path: root/includes/js/dojox/off/ui.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/off/ui.js')
1 files changed, 622 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/off/ui.js b/includes/js/dojox/off/ui.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f33c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/off/ui.js
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.off.ui"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.off.ui"] = true;
+// Author: Brad Neuberg, bkn3@columbia.edu, http://codinginparadise.org
+// summary:
+// dojox.off.ui provides a standard,
+// default user-interface for a
+// Dojo Offline Widget that can easily
+// be dropped into applications that would
+// like to work offline.
+dojo.mixin(dojox.off.ui, {
+ // appName: String
+ // This application's name, such as "Foobar". Note that
+ // this is a string, not HTML, so embedded markup will
+ // not work, including entities. Only the following
+ // characters are allowed: numbers, letters, and spaces.
+ // You must set this property.
+ appName: "setme",
+ // autoEmbed: boolean
+ // For advanced usage; most developers can ignore this.
+ // Whether to automatically auto-embed the default Dojo Offline
+ // widget into this page; default is true.
+ autoEmbed: true,
+ // autoEmbedID: String
+ // For advanced usage; most developers can ignore this.
+ // The ID of the DOM element that will contain our
+ // Dojo Offline widget; defaults to the ID 'dot-widget'.
+ autoEmbedID: "dot-widget",
+ // runLink: String
+ // For advanced usage; most developers can ignore this.
+ // The URL that should be navigated to to run this
+ // application offline; this will be placed inside of a
+ // link that the user can drag to their desktop and double
+ // click. Note that this URL must exactly match the URL
+ // of the main page of our resource that is offline for
+ // it to be retrieved from the offline cache correctly.
+ // For example, if you have cached your main page as
+ // http://foobar.com/index.html, and you set this to
+ // http://www.foobar.com/index.html, the run link will
+ // not work. By default this value is automatically set to
+ // the URL of this page, so it does not need to be set
+ // manually unless you have unusual needs.
+ runLink: window.location.href,
+ // runLinkTitle: String
+ // For advanced usage; most developers can ignore this.
+ // The text that will be inside of the link that a user
+ // can drag to their desktop to run this application offline.
+ // By default this is automatically set to "Run " plus your
+ // application's name.
+ runLinkTitle: "Run Application",
+ // learnHowPath: String
+ // For advanced usage; most developers can ignore this.
+ // The path to a web page that has information on
+ // how to use this web app offline; defaults to
+ // src/off/ui-template/learnhow.html, relative to
+ // your Dojo installation. Make sure to set
+ // dojo.to.ui.customLearnHowPath to true if you want
+ // a custom Learn How page.
+ learnHowPath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "off/resources/learnhow.html"),
+ // customLearnHowPath: boolean
+ // For advanced usage; most developers can ignore this.
+ // Whether the developer is using their own custom page
+ // for the Learn How instructional page; defaults to false.
+ // Use in conjunction with dojox.off.ui.learnHowPath.
+ customLearnHowPath: false,
+ htmlTemplatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "off/resources/offline-widget.html").uri,
+ cssTemplatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "off/resources/offline-widget.css").uri,
+ onlineImagePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "off/resources/greenball.png").uri,
+ offlineImagePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "off/resources/redball.png").uri,
+ rollerImagePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "off/resources/roller.gif").uri,
+ checkmarkImagePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "off/resources/checkmark.png").uri,
+ learnHowJSPath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "off/resources/learnhow.js").uri,
+ _initialized: false,
+ onLoad: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // A function that should be connected to allow your
+ // application to know when Dojo Offline, the page, and
+ // the Offline Widget are all initialized and ready to be
+ // used:
+ //
+ // dojo.connect(dojox.off.ui, "onLoad", someFunc)
+ },
+ _initialize: function(){
+ //console.debug("dojox.off.ui._initialize");
+ // make sure our app name is correct
+ if(this._validateAppName(this.appName) == false){
+ alert("You must set dojox.off.ui.appName; it can only contain "
+ + "letters, numbers, and spaces; right now it "
+ + "is incorrectly set to '" + dojox.off.ui.appName + "'");
+ dojox.off.enabled = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ // set our run link text to its default
+ this.runLinkText = "Run " + this.appName;
+ // setup our event listeners for Dojo Offline events
+ // to update our UI
+ dojo.connect(dojox.off, "onNetwork", this, "_onNetwork");
+ dojo.connect(dojox.off.sync, "onSync", this, "_onSync");
+ // cache our default UI resources
+ dojox.off.files.cache([
+ this.htmlTemplatePath,
+ this.cssTemplatePath,
+ this.onlineImagePath,
+ this.offlineImagePath,
+ this.rollerImagePath,
+ this.checkmarkImagePath
+ ]);
+ // embed the offline widget UI
+ if(this.autoEmbed){
+ this._doAutoEmbed();
+ }
+ },
+ _doAutoEmbed: function(){
+ // fetch our HTML for the offline widget
+ // dispatch the request
+ dojo.xhrGet({
+ url: this.htmlTemplatePath,
+ handleAs: "text",
+ error: function(err){
+ dojox.off.enabled = false;
+ err = err.message||err;
+ alert("Error loading the Dojo Offline Widget from "
+ + this.htmlTemplatePath + ": " + err);
+ },
+ load: dojo.hitch(this, this._templateLoaded)
+ });
+ },
+ _templateLoaded: function(data){
+ //console.debug("dojox.off.ui._templateLoaded");
+ // inline our HTML
+ var container = dojo.byId(this.autoEmbedID);
+ if(container){ container.innerHTML = data; }
+ // fill out our image paths
+ this._initImages();
+ // update our network indicator status ball
+ this._updateNetIndicator();
+ // update our 'Learn How' text
+ this._initLearnHow();
+ this._initialized = true;
+ // check offline cache settings
+ if(!dojox.off.hasOfflineCache){
+ this._showNeedsOfflineCache();
+ return;
+ }
+ // check to see if we need a browser restart
+ // to be able to use this web app offline
+ if(dojox.off.hasOfflineCache && dojox.off.browserRestart){
+ this._needsBrowserRestart();
+ return;
+ }else{
+ var browserRestart = dojo.byId("dot-widget-browser-restart");
+ if(browserRestart){ browserRestart.style.display = "none"; }
+ }
+ // update our sync UI
+ this._updateSyncUI();
+ // register our event listeners for our main buttons
+ this._initMainEvtHandlers();
+ // if offline functionality is disabled, disable everything
+ this._setOfflineEnabled(dojox.off.enabled);
+ // update our UI based on the state of the network
+ this._onNetwork(dojox.off.isOnline ? "online" : "offline");
+ // try to go online
+ this._testNet();
+ },
+ _testNet: function(){
+ dojox.off.goOnline(dojo.hitch(this, function(isOnline){
+ //console.debug("testNet callback, isOnline="+isOnline);
+ // display our online/offline results
+ this._onNetwork(isOnline ? "online" : "offline");
+ // indicate that our default UI
+ // and Dojo Offline are now ready to
+ // be used
+ this.onLoad();
+ }));
+ },
+ _updateNetIndicator: function(){
+ var onlineImg = dojo.byId("dot-widget-network-indicator-online");
+ var offlineImg = dojo.byId("dot-widget-network-indicator-offline");
+ var titleText = dojo.byId("dot-widget-title-text");
+ if(onlineImg && offlineImg){
+ if(dojox.off.isOnline == true){
+ onlineImg.style.display = "inline";
+ offlineImg.style.display = "none";
+ }else{
+ onlineImg.style.display = "none";
+ offlineImg.style.display = "inline";
+ }
+ }
+ if(titleText){
+ if(dojox.off.isOnline){
+ titleText.innerHTML = "Online";
+ }else{
+ titleText.innerHTML = "Offline";
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _initLearnHow: function(){
+ var learnHow = dojo.byId("dot-widget-learn-how-link");
+ if(!learnHow){ return; }
+ if(!this.customLearnHowPath){
+ // add parameters to URL so the Learn How page
+ // can customize itself and display itself
+ // correctly based on framework settings
+ var dojoPath = dojo.config.baseRelativePath;
+ this.learnHowPath += "?appName=" + encodeURIComponent(this.appName)
+ + "&hasOfflineCache=" + dojox.off.hasOfflineCache
+ + "&runLink=" + encodeURIComponent(this.runLink)
+ + "&runLinkText=" + encodeURIComponent(this.runLinkText)
+ + "&baseRelativePath=" + encodeURIComponent(dojoPath);
+ // cache our Learn How JavaScript page and
+ // the HTML version with full query parameters
+ // so it is available offline without a cache miss
+ dojox.off.files.cache(this.learnHowJSPath);
+ dojox.off.files.cache(this.learnHowPath);
+ }
+ learnHow.setAttribute("href", this.learnHowPath);
+ var appName = dojo.byId("dot-widget-learn-how-app-name");
+ if(!appName){ return; }
+ appName.innerHTML = "";
+ appName.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.appName));
+ },
+ _validateAppName: function(appName){
+ if(!appName){ return false; }
+ return (/^[a-z0-9 ]*$/i.test(appName));
+ },
+ _updateSyncUI: function(){
+ var roller = dojo.byId("dot-roller");
+ var checkmark = dojo.byId("dot-success-checkmark");
+ var syncMessages = dojo.byId("dot-sync-messages");
+ var details = dojo.byId("dot-sync-details");
+ var cancel = dojo.byId("dot-sync-cancel");
+ if(dojox.off.sync.isSyncing){
+ this._clearSyncMessage();
+ if(roller){ roller.style.display = "inline"; }
+ if(checkmark){ checkmark.style.display = "none"; }
+ if(syncMessages){
+ dojo.removeClass(syncMessages, "dot-sync-error");
+ }
+ if(details){ details.style.display = "none"; }
+ if(cancel){ cancel.style.display = "inline"; }
+ }else{
+ if(roller){ roller.style.display = "none"; }
+ if(cancel){ cancel.style.display = "none"; }
+ if(syncMessages){
+ dojo.removeClass(syncMessages, "dot-sync-error");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _setSyncMessage: function(message){
+ var syncMessage = dojo.byId("dot-sync-messages");
+ if(syncMessage){
+ // when used with Google Gears pre-release in Firefox/Mac OS X,
+ // the browser would crash when testing in Moxie
+ // if we set the message this way for some reason.
+ // Brad Neuberg, bkn3@columbia.edu
+ //syncMessage.innerHTML = message;
+ while(syncMessage.firstChild){
+ syncMessage.removeChild(syncMessage.firstChild);
+ }
+ syncMessage.appendChild(document.createTextNode(message));
+ }
+ },
+ _clearSyncMessage: function(){
+ this._setSyncMessage("");
+ },
+ _initImages: function(){
+ var onlineImg = dojo.byId("dot-widget-network-indicator-online");
+ if(onlineImg){
+ onlineImg.setAttribute("src", this.onlineImagePath);
+ }
+ var offlineImg = dojo.byId("dot-widget-network-indicator-offline");
+ if(offlineImg){
+ offlineImg.setAttribute("src", this.offlineImagePath);
+ }
+ var roller = dojo.byId("dot-roller");
+ if(roller){
+ roller.setAttribute("src", this.rollerImagePath);
+ }
+ var checkmark = dojo.byId("dot-success-checkmark");
+ if(checkmark){
+ checkmark.setAttribute("src", this.checkmarkImagePath);
+ }
+ },
+ _showDetails: function(evt){
+ // cancel the button's default behavior
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ evt.stopPropagation();
+ if(!dojox.off.sync.details.length){
+ return;
+ }
+ // determine our HTML message to display
+ var html = "";
+ html += "<html><head><title>Sync Details</title><head><body>";
+ html += "<h1>Sync Details</h1>\n";
+ html += "<ul>\n";
+ for(var i = 0; i < dojox.off.sync.details.length; i++){
+ html += "<li>";
+ html += dojox.off.sync.details[i];
+ html += "</li>";
+ }
+ html += "</ul>\n";
+ html += "<a href='javascript:window.close()' "
+ + "style='text-align: right; padding-right: 2em;'>"
+ + "Close Window"
+ + "</a>\n";
+ html += "</body></html>";
+ // open a popup window with this message
+ var windowParams = "height=400,width=600,resizable=true,"
+ + "scrollbars=true,toolbar=no,menubar=no,"
+ + "location=no,directories=no,dependent=yes";
+ var popup = window.open("", "SyncDetails", windowParams);
+ if(!popup){ // aggressive popup blocker
+ alert("Please allow popup windows for this domain; can't display sync details window");
+ return;
+ }
+ popup.document.open();
+ popup.document.write(html);
+ popup.document.close();
+ // put the focus on the popup window
+ if(popup.focus){
+ popup.focus();
+ }
+ },
+ _cancel: function(evt){
+ // cancel the button's default behavior
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ evt.stopPropagation();
+ dojox.off.sync.cancel();
+ },
+ _needsBrowserRestart: function(){
+ var browserRestart = dojo.byId("dot-widget-browser-restart");
+ if(browserRestart){
+ dojo.addClass(browserRestart, "dot-needs-browser-restart");
+ }
+ var appName = dojo.byId("dot-widget-browser-restart-app-name");
+ if(appName){
+ appName.innerHTML = "";
+ appName.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.appName));
+ }
+ var status = dojo.byId("dot-sync-status");
+ if(status){
+ status.style.display = "none";
+ }
+ },
+ _showNeedsOfflineCache: function(){
+ var widgetContainer = dojo.byId("dot-widget-container");
+ if(widgetContainer){
+ dojo.addClass(widgetContainer, "dot-needs-offline-cache");
+ }
+ },
+ _hideNeedsOfflineCache: function(){
+ var widgetContainer = dojo.byId("dot-widget-container");
+ if(widgetContainer){
+ dojo.removeClass(widgetContainer, "dot-needs-offline-cache");
+ }
+ },
+ _initMainEvtHandlers: function(){
+ var detailsButton = dojo.byId("dot-sync-details-button");
+ if(detailsButton){
+ dojo.connect(detailsButton, "onclick", this, this._showDetails);
+ }
+ var cancelButton = dojo.byId("dot-sync-cancel-button");
+ if(cancelButton){
+ dojo.connect(cancelButton, "onclick", this, this._cancel);
+ }
+ },
+ _setOfflineEnabled: function(enabled){
+ var elems = [];
+ elems.push(dojo.byId("dot-sync-status"));
+ for(var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++){
+ if(elems[i]){
+ elems[i].style.visibility =
+ (enabled ? "visible" : "hidden");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _syncFinished: function(){
+ this._updateSyncUI();
+ var checkmark = dojo.byId("dot-success-checkmark");
+ var details = dojo.byId("dot-sync-details");
+ if(dojox.off.sync.successful == true){
+ this._setSyncMessage("Sync Successful");
+ if(checkmark){ checkmark.style.display = "inline"; }
+ }else if(dojox.off.sync.cancelled == true){
+ this._setSyncMessage("Sync Cancelled");
+ if(checkmark){ checkmark.style.display = "none"; }
+ }else{
+ this._setSyncMessage("Sync Error");
+ var messages = dojo.byId("dot-sync-messages");
+ if(messages){
+ dojo.addClass(messages, "dot-sync-error");
+ }
+ if(checkmark){ checkmark.style.display = "none"; }
+ }
+ if(dojox.off.sync.details.length && details){
+ details.style.display = "inline";
+ }
+ },
+ _onFrameworkEvent: function(type, saveData){
+ if(type == "save"){
+ if(saveData.status == dojox.storage.FAILED && !saveData.isCoreSave){
+ alert("Please increase the amount of local storage available "
+ + "to this application");
+ if(dojox.storage.hasSettingsUI()){
+ dojox.storage.showSettingsUI();
+ }
+ // FIXME: Be able to know if storage size has changed
+ // due to user configuration
+ }
+ }else if(type == "coreOperationFailed"){
+ console.log("Application does not have permission to use Dojo Offline");
+ if(!this._userInformed){
+ alert("This application will not work if Google Gears is not allowed to run");
+ this._userInformed = true;
+ }
+ }else if(type == "offlineCacheInstalled"){
+ // clear out the 'needs offline cache' info
+ this._hideNeedsOfflineCache();
+ // check to see if we need a browser restart
+ // to be able to use this web app offline
+ if(dojox.off.hasOfflineCache == true
+ && dojox.off.browserRestart == true){
+ this._needsBrowserRestart();
+ return;
+ }else{
+ var browserRestart = dojo.byId("dot-widget-browser-restart");
+ if(browserRestart){
+ browserRestart.style.display = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ // update our sync UI
+ this._updateSyncUI();
+ // register our event listeners for our main buttons
+ this._initMainEvtHandlers();
+ // if offline is disabled, disable everything
+ this._setOfflineEnabled(dojox.off.enabled);
+ // try to go online
+ this._testNet();
+ }
+ },
+ _onSync: function(type){
+ //console.debug("ui, onSync="+type);
+ switch(type){
+ case "start":
+ this._updateSyncUI();
+ break;
+ case "refreshFiles":
+ this._setSyncMessage("Downloading UI...");
+ break;
+ case "upload":
+ this._setSyncMessage("Uploading new data...");
+ break;
+ case "download":
+ this._setSyncMessage("Downloading new data...");
+ break;
+ case "finished":
+ this._syncFinished();
+ break;
+ case "cancel":
+ this._setSyncMessage("Canceling Sync...");
+ break;
+ default:
+ dojo.warn("Programming error: "
+ + "Unknown sync type in dojox.off.ui: " + type);
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ _onNetwork: function(type){
+ // summary:
+ // Called when we go on- or off-line
+ // description:
+ // When we go online or offline, this method is called to update
+ // our UI. Default behavior is to update the Offline
+ // Widget UI and to attempt a synchronization.
+ // type: String
+ // "online" if we just moved online, and "offline" if we just
+ // moved offline.
+ if(!this._initialized){ return; }
+ // update UI
+ this._updateNetIndicator();
+ if(type == "offline"){
+ this._setSyncMessage("You are working offline");
+ // clear old details
+ var details = dojo.byId("dot-sync-details");
+ if(details){ details.style.display = "none"; }
+ // if we fell offline during a sync, hide
+ // the sync info
+ this._updateSyncUI();
+ }else{ // online
+ // synchronize, but pause for a few seconds
+ // so that the user can orient themselves
+ if(dojox.off.sync.autoSync){
+ if(dojo.isAIR){
+ window.setTimeout(function(){dojox.off.sync.synchronize();}, 1000);
+ }else{
+ window.setTimeout(dojox._scopeName + ".off.sync.synchronize()", 1000);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// register ourselves for low-level framework events
+dojo.connect(dojox.off, "onFrameworkEvent", dojox.off.ui, "_onFrameworkEvent");
+// start our magic when the Dojo Offline framework is ready to go
+dojo.connect(dojox.off, "onLoad", dojox.off.ui, dojox.off.ui._initialize);