path: root/includes/js/dojox/grid/_grid/focus.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/grid/_grid/focus.js')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/grid/_grid/focus.js b/includes/js/dojox/grid/_grid/focus.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8761042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/grid/_grid/focus.js
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.grid._grid.focus"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.grid._grid.focus"] = true;
+// focus management
+dojo.declare("dojox.grid.focus", null, {
+ // summary:
+ // Controls grid cell focus. Owned by grid and used internally for focusing.
+ // Note: grid cell actually receives keyboard input only when cell is being edited.
+ constructor: function(inGrid){
+ this.grid = inGrid;
+ this.cell = null;
+ this.rowIndex = -1;
+ dojo.connect(this.grid.domNode, "onfocus", this, "doFocus");
+ },
+ tabbingOut: false,
+ focusClass: "dojoxGrid-cell-focus",
+ focusView: null,
+ initFocusView: function(){
+ this.focusView = this.grid.views.getFirstScrollingView();
+ },
+ isFocusCell: function(inCell, inRowIndex){
+ // summary:
+ // states if the given cell is focused
+ // inCell: object
+ // grid cell object
+ // inRowIndex: int
+ // grid row index
+ // returns:
+ // true of the given grid cell is focused
+ return (this.cell == inCell) && (this.rowIndex == inRowIndex);
+ },
+ isLastFocusCell: function(){
+ return (this.rowIndex == this.grid.rowCount-1) && (this.cell.index == this.grid.layout.cellCount-1);
+ },
+ isFirstFocusCell: function(){
+ return (this.rowIndex == 0) && (this.cell.index == 0);
+ },
+ isNoFocusCell: function(){
+ return (this.rowIndex < 0) || !this.cell;
+ },
+ _focusifyCellNode: function(inBork){
+ var n = this.cell && this.cell.getNode(this.rowIndex);
+ if(n){
+ dojo.toggleClass(n, this.focusClass, inBork);
+ if (inBork){
+ this.scrollIntoView();
+ try{
+ if(!this.grid.edit.isEditing())
+ dojox.grid.fire(n, "focus");
+ }catch(e){}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ scrollIntoView: function() {
+ if(!this.cell){
+ return;
+ }
+ var
+ c = this.cell,
+ s = c.view.scrollboxNode,
+ sr = {
+ w: s.clientWidth,
+ l: s.scrollLeft,
+ t: s.scrollTop,
+ h: s.clientHeight
+ },
+ n = c.getNode(this.rowIndex),
+ r = c.view.getRowNode(this.rowIndex),
+ rt = this.grid.scroller.findScrollTop(this.rowIndex);
+ // place cell within horizontal view
+ if(n.offsetLeft + n.offsetWidth > sr.l + sr.w){
+ s.scrollLeft = n.offsetLeft + n.offsetWidth - sr.w;
+ }else if(n.offsetLeft < sr.l){
+ s.scrollLeft = n.offsetLeft;
+ }
+ // place cell within vertical view
+ if(rt + r.offsetHeight > sr.t + sr.h){
+ this.grid.setScrollTop(rt + r.offsetHeight - sr.h);
+ }else if(rt < sr.t){
+ this.grid.setScrollTop(rt);
+ }
+ },
+ styleRow: function(inRow){
+ return;
+ },
+ setFocusIndex: function(inRowIndex, inCellIndex){
+ // summary:
+ // focuses the given grid cell
+ // inRowIndex: int
+ // grid row index
+ // inCellIndex: int
+ // grid cell index
+ this.setFocusCell(this.grid.getCell(inCellIndex), inRowIndex);
+ },
+ setFocusCell: function(inCell, inRowIndex){
+ // summary:
+ // focuses the given grid cell
+ // inCell: object
+ // grid cell object
+ // inRowIndex: int
+ // grid row index
+ if(inCell && !this.isFocusCell(inCell, inRowIndex)){
+ this.tabbingOut = false;
+ this.focusGridView();
+ this._focusifyCellNode(false);
+ this.cell = inCell;
+ this.rowIndex = inRowIndex;
+ this._focusifyCellNode(true);
+ }
+ // even if this cell isFocusCell, the document focus may need to be rejiggered
+ // call opera on delay to prevent keypress from altering focus
+ if(dojo.isOpera){
+ setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this.grid, 'onCellFocus', this.cell, this.rowIndex), 1);
+ }else{
+ this.grid.onCellFocus(this.cell, this.rowIndex);
+ }
+ },
+ next: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // focus next grid cell
+ var row=this.rowIndex, col=this.cell.index+1, cc=this.grid.layout.cellCount-1, rc=this.grid.rowCount-1;
+ if(col > cc){
+ col = 0;
+ row++;
+ }
+ if(row > rc){
+ col = cc;
+ row = rc;
+ }
+ this.setFocusIndex(row, col);
+ },
+ previous: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // focus previous grid cell
+ var row=(this.rowIndex || 0), col=(this.cell.index || 0) - 1;
+ if(col < 0){
+ col = this.grid.layout.cellCount-1;
+ row--;
+ }
+ if(row < 0){
+ row = 0;
+ col = 0;
+ }
+ this.setFocusIndex(row, col);
+ },
+ move: function(inRowDelta, inColDelta) {
+ // summary:
+ // focus grid cell based on position relative to current focus
+ // inRowDelta: int
+ // vertical distance from current focus
+ // inColDelta: int
+ // horizontal distance from current focus
+ var
+ rc = this.grid.rowCount-1,
+ cc = this.grid.layout.cellCount-1,
+ r = this.rowIndex,
+ i = this.cell.index,
+ row = Math.min(rc, Math.max(0, r+inRowDelta)),
+ col = Math.min(cc, Math.max(0, i+inColDelta));
+ this.setFocusIndex(row, col);
+ if(inRowDelta){
+ this.grid.updateRow(r);
+ }
+ },
+ previousKey: function(e){
+ if(this.isFirstFocusCell()){
+ this.tabOut(this.grid.domNode);
+ }else{
+ dojo.stopEvent(e);
+ this.previous();
+ }
+ },
+ nextKey: function(e) {
+ if(this.isLastFocusCell()){
+ this.tabOut(this.grid.lastFocusNode);
+ }else{
+ dojo.stopEvent(e);
+ this.next();
+ }
+ },
+ tabOut: function(inFocusNode){
+ this.tabbingOut = true;
+ inFocusNode.focus();
+ },
+ focusGridView: function(){
+ dojox.grid.fire(this.focusView, "focus");
+ },
+ focusGrid: function(inSkipFocusCell){
+ this.focusGridView();
+ this._focusifyCellNode(true);
+ },
+ doFocus: function(e){
+ // trap focus only for grid dom node
+ if(e && e.target != e.currentTarget){
+ return;
+ }
+ // do not focus for scrolling if grid is about to blur
+ if(!this.tabbingOut && this.isNoFocusCell()){
+ // establish our virtual-focus, if necessary
+ this.setFocusIndex(0, 0);
+ }
+ this.tabbingOut = false;
+ }