path: root/includes/js/dojox/layout/ExpandoPane.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/layout/ExpandoPane.js')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/layout/ExpandoPane.js b/includes/js/dojox/layout/ExpandoPane.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa4b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/layout/ExpandoPane.js
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.layout.ExpandoPane"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.layout.ExpandoPane"] = true;
+dojo.experimental("dojox.layout.ExpandoPane"); // just to show it can be done?
+ [dijit.layout.ContentPane, dijit._Templated, dijit._Contained],
+ {
+ // summary: An experimental expando-pane for dijit.layout.BorderContainer
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Works just like a ContentPane inside of a borderContainer. Will expand/collapse on
+ // command, and supports having Layout Children as direct descendants
+ // via a custom "attachParent" attribute on the child.
+ maxHeight:"",
+ maxWidth:"",
+ splitter:"",
+ tamplateString:null,
+ templateString:"<div class=\"dojoxExpandoPane\" dojoAttachEvent=\"ondblclick:toggle\" >\n\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"titleWrapper\" class=\"dojoxExpandoTitle\">\n\t\t<div class=\"dojoxExpandoIcon\" dojoAttachPoint=\"iconNode\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onclick:toggle\"><span class=\"a11yNode\">X</span></div>\t\t\t\n\t\t<span class=\"dojoxExpandoTitleNode\" dojoAttachPoint=\"titleNode\">${title}</span>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class=\"dojoxExpandoWrapper\" dojoAttachPoint=\"cwrapper\" dojoAttachEvent=\"ondblclick:_trap\">\n\t\t<div class=\"dojoxExpandoContent\" dojoAttachPoint=\"containerNode\"></div>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n",
+ _showing:true,
+ _titleHeight: 28, // FIXME: calculate
+ // easeOut: String|Function
+ // easing function used to hide pane
+ easeOut:"dojo._DefaultEasing",
+ // easeIn: String|Function
+ // easing function use to show pane
+ easeIn:"dojo._DefaultEasing",
+ // duration: Integer
+ // duration to run show/hide animations
+ duration:420,
+ postCreate:function(){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ this._animConnects = [];
+ this._isHorizontal = true;
+ this._container = this.getParent();
+ this._closedSize = this._titleHeight = dojo.marginBox/*_getBorderBox*/(this.titleWrapper).h;
+ if(typeof this.easeOut == "string"){
+ this.easeOut = dojo.getObject(this.easeOut);
+ }
+ if(typeof this.easeIn == "string"){
+ this.easeIn = dojo.getObject(this.easeIn);
+ }
+ var thisClass = "";
+ if(this.region){
+ // FIXME: add suport for alternate region types?
+ switch(this.region){
+ case "right" :
+ thisClass = "Right";
+ break;
+ case "left" :
+ thisClass = "Left";
+ break;
+ case "top" :
+ thisClass = "Top";
+ break;
+ case "bottom" :
+ thisClass = "Bottom";
+ break;
+ }
+ dojo.addClass(this.domNode,"dojoxExpando"+thisClass);
+ this._isHorizontal = /top|bottom/.test(this.region);
+ }
+ dojo.style(this.domNode,"overflow","hidden");
+ },
+ startup: function(){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ if(this.splitter){
+ // find our splitter and tie into it's drag logic
+ var myid = this.id;
+ dijit.registry.filter(function(w){
+ return w && w.child && w.child.id == myid;
+ }).forEach(dojo.hitch(this,function(w){
+ this.connect(w,"_stopDrag","_afterResize");
+ }));
+ }
+ this._currentSize = dojo.marginBox(this.domNode);
+ this._showSize = this._currentSize[(this._isHorizontal ? "h" : "w")];
+ this._setupAnims();
+ },
+ _afterResize: function(e){
+ var tmp = this._currentSize;
+ this._currentSize = dojo.marginBox(this.domNode);
+ var n = this._currentSize[(this._isHorizontal ? "h" : "w")]
+ if(n> this._titleHeight){
+ if(!this._showing){
+ console.log('done being dragged:',e);
+ this._showing = !this._showing;
+ this._showEnd();
+ }
+ this._showSize = n;
+ this._setupAnims();
+ }else{
+ this._showSize = tmp[(this._isHorizontal ? "h" : "w")];
+ this._showing = false;
+ this._hideWrapper();
+ this._hideAnim.gotoPercent(89,true);
+ }
+ },
+ _setupAnims:function(){
+ // summary: create the show and hide animations
+ dojo.forEach(this._animConnects,dojo.disconnect);
+ var _common = {
+ node:this.domNode,
+ duration:this.duration
+ };
+ var isHorizontal = this._isHorizontal;
+ var showProps = {};
+ var hideProps = {};
+ var dimension = isHorizontal ? "height" : "width";
+ showProps[dimension] = {
+ end: this._showSize,
+ unit:"px"
+ };
+ hideProps[dimension] = {
+ end: this._closedSize,
+ unit:"px"
+ };
+ this._showAnim = dojo.animateProperty(dojo.mixin(_common,{
+ easing:this.easeIn,
+ properties: showProps
+ }));
+ this._hideAnim = dojo.animateProperty(dojo.mixin(_common,{
+ easing:this.easeOut,
+ properties: hideProps
+ }));
+ this._animConnects = [
+ dojo.connect(this._showAnim,"onEnd",this,"_showEnd"),
+ dojo.connect(this._hideAnim,"onEnd",this,"_hideEnd")
+ ];
+ },
+ toggle:function(e){
+ // summary: toggle this pane's visibility
+ if(this._showing){
+ this._hideWrapper();
+ if(this._showAnim && this._showAnim.stop()){}
+ this._hideAnim.play();
+ }else{
+ if(this._hideAnim && this._hideAnim.stop()){}
+ this._showAnim.play();
+ }
+ this._showing = !this._showing;
+ },
+ _hideWrapper:function(){
+ dojo.style(this.cwrapper,{
+ "visibility":"hidden",
+ "opacity":"0",
+ "overflow":"hidden"
+ });
+ },
+ _showEnd: function(){
+ // summary: common animation onEnd code
+ dojo.style(this.cwrapper,{ "opacity":"0", "visibility":"visible" });
+ dojo.fadeIn({ node:this.cwrapper, duration:227 }).play(1);
+ dojo.removeClass(this.domNode,"dojoxExpandoClosed");
+ setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this._container, "layout"), 15);
+ },
+ _hideEnd: function(){
+ dojo.addClass(this.domNode,"dojoxExpandoClosed");
+ setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this._container, "layout"), 15);
+ },
+ resize: function(){
+ // summary: we aren't a layout widget, but need to act like one:
+ var size = dojo.marginBox(this.domNode);
+ // FIXME: do i even need to do this query/forEach? why not just set the containerHeight always
+ dojo.query("[attachParent]",this.domNode).forEach(function(n){
+ if(dijit.byNode(n)){
+ var h = size.h - this._titleHeight;
+ dojo.style(this.containerNode,"height", h +"px");
+ }
+ },this);
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ },
+ _trap: function(e){
+ dojo.stopEvent(e);
+ }