path: root/includes/js/dojox/widget/tests/test_FileInput.html
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/widget/tests/test_FileInput.html b/includes/js/dojox/widget/tests/test_FileInput.html
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--- a/includes/js/dojox/widget/tests/test_FileInput.html
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- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
- <title>dojox.widget.FileInput | The Dojo Toolkit</title>
- <style type="text/css">
- @import "../../../dojo/resources/dojo.css";
- @import "../../../dijit/themes/dijit.css";
- @import "../../../dijit/tests/css/dijitTests.css";
- @import "../FileInput/FileInput.css";
- </style>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dojo/dojo.js" djConfig="isDebug:true, parseOnLoad: true"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../FileInput.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../FileInputAuto.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- // dojo.require("dojox.widget.FileInput");
- dojo.require("dojo.parser"); // scan page for widgets and instantiate them
- var sampleCallback = function(data,ioArgs,widgetRef){
- // this function is fired for every programatic FileUploadAuto
- // when the upload is complete. It uses dojo.io.iframe, which
- // expects the results to come wrapped in TEXTAREA tags.
- // this is IMPORTANT. to utilize FileUploadAuto (or Blind)
- // you have to pass your respose data in a TEXTAREA tag.
- // in our sample file (if you have php5 installed and have
- // file uploads enabled) it _should_ return some text in the
- // form of valid JSON data, like:
- // { status: "success", details: { size: "1024" } }
- // you can do whatever.
- //
- // the ioArgs is the standard ioArgs ref found in all dojo.xhr* methods.
- //
- // widget is a reference to the calling widget. you can manipulate the widget
- // from within this callback function
- if(data){
- if(data.status && data.status == "success"){
- widgetRef.overlay.innerHTML = "success!";
- }else{
- widgetRef.overlay.innerHTML = "error? ";
- console.log('error',data,ioArgs);
- }
- }else{
- // debug assist
- console.log('ugh?',arguments);
- }
- }
- var i = 0;
- function addNewUpload(){
- var node = document.createElement('input');
- dojo.byId('dynamic').appendChild(node);
- var widget = new dojox.widget.FileInputAuto({
- id: "dynamic"+(++i),
- url: "../FileInput/ReceiveFile.php",
- //url:"http://archive.dojotoolkit.org/nightly/checkout/dojox/widget/FileInput/ReceiveFile.php",
- name: "dynamic"+i,
- onComplete: sampleCallback
- },node);
- widget.startup();
- }
- </script>
- <h1 class="testTitle">dojox FileInput widget:</h1>
- <p>This is a prototype of a dojo input type="file" with a FormWidget mixin, to be styled to match tundra and soria themes</p>
- <p>The API is up for discussion, nor is it known to drop into forms and "just work" yet</p>
- <p>FileInputAuto API is up for discussion, as well, though by use of the url="" attrib, you can basically
- do all your file-processing server side, and just use the filename sent that remains in the form input</p>
- <p>There are two parts. dojo.require("dojox.widget.FileInput") for just the base class, or dojo.require("dojox.widget.FileInputAuto");
- to provide the Auto Uploading widget (on blur), and the Blind Auto Upload widget.</p>
- <p>Both themes are defined in the FileInput.css file, as well as basic styling needed to run</p>
- <h3>A standard file input:</h3>
- <input type="file" id="normal" name="inputFile" />
- <h3>The default dojox.widget.FileInput:</h3>
- <p>
- <input dojoType="dojox.widget.FileInput" id="default" name="inputFile" />
- </p>
- <h3>default dojox.widget.FileInput, tundra:</h3>
- <p class="tundra">
- <input dojoType="dojox.widget.FileInput" id="default2" name="inputFile" />
- </p>
- <h3>dojox.widget.FileInputAuto, soria theme:</h3>
- <p class="soria">
- <input dojoType="dojox.widget.FileInputAuto" id="defaultAuto" name="inputFileAuto" url="../FileInput/ReceiveFile.php" />
- </p>
- <h3>another one, tundra theme (with callback)</h3>
- <p class="tundra">
- <input dojoType="dojox.widget.FileInputAuto" id="defaultAuto2" name="inputFileAuto2" url="../FileInput/ReceiveFile.php" onComplete="sampleCallback"/>
- </p>
- <h3>a blind auto upload widget, tundra:</h3>
- <p class="tundra">
- <input dojoType="dojox.widget.FileInputBlind" id="blind1" name="blind1" url="../FileInput/ReceiveFile.php" />
- </p>
- <h3>dojox.widget.FileInputBlind - soria</h3>
- <p class="soria">
- <input dojoType="dojox.widget.FileInputBlind" id="blind2" name="blind2" url="../FileInput/ReceiveFile.php" />
- </p>
- <h3>dynamic, tundra, dojox.widget.FileInputAuto:</h3>
- <button onclick="addNewUpload()">add new file upload</button>
- <br><br>
- <div id="dynamic" class="tundra"></div>