path: root/includes/js/dojox/color
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Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/color')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1288 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/color/Colorspace.js b/includes/js/dojox/color/Colorspace.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b40b06d..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/color/Colorspace.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.Colorspace"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.Colorspace"] = true;
-dojox.color.Colorspace=new (function(){
- var dxc=dojox.color;
- var dxm=dojox.math.matrix;
- var self=this;
- var wpMap={
- "2":{
- "E": { x:1/3, y:1/3, t:5400 },
- "D50": { x:0.34567, y:0.3585, t:5000 },
- "D55": { x:0.33242, y:0.34743, t:5500 },
- "D65": { x:0.31271, y:0.32902, t:6500 },
- "D75": { x:0.29902, y:0.31485, t:7500 },
- "A": { x:0.44757, y:0.40745, t:2856 },
- "B": { x:0.34842, y:0.35161, t:4874 },
- "C": { x:0.31006, y:0.31616, t:6774 },
- "9300": { x:0.2848, y:0.2932, t:9300 },
- "F2": { x:0.37207, y:0.37512, t:4200 },
- "F7": { x:0.31285, y:0.32918, t:6500 },
- "F11": { x:0.38054, y:0.37691, t:4000 }
- },
- "10":{
- "E": { x:1/3, y:1/3, t:5400 },
- "D50": { x:0.34773, y:0.35952, t:5000 },
- "D55": { x:0.33411, y:0.34877, t:5500 },
- "D65": { x:0.31382, y:0.331, t:6500 },
- "D75": { x:0.29968, y:0.3174, t:7500 },
- "A": { x:0.45117, y:0.40594, t:2856 },
- "B": { x:0.3498, y:0.3527, t:4874 },
- "C": { x:0.31039, y:0.31905, t:6774 },
- "F2": { x:0.37928, y:0.36723, t:4200 },
- "F7": { x:0.31565, y:0.32951, t:6500 },
- "F11": { x:0.38543, y:0.3711, t:4000 }
- }
- };
- var profiles={
- "Adobe RGB 98":[2.2, "D65", 0.64, 0.33, 0.297361, 0.21, 0.71, 0.627355, 0.15, 0.06, 0.075285],
- "Apple RGB":[1.8, "D65", 0.625, 0.34, 0.244634, 0.28, 0.595, 0.672034, 0.155, 0.07, 0.083332],
- "Best RGB":[2.2, "D50", 0.7347, 0.2653, 0.228457, 0.215, 0.775, 0.737352, 0.13, 0.035, 0.034191],
- "Beta RGB":[2.2, "D50", 0.6888, 0.3112, 0.303273, 0.1986, 0.7551, 0.663786, 0.1265, 0.0352, 0.032941],
- "Bruce RGB":[2.2, "D65", 0.64, 0.33, 0.240995, 0.28, 0.65, 0.683554, 0.15, 0.06, 0.075452],
- "CIE RGB":[2.2, "E", 0.735, 0.265, 0.176204, 0.274, 0.717, 0.812985, 0.167, 0.009, 0.010811],
- "ColorMatch RGB":[1.8, "D50", 0.63, 0.34, 0.274884, 0.295, 0.605, 0.658132, 0.15, 0.075, 0.066985],
- "DON RGB 4":[2.2, "D50", 0.696, 0.3, 0.27835, 0.215, 0.765, 0.68797, 0.13, 0.035, 0.03368],
- "ECI RGB":[1.8, "D50", 0.67, 0.33, 0.32025, 0.21, 0.71, 0.602071, 0.14, 0.08, 0.077679],
- "EktaSpace PS5":[2.2, "D50", 0.695, 0.305, 0.260629, 0.26, 0.7, 0.734946, 0.11, 0.005, 0.004425],
- "NTSC RGB":[2.2, "C", 0.67, 0.33, 0.298839, 0.21, 0.71, 0.586811, 0.14, 0.08, 0.11435],
- "PAL/SECAM RGB":[2.2, "D65", 0.64, 0.33, 0.222021, 0.29, 0.6, 0.706645, 0.15, 0.06, 0.071334],
- "Pro Photo RGB":[1.8, "D50", 0.7347, 0.2653, 0.28804, 0.1596, 0.8404, 0.711874, 0.0366, 0.0001, 0.000086],
- "SMPTE/C RGB":[2.2, "D65", 0.63, 0.34, 0.212395, 0.31, 0.595, 0.701049, 0.155, 0.07, 0.086556],
- "sRGB":[2.2, "D65", 0.64, 0.33, 0.212656, 0.3, 0.6, 0.715158, 0.15, 0.06, 0.072186],
- "Wide Gamut RGB":[2.2, "D50", 0.735, 0.265, 0.258187, 0.115, 0.826, 0.724938, 0.157, 0.018, 0.016875]
- };
- var adaptors={
- "XYZ scaling":{
- ma: [[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]],
- mai: [[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]]
- },
- "Bradford":{
- ma: [[0.8951, -0.7502, 0.0389], [0.2664, 1.7135, -0.0685], [-0.1614, 0.0367, 1.0296]],
- mai: [[0.986993, 0.432305, -0.008529], [-0.147054, 0.51836, 0.040043], [0.159963, 0.049291, 0.968487]]
- },
- "Von Kries":{
- ma: [[0.40024, -0.2263, 0], [0.7076, 1.16532, 0], [-0.08081, 0.0457, 0.91822]],
- mai: [[1.859936, 0.361191, 0], [-1.129382, 0.638812, 0], [0.219897, -0.000006, 1.089064]]
- }
- };
- var cMaps={
- "XYZ":{
- "xyY":function(xyz, kwArgs){
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- whitepoint:"D65",
- observer:"10",
- useApproximation:true
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var wp=self.whitepoint(kwArgs.whitepoint, kwArgs.observer);
- var sum=xyz.X+xyz.Y+xyz.Z;
- if(sum==0){ var x=wp.x, y=wp.y; }
- else{ var x=xyz.X/sum, y=xyz.Y/sum; }
- return { x:x, y:y, Y:xyz.Y };
- },
- "Lab":function(xyz, kwArgs){
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- whitepoint:"D65",
- observer:"10",
- useApproximation:true
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var kappa=self.kappa(kwArgs.useApproximation), epsilon=self.epsilon(kwArgs.useApproximation);
- var wp=self.whitepoint(kwArgs.whitepoint, kwArgs.observer);
- var xr=xyz.X/wp.x, yr=xyz.Y/wp.y, zr=xyz.z/wp.z;
- var fx=(xr>epsilon)?Math.pow(xr,1/3):(kappa*xr+16)/116;
- var fy=(yr>epsilon)?Math.pow(yr,1/3):(kappa*yr+16)/116;
- var fz=(zr>epsilon)?Math.pow(zr,1/3):(kappa*zr+16)/116;
- var L=116*fy-16, a=500*(fx-fy), b=200*(fy-fz);
- return { L:L, a:a, b:b };
- },
- "Luv": function(xyz, kwArgs){
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- whitepoint:"D65",
- observer:"10",
- useApproximation:true
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var kappa=self.kappa(kwArgs.useApproximation), epsilon=self.epsilon(kwArgs.useApproximation);
- var wp=self.whitepoint(kwArgs.whitepoint, kwArgs.observer);
- var ud=(4*xyz.X)/(xyz.X+15*xyz.Y+3*xyz.Z);
- var vd=(9*xyz.Y)/(xyz.X+15*xyz.Y+3*xyz.Z);
- var udr=(4*wp.x)/(wp.x+15*wp.y+3*wp.z);
- var vdr=(9*wp.y)/(wp.x+15*wp.y+3*wp.z);
- var yr=xyz.Y/wp.y;
- var L=(yr>epsilon)?116*Math.pow(yr, 1/3)-16:kappa*yr;
- var u=13*L*(ud-udr);
- var v=13*L*(vd-vdr);
- return { L:L, u:u, v:v };
- }
- },
- "xyY":{
- "XYZ":function(xyY){
- if(xyY.y==0){ var X=0, Y=0, Z=0; }
- else{
- var X=(xyY.x*xyY.Y)/xyY.y;
- var Y=xyY.Y;
- var Z=((1-xyY.x-xyY.y)*xyY.Y)/xyY.y;
- }
- return { X:X, Y:Y, Z:Z };
- }
- },
- "Lab":{
- "XYZ": function(lab, kwArgs){
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- whitepoint:"D65",
- observer:"10",
- useApproximation:true
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var b=kwArgs.useApproximation, kappa=self.kappa(b), epsilon=self.epsilon(b);
- var wp=self.whitepoint(kwArgs.whitepoint, kwArgs.observer);
- var yr=(lab.L>(kappa*epsilon))?Math.pow((lab.L+16)/116, 3):lab.L/kappa;
- var fy=(yr>epsilon)?(lab.L+16)/116:(kappa*yr+16)/116;
- var fx=(lab.a/500)+fy;
- var fz=fy-(lab.b/200);
- var fxcube=Math.pow(fx, 3), fzcube=Math.pow(fz, 3);
- var xr=(fxcube>epsilon)?fxcube:(116*fx-16)/kappa;
- var zr=(fzcube>epsilon)?fzcube:(116*fz-16)/kappa;
- return { X: xr*wp.x, Y: yr*wp.y, Z: zr*wp.z };
- },
- "LCHab": function(lab){
- var L=lab.L, C=Math.pow(lab.a*lab.a+lab.b*lab.b, 0.5), H=Math.atan(lab.b, lab.a)*(180/Math.PI);
- if(H<0){ H+=360; }
- if(H<360){ H-=360; }
- return { L:L, C:C, H:H };
- }
- },
- "LCHab":{
- "Lab":function(lch){
- var hRad=lch.H*(Math.PI/180), L=lch.L, a=lch.C/Math.pow(Math.pow(Math.tan(hRad),2)+1, 0.5);
- if(90<lchH && lch.H<270){ a = -a; }
- var b=Math.pow(Math.pow(lch.C,2)-Math.pow(a, 2), 0.5);
- if(lch.H>180){ b = -b; }
- return { L: L, a:a, b:b };
- }
- },
- "Luv":{
- "XYZ": function(Luv, kwArgs){
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- whitepoint:"D65",
- observer:"10",
- useApproximation:true
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var b=kwArgs.useApproximation, kappa=self.kappa(b), epsilon=self.epsilon(b);
- var wp=self.whitepoint(kwArgs.whitepoint, kwArgs.observer);
- var uz=(4*wp.x)/(wp.x+15*wp.y+3*wp.z);
- var vz=(9*wp.y)/(wp.x+15*wp.y+3*wp.z);
- var Y=(Luv.L>kappa*epsilon)?Math.pow((Luv.L+16)/116, 3):Luv.L/kappa;
- var a=(1/3)*(((52*Luv.L)/(Luv.u+13*Luv.L*uz))-1);
- var b=-5*Y, c=-(1/3), d=Y*(((39*Luv.L)/(Luv.v+13*Luv.L*vz))-5);
- var X=(d-b)/(a-c), Z=X*a+b;
- return { X:X, Y:Y, Z:Z };
- },
- "LCHuv": function(Luv){
- var L=Luv.L, C=Math.pow(Luv.u*Luv.u+Luv.v*Luv*v, 0.5), H=Math.atan(Luv.v, Luv.u)*(180/Math.PI);
- if(H<0){ H+=360; }
- if(H>360){ H-=360; }
- return { L:L, C:C, H:H };
- }
- },
- "LCHuv":{
- "Luv": function(LCH){
- var hRad=LCH.H*(Math.PI/180);
- var L=LCH.L, u=LCH.C/Math.pow(Math.pow(Math.tan(hRad),2)+1, 0.5);
- var v=Math.pow(LCH.C*LCH.C-u*u, 0.5);
- if(90<LCH.H && LCH.H>270){ u*=-1; }
- if(LCH.H>180){ v*=-1; }
- return { L:L, u:u, v:v };
- }
- }
- };
- var converters={
- "CMY":{
- "CMYK":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromCmy(obj).toCmyk(); },
- "HSL":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromCmy(obj).toHsl(); },
- "HSV":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromCmy(obj).toHsv(); },
- "Lab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](dxc.fromCmy(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); },
- "LCHab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["LCHab"](converters["CMY"]["Lab"](obj)); },
- "LCHuv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](dxc.fromCmy(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs))); },
- "Luv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](dxc.fromCmy(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); },
- "RGB":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromCmy(obj); },
- "XYZ":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromCmy(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs); },
- "xyY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["xyY"](dxc.fromCmy(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); }
- },
- "CMYK":{
- "CMY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromCmyk(obj).toCmy(); },
- "HSL":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromCmyk(obj).toHsl(); },
- "HSV":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromCmyk(obj).toHsv(); },
- "Lab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](dxc.fromCmyk(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); },
- "LCHab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["LCHab"](converters["CMYK"]["Lab"](obj)); },
- "LCHuv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](dxc.fromCmyk(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs))); },
- "Luv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](dxc.fromCmyk(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); },
- "RGB":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromCmyk(obj); },
- "XYZ":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromCmyk(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs); },
- "xyY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["xyY"](dxc.fromCmyk(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); }
- },
- "HSL":{
- "CMY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromHsl(obj).toCmy(); },
- "CMYK":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromHsl(obj).toCmyk(); },
- "HSV":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromHsl(obj).toHsv(); },
- "Lab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](dxc.fromHsl(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); },
- "LCHab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["LCHab"](converters["CMYK"]["Lab"](obj)); },
- "LCHuv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](dxc.fromHsl(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs))); },
- "Luv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](dxc.fromHsl(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); },
- "RGB":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromHsl(obj); },
- "XYZ":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromHsl(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs); },
- "xyY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["xyY"](dxc.fromHsl(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); }
- },
- "HSV":{
- "CMY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromHsv(obj).toCmy(); },
- "CMYK":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromHsv(obj).toCmyk(); },
- "HSL":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromHsv(obj).toHsl(); },
- "Lab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](dxc.fromHsv(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); },
- "LCHab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["LCHab"](converters["CMYK"]["Lab"](obj)); },
- "LCHuv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](dxc.fromHsv(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs))); },
- "Luv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](dxc.fromHsv(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); },
- "RGB":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromHsv(obj); },
- "XYZ":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromHsv(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs); },
- "xyY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["xyY"](dxc.fromHsv(obj).toXYZ(kwArgs)); }
- },
- "Lab":{
- "CMY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs)).toCmy(); },
- "CMYK":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs)).toCmyk(); },
- "HSL":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs)).toHsl(); },
- "HSV":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs)).toHsv(); },
- "LCHab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["LCHab"](obj, kwArgs); },
- "LCHuv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Luv"]["LCHuv"](cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "Luv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Luv"](cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "RGB":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs)); },
- "XYZ":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs); },
- "xyY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["xyY"](cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); }
- },
- "LCHab":{
- "CMY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHab"]["Lab"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs).toCmy(); },
- "CMYK":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHab"]["Lab"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs).toCmyk(); },
- "HSL":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHab"]["Lab"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs).toHsl(); },
- "HSV":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHab"]["Lab"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs).toHsv(); },
- "Lab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["LCHab"](obj, kwArgs); },
- "LCHuv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Luv"]["LCHuv"](cMaps["XYZ"]["Luv"](cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHab"]["Lab"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs), kwArgs);},
- "Luv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Luv"](cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHab"]["Lab"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs);},
- "RGB":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHab"]["Lab"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "XYZ":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHab"]["Lab"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "xyY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["xyY"](cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHab"]["Lab"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs); }
- },
- "LCHuv":{
- "CMY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs).toCmy(); },
- "CMYK":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs).toCmyk(); },
- "HSL":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs).toHsl(); },
- "HSV":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs).toHsv(); },
- "Lab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "LCHab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["LCHab"](cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "Luv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](obj, kwArgs); },
- "RGB":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "XYZ":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](obj), kwArgs); },
- "xyY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["xyY"](cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](obj), kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- },
- "Luv":{
- "CMY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs).toCmy(); },
- "CMYK":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs).toCmyk(); },
- "HSL":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs).toHsl(); },
- "HSV":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs).toHsv(); },
- "Lab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "LCHab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["LCHab"](cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "LCHuv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Luv"]["LCHuv"](obj, kwArgs); },
- "RGB":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "XYZ":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs); },
- "xyY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["xyY"](cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- },
- "RGB":{
- "CMY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return obj.toCmy(); },
- "CMYK":function(obj, kwArgs){ return obj.toCmyk(); },
- "HSL":function(obj, kwArgs){ return obj.toHsl(); },
- "HSV":function(obj, kwArgs){ return obj.toHsv(); },
- "Lab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](obj.toXYZ(kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "LCHab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["LCHab"]["Lab"](cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](obj.toXYZ(kwArgs), kwArgs), kwArgs);},
- "LCHuv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](cMaps["XYZ"]["Luv"](obj.toXYZ(kwArgs), kwArgs), kwArgs);},
- "Luv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Luv"](obj.toXYZ(kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "XYZ":function(obj, kwArgs){ return obj.toXYZ(kwArgs); },
- "xyY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["xyY"](obj.toXYZ(kwArgs), kwArgs); }
- },
- "XYZ":{
- "CMY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(obj, kwArgs).toCmy(); },
- "CMYK":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(obj, kwArgs).toCmyk(); },
- "HSL":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(obj, kwArgs).toHsl(); },
- "HSV":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(obj, kwArgs).toHsv(); },
- "Lab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](obj, kwArgs); },
- "LCHab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["LCHab"](cMaps["XYZ"]["Lab"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "LCHuv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Luv"]["LCHuv"](cMaps["XYZ"]["Luv"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "Luv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["Luv"](obj, kwArgs); },
- "RGB":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(obj, kwArgs); },
- "xyY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["XYZ"]["xyY"](dxc.fromXYZ(obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); }
- },
- // TODO: revisit this. xyY represents a single color, not a spectrum of colors.
- "xyY":{
- "CMY":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["xyY"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs).toCmy(); },
- "CMYK":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["xyY"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs).toCmyk(); },
- "HSL":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["xyY"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs).toHsl(); },
- "HSV":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["xyY"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs).toHsv(); },
- "Lab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](cMaps["xyY"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "LCHab":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["LCHab"]["Lab"](cMaps["Lab"]["XYZ"](cMaps["xyY"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "LCHuv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["LCHuv"]["Luv"](cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](cMaps["xyY"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "Luv":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["Luv"]["XYZ"](cMaps["xyY"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "RGB":function(obj, kwArgs){ return dxc.fromXYZ(cMaps["xyY"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs), kwArgs); },
- "XYZ":function(obj, kwArgs){ return cMaps["xyY"]["XYZ"](obj, kwArgs); }
- }
- };
- this.whitepoint=function(/* String */wpName, /* String? */observer){
- observer=observer||"10";
- var x=0, y=0, t=0;
- if(wpMap[observer] && wpMap[observer][wpName]){
- x=wpMap[observer][wpName].x;
- y=wpMap[observer][wpName].y;
- t=wpMap[observer][wpName].t;
- } else {
- console.warn(
- "dojox.color.Colorspace::whitepoint: either the observer or the whitepoint name was not found. ",
- observer, wpName
- );
- }
- var wp={ x:x, y:y, z:(1-x-y), t:t, Y:1 };
- return this.convert(wp, "xyY", "XYZ");
- };
- this.tempToWhitepoint=function(/* Number */t){
- if(t<4000){
- console.warn("dojox.color.Colorspace::tempToWhitepoint: can't find a white point for temperatures less than 4000K. (Passed ", t, ").");
- return { x:0, y:0 };
- }
- if(t>25000){
- console.warn("dojox.color.Colorspace::tempToWhitepoint: can't find a white point for temperatures greater than 25000K. (Passed ", t, ").");
- return { x:0, y:0 };
- }
- var t1=t, t2=t*t, t3=t2*t;
- var ten9=Math.pow(10, 9), ten6=Math.pow(10, 6), ten3=Math.pow(10,3);
- if(t<=7000){
- var x=(-4.607*ten9/t3)+(2.9678*ten6/t2)+(0.09911*ten3/t)+0.2444063;
- } else {
- var x=(-2.0064*ten9/t3)+(1.9018*ten6/t2)+(0.24748*ten3/t)+0.23704;
- }
- var y=-3*x*x+2.87*x-0.275;
- return { x:x, y:y };
- };
- this.primaries=function(/* Object */kwArgs){
- // mix in the defaults.
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- profile:"sRGB",
- whitepoint:"D65",
- observer:"10",
- adaptor:"Bradford"
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var m=[];
- if(profiles[kwArgs.profile]){
- m=profiles[kwArgs.profile].slice(0);
- } else {
- console.warn(
- "dojox.color.Colorspace::primaries: the passed profile was not found. ",
- "Available profiles include: ", profiles,
- ". The profile passed was ", kwArgs.profile
- );
- }
- var primary={
- name:kwArgs.profile,
- gamma:m[0], whitepoint:m[1],
- xr:m[2], yr:m[3], Yr:m[4],
- xg:m[5], yg:m[6], Yg:m[7],
- xb:m[8], yb:m[9], Yb:m[10]
- };
- // convert for the whitepoint
- if(kwArgs.whitepoint!=primary.whitepoint){
- var r=this.convert(
- this.adapt({
- color:this.convert({ x:xr, y:yr, Y:Yr }, "xyY", "XYZ"),
- adaptor:kwArgs.adaptor,
- source:primary.whitepoint,
- destination:kwArgs.whitepoint
- }),
- "XYZ",
- "xyY"
- );
- var g=this.convert(
- this.adapt({
- color:this.convert({ x:xg, y:yg, Y:Yg }, "xyY", "XYZ"),
- adaptor:kwArgs.adaptor,
- source:primary.whitepoint,
- destination:kwArgs.whitepoint
- }),
- "XYZ",
- "xyY"
- );
- var b=this.convert(
- this.adapt({
- color:this.convert({ x:xb, y:yb, Y:Yb }, "xyY", "XYZ"),
- adaptor:kwArgs.adaptor,
- source:primary.whitepoint,
- destination:kwArgs.whitepoint
- }),
- "XYZ",
- "xyY"
- );
- primary=dojo.mixin(primary, {
- xr: r.x, yr: r.y, Yr: r.Y,
- xg: g.x, yg: g.y, Yg: g.Y,
- xb: b.x, yb: b.y, Yb: b.Y,
- whitepoint: kwArgs.whitepoint
- });
- }
- return dojo.mixin(primary, {
- zr: 1-primary.xr-primary.yr,
- zg: 1-primary.xg-primary.yg,
- zb: 1-primary.xb-primary.yb
- }); // Object
- };
- this.adapt=function(/* Object */kwArgs){
- // color is required in the form of XYZ, source whitepoint name is required.
- if(!kwArgs.color || !kwArgs.source){
- console.error("dojox.color.Colorspace::adapt: color and source arguments are required. ", kwArgs);
- }
- // defaults
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- adaptor:"Bradford",
- destination:"D65"
- }, kwArgs);
- // adapt
- var swp = this.whitepoint(kwArgs.source);
- var dwp = this.whitepoint(kwArgs.destination);
- if(adaptors[kwArgs.adaptor]){
- var ma=adaptors[kwArgs.adaptor].ma;
- var mai=adaptors[kwArgs.adaptor].mai;
- }else{
- console.warn("dojox.color.Colorspace::adapt: the passed adaptor '", kwArgs.adaptor, "' was not found.");
- }
- var dSrc=dxm.multiply([[swp.x, swp.y, swp.z]], ma);
- var dDest=dxm.multiply([[dwp.x, dwp.y, dwp.z]], ma);
- var center=[
- [dDest[0][0]/dSrc[0][0], 0, 0],
- [0, dDest[0][1]/dSrc[0][1], 0],
- [0, 0, dDest[0][2]/dSrc[0][2]]
- ];
- var m=dxm.multiply(dxm.multiply(ma, center), mai);
- var r=dxm.multiply([[ kwArgs.color.X, kwArgs.color.Y, kwArgs.color.Z ]], m)[0];
- return { X:r[0], Y:r[1], Z:r[2] };
- };
- this.matrix=function(/* String */to, /* Object */primary){
- var wp=this.whitepoint(primary.whitepoint);
- var Xr = p.xr/p.yr, Yr = 1, Zr = (1-p.xr-p.yr)/p.yr;
- var Xg = p.xg/p.yg, Yg = 1, Zg = (1-p.xg-p.yg)/p.yg;
- var Xb = p.xb/p.yb, Yb = 1, Zr = (1-p.xb-p.yb)/p.yb;
- var m1 = [[ Xr, Yr, Zr ], [ Xg, Yg, Zg ], [ Xb, Yb, Zb ]];
- var m2 = [[ wp.X, wp.Y, wp.Z ]];
- var sm = dojox.math.matrix.multiply(m2, dojox.math.matrix.inverse(m1));
- var Sr = sm[0][0], Sg = sm[0][1], Sb = sm[0][2];
- var result=[
- [Sr*Xr, Sr*Yr, Sr*Zr],
- [Sg*Xg, Sg*Yg, Sg*Zg],
- [Sb*Xb, Sb*Yb, Sb*Zb]
- ];
- if(to=="RGB"){ return dojox.math.inverse(result); }
- return result;
- };
- this.epsilon=function(/* bool? */useApprox){
- return (useApprox || typeof(useApprox)=="undefined")? 0.008856: 216/24289;
- };
- this.kappa=function(/* bool? */useApprox){
- return (useApprox || typeof(useApprox)=="undefined")? 903.3: 24389/27;
- };
- this.convert=function(/* Object */color, /* string */from, /* string */to, /* Object? */kwArgs){
- if(converters[from] && converters[from][to]){
- return converters[from][to](obj, kwArgs);
- }
- console.warn("dojox.color.Colorspace::convert: Can't convert ", color, " from ", from, " to ", to, ".");
- };
-// More dojox.color and dojox.color.Color extensions
-dojo.mixin(dojox.color, {
- fromXYZ: function(/* Object */xyz, /* Object?*/kwArgs){
- kwArgs=kwArgs||{};
- var p=dojox.color.Colorspace.primaries(kwArgs);
- var m=dojox.color.Colorspace.matrix("RGB", p);
- var rgb=dojox.math.matrix.mutliply([[ xyz.X, xyz.Y, xyz.Z ]], m);
- var r=rgb[0][0], g=rgb[0][1], b=rgb[0][2];
- if(p.profile=="sRGB"){
- var R = (r>0.0031308)?(1.055*Math.pow(r, 1/2.4))-0.055: 12.92*r;
- var G = (g>0.0031308)?(1.055*Math.pow(g, 1/2.4))-0.055: 12.92*g;
- var B = (b>0.0031308)?(1.055*Math.pow(b, 1/2.4))-0.055: 12.92*b;
- }else{
- var R=Math.pow(r, 1/p.gamma), G=Math.pow(g, 1/p.gamma), B=Math.pow(b, 1/p.gamma);
- }
- return new dojox.color.Color({ r:Math.floor(R*255), g:Math.floor(G*255), b:Math.floor(B*255) });
- }
-dojo.extend(dojox.color.Color, {
- toXYZ: function(/* Object */kwArgs){
- kwArgs=kwArgs||{};
- var p=dojox.color.Colorspace.primaries(kwArgs);
- var m=dojox.color.Colorspace.matrix("XYZ", p);
- var _r=this.r/255, _g=this.g/255, _b=this.b/255;
- if(p.profile=="sRGB"){
- var r=(_r>0.04045) ? Math.pow(((_r+0.055)/1.055), 2.4):_r/12.92;
- var g=(_g>0.04045) ? Math.pow(((_g+0.055)/1.055), 2.4):_g/12.92;
- var b=(_b>0.04045) ? Math.pow(((_b+0.055)/1.055), 2.4):_b/12.92;
- } else {
- var r=Math.pow(_r, p.gamma), g=Math.pow(_g, p.gamma), b=Math.pow(_b, p.gamma);
- }
- var xyz=dojox.math.matrix([[ r, g, b ]], m);
- return { X: xyz[0][0], Y: xyz[0][1], Z: xyz[0][2] }; // Object
- }
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/color/Generator.js b/includes/js/dojox/color/Generator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4baaf07..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/color/Generator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.Generator"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.Generator"] = true;
-dojox.color.Generator = new (function(){
- var dxc=dojox.color;
- // common helper functions
- var prep=function(obj){
- if(!obj){
- console.warn("dojox.color.Generator:: no base color was passed. ", obj);
- return null;
- }
- if(!obj.toHsv){
- // either a raw string or object, return a Color.
- obj=new dxc.Color(obj);
- }
- return obj;
- };
- var factors=function(n, high, low){
- var ret=[], i, step=(high-low)/n, cur=high;
- for(i=0; i<n; i++,cur-=step){ ret.push(cur); }
- return ret;
- };
- var fill=function(color, num, factors){
- var c=factors.length-1, a=[], r, g, b;
- for(var i=0; i<num; i++){
- if(i<factors.length){
- r=color.r+(255-color.r)*factors[i],
- g=color.g+(255-color.g)*factors[i],
- b=color.b+(255-color.b)*factors[i];
- a.push(new dxc.Color({ r:r, g:g, b:b }));
- }
- else if(i==factors.length){
- a.push(color);
- }
- else {
- if(c<0){ c=factors.length-1; } // just in case.
- r=color.r*(1-factors[c]),
- g=color.g*(1-factors[c]),
- b=color.b*(1-factors[c--]);
- a.push(new dxc.Color({ r:r, g:g, b:b }));
- }
- }
- return a;
- };
- var flatten=function(matrix, limit){
- var ret=[];
- for(var i=0; i<matrix[0].length; i++){
- for(var j=0; j<matrix.length; j++){
- ret.push(matrix[j][i]);
- }
- }
- return ret.slice(0, limit);
- };
- // the color generator
- this.analogous= function(/* Object */kwArgs){
- // summary
- // generates n colors based on a base color, based on a fixed hue angle delta
- // (relative to the base hue) with slight variations in saturation.
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- series:4, // number of analogous lines to generate
- num:32, // number of colors to derive
- angleHigh:30, // the angle of difference to use, subtracted
- angleLow:8, // the angle of difference to use, added
- high:0.5, // high part of range to generate tints and shades
- low:0.15 // low part of range to generate tints and shades
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "analogous");
- if(!base){ return []; }
- // let start the generation. We use series to move further away from the center.
- var num=kwArgs.num, hsv=base.toHsv();
- var rows=kwArgs.series+1, cols=Math.ceil(num/rows);
- var fs=factors(Math.floor(cols/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);
- // generate the angle differences
- var ang=[];
- var gen=Math.floor(kwArgs.series/2);
- for(var i=1; i<=gen; i++){
- var a=hsv.h+((kwArgs.angleLow*i)+1);
- if(a>=360){ a-=360; }
- ang.push(a);
- }
- ang.push(0);
- for(i=1; i<=gen; i++){
- a=hsv.h-(kwArgs.angleHigh*i);
- if(a<0){ a+=360; }
- ang.push(a);
- }
- var m=[], cur=0;
- for(i=0; i<rows; i++){
- m.push(fill(dxc.fromHsv({ h: ang[cur++], s:hsv.s, v:hsv.v }), cols, fs));
- }
- return flatten(m, num); // Array
- };
- this.monochromatic = function(/* Object */kwArgs){
- // summary
- // generates n colors based on a base color, using alterations to the RGB model only.
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- num:32, // number of colors to derive
- high:0.5, // high factor to generate tints and shades
- low:0.15 // low factor to generate tints and shades
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "monochromatic");
- if(!base){ return []; }
- var fs=factors(Math.floor(kwArgs.num/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);
- var a=fill(base, kwArgs.num, fs);
- return a; // Array
- };
- this.triadic = function(/* Object */kwArgs){
- // summary
- // generates n colors from a base color, using the triadic rules, rough
- // approximation from kuler.adobe.com.
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- num:32, // number of colors to derive
- high:0.5, // high factor to generate tints and shades
- low:0.15 // low factor to generate tints and shades
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "triadic");
- if(!base){ return []; }
- var num=kwArgs.num, rows=3, cols=Math.ceil(num/rows), fs=factors(Math.floor(cols/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);
- var m=[], hsv=base.toHsv();
- // hue calculations
- var h1=hsv.h+57, h2=hsv.h-157;
- if(h1>360){ h1-=360; }
- if(h2<0){ h2+=360; }
- // sat calculations
- var s1=(hsv.s>=20) ? hsv.s-10 : hsv.s+10;
- var s2=(hsv.s>=95) ? hsv.s-5 : hsv.s+5;
- // value calcs
- var v2=(hsv.v>=70) ? hsv.v-30 : hsv.v+30;
- m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:h1, s:s1, v:hsv.v }), cols, fs));
- m.push(fill(base, cols, fs));
- m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:h2, s:s2, v:v2 }), cols, fs));
- return flatten(m, num); // Array
- };
- this.complementary = function(/* Object */kwArgs){
- // summary
- // generates n colors from a base color, using complimentary rules.
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- num:32, // number of colors to derive
- high:0.5, // high factor to generate tints and shades
- low:0.15 // low factor to generate tints and shades
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "complimentary");
- if(!base){ return []; }
- var num=kwArgs.num, rows=2, cols=Math.ceil(num/rows), fs=factors(Math.floor(cols/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);
- var m=[], hsv=base.toHsv();
- var compliment=(hsv.h+120)%360;
- m.push(fill(base, cols, fs));
- m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:compliment, s:hsv.s, v:hsv.v }), cols, fs));
- return flatten(m, num); // Array
- };
- this.splitComplementary = function(/* Object */kwArgs){
- // summary
- // generates n colors from a base color, using split complimentary rules.
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- num:32, // number of colors to derive
- angle:30, // the angle of difference to use
- high:0.5, // high factor to generate tints and shades
- low:0.15 // low factor to generate tints and shades
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "splitComplementary");
- if(!base){ return []; }
- var num=kwArgs.num, rows=3, cols=Math.ceil(num/rows), fs=factors(Math.floor(cols/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);
- var m=[], hsv=base.toHsv();
- var compliment=(hsv.h+120)%360;
- var comp1=compliment-kwArgs.angle, comp2=(compliment+kwArgs.angle)%360;
- if(comp1<0){ comp1+=360; }
- m.push(fill(base, cols, fs));
- m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:comp1, s:hsv.s, v:hsv.v }), cols, fs));
- m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:comp2, s:hsv.s, v:hsv.v }), cols, fs));
- return flatten(m, num); // Array
- };
- this.compound = function(/* Object */kwArgs){
- // summary
- // generates n colors from a base color, using a *very* rough approximation
- // of the Compound rules at http://kuler.adobe.com
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- num:32, // number of colors to derive
- angle:30, // the angle of difference to use
- high:0.5, // high factor to generate tints and shades
- low:0.15 // low factor to generate tints and shades
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "compound");
- if(!base){ return []; }
- var num=kwArgs.num, rows=4, cols=Math.ceil(num/rows), fs=factors(Math.floor(cols/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);
- var m=[], hsv=base.toHsv();
- var comp=(hsv.h+120)%360; // other base angle.
- // hue calculations
- var h1=(hsv.h+kwArgs.angle)%360, h2=comp-kwArgs.angle, h3=comp-(kwArgs.angle/2);
- if(h2<0){ h2+=360; }
- if(h3<0){ h3+=360; }
- // saturation calculations
- var s1=(hsv.s>=90 && hsv.s<=100)? hsv.s-10 : hsv.s+10;
- var s2=(hsv.s<=35) ? hsv.s+25 : hsv.s-25;
- // value calculations
- var v1=hsv.v-20;
- var v2=hsv.v;
- m.push(fill(base, cols, fs));
- m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:h1, s:s1, v:v1 }), cols, fs));
- m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:h2, s:s1, v:v1 }), cols, fs));
- m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:h3, s:s2, v:v2 }), cols, fs));
- return flatten(m, num); // Array
- };
- this.shades = function(/* Object */kwArgs){
- // summary
- // generates n colors based on a base color using only changes
- // in value. Similar to monochromatic but a bit more linear.
- kwArgs=dojo.mixin({
- num:32, // number of colors to derive
- high:1.5, // high factor to generate tints and shades
- low:0.5 // low factor to generate tints and shades
- }, kwArgs||{});
- var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "shades");
- if(!base){ return []; }
- var num=kwArgs.num, hsv=base.toHsv();
- var step=(kwArgs.high-kwArgs.low)/num, cur=kwArgs.low;
- var a=[];
- for(var i=0; i<num; i++,cur+=step){
- a.push(dxc.fromHsv({ h:hsv.h, s:hsv.s, v:Math.min(Math.round(hsv.v*cur),100) }));
- }
- return a; // Array
- };
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/color/README b/includes/js/dojox/color/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 40bf8e4..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/color/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-DojoX Color
-Version 0.9
-Release date: 10/20/2007
-Project state:
-dojox.color._base: stable
-dojox.color.Colorspace: experimental
-dojox.color.Generator: beta
- Cal Henderson
- Tom Trenka (ttrenka AT gmail.com)
-Project description
-Both a port of the older dojo.gfx.color work (Cal Henderson) as well as some
-new additions (Generator, Tom Trenka). Everything is applied to an alias of
-dojo.Color or dojo.color, so that you can just use dojox.color.Color instead
-with extended methods.
-Depends on the Dojo Core, v1.0
-See the API documentation.
-Installation instructions
-Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository:
-Install into the following directory structure:
-...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout.
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/color/_base.js b/includes/js/dojox/color/_base.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bee5fc0..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/color/_base.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.color._base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dojox.color._base"] = true;
-// alias all the dojo.Color mechanisms
-// alias the dojo.colors mechanisms
-// static methods
-dojo.mixin(dojox.color, {
- fromCmy: function(/* Object|Array|int */cyan, /*int*/magenta, /*int*/yellow){
- // summary
- // Create a dojox.color.Color from a CMY defined color.
- // All colors should be expressed as 0-100 (percentage)
- if(dojo.isArray(cyan)){
- magenta=cyan[1], yellow=cyan[2], cyan=cyan[0];
- } else if(dojo.isObject(cyan)){
- magenta=cyan.m, yellow=cyan.y, cyan=cyan.c;
- }
- cyan/=100, magenta/=100, yellow/=100;
- var r=1-cyan, g=1-magenta, b=1-yellow;
- return new dojox.color.Color({ r:Math.round(r*255), g:Math.round(g*255), b:Math.round(b*255) }); // dojox.color.Color
- },
- fromCmyk: function(/* Object|Array|int */cyan, /*int*/magenta, /*int*/yellow, /*int*/black){
- // summary
- // Create a dojox.color.Color from a CMYK defined color.
- // All colors should be expressed as 0-100 (percentage)
- if(dojo.isArray(cyan)){
- magenta=cyan[1], yellow=cyan[2], black=cyan[3], cyan=cyan[0];
- } else if(dojo.isObject(cyan)){
- magenta=cyan.m, yellow=cyan.y, black=cyan.b, cyan=cyan.c;
- }
- cyan/=100, magenta/=100, yellow/=100, black/=100;
- var r,g,b;
- r = 1-Math.min(1, cyan*(1-black)+black);
- g = 1-Math.min(1, magenta*(1-black)+black);
- b = 1-Math.min(1, yellow*(1-black)+black);
- return new dojox.color.Color({ r:Math.round(r*255), g:Math.round(g*255), b:Math.round(b*255) }); // dojox.color.Color
- },
- fromHsl: function(/* Object|Array|int */hue, /* int */saturation, /* int */luminosity){
- // summary
- // Create a dojox.color.Color from an HSL defined color.
- // hue from 0-359 (degrees), saturation and luminosity 0-100.
- if(dojo.isArray(hue)){
- saturation=hue[1], luminosity=hue[2], hue=hue[0];
- } else if(dojo.isObject(hue)){
- saturation=hue.s, luminosity=hue.l, hue=hue.h;
- }
- saturation/=100;
- luminosity/=100;
- while(hue<0){ hue+=360; }
- while(hue>=360){ hue-=360; }
- var r, g, b;
- if(hue<120){
- r=(120-hue)/60, g=hue/60, b=0;
- } else if (hue<240){
- r=0, g=(240-hue)/60, b=(hue-120)/60;
- } else {
- r=(hue-240)/60, g=0, b=(360-hue)/60;
- }
- r=2*saturation*Math.min(r, 1)+(1-saturation);
- g=2*saturation*Math.min(g, 1)+(1-saturation);
- b=2*saturation*Math.min(b, 1)+(1-saturation);
- if(luminosity<0.5){
- r*=luminosity, g*=luminosity, b*=luminosity;
- }else{
- r=(1-luminosity)*r+2*luminosity-1;
- g=(1-luminosity)*g+2*luminosity-1;
- b=(1-luminosity)*b+2*luminosity-1;
- }
- return new dojox.color.Color({ r:Math.round(r*255), g:Math.round(g*255), b:Math.round(b*255) }); // dojox.color.Color
- },
- fromHsv: function(/* Object|Array|int */hue, /* int */saturation, /* int */value){
- // summary
- // Create a dojox.color.Color from an HSV defined color.
- // hue from 0-359 (degrees), saturation and value 0-100.
- if(dojo.isArray(hue)){
- saturation=hue[1], value=hue[2], hue=hue[0];
- } else if (dojo.isObject(hue)){
- saturation=hue.s, value=hue.v, hue=hue.h;
- }
- if(hue==360){ hue=0; }
- saturation/=100;
- value/=100;
- var r, g, b;
- if(saturation==0){
- r=value, b=value, g=value;
- }else{
- var hTemp=hue/60, i=Math.floor(hTemp), f=hTemp-i;
- var p=value*(1-saturation);
- var q=value*(1-(saturation*f));
- var t=value*(1-(saturation*(1-f)));
- switch(i){
- case 0:{ r=value, g=t, b=p; break; }
- case 1:{ r=q, g=value, b=p; break; }
- case 2:{ r=p, g=value, b=t; break; }
- case 3:{ r=p, g=q, b=value; break; }
- case 4:{ r=t, g=p, b=value; break; }
- case 5:{ r=value, g=p, b=q; break; }
- }
- }
- return new dojox.color.Color({ r:Math.round(r*255), g:Math.round(g*255), b:Math.round(b*255) }); // dojox.color.Color
- }
-// Conversions directly on dojox.color.Color
-dojo.extend(dojox.color.Color, {
- toCmy: function(){
- // summary
- // Convert this Color to a CMY definition.
- var cyan=1-(this.r/255), magenta=1-(this.g/255), yellow=1-(this.b/255);
- return { c:Math.round(cyan*100), m:Math.round(magenta*100), y:Math.round(yellow*100) }; // Object
- },
- toCmyk: function(){
- // summary
- // Convert this Color to a CMYK definition.
- var cyan, magenta, yellow, black;
- var r=this.r/255, g=this.g/255, b=this.b/255;
- black = Math.min(1-r, 1-g, 1-b);
- cyan = (1-r-black)/(1-black);
- magenta = (1-g-black)/(1-black);
- yellow = (1-b-black)/(1-black);
- return { c:Math.round(cyan*100), m:Math.round(magenta*100), y:Math.round(yellow*100), b:Math.round(black*100) }; // Object
- },
- toHsl: function(){
- // summary
- // Convert this Color to an HSL definition.
- var r=this.r/255, g=this.g/255, b=this.b/255;
- var min = Math.min(r, b, g), max = Math.max(r, g, b);
- var delta = max-min;
- var h=0, s=0, l=(min+max)/2;
- if(l>0 && l<1){
- s = delta/((l<0.5)?(2*l):(2-2*l));
- }
- if(delta>0){
- if(max==r && max!=g){
- h+=(g-b)/delta;
- }
- if(max==g && max!=b){
- h+=(2+(b-r)/delta);
- }
- if(max==b && max!=r){
- h+=(4+(r-g)/delta);
- }
- h*=60;
- }
- return { h:h, s:Math.round(s*100), l:Math.round(l*100) }; // Object
- },
- toHsv: function(){
- // summary
- // Convert this Color to an HSV definition.
- var r=this.r/255, g=this.g/255, b=this.b/255;
- var min = Math.min(r, b, g), max = Math.max(r, g, b);
- var delta = max-min;
- var h = null, s = (max==0)?0:(delta/max);
- if(s==0){
- h = 0;
- }else{
- if(r==max){
- h = 60*(g-b)/delta;
- }else if(g==max){
- h = 120 + 60*(b-r)/delta;
- }else{
- h = 240 + 60*(r-g)/delta;
- }
- if(h<0){ h+=360; }
- }
- return { h:h, s:Math.round(s*100), v:Math.round(max*100) }; // Object
- }
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/Generator.js b/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/Generator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6232cc7..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/Generator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.tests.Generator"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.tests.Generator"] = true;
-tests.register("dojox.color.tests.Generator", [
- function testAnalogous(t){
- // test the defaults
- var args={ base: new dojox.color.Color({ r:128, g:0, b:0 }) };
- var a=dojox.color.Generator.analogous(args);
- var s='<h3>dojox.color.Generator.analogous</h3><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0"><tr>';
- var cols=5, c=0;
- dojo.forEach(a, function(item){
- if(c++%cols==0){ s+="</tr><tr>"; }
- s+='<td width="32" bgcolor="'+item.toHex()+'">&nbsp;</td>';
- });
- if(c<cols){
- for(; c<cols; c++){
- s+='<td width="32">&nbsp;</td>';
- }
- }
- t.debug(s+'</tr></table>');
- },
- function testMonochromatic(t){
- // test the defaults
- var a=dojox.color.Generator.monochromatic({ base:new dojox.color.Color({r:128, g:0, b:0}) });
- var s='<h3>dojox.color.Generator.monochromatic</h3><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0"><tr>';
- var cols=8, c=0;
- dojo.forEach(a, function(item){
- if(c++%cols==0){ s+="</tr><tr>"; }
- s+='<td width="32" bgcolor="'+item.toHex()+'">&nbsp;</td>';
- });
- if(c<cols){
- for(; c<cols; c++){
- s+='<td width="32">&nbsp;</td>';
- }
- }
- t.debug(s+'</tr></table>');
- },
- function testTriadic(t){
- // test the defaults
- var a=dojox.color.Generator.triadic({ base:new dojox.color.Color({r:128, g:0, b:0}) });
- var s='<h3>dojox.color.Generator.triadic</h3><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0"><tr>';
- var cols=3, c=0;
- dojo.forEach(a, function(item){
- if(c++%cols==0){ s+="</tr><tr>"; }
- s+='<td width="32" bgcolor="'+item.toHex()+'">&nbsp;</td>';
- });
- if(c<cols){
- for(; c<cols; c++){
- s+='<td width="32">&nbsp;</td>';
- }
- }
- t.debug(s+'</tr></table>');
- },
- function testComplementary(t){
- // test the defaults
- var a=dojox.color.Generator.complementary({ base:new dojox.color.Color({r:128, g:0, b:0}) });
- var s='<h3>dojox.color.Generator.complementary</h3><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0"><tr>';
- var cols=2, c=0;
- dojo.forEach(a, function(item){
- if(c++%cols==0){ s+="</tr><tr>"; }
- s+='<td width="32" bgcolor="'+item.toHex()+'">&nbsp;</td>';
- });
- if(c<cols){
- for(; c<cols; c++){
- s+='<td width="32">&nbsp;</td>';
- }
- }
- t.debug(s+'</tr></table>');
- },
- function testSplitComplementary(t){
- // test the defaults
- var a=dojox.color.Generator.splitComplementary({ base:new dojox.color.Color({r:128, g:0, b:0}) });
- var s='<h3>dojox.color.Generator.splitComplementary</h3><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0"><tr>';
- var cols=3, c=0;
- dojo.forEach(a, function(item){
- if(c++%cols==0){ s+="</tr><tr>"; }
- s+='<td width="32" bgcolor="'+item.toHex()+'">&nbsp;</td>';
- });
- if(c<cols){
- for(; c<cols; c++){
- s+='<td width="32">&nbsp;</td>';
- }
- }
- t.debug(s+'</tr></table>');
- },
- function testCompound(t){
- // test the defaults
- var a=dojox.color.Generator.compound({ base:new dojox.color.Color({r:128, g:0, b:0}) });
- var s='<h3>dojox.color.Generator.compound</h3><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0"><tr>';
- var cols=4, c=0;
- dojo.forEach(a, function(item){
- if(c++%cols==0){ s+="</tr><tr>"; }
- s+='<td width="32" bgcolor="'+item.toHex()+'">&nbsp;</td>';
- });
- if(c<cols){
- for(; c<cols; c++){
- s+='<td width="32">&nbsp;</td>';
- }
- }
- t.debug(s+'</tr></table>');
- },
- function testShades(t){
- // test the defaults
- var a=dojox.color.Generator.shades({ base:new dojox.color.Color({r:128, g:0, b:0}) });
- var s='<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0"><tr>';
- var cols=8, c=0;
- dojo.forEach(a, function(item){
- if(c++%cols==0){ s+="</tr><tr>"; }
- s+='<td width="32" bgcolor="'+item.toHex()+'">&nbsp;</td>';
- });
- if(c<cols){
- for(; c<cols; c++){
- s+='<td width="32">&nbsp;</td>';
- }
- }
- t.debug(s+'</tr></table>');
- }
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/_base.js b/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/_base.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cb96223..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/_base.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.tests._base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.tests._base"] = true;
- * Note that some color translations are not exact,
- * due to the need to round calculations in translation.
- *
- * These tests work with grey, the primary colors and
- * one secondary color to ensure that extreme calculation
- * is correct.
- ************************************************************/
-tests.register("dojox.color.tests._base", [
- function testStaticMethods(t){
- // fromCmy
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromCmy({ c:50, m:50, y:50}), new dojo.Color({ r:128, g:128, b:128 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromCmy({ c:0, m:100, y:100}), new dojo.Color({ r:255, g:0, b:0 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromCmy({ c:100, m:0, y:100}), new dojo.Color({ r:0, g:255, b:0 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromCmy({ c:100, m:100, y:0}), new dojo.Color({ r:0, g:0, b:255 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromCmy({ c:0, m:0, y:100}), new dojo.Color({ r:255, g:255, b:0 }));
- // fromCmyk
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromCmyk({ c:0, m:0, y:0, b:50}), new dojo.Color({ r:128, g:128, b:128 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromCmyk({ c:0, m:100, y:100, b:0}), new dojo.Color({ r:255, g:0, b:0 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromCmyk({ c:100, m:0, y:100, b:0}), new dojo.Color({ r:0, g:255, b:0 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromCmyk({ c:100, m:100, y:0, b:0}), new dojo.Color({ r:0, g:0, b:255 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromCmyk({ c:0, m:0, y:100, b:0}), new dojo.Color({ r:255, g:255, b:0 }));
- // fromHsl
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromHsl({ h:0, s:0, l:50}), new dojo.Color({ r:128, g:128, b:128 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromHsl({ h:0, s:100, l:50}), new dojo.Color({ r:255, g:0, b:0 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromHsl({ h:120, s:100, l:50}), new dojo.Color({ r:0, g:255, b:0 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromHsl({ h:240, s:100, l:50}), new dojo.Color({ r:0, g:0, b:255 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromHsl({ h:60, s:100, l:50}), new dojo.Color({ r:255, g:255, b:0 }));
- // fromHsv
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:0, s:0, v:50}), new dojo.Color({ r:128, g:128, b:128 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:0, s:100, v:100}), new dojo.Color({ r:255, g:0, b:0 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:120, s:100, v:100}), new dojo.Color({ r:0, g:255, b:0 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:240, s:100, v:100}), new dojo.Color({ r:0, g:0, b:255 }));
- t.assertEqual(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:60, s:100, v:100}), new dojo.Color({ r:255, g:255, b:0 }));
- },
- function testColorExtensions(t){
- var grey=new dojox.color.Color({ r:128, g:128, b:128 });
- var red=new dojox.color.Color({ r:255, g:0, b:0 });
- var green=new dojox.color.Color({ r:0, g:255, b:0 });
- var blue=new dojox.color.Color({ r:0, g:0, b:255 });
- var yellow=new dojox.color.Color({ r:255, g:255, b:0 });
- // toCmy
- t.assertEqual(grey.toCmy(), { c:50, m:50, y:50 });
- t.assertEqual(red.toCmy(), { c:0, m:100, y:100 });
- t.assertEqual(green.toCmy(), { c:100, m:0, y:100 });
- t.assertEqual(blue.toCmy(), { c:100, m:100, y:0 });
- t.assertEqual(yellow.toCmy(), { c:0, m:0, y:100 });
- // toCmyk
- t.assertEqual(grey.toCmyk(), { c:0, m:0, y:0, b:50 });
- t.assertEqual(red.toCmyk(), { c:0, m:100, y:100, b:0 });
- t.assertEqual(green.toCmyk(), { c:100, m:0, y:100, b:0 });
- t.assertEqual(blue.toCmyk(), { c:100, m:100, y:0, b:0 });
- t.assertEqual(yellow.toCmyk(), { c:0, m:0, y:100, b:0 });
- // toHsl
- t.assertEqual(grey.toHsl(), { h:0, s:0, l:50 });
- t.assertEqual(red.toHsl(), { h:0, s:100, l:50 });
- t.assertEqual(green.toHsl(), { h:120, s:100, l:50 });
- t.assertEqual(blue.toHsl(), { h:240, s:100, l:50 });
- t.assertEqual(yellow.toHsl(), { h:60, s:100, l:50 });
- // toHsv
- t.assertEqual(grey.toHsv(), { h:0, s:0, v:50 });
- t.assertEqual(red.toHsv(), { h:0, s:100, v:100 });
- t.assertEqual(green.toHsv(), { h:120, s:100, v:100 });
- t.assertEqual(blue.toHsv(), { h:240, s:100, v:100 });
- t.assertEqual(yellow.toHsv(), { h:60, s:100, v:100 });
- }
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/color.js b/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/color.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 74438f6..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/color.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.tests.color"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.tests.color"] = true;
- dojo.require("dojox.color.tests._base");
-// dojo.require("dojox.color.tests.Colorspace");
- dojo.require("dojox.color.tests.Generator");
- doh.debug(e);
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/runTests.html b/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/runTests.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9376e20..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/color/tests/runTests.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
- <head>
- <title>Dojox.wire Unit Test Runner</title>
- <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=../../../util/doh/runner.html?testModule=dojox.color.tests.color"></HEAD>
- <BODY>
- Redirecting to D.O.H runner.
- </BODY>