path: root/includes/js/dojox/fx/easing.js
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diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/fx/easing.js b/includes/js/dojox/fx/easing.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 444a8e9..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/fx/easing.js
+++ /dev/null
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-if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.fx.easing"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dojox.fx.easing"] = true;
- dojox.fx.easing is in this little file so you don't need dojox.fx to utilize this.
- dojox.fx has a lot of fun animations, but this module is optimized for size ...
-dojox.fx.easing = {
- // summary: Collection of easing functions to use beyond the default dojo._defaultEasing
- //
- // description:
- // Easing functions are used to manipulate the iteration through
- // an _Animation's _Line. _Line being the properties of an Animation,
- // and the easing function progresses through that Line determing
- // how quickly (or slowly) it should go. Or more accurately: modify
- // the value of the _Line based on the percentage of animation completed.
- //
- // example:
- // | dojo.require("dojox.fx.easing");
- // | var anim = dojo.fadeOut({
- // | node: 'node',
- // | duration: 2000,
- // | easing: dojox.fx.easing.quadIn
- // | }).play();
- //
- linear: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- // summary: A linear easing function
- return n;
- },
- quadIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return Math.pow(n, 2);
- },
- quadOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return n * (n-2) * -1;
- },
- quadInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- n=n*2;
- if(n<1){ return Math.pow(n, 2) / 2; }
- return -1 * ((--n)*(n-2) - 1) / 2;
- },
- cubicIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return Math.pow(n, 3);
- },
- cubicOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return Math.pow(n-1, 3) + 1;
- },
- cubicInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- n=n*2;
- if(n<1){ return Math.pow(n, 3) / 2; }
- n-=2;
- return (Math.pow(n, 3) + 2) / 2;
- },
- quartIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return Math.pow(n, 4);
- },
- quartOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return -1 * (Math.pow(n-1, 4) - 1);
- },
- quartInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- n=n*2;
- if(n<1){ return Math.pow(n, 4) / 2; }
- n-=2;
- return -1/2 * (Math.pow(n, 4) - 2);
- },
- quintIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return Math.pow(n, 5);
- },
- quintOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return Math.pow(n-1, 5) + 1;
- },
- quintInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- n=n*2;
- if(n<1){ return Math.pow(n, 5) / 2; };
- n-=2;
- return (Math.pow(n, 5) + 2) / 2;
- },
- sineIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return -1 * Math.cos(n * (Math.PI/2)) + 1;
- },
- sineOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return Math.sin(n * (Math.PI/2));
- },
- sineInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return -1 * (Math.cos(Math.PI*n) - 1) / 2;
- },
- expoIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return (n==0) ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (n - 1));
- },
- expoOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return (n==1) ? 1 : (-1 * Math.pow(2, -10 * n) + 1);
- },
- expoInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- if(n==0){ return 0; }
- if(n==1){ return 1; }
- n = n*2;
- if(n<1){ return Math.pow(2, 10 * (n-1)) / 2; }
- --n;
- return (-1 * Math.pow(2, -10 * n) + 2) / 2;
- },
- circIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- return -1 * (Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(n, 2)) - 1);
- },
- circOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- n = n-1;
- return Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(n, 2));
- },
- circInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- n = n*2;
- if(n<1){ return -1/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(n, 2)) - 1); }
- n-=2;
- return 1/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(n, 2)) + 1);
- },
- backIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- var s = 1.70158;
- return Math.pow(n, 2) * ((s+1)*n - s);
- },
- backOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- // summary: an easing function that pops past the range briefly, and
- // slowly comes back.
- n = n - 1;
- var s = 1.70158;
- return Math.pow(n, 2) * ((s + 1) * n + s) + 1;
- },
- backInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- var s = 1.70158 * 1.525;
- n = n*2;
- if(n < 1){ return (Math.pow(n, 2)*((s+1)*n - s))/2; }
- n-=2;
- return (Math.pow(n, 2)*((s+1)*n + s) + 2)/2;
- },
- elasticIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- if(n==0){ return 0; }
- if(n==1){ return 1; }
- var p = .3;
- var s = p/4;
- n = n - 1;
- return -1 * Math.pow(2,10*n) * Math.sin((n-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p);
- },
- elasticOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- // summary: An easing function that elasticly snaps around the target value, near the end of the Animation
- if(n==0) return 0;
- if(n==1) return 1;
- var p = .3;
- var s = p/4;
- return Math.pow(2,-10*n) * Math.sin((n-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p) + 1;
- },
- elasticInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- // summary: An easing function that elasticly snaps around the value, near the beginning and end of the Animation
- if(n==0) return 0;
- n = n*2;
- if(n==2) return 1;
- var p = .3*1.5;
- var s = p/4;
- if(n<1){
- n-=1;
- return -.5*(Math.pow(2,10*n) * Math.sin((n-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p));
- }
- n-=1;
- return .5*(Math.pow(2,-10*n) * Math.sin((n-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p)) + 1;
- },
- bounceIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- // summary: An easing function that "bounces" near the beginning of an Animation
- return (1 - dojox.fx.easing.bounceOut(1-n)); // Decimal
- },
- bounceOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- // summary: An easing function that "bounces" near the end of an Animation
- var s=7.5625;
- var p=2.75;
- var l;
- if(n < (1 / p)){
- l = s*Math.pow(n, 2);
- }else if(n < (2 / p)){
- n -= (1.5 / p);
- l = s * Math.pow(n, 2) + .75;
- }else if(n < (2.5 / p)){
- n -= (2.25 / p);
- l = s * Math.pow(n, 2) + .9375;
- }else{
- n -= (2.625 / p);
- l = s * Math.pow(n, 2) + .984375;
- }
- return l;
- },
- bounceInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
- // summary: An easing function that "bounces" at the beginning and end of the Animation
- if(n<0.5){ return dojox.fx.easing.bounceIn(n*2) / 2; }
- return (dojox.fx.easing.bounceOut(n*2-1) / 2) + 0.5; // Decimal
- }