path: root/includes/js/dojo/i18n.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojo/i18n.js')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojo/i18n.js b/includes/js/dojo/i18n.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f417b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojo/i18n.js
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.i18n"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo.i18n"] = true;
+dojo.i18n = {
+ // summary: Utility classes to enable loading of resources for internationalization (i18n)
+dojo.i18n.getLocalization = function(/*String*/packageName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns an Object containing the localization for a given resource
+ // bundle in a package, matching the specified locale.
+ // description:
+ // Returns a hash containing name/value pairs in its prototypesuch
+ // that values can be easily overridden. Throws an exception if the
+ // bundle is not found. Bundle must have already been loaded by
+ // `dojo.requireLocalization()` or by a build optimization step. NOTE:
+ // try not to call this method as part of an object property
+ // definition (`var foo = { bar: dojo.i18n.getLocalization() }`). In
+ // some loading situations, the bundle may not be available in time
+ // for the object definition. Instead, call this method inside a
+ // function that is run after all modules load or the page loads (like
+ // in `dojo.addOnLoad()`), or in a widget lifecycle method.
+ // packageName:
+ // package which is associated with this resource
+ // bundleName:
+ // the base filename of the resource bundle (without the ".js" suffix)
+ // locale:
+ // the variant to load (optional). By default, the locale defined by
+ // the host environment: dojo.locale
+ locale = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale);
+ // look for nearest locale match
+ var elements = locale.split('-');
+ var module = [packageName,"nls",bundleName].join('.');
+ var bundle = dojo._loadedModules[module];
+ if(bundle){
+ var localization;
+ for(var i = elements.length; i > 0; i--){
+ var loc = elements.slice(0, i).join('_');
+ if(bundle[loc]){
+ localization = bundle[loc];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!localization){
+ localization = bundle.ROOT;
+ }
+ // make a singleton prototype so that the caller won't accidentally change the values globally
+ if(localization){
+ var clazz = function(){};
+ clazz.prototype = localization;
+ return new clazz(); // Object
+ }
+ }
+ throw new Error("Bundle not found: " + bundleName + " in " + packageName+" , locale=" + locale);
+dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale = function(/*String?*/locale){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns canonical form of locale, as used by Dojo.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // All variants are case-insensitive and are separated by '-' as specified in [RFC 3066](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3066.txt).
+ // If no locale is specified, the dojo.locale is returned. dojo.locale is defined by
+ // the user agent's locale unless overridden by djConfig.
+ var result = locale ? locale.toLowerCase() : dojo.locale;
+ if(result == "root"){
+ result = "ROOT";
+ }
+ return result; // String
+dojo.i18n._requireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*String?*/availableFlatLocales){
+ // summary:
+ // See dojo.requireLocalization()
+ // description:
+ // Called by the bootstrap, but factored out so that it is only
+ // included in the build when needed.
+ var targetLocale = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale);
+ var bundlePackage = [moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join(".");
+ // NOTE:
+ // When loading these resources, the packaging does not match what is
+ // on disk. This is an implementation detail, as this is just a
+ // private data structure to hold the loaded resources. e.g.
+ // `tests/hello/nls/en-us/salutations.js` is loaded as the object
+ // `tests.hello.nls.salutations.en_us={...}` The structure on disk is
+ // intended to be most convenient for developers and translators, but
+ // in memory it is more logical and efficient to store in a different
+ // order. Locales cannot use dashes, since the resulting path will
+ // not evaluate as valid JS, so we translate them to underscores.
+ //Find the best-match locale to load if we have available flat locales.
+ var bestLocale = "";
+ if(availableFlatLocales){
+ var flatLocales = availableFlatLocales.split(",");
+ for(var i = 0; i < flatLocales.length; i++){
+ //Locale must match from start of string.
+ if(targetLocale.indexOf(flatLocales[i]) == 0){
+ if(flatLocales[i].length > bestLocale.length){
+ bestLocale = flatLocales[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bestLocale){
+ bestLocale = "ROOT";
+ }
+ }
+ //See if the desired locale is already loaded.
+ var tempLocale = availableFlatLocales ? bestLocale : targetLocale;
+ var bundle = dojo._loadedModules[bundlePackage];
+ var localizedBundle = null;
+ if(bundle){
+ if(dojo.config.localizationComplete && bundle._built){return;}
+ var jsLoc = tempLocale.replace(/-/g, '_');
+ var translationPackage = bundlePackage+"."+jsLoc;
+ localizedBundle = dojo._loadedModules[translationPackage];
+ }
+ if(!localizedBundle){
+ bundle = dojo["provide"](bundlePackage);
+ var syms = dojo._getModuleSymbols(moduleName);
+ var modpath = syms.concat("nls").join("/");
+ var parent;
+ dojo.i18n._searchLocalePath(tempLocale, availableFlatLocales, function(loc){
+ var jsLoc = loc.replace(/-/g, '_');
+ var translationPackage = bundlePackage + "." + jsLoc;
+ var loaded = false;
+ if(!dojo._loadedModules[translationPackage]){
+ // Mark loaded whether it's found or not, so that further load attempts will not be made
+ dojo["provide"](translationPackage);
+ var module = [modpath];
+ if(loc != "ROOT"){module.push(loc);}
+ module.push(bundleName);
+ var filespec = module.join("/") + '.js';
+ loaded = dojo._loadPath(filespec, null, function(hash){
+ // Use singleton with prototype to point to parent bundle, then mix-in result from loadPath
+ var clazz = function(){};
+ clazz.prototype = parent;
+ bundle[jsLoc] = new clazz();
+ for(var j in hash){ bundle[jsLoc][j] = hash[j]; }
+ });
+ }else{
+ loaded = true;
+ }
+ if(loaded && bundle[jsLoc]){
+ parent = bundle[jsLoc];
+ }else{
+ bundle[jsLoc] = parent;
+ }
+ if(availableFlatLocales){
+ //Stop the locale path searching if we know the availableFlatLocales, since
+ //the first call to this function will load the only bundle that is needed.
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //Save the best locale bundle as the target locale bundle when we know the
+ //the available bundles.
+ if(availableFlatLocales && targetLocale != bestLocale){
+ bundle[targetLocale.replace(/-/g, '_')] = bundle[bestLocale.replace(/-/g, '_')];
+ }
+ // If other locales are used, dojo.requireLocalization should load them as
+ // well, by default.
+ //
+ // Override dojo.requireLocalization to do load the default bundle, then
+ // iterate through the extraLocale list and load those translations as
+ // well, unless a particular locale was requested.
+ var extra = dojo.config.extraLocale;
+ if(extra){
+ if(!extra instanceof Array){
+ extra = [extra];
+ }
+ var req = dojo.i18n._requireLocalization;
+ dojo.i18n._requireLocalization = function(m, b, locale, availableFlatLocales){
+ req(m,b,locale, availableFlatLocales);
+ if(locale){return;}
+ for(var i=0; i<extra.length; i++){
+ req(m,b,extra[i], availableFlatLocales);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+dojo.i18n._searchLocalePath = function(/*String*/locale, /*Boolean*/down, /*Function*/searchFunc){
+ // summary:
+ // A helper method to assist in searching for locale-based resources.
+ // Will iterate through the variants of a particular locale, either up
+ // or down, executing a callback function. For example, "en-us" and
+ // true will try "en-us" followed by "en" and finally "ROOT".
+ locale = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale);
+ var elements = locale.split('-');
+ var searchlist = [];
+ for(var i = elements.length; i > 0; i--){
+ searchlist.push(elements.slice(0, i).join('-'));
+ }
+ searchlist.push(false);
+ if(down){searchlist.reverse();}
+ for(var j = searchlist.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
+ var loc = searchlist[j] || "ROOT";
+ var stop = searchFunc(loc);
+ if(stop){ break; }
+ }
+dojo.i18n._preloadLocalizations = function(/*String*/bundlePrefix, /*Array*/localesGenerated){
+ // summary:
+ // Load built, flattened resource bundles, if available for all
+ // locales used in the page. Only called by built layer files.
+ function preload(locale){
+ locale = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale);
+ dojo.i18n._searchLocalePath(locale, true, function(loc){
+ for(var i=0; i<localesGenerated.length;i++){
+ if(localesGenerated[i] == loc){
+ dojo["require"](bundlePrefix+"_"+loc);
+ return true; // Boolean
+ }
+ }
+ return false; // Boolean
+ });
+ }
+ preload();
+ var extra = dojo.config.extraLocale||[];
+ for(var i=0; i<extra.length; i++){
+ preload(extra[i]);
+ }