- throw new Error(this._wireClass + ".setValue(): invalid object");
- }
- }
- }else{
- if(property){
- this._setPropertyValue(object, property, value);
- }else{
- if(dojox.wire.isWire(this.object)){
- this.object.setValue(value, defaultObject);
- }else{
- throw new Error(this._wireClass + ".setValue(): invalid property");
- }
- }
- }
- },
- _getPropertyValue: function(/*Object||Array*/object, /*String*/property){
- // summary:
- // Return a property value of an object
- // description:
- // A value for 'property' of 'object' is returned.
- // If 'property' ends with an array index, it is used to indentify
- // an element of an array property.
- // If 'object' implements getPropertyValue(), it is called with
- // 'property' to obtain the property value.
- // If 'object' implements a getter for the property, it is called
- // to obtain the property value.
- // object:
- // A default root object
- // property:
- // A property name
- // returns:
- // A value found, otherwise 'undefined'
- var value = undefined;
- var i1 = property.indexOf('[');
- if(i1 >= 0){
- var i2 = property.indexOf(']');
- var index = property.substring(i1 + 1, i2);
- var array = null;
- if(i1 === 0){ // object is array
- array = object;
- }else{
- property = property.substring(0, i1);
- array = this._getPropertyValue(object, property);
- if(array && !dojo.isArray(array)){
- array = [array];
- }
- }
- if(array){
- value = array[index];
- }
- }else if(object.getPropertyValue){
- value = object.getPropertyValue(property);
- }else{
- var getter = "get" + property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.substring(1);
- if(object[getter]){
- value = object[getter]();
- }else{
- value = object[property];
- }
- }
- return value; //anything
- },
- _setPropertyValue: function(/*Object||Array*/object, /*String*/property, /*anything*/value){
- // summary:
- // Set a property value to an object
- // description:
- // 'value' is set to 'property' of 'object'.
- // If 'property' ends with an array index, it is used to indentify
- // an element of an array property to set the value.
- // If 'object' implements setPropertyValue(), it is called with
- // 'property' and 'value' to set the property value.
- // If 'object' implements a setter for the property, it is called
- // with 'value' to set the property value.
- // object:
- // An object
- // property:
- // A property name
- // value:
- // A value to set
- var i1 = property.indexOf('[');
- if(i1 >= 0){
- var i2 = property.indexOf(']');
- var index = property.substring(i1 + 1, i2);
- var array = null;
- if(i1 === 0){ // object is array
- array = object;
- }else{
- property = property.substring(0, i1);
- array = this._getPropertyValue(object, property);
- if(!array){
- array = [];
- this._setPropertyValue(object, property, array);
- }
- }
- array[index] = value;
- }else if(object.setPropertyValue){
- object.setPropertyValue(property, value);
- }else{
- var setter = "set" + property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.substring(1);
- if(object[setter]){
- object[setter](value);
- }else{
- object[property] = value;
- }
- }
- }