path: root/includes/js/dojox/sketch/Annotation.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/sketch/Annotation.js')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/sketch/Annotation.js b/includes/js/dojox/sketch/Annotation.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea260ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/sketch/Annotation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.sketch.Annotation"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.sketch.Annotation"] = true;
+ var ta=dojox.sketch;
+ dojo.declare("dojox.sketch.AnnotationTool", ta._Plugin, {
+// constructor: function(){
+//// console.log('this.shape',this.shape);
+//// this.annotation=ta.tools[this.shape];
+// },
+ onMouseMove: function(e,rect){
+ if(this._cshape){
+ this._cshape.setShape(rect);
+ } else {
+ this._cshape=this.figure.surface.createRect(rect)
+ .setStroke({color:"#999", width:1, style:"ShortDot"})
+ .setFill([255,255,255,0.7]);
+ this._cshape.getEventSource().setAttribute("shape-rendering","crispEdges");
+ }
+ },
+ onMouseUp: function(e){
+ var f=this.figure;
+ if(!(f._startPoint.x==e.pageX&&f._startPoint.y==e.pageY)){
+ if(this._cshape){
+ // The minimum number of pixels one has to travel before a shape
+ // gets drawn.
+ var limit=40;
+ if(Math.max(
+ limit,
+ Math.abs(f._absEnd.x-f._start.x),
+ Math.abs(f._absEnd.y-f._start.y)
+ )>limit){
+ this._create(f._start, f._end);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(this._cshape) f.surface.remove(this._cshape);
+ },
+ _create: function(start,end){
+ // create a new shape, needs to be accessible from the
+ // dragging functions.
+ var f=this.figure;
+ var _=f.nextKey();
+ var a=new (this.annotation)(f, "annotation-"+_);
+ a.transform={dx:start.x/f.zoomFactor, dy:start.y/f.zoomFactor};
+ a.end={ x:end.x/f.zoomFactor, y:end.y/f.zoomFactor };
+ if(a.control){
+ a.control={ x:Math.round((end.x/2)/f.zoomFactor),y:Math.round((end.y/2)/f.zoomFactor) };
+ }
+ f.onBeforeCreateShape(a);
+ a.initialize();
+ f.select(a);
+ f.onCreateShape(a);
+ f.history.add(ta.CommandTypes.Create,a);
+ }
+ });
+ ta.Annotation=function(figure, id){
+ // for editing stuff.
+ this.id=this._key=id;
+ this.figure=figure;
+ this.mode=ta.Annotation.Modes.View;
+ this.shape=null; // dojox.gfx.Group
+ this.boundingBox=null; // rect for boundaries
+ this.hasAnchors=true;
+ this.anchors={}; // ta.Anchor
+ this._properties={
+ 'stroke':{ color:"blue", width:2 },
+ 'fill': "blue",
+ 'label': ""
+ };
+ if(this.figure) this.figure.add(this);
+ };
+ var p=ta.Annotation.prototype;
+ p.constructor=ta.Annotation;
+ p.type=function(){ return ''; };
+ p.getType=function(){ return ta.Annotation; };
+ p.remove=function(){
+ this.figure.history.add(ta.CommandTypes.Delete, this, this.serialize());
+ };
+ p.property=function(name,/*?*/value){
+ var r;
+ name=name.toLowerCase();
+ if(this._properties[name]!==undefined){
+ r=this._properties[name];
+ }
+ if(arguments.length>1){
+ this._properties[name]=value;
+ }
+ if(r!=value){
+ this.onPropertyChange(name,r);
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ p.onPropertyChange=function(name,oldvalue){};
+ p.onCreate=function(){
+ this.figure.history.add(ta.CommandTypes.Create,this);
+ }
+ p.onDblClick=function(event){
+ var l=prompt('Set new text:',this.property('label'));
+ if(l!==false){
+ this.beginEdit(ta.CommandTypes.Modify);
+ this.property('label',l);
+ this.draw();
+ this.endEdit();
+ }
+ }
+ p.initialize=function(){ };
+ p.destroy=function(){ };
+ p.draw=function(){ };
+ p.apply=function(obj){ };
+ p.serialize=function(){ };
+ p.getBBox=function(){ };
+ p.beginEdit=function(type){
+ this._type=type||ta.CommandTypes.Move;
+ this._prevState=this.serialize();
+ };
+ p.endEdit=function(){
+ var newstep=true;
+ if(this._type==ta.CommandTypes.Move){
+ var f=this.figure;
+ if(f._absEnd.x==f._start.x&&f._absEnd.y==f._start.y){
+ newstep=false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(newstep){
+ this.figure.history.add(this._type,this,this._prevState);
+ }
+ this._type=this._prevState='';
+ };
+ p.calculate={
+ slope:function(p1, p2){
+ if(!(p1.x-p2.x)) return 0;
+ return ((p1.y-p2.y)/(p1.x-p2.x));
+ },
+ dx:function(p1, p2, dy){
+ var s=this.slope(p1,p2);
+ if(s==0) return s;
+ return dy/s;
+ },
+ dy:function(p1, p2, dx){ return this.slope(p1,p2)*dx; }
+ };
+ p.drawBBox=function(){
+ var r=this.getBBox();
+ if(!this.boundingBox){
+ this.boundingBox=this.shape.createRect(r)
+ .moveToBack()
+ .setStroke({color:"#999", width:1, style:"Dash"})
+ .setFill([238,238,238,0.3]);
+ this.boundingBox.getEventSource().setAttribute("id",this.id+"-boundingBox");
+ this.boundingBox.getEventSource().setAttribute("shape-rendering","crispEdges");
+ this.figure._add(this);
+ } else this.boundingBox.setShape(r);
+ };
+ p.setBinding=function(pt){
+ this.transform.dx+=pt.dx;
+ this.transform.dy+=pt.dy;
+ this.draw();
+ };
+ p.doChange=function(pt){ };
+ p.getTextBox=function(){
+ return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(this.property('label'),ta.Annotation.labelFont);
+ };
+ p.setMode=function(m){
+ if(this.mode==m) return;
+ this.mode=m;
+ var method="disable";
+ if(m==ta.Annotation.Modes.Edit) method="enable";
+ if(method=="enable"){
+ // draw the bounding box
+ this.drawBBox();
+ this.figure._add(this);
+ } else {
+ if(this.boundingBox){
+ if(this.shape) this.shape.remove(this.boundingBox);
+ this.boundingBox=null;
+ }
+ }
+ for(var p in this.anchors){ this.anchors[p][method](); }
+ };
+// p.writeProperties=function(){
+// var ps=this._properties;
+// return "<!CDATA[properties:"+dojo.toJson(ps)+"]]>";
+// };
+ p.writeCommonAttrs=function(){
+ return 'id="' + this.id + '" dojoxsketch:type="' + this.type() + '"'
+ + ' transform="translate('+ this.transform.dx + "," + this.transform.dy + ')"'
+ + (this.data?(' ><![CDATA[data:'+dojo.toJson(this.data)+']]'):'');
+ };
+ p.readCommonAttrs=function(obj){
+ var i=0,cs=obj.childNodes,c;
+ while((c=cs[i++])){
+ if(c.nodeType==4){ //CDATA
+ if(c.nodeValue.substr(0,11)=='properties:'){
+ this._properties=dojo.fromJson(c.nodeValue.substr(11));
+ }else if(c.nodeValue.substr(0,5)=='data:'){
+ this.data=dojo.fromJson(c.nodeValue.substr(5));
+ }else{
+ console.error('unknown CDATA node in node ',obj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(obj.getAttribute('transform')){
+ var t=obj.getAttribute('transform').replace("translate(","");
+ var pt=t.split(",");
+ this.transform.dx=parseFloat(pt[0],10);
+ this.transform.dy=parseFloat(pt[1],10);
+ }
+ };
+ ta.Annotation.Modes={ View:0, Edit:1 };
+ ta.Annotation.labelFont={family:"Arial", size:"16px", weight:"bold"};
+ ta.Annotation.register=function(name){
+ var cls=ta[name+'Annotation'];
+ ta.registerTool(name, function(p){dojo.mixin(p,{shape: name,annotation:cls});return new ta.AnnotationTool(p)});
+ };