path: root/includes/js/dijit/demos
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dijit/demos')
-rw-r--r--includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/flags.pngbin47275 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/icons.gifbin1757 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/icons.pngbin2908 -> 0 bytes
31 files changed, 0 insertions, 24908 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat.html b/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat.html
deleted file mode 100644
index bd599f9..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
- <title>Chat Demo Starter</title>
- <style type="text/css">
- @import "../../dijit/tests/css/dijitTests.css";
- @import "../themes/soria/soria.css";
- @import "chat/chat.css";
- .body { width:720px; margin:0 auto; }
- .picker {
- margin:0 auto;
- height:100px;
- }
- .box a { color:#000; text-decoration:none; }
- .box { border:1px solid #666;
- background:#b7cdee url('../themes/soria/images/gradientTopBg.png') repeat-x top left;
- background-position:0px -1px;
- padding:35px;
- padding-top:15px;
- padding-bottom:15px;
- margin:5px;
- font-weight:bold;
- -moz-border-radius:7pt;
- cursor:pointer;
- }
- .box:hover {
- color:#fff;
- background-color:#54f767;
- }
- </style>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../dojo/dojo.js"
- djConfig="isDebug: false, defaultTestTheme: 'soria'"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../tests/_testCommon.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var _pass = function(/* Event */e){
- var href = e.target.getAttribute("href")||null;
- if(href){ window.location.href = href; }
- }
- dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
- var links = dojo.query(".box");
- dojo.forEach(links,function(node){
- dojo.connect(node,"onclick","_pass");
- });
- });
- </script>
-<body class="soria">
-<div class="body">
- <h1 class="testTitle">Dojo chat demo preabmle ...</h1>
- <p>
- There are two examples of chat, using <a
- href="http://cometd.org">cometd</a> as a backend and Dojo's
- dojox.cometd client as a transport.
- </p>
- <p>
- The first, a simple public chat room, that any live participants
- that happen to be online will be able to communicate.
- </p>
- <div class="dijitInline box" href="chat/community.html">Join Group Chat</div>
- <p>The other: the example from the Dojo Book - an example of a
- client / operator relationship, where the client chats from an
- 'existing' page, and the operator has a TabContainer view of
- open client chats, and can communicate privately and directly
- to the client. The client page demonstrates how this can be used in existing
- pages for real-time support. You will need two people for this, or you
- are welcome to talk to yourself ...
- </p>
- <div class="dijitInline">
- <div class="dijitInline box" href="chat/client.html">Client Page</div>
- <div class="dijitInline box" href="chat/operator.html">Operator Page</div>
- </div>
- <p>the Chatroom widget source can be found <a href="chat/room.js">here</a>.</p>
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/chat.css b/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/chat.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dde485..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/chat.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- position:relative;
- height:240px;
- background-color: #e0e0e0;
- border: 0px solid black;
- height: 200px;
- overflow: auto;
- background-color: #fff;
- padding: 4px;
- border: 0px solid black;
-.dijitTabContainer .chat {
- height:auto;
-.input {
- position:absolute;
- bottom:0px;
- display:block;
- padding: 4px;
- border: 0px solid black;
- border-top: 1px solid black;
- width:200px;
- background-color:#ededed;
- width:145px;
- background-color: #ededed;
-.hidden { display: none; }
-.from { font-weight: bold; }
-.alert { font-style: italic; }
-.dijitTitlePaneContentInner { padding:0px !important; }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/chat.css.commented.css b/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/chat.css.commented.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 0874a53..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/chat.css.commented.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- position:relative;
- height:240px;
- background-color: #e0e0e0;
- border: 0px solid black;
- height: 200px;
- overflow: auto;
- background-color: #fff;
- padding: 4px;
- border: 0px solid black;
-.dijitTabContainer .chat {
- height:auto;
-.input {
- position:absolute;
- bottom:0px;
- display:block;
- padding: 4px;
- border: 0px solid black;
- border-top: 1px solid black;
- width:200px;
- background-color:#ededed;
- width:145px;
- background-color: #ededed;
-.hidden { display: none; }
-.from { font-weight: bold; }
-.alert { font-style: italic; }
-.dijitTitlePaneContentInner { padding:0px !important; }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/client.html b/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/client.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5471272..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/client.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- <title>Sample built in tech-support demonstration | The Dojo Toolkit </title>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dojo/dojo.js" djConfig="isDebug:true, parseOnLoad:false"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="room.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- dojo.require("dijit.TitlePane");
- dojo.require("dojo.parser");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.Button");
- // this puts our help box in the top/right corner on scroll and show
- function _positionIt(evt){
- if (helpNode.domNode.style.display == "block"){
- dojo.style(helpNode.domNode,"top",(dijit.getViewport().t + 4) + "px");
- }
- }
- var helpNode;
- dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
- dojo.parser.parse(dojo.body());
- helpNode = dijit.byId('helpPane');
- dojo.connect(window,"onscroll","_positionIt");
- // this is not a public cometd server :)
- dojox.cometd.init("http://comet.sitepen.com:9190/cometd");
- });
- </script>
- <style type="text/css">
- @import "chat.css";
- @import "../../themes/tundra/tundra.css";
- @import "../../tests/css/dijitTests.css";
- </style>
-<body class="tundra">
-<h1 class="testTitle">I am a <i>Sample</i> page</h1>
- <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam facilisis enim. Pellentesque in elit et lacus euismod dignissim. Aliquam dolor pede, convallis eget, dictum a, blandit ac, urna. Pellentesque sed nunc ut justo volutpat egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. In erat. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce faucibus nibh sed nisi. Phasellus faucibus, dui a cursus dapibus, mauris nulla euismod velit, a lobortis turpis arcu vel dui. Pellentesque fermentum ultrices pede. Donec auctor lectus eu arcu. Curabitur non orci eget est porta gravida. Aliquam pretium orci id nisi. Duis faucibus, mi non adipiscing venenatis, erat urna aliquet elit, eu fringilla lacus tellus quis erat. Nam tempus ornare lorem. Nullam feugiat.</p>
-<h3>Need help?</h3>
-<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button">
-Show / Hide Tech Support Chat
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick">
- // simple dojo/method example. this is like doing button onClick="javascript:" but more robust
- var anim = dojo[(helpNode.open ? "fadeOut" : "fadeIn")]({ node: helpNode.domNode, duration: 400 });
- dojo.connect(anim,(helpNode.open ? "onEnd" : "beforeBegin"),function(){
- dojo.style(helpNode.domNode,"display",(helpNode.open ? "none" : "block"));
- helpNode.toggle();
- _positionIt();
- });
- anim.play();
- </script>
- <p>Sed congue. Aenean blandit sollicitudin mi. Maecenas pellentesque. Vivamus ac urna. Nunc consequat nisi vitae quam. Suspendisse sed nunc. Proin suscipit porta magna. Duis accumsan nunc in velit. Nam et nibh. Nulla facilisi. Cras venenatis urna et magna. Aenean magna mauris, bibendum sit amet, semper quis, aliquet nec, sapien. Aliquam aliquam odio quis erat. Etiam est nisi, condimentum non, lacinia ac, vehicula laoreet, elit. Sed interdum augue sit amet quam dapibus semper. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque lobortis erat nec quam.</p>
- <p>Sed arcu magna, molestie at, fringilla in, sodales eu, elit. Curabitur mattis lorem et est. Quisque et tortor. Integer bibendum vulputate odio. Nam nec ipsum. Vestibulum mollis eros feugiat augue. Integer fermentum odio lobortis odio. Nullam mollis nisl non metus. Maecenas nec nunc eget pede ultrices blandit. Ut non purus ut elit convallis eleifend. Fusce tincidunt, justo quis tempus euismod, magna nulla viverra libero, sit amet lacinia odio diam id risus. Ut varius viverra turpis. Morbi urna elit, imperdiet eu, porta ac, pharetra sed, nisi. Etiam ante libero, ultrices ac, faucibus ac, cursus sodales, nisl. Praesent nisl sem, fermentum eu, consequat quis, varius interdum, nulla. Donec neque tortor, sollicitudin sed, consequat nec, facilisis sit amet, orci. Aenean ut eros sit amet ante pharetra interdum.</p>
- <p>Fusce rutrum pede eget quam. Praesent purus. Aenean at elit in sem volutpat facilisis. Nunc est augue, commodo at, pretium a, fermentum at, quam. Nam sit amet enim. Suspendisse potenti. Cras hendrerit rhoncus justo. Integer libero. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed adipiscing mi vel ipsum.</p>
- <div title="Chat with Technical Support:" id="helpPane" dojoType="dijit.TitlePane"
- style="width:275px; height:400px; position:absolute; top:4px; right:4px; margin:0; padding:0; display:none;" open="false" >
- <div dojoType="dijit.demos.chat.Room" id="chatroom" isPrivate="true"></div>
- </div>
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/community.html b/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/community.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c208a0..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/community.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- <title>Cometd chat / Operator Page</title>
- <style type="text/css">
- @import "chat.css";
- @import "../../tests/css/dijitTests.css";
- @import "../../themes/tundra/tundra.css";
- @import "../../../dojox/widget/SortList/SortList.css";
- html, body { margin:0; padding:0; height:100%; width:100%; overflow:hidden; }
- #status { position:absolute; top:5px; right:25px; }
- #mainPane { background:#fff; }
- </style>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dojo/dojo.js" djConfig="isDebug:true, parseOnLoad:false"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dijit/tests/_testCommon.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="room.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- dojo.require("dijit.Dialog");
- dojo.require("dijit.layout.SplitContainer");
- dojo.require("dijit.layout.LayoutContainer");
- dojo.require("dijit.layout.TabContainer");
- dojo.require("dijit.layout.ContentPane");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.Button");
- // custom widget created for this demo:
- dojo.require("dojox.widget.SortList");
- dojo.require("dojo.parser");
- // not for production use?
- //dojox.cometd.init("http://comet.sitepen.com:9000/cometd");
- var control = {
- _chats: [],
- _getAlert: function(e){
- console.log(e);
- if (!this._chats[(e.data.user)] && (operator != e.data.user)){
- dojox.cometd.subscribe("/chat/demo/"+e.data.joined,this,"_privateChat");
- var tabNode = document.createElement('div');
- tabNode.id = "chatWith" + e.data.user;
- var chatNode = document.createElement('div');
- chatNode.id = e.data.user + "Widget";
- tabNode.appendChild(chatNode);
- var newTab = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({
- title: e.data.user,
- closable: true
- },tabNode);
- dijit.byId('tabView').addChild(newTab);
- var chat = new dijit.demos.chat.Room({
- roomId: e.data.joined,
- registeredAs: operator
- },chatNode);
- chat.startup();
- this._chats[(e.data.user)]=true;
- }
- },
- _privateChat: function(e){
- var thisChat = dijit.byId(e.data.user+"Widget") || false;
- if (thisChat) { thisChat._chat(e); }
- }
- };
- function registerOperator(){
- dijit.byId('loginDialog').hide();
- }
- dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
- dojo.parser.parse(dojo.body());
- // dojox.cometd.subscribe("/chat/demo/poundDojo",control,"_getAlert");
- var widget = dijit.byId('userList');
- for (var i = 0; i<50; i++){
- var node = document.createElement('li');
- node.innerHTML = i+": list item sample";
- widget.containerNode.appendChild(node);
- }
- widget.onSort();
- });
- </script>
-<div dojoType="dijit.layout.LayoutContainer" style="width:100%; height:100%;">
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.SplitContainer" orientation="vertical" style="height:100%" layoutAlign="client" sizerWidth="7">
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.SplitContainer" orientation="horizontal" sizerWidth="7" activeSizing="true" layoutAlign="top" sizeShare="80">
- <div id="mainPane" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Home" style="padding:8px;" sizeShare="80" layoutAlign="left" style="background:#fff;">
- <h3>Dojo community chat demo</h3>
- <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button">Login
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick">
- console.log('foo?');
- dijit.byId('loginDialog').show();
- </script>
- </button>
- </div>
- <div title="Users in #dojo" id="userList" dojoType="dojox.widget.SortList" sizeShare="20" sizeMin="15" layoutAlign="right"></div>
- </div>
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" sizeShare="20" layoutAlign="bottom">
- bottom. (input area)
- </div>
- </div>
-<div dojoType="dijit.Dialog" id="loginDialog" title="Select Username:">
- Name: <input type="text" name="username" id="opName" value="" />
- <input type="submit" value="login" onclick="registerOperator()"/>
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/operator.html b/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/operator.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 594fc6e..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/operator.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- <title>Cometd chat / Operator Page</title>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dojo/dojo.js" djConfig="isDebug:true, parseOnLoad:false"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="room.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- dojo.require("dijit.layout.TabContainer");
- dojo.require("dijit.layout.ContentPane");
- dojo.require("dojo.parser");
- var control = {
- _chats: {},
- _getAlert: function(e){
- console.log(e);
- if (!this._chats[(e.data.user)] && (operator != e.data.user)){
- dojox.cometd.subscribe("/chat/demo/"+e.data.joined,this,"_privateChat");
- var tabNode = document.createElement('div');
- tabNode.id = "chatWith" + e.data.user;
- var chatNode = document.createElement('div');
- chatNode.id = e.data.user + "Widget";
- tabNode.appendChild(chatNode);
- var newTab = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({
- title: e.data.user,
- closable: true
- },tabNode);
- dijit.byId('tabView').addChild(newTab);
- var chat = new dijit.demos.chat.Room({
- roomId: e.data.joined,
- registeredAs: operator
- },chatNode);
- chat.startup();
- this._chats[(e.data.user)]=true;
- }
- },
- _privateChat: function(e){
- var thisChat = dijit.byId(e.data.user+"Widget") || false;
- if (thisChat) { /* thisChat._chat(e); */}
- }
- };
- dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
- dojo.parser.parse(dojo.body());
- dojox.cometd.init("http://comet.sitepen.com:9190/cometd");
- dojox.cometd.subscribe("/chat/demo",control,"_getAlert");
- });
- var operator;
- function registerOperator(){
- operator = dojo.byId('opName').value;
- dojo.byId('login').style.display = "none";
- dojo.byId('status').innerHTML = "You are: <b>"+operator+"</b>";
- }
- </script>
- <style type="text/css">
- @import "chat.css";
- @import "../../tests/css/dijitTests.css";
- @import "../../themes/tundra/tundra.css";
- #status { position:absolute; top:5px; right:25px; }
- </style>
-<body class="tundra">
-<h1 class="testTitle">Tech Support Operator Page:</h1>
-<div id="tabView" dojoType="dijit.layout.TabContainer" style="width:100%; height:75%; ">
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Home" style="padding:8px;" >
- <h3>Welcome Operator</h3>
- <p>It is your job to respond to incoming Support Requests. Sit here, and watch the screen.</p>
- <p id="login">Please Login as an operator:
- <br><br>
- Name: <input type="text" name="username" id="opName" value="" /> <input type="submit" value="login" onclick="registerOperator()"/>
- </p>
- </div><!-- home tab -->
-</div><!-- tabContainer -->
-<div id="status"></div>
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/room.js b/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/room.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b1847f4..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/chat/room.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit.demos.chat.room"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dijit.demos.chat.room"] = true;
- [dijit._Widget,dijit._Templated],
- {
- _last: "",
- _username: null,
- roomId: "public",
- isPrivate: false,
- prompt: "Name:",
- templateString: '<div id="${id}" class="chatroom">'
- +'<div dojoAttachPoint="chatNode" class="chat"></div>'
- +'<div dojoAttachPoint="input" class="input">'
- +'<div dojoAttachPoint="joining">'
- +'<span>${prompt}</span><input class="username" dojoAttachPoint="username" type="text" dojoAttachEvent="onkeyup: _join"> <input dojoAttachPoint="joinB" class="button" type="submit" name="join" value="Contact" dojoAttachEvent="onclick: _join"/>'
- +'</div>'
- +'<div dojoAttachPoint="joined" class="hidden">'
- +'<input type="text" class="phrase" dojoAttachPoint="phrase" dojoAttachEvent="onkeyup: _cleanInput" />'
- +'<input type="submit" class="button" value="Send" dojoAttachPoint="sendB" dojoAttachEvent="onclick: _sendPhrase"/>'
- +'</div>'
- +'</div>'
- +'</div>',
- join: function(name){
- if(name == null || name.length==0){
- alert('Please enter a username!');
- }else{
- if(this.isPrivate){ this.roomId = name; }
- this._username=name;
- this.joining.className='hidden';
- this.joined.className='';
- this.phrase.focus();
- console.log(this.roomId);
- dojox.cometd.subscribe("/chat/demo/" + this.roomId, this, "_chat");
- dojox.cometd.publish("/chat/demo/" + this.roomId, { user: this._username, join: true, chat : this._username+" has joined the room."});
- dojox.cometd.publish("/chat/demo", { user: this._username, joined: this.roomId });
- }
- },
- _join: function(/* Event */e){
- var key = (e.charCode == dojo.keys.SPACE ? dojo.keys.SPACE : e.keyCode);
- if (key == dojo.keys.ENTER || e.type=="click"){
- this.join(this.username.value);
- }
- },
- leave: function(){
- dojox.cometd.unsubscribe("/chat/demo/" + this.roomId, this, "_chat");
- dojox.cometd.publish("/chat/demo/" + this.roomId, { user: this._username, leave: true, chat : this._username+" has left the chat."});
- // switch the input form back to login mode
- this.joining.className='';
- this.joined.className='hidden';
- this.username.focus();
- this._username=null;
- },
- chat: function(text){
- // summary: publish a text message to the room
- if(text != null && text.length>0){
- // lame attempt to prevent markup
- text=text.replace(/</g,'&lt;');
- text=text.replace(/>/g,'&gt;');
- dojox.cometd.publish("/chat/demo/" + this.roomId, { user: this._username, chat: text});
- }
- },
- _chat: function(message){
- // summary: process an incoming message
- if (!message.data){
- console.warn("bad message format "+message);
- return;
- }
- var from=message.data.user;
- var special=message.data.join || message.data.leave;
- var text=message.data.chat;
- if(text!=null){
- if(!special && from == this._last ){ from="...";
- }else{
- this._last=from;
- from+=":";
- }
- if(special){
- this.chatNode.innerHTML += "<span class=\"alert\"><span class=\"from\">"+from+"&nbsp;</span><span class=\"text\">"+text+"</span></span><br/>";
- this._last="";
- }else{
- this.chatNode.innerHTML += "<span class=\"from\">"+from+"&nbsp;</span><span class=\"text\">"+text+"</span><br/>";
- this.chatNode.scrollTop = this.chatNode.scrollHeight - this.chatNode.clientHeight;
- }
- }
- },
- startup: function(){
- this.joining.className='';
- this.joined.className='hidden';
- //this.username.focus();
- this.username.setAttribute("autocomplete","OFF");
- if (this.registeredAs) { this.join(this.registeredAs); }
- this.inherited("startup",arguments);
- },
- _cleanInput: function(/* Event */e){
- var key = (e.charCode == dojo.keys.SPACE ? dojo.keys.SPACE : e.keyCode);
- if(key == dojo.keys.ENTER || key == 13){
- this.chat(this.phrase.value);
- this.phrase.value='';
- }
- },
- _sendPhrase: function(/* Event */e){
- if (this.phrase.value){
- this.chat(this.phrase.value);
- this.phrase.value='';
- }
- }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/form.html b/includes/js/dijit/demos/form.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e8b238d..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/form.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
- <head>
- <title>Dojo Form Widgets Test</title>
- <style type="text/css">
- @import "../../dojo/resources/dojo.css";
- @import "../themes/tundra/tundra.css";
- @import "../themes/tundra/tundra_rtl.css";
- @import "../tests/css/dijitTests.css";
- .formQuestion {
- background-color:#d0e3f5;
- padding:0.3em;
- font-weight:900;
- font-family:Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
- font-size:0.8em;
- color:#5a5a5a;
- }
- .formAnswer {
- background-color:#f5eede;
- padding:0.3em;
- margin-bottom:1em;
- width: 100%;
- }
- .pageSubContentTitle {
- color:#8e8e8e;
- font-size:1em;
- font-family:Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
- margin-bottom:0.75em;
- }
- body .short {
- width: 5em;
- }
- body .medium {
- width: 10em;
- }
- body .long {
- width: 20em;
- }
- .firstLabel {
- display: inline-block;
- display: -moz-inline-box;
- width: 10em;
- min-width: 10em;
- }
- .secondLabel {
- width: auto;
- margin-left: 5em;
- margin-right: 1em;
- }
- fieldset label {
- margin-right: 1em;
- }
- .noticeMessage {
- display: block;
- float: right;
- font-weight: normal;
- font-family:Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
- color:#663;
- font-size:0.9em;
- }
- .dj_ie .dijitSlider .dijitRuleContainer {
- z-index: 1;
- }
- </style>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../dojo/dojo.js"
- djConfig="isDebug: false, parseOnLoad: true"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- dojo.require("dijit.form.Form");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.ComboBox");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.FilteringSelect");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.CheckBox");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.DateTextBox");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.CurrencyTextBox");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.NumberSpinner");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.Slider");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.Textarea");
- dojo.require("dijit.Editor");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.Button");
- dojo.require("dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore");
- dojo.require("dojo.parser"); // scan page for widgets and instantiate them
- // make dojo.toJson() print dates correctly (this feels a bit dirty)
- Date.prototype.json = function(){ return dojo.date.stamp.toISOString(this, {selector: 'date'});};
- </script>
- </head>
- <body class="tundra">
- <div dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" jsId="stateStore"
- url="../tests/_data/states.json"></div>
- <h2 class="pageSubContentTitle">Job Application Form</h2>
- <p>This is just a little demo of dijit's form widgets</p>
- <form dojoType="dijit.form.Form" id="myForm"
- onsubmit="alert('Execute form w/values:\n'+dojo.toJson(this.getValues(),true));return confirm('Show form values in the URL?')">
- <div class="formQuestion">
- <span class="noticeMessage">
- As you type in the text below, notice how your input is auto
- corrected and also the auto completion on the state field.
- </span>
- <span>Name And Address</span>
- </div>
- <div class="formAnswer">
- <label class="firstLabel" for="name">Name *</label>
- <input type="text" id="name" name="name" class="medium"
- dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"
- required="true"
- ucfirst="true" invalidMessage=""/>
- <br>
- <label class="firstLabel" for="address">Address *</label>
- <input type="text" id="address" name="address" class="long"
- dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"
- required="true"
- trim="true"
- ucfirst="true" />
- <br>
- <label class="firstLabel" for="city">City *</label>
- <select dojoType="dijit.form.ComboBox"
- value=""
- autocomplete="true"
- hasDownArrow="false"
- >
- <option></option>
- <option>Chicago</option>
- <option>Los Angeles</option>
- <option>New York</option>
- <option>San Francisco</option>
- <option>Seattle</option>
- </select>
- <label class="secondLabel" for="state">State</label>
- <input dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect"
- store="stateStore" class="medium" id="state" name="state" />
- <label class="secondLabel" for="zip">Zip *</label>
- <input type="text" id="zip" name="zip" class="short"
- dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"
- trim="true"
- required="true"
- regExp="[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"
- invalidMessage="5 digit zipcode (ex: 23245)"/>
- <br>
- <label class="firstLabel" for="dob">DOB *</label>
- <input id="dob" name="dateOfBirth" dojoType="dijit.form.DateTextBox" required=true/>
- </div>
- <div class="formQuestion">
- <span class="noticeMessage">Custom checkboxes and radio buttons...</span>
- <span>Desired position</span>
- </div>
- <div class="formAnswer">
- <label class="firstLabel" for="position">Position</label>
- <fieldset id="position" class="dijitInline">
- <input type="checkBox" name="position" id="it" value="it" dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox" /> <label for="it">IT</label>
- <input type="checkBox" name="position" id="marketing" value="marketing" dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox" /> <label for="marketing">Marketing</label>
- <input type="checkBox" name="position" id="business" value="business" dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox" /> <label for="business" style="margin-right: 7em;">Business</label>
- </fieldset>
- <label class="secondLabel" for="hours">Hours</label>
- <fieldset id="hours" class="dijitInline">
- <input type="radio" name="hours" id="full" value="full" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton" /> <label for="full">Full time</label>
- <input type="radio" name="hours" id="part" value="part" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton" /> <label for="part">Part time</label>
- </fieldset>
- </div>
- <div class="formQuestion">
- <span class="noticeMessage">slider and spinner ...</span>
- <span>Education and Experience</span>
- </div>
- <div class="formAnswer">
- <table class="dijitReset">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <label class="firstLabel" for="school">Education level</label>
- </td>
- <td style="padding-left: 2em;">
- <span dojoType="dijit.form.HorizontalSlider" id="school" name="school"
- minimum="1"
- value="2"
- maximum="4"
- discreteValues="4"
- showButtons="false"
- style="width:200px; height: 40px;"
- >
- <span dojoType="dijit.form.HorizontalRule" container="bottomDecoration" count=4 style="height:5px;"></span>
- <ol dojoType="dijit.form.HorizontalRuleLabels" container="bottomDecoration"style="height:1em;font-size:75%;color:gray;">
- <li>high school</li>
- <li>college</li>
- <li>masters</li>
- <li>PhD</li>
- </ol>
- </span>
- </td>
- <td>
- <label class="secondLabel" for="experience">Work experience (years, 0-40)</label>
- </td>
- <td>
- <input dojoType="dijit.form.NumberSpinner"
- id="experience" name="experience" class="short"
- value="1"
- constraints="{min: 0, max:40, places:0}"
- size=3>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- <div class="formQuestion">
- <span class="noticeMessage">Rich text editor that expands as you type in text</span>
- <label for="description">Self description</label>
- </div>
- <div class="formAnswer">
- <textarea dojoType="dijit.Editor" minHeight="5em" id="description" name="description">
- Write a brief summary of &lt;i&gt;your&lt;/i&gt; job skills... using &lt;b&gt;rich&lt;/b&gt; text.
- </textarea>
- </div>
- <div class="formQuestion">
- <span class="noticeMessage">Text area that expands as you type in text</span>
- <label for="references">References</label>
- </div>
- <div class="formAnswer">
- <textarea dojoType="dijit.form.Textarea" id="references" name="references">
- Write your references here (plain text)
- </textarea>
- </div>
- <center>
- <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" iconClass="dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconSave" type=submit>
- OK
- </button>
- </center>
- </form>
- </body>
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n.html b/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b99f6b9..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
- <title>Dijit I18N Demo</title>
- <script>
- var djConfig = {parseOnLoad: true, isDebug: true},
- locale,
- lang,
- bidi;
- // read in HREF arguments
- if(window.location.href.indexOf("?") > -1){
- var str = window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.indexOf("?")+1);
- var ary = str.split(/&/);
- for(var i=0; i<ary.length; i++){
- var split = ary[i].split(/=/),
- key = split[0],
- value = split[1];
- switch(key){
- case "locale":
- djConfig.locale = locale = value;
- lang = locale.replace(/-.*/, "");
- break;
- case "dir":
- document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].dir = value;
- bidi = value;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
- <style type="text/css">
- @import "../../dojo/resources/dojo.css";
- @import "../themes/tundra/tundra.css";
- @import "../themes/tundra/tundra_rtl.css";
- @import "../tests/css/dijitTests.css";
- @import "i18n/flags.css";
- </style>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../dojo/dojo.js"></script>
- <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
- dojo.require("dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore");
- dojo.require("dijit.Tree");
- dojo.require("dijit._Calendar");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.DateTextBox");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.CurrencyTextBox");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.NumberSpinner");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.ComboBox");
- dojo.require("dijit.Menu");
- dojo.require("dojo.parser");
- dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
- dojo.byId("locale").innerHTML = locale || "default";
- dojo.byId("dir").innerHTML = bidi || "default";
- });
- </script>
-<body class="tundra">
- <div dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" jsId="store"
- url="i18n/data.json"></div>
- <div dojoType="dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel" jsId="model" store="store" childrenAttrs="languages">
- <!-- Override all the data access functions to work from the I18N data store -->
- <script type="dojo/method" event="getChildren" args="item, onComplete">
- switch(item.root ? "top" : store.getValue(item, "type")){
- case "top":
- return store.fetch({query: {type:'continent'}, onComplete: onComplete});
- case "continent":
- return store.fetch({query: {continent: store.getValue(item, "iso")}, onComplete: onComplete});
- case "country":
- return dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel.prototype.getChildren.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- </script>
- <script type="dojo/method" event="mayHaveChildren" args="item">
- if(item.root){ return true; } // top level
- var type = store.getValue(item, "type");
- return (type == "continent" || type == "country");
- </script>
- </div>
- <h1 class="testTitle" dir="ltr">Dijit I18N Demo (locale=<span id="locale"></span> dir=<span id="dir"></span>)</h1>
- <table width="100%">
- <tr>
- <td width="30%" style="vertical-align: top;">
- <div dojoType="dijit.Tree" id="mytree" model="model">
- <!-- override functions for display of each node -->
- <script type="dojo/method" event="getIconClass" args="item">
- var icon =
- (!item.root && store.getValue(item, "type") == "country") ?
- ("countryIcon country" + store.getValue(item, "iso") + "Icon") :
- dijit.Tree.prototype.getIconClass.apply(this, arguments);
- return icon;
- </script>
- <script type="dojo/method" event="getLabel" args="item">
- if(item.root){ return "Continents"; }
- var localizedName = lang && store.getValue(item, lang);
- return localizedName || (store.getLabel(item) + " \u202b" + "(" + store.getIdentity(item) + ")\u202c");
- </script>
- <!-- clicking a node refreshes the page with new locale setting -->
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick" args="item, node">
- var type = store.getValue(item, "type");
- if(type == "language"){
- var lang = store.getIdentity(item),
- locale = lang + "-" + store.getIdentity(node.getParent().item).toLowerCase(),
- dir = /ar|fa|he|ps|ur|yi/i.test(lang) ? "rtl" : "ltr";
- window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/\?.*/, "") + "?locale=" + locale + "&dir=" + dir;
- }else{
- alert("Please click a language, not a country or continent.");
- }
- </script>
- </div>
- </td>
- <td style="vertical-align: top;">
- <p dir="ltr">
- Use the tree to select a language or a language/country combo; the page will reload
- in the specified locale. Note that tree is also rerendered using the specified language for top level tree items.
- Arabic and Hebrew display right-to-left so be sure to try those.
- </p>
- <input dojoType="dijit._Calendar"/>
- <p>Some form controls:</p>
- <label for="date">Date:</label>
- <input id="date" dojoType="dijit.form.DateTextBox" value="2006-07-04"/>
- <br/>
- <label for="spinner">Number spinner:</label>
- <input id="spinner" dojoType="dijit.form.NumberSpinner" value="123456789"/>
- <br/>
- <label for="currency">Currency:</label>
- <input id="currency" type="text" name="income1" value="54775.53"
- dojoType="dijit.form.CurrencyTextBox"
- required="true"
- constraints="{fractional:true}"
- currency="USD"/>
- <br/>
- <label for="combo1">Simple Combo:</label>
- <select id="combo1" dojoType="dijit.form.ComboBox">
- <option>option #1</option>
- <option>option #2</option>
- <option>option #3</option>
- </select>
- <br/>
- <label for="combo2">Combo on languages and countries:</label>
- <input id="combo2" dojoType="dijit.form.ComboBox"
- value=""
- store="store"
- searchAttr="name"
- name="anything"/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/continents.json b/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/continents.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 994842b..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/continents.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-{ type: "continent", name: "Africa", iso: "Africa" },
-{ type: "continent", name: "Asia", iso: "Asia" },
-{ type: "continent", name: "Europe", iso: "Europe" },
-{ type: "continent", name: "North America", iso: "North America" },
-{ type: "continent", name: "South America", iso: "South America" },
-{ type: "continent", name: "Oceania", iso: "Oceania" },
-{ type: "continent", name: "Antarctica", iso: "Antarctica" }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/data.json b/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/data.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f46855b..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/data.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8646 +0,0 @@
-{ "identifier": 'iso',
- "label": 'name',
- "items":
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "aa",
- "name": "Qafar",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "DJ"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "ER"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "ET"
- }
- ],
- "am": "አፋርኛ",
- "ar": "الأفارية",
- "ca": "àfar",
- "cs": "Afarština",
- "da": "afar",
- "de": "Afar",
- "en": "Afar",
- "es": "afar",
- "fi": "afar",
- "fr": "afar",
- "ga": "Afar",
- "he": "אתיופית",
- "hi": "अफ़ार",
- "hu": "afar",
- "id": "Afar",
- "it": "afar",
- "ja": "アファル語",
- "km": "ភាសាអាហ្វារ",
- "ko": "아파르어",
- "mr": "अफार",
- "mt": "Afar",
- "nb": "afar",
- "nl": "Afar",
- "nn": "afar",
- "pt": "afar",
- "ru": "афар",
- "sv": "afar",
- "ta": "அபார்",
- "th": "อาฟา",
- "tr": "Afar",
- "uk": "Афарська",
- "zh": "阿法文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "af",
- "name": "Afrikaans",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "NA"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "ZA"
- }
- ],
- "af": "Afrikaans",
- "am": "አፍሪቃንስኛ",
- "ar": "الأفريقية",
- "bg": "Африканс",
- "ca": "afrikaans",
- "cs": "Afrikánština",
- "da": "afrikaans",
- "de": "Afrikaans",
- "en": "Afrikaans",
- "es": "afrikaans",
- "fi": "afrikaans",
- "fr": "afrikaans",
- "ga": "Afracáinis",
- "he": "אפריקנית",
- "hi": "अफ्रीकी",
- "hu": "afrikai",
- "id": "Afrikaans",
- "is": "Afríkanska",
- "it": "afrikaans",
- "ja": "アフリカーンス語",
- "km": "ភាសាអាហ្វ្រីកាអាន",
- "ko": "남아공 공용어",
- "mr": "अफ्रिकान्स",
- "mt": "Afrikans",
- "nb": "afrikaans",
- "nl": "Afrikaans",
- "nn": "afrikaans",
- "pt": "africâner",
- "ru": "африкаанс",
- "sr": "Африканерски",
- "sv": "afrikaans",
- "ta": "ஆப்ரிகன்ஸ்",
- "th": "แอฟริกัน",
- "tr": "Afrikaan Dili",
- "uk": "Африканс",
- "zh": "南非荷兰文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "am",
- "name": "አማርኛ",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "ET"
- }
- ],
- "am": "አማርኛ",
- "ar": "الأمهرية",
- "bg": "Амхарски",
- "ca": "amhàric",
- "cs": "Amharština",
- "da": "amharisk",
- "de": "Amharisch",
- "en": "Amharic",
- "es": "amárico",
- "fi": "amhara",
- "fr": "amharique",
- "he": "אמהרית",
- "hi": "अम्हारिक्",
- "hu": "amhara",
- "id": "Amharik",
- "is": "Amharíska",
- "it": "amarico",
- "ja": "アムハラ語",
- "ko": "암하라어",
- "mr": "अमहारिक",
- "mt": "Amħariku",
- "nb": "amharisk",
- "nl": "Amhaars",
- "nn": "amharisk",
- "pt": "amárico",
- "ru": "амхарский",
- "sv": "amhariska",
- "ta": "அம்ஹாரிக்",
- "th": "อัมฮาริค",
- "tr": "Amharik",
- "uk": "Амхарік",
- "zh": "阿姆哈拉文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ar",
- "name": "العربية",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "AE"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "BH"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "DZ"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "EG"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "IQ"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "JO"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "KW"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "LB"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "LY"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "MA"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "OM"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "QA"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "SA"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "SD"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "SY"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "TN"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "YE"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ዐርቢኛ",
- "ar": "العربية",
- "be": "арабскі",
- "bg": "Арабски",
- "ca": "àrab",
- "cs": "Arabština",
- "cy": "Arabeg",
- "da": "arabisk",
- "de": "Arabisch",
- "el": "Αραβικά",
- "en": "Arabic",
- "es": "árabe",
- "et": "Araabia",
- "fi": "arabia",
- "fr": "arabe",
- "ga": "Araibis",
- "he": "ערבית",
- "hi": "अरबी",
- "hr": "arapski",
- "hu": "arab",
- "id": "Arab",
- "is": "Arabíska",
- "it": "arabo",
- "ja": "アラビア語",
- "km": "ភាសាអារ៉ាប់",
- "ko": "아랍어",
- "lt": "Arabų",
- "lv": "arābu",
- "mr": "अरेबिक",
- "mt": "Għarbi",
- "nb": "arabisk",
- "nl": "Arabisch",
- "nn": "arabisk",
- "pl": "arabski",
- "ps": "عربي",
- "pt": "árabe",
- "ro": "Arabă",
- "ru": "арабский",
- "sk": "arabský",
- "sl": "Arabščina",
- "sq": "Arabisht",
- "sr": "Арапски",
- "sv": "arabiska",
- "ta": "அரபு",
- "te": "అరబిక్",
- "tr": "Arapça",
- "uk": "Арабська",
- "vi": "Tiếng A-rập",
- "zh": "阿拉伯文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "as",
- "name": "অসমীয়া",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "አሳሜዛዊ",
- "ar": "الأسامية",
- "as": "অসমীয়া",
- "ca": "assamès",
- "cs": "Assaméština",
- "da": "assamesisk",
- "de": "Assamesisch",
- "en": "Assamese",
- "es": "asamés",
- "fi": "assami",
- "fr": "assamais",
- "ga": "Asaimis",
- "he": "אסאמית",
- "hi": "असामी",
- "hu": "asszámi",
- "id": "Assam",
- "is": "Assamska",
- "it": "assamese",
- "ja": "アッサム語",
- "ko": "아샘어",
- "mr": "असामी",
- "mt": "Assamese",
- "nb": "assamisk",
- "nl": "Assamees",
- "nn": "assamisk",
- "pt": "assamês",
- "ru": "ассамский",
- "sv": "assamesiska",
- "ta": "அஸ்ஸாமி",
- "th": "อัสสัมมิส",
- "uk": "Ассамська",
- "zh": "阿萨姆文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "az",
- "name": "azərbaycanca",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "AZ"
- }
- ],
- "am": "አዜርባይጃንኛ",
- "ar": "الأذرية",
- "az": "azərbaycanca",
- "bg": "Азърбайджански",
- "ca": "àzeri",
- "cs": "Azerbajdžánština",
- "da": "aserbajdsjansk",
- "de": "Aserbaidschanisch",
- "en": "Azerbaijani",
- "es": "azerí",
- "fa": "ترکی آذربایجانی",
- "fi": "azeri",
- "fr": "azéri",
- "ga": "Asarbaiseáinis",
- "he": "אזרית",
- "hi": "अज़रबैंजानी",
- "hu": "azerbajdzsáni",
- "id": "Azerbaijan",
- "is": "Aserska",
- "it": "azerbaigiano",
- "ja": "アゼルバイジャン語",
- "km": "ភាសាអាហ៊្សែរបែហ្សង់",
- "ko": "아제르바이잔어",
- "mr": "अज़रबाइजानी",
- "mt": "Ażerbajġani",
- "nb": "aserbajdsjansk",
- "nl": "Azerbeidzjaans",
- "nn": "aserbajdsjansk",
- "pt": "azerbaijano",
- "ru": "азербайджанский",
- "sv": "azerbajdzjanska",
- "ta": "அசர்பாய்ஜானி",
- "th": "อาเซอร์ไบจานี",
- "tr": "Azerice",
- "uk": "Азербайджанська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Ai-déc-bai-gian",
- "zh": "阿塞拜疆文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "be",
- "name": "Беларускі",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "BY"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ቤላራሻኛ",
- "ar": "البيلوروسية",
- "be": "Беларускі",
- "bg": "Беларуски",
- "ca": "bielorús",
- "cs": "Běloruština",
- "da": "hviderussisk",
- "de": "Weißrussisch",
- "el": "Λευκορωσικά",
- "en": "Belarusian",
- "es": "bielorruso",
- "fi": "valkovenäjä",
- "fr": "biélorusse",
- "ga": "Bealarúisis",
- "he": "בלארוסית",
- "hi": "बैलोरूशियन्",
- "hr": "bjeloruski",
- "hu": "belorusz",
- "id": "Belarusia",
- "is": "Hvítrússneska",
- "it": "bielorusso",
- "ja": "ベラルーシ語",
- "km": "ភាសាបេឡារុស្ស",
- "ko": "벨로루시어",
- "mr": "बैलोरुसियन",
- "mt": "Belarussu",
- "nb": "hviterussisk",
- "nl": "Wit-Russisch",
- "nn": "kviterussisk",
- "pt": "bielo-russo",
- "ru": "белорусский",
- "sr": "Белоруски",
- "sv": "vitryska",
- "ta": "பைலோருஷ்ன்",
- "th": "บายโลรัสเซีย",
- "tr": "Beyaz Rusça",
- "uk": "Білоруська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Bê-la-rút",
- "zh": "白俄罗斯文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "bg",
- "name": "Български",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "BG"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ቡልጋሪኛ",
- "ar": "البلغارية",
- "bg": "Български",
- "ca": "búlgar",
- "cs": "Bulharština",
- "da": "bulgarsk",
- "de": "Bulgarisch",
- "el": "Βουλγαρικά",
- "en": "Bulgarian",
- "es": "búlgaro",
- "et": "Bulgaaria",
- "fi": "bulgaria",
- "fr": "bulgare",
- "ga": "Bulgáiris",
- "he": "בולגרית",
- "hi": "बल्गेरियन्",
- "hr": "bugarski",
- "hu": "bolgár",
- "id": "Bulgaria",
- "is": "Búlgarska",
- "it": "bulgaro",
- "ja": "ブルガリア語",
- "km": "ភាសាប៊ុលហ្ការី",
- "ko": "불가리아어",
- "lt": "Bulgarų",
- "lv": "bulgāru",
- "mr": "बल्गेरियन",
- "mt": "Bulgaru",
- "nb": "bulgarsk",
- "nl": "Bulgaars",
- "nn": "bulgarsk",
- "pl": "bułgarski",
- "pt": "búlgaro",
- "ro": "Bulgară",
- "ru": "болгарский",
- "sk": "bulharský",
- "sl": "Bolgarščina",
- "sr": "Бугарски",
- "sv": "bulgariska",
- "ta": "பல்கேரியன்",
- "th": "บัลแกเรีย",
- "tr": "Bulgarca",
- "uk": "Болгарська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Bun-ga-ri",
- "zh": "保加利亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "bn",
- "name": "বাংলা",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "BD"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "በንጋሊኛ",
- "ar": "البنغالية",
- "bg": "Бенгалски",
- "bn": "বাংলা",
- "ca": "bengalí",
- "cs": "Bengálština",
- "da": "bengalsk",
- "de": "Bengalisch",
- "el": "Μπενγκάλι",
- "en": "Bengali",
- "es": "bengalí",
- "fi": "bengali",
- "fr": "bengali",
- "ga": "Beangálais",
- "he": "בנגלית",
- "hi": "बँगाली",
- "hu": "bengáli",
- "id": "Bengal",
- "is": "Bengalska",
- "it": "bengalese",
- "ja": "ベンガル語",
- "km": "ភាសាបេន្កាលី",
- "ko": "벵골어",
- "lt": "Bengalų",
- "mr": "बंगाली",
- "mt": "Bengali",
- "nb": "bengali",
- "nl": "Bengalees",
- "nn": "bengali",
- "pl": "bengalski",
- "pt": "bengali",
- "ru": "бенгальский",
- "sv": "bengali",
- "ta": "வங்காளம்",
- "tr": "Bengal Dili",
- "uk": "Бенгальська",
- "zh": "孟加拉文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ca",
- "name": "català",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "ES"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ካታላንኛ",
- "ar": "الكاتالوينية",
- "bg": "Каталонски",
- "ca": "català",
- "cs": "Katalánština",
- "da": "katalansk",
- "de": "Katalanisch",
- "el": "Καταλανικά",
- "en": "Catalan",
- "es": "catalán",
- "fi": "katalaani",
- "fr": "catalan",
- "ga": "Catalóinis",
- "he": "קטלונית",
- "hi": "कातालान",
- "hu": "katalán",
- "id": "Catalan",
- "is": "Katalónska",
- "it": "catalano",
- "ja": "カタロニア語",
- "km": "ភាសាកាតាឡាន",
- "ko": "카탈로니아어",
- "mr": "कटलन",
- "mt": "Katalan",
- "nb": "katalansk",
- "nl": "Catalaans",
- "nn": "katalansk",
- "pl": "kataloński",
- "pt": "catalão",
- "ru": "каталанский",
- "sr": "Каталонски",
- "sv": "katalanska",
- "ta": "காடலான்",
- "th": "แคตาแลน",
- "tr": "Katalan Dili",
- "uk": "Каталонська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Ca-ta-lăng",
- "zh": "加泰罗尼亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "cs",
- "name": "Čeština",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "CZ"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ቼክኛ",
- "ar": "التشيكية",
- "bg": "Чешки",
- "ca": "txec",
- "cs": "Čeština",
- "da": "Tjekkisk",
- "de": "Tschechisch",
- "el": "Τσεχικά",
- "en": "Czech",
- "es": "checo",
- "et": "Tiehhi",
- "fi": "tšekki",
- "fr": "tchèque",
- "ga": "Seicis",
- "he": "צ׳כית",
- "hi": "चेक",
- "hr": "češki",
- "hu": "cseh",
- "id": "Ceko",
- "is": "Tékkneska",
- "it": "ceco",
- "ja": "チェコ語",
- "km": "ភាសាឆេក",
- "ko": "체코어",
- "lt": "Čekų",
- "lv": "čehu",
- "mr": "ज़ेक",
- "mt": "Ċek",
- "nb": "tsjekkisk",
- "nl": "Tsjechisch",
- "nn": "tsjekkisk",
- "pl": "czeski",
- "pt": "tcheco",
- "ro": "Cehă",
- "ru": "чешский",
- "sk": "český",
- "sl": "Češčina",
- "sr": "Чешки",
- "sv": "tjeckiska",
- "ta": "செக்",
- "tr": "Çekçe",
- "uk": "Чеська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Séc",
- "zh": "捷克文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "cy",
- "name": "Cymraeg",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "GB"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ወልሽ",
- "ar": "الولزية",
- "bg": "Уелски",
- "ca": "gal·lès",
- "cs": "Velština",
- "cy": "Cymraeg",
- "da": "Walisisk",
- "de": "Kymrisch",
- "el": "Ουαλικά",
- "en": "Welsh",
- "es": "galés",
- "fi": "kymri",
- "fr": "gallois",
- "ga": "Breatnais",
- "he": "וולשית",
- "hi": "वेल्श",
- "hr": "velški",
- "hu": "walesi",
- "id": "Welsh",
- "is": "Velska",
- "it": "gallese",
- "ja": "ウェールズ語",
- "ko": "웨일스어",
- "mr": "वेल्ष",
- "mt": "Welx",
- "nb": "walisisk",
- "nl": "Welsh",
- "nn": "walisisk",
- "pl": "walijski",
- "pt": "galês",
- "ru": "валлийский",
- "sv": "walesiska",
- "ta": "வெல்ஷ்",
- "th": "เวลส์",
- "tr": "Gal Dili",
- "uk": "Валлійська",
- "zh": "威尔士文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "da",
- "name": "Dansk",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "DK"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ዴኒሽ",
- "ar": "الدانماركية",
- "bg": "Датски",
- "ca": "danès",
- "cs": "Dánština",
- "da": "Dansk",
- "de": "Dänisch",
- "el": "Δανικά",
- "en": "Danish",
- "es": "danés",
- "et": "Taani",
- "fi": "tanska",
- "fr": "danois",
- "ga": "Danmhairgis",
- "he": "דנית",
- "hi": "डैनीश",
- "hr": "danski",
- "hu": "dán",
- "id": "Denmark",
- "is": "Danska",
- "it": "danese",
- "ja": "デンマーク語",
- "km": "ភាសាដាណឺម៉ាក",
- "ko": "덴마크어",
- "lt": "Danų",
- "lv": "dāņu",
- "mr": "डानिष",
- "mt": "Daniż",
- "nb": "dansk",
- "nl": "Deens",
- "nn": "dansk",
- "pl": "duński",
- "pt": "dinamarquês",
- "ro": "Daneză",
- "ru": "датский",
- "sk": "dánsky",
- "sl": "Danščina",
- "sr": "Дански",
- "sv": "danska",
- "ta": "டானிஷ்",
- "th": "เดนมาร์ก",
- "tr": "Danca",
- "uk": "Датська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Đan Mạch",
- "zh": "丹麦文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "de",
- "name": "Deutsch",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "AT"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "BE"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "CH"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "DE"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "LI"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "LU"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ጀርመን",
- "ar": "الألمانية",
- "be": "нямецкі",
- "bg": "Немски",
- "ca": "alemany",
- "cs": "Němčina",
- "cy": "Almaeneg",
- "da": "Tysk",
- "de": "Deutsch",
- "el": "Γερμανικά",
- "en": "German",
- "es": "alemán",
- "et": "Saksa",
- "eu": "alemanera",
- "fi": "saksa",
- "fr": "allemand",
- "ga": "Gearmáinis",
- "he": "גרמנית",
- "hi": "ज़र्मन",
- "hr": "njemački",
- "hu": "német",
- "id": "Jerman",
- "is": "Þýska",
- "it": "tedesco",
- "ja": "ドイツ語",
- "ka": "გერმანული",
- "km": "ភាសាអាល្លឺម៉ង់",
- "ko": "독일어",
- "ky": "немисче",
- "lt": "Vokiečių",
- "lv": "vācu",
- "mk": "германски",
- "mn": "герман",
- "mr": "जर्मन",
- "mt": "Ġermaniż",
- "nb": "tysk",
- "nl": "Duits",
- "nn": "tysk",
- "pl": "niemiecki",
- "ps": "الماني",
- "pt": "alemão",
- "ro": "Germană",
- "ru": "немецкий",
- "sk": "nemecký",
- "sl": "Nemščina",
- "sq": "Gjermanisht",
- "sr": "Немачки",
- "sv": "tyska",
- "sw": "kijerumani",
- "ta": "ஜெர்மன்",
- "te": "ఙర్మన్",
- "th": "เยอรมัน",
- "tr": "Almanca",
- "uk": "Німецька",
- "vi": "Tiếng Đức",
- "zh": "德文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "dv",
- "name": "ދިވެހިބަސް",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "MV"
- }
- ],
- "ar": "المالديفية",
- "bg": "Дивехи",
- "da": "Divehi",
- "de": "Maledivisch",
- "en": "Divehi",
- "es": "divehi",
- "fi": "divehi",
- "fr": "maldivien",
- "he": "דיבהי",
- "id": "Divehi",
- "is": "Dívehí",
- "it": "divehi",
- "ja": "ディベヒ語",
- "ko": "디베히어",
- "mt": "Diveħi",
- "nb": "divehi",
- "nl": "Divehi",
- "nn": "divehi",
- "pt": "divehi",
- "sv": "divehi",
- "th": "ดิเวฮิ",
- "zh": "迪维希文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "dz",
- "name": "རྫོང་ཁ",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "BT"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ድዞንግኻኛ",
- "ar": "الزونخاية",
- "ca": "bhutanès",
- "cs": "Bhútánština",
- "da": "Dzongkha",
- "de": "Bhutanisch",
- "en": "Dzongkha",
- "fi": "dzongkha",
- "fr": "dzongkha",
- "hi": "भुटानी",
- "hu": "butáni",
- "id": "Dzongkha",
- "is": "Dsongka",
- "it": "dzongkha",
- "ja": "ゾンカ語",
- "km": "ភាសាប៊ូតាន",
- "ko": "부탄어",
- "mr": "भूटानी",
- "mt": "Dżongka",
- "nb": "dzongkha",
- "nl": "Dzongkha",
- "nn": "dzongkha",
- "pt": "dzonga",
- "ru": "дзонг-кэ",
- "sv": "bhutanesiska",
- "ta": "புடானி",
- "th": "ดซองคา",
- "tr": "Bhutan Dili",
- "uk": "Дзонг-ке",
- "zh": "不丹文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "el",
- "name": "Ελληνικά",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "CY"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "GR"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ግሪክኛ",
- "ar": "اليونانية",
- "bg": "Гръцки",
- "ca": "grec",
- "cs": "Řečtina",
- "da": "Græsk",
- "de": "Griechisch",
- "el": "Ελληνικά",
- "en": "Greek",
- "es": "griego",
- "et": "Kreeka",
- "fi": "kreikka",
- "fr": "grec",
- "ga": "Gréigis",
- "he": "יוונית",
- "hi": "ग्रीक",
- "hr": "grčki",
- "hu": "görög",
- "id": "Yunani",
- "is": "Nýgríska (1453-)",
- "it": "greco",
- "ja": "ギリシャ語",
- "km": "ភាសាក្រិច",
- "ko": "그리스어",
- "lt": "Graikų",
- "lv": "grieķu",
- "mr": "ग्रीक",
- "mt": "Grieg",
- "nb": "gresk",
- "nl": "Grieks",
- "nn": "gresk",
- "pl": "grecki",
- "ps": "یوناني",
- "pt": "grego",
- "ro": "Greacă",
- "ru": "греческий",
- "sk": "grécky",
- "sl": "Grščina",
- "sr": "Грчки",
- "sv": "grekiska",
- "ta": "கிரேக்கம்",
- "th": "กรีก",
- "tr": "Yunanca",
- "uk": "Грецька",
- "vi": "Tiếng Hy Lạp",
- "zh": "希腊文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "en",
- "name": "English",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "AS"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "AU"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "BE"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "BW"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "BZ"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "CA"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "GB"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "GU"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "HK"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "IE"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "JM"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "MH"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "MP"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "MT"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "NA"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "NZ"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "PH"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "PK"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "SG"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "TT"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "UM"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "US"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "VI"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "ZA"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "ZW"
- }
- ],
- "am": "እንግሊዝኛ",
- "ar": "الانجليزية",
- "be": "англійскі",
- "bg": "Английски",
- "ca": "anglès",
- "cs": "Angličtina",
- "cy": "Saesneg",
- "da": "Engelsk",
- "de": "Englisch",
- "el": "Αγγλικά",
- "en": "English",
- "es": "inglés",
- "et": "Inglise",
- "eu": "ingelera",
- "fi": "englanti",
- "fr": "anglais",
- "ga": "Béarla",
- "he": "אנגלית",
- "hi": "अंग्रेजी",
- "hr": "engleski",
- "hu": "angol",
- "id": "Inggris",
- "is": "Enska",
- "it": "inglese",
- "ja": "英語",
- "ka": "ინგლისური",
- "km": "ភាសាអង់គ្លេស",
- "ko": "영어",
- "ky": "англисче",
- "lt": "Anglų",
- "lv": "angļu",
- "mk": "англиски",
- "mn": "англи",
- "mr": "इंग्रेजी",
- "mt": "Ingliż",
- "nb": "engelsk",
- "nl": "Engels",
- "nn": "engelsk",
- "pl": "angielski",
- "ps": "انګلیسي",
- "pt": "inglês",
- "ro": "Engleză",
- "ru": "английский",
- "sk": "anglický",
- "sl": "Angleščina",
- "sq": "Anglisht",
- "sr": "Енглески",
- "sv": "engelska",
- "sw": "kiingereza",
- "ta": "ஆங்கிலம்",
- "te": "ఆంగ్లం",
- "th": "อังกฤษ",
- "tr": "İngilizce",
- "uk": "Англійська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Anh",
- "zh": "英文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "es",
- "name": "español",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "AR"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "BO"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "CL"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "CO"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "CR"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "DO"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "EC"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "ES"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "GT"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "HN"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "MX"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "NI"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "PA"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "PE"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "PR"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "PY"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "SV"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "US"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "UY"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "VE"
- }
- ],
- "af": "Spaans",
- "am": "ስፓኒሽ",
- "ar": "الأسبانية",
- "be": "іспанскі",
- "bg": "Испански",
- "ca": "espanyol",
- "cs": "Španělština",
- "cy": "Sbaeneg",
- "da": "Spansk",
- "de": "Spanisch",
- "el": "Ισπανικά",
- "en": "Spanish",
- "es": "español",
- "et": "Hispaania",
- "eu": "espainiera",
- "fi": "espanja",
- "fr": "espagnol",
- "ga": "Spáinnis",
- "he": "ספרדית",
- "hi": "स्पेनिश",
- "hr": "španjolski",
- "hu": "spanyol",
- "id": "Spanyol",
- "is": "Spænska",
- "it": "spagnolo",
- "ja": "スペイン語",
- "ka": "ესპანური",
- "km": "ភាសាអេស្ប៉ាញ",
- "ko": "스페인어",
- "ky": "испанча",
- "lt": "Ispanų",
- "lv": "spāņu",
- "mk": "шпански",
- "mn": "испани",
- "mr": "स्पानिष",
- "mt": "Spanjol",
- "nb": "spansk",
- "nl": "Spaans",
- "nn": "spansk",
- "pl": "hiszpański",
- "pt": "espanhol",
- "ro": "Spaniolă",
- "ru": "испанский",
- "sk": "španielsky",
- "sl": "Španščina",
- "sq": "Spanjisht",
- "sr": "Шпански",
- "sv": "spanska",
- "sw": "kihispania",
- "ta": "ஸ்பேனிஷ்",
- "te": "స్పానిష్",
- "th": "สเปน",
- "tr": "İspanyolca",
- "uk": "Іспанська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Tây Ban Nha",
- "zh": "西班牙文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "et",
- "name": "Eesti",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "EE"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ኤስቶኒአን",
- "ar": "الأستونية",
- "bg": "Естонски",
- "ca": "estonià",
- "cs": "Estonština",
- "da": "Estisk",
- "de": "Estnisch",
- "el": "Εσθονικά",
- "en": "Estonian",
- "es": "estonio",
- "et": "Eesti",
- "fi": "viro",
- "fr": "estonien",
- "ga": "Eastóinis",
- "he": "אסטונית",
- "hi": "ऐस्तोनियन्",
- "hr": "estonijski",
- "hu": "észt",
- "id": "Estonian",
- "is": "Eistneska",
- "it": "estone",
- "ja": "エストニア語",
- "km": "ភាសាអេស្តូនី",
- "ko": "에스토니아어",
- "lt": "Estų",
- "lv": "igauņu",
- "mr": "इस्टोनियन्",
- "mt": "Estonjan",
- "nb": "estisk",
- "nl": "Estlands",
- "nn": "estisk",
- "pl": "estoński",
- "ps": "حبشي",
- "pt": "estoniano",
- "ro": "Estoniană",
- "ru": "эстонский",
- "sk": "estónsky",
- "sl": "Estonščina",
- "sr": "Естонски",
- "sv": "estniska",
- "ta": "எஸ்டோனியன்",
- "th": "เอสโตเนีย",
- "tr": "Estonya Dili",
- "uk": "Естонська",
- "vi": "Tiếng E-xtô-ni-a",
- "zh": "爱沙尼亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "eu",
- "name": "euskara",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "ES"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ባስክኛ",
- "ar": "لغة الباسك",
- "bg": "Баски",
- "ca": "basc",
- "cs": "Baskičtina",
- "da": "baskisk",
- "de": "Baskisch",
- "el": "Βασκικά",
- "en": "Basque",
- "es": "vasco",
- "eu": "euskara",
- "fi": "baski",
- "fr": "basque",
- "ga": "Bascais",
- "he": "בסקית",
- "hi": "बास्क्",
- "hu": "baszk",
- "id": "Basque",
- "is": "Baskneska",
- "it": "basco",
- "ja": "バスク語",
- "km": "ភាសាបាស្កេ",
- "ko": "바스크어",
- "mr": "बास्क",
- "mt": "Bask",
- "nb": "baskisk",
- "nl": "Baskisch",
- "nn": "baskisk",
- "pl": "baskijski",
- "pt": "basco",
- "ru": "баскский",
- "sr": "Баскијски",
- "sv": "baskiska",
- "ta": "பஸ்க்",
- "th": "แบสก์",
- "tr": "Bask Dili",
- "uk": "Басків",
- "zh": "巴斯克文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "fa",
- "name": "فارسی",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "AF"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "IR"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ፐርሲያኛ",
- "ar": "الفارسية",
- "bg": "Персийски",
- "ca": "persa",
- "cs": "Perština",
- "da": "Persisk",
- "de": "Persisch",
- "el": "Περσικά",
- "en": "Persian",
- "es": "farsi",
- "fr": "persan",
- "ga": "Peirsis",
- "he": "פרסית",
- "hi": "पर्शियन्",
- "hr": "perzijski",
- "hu": "perzsa",
- "id": "Persia",
- "is": "Persneska",
- "it": "persiano",
- "ja": "ペルシア語",
- "ko": "이란어",
- "mr": "पर्षियन्",
- "mt": "Persjan",
- "nb": "persisk",
- "nl": "Perzisch",
- "nn": "persisk",
- "ps": "فارسي",
- "pt": "persa",
- "ru": "персидский",
- "sr": "Персијски",
- "sv": "persiska",
- "ta": "பர்ஸியன்",
- "th": "เปอร์เซีย",
- "tr": "Farsça",
- "uk": "Перська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Ba Tư",
- "zh": "波斯文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "fi",
- "name": "suomi",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "FI"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ፊኒሽ",
- "ar": "الفنلندية",
- "bg": "Фински",
- "ca": "finès",
- "cs": "Finština",
- "da": "Finsk",
- "de": "Finnisch",
- "el": "Φινλανδικά",
- "en": "Finnish",
- "es": "finés",
- "et": "Soome",
- "fi": "suomi",
- "fr": "finnois",
- "ga": "Fionnlainnis",
- "he": "פינית",
- "hi": "फिनिश",
- "hr": "finski",
- "hu": "finn",
- "id": "Finlandia",
- "is": "Finnska",
- "it": "finlandese",
- "ja": "フィンランド語",
- "km": "ភាសាហ្វាំងឡង់",
- "ko": "핀란드어",
- "lt": "Suomių",
- "lv": "somu",
- "mr": "फिन्निष",
- "mt": "Finlandiż",
- "nb": "finsk",
- "nl": "Fins",
- "nn": "finsk",
- "pl": "fiński",
- "ps": "فینلنډي",
- "pt": "finlandês",
- "ro": "Finlandeză",
- "ru": "финский",
- "sk": "fínsky",
- "sl": "Finščina",
- "sr": "Фински",
- "sv": "finska",
- "ta": "பின்னிஷ்",
- "th": "ฟิน",
- "tr": "Fince",
- "uk": "Фінська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Phần Lan",
- "zh": "芬兰文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "fo",
- "name": "føroyskt",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "FO"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ፋሮኛ",
- "ar": "الفارويز",
- "ca": "feroès",
- "cs": "Faerština",
- "da": "Færøsk",
- "de": "Färöisch",
- "en": "Faroese",
- "es": "feroés",
- "fi": "fääri",
- "fo": "føroyskt",
- "fr": "féroïen",
- "ga": "Faróis",
- "he": "פארואזית",
- "hi": "फिरोज़ी",
- "hu": "feröeri",
- "id": "Faro",
- "is": "Færeyska",
- "it": "faroese",
- "ja": "フェロー語",
- "ko": "페로스어",
- "mr": "फेरोस्",
- "mt": "Fawriż",
- "nb": "færøysk",
- "nl": "Faeröers",
- "nn": "færøysk",
- "pt": "feroês",
- "ru": "фарерский",
- "sv": "färöiska",
- "ta": "பைரோஸி",
- "th": "ฟาโรส",
- "tr": "Faroe Dili",
- "uk": "Фарерська",
- "zh": "法罗文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "fr",
- "name": "français",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "BE"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "CA"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "CH"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "FR"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "LU"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "MC"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ፈረንሳይኛ",
- "ar": "الفرنسية",
- "be": "французскі",
- "bg": "Френски",
- "ca": "francès",
- "cs": "Francouzština",
- "cy": "Ffrangeg",
- "da": "Fransk",
- "de": "Französisch",
- "el": "Γαλλικά",
- "en": "French",
- "es": "francés",
- "et": "Prantsuse",
- "eu": "frantsesera",
- "fi": "ranska",
- "fr": "français",
- "ga": "Fraincis",
- "he": "צרפתית",
- "hi": "फ्रेंच",
- "hr": "francuski",
- "hu": "francia",
- "id": "Perancis",
- "is": "Franska",
- "it": "francese",
- "ja": "フランス語",
- "ka": "ფრანგული",
- "km": "ភាសាបារាំង",
- "ko": "프랑스어",
- "ky": "французча",
- "lt": "Prancūzų",
- "lv": "franču",
- "mk": "француски",
- "mn": "франц",
- "mr": "फ्रेन्च",
- "mt": "Franċiż",
- "nb": "fransk",
- "nl": "Frans",
- "nn": "fransk",
- "pl": "francuski",
- "ps": "فرانسوي",
- "pt": "francês",
- "ro": "Franceză",
- "ru": "французский",
- "sk": "francúzsky",
- "sl": "Francoščina",
- "sq": "Frengjisht",
- "sr": "Француски",
- "sv": "franska",
- "sw": "kifaransa",
- "ta": "பிரெஞ்சு",
- "te": "ఫ్రెంచ్",
- "th": "ฝรั่งเศส",
- "tr": "Fransızca",
- "uk": "Французька",
- "vi": "Tiếng Pháp",
- "zh": "法文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ga",
- "name": "Gaeilge",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IE"
- }
- ],
- "am": "አይሪሽ",
- "ar": "الأيرلندية",
- "bg": "Ирландски",
- "ca": "irlandès",
- "cs": "Irština",
- "da": "Irsk",
- "de": "Irisch",
- "el": "Ιρλανδικά",
- "en": "Irish",
- "es": "irlandés",
- "fi": "iiri",
- "fr": "irlandais",
- "ga": "Gaeilge",
- "he": "אירית",
- "hi": "आईरिश",
- "hr": "irski",
- "hu": "ír",
- "id": "Irlandia",
- "is": "Írska",
- "it": "irlandese",
- "ja": "アイルランド語",
- "km": "ភាសាហ្កែលិគ",
- "ko": "아일랜드어",
- "mr": "ऐरिष",
- "mt": "Irlandiż",
- "nb": "irsk",
- "nl": "Iers",
- "nn": "irsk",
- "pt": "irlandês",
- "ru": "ирландский",
- "sr": "Ирски",
- "ta": "ஐரிஷ்",
- "th": "ไอริช",
- "tr": "İrlanda Dili",
- "uk": "Ірландська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Ai-len",
- "zh": "爱尔兰文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "gl",
- "name": "galego",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "ES"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ጋለጋኛ",
- "ar": "الجاليكية",
- "ca": "gallec",
- "cs": "Haličština",
- "da": "Galicisk",
- "de": "Galizisch",
- "en": "Galician",
- "es": "gallego",
- "fi": "galicia",
- "fr": "galicien",
- "gl": "galego",
- "he": "גליציאנית",
- "hi": "गैलिशियन्",
- "hu": "galíciai",
- "id": "Gallegan",
- "is": "Gallegska",
- "it": "galiziano",
- "ja": "ガリシア語",
- "km": "ភាសាហ្កាលីស៉ី",
- "ko": "갈리시아어",
- "mr": "गेलीशियन",
- "mt": "Gallegjan",
- "nb": "galicisk",
- "nl": "Galicisch",
- "nn": "galicisk",
- "pt": "galego",
- "ru": "галисийский",
- "sv": "galiciska",
- "ta": "கெலிஸியன்",
- "th": "กะลีเชีย",
- "tr": "Galiçya Dili",
- "uk": "Галісійська",
- "zh": "加利西亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "gu",
- "name": "ગુજરાતી",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ጉጃርቲኛ",
- "ar": "الغوجاراتية",
- "bg": "Гуджарати",
- "ca": "gujarati",
- "cs": "Gujaratština",
- "da": "Gujaratisk",
- "de": "Gujarati",
- "en": "Gujarati",
- "es": "gujarati",
- "fr": "goudjrati",
- "ga": "Gúisearáitis",
- "gu": "ગુજરાતી",
- "he": "גוג'ראטית",
- "hi": "गुज़राती",
- "hu": "gudzsaráti",
- "id": "Gujarati",
- "is": "Gújaratí",
- "it": "gujarati",
- "ja": "グジャラート語",
- "km": "ភាសាហ្កុយ៉ារាទី",
- "ko": "구자라트어",
- "mr": "गुजराती",
- "mt": "Guġarati",
- "nb": "gujarati",
- "nl": "Gujarati",
- "nn": "gujarati",
- "pt": "guzerate",
- "ru": "гуджарати",
- "sv": "gujarati",
- "ta": "குஜராத்தி",
- "th": "กูจาราติ",
- "tr": "Gujarati",
- "uk": "Гуяраті",
- "zh": "古加拉提文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "gv",
- "name": "Gaelg",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "GB"
- }
- ],
- "ar": "المنكية",
- "cs": "Manština",
- "da": "Manx",
- "de": "Manx",
- "en": "Manx",
- "es": "gaélico manés",
- "fi": "manx",
- "fr": "manx",
- "ga": "Mannainis",
- "gv": "Gaelg",
- "id": "Manx",
- "is": "Manx",
- "it": "manx",
- "ja": "マン島語",
- "ko": "맹크스어",
- "mt": "Manks",
- "nb": "manx",
- "nl": "Manx",
- "nn": "manx",
- "pt": "manx",
- "ru": "мэнский",
- "sv": "manx",
- "th": "มานซ์",
- "zh": "马恩岛文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "he",
- "name": "עברית",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IL"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ዕብራስጥ",
- "ar": "العبرية",
- "bg": "Иврит",
- "ca": "hebreu",
- "cs": "Hebrejština",
- "da": "Hebraisk",
- "de": "Hebräisch",
- "el": "Εβραϊκά",
- "en": "Hebrew",
- "es": "hebreo",
- "et": "Heebrea",
- "fi": "heprea",
- "fr": "hébreu",
- "ga": "Eabhrais",
- "he": "עברית",
- "hi": "हिब्रीऊ",
- "hr": "hebrejski",
- "hu": "héber",
- "id": "Ibrani",
- "is": "Hebreska",
- "it": "ebraico",
- "ja": "ヘブライ語",
- "km": "ភាសាហេប្រិ",
- "ko": "히브리어",
- "lt": "Hebrajų",
- "lv": "ivrits",
- "mr": "हेबृ",
- "mt": "Ebrajk",
- "nb": "hebraisk",
- "nl": "Hebreeuws",
- "nn": "hebraisk",
- "pl": "hebrajski",
- "ps": "عبري",
- "pt": "hebraico",
- "ro": "Ebraică",
- "ru": "иврит",
- "sk": "hebrejský",
- "sl": "Hebrejščina",
- "sr": "Хебрејски",
- "sv": "hebreiska",
- "ta": "ஹுப்ரு",
- "th": "ฮิบรู",
- "tr": "İbranice",
- "uk": "Іврит",
- "vi": "Tiếng Hê-brơ",
- "zh": "希伯来文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "hi",
- "name": "हिंदी",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ሐንድኛ",
- "ar": "الهندية",
- "be": "хіндзі",
- "bg": "Хинди",
- "ca": "hindi",
- "cs": "Hindština",
- "cy": "Hindi",
- "da": "Hindi",
- "de": "Hindi",
- "el": "Χίντι",
- "en": "Hindi",
- "es": "hindi",
- "fi": "hindi",
- "fr": "hindi",
- "ga": "Hiondúis",
- "he": "הינדית",
- "hi": "हिंदी",
- "hu": "hindi",
- "id": "Hindi",
- "is": "Hindí",
- "it": "hindi",
- "ja": "ヒンディー語",
- "km": "ភាសាហ៉ិនឌី",
- "ko": "힌디어",
- "lt": "Hindi",
- "mr": "हिन्दी",
- "mt": "Ħindi",
- "nb": "hindi",
- "nl": "Hindi",
- "nn": "hindi",
- "pl": "hindi",
- "ps": "هندي",
- "pt": "hindi",
- "ru": "хинди",
- "sq": "Hindi",
- "sr": "Хинди",
- "sv": "hindi",
- "ta": "இந்தி",
- "te": "హిందీ",
- "th": "ฮินดี",
- "tr": "Hint Dili",
- "uk": "Гінді",
- "vi": "Tiếng Hin-đi",
- "zh": "印地文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "hr",
- "name": "hrvatski",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "HR"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ክሮሽያንኛ",
- "ar": "الكرواتية",
- "bg": "Хърватски",
- "ca": "croat",
- "cs": "Chorvatština",
- "da": "Kroatisk",
- "de": "Kroatisch",
- "el": "Κροατικά",
- "en": "Croatian",
- "es": "croata",
- "et": "Horvaadi",
- "fi": "kroatia",
- "fr": "croate",
- "ga": "Cróitis",
- "he": "קרואטית",
- "hi": "क्रोएशन्",
- "hr": "hrvatski",
- "hu": "horvát",
- "id": "Kroasia",
- "is": "Króatíska",
- "it": "croato",
- "ja": "クロアチア語",
- "ko": "크로아티아어",
- "lt": "Kroatų",
- "lv": "horvātu",
- "mr": "क्रोयेषियन्",
- "mt": "Kroat",
- "nb": "kroatisk",
- "nl": "Kroatisch",
- "nn": "kroatisk",
- "pl": "chorwacki",
- "pt": "croata",
- "ro": "Croată",
- "ru": "хорватский",
- "sk": "chorvátsky",
- "sl": "Hrvaščina",
- "sr": "Хрватски",
- "sv": "kroatiska",
- "ta": "கரோஷியன்",
- "th": "โครเอเทีย",
- "tr": "Hırvatça",
- "uk": "Хорватська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Crô-a-ti-a",
- "zh": "克罗地亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "hu",
- "name": "magyar",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "HU"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ሀንጋሪኛ",
- "ar": "الهنغارية",
- "bg": "Унгарски",
- "ca": "hongarès",
- "cs": "Maďarština",
- "da": "Ungarsk",
- "de": "Ungarisch",
- "el": "Ουγγρικά",
- "en": "Hungarian",
- "es": "húngaro",
- "et": "Ungari",
- "fi": "unkari",
- "fr": "hongrois",
- "ga": "Ungáiris",
- "he": "הונגרית",
- "hi": "हंगेरी",
- "hr": "mađarski",
- "hu": "magyar",
- "id": "Hungaria",
- "is": "Ungverska",
- "it": "ungherese",
- "ja": "ハンガリー語",
- "km": "ភាសាហុងគ្រី",
- "ko": "헝가리어",
- "lt": "Vengrų",
- "lv": "ungāru",
- "mr": "हंगेरियन्",
- "mt": "Ungeriż",
- "nb": "ungarsk",
- "nl": "Hongaars",
- "nn": "ungarsk",
- "pl": "węgierski",
- "pt": "húngaro",
- "ro": "Maghiară",
- "ru": "венгерский",
- "sk": "maďarský",
- "sl": "Madžarščina",
- "sr": "Мађарски",
- "sv": "ungerska",
- "ta": "ஹங்கேரியன்",
- "th": "ฮังการี",
- "tr": "Macarca",
- "uk": "Угорська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Hung-ga-ri",
- "zh": "匈牙利文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "hy",
- "name": "Հայերէն",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "AM"
- }
- ],
- "am": "አርመናዊ",
- "ar": "الأرمينية",
- "bg": "Арменски",
- "ca": "armeni",
- "cs": "Arménština",
- "da": "armensk",
- "de": "Armenisch",
- "el": "Αρμενικά",
- "en": "Armenian",
- "es": "armenio",
- "fi": "armenia",
- "fr": "arménien",
- "ga": "Airméinis",
- "he": "ארמנית",
- "hi": "अरमेनियन्",
- "hr": "armenski",
- "hu": "örmény",
- "hy": "Հայերէն",
- "id": "Armenia",
- "is": "Armenska",
- "it": "armeno",
- "ja": "アルメニア語",
- "km": "ភាសាអារមេនី",
- "ko": "아르메니아어",
- "mr": "आर्मीनियन्",
- "mt": "Armenjan",
- "nb": "armensk",
- "nl": "Armeens",
- "nn": "armensk",
- "ps": "ارمني",
- "pt": "armênio",
- "ru": "армянский",
- "sr": "Арменски",
- "sv": "armeniska",
- "ta": "ஆர்மேனியன்",
- "th": "อาร์มีเนีย",
- "tr": "Ermenice",
- "uk": "Вірменська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Ác-mê-ni",
- "zh": "亚美尼亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "id",
- "name": "Bahasa Indonesia",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "ID"
- }
- ],
- "am": "እንዶኒሲኛ",
- "ar": "الأندونيسية",
- "bg": "Индонезийски",
- "ca": "indonesi",
- "cs": "Indonéština",
- "da": "Indonesisk",
- "de": "Indonesisch",
- "el": "Ινδονησιακά",
- "en": "Indonesian",
- "es": "indonesio",
- "fi": "indonesia",
- "fr": "indonésien",
- "ga": "Indinéisis",
- "he": "אינדונזית",
- "hi": "इन्डोनेशियन्",
- "hu": "indonéz",
- "id": "Bahasa Indonesia",
- "is": "Indónesíska",
- "it": "indonesiano",
- "ja": "インドネシア語",
- "km": "ភាសាឥណ្ឌូនេស៊ី",
- "ko": "인도네시아어",
- "mr": "इन्डोनेषियन",
- "mt": "Indoneżjan",
- "nb": "indonesisk",
- "nl": "Indonesisch",
- "nn": "indonesisk",
- "pt": "indonésio",
- "ru": "индонезийский",
- "sr": "Индонезијски",
- "sv": "indonesiska",
- "ta": "இந்தோனேஷியன்",
- "th": "อินโดนีเชีย",
- "tr": "Endonezya Dili",
- "uk": "Індонезійська",
- "vi": "Tiếng In-đô-nê-xia",
- "zh": "印度尼西亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "is",
- "name": "Íslenska",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IS"
- }
- ],
- "am": "አይስላንድኛ",
- "ar": "الأيسلاندية",
- "bg": "Исландски",
- "ca": "islandès",
- "cs": "Islandština",
- "da": "Islandsk",
- "de": "Isländisch",
- "el": "Ισλανδικά",
- "en": "Icelandic",
- "es": "islandés",
- "fi": "islanti",
- "fr": "islandais",
- "ga": "Íoslainnais",
- "he": "איסלנדית",
- "hi": "आईस्लैंडिक्",
- "hr": "islandski",
- "hu": "izlandi",
- "id": "Icelandic",
- "is": "Íslenska",
- "it": "islandese",
- "ja": "アイスランド語",
- "km": "ភាសាអ៉ីស្លង់",
- "ko": "아이슬란드어",
- "mr": "आईसलान्डिक",
- "mt": "Iżlandiż",
- "nb": "islandsk",
- "nl": "IJslands",
- "nn": "islandsk",
- "pt": "islandês",
- "ru": "исландский",
- "sr": "Исландски",
- "sv": "isländska",
- "ta": "ஐஸ்லென்டிக்",
- "th": "ไอซ์แลนด์ดิค",
- "tr": "İzlandaca",
- "uk": "Ісландська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Ai-xơ-len",
- "zh": "冰岛文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "it",
- "name": "italiano",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "CH"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "IT"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ጣሊያንኛ",
- "ar": "الايطالية",
- "be": "італьянскі",
- "bg": "Италиански",
- "ca": "italià",
- "cs": "Italština",
- "cy": "Eidaleg",
- "da": "Italiensk",
- "de": "Italienisch",
- "el": "Ιταλικά",
- "en": "Italian",
- "es": "italiano",
- "et": "Itaalia",
- "eu": "italiera",
- "fi": "italia",
- "fr": "italien",
- "ga": "Iodáilis",
- "he": "איטלקית",
- "hi": "ईटालियन्",
- "hr": "talijanski",
- "hu": "olasz",
- "id": "Italian",
- "is": "Ítalska",
- "it": "italiano",
- "ja": "イタリア語",
- "ka": "იტალიური",
- "km": "ភាសាអ៊ីតាលី",
- "ko": "이탈리아어",
- "ky": "италиянча",
- "lt": "Italų",
- "lv": "itāliešu",
- "mk": "италијански",
- "mn": "итали",
- "mr": "इटालियन",
- "mt": "Taljan",
- "nb": "italiensk",
- "nl": "Italiaans",
- "nn": "italiensk",
- "pl": "włoski",
- "ps": "ایټالوي",
- "pt": "italiano",
- "ro": "Italiană",
- "ru": "итальянский",
- "sk": "taliansky",
- "sl": "Italijanščina",
- "sq": "Italisht",
- "sr": "Италијански",
- "sv": "italienska",
- "sw": "kiitaliano",
- "ta": "இத்தாலியன்",
- "te": "ఇటాలియన్ భాష",
- "th": "อิตาลี",
- "tr": "İtalyanca",
- "uk": "Італійська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Ý",
- "zh": "意大利文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ja",
- "name": "日本語",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "JP"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ጃፓንኛ",
- "ar": "اليابانية",
- "be": "японскі",
- "bg": "Японски",
- "ca": "japonès",
- "cs": "Japonština",
- "cy": "Siapaneeg",
- "da": "Japansk",
- "de": "Japanisch",
- "el": "Ιαπωνικά",
- "en": "Japanese",
- "es": "japonés",
- "et": "Jaapani",
- "eu": "japoniera",
- "fi": "japani",
- "fr": "japonais",
- "ga": "Seapáinis",
- "he": "יפנית",
- "hi": "जापानी",
- "hr": "japanski",
- "hu": "japán",
- "id": "Japanese",
- "is": "Japanska",
- "it": "giapponese",
- "ja": "日本語",
- "ka": "იაპონური",
- "km": "ភាសាជប៉ុន",
- "ko": "일본어",
- "ky": "япончо",
- "lt": "Japonų",
- "lv": "japāņu",
- "mk": "јапонски",
- "mn": "япон",
- "mr": "जापनीस्",
- "mt": "Ġappuniż",
- "nb": "japansk",
- "nl": "Japans",
- "nn": "japansk",
- "pl": "japoński",
- "ps": "جاپانی",
- "pt": "japonês",
- "ro": "Japoneză",
- "ru": "японский",
- "sk": "japonský",
- "sl": "Japonščina",
- "sq": "Japanisht",
- "sr": "Јапански",
- "sv": "japanska",
- "sw": "kijapani",
- "ta": "ஜப்பானீஸ்",
- "te": "జపాను భాష",
- "th": "ญี่ปุ่น",
- "tr": "Japonca",
- "uk": "Японська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Nhật",
- "zh": "日文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ka",
- "name": "ქართული",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "GE"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ጊዮርጊያን",
- "ar": "الجورجية",
- "bg": "Грузински",
- "ca": "georgià",
- "cs": "Gruzínština",
- "da": "Georgisk",
- "de": "Georgisch",
- "el": "Γεωργιανά",
- "en": "Georgian",
- "es": "georgiano",
- "fi": "georgia",
- "fr": "géorgien",
- "ga": "Seoirsis",
- "he": "גרוזינית",
- "hi": "जॉर्जीयन्",
- "hu": "grúz",
- "id": "Georgian",
- "is": "Georgíska",
- "it": "georgiano",
- "ja": "グルジア語",
- "ka": "ქართული",
- "km": "ភាសាហ្សកហ្ស៉ី",
- "ko": "그루지야어",
- "mr": "जार्जियन्",
- "mt": "Ġorġjan",
- "nb": "georgisk",
- "nl": "Georgisch",
- "nn": "georgisk",
- "pt": "georgiano",
- "ru": "грузинский",
- "sr": "Грузијски",
- "sv": "georgiska",
- "ta": "கன்னடம்",
- "th": "จอร์เจียน",
- "tr": "Gürcüce",
- "uk": "Грузинська",
- "zh": "格鲁吉亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "kk",
- "name": "Қазақ",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "KZ"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ካዛክኛ",
- "ar": "الكازاخستانية",
- "bg": "Казахски",
- "ca": "kazakh",
- "cs": "Kazachština",
- "da": "Kasakhisk",
- "de": "Kasachisch",
- "en": "Kazakh",
- "es": "kazajo",
- "fi": "kazakki",
- "fr": "kazakh",
- "ga": "Casachais",
- "he": "קזחית",
- "hi": "कज़ाख",
- "hu": "kazah",
- "id": "Kazakh",
- "is": "Kasakska",
- "it": "kazako",
- "ja": "カザフ語",
- "kk": "Қазақ",
- "km": "ភាសាកាហ្សាក់ស្តង់់",
- "ko": "카자흐어",
- "mr": "कज़क",
- "mt": "Każak",
- "nb": "kasakhisk",
- "nl": "Kazachs",
- "nn": "kasakhisk",
- "pt": "cazaque",
- "ru": "казахский",
- "sv": "kazakstanska",
- "ta": "கசாக்",
- "th": "คาซัค",
- "tr": "Kazak Dili",
- "uk": "Казахська",
- "zh": "哈萨克文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "kl",
- "name": "kalaallisut",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "GL"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ካላሊሱትኛ",
- "ar": "الكالاليست",
- "ca": "greenlandès",
- "cs": "Grónština",
- "da": "Kalaallisut",
- "de": "Grönländisch",
- "en": "Kalaallisut",
- "es": "groenlandés",
- "fi": "kalaallisut; grönlanti",
- "fr": "groenlandais",
- "hi": "ग्रीनलैंडिक",
- "hu": "grönlandi",
- "id": "Kalaallisut",
- "is": "Grænlenska",
- "it": "kalaallisut",
- "ja": "グリーンランド語",
- "kl": "kalaallisut",
- "ko": "그린랜드어",
- "mr": "ग्रीनलान्डिक",
- "mt": "Kalallisut",
- "nl": "Kalaallisut",
- "nn": "kalaallisut; grønlandsk",
- "pt": "groenlandês",
- "ru": "эскимосский (гренландский)",
- "sv": "grönländska",
- "ta": "கிரின்லென்டிக்",
- "th": "กรีนแลนด์ดิค",
- "tr": "Grönland Dili",
- "uk": "Калааллісут",
- "zh": "格陵兰文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "km",
- "name": "ភាសាខ្មែរ",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "KH"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ክመርኛ",
- "ar": "الخميرية",
- "bg": "Кхмерски",
- "ca": "cambodjà",
- "cs": "Kambodžština",
- "da": "Khmer",
- "de": "Kambodschanisch",
- "en": "Khmer",
- "es": "jemer",
- "fi": "khmer",
- "fr": "khmer",
- "hi": "कैम्बोडियन्",
- "hr": "kmerski",
- "hu": "kambodzsai",
- "id": "Khmer",
- "is": "Kmer",
- "it": "khmer",
- "ja": "クメール語",
- "km": "ភាសាខ្មែរ",
- "ko": "캄보디아어",
- "mr": "कंबोडियन",
- "mt": "Kmer",
- "nb": "khmer",
- "nl": "Khmer",
- "nn": "khmer",
- "pt": "cmer",
- "ru": "кхмерский",
- "sr": "Кмерски",
- "sv": "kambodjanska; khmeriska",
- "ta": "கம்போடியன்",
- "th": "เขมร",
- "tr": "Kamboçya Dili",
- "uk": "Кхмерська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Campuchia",
- "zh": "柬埔寨文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "kn",
- "name": "ಕನ್ನಡ",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ካናዳኛ",
- "ar": "الكانادا",
- "ca": "kannada",
- "cs": "Kannadština",
- "da": "Kannaresisk",
- "de": "Kannada",
- "en": "Kannada",
- "es": "canarés",
- "fi": "kannada",
- "fr": "kannada",
- "ga": "Cannadais",
- "hi": "कन्नड़",
- "hu": "kannada",
- "id": "Kannada",
- "is": "Kannada",
- "it": "kannada",
- "ja": "カンナダ語",
- "km": "ភាសាកិណាដា",
- "kn": "ಕನ್ನಡ",
- "ko": "카나다어",
- "mr": "कन्नड",
- "mt": "Kannada",
- "nb": "kannada",
- "nl": "Kannada",
- "nn": "kannada",
- "pt": "canarês",
- "ru": "каннада",
- "sv": "kanaresiska; kannada",
- "ta": "கன்னடா",
- "th": "กานาดา",
- "tr": "Kannada",
- "uk": "Каннада",
- "vi": "Tiếng Kan-na-đa",
- "zh": "埃纳德文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ko",
- "name": "한국어",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "KR"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ኮሪያኛ",
- "ar": "الكورية",
- "bg": "Корейски",
- "ca": "coreà",
- "cs": "Korejština",
- "da": "Koreansk",
- "de": "Koreanisch",
- "el": "Κορεατικά",
- "en": "Korean",
- "es": "coreano",
- "et": "Korea",
- "fi": "korea",
- "fr": "coréen",
- "ga": "Cóiréis",
- "he": "קוריאנית",
- "hi": "कोरीयन्",
- "hr": "korejski",
- "hu": "koreai",
- "id": "Korea",
- "is": "Kóreska",
- "it": "coreano",
- "ja": "韓国語",
- "km": "ភាសាកូរ៉េ",
- "ko": "한국어",
- "lt": "Korėjiečių",
- "lv": "korejiešu",
- "mr": "कोरियन्",
- "mt": "Korejan",
- "nb": "koreansk",
- "nl": "Koreaans",
- "nn": "koreansk",
- "pl": "koreański",
- "pt": "coreano",
- "ro": "Coreeană",
- "ru": "корейский",
- "sk": "kórejský",
- "sl": "Korejščina",
- "sr": "Корејски",
- "sv": "koreanska",
- "ta": "கொரியன்",
- "th": "เกาหลี",
- "tr": "Korece",
- "uk": "Корейська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Hàn Quốc",
- "zh": "韩文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ku",
- "name": "kurdî",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IQ"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "IR"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "SY"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "TR"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ኩርድሽኛ",
- "ar": "الكردية",
- "bg": "Кюрдски",
- "ca": "kurd",
- "cs": "Kurdština",
- "da": "Kurdisk",
- "de": "Kurdisch",
- "en": "Kurdish",
- "es": "kurdo",
- "fi": "kurdi",
- "fr": "kurde",
- "he": "כורדית",
- "hi": "कुरदीश",
- "hu": "kurd",
- "id": "Kurdi",
- "is": "Kúrdneska",
- "it": "curdo",
- "ja": "クルド語",
- "km": "ភាសាឃឺដ",
- "ko": "크르드어",
- "mr": "कुर्दिष",
- "mt": "Kurdiż",
- "nb": "kurdisk",
- "nl": "Koerdisch",
- "nn": "kurdisk",
- "ps": "کردي",
- "pt": "curdo",
- "ru": "курдский",
- "sr": "Курдски",
- "sv": "kurdiska",
- "ta": "குர்திஷ்",
- "th": "เคิด",
- "tr": "Kürtçe",
- "uk": "Курдська",
- "zh": "库尔德文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "kw",
- "name": "kernewek",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "GB"
- }
- ],
- "ar": "الكورنية",
- "da": "Cornisk",
- "de": "Kornisch",
- "en": "Cornish",
- "es": "córnico",
- "fi": "korni",
- "fr": "cornique",
- "ga": "Cornais",
- "id": "Cornish",
- "is": "Korníska",
- "it": "cornico",
- "ja": "コーンウォール語",
- "ko": "콘월어",
- "kw": "kernewek",
- "mt": "Korniku",
- "nb": "kornisk",
- "nl": "Cornish",
- "nn": "kornisk",
- "pt": "córnico",
- "ru": "корнийский",
- "sv": "korniska",
- "th": "คอร์นิส",
- "zh": "凯尔特文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ky",
- "name": "Кыргыз",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "KG"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ኪርጊዝኛ",
- "ar": "القيرغستانية",
- "bg": "Киргизски",
- "ca": "kirguís",
- "cs": "Kirgizština",
- "da": "Kirgisisk",
- "de": "Kirgisisch",
- "en": "Kirghiz",
- "es": "kirghiz",
- "fi": "kirgiisi",
- "fr": "kirghize",
- "ga": "Cirgeasais",
- "hi": "किरघिज़",
- "hu": "kirgiz",
- "id": "Kirghiz",
- "is": "Kirgiska",
- "it": "kirghiso",
- "ja": "キルギス語",
- "km": "ភាសាគៀរហ្គីស្តង់",
- "ko": "키르기스어",
- "mr": "किर्गिज़",
- "mt": "Kirgiż",
- "nb": "kirgisisk",
- "nl": "Kirgizisch",
- "nn": "kirgisisk",
- "pt": "quirguiz",
- "ru": "киргизский",
- "sr": "Киргиски",
- "sv": "kirgisiska",
- "ta": "கிர்கிஷ்",
- "th": "เคอร์กิซ",
- "tr": "Kırgızca",
- "uk": "Киргизька",
- "zh": "吉尔吉斯文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ln",
- "name": "lingála",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "CD"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "CG"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ሊንጋላኛ",
- "ar": "اللينجالا",
- "ca": "lingala",
- "cs": "Lingalština",
- "da": "Lingala",
- "de": "Lingala",
- "en": "Lingala",
- "es": "lingala",
- "fi": "lingala",
- "fr": "lingala",
- "hi": "लिंगाला",
- "hu": "lingala",
- "id": "Lingala",
- "is": "Lingala",
- "it": "lingala",
- "ja": "リンガラ語",
- "ko": "링갈라어",
- "mr": "लिंगाला",
- "mt": "Lingaljan",
- "nb": "lingala",
- "nl": "Lingala",
- "nn": "lingala",
- "pt": "lingala",
- "ru": "лингала",
- "sv": "lingala",
- "ta": "லிங்காலா",
- "th": "ลิงกาลา",
- "tr": "Lingala",
- "uk": "Лінгала",
- "zh": "林加拉文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "lo",
- "name": "ລາວ",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "LA"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ላውስኛ",
- "ar": "اللاوية",
- "bg": "Лаоски",
- "ca": "laosià",
- "cs": "Laoština",
- "da": "Lao",
- "de": "Laotisch",
- "en": "Lao",
- "es": "laosiano",
- "fi": "lao",
- "fr": "lao",
- "ga": "Laosais",
- "hi": "लाओथीयन्",
- "hu": "laoszi",
- "id": "Lao",
- "is": "Laó",
- "it": "lao",
- "ja": "ラオ語",
- "km": "ភាសាឡាវ",
- "ko": "라오어",
- "mr": "लाओतियन्",
- "mt": "Lao",
- "nb": "laotisk",
- "nl": "Lao",
- "nn": "laotisk",
- "pt": "laosiano",
- "ru": "лаосский",
- "sv": "laotiska",
- "ta": "லோத்தியன்",
- "th": "ลาว",
- "tr": "Laos Dili",
- "uk": "Лаоська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Lào",
- "zh": "老挝文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "lt",
- "name": "Lietuvių",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "LT"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ሊቱአኒያን",
- "ar": "اللتوانية",
- "bg": "Литовски",
- "ca": "lituà",
- "cs": "Litevština",
- "da": "Litauisk",
- "de": "Litauisch",
- "el": "Λιθουανικά",
- "en": "Lithuanian",
- "es": "lituano",
- "et": "Leedu",
- "fi": "liettua",
- "fr": "lituanien",
- "ga": "Liotuáinis",
- "he": "ליטאית",
- "hi": "लिथुनियन्",
- "hr": "litvanski",
- "hu": "litván",
- "id": "Lithuania",
- "is": "Litháíska",
- "it": "lituano",
- "ja": "リトアニア語",
- "km": "ភាសាលីទុយអានី",
- "ko": "리투아니아어",
- "lt": "Lietuvių",
- "lv": "lietuviešu",
- "mr": "लिथुआनियन्",
- "mt": "Litwanjan",
- "nb": "litauisk",
- "nl": "Litouws",
- "nn": "litauisk",
- "pl": "litewski",
- "pt": "lituano",
- "ro": "Lituaniană",
- "ru": "литовский",
- "sk": "litovský",
- "sl": "Litovščina",
- "sr": "Литвански",
- "sv": "litauiska",
- "ta": "லுத்தேனியன்",
- "th": "ลิธัวเนีย",
- "tr": "Litvanya Dili",
- "uk": "Литовська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Lít-va",
- "zh": "立陶宛文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "lv",
- "name": "latviešu",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "LV"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ላትቪያን",
- "ar": "اللاتفية",
- "bg": "Латвийски",
- "ca": "letó",
- "cs": "Lotyština",
- "da": "Lettisk",
- "de": "Lettisch",
- "el": "Λετονικά",
- "en": "Latvian",
- "es": "letón",
- "et": "Läti",
- "fi": "latvia",
- "fr": "letton",
- "ga": "Laitvis",
- "he": "לטבית",
- "hi": "लाटवियन् (लेट्टीश)",
- "hr": "latvijski",
- "hu": "lett",
- "id": "Latvian",
- "is": "Lettneska",
- "it": "lettone",
- "ja": "ラトビア語",
- "km": "ភាសាឡាតវីយ៉ា",
- "ko": "라트비아어",
- "lt": "Latvių",
- "lv": "latviešu",
- "mr": "लाट्वियन् (लेट्टिष)",
- "mt": "Latvjan (Lettix)",
- "nb": "latvisk",
- "nl": "Letlands",
- "nn": "latvisk",
- "pl": "łotewski",
- "pt": "letão",
- "ro": "Letonă",
- "ru": "латышский",
- "sk": "lotyšský",
- "sl": "Letonščina",
- "sr": "Летонски",
- "sv": "lettiska",
- "ta": "லேட்வியன் (லேட்டிஷ்)",
- "th": "แลตเวีย (เลททิสช์)",
- "tr": "Letonya Dili",
- "uk": "Латвійська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Lát-vi-a",
- "zh": "拉脫維亞文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "mk",
- "name": "македонски",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "MK"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ማከዶኒኛ",
- "ar": "المقدونية",
- "bg": "Македонски",
- "ca": "macedoni",
- "cs": "Makedonština",
- "da": "Makedonsk",
- "de": "Mazedonisch",
- "el": "Σλαβομακεδονικά",
- "en": "Macedonian",
- "es": "macedonio",
- "fi": "makedonia",
- "fr": "macédonien",
- "ga": "Macadóinis",
- "he": "מקדונית",
- "hi": "मैसेडोनियन्",
- "hr": "makedonski",
- "hu": "macedón",
- "id": "Macedonian",
- "is": "Makedónska",
- "it": "macedone",
- "ja": "マケドニア語",
- "km": "ភាសាម៉ាសេដូនី",
- "ko": "마케도니아어",
- "mk": "македонски",
- "mr": "मसीडोनियन्",
- "mt": "Maċedonjan",
- "nb": "makedonsk",
- "nl": "Macedonisch",
- "nn": "makedonsk",
- "ps": "مقدوني",
- "pt": "macedônio",
- "ru": "македонский",
- "sr": "Македонски",
- "sv": "makedonska",
- "ta": "மெக்கடோனியன்",
- "th": "แมซีโดเนีย",
- "tr": "Makedonca",
- "uk": "Македонська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Ma-xê-đô-ni-a",
- "zh": "马其顿文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ml",
- "name": "മലയാളം",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ማላያላምኛ",
- "ar": "الماليالام",
- "bg": "Малаялам",
- "ca": "malaialam",
- "cs": "Malabarština",
- "da": "Malayalam",
- "de": "Malayalam",
- "en": "Malayalam",
- "es": "malayalam",
- "fi": "malajalam",
- "fr": "malayalam",
- "ga": "Mailéalaimis",
- "hi": "मलयालम",
- "hu": "malajalam",
- "id": "Malayalam",
- "is": "Malajalam",
- "it": "malayalam",
- "ja": "マラヤーラム語",
- "km": "ភាសាម៉ាឡាឡាយ៉ាន",
- "ko": "말라얄람어",
- "mr": "मलियालम",
- "mt": "Malajalam",
- "nb": "malayalam",
- "nl": "Malayalam",
- "nn": "malayalam",
- "pt": "malaiala",
- "ru": "малаялам",
- "sv": "malayalam",
- "ta": "மலையாளம்",
- "th": "มาลายาลัม",
- "tr": "Malayalam",
- "uk": "Малайялам",
- "zh": "马来亚拉姆文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "mn",
- "name": "Монгол хэл",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "MN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ሞንጎላዊኛ",
- "ar": "المنغولية",
- "bg": "Монголски",
- "ca": "mongol",
- "cs": "Mongolština",
- "da": "Mongolsk",
- "de": "Mongolisch",
- "el": "Μογγολικά",
- "en": "Mongolian",
- "es": "mongol",
- "fi": "mongoli",
- "fr": "mongol",
- "ga": "Mongóilis",
- "he": "מונגולית",
- "hi": "मोंगोलियन",
- "hr": "mongolski",
- "hu": "mongol",
- "id": "Mongolian",
- "is": "Mongólska",
- "it": "mongolo",
- "ja": "モンゴル語",
- "km": "ភាសាម៉ុងហ្គោលី",
- "ko": "몽골어",
- "mr": "मंगोलियन्",
- "mt": "Mongoljan",
- "nb": "mongolsk",
- "nl": "Mongools",
- "nn": "mongolsk",
- "ps": "مغولي",
- "pt": "mongol",
- "ru": "монгольский",
- "sr": "Монголски",
- "sv": "mongoliska",
- "ta": "மங்கோலியன்",
- "th": "มองโกล",
- "tr": "Moğol Dili",
- "uk": "Монгольська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Mông Cổ",
- "zh": "蒙古文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "mr",
- "name": "मराठी",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ማራዚኛ",
- "ar": "الماراثى",
- "ca": "marathi",
- "cs": "Marathi",
- "da": "Marathisk",
- "de": "Marathi",
- "en": "Marathi",
- "es": "marathi",
- "fi": "marathi",
- "fr": "marathe",
- "ga": "Maraitis",
- "he": "מארתית",
- "hi": "मराठी",
- "hu": "marati",
- "id": "Marathi",
- "is": "Maratí",
- "it": "marathi",
- "ja": "マラーティー語",
- "km": "ភាសាម៉ារាធី",
- "ko": "마라티어",
- "mr": "मराठी",
- "mt": "Marati",
- "nb": "marathi",
- "nl": "Marathi",
- "nn": "marathi",
- "pt": "marata",
- "ru": "маратхи",
- "sv": "marathi",
- "ta": "மராத்தி",
- "th": "มาราที",
- "tr": "Marathi",
- "uk": "Маратхі",
- "zh": "马拉地文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ms",
- "name": "Bahasa Melayu",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "BN"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "MY"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ማላይኛ",
- "ar": "لغة الملايو",
- "bg": "Малайски",
- "ca": "malai",
- "cs": "Malajština",
- "da": "Malay",
- "de": "Malaiisch",
- "en": "Malay",
- "es": "malayo",
- "fi": "malaiji",
- "fr": "malais",
- "hi": "मलय",
- "hu": "maláj",
- "id": "Malay",
- "is": "Malaíska",
- "it": "malese",
- "ja": "マレー語",
- "km": "ភាសាម៉ាលេស៉ី",
- "ko": "말레이어",
- "mr": "मलय",
- "ms": "Bahasa Melayu",
- "mt": "Malajan",
- "nb": "malayisk",
- "nl": "Maleis",
- "nn": "malayisk",
- "ps": "ملایا",
- "pt": "malaio",
- "ru": "малайский",
- "sv": "malajiska",
- "ta": "மலாய்",
- "th": "มลายู",
- "tr": "Malay",
- "uk": "Малайська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Ma-lay-xi-a",
- "zh": "马来文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "mt",
- "name": "Malti",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "MT"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ማልቲስኛ",
- "ar": "المالطية",
- "bg": "Малтийски",
- "ca": "maltès",
- "cs": "Maltština",
- "da": "Maltesisk",
- "de": "Maltesisch",
- "el": "Μαλτεζικά",
- "en": "Maltese",
- "es": "maltés",
- "fi": "malta",
- "fr": "maltais",
- "ga": "Maltais",
- "he": "מלטזית",
- "hi": "मालटिस्",
- "hr": "malteški",
- "hu": "máltai",
- "id": "Maltese",
- "is": "Maltneska",
- "it": "maltese",
- "ja": "マルタ語",
- "km": "ភាសាម៉ាល់តា",
- "ko": "몰타어",
- "mr": "मालतीस्",
- "mt": "Malti",
- "nb": "maltesisk",
- "nl": "Maltees",
- "nn": "maltesisk",
- "pl": "maltański",
- "pt": "maltês",
- "ru": "мальтийский",
- "sv": "maltesiska",
- "ta": "மால்டிஸ்",
- "th": "มอลตา",
- "tr": "Malta Dili",
- "uk": "Мальтійська",
- "zh": "马耳他文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "nb",
- "name": "bokmål",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "NO"
- }
- ],
- "ar": "البوكمالية النرويجية",
- "da": "Norsk Bokmål",
- "de": "Norwegisch Bokmål",
- "en": "Norwegian Bokmål",
- "es": "bokmal noruego",
- "fi": "norja (bokmål)",
- "fr": "bokmål norvégien",
- "ga": "Ioruais Bokmål",
- "he": "נורבגית שפת הספר (בוקמול)",
- "id": "Norwegian Bokmål",
- "is": "Norskt bókmál",
- "ja": "ノルウェー語 (ブークモール)",
- "ko": "보크말 노르웨이어",
- "mt": "Bokmahal Norveġiż",
- "nb": "bokmål",
- "nl": "Noors - Bokmål",
- "nn": "bokmål",
- "pt": "bokmål norueguês",
- "ru": "норвежский",
- "sv": "norska (bokmål)",
- "th": "นอร์เวย์บอกมอล",
- "tr": "Norveç Kitap Dili",
- "zh": "挪威博克马尔文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "nl",
- "name": "Nederlands",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "BE"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "NL"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ደች",
- "ar": "الهولندية",
- "bg": "Холандски",
- "ca": "neerlandès",
- "da": "Hollandsk",
- "de": "Niederländisch",
- "el": "Ολλανδικά",
- "en": "Dutch",
- "et": "Hollandi",
- "fi": "hollanti",
- "fr": "néerlandais",
- "ga": "Ollainnais",
- "he": "הולנדית",
- "hi": "डच्",
- "hr": "nizozemski",
- "hu": "holland",
- "id": "Belanda",
- "is": "Hollenska",
- "it": "olandese",
- "ja": "オランダ語",
- "km": "ភាសាហុល្លង់",
- "ko": "네덜란드어",
- "lt": "Olandų",
- "lv": "holandiešu",
- "mr": "डच",
- "mt": "Olandiż",
- "nb": "nederlandsk",
- "nl": "Nederlands",
- "nn": "nederlandsk",
- "pl": "niderlandzki",
- "pt": "holandês",
- "ro": "Olandeză",
- "ru": "голландский",
- "sk": "holandský",
- "sl": "Nizozemščina",
- "sr": "Холандски",
- "ta": "டச்சு",
- "th": "ฮอลันดา",
- "tr": "Hollanda Dili",
- "uk": "Голландська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Hà Lan",
- "zh": "荷兰文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "nn",
- "name": "nynorsk",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "NO"
- }
- ],
- "ar": "النينورسك النرويجي",
- "da": "Nynorsk",
- "de": "Norwegisch Nynorsk",
- "en": "Norwegian Nynorsk",
- "es": "nynorsk noruego",
- "fi": "norja (nynorsk)",
- "fr": "nynorsk norvégien",
- "ga": "Ioruais Nynorsk",
- "he": "נורבגית חדשה (נינורשק)",
- "id": "Norwegian Nynorsk",
- "is": "Nýnorska",
- "it": "norvegese nynorsk",
- "ja": "ノルウェー語 (ニーノシュク)",
- "ko": "뉘노르스크 노르웨이어",
- "mt": "Ninorsk Norveġiż",
- "nb": "nynorsk",
- "nl": "Noors - Nynorsk",
- "nn": "nynorsk",
- "pt": "nynorsk norueguês",
- "ru": "новонорвежский",
- "sv": "nynorska",
- "th": "นอร์เวย์ไนนอรส์ก",
- "tr": "Norveççe Nynorsk",
- "zh": "挪威尼诺斯克文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "om",
- "name": "Oromoo",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "ET"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "KE"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ኦሮምኛ",
- "ar": "الأورومو",
- "ca": "oromo (afan)",
- "cs": "Oromo (Afan)",
- "da": "Oromo",
- "de": "Oromo",
- "en": "Oromo",
- "es": "oromo",
- "fi": "oromo",
- "fr": "galla",
- "hi": "ओरोमो (अफ़ान)",
- "hu": "oromói",
- "id": "Oromo",
- "is": "Órómó",
- "it": "oromo",
- "ja": "オロモ語",
- "ko": "오로모어 (아판)",
- "mr": "ओरोमो (अफान)",
- "mt": "Oromo (Afan)",
- "nb": "oromo",
- "nl": "Oromo",
- "nn": "oromo",
- "om": "Oromoo",
- "pt": "oromo",
- "ru": "оромо",
- "sv": "oromo",
- "ta": "ஒரோம (அபன்)",
- "th": "โอโรโม (อาฟาน)",
- "tr": "Oromo (Afan)",
- "uk": "Оромо",
- "zh": "阿曼文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "or",
- "name": "ଓଡ଼ିଆ",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ኦሪያኛ",
- "ar": "الأورييا",
- "ca": "oriya",
- "cs": "Oriya",
- "da": "Oriya",
- "de": "Orija",
- "en": "Oriya",
- "es": "oriya",
- "fi": "orija",
- "fr": "oriya",
- "hi": "उड़िया",
- "hu": "orija",
- "id": "Oriya",
- "is": "Óría",
- "it": "oriya",
- "ja": "オリヤー語",
- "km": "ភាសាអូរីយ៉ា",
- "ko": "오리야어",
- "mr": "ओरिया",
- "mt": "Orija",
- "nb": "oriya",
- "nl": "Oriya",
- "nn": "oriya",
- "pt": "oriya",
- "ru": "ория",
- "sv": "oriya",
- "ta": "ஒரியா",
- "th": "โอริยา",
- "tr": "Oriya",
- "uk": "Орія",
- "zh": "欧里亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "pa",
- "name": "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "PK"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ፓንጃቢኛ",
- "ar": "البنجابية",
- "bg": "Пенджабски",
- "ca": "panjabi",
- "cs": "Paňdžábština",
- "da": "Punjabi",
- "de": "Pandschabisch",
- "en": "Punjabi",
- "es": "punjabí",
- "fi": "pandžabi",
- "fr": "pendjabi",
- "ga": "Puinseaibis",
- "hi": "पंजाबी",
- "hu": "pandzsábi",
- "id": "Punjabi",
- "is": "Púnjabí",
- "it": "punjabi",
- "ja": "パンジャブ語",
- "km": "ភាសាពូនយ៉ាប៊ី",
- "ko": "펀잡어",
- "mr": "पंजाबी",
- "mt": "Punġabi",
- "nb": "panjabi",
- "nl": "Punjabi",
- "nn": "panjabi",
- "pa": "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ",
- "pt": "panjabi",
- "ru": "панджаби (пенджаби)",
- "sv": "punjabi",
- "ta": "பஞ்சாபி",
- "th": "ปัญจาป",
- "tr": "Pencap Dili",
- "uk": "Панджабі",
- "zh": "旁遮普文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "pl",
- "name": "polski",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "PL"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ፖሊሽ",
- "ar": "البولندية",
- "bg": "Полски",
- "ca": "polonès",
- "cs": "Polština",
- "da": "Polsk",
- "de": "Polnisch",
- "el": "Πολωνικά",
- "en": "Polish",
- "es": "polaco",
- "et": "Poola",
- "fi": "puola",
- "fr": "polonais",
- "ga": "Polainnis",
- "he": "פולנית",
- "hi": "पॉलिश",
- "hr": "poljski",
- "hu": "lengyel",
- "id": "Polish",
- "is": "Pólska",
- "it": "polacco",
- "ja": "ポーランド語",
- "km": "ភាសាប៉ូឡូញ",
- "ko": "폴란드어",
- "lt": "Lenkų",
- "lv": "poļu",
- "mr": "पोलिष",
- "mt": "Pollakk",
- "nb": "polsk",
- "nl": "Pools",
- "nn": "polsk",
- "pl": "polski",
- "ps": "پولنډي",
- "pt": "polonês",
- "ro": "Poloneză",
- "ru": "польский",
- "sk": "poľský",
- "sl": "Poljščina",
- "sr": "Пољски",
- "sv": "polska",
- "ta": "போலிஷ்",
- "th": "โปแลนด์",
- "tr": "Polonya Dili",
- "uk": "Польська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Ba Lan",
- "zh": "波兰文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ps",
- "name": "پښتو",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "AF"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ፑሽቶኛ",
- "ar": "البشتونية",
- "bg": "Пущу",
- "ca": "paixto",
- "cs": "Pashto (Pushto)",
- "da": "Pashto (Pushto)",
- "de": "Afghanisch (Paschtu)",
- "es": "pashto",
- "fi": "paštu",
- "fr": "pachto",
- "ga": "Paisteo",
- "he": "פאשטו",
- "hi": "पॉशतो (पुशतो)",
- "hu": "pastu (afgán)",
- "id": "Pashto (Pushto)",
- "is": "Pastú",
- "it": "pashto",
- "ja": "パシュトゥー語",
- "ko": "파시토어 (푸시토)",
- "mr": "पष्टो (पुष्टो)",
- "mt": "Paxtun",
- "nb": "pashto",
- "nl": "Pashto",
- "nn": "pashto",
- "ps": "پښتو",
- "pt": "pashto (pushto)",
- "ru": "пашто (пушту)",
- "sv": "pashto; afghanska",
- "ta": "பேஷ்டோ (புஷ்டோ)",
- "th": "พาสช์โต (พุสช์โต)",
- "tr": "Peştun Dili",
- "uk": "Пашто",
- "zh": "普什图文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "pt",
- "name": "português",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "BR"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "PT"
- }
- ],
- "af": "Portugees",
- "am": "ፖርቱጋሊኛ",
- "ar": "البرتغالية",
- "be": "партугальскі",
- "bg": "Португалски",
- "ca": "portuguès",
- "cs": "Portugalština",
- "cy": "Portiwgaleg",
- "da": "Portugisisk",
- "de": "Portugiesisch",
- "el": "Πορτογαλικά",
- "en": "Portuguese",
- "es": "portugués",
- "et": "Portugali",
- "eu": "portugalera",
- "fi": "portugali",
- "fr": "portugais",
- "ga": "Portaingéilis",
- "he": "פורטוגזית",
- "hi": "पुर्तुगी",
- "hr": "portugalski",
- "hu": "portugál",
- "id": "Portugis",
- "is": "Portúgalska",
- "it": "portoghese",
- "ja": "ポルトガル語",
- "ka": "პორტუგალიური",
- "km": "ភាសាព័រទុយហ្កាល់",
- "ko": "포르투칼어",
- "ky": "португалча",
- "lt": "Portugalų",
- "lv": "portugāļu",
- "mk": "португалски",
- "mn": "португали",
- "mr": "पोर्चुगीस्",
- "mt": "Portugiż",
- "nb": "portugisisk",
- "nl": "Portugees",
- "nn": "portugisisk",
- "pl": "portugalski",
- "ps": "پورتګالي",
- "pt": "português",
- "ro": "Portugheză",
- "ru": "португальский",
- "sk": "portugalský",
- "sl": "Portugalščina",
- "sq": "Portugeze",
- "sr": "Португалски",
- "sv": "portugisiska",
- "sw": "kireno",
- "ta": "போர்த்துகீஸ்",
- "te": "పొర్చుగల్ భాష",
- "th": "โปรตุเกส",
- "tr": "Portekizce",
- "uk": "Португальська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Bồ Đào Nha",
- "zh": "葡萄牙文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ro",
- "name": "Română",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "RO"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ሮማኒያን",
- "ar": "الرومانية",
- "bg": "Румънски",
- "ca": "romanès",
- "cs": "Rumunština",
- "da": "Rumænsk",
- "de": "Rumänisch",
- "el": "Ρουμανικά",
- "en": "Romanian",
- "es": "rumano",
- "et": "Rumeenia",
- "fi": "romania",
- "fr": "roumain",
- "ga": "Romáinis",
- "he": "רומנית",
- "hi": "रूमानीयन्",
- "hr": "rumunjski",
- "hu": "román",
- "id": "Romanian",
- "is": "Rúmenska",
- "it": "rumeno",
- "ja": "ルーマニア語",
- "km": "ភាសារូម៉ានី",
- "ko": "루마니아어",
- "lt": "Rumunų",
- "lv": "rumāņu",
- "mr": "रोमानियन्",
- "mt": "Rumen",
- "nb": "rumensk",
- "nl": "Roemeens",
- "nn": "rumensk",
- "pl": "rumuński",
- "pt": "romeno",
- "ro": "Română",
- "ru": "румынский",
- "sk": "rumunský",
- "sl": "Romunščina",
- "sr": "Румунски",
- "sv": "rumänska",
- "ta": "ரோமேனியன்",
- "th": "โรมัน",
- "tr": "Romence",
- "uk": "Румунська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Ru-ma-ni",
- "zh": "罗马尼亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ru",
- "name": "русский",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "RU"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "UA"
- }
- ],
- "af": "Russies",
- "am": "ራሽኛ",
- "ar": "الروسية",
- "be": "рускі",
- "bg": "Руски",
- "ca": "rus",
- "cs": "Ruština",
- "cy": "Rwsieg",
- "da": "Russisk",
- "de": "Russisch",
- "el": "Ρωσικά",
- "en": "Russian",
- "es": "ruso",
- "et": "Vene",
- "eu": "errusiera",
- "fi": "venäjä",
- "fr": "russe",
- "ga": "Rúisis",
- "he": "רוסית",
- "hi": "रुसी",
- "hr": "ruski",
- "hu": "orosz",
- "id": "Russian",
- "is": "Rússneska",
- "it": "russo",
- "ja": "ロシア語",
- "ka": "რუსული",
- "km": "ភាសាรัរូស្ស៉ី",
- "ko": "러시아어",
- "ky": "орусча",
- "lt": "Rusų",
- "lv": "krievu",
- "mk": "руски",
- "mn": "орос",
- "mr": "रष्यन्",
- "mt": "Russu",
- "nb": "russisk",
- "nl": "Russisch",
- "nn": "russisk",
- "pl": "rosyjski",
- "ps": "روسي",
- "pt": "russo",
- "ro": "Rusă",
- "ru": "русский",
- "sk": "ruský",
- "sl": "Ruščina",
- "sq": "Rusisht",
- "sr": "Руски",
- "sv": "ryska",
- "sw": "kirusi",
- "ta": "ரஷியன்",
- "te": "రష్యన్ భాష",
- "th": "รัสเซีย",
- "tr": "Rusça",
- "uk": "Російська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Nga",
- "zh": "俄文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "sa",
- "name": "संस्कृत",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ሳንስክሪትኛ",
- "ar": "السنسكريتية",
- "bg": "Санкскритски",
- "ca": "sànscrit",
- "cs": "Sanskrt",
- "da": "Sanskrit",
- "de": "Sanskrit",
- "en": "Sanskrit",
- "es": "sánscrito",
- "fi": "sanskrit",
- "fr": "sanskrit",
- "ga": "Sanscrait",
- "he": "סנסקרית",
- "hi": "संस्कृत",
- "hu": "szanszkrit",
- "id": "Sanskrit",
- "is": "Sanskrít",
- "it": "sanscrito",
- "ja": "サンスクリット語",
- "km": "ភាសាសំស្ក្រឹត",
- "ko": "산스크리트어",
- "mr": "संस्कृत",
- "mt": "Sanskrit",
- "nb": "sanskrit",
- "nl": "Sanskrit",
- "nn": "sanskrit",
- "ps": "سنسکریټ",
- "pt": "sânscrito",
- "ru": "санскрит",
- "sr": "Санскрит",
- "sv": "sanskrit",
- "ta": "சமஸ்கிருதம்",
- "th": "สันสกฤต",
- "tr": "Sanskritçe",
- "uk": "Санскрит",
- "vi": "Tiếng Phạn",
- "zh": "梵文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "sk",
- "name": "slovenský",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "SK"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ስሎቫክኛ",
- "ar": "السلوفاكية",
- "bg": "Словашки",
- "ca": "eslovac",
- "cs": "Slovenština",
- "da": "Slovakisk",
- "de": "Slowakisch",
- "el": "Σλοβακικά",
- "en": "Slovak",
- "es": "eslovaco",
- "et": "Slovaki",
- "fi": "slovakki",
- "fr": "slovaque",
- "ga": "Slóvacais",
- "he": "סלובקית",
- "hi": "स्लोवाक्",
- "hr": "slovački",
- "hu": "szlovák",
- "id": "Slovak",
- "is": "Slóvakíska",
- "it": "slovacco",
- "ja": "スロバキア語",
- "km": "ភាសាស្លូវ៉ាគី",
- "ko": "슬로바키아어",
- "lt": "Slovakų",
- "lv": "slovāku",
- "mr": "स्लोवाक",
- "mt": "Slovakk",
- "nb": "slovakisk",
- "nl": "Slowaaks",
- "nn": "slovakisk",
- "pl": "słowacki",
- "pt": "eslovaco",
- "ro": "Slovacă",
- "ru": "словацкий",
- "sk": "slovenský",
- "sl": "Slovaščina",
- "sr": "Словачки",
- "sv": "slovakiska",
- "ta": "ஸ்லோவெக்",
- "th": "สโลวัค",
- "tr": "Slovakça",
- "uk": "Словацька",
- "vi": "Tiếng Xlô-vác",
- "zh": "斯洛伐克文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "sl",
- "name": "Slovenščina",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "SI"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ስሎቪኛ",
- "ar": "السلوفانية",
- "bg": "Словенски",
- "ca": "eslovè",
- "cs": "Slovinština",
- "da": "Slovensk",
- "de": "Slowenisch",
- "el": "Σλοβενικά",
- "en": "Slovenian",
- "es": "esloveno",
- "et": "Sloveeni",
- "fi": "sloveeni",
- "fr": "slovène",
- "ga": "Slóvéinis",
- "he": "סלובנית",
- "hi": "स्लोवेनियन्",
- "hr": "slovenski",
- "hu": "szlovén",
- "id": "Slovenian",
- "is": "Slóvenska",
- "it": "sloveno",
- "ja": "スロベニア語",
- "km": "ភាសាស្លូវ៉ានី",
- "ko": "슬로베니아어",
- "lt": "Slovėnų",
- "lv": "slovēņu",
- "mr": "स्लोवेनियन्",
- "mt": "Sloven",
- "nb": "slovensk",
- "nl": "Sloveens",
- "nn": "slovensk",
- "pl": "słoweński",
- "pt": "eslovênio",
- "ro": "Slovenă",
- "ru": "словенский",
- "sk": "slovinský",
- "sl": "Slovenščina",
- "sr": "Словеначки",
- "sv": "slovenska",
- "ta": "ஸ்லோவினேயின்",
- "th": "สโลเวเนีย",
- "tr": "Slovence",
- "uk": "Словенська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Xlô-ven",
- "zh": "斯洛文尼亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "so",
- "name": "Soomaali",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "DJ"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "ET"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "KE"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "SO"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ሱማልኛ",
- "ar": "الصومالية",
- "bg": "Сомалийски",
- "ca": "somali",
- "cs": "Somálština",
- "da": "Somalisk",
- "de": "Somali",
- "en": "Somali",
- "es": "somalí",
- "fi": "somali",
- "fr": "somali",
- "ga": "Somálais",
- "he": "סומלית",
- "hi": "सोमाली",
- "hu": "szomáli",
- "id": "Somali",
- "is": "Sómalska",
- "it": "somalo",
- "ja": "ソマリ語",
- "km": "ភាសាសូម៉ាលី",
- "ko": "소말리아어",
- "mr": "सोमाली",
- "mt": "Somali",
- "nl": "Somalisch",
- "nn": "somali",
- "pt": "somali",
- "ru": "сомали",
- "so": "Soomaali",
- "sv": "somaliska",
- "ta": "சோமாலி",
- "th": "โซมาลี",
- "tr": "Somali Dili",
- "uk": "Сомалі",
- "vi": "Tiếng Xô-ma-li",
- "zh": "索马里文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "sq",
- "name": "shqipe",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "AL"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ልቤኒኛ",
- "ar": "الألبانية",
- "bg": "Албански",
- "ca": "albanès",
- "cs": "Albánština",
- "da": "albansk",
- "de": "Albanisch",
- "el": "Αλβανικά",
- "en": "Albanian",
- "es": "albanés",
- "fi": "albania",
- "fr": "albanais",
- "ga": "Albáinis",
- "he": "אלבנית",
- "hi": "अल्बेनियन्",
- "hr": "albanski",
- "hu": "albán",
- "id": "Albanian",
- "is": "Albanska",
- "it": "albanese",
- "ja": "アルバニア語",
- "km": "ភាសាអាល់បានី",
- "ko": "알바니아어",
- "mr": "आल्बेनियन्",
- "mt": "Albaniż",
- "nb": "albansk",
- "nl": "Albanees",
- "nn": "albansk",
- "pt": "albanês",
- "ru": "албанский",
- "sq": "shqipe",
- "sr": "Албански",
- "sv": "albanska",
- "ta": "அல்பெனியன்",
- "th": "แอลเบเนีย",
- "tr": "Arnavutça",
- "uk": "Албанська",
- "vi": "Tiếng An-ba-ni",
- "zh": "阿尔巴尼亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "sr",
- "name": "Српски",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "BA"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "CS"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "YU"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ሰርቢኛ",
- "ar": "الصربية",
- "bg": "Сръбски",
- "ca": "serbi",
- "cs": "Srbština",
- "da": "Serbisk",
- "de": "Serbisch",
- "el": "Σερβικά",
- "en": "Serbian",
- "es": "serbio",
- "fi": "serbia",
- "fr": "serbe",
- "ga": "Seirbis",
- "he": "סרבית",
- "hi": "सर्बियन्",
- "hr": "srpski",
- "hu": "szerb",
- "id": "Serbian",
- "is": "Serbneska",
- "it": "serbo",
- "ja": "セルビア語",
- "ko": "세르비아어",
- "mr": "सेर्बियन्",
- "mt": "Serb",
- "nb": "serbisk",
- "nl": "Servisch",
- "nn": "serbisk",
- "pt": "sérvio",
- "ru": "сербский",
- "sr": "Српски",
- "sv": "serbiska",
- "ta": "சர்பியன்",
- "th": "เซอร์เบีย",
- "tr": "Sırpça",
- "uk": "Сербська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Séc-bi",
- "zh": "塞尔维亚文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "sv",
- "name": "svenska",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "FI"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "SE"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ስዊድንኛ",
- "ar": "السويدية",
- "bg": "Шведски",
- "ca": "suec",
- "cs": "Švédština",
- "da": "Svensk",
- "de": "Schwedisch",
- "el": "Σουηδικά",
- "en": "Swedish",
- "es": "sueco",
- "et": "Rootsi",
- "fi": "ruotsi",
- "fr": "suédois",
- "ga": "Sualainnis",
- "he": "שוודית",
- "hi": "स्विडिश",
- "hr": "švedski",
- "hu": "svéd",
- "id": "Swedia",
- "is": "Sænska",
- "it": "svedese",
- "ja": "スウェーデン語",
- "km": "ភាសាស៊ុយអែដ",
- "ko": "스웨덴어",
- "lt": "Švedų",
- "lv": "zviedru",
- "mr": "स्वीडिष",
- "mt": "Svediż",
- "nb": "svensk",
- "nl": "Zweeds",
- "nn": "svensk",
- "pl": "szwedzki",
- "ps": "سویډنی",
- "pt": "sueco",
- "ro": "Suedeză",
- "ru": "шведский",
- "sk": "švédsky",
- "sl": "Švedščina",
- "sr": "Шведски",
- "sv": "svenska",
- "ta": "ஷீவிடிஸ்",
- "th": "สวีเดน",
- "tr": "İsveççe",
- "uk": "Шведська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Thụy Điển",
- "zh": "瑞典文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "sw",
- "name": "Kiswahili",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "KE"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "TZ"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ስዋሂሊኛ",
- "ar": "السواحلية",
- "bg": "Суахили",
- "ca": "swahili",
- "cs": "Svahilština",
- "da": "Swahili",
- "de": "Suaheli",
- "en": "Swahili",
- "es": "swahili",
- "fi": "swahili",
- "fr": "swahili",
- "ga": "Svahaílis",
- "he": "סווהילית",
- "hi": "स्वाहिली",
- "hu": "szuahéli",
- "id": "Swahili",
- "is": "Svahílí",
- "it": "swahili",
- "ja": "スワヒリ語",
- "km": "ភាសាស្វាហ៉ីលី",
- "ko": "스와힐리어",
- "mr": "स्वाहिली",
- "mt": "Swaħili",
- "nb": "swahili",
- "nl": "Swahili",
- "nn": "swahili",
- "pt": "suaíli",
- "ru": "суахили",
- "sr": "Свахили",
- "sv": "swahili",
- "sw": "Kiswahili",
- "ta": "சுவாஹிலி",
- "th": "ซวาฮิรี",
- "tr": "Swahili",
- "uk": "Суахілі",
- "zh": "斯瓦希里文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ta",
- "name": "தமிழ்",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ታሚልኛ",
- "ar": "التاميلية",
- "bg": "Тамилски",
- "ca": "tàmil",
- "cs": "Tamilština",
- "da": "Tamilsk",
- "de": "Tamilisch",
- "en": "Tamil",
- "es": "tamil",
- "fi": "tamil",
- "fr": "tamoul",
- "ga": "Tamailis",
- "he": "טמילית",
- "hi": "तमिल",
- "hu": "tamil",
- "id": "Tamil",
- "is": "Tamílska",
- "it": "tamil",
- "ja": "タミール語",
- "km": "ភាសាតាមីល",
- "ko": "타밀어",
- "mr": "तमिळ",
- "mt": "Tamil",
- "nb": "tamil",
- "nl": "Tamil",
- "nn": "tamil",
- "pt": "tâmil",
- "ru": "тамильский",
- "sv": "tamil",
- "ta": "தமிழ்",
- "th": "ทมิฬ",
- "tr": "Tamil",
- "uk": "Тамільська",
- "zh": "泰米尔文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "te",
- "name": "తెలుగు",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ተሉጉኛ",
- "ar": "التيلجو",
- "bg": "Телугу",
- "ca": "telugu",
- "cs": "Telugština",
- "da": "Telugu",
- "de": "Telugu",
- "en": "Telugu",
- "es": "telugu",
- "fi": "telugu",
- "fr": "télougou",
- "hi": "तेलेगु",
- "hu": "telugu",
- "id": "Telugu",
- "is": "Telúgú",
- "it": "telugu",
- "ja": "テルグ語",
- "km": "ភាសាតេលូហ្គូ",
- "ko": "텔루구어",
- "mr": "तेलंगू",
- "mt": "Telugu",
- "nb": "telugu",
- "nl": "Teloegoe",
- "nn": "telugu",
- "pt": "telugu",
- "ru": "телугу",
- "sv": "telugiska",
- "ta": "தெலுங்கு",
- "te": "తెలుగు",
- "th": "ทิลูกู",
- "tr": "Telugu",
- "uk": "Телугу",
- "zh": "泰卢固文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "th",
- "name": "ไทย",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "TH"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ታይኛ",
- "ar": "التايلاندية",
- "bg": "Таи",
- "ca": "thai",
- "cs": "Thajština",
- "da": "Thailandsk",
- "de": "Thai",
- "el": "Ταϊλανδικά",
- "en": "Thai",
- "es": "tailandés",
- "fi": "thai",
- "fr": "thaï",
- "ga": "Téalainnis",
- "he": "תאי",
- "hi": "थाई",
- "hu": "thai",
- "id": "Thai",
- "is": "Taílenska",
- "it": "thai",
- "ja": "タイ語",
- "km": "ភាសាថៃ",
- "ko": "태국어",
- "lt": "Tajų",
- "mr": "थाई",
- "mt": "Tajlandiż",
- "nb": "thai",
- "nl": "Thai",
- "nn": "thai",
- "pl": "tajski",
- "pt": "tailandês",
- "ru": "тайский",
- "sv": "thailändska",
- "ta": "தாய்",
- "th": "ไทย",
- "tr": "Tay Dili",
- "uk": "Тайська",
- "vi": "Tiếng Thái",
- "zh": "泰文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "tr",
- "name": "Türkçe",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "TR"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ቱርክኛ",
- "ar": "التركية",
- "bg": "Турски",
- "ca": "turc",
- "cs": "Turečtina",
- "da": "Tyrkisk",
- "de": "Türkisch",
- "el": "Τουρκικά",
- "en": "Turkish",
- "es": "turco",
- "et": "Türgi",
- "fa": "ترکی استانبولی",
- "fi": "turkki",
- "fr": "turc",
- "ga": "Tuircis",
- "he": "טורקית",
- "hi": "तुक्रीश",
- "hr": "turski",
- "hu": "török",
- "id": "Turkish",
- "is": "Tyrkneska",
- "it": "turco",
- "ja": "トルコ語",
- "km": "ភាសាទួរគី",
- "ko": "터키어",
- "lt": "Turkų",
- "lv": "turku",
- "mr": "तुर्किष",
- "mt": "Tork",
- "nb": "tyrkisk",
- "nl": "Turks",
- "nn": "tyrkisk",
- "pl": "turecki",
- "pt": "turco",
- "ro": "Turcă",
- "ru": "турецкий",
- "sk": "turecký",
- "sl": "Turščina",
- "sr": "Турски",
- "sv": "turkiska",
- "ta": "டர்கிஷ்",
- "th": "ตุรกี",
- "tr": "Türkçe",
- "uk": "Турецька",
- "vi": "Tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ",
- "zh": "土耳其文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "tt",
- "name": "Татар",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "RU"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ታታርኛ",
- "ar": "التتارية",
- "bg": "Татарски",
- "ca": "tàtar",
- "cs": "Tatarština",
- "da": "Tatarisk",
- "de": "Tatarisch",
- "en": "Tatar",
- "fi": "tataari",
- "fr": "tatar",
- "ga": "Tatarais",
- "hi": "टाटर",
- "hu": "tatár",
- "id": "Tatar",
- "is": "Tatarska",
- "it": "tatarico",
- "ja": "タタール語",
- "km": "ភាសាតាតារ",
- "ko": "타타르어",
- "mr": "टटार",
- "mt": "Tatar",
- "nb": "tatarisk",
- "nl": "Tataars",
- "nn": "tatarisk",
- "ps": "تاتار",
- "pt": "tatar",
- "ru": "татарский",
- "sv": "tatariska",
- "ta": "டாடர்",
- "th": "ตาด",
- "tr": "Tatarca",
- "uk": "Татарська",
- "zh": "鞑靼文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "uk",
- "name": "Українська",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "UA"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ዩክረኒኛ",
- "ar": "الأوكرانية",
- "bg": "Украински",
- "ca": "ucraïnès",
- "cs": "Ukrajinština",
- "da": "Ukrainsk",
- "de": "Ukrainisch",
- "el": "Ουκρανικά",
- "en": "Ukrainian",
- "es": "ucraniano",
- "fi": "ukraina",
- "fr": "ukrainien",
- "ga": "Úcráinis",
- "he": "אוקראינית",
- "hi": "यूक्रेनियन्",
- "hr": "ukrajinski",
- "hu": "ukrán",
- "id": "Ukrainian",
- "is": "Úkraínska",
- "it": "ucraino",
- "ja": "ウクライナ語",
- "km": "ភាសាអ៊ុយក្រែន",
- "ko": "우크라이나어",
- "mr": "युक्रेनियन्",
- "mt": "Ukranjan",
- "nb": "ukrainsk",
- "nl": "Oekraïens",
- "nn": "ukrainsk",
- "pt": "ucraniano",
- "ru": "украинский",
- "sr": "Украјински",
- "sv": "ukrainska",
- "ta": "உக்ரேனியன்",
- "th": "ยูเครน",
- "tr": "Ukraynaca",
- "uk": "Українська",
- "vi": "Tiếng U-crai-na",
- "zh": "乌克兰文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "ur",
- "name": "اردو",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "IN"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "PK"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ኡርዱኛ",
- "ar": "الأردية",
- "bg": "Урду",
- "ca": "urdú",
- "cs": "Urdština",
- "da": "Urdu",
- "de": "Urdu",
- "en": "Urdu",
- "es": "urdu",
- "fi": "urdu",
- "fr": "ourdou",
- "ga": "Urdais",
- "he": "אורדו",
- "hi": "ऊर्दु",
- "hu": "urdu",
- "id": "Urdu",
- "is": "Úrdú",
- "it": "urdu",
- "ja": "ウルドゥー語",
- "km": "ភាសាអ៊ូរ្ឌូ",
- "ko": "우르두어",
- "mr": "उर्दू",
- "mt": "Urdu",
- "nb": "urdu",
- "nl": "Urdu",
- "nn": "urdu",
- "pt": "urdu",
- "ru": "урду",
- "sv": "urdu",
- "ta": "உருது",
- "th": "อิรดู",
- "tr": "Urduca",
- "uk": "Урду",
- "ur": "اردو",
- "zh": "乌尔都文"
- },
- {
- "type": "language",
- "iso": "uz",
- "name": "Ўзбек",
- "countries": [
- {
- "_reference": "AF"
- },
- {
- "_reference": "UZ"
- }
- ],
- "am": "ኡዝበክኛ",
- "ar": "الاوزباكية",
- "bg": "Узбекски",
- "ca": "uzbek",
- "cs": "Uzbečtina",
- "da": "Usbekisk",
- "de": "Usbekisch",
- "en": "Uzbek",
- "es": "uzbeko",
- "fi": "uzbekki",
- "fr": "ouzbek",
- "ga": "Úisbéicis",
- "he": "אוזבקית",
- "hi": "उज़बेक्",
- "hu": "üzbég",
- "id": "Uzbek",
- "is": "Úsbekska",
- "it": "usbeco",
- "ja": "ウズベク語",
- "km": "ភាសាអ៊ូហ្សបេគីស្តង់",
- "ko": "우즈베크어",
- "mr": "उज़बेक",
- "mt": "Użbek",
- "nb": "usbekisk",
- "nl": "Oezbeeks",
- "nn": "usbekisk",
- "ps": "ازبکي",
- "pt": "usbeque",
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- width: 22px;
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- height: 15px;
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- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
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- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
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- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countrySOIcon {
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- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryZAIcon {
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- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
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- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
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- height: 15px;
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- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
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- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countrySRIcon {
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- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
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- width: 22px;
- height: 16px;
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- height: 15px;
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- width: 22px;
- height: 14px;
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- width: 20px;
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- height: 15px;
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- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryTJIcon {
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- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countryTZIcon {
- background-position: -306px -215px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryTHIcon {
- background-position: -328px -215px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryTLIcon {
- background-position: -350px -219px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countryTGIcon {
- background-position: -372px -216px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 14px;
-.countryTKIcon {
- background-position: -394px -219px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countryTOIcon {
- background-position: -416px -219px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countryTTIcon {
- background-position: 0px -236px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 13px;
-.countryTNIcon {
- background-position: -22px -234px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryTRIcon {
- background-position: -44px -234px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryTMIcon {
- background-position: -66px -234px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryTCIcon {
- background-position: -88px -238px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countryTVIcon {
- background-position: -110px -238px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countryUGIcon {
- background-position: -132px -234px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryUAIcon {
- background-position: -154px -234px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryAEIcon {
- background-position: -176px -238px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countryGBIcon {
- background-position: -198px -238px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countryUSIcon {
- background-position: -220px -237px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 12px;
-.countryUMIcon {
- background-position: -242px -237px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 12px;
-.countryUYIcon {
- background-position: -264px -234px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryUZIcon {
- background-position: -286px -238px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countryVUIcon {
- background-position: -308px -236px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 13px;
-.countryVEIcon {
- background-position: -330px -234px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryVNIcon {
- background-position: -352px -234px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryVGIcon {
- background-position: -374px -238px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countryVIIcon {
- background-position: -396px -234px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryWFIcon {
- background-position: -418px -234px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryEHIcon {
- background-position: 0px -257px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
-.countryYEIcon {
- background-position: -22px -253px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryZMIcon {
- background-position: -44px -253px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 15px;
-.countryZWIcon {
- background-position: -66px -257px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 11px;
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/flags.png b/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/flags.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e8eaace..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/flags.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/generate.html b/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/generate.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 39f703d..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/generate.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2353 +0,0 @@
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dojo/dojo.js"
- djConfig="isDebug: true, parseOnLoad: true"></script>
- <script>
- dojo.require("dijit.layout.ContentPane");
- </script>
- <script>
- function t(node){ return node.innerText || node.textContent; };
- var languages, langCountryMap, continents, countries;
- // Call this first, to load JSON data from files (have to wait for load to finish)
- function load(){
- // Load list of continents
- var d = dojo.xhrGet({url: "continents.json", handleAs: "json-comment-optional"});
- d.addCallback(function(data){
- continents = data;
- });
- // Load mapping between countries and languages
- var d = dojo.xhrGet({url: "langCountryMap.json", handleAs: "json-comment-optional"});
- d.addCallback(function(data){
- langCountryMap = data;
- dojo.forEach(langCountryMap, function(entry){
- entry.iso = entry.language + "_" + entry.country;
- });
- });
- // Load list of languages
- var d2 = dojo.xhrGet({url: "languages.json", handleAs: "json-comment-optional"});
- d2.addCallback(function(data){
- data = dojo.filter(data, function(item){
- return item.name && item.countries.length;
- });
- // each data item X now contains a list every language, as written in
- // language X, but actually need to invert that for this demo
- languages = dojo.map(data, function(l){
- var item = {type: "language", iso: l.iso, name: l.name, countries: l.countries};
- dojo.forEach(data, function(fl){
- if(fl[l.iso]){
- if(item.iso=="en") console.log("in " + fl.name + " the language " + l.name + "/" + l.iso + " is spelled as " + fl[l.iso]);
- item[fl.iso]=fl[l.iso];
- }
- });
- if(item.iso == "en") console.log(item);
- return item;
- });
- });
- }
- function generate(){
- // mapping from country to continent
- var country2continent = {};
- dojo.query("tr", "continents").forEach(function(row){
- var continent = t(dojo.query("td", row)[0]);
- var country = t(dojo.query("a", row)[1]);
- country2continent[country] = continent;
- });
- // Generate country items
- countries = dojo.query("tr", "source").
- filter(function(row){ return dojo.query("a", row).length && dojo.query("td", row).length; } ).
- map(function(row){
- var iso = dojo.query("td", row)[3];
- iso = t(iso);
- var a = dojo.query("td:nth-child(1) a:nth-child(2)", row)[0];
- var name = t(a);
- var country = {
- type: "country",
- iso: iso,
- name: name,
- href: "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki" + a.href.replace(/.*\/wiki/, "")
- };
- if(country2continent[name]){
- country.continent = country2continent[name];
- }
- country.languages = dojo.filter(langCountryMap, function(x){
- return x.country==iso;
- }).map(function(x){
- return {_reference: x.language};
- });
- return country;
- });
- // generate json for data
- var out = dojo.byId("json");
- console.debug(countries);
- var json = [].concat(languages, langCountryMap, continents, dojo.map(countries, function(x){return x;}));
- out.value = dojo.toJson(json, true);
- }
- </script>
-<h1> Country / Language JSON Database Generator </h1>
-<p>push step #1 then wait, then step #2</p>
-<button onclick="load();">Step #1</button>
-<button onclick="generate();">Step #2</button>
-<textarea id="json" cols=100 rows=20></textarea>
-<h1>Country names, flags, and ISO code</h1>
-<p>data taken from <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1">wikipedia ISO 3166-1 site</a></p>
-<table id="source" style="height: 300px; overflow: auto;">
-<th width="300">Official country names used by the ISO 3166/MA</th>
-<th><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-1_numeric" title="ISO 3166-1 numeric">Numeric</a></th>
-<th><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-3" title="ISO 3166-1 alpha-3">Alpha-3</a></th>
-<th><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2" title="ISO 3166-1 alpha-2">Alpha-2</a></th>
-<th>Local ISO codes</th>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Afghanistan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Afghanistan" title="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</a></td>
-<td id="AF">AF</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AF" title="ISO 3166-2:AF">ISO 3166-2:AF</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Aaland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Åland"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/%C3%85land" title="Åland">Åland Islands</a></td>
-<td id="AX">AX</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:AX&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:AX">ISO 3166-2:AX</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Albania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Albania"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Albania" title="Albania">Albania</a></td>
-<td id="AL">AL</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AL" title="ISO 3166-2:AL">ISO 3166-2:AL</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Algeria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Algeria"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Algeria" title="Algeria">Algeria</a></td>
-<td id="DZ">DZ</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:DZ" title="ISO 3166-2:DZ">ISO 3166-2:DZ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_American_Samoa.svg" class="image" title="Flag of American Samoa"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/American_Samoa" title="American Samoa">American Samoa</a></td>
-<td id="AS">AS</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:AS&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:AS">ISO 3166-2:AS</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Andorra.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Andorra"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Andorra" title="Andorra">Andorra</a></td>
-<td id="AD">AD</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AD" title="ISO 3166-2:AD">ISO 3166-2:AD</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Angola.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Angola"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Angola" title="Angola">Angola</a></td>
-<td id="AO">AO</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AO" title="ISO 3166-2:AO">ISO 3166-2:AO</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Anguilla.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Anguilla"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Anguilla" title="Anguilla">Anguilla</a></td>
-<td id="AI">AI</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:AI&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:AI">ISO 3166-2:AI</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Antarctica.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Antarctica"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Antarctica" title="Antarctica">Antarctica</a></td>
-<td id="AQ">AQ</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:AQ&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:AQ">ISO 3166-2:AQ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Antigua and Barbuda"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Antigua_and_Barbuda" title="Antigua and Barbuda">Antigua and Barbuda</a></td>
-<td id="AG">AG</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AG" title="ISO 3166-2:AG">ISO 3166-2:AG</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Argentina.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Argentina"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Argentina" title="Argentina">Argentina</a></td>
-<td id="AR">AR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AR" title="ISO 3166-2:AR">ISO 3166-2:AR</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Armenia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Armenia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Armenia" title="Armenia">Armenia</a></td>
-<td id="AM">AM</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:AM&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:AM">ISO 3166-2:AM</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Aruba.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Aruba"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Aruba" title="Aruba">Aruba</a></td>
-<td id="AW">AW</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Czech Republic"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Czech_Republic" title="Czech Republic">Czech Republic</a></td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Dominican_Republic.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Dominican Republic"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Dominican_Republic" title="Dominican Republic">Dominican Republic</a></td>
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-<td id="TF">TF</td>
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-<td id="GA">GA</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_The_Gambia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of The Gambia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/The_Gambia" title="The Gambia">Gambia</a></td>
-<td id="GM">GM</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Georgia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Georgia (country)"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Georgia_%28country%29" title="Georgia (country)">Georgia</a></td>
-<td id="GE">GE</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GE" title="ISO 3166-2:GE">ISO 3166-2:GE</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Germany.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Germany"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Germany" title="Germany">Germany</a></td>
-<td id="DE">DE</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:DE" title="ISO 3166-2:DE">ISO 3166-2:DE</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ghana.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ghana"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Ghana" title="Ghana">Ghana</a></td>
-<td id="GH">GH</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GH" title="ISO 3166-2:GH">ISO 3166-2:GH</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Gibraltar.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Gibraltar"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Gibraltar" title="Gibraltar">Gibraltar</a></td>
-<td id="GI">GI</td>
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-<td id="GR">GR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GR" title="ISO 3166-2:GR">ISO 3166-2:GR</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Greenland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Greenland"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Greenland" title="Greenland">Greenland</a></td>
-<td id="GL">GL</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Grenada.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Grenada"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Grenada" title="Grenada">Grenada</a></td>
-<td id="GD">GD</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GD" title="ISO 3166-2:GD">ISO 3166-2:GD</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guadeloupe"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guadeloupe" title="Guadeloupe">Guadeloupe</a><span class="reference plainlinksneverexpand" id="ref_COM"><sup><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#endnote_COM" class="external autonumber" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#endnote_COM" rel="nofollow">[2]</a></sup></span></td>
-<td id="GP">GP</td>
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-<td id="GU">GU</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guatemala.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guatemala"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guatemala" title="Guatemala">Guatemala</a></td>
-<td id="GT">GT</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GT" title="ISO 3166-2:GT">ISO 3166-2:GT</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guernsey.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guernsey"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guernsey" title="Guernsey">Guernsey</a></td>
-<td id="GG">GG</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GG" title="ISO 3166-2:GG">ISO 3166-2:GG</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guinea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guinea"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guinea" title="Guinea">Guinea</a></td>
-<td id="GN">GN</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GN" title="ISO 3166-2:GN">ISO 3166-2:GN</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guinea-Bissau.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guinea-Bissau"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guinea-Bissau" title="Guinea-Bissau">Guinea-Bissau</a></td>
-<td id="GW">GW</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guyana.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guyana"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guyana" title="Guyana">Guyana</a></td>
-<td id="GY">GY</td>
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-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Haiti.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Haiti"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Haiti" title="Haiti">Haiti</a></td>
-<td id="HT">HT</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:HT&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:HT">ISO 3166-2:HT</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Heard Island and McDonald Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Heard_Island_and_McDonald_Islands" title="Heard Island and McDonald Islands">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</a></td>
-<td id="HM">HM</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Vatican_City.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Vatican City"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Vatican_City" title="Vatican City">Holy See (Vatican City State)</a></td>
-<td id="VA">VA</td>
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-<td id="HN">HN</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:HN" title="ISO 3166-2:HN">ISO 3166-2:HN</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Hong_Kong.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Hong Kong"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong" title="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</a></td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:HK" title="ISO 3166-2:HK">ISO 3166-2:HK</a></td>
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-<td id="HU">HU</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:HU" title="ISO 3166-2:HU">ISO 3166-2:HU</a></td>
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-<td colspan="5"></td>
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-<td id="IS">IS</td>
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-<td id="ID">ID</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:ID" title="ISO 3166-2:ID">ISO 3166-2:ID</a></td>
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-<td id="IR">IR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:IR" title="ISO 3166-2:IR">ISO 3166-2:IR</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Iraq.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Iraq"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Iraq" title="Iraq">Iraq</a></td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:IE" title="ISO 3166-2:IE">ISO 3166-2:IE</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Isle_of_Man.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Isle of Man"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Isle_of_Man" title="Isle of Man">Isle of Man</a></td>
-<td id="IM">IM</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:IM" title="ISO 3166-2:IM">ISO 3166-2:IM</a></td>
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-<td id="JM">JM</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:JM" title="ISO 3166-2:JM">ISO 3166-2:JM</a></td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Jordan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Jordan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Jordan" title="Jordan">Jordan</a></td>
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-<td id="KZ">KZ</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:KZ" title="ISO 3166-2:KZ">ISO 3166-2:KZ</a></td>
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-<td id="KI">KI</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:KI" title="ISO 3166-2:KI">ISO 3166-2:KI</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_North_Korea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of North Korea"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/North_Korea" title="North Korea">Korea, Democratic People's Republic of</a></td>
-<td id="KP">KP</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:KP" title="ISO 3166-2:KP">ISO 3166-2:KP</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_South_Korea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of South Korea"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/South_Korea" title="South Korea">Korea, Republic of</a></td>
-<td id="KR">KR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:KR" title="ISO 3166-2:KR">ISO 3166-2:KR</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kuwait.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kuwait"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kuwait" title="Kuwait">Kuwait</a></td>
-<td id="KW">KW</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:KW" title="ISO 3166-2:KW">ISO 3166-2:KW</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kyrgyzstan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kyrgyzstan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kyrgyzstan" title="Kyrgyzstan">Kyrgyzstan</a></td>
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-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Laos.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Laos"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Laos" title="Laos">Lao People's Democratic Republic</a></td>
-<td id="LA">LA</td>
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-<td id="LB">LB</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:LB" title="ISO 3166-2:LB">ISO 3166-2:LB</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Lesotho.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Lesotho"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Lesotho" title="Lesotho">Lesotho</a></td>
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-<td id="LR">LR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:LR" title="ISO 3166-2:LR">ISO 3166-2:LR</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Libya.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Libya"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Libya" title="Libya">Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</a></td>
-<td id="LY">LY</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:LY" title="ISO 3166-2:LY">ISO 3166-2:LY</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Liechtenstein.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Liechtenstein"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Liechtenstein" title="Liechtenstein">Liechtenstein</a></td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:LI" title="ISO 3166-2:LI">ISO 3166-2:LI</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Lithuania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Lithuania"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Lithuania" title="Lithuania">Lithuania</a></td>
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-<td id="MK">MK</td>
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-<td id="MW">MW</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:MW" title="ISO 3166-2:MW">ISO 3166-2:MW</a></td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:MY" title="ISO 3166-2:MY">ISO 3166-2:MY</a></td>
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-<td id="MU">MU</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mayotte"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mayotte" title="Mayotte">Mayotte</a></td>
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-<td id="FM">FM</td>
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-<td id="MN">MN</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:MN" title="ISO 3166-2:MN">ISO 3166-2:MN</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montenegro.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Montenegro"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Montenegro" title="Montenegro">Montenegro</a></td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:ME" title="ISO 3166-2:ME">ISO 3166-2:ME</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montserrat.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Montserrat"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Montserrat" title="Montserrat">Montserrat</a></td>
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-<td id="MA">MA</td>
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-<td id="NR">NR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:NR" title="ISO 3166-2:NR">ISO 3166-2:NR</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nepal.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nepal"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nepal" title="Nepal">Nepal</a></td>
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-<td id="NL">NL</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:NL" title="ISO 3166-2:NL">ISO 3166-2:NL</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Netherlands Antilles"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Netherlands_Antilles" title="Netherlands Antilles">Netherlands Antilles</a></td>
-<td id="AN">AN</td>
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-<td id="NZ">NZ</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:NZ" title="ISO 3166-2:NZ">ISO 3166-2:NZ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nicaragua"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nicaragua" title="Nicaragua">Nicaragua</a></td>
-<td id="NI">NI</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:NI" title="ISO 3166-2:NI">ISO 3166-2:NI</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niger.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Niger"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Niger" title="Niger">Niger</a></td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:NG" title="ISO 3166-2:NG">ISO 3166-2:NG</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niue.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Niue"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Niue" title="Niue">Niue</a></td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Lucia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Lucia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Lucia" title="Saint Lucia">Saint Lucia</a></td>
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-<td id="SM">SM</td>
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-<td id="SK">SK</td>
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-<td id="SO">SO</td>
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-<td id="ZA">ZA</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands" title="South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</a></td>
-<td id="GS">GS</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:GS&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:GS">ISO 3166-2:GS</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Spain.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Spain"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Spain" title="Spain">Spain</a></td>
-<td id="ES">ES</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:ES" title="ISO 3166-2:ES">ISO 3166-2:ES</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sri_Lanka.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Sri Lanka"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Sri_Lanka" title="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</a></td>
-<td id="LK">LK</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:LK&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:LK">ISO 3166-2:LK</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sudan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Sudan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Sudan" title="Sudan">Sudan</a></td>
-<td id="SD">SD</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:SD&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:SD">ISO 3166-2:SD</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Suriname.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Suriname"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Suriname" title="Suriname">Suriname</a></td>
-<td id="SR">SR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:SR" title="ISO 3166-2:SR">ISO 3166-2:SR</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norway.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Svalbard and Jan Mayen"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Svalbard_and_Jan_Mayen" title="Svalbard and Jan Mayen">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</a></td>
-<td id="SJ">SJ</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:SJ&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:SJ">ISO 3166-2:SJ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Swaziland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Swaziland"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Swaziland" title="Swaziland">Swaziland</a></td>
-<td id="SZ">SZ</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:SZ&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:SZ">ISO 3166-2:SZ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sweden.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Sweden"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Sweden" title="Sweden">Sweden</a></td>
-<td id="SE">SE</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:SE" title="ISO 3166-2:SE">ISO 3166-2:SE</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Switzerland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Switzerland"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Switzerland" title="Switzerland">Switzerland</a></td>
-<td id="CH">CH</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:CH" title="ISO 3166-2:CH">ISO 3166-2:CH</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Syria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Syria"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Syria" title="Syria">Syrian Arab Republic</a></td>
-<td id="SY">SY</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:SY&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:SY">ISO 3166-2:SY</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Republic of China"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Republic_of_China" title="Republic of China">Taiwan, Province of China</a></td>
-<td id="TW">TW</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TW" title="ISO 3166-2:TW">ISO 3166-2:TW</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tajikistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tajikistan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tajikistan" title="Tajikistan">Tajikistan</a></td>
-<td id="TJ">TJ</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TJ" title="ISO 3166-2:TJ">ISO 3166-2:TJ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tanzania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tanzania"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tanzania" title="Tanzania">Tanzania, United Republic of</a></td>
-<td id="TZ">TZ</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TZ" title="ISO 3166-2:TZ">ISO 3166-2:TZ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Thailand.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Thailand"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Thailand" title="Thailand">Thailand</a></td>
-<td id="TH">TH</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TH" title="ISO 3166-2:TH">ISO 3166-2:TH</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_East_Timor.svg" class="image" title="Flag of East Timor"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/East_Timor" title="East Timor">Timor-Leste</a></td>
-<td id="TL">TL</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TL" title="ISO 3166-2:TL">ISO 3166-2:TL</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Togo.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Togo"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Togo" title="Togo">Togo</a></td>
-<td id="TG">TG</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:TG&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:TG">ISO 3166-2:TG</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tokelau"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tokelau" title="Tokelau">Tokelau</a></td>
-<td id="TK">TK</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:TK&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:TK">ISO 3166-2:TK</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tonga.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tonga"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tonga" title="Tonga">Tonga</a></td>
-<td id="TO">TO</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TO" title="ISO 3166-2:TO">ISO 3166-2:TO</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Trinidad and Tobago"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Trinidad_and_Tobago" title="Trinidad and Tobago">Trinidad and Tobago</a></td>
-<td id="TT">TT</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TT" title="ISO 3166-2:TT">ISO 3166-2:TT</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tunisia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tunisia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tunisia" title="Tunisia">Tunisia</a></td>
-<td id="TN">TN</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TN" title="ISO 3166-2:TN">ISO 3166-2:TN</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkey.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Turkey"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turkey" title="Turkey">Turkey</a></td>
-<td id="TR">TR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TR" title="ISO 3166-2:TR">ISO 3166-2:TR</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Turkmenistan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turkmenistan" title="Turkmenistan">Turkmenistan</a></td>
-<td id="TM">TM</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TM" title="ISO 3166-2:TM">ISO 3166-2:TM</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turks_and_Caicos_Islands" title="Turks and Caicos Islands">Turks and Caicos Islands</a></td>
-<td id="TC">TC</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:TC&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:TC">ISO 3166-2:TC</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tuvalu"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tuvalu" title="Tuvalu">Tuvalu</a></td>
-<td id="TV">TV</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TV" title="ISO 3166-2:TV">ISO 3166-2:TV</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uganda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uganda"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uganda" title="Uganda">Uganda</a></td>
-<td id="UG">UG</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:UG" title="ISO 3166-2:UG">ISO 3166-2:UG</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ukraine.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ukraine"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Ukraine" title="Ukraine">Ukraine</a></td>
-<td id="UA">UA</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:UA" title="ISO 3166-2:UA">ISO 3166-2:UA</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United Arab Emirates"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_Arab_Emirates" title="United Arab Emirates">United Arab Emirates</a></td>
-<td id="AE">AE</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AE" title="ISO 3166-2:AE">ISO 3166-2:AE</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United Kingdom"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_Kingdom" title="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</a></td>
-<td id="GB">GB</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GB" title="ISO 3166-2:GB">ISO 3166-2:GB</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a></td>
-<td id="US">US</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:US" title="ISO 3166-2:US">ISO 3166-2:US</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of United States Minor Outlying Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_States_Minor_Outlying_Islands" title="United States Minor Outlying Islands">United States Minor Outlying Islands</a></td>
-<td id="UM">UM</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:UM&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:UM">ISO 3166-2:UM</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uruguay.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uruguay"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uruguay" title="Uruguay">Uruguay</a></td>
-<td id="UY">UY</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:UY&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:UY">ISO 3166-2:UY</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uzbekistan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uzbekistan" title="Uzbekistan">Uzbekistan</a></td>
-<td id="UZ">UZ</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:UZ" title="ISO 3166-2:UZ">ISO 3166-2:UZ</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Vanuatu"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Vanuatu" title="Vanuatu">Vanuatu</a></td>
-<td id="VU">VU</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:VU&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:VU">ISO 3166-2:VU</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Venezuela.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Venezuela"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Venezuela" title="Venezuela">Venezuela</a></td>
-<td id="VE">VE</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:VE" title="ISO 3166-2:VE">ISO 3166-2:VE</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vietnam.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Vietnam"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Vietnam" title="Vietnam">Viet Nam</a></td>
-<td id="VN">VN</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:VN" title="ISO 3166-2:VN">ISO 3166-2:VN</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the British Virgin Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/British_Virgin_Islands" title="British Virgin Islands">Virgin Islands, British</a></td>
-<td id="VG">VG</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:VG&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:VG">ISO 3166-2:VG</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States Virgin Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_States_Virgin_Islands" title="United States Virgin Islands">Virgin Islands, U.S.</a></td>
-<td id="VI">VI</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:VI&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:VI">ISO 3166-2:VI</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Wallis and Futuna"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Wallis_and_Futuna" title="Wallis and Futuna">Wallis and Futuna</a></td>
-<td id="WF">WF</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:WF&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:WF">ISO 3166-2:WF</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Western_Sahara.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Western Sahara"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Western_Sahara" title="Western Sahara">Western Sahara</a></td>
-<td id="EH">EH</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:EH&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:EH">ISO 3166-2:EH</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Yemen.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Yemen"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Yemen" title="Yemen">Yemen</a></td>
-<td id="YE">YE</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:YE" title="ISO 3166-2:YE">ISO 3166-2:YE</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zambia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Zambia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Zambia" title="Zambia">Zambia</a></td>
-<td id="ZM">ZM</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:ZM&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:ZM">ISO 3166-2:ZM</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Zimbabwe"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Zimbabwe" title="Zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</a></td>
-<td id="ZW">ZW</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:ZW&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:ZW">ISO 3166-2:ZW</a></td>
-<h1>Country Continent Mapping</h1>
-<p>abstracted from <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_continent">wikipedia continent country page</a></p>
-<table id="continents">
-<!-- Africa -->
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Algeria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Algeria"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Algeria" title="Algeria">Algeria</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Algiers" title="Algiers">Algiers</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Angola.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Angola"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Angola" title="Angola">Angola</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Luanda" title="Luanda">Luanda</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Benin.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Benin"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Benin" title="Benin">Benin</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Porto-Novo" title="Porto-Novo">Porto-Novo</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Cotonou" title="Cotonou">Cotonou</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Botswana.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Botswana"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Botswana" title="Botswana">Botswana</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Gaborone" title="Gaborone">Gaborone</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Burkina_Faso.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Burkina Faso"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Burkina_Faso" title="Burkina Faso">Burkina Faso</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Ouagadougou" title="Ouagadougou">Ouagadougou</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Burundi.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Burundi"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Burundi" title="Burundi">Burundi</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bujumbura" title="Bujumbura">Bujumbura</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cameroon.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cameroon"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cameroon" title="Cameroon">Cameroon</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Yaound%C3%A9" title="Yaoundé">Yaoundé</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cape_Verde.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cape Verde"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cape_Verde" title="Cape Verde">Cape Verde</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Praia" title="Praia">Praia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Central_African_Republic.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Central African Republic"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Central_African_Republic" title="Central African Republic">Central African Republic</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bangui" title="Bangui">Bangui</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Chad.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Chad"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Chad" title="Chad">Chad</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/N%27Djamena" title="N'Djamena">N'Djamena</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Comoros.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Comoros"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Comoros" title="Comoros">Comoros</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Moroni%2C_Comoros" title="Moroni, Comoros">Moroni</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo" title="Democratic Republic of the Congo">Congo, Democratic Republic of</a></b> (also known as <b>Congo-Kinshasa</b>, formerly known as <b>Zaire</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Kinshasa" title="Kinshasa">Kinshasa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Republic of the Congo"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Republic_of_the_Congo" title="Republic of the Congo">Congo, Republic of</a></b> (also known as <b>Congo-Brazzaville</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Brazzaville" title="Brazzaville">Brazzaville</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cote_d%27Ivoire.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Côte d'Ivoire"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/C%C3%B4te_d%27Ivoire" title="Côte d'Ivoire">Côte d'Ivoire</a></b> (commonly known as <b>Ivory Coast</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Yamoussoukro" title="Yamoussoukro">Yamoussoukro</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Abidjan" title="Abidjan">Abidjan</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Djibouti.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Djibouti"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Djibouti" title="Djibouti">Djibouti</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Djibouti%2C_Djibouti" title="Djibouti, Djibouti">Djibouti</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Egypt.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Egypt"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Egypt" title="Egypt">Egypt</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Cairo" title="Cairo">Cairo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Equatorial_Guinea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Equatorial Guinea"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Equatorial_Guinea" title="Equatorial Guinea">Equatorial Guinea</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Malabo" title="Malabo">Malabo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Eritrea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Eritrea"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Eritrea" title="Eritrea">Eritrea</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Asmara" title="Asmara">Asmara</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ethiopia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ethiopia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Ethiopia" title="Ethiopia">Ethiopia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Addis_Ababa" title="Addis Ababa">Addis Ababa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Gabon.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Gabon"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Gabon" title="Gabon">Gabon</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Libreville" title="Libreville">Libreville</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_The_Gambia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of The Gambia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/The_Gambia" title="The Gambia">Gambia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Banjul" title="Banjul">Banjul</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ghana.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ghana"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Ghana" title="Ghana">Ghana</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Accra" title="Accra">Accra</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guinea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guinea"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guinea" title="Guinea">Guinea</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Conakry" title="Conakry">Conakry</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guinea-Bissau.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guinea-Bissau"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guinea-Bissau" title="Guinea-Bissau">Guinea-Bissau</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bissau" title="Bissau">Bissau</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kenya.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kenya"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kenya" title="Kenya">Kenya</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Nairobi" title="Nairobi">Nairobi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Lesotho.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Lesotho"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Lesotho" title="Lesotho">Lesotho</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Maseru" title="Maseru">Maseru</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Liberia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Liberia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Liberia" title="Liberia">Liberia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Monrovia" title="Monrovia">Monrovia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Libya.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Libya"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Libya" title="Libya">Libya</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tripoli" title="Tripoli">Tripoli</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Madagascar.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Madagascar"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Madagascar" title="Madagascar">Madagascar</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Antananarivo" title="Antananarivo">Antananarivo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Malawi.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Malawi"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Malawi" title="Malawi">Malawi</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Lilongwe" title="Lilongwe">Lilongwe</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mali.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mali"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mali" title="Mali">Mali</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bamako" title="Bamako">Bamako</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mauritania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mauritania"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mauritania" title="Mauritania">Mauritania</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Nouakchott" title="Nouakchott">Nouakchott</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mauritius.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mauritius"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mauritius" title="Mauritius">Mauritius</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Port_Louis" title="Port Louis">Port Louis</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mayotte"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mayotte" title="Mayotte">Mayotte</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Mamoudzou" title="Mamoudzou">Mamoudzou</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Morocco.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Morocco"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Morocco" title="Morocco">Morocco</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Rabat" title="Rabat">Rabat</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mozambique.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mozambique"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mozambique" title="Mozambique">Mozambique</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Maputo" title="Maputo">Maputo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Namibia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Namibia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Namibia" title="Namibia">Namibia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Windhoek" title="Windhoek">Windhoek</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niger.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Niger"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Niger" title="Niger">Niger</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Niamey" title="Niamey">Niamey</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nigeria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nigeria"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nigeria" title="Nigeria">Nigeria</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Abuja" title="Abuja">Abuja</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Réunion"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/R%C3%A9union" title="Réunion">Réunion</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas department of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Saint-Denis%2C_R%C3%A9union" title="Saint-Denis, Réunion">Saint-Denis</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Rwanda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Rwanda"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Rwanda" title="Rwanda">Rwanda</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kigali" title="Kigali">Kigali</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Helena.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Helena"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Helena" title="Saint Helena">Saint Helena</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Jamestown%2C_Saint_Helena" title="Jamestown, Saint Helena">Jamestown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sao_Tome_and_Principe.svg" class="image" title="Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/S%C3%A3o_Tom%C3%A9_and_Pr%C3%ADncipe" title="São Tomé and Príncipe">Sao Tome and Principe</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/S%C3%A3o_Tom%C3%A9" title="São Tomé">São Tomé</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Senegal.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Senegal"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Senegal" title="Senegal">Senegal</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Dakar" title="Dakar">Dakar</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Seychelles.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Seychelles"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Seychelles" title="Seychelles">Seychelles</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Victoria%2C_Seychelles" title="Victoria, Seychelles">Victoria</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sierra_Leone.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Sierra Leone"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Sierra_Leone" title="Sierra Leone">Sierra Leone</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Freetown" title="Freetown">Freetown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Somalia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Somalia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Somalia" title="Somalia">Somalia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Mogadishu" title="Mogadishu">Mogadishu</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_South_Africa.svg" class="image" title="Flag of South Africa"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/South_Africa" title="South Africa">South Africa</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Pretoria" title="Pretoria">Pretoria</a> (administrative), <a href="/wiki/Cape_Town" title="Cape Town">Cape Town</a> (legislative), <a href="/wiki/Bloemfontein" title="Bloemfontein">Bloemfontein</a> (judicial)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sudan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Sudan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Sudan" title="Sudan">Sudan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Khartoum" title="Khartoum">Khartoum</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Swaziland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Swaziland"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Swaziland" title="Swaziland">Swaziland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Mbabane" title="Mbabane">Mbabane</a> (administrative), <a href="/wiki/Lobamba" title="Lobamba">Lobamba</a> (royal and legislative)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tanzania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tanzania"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tanzania" title="Tanzania">Tanzania</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Dodoma" title="Dodoma">Dodoma</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Dar_es_Salaam" title="Dar es Salaam">Dar es Salaam</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Togo.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Togo"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Togo" title="Togo">Togo</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Lom%C3%A9" title="Lomé">Lomé</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tunisia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tunisia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tunisia" title="Tunisia">Tunisia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tunis" title="Tunis">Tunis</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uganda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uganda"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uganda" title="Uganda">Uganda</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kampala" title="Kampala">Kampala</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><i><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Western_Sahara.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Western Sahara"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Western_Sahara" title="Western Sahara">Western Sahara</a></b></i> – <a href="/wiki/El_Aai%C3%BAn" title="El Aaiún">El Aaiún</a> (unofficial)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zambia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Zambia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Zambia" title="Zambia">Zambia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Lusaka" title="Lusaka">Lusaka</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Zimbabwe"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Zimbabwe" title="Zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Harare" title="Harare">Harare</a></td></tr>
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-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Afghanistan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Afghanistan" title="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kabul" title="Kabul">Kabul</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Armenia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Armenia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Armenia" title="Armenia">Armenia</a></b><sup id="_ref-europe_0" class="reference"><a href="#_note-europe" title="">[2]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Yerevan" title="Yerevan">Yerevan</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Azerbaijan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Azerbaijan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Azerbaijan" title="Azerbaijan">Azerbaijan</a></b><sup id="_ref-europe_1" class="reference"><a href="#_note-europe" title="">[2]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Baku" title="Baku">Baku</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bahrain.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bahrain"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bahrain" title="Bahrain">Bahrain</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Manama" title="Manama">Manama</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bangladesh"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bangladesh" title="Bangladesh">Bangladesh</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Dhaka" title="Dhaka">Dhaka</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bhutan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bhutan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bhutan" title="Bhutan">Bhutan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Thimphu" title="Thimphu">Thimphu</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory.svg" class="image" title="Flag of British Indian Ocean Territory"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/British_Indian_Ocean_Territory" title="British Indian Ocean Territory">British Indian Ocean Territory</a></i><sup id="_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#_note-1" title="">[3]</a></sup> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Brunei.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Brunei"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Brunei" title="Brunei">Brunei</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bandar_Seri_Begawan" title="Bandar Seri Begawan">Bandar Seri Begawan</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cambodia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cambodia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cambodia" title="Cambodia">Cambodia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Phnom_Penh" title="Phnom Penh">Phnom Penh</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the People's Republic of China"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/People%27s_Republic_of_China" title="People's Republic of China">China, People's Republic of</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Beijing" title="Beijing">Beijing</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Republic of China"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Republic_of_China" title="Republic of China">China, Republic of</a></b> (commonly known as <b>Taiwan</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Taipei" title="Taipei">Taipei</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Christmas_Island.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Christmas Island"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Christmas_Island" title="Christmas Island">Christmas Island</a></i><sup id="_ref-australia_0" class="reference"><a href="#_note-australia" title="">[4]</a></sup> (overseas territory of Australia)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cocos_%28Keeling%29_Islands" title="Cocos (Keeling) Islands">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</a></i><sup id="_ref-australia_1" class="reference"><a href="#_note-australia" title="">[4]</a></sup> (overseas territory of Australia)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cyprus.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cyprus"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cyprus" title="Cyprus">Cyprus</a></b><sup id="_ref-europe_2" class="reference"><a href="#_note-europe" title="">[2]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Nicosia" title="Nicosia">Nicosia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Georgia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Georgia (country)"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Georgia_%28country%29" title="Georgia (country)">Georgia</a></b><sup id="_ref-europe_3" class="reference"><a href="#_note-europe" title="">[2]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Tbilisi" title="Tbilisi">Tbilisi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Hong_Kong.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Hong Kong"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong" title="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Special_administrative_region_%28People%27s_Republic_of_China%29" title="Special administrative region (People's Republic of China)">special administrative region of the People's Republic of China</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_India.svg" class="image" title="Flag of India"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/India" title="India">India</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/New_Delhi" title="New Delhi">New Delhi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Indonesia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Indonesia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Indonesia" title="Indonesia">Indonesia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Jakarta" title="Jakarta">Jakarta</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Iran.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Iran"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Iran" title="Iran">Iran</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tehran" title="Tehran">Tehran</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Iraq.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Iraq"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Iraq" title="Iraq">Iraq</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Baghdad" title="Baghdad">Baghdad</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Israel.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Israel"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Israel" title="Israel">Israel</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Jerusalem" title="Jerusalem">Jerusalem</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Japan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Japan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Japan" title="Japan">Japan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tokyo" title="Tokyo">Tokyo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Jordan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Jordan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Jordan" title="Jordan">Jordan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Amman" title="Amman">Amman</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kazakhstan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kazakhstan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kazakhstan" title="Kazakhstan">Kazakhstan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Astana" title="Astana">Astana</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_North_Korea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of North Korea"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/North_Korea" title="North Korea">Korea, Democratic People's Republic of</a></b> (commonly known as <b>North Korea</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Pyongyang" title="Pyongyang">Pyongyang</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_South_Korea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of South Korea"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/South_Korea" title="South Korea">Korea, Republic of</a></b> (commonly known as <b>South Korea</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Seoul" title="Seoul">Seoul</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kuwait.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kuwait"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kuwait" title="Kuwait">Kuwait</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kuwait_City" title="Kuwait City">Kuwait City</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kyrgyzstan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kyrgyzstan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kyrgyzstan" title="Kyrgyzstan">Kyrgyzstan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bishkek" title="Bishkek">Bishkek</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Laos.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Laos"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Laos" title="Laos">Laos</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Vientiane" title="Vientiane">Vientiane</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Lebanon.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Lebanon"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Lebanon" title="Lebanon">Lebanon</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Beirut" title="Beirut">Beirut</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Macau.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Macau"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Macau" title="Macau">Macau</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Special_administrative_region_%28People%27s_Republic_of_China%29" title="Special administrative region (People's Republic of China)">special administrative region of the People's Republic of China</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Malaysia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Malaysia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Malaysia" title="Malaysia">Malaysia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kuala_Lumpur" title="Kuala Lumpur">Kuala Lumpur</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Putrajaya" title="Putrajaya">Putrajaya</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Maldives.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Maldives"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Maldives" title="Maldives">Maldives</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Mal%C3%A9" title="Malé">Malé</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mongolia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mongolia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mongolia" title="Mongolia">Mongolia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Ulaanbaatar" title="Ulaanbaatar">Ulaanbaatar</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Myanmar.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Myanmar"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Myanmar" title="Myanmar">Myanmar</a></b> (formerly known as <b>Burma</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Naypyidaw" title="Naypyidaw">Naypyidaw</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nepal.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nepal"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nepal" title="Nepal">Nepal</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kathmandu" title="Kathmandu">Kathmandu</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Oman.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Oman"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Oman" title="Oman">Oman</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Muscat%2C_Oman" title="Muscat, Oman">Muscat</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Pakistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Pakistan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Pakistan" title="Pakistan">Pakistan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Islamabad" title="Islamabad">Islamabad</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Palestine.svg" class="image" title="Palestinian flag"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Palestinian_territories" title="Palestinian territories">Palestinian territories</a></b></i> (collectively the territories of the <a href="/wiki/West_Bank" title="West Bank">West Bank</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Gaza_Strip" title="Gaza Strip">Gaza Strip</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Philippines"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Philippines" title="Philippines">Philippines</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Manila" title="Manila">Manila</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Qatar.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Qatar"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Qatar" title="Qatar">Qatar</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Doha" title="Doha">Doha</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saudi Arabia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saudi_Arabia" title="Saudi Arabia">Saudi Arabia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Riyadh" title="Riyadh">Riyadh</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Singapore.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Singapore"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Singapore" title="Singapore">Singapore</a></b> – Singapore<sup id="_ref-city-state_0" class="reference"><a href="#_note-city-state" title="">[5]</a></sup></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sri_Lanka.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Sri Lanka"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Sri_Lanka" title="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Sri_Jayawardenepura" title="Sri Jayawardenepura">Sri Jayawardenepura</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Syria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Syria"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Syria" title="Syria">Syria</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Damascus" title="Damascus">Damascus</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tajikistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tajikistan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tajikistan" title="Tajikistan">Tajikistan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Dushanbe" title="Dushanbe">Dushanbe</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Thailand.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Thailand"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Thailand" title="Thailand">Thailand</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bangkok" title="Bangkok">Bangkok</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_East_Timor.svg" class="image" title="Flag of East Timor"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/East_Timor" title="East Timor">Timor-Leste</a></b> (commonly known as <b>East Timor</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Dili" title="Dili">Dili</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkey.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Turkey"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turkey" title="Turkey">Turkey</a></b><sup id="_ref-europe_4" class="reference"><a href="#_note-europe" title="">[2]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Ankara" title="Ankara">Ankara</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Turkmenistan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turkmenistan" title="Turkmenistan">Turkmenistan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Ashgabat" title="Ashgabat">Ashgabat</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United Arab Emirates"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_Arab_Emirates" title="United Arab Emirates">United Arab Emirates</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Abu_Dhabi" title="Abu Dhabi">Abu Dhabi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uzbekistan"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uzbekistan" title="Uzbekistan">Uzbekistan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tashkent" title="Tashkent">Tashkent</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vietnam.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Vietnam"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Vietnam" title="Vietnam">Vietnam</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Hanoi" title="Hanoi">Hanoi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Yemen.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Yemen"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Yemen" title="Yemen">Yemen</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Sana%27a" title="Sana'a">Sana'a</a></td></tr>
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-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Albania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Albania"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Albania" title="Albania">Albania</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tirana" title="Tirana">Tirana</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Andorra.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Andorra"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Andorra" title="Andorra">Andorra</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Andorra_la_Vella" title="Andorra la Vella">Andorra la Vella</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Austria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Austria"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Austria" title="Austria">Austria</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Vienna" title="Vienna">Vienna</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belarus.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Belarus"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Belarus" title="Belarus">Belarus</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Minsk" title="Minsk">Minsk</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Belgium"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Belgium" title="Belgium">Belgium</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Brussels" title="Brussels">Brussels</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" title="Bosnia and Herzegovina">Bosnia and Herzegovina</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Sarajevo" title="Sarajevo">Sarajevo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bulgaria"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bulgaria" title="Bulgaria">Bulgaria</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Sofia" title="Sofia">Sofia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Croatia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Croatia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Croatia" title="Croatia">Croatia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Zagreb" title="Zagreb">Zagreb</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Czech Republic"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Czech_Republic" title="Czech Republic">Czech Republic</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Prague" title="Prague">Prague</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Denmark.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Denmark"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Denmark" title="Denmark">Denmark</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Copenhagen" title="Copenhagen">Copenhagen</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Estonia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Estonia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Estonia" title="Estonia">Estonia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tallinn" title="Tallinn">Tallinn</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Faroe_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Faroe Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Faroe_Islands" title="Faroe Islands">Faroe Islands</a></i> (overseas territory of Denmark) – <a href="/wiki/T%C3%B3rshavn" title="Tórshavn">Tórshavn</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Finland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Finland"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Finland" title="Finland">Finland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Helsinki" title="Helsinki">Helsinki</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of France"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/France" title="France">France</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Paris" title="Paris">Paris</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Germany.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Germany"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Germany" title="Germany">Germany</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Berlin" title="Berlin">Berlin</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Gibraltar.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Gibraltar"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Gibraltar" title="Gibraltar">Gibraltar</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – Gibraltar<sup id="_ref-city-state_1" class="reference"><a href="#_note-city-state" title="">[5]</a></sup></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Greece.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Greece"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Greece" title="Greece">Greece</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Athens" title="Athens">Athens</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guernsey.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guernsey"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guernsey" title="Guernsey">Guernsey</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Crown_dependency" title="Crown dependency">British crown dependency</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Saint_Peter_Port" title="Saint Peter Port">Saint Peter Port</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Hungary.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Hungary"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Hungary" title="Hungary">Hungary</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Budapest" title="Budapest">Budapest</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Iceland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Iceland"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Iceland" title="Iceland">Iceland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Reykjav%C3%ADk" title="Reykjavík">Reykjavík</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ireland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ireland"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Republic_of_Ireland" title="Republic of Ireland">Ireland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Dublin" title="Dublin">Dublin</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Isle_of_Man.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Isle of Man"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Isle_of_Man" title="Isle of Man">Isle of Man</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Crown_dependency" title="Crown dependency">British crown dependency</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Douglas%2C_Isle_of_Man" title="Douglas, Isle of Man">Douglas</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Italy.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Italy"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Italy" title="Italy">Italy</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Rome" title="Rome">Rome</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Jersey.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Jersey"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Jersey" title="Jersey">Jersey</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Crown_dependency" title="Crown dependency">British crown dependency</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Saint_Helier" title="Saint Helier">Saint Helier</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Latvia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Latvia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Latvia" title="Latvia">Latvia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Riga" title="Riga">Riga</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Liechtenstein.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Liechtenstein"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Liechtenstein" title="Liechtenstein">Liechtenstein</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Vaduz" title="Vaduz">Vaduz</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Lithuania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Lithuania"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Lithuania" title="Lithuania">Lithuania</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Vilnius" title="Vilnius">Vilnius</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Luxembourg"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Luxembourg" title="Luxembourg">Luxembourg</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Luxembourg%2C_Luxembourg" title="Luxembourg, Luxembourg">Luxembourg</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Macedonia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Republic of Macedonia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Republic_of_Macedonia" title="Republic of Macedonia">Macedonia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Skopje" title="Skopje">Skopje</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Malta.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Malta"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Malta" title="Malta">Malta</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Valletta" title="Valletta">Valletta</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Moldova.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Moldova"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Moldova" title="Moldova">Moldova</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Chi%C5%9Fin%C4%83u" title="Chişinău">Chişinău</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Monaco.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Monaco"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Monaco" title="Monaco">Monaco</a></b> – Monaco<sup id="_ref-city-state_2" class="reference"><a href="#_note-city-state" title="">[5]</a></sup></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montenegro.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Montenegro"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Montenegro" title="Montenegro">Montenegro</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Podgorica" title="Podgorica">Podgorica</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Netherlands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Netherlands" title="Netherlands">Netherlands</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Amsterdam" title="Amsterdam">Amsterdam</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/The_Hague" title="The Hague">The Hague</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norway.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Norway"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Norway" title="Norway">Norway</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Oslo" title="Oslo">Oslo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Poland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Poland"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Poland" title="Poland">Poland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Warsaw" title="Warsaw">Warsaw</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Portugal.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Portugal"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Portugal" title="Portugal">Portugal</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Lisbon" title="Lisbon">Lisbon</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Romania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Romania"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Romania" title="Romania">Romania</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bucharest" title="Bucharest">Bucharest</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Russia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Russia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Russia" title="Russia">Russia</a></b><sup id="_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#_note-2" title="">[6]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Moscow" title="Moscow">Moscow</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_San_Marino.svg" class="image" title="Flag of San Marino"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/San_Marino" title="San Marino">San Marino</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/San_Marino%2C_San_Marino" title="San Marino, San Marino">San Marino</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Serbia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Serbia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Serbia" title="Serbia">Serbia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Belgrade" title="Belgrade">Belgrade</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Slovakia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Slovakia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Slovakia" title="Slovakia">Slovakia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bratislava" title="Bratislava">Bratislava</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Slovenia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Slovenia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Slovenia" title="Slovenia">Slovenia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Ljubljana" title="Ljubljana">Ljubljana</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Spain.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Spain"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Spain" title="Spain">Spain</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Madrid" title="Madrid">Madrid</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sweden.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Sweden"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Sweden" title="Sweden">Sweden</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Stockholm" title="Stockholm">Stockholm</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Switzerland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Switzerland"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Switzerland" title="Switzerland">Switzerland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Berne" title="Berne">Berne</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ukraine.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ukraine"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Ukraine" title="Ukraine">Ukraine</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kiev" title="Kiev">Kiev</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United Kingdom"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_Kingdom" title="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/London" title="London">London</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Vatican_City.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Vatican City"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Vatican_City" title="Vatican City">Vatican City</a></b> – Vatican City<sup id="_ref-city-state_3" class="reference"><a href="#_note-city-state" title="">[5]</a></sup></td></tr>
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-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Anguilla.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Anguilla"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Anguilla" title="Anguilla">Anguilla</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/The_Valley%2C_Anguilla" title="The Valley, Anguilla">The Valley</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Antigua and Barbuda"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Antigua_and_Barbuda" title="Antigua and Barbuda">Antigua and Barbuda</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Saint_John%27s%2C_Antigua_and_Barbuda" title="Saint John's, Antigua and Barbuda">Saint John's</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Aruba.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Aruba"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Aruba" title="Aruba">Aruba</a></i> (overseas country in the <a href="/wiki/Kingdom_of_the_Netherlands" title="Kingdom of the Netherlands">Kingdom of the Netherlands</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Oranjestad%2C_Aruba" title="Oranjestad, Aruba">Oranjestad</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Bahamas.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Bahamas"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/The_Bahamas" title="The Bahamas">Bahamas</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Nassau%2C_Bahamas" title="Nassau, Bahamas">Nassau</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Barbados.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Barbados"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Barbados" title="Barbados">Barbados</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bridgetown" title="Bridgetown">Bridgetown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belize.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Belize"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Belize" title="Belize">Belize</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Belmopan" title="Belmopan">Belmopan</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bermuda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bermuda"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bermuda" title="Bermuda">Bermuda</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Hamilton%2C_Bermuda" title="Hamilton, Bermuda">Hamilton</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the British Virgin Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/British_Virgin_Islands" title="British Virgin Islands">British Virgin Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Road_Town" title="Road Town">Road Town</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Canada.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Canada"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Canada" title="Canada">Canada</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Ottawa" title="Ottawa">Ottawa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Cayman_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cayman Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cayman_Islands" title="Cayman Islands">Cayman Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/George_Town%2C_Cayman_Islands" title="George Town, Cayman Islands">George Town</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of France"></a> <a href="/wiki/Clipperton_Island" title="Clipperton Island">Clipperton Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Costa_Rica.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Costa Rica"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Costa_Rica" title="Costa Rica">Costa Rica</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/San_Jos%C3%A9%2C_Costa_Rica" title="San José, Costa Rica">San José</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cuba.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cuba"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cuba" title="Cuba">Cuba</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Havana" title="Havana">Havana</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Dominica.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Dominica"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Dominica" title="Dominica">Dominica</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Roseau" title="Roseau">Roseau</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Dominican_Republic.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Dominican Republic"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Dominican_Republic" title="Dominican Republic">Dominican Republic</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Santo_Domingo" title="Santo Domingo">Santo Domingo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_El_Salvador.svg" class="image" title="Flag of El Salvador"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/El_Salvador" title="El Salvador">El Salvador</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/San_Salvador" title="San Salvador">San Salvador</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Greenland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Greenland"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Greenland" title="Greenland">Greenland</a></i> (overseas territory of Denmark) – <a href="/wiki/Nuuk" title="Nuuk">Nuuk</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Grenada.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Grenada"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Grenada" title="Grenada">Grenada</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Saint_George%27s%2C_Grenada" title="Saint George's, Grenada">Saint George's</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guadeloupe"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guadeloupe" title="Guadeloupe">Guadeloupe</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas department of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Basse-Terre" title="Basse-Terre">Basse-Terre</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guatemala.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guatemala"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guatemala" title="Guatemala">Guatemala</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Guatemala_City" title="Guatemala City">Guatemala City</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Haiti.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Haiti"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Haiti" title="Haiti">Haiti</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Port-au-Prince" title="Port-au-Prince">Port-au-Prince</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Honduras.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Honduras"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Honduras" title="Honduras">Honduras</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tegucigalpa" title="Tegucigalpa">Tegucigalpa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Jamaica.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Jamaica"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Jamaica" title="Jamaica">Jamaica</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kingston%2C_Jamaica" title="Kingston, Jamaica">Kingston</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Martinique"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Martinique" title="Martinique">Martinique</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas department of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Fort-de-France" title="Fort-de-France">Fort-de-France</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mexico.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mexico"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mexico" title="Mexico">Mexico</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Mexico_City" title="Mexico City">Mexico City</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montserrat.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Montserrat"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Montserrat" title="Montserrat">Montserrat</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Plymouth%2C_Montserrat" title="Plymouth, Montserrat">Plymouth</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Brades" title="Brades">Brades</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Navassa Island"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Navassa_Island" title="Navassa Island">Navassa Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Netherlands Antilles"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Netherlands_Antilles" title="Netherlands Antilles">Netherlands Antilles</a></i> (overseas country in the <a href="/wiki/Kingdom_of_the_Netherlands" title="Kingdom of the Netherlands">Kingdom of the Netherlands</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Willemstad%2C_Netherlands_Antilles" title="Willemstad, Netherlands Antilles">Willemstad</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nicaragua"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nicaragua" title="Nicaragua">Nicaragua</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Managua" title="Managua">Managua</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Panama.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Panama"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Panama" title="Panama">Panama</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Panama_City" title="Panama City">Panama City</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Puerto_Rico.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Puerto Rico"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Puerto_Rico" title="Puerto Rico">Puerto Rico</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>) – <a href="/wiki/San_Juan%2C_Puerto_Rico" title="San Juan, Puerto Rico">San Juan</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Barthelemy"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Barthelemy" title="Saint Barthelemy">Saint Barthelemy</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Gustavia%2C_Saint_Barthelemy" title="Gustavia, Saint Barthelemy">Gustavia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis" title="Saint Kitts and Nevis">Saint Kitts and Nevis</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Basseterre" title="Basseterre">Basseterre</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Lucia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Lucia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Lucia" title="Saint Lucia">Saint Lucia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Castries" title="Castries">Castries</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Martin (France)"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Martin_%28France%29" title="Saint Martin (France)">Saint Martin</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Marigot%2C_Saint_Martin" title="Marigot, Saint Martin">Marigot</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Pierre and Miquelon"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon" title="Saint Pierre and Miquelon">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Saint-Pierre%2C_Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon" title="Saint-Pierre, Saint Pierre and Miquelon">Saint-Pierre</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines" title="Saint Vincent and the Grenadines">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kingstown" title="Kingstown">Kingstown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Trinidad and Tobago"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Trinidad_and_Tobago" title="Trinidad and Tobago">Trinidad and Tobago</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Port_of_Spain" title="Port of Spain">Port of Spain</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turks_and_Caicos_Islands" title="Turks and Caicos Islands">Turks and Caicos Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Cockburn_Town" title="Cockburn Town">Cockburn Town</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Washington%2C_D.C." title="Washington, D.C.">Washington, D.C.</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States Virgin Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_States_Virgin_Islands" title="United States Virgin Islands">United States Virgin Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Charlotte_Amalie%2C_United_States_Virgin_Islands" title="Charlotte Amalie, United States Virgin Islands">Charlotte Amalie</a></td></tr>
-<!-- Americas: South America -->
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Argentina.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Argentina"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Argentina" title="Argentina">Argentina</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Buenos_Aires" title="Buenos Aires">Buenos Aires</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bolivia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bolivia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bolivia" title="Bolivia">Bolivia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Sucre" title="Sucre">Sucre</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/La_Paz" title="La Paz">La Paz</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Brazil.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Brazil"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Brazil" title="Brazil">Brazil</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bras%C3%ADlia" title="Brasília">Brasília</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Chile.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Chile"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Chile" title="Chile">Chile</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Santiago%2C_Chile" title="Santiago, Chile">Santiago</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Colombia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Colombia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Colombia" title="Colombia">Colombia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bogot%C3%A1" title="Bogotá">Bogotá</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ecuador.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ecuador"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Ecuador" title="Ecuador">Ecuador</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Quito" title="Quito">Quito</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Falkland_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Falkland Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Falkland_Islands" title="Falkland Islands">Falkland Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Stanley%2C_Falkland_Islands" title="Stanley, Falkland Islands">Stanley</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of French Guiana"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/French_Guiana" title="French Guiana">French Guiana</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas department of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Cayenne" title="Cayenne">Cayenne</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guyana.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guyana"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guyana" title="Guyana">Guyana</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Georgetown%2C_Guyana" title="Georgetown, Guyana">Georgetown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Paraguay.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Paraguay"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Paraguay" title="Paraguay">Paraguay</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Asunci%C3%B3n" title="Asunción">Asunción</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Peru.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Peru"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Peru" title="Peru">Peru</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Lima" title="Lima">Lima</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Suriname.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Suriname"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Suriname" title="Suriname">Suriname</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Paramaribo" title="Paramaribo">Paramaribo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uruguay.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uruguay"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uruguay" title="Uruguay">Uruguay</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Montevideo" title="Montevideo">Montevideo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Venezuela.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Venezuela"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Venezuela" title="Venezuela">Venezuela</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Caracas" title="Caracas">Caracas</a></td></tr>
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-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_American_Samoa.svg" class="image" title="Flag of American Samoa"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/American_Samoa" title="American Samoa">American Samoa</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Pago_Pago" title="Pago Pago">Pago Pago</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Fagatogo" title="Fagatogo">Fagatogo</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Australia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Australia" title="Australia">Australia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Canberra" title="Canberra">Canberra</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"></a> <a href="/wiki/Baker_Island" title="Baker Island">Baker Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Cook_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Cook Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cook_Islands" title="Cook Islands">Cook Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Associated_state" title="Associated state">territory in free association</a> with New Zealand) – <a href="/wiki/Avarua" title="Avarua">Avarua</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Fiji.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Fiji"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Fiji" title="Fiji">Fiji</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Suva" title="Suva">Suva</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_French_Polynesia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of French Polynesia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/French_Polynesia" title="French Polynesia">French Polynesia</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Papeete" title="Papeete">Papeete</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guam.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guam"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guam" title="Guam">Guam</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Hag%C3%A5t%C3%B1a" title="Hagåtña">Hagåtña</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"></a> <a href="/wiki/Howland_Island" title="Howland Island">Howland Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"></a> <a href="/wiki/Jarvis_Island" title="Jarvis Island">Jarvis Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"></a> <a href="/wiki/Johnston_Atoll" title="Johnston Atoll">Johnston Atoll</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"></a> <a href="/wiki/Kingman_Reef" title="Kingman Reef">Kingman Reef</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kiribati.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kiribati"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kiribati" title="Kiribati">Kiribati</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/South_Tarawa" title="South Tarawa">South Tarawa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Marshall_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Marshall Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Marshall_Islands" title="Marshall Islands">Marshall Islands</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Majuro" title="Majuro">Majuro</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Micronesia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Federated_States_of_Micronesia" title="Federated States of Micronesia">Micronesia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Palikir" title="Palikir">Palikir</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"></a> <a href="/wiki/Midway_Atoll" title="Midway Atoll">Midway Atoll</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nauru.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nauru"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nauru" title="Nauru">Nauru</a></b> – no official capital (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Yaren" title="Yaren">Yaren</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of New Caledonia"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/New_Caledonia" title="New Caledonia">New Caledonia</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Noum%C3%A9a" title="Nouméa">Nouméa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg" class="image" title="Flag of New Zealand"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/New_Zealand" title="New Zealand">New Zealand</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Wellington" title="Wellington">Wellington</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niue.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Niue"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Niue" title="Niue">Niue</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Associated_state" title="Associated state">territory in free association</a> with New Zealand) – <a href="/wiki/Alofi" title="Alofi">Alofi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norfolk_Island.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Norfolk Island"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Norfolk_Island" title="Norfolk Island">Norfolk Island</a></i> (overseas territory of Australia) – <a href="/wiki/Kingston%2C_Norfolk_Island" title="Kingston, Norfolk Island">Kingston</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Northern_Mariana_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Northern Mariana Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Northern_Mariana_Islands" title="Northern Mariana Islands">Northern Mariana Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Saipan" title="Saipan">Saipan</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Palau.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Palau"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Palau" title="Palau">Palau</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Melekeok" title="Melekeok">Melekeok</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"></a> <a href="/wiki/Palmyra_Atoll" title="Palmyra Atoll">Palmyra Atoll</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Papua_New_Guinea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Papua New Guinea"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Papua_New_Guinea" title="Papua New Guinea">Papua New Guinea</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Port_Moresby" title="Port Moresby">Port Moresby</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Pitcairn_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Pitcairn Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Pitcairn_Islands" title="Pitcairn Islands">Pitcairn Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Adamstown%2C_Pitcairn_Island" title="Adamstown, Pitcairn Island">Adamstown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Samoa.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Samoa"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Samoa" title="Samoa">Samoa</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Apia" title="Apia">Apia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Solomon_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Solomon Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Solomon_Islands" title="Solomon Islands">Solomon Islands</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Honiara" title="Honiara">Honiara</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tokelau"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tokelau" title="Tokelau">Tokelau</a></i> (overseas territory of New Zealand) – no official capital (each atoll has its own administrative centre)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tonga.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tonga"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tonga" title="Tonga">Tonga</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Nuku%27alofa" title="Nuku'alofa">Nuku'alofa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tuvalu"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tuvalu" title="Tuvalu">Tuvalu</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Funafuti" title="Funafuti">Funafuti</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Vanuatu"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Vanuatu" title="Vanuatu">Vanuatu</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Port_Vila" title="Port Vila">Port Vila</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"></a> <a href="/wiki/Wake_Island" title="Wake Island">Wake Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Wallis and Futuna"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Wallis_and_Futuna" title="Wallis and Futuna">Wallis and Futuna</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Mata-Utu" title="Mata-Utu">Mata-Utu</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Antarctica</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norway.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bouvet Island"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bouvet_Island" title="Bouvet Island">Bouvet Island</a></i> (overseas territory of Norway)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Antarctica</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/French_Southern_and_Antarctic_Lands" title="French Southern and Antarctic Lands">French Southern Territories</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Antarctica</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Heard Island and McDonald Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Heard_Island_and_McDonald_Islands" title="Heard Island and McDonald Islands">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</a></i> (overseas territory of Australia)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Antarctica</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands" title="South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</a></i><sup id="_ref-3" class="reference"><a href="#_note-3" title="">[7]</a></sup> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>)</td></tr>
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-{ type: "languageCountryMap", language: "ti", country: "ET"},
-{ type: "languageCountryMap", language: "tn", country: "ZA"},
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-{ type: "languageCountryMap", language: "ts", country: "ZA"},
-{ type: "languageCountryMap", language: "tt", country: "RU"},
-{ type: "languageCountryMap", language: "uk", country: "UA"},
-{ type: "languageCountryMap", language: "ur", country: "IN"},
-{ type: "languageCountryMap", language: "ur", country: "PK"},
-{ type: "languageCountryMap", language: "uz", country: "AF"},
-{ type: "languageCountryMap", language: "uz", country: "UZ"},
-{ type: "languageCountryMap", language: "ve", country: "ZA"},
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-{ type: "language", iso: "aa",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "DJ"},
-{_reference: "ER"},
-{_reference: "ET"},
-name: "Qafar",
-{ type: "language", iso: "af",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "NA"},
-{_reference: "ZA"},
-name: "Afrikaans",
-"af": "Afrikaans",
-"es": "Spaans",
-"pt": "Portugees",
-"ru": "Russies",
-"zh": "Sjinees",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ak",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "GH"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "am",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ET"},
-name: "አማርኛ",
-"aa": "አፋርኛ",
-"ab": "አብሐዚኛ",
-"af": "አፍሪቃንስኛ",
-"am": "አማርኛ",
-"ar": "ዐርቢኛ",
-"as": "አሳሜዛዊ",
-"ay": "አያማርኛ",
-"az": "አዜርባይጃንኛ",
-"ba": "ባስኪርኛ",
-"be": "ቤላራሻኛ",
-"bg": "ቡልጋሪኛ",
-"bh": "ቢሃሪ",
-"bi": "ቢስላምኛ",
-"bn": "በንጋሊኛ",
-"bo": "ትበትንኛ",
-"br": "ብሬቶንኛ",
-"ca": "ካታላንኛ",
-"co": "ኮርሲካኛ",
-"cs": "ቼክኛ",
-"cy": "ወልሽ",
-"da": "ዴኒሽ",
-"de": "ጀርመን",
-"dz": "ድዞንግኻኛ",
-"el": "ግሪክኛ",
-"en": "እንግሊዝኛ",
-"eo": "ኤስፐራንቶ",
-"es": "ስፓኒሽ",
-"et": "ኤስቶኒአን",
-"eu": "ባስክኛ",
-"fa": "ፐርሲያኛ",
-"fi": "ፊኒሽ",
-"fj": "ፊጂኛ",
-"fo": "ፋሮኛ",
-"fr": "ፈረንሳይኛ",
-"fy": "ፍሪስኛ",
-"ga": "አይሪሽ",
-"gd": "እስኮትስ ጌልክኛ",
-"gl": "ጋለጋኛ",
-"gn": "ጓራኒኛ",
-"gu": "ጉጃርቲኛ",
-"ha": "ሃውሳኛ",
-"he": "ዕብራስጥ",
-"hi": "ሐንድኛ",
-"hr": "ክሮሽያንኛ",
-"hu": "ሀንጋሪኛ",
-"hy": "አርመናዊ",
-"ia": "ኢንቴርሊንጓ",
-"id": "እንዶኒሲኛ",
-"ie": "እንተርሊንግወ",
-"ik": "እኑፒያቅኛ",
-"is": "አይስላንድኛ",
-"it": "ጣሊያንኛ",
-"iu": "እኑክቲቱትኛ",
-"ja": "ጃፓንኛ",
-"jv": "ጃቫንኛ",
-"ka": "ጊዮርጊያን",
-"kk": "ካዛክኛ",
-"kl": "ካላሊሱትኛ",
-"km": "ክመርኛ",
-"kn": "ካናዳኛ",
-"ko": "ኮሪያኛ",
-"ks": "ካሽሚርኛ",
-"ku": "ኩርድሽኛ",
-"ky": "ኪርጊዝኛ",
-"la": "ላቲንኛ",
-"ln": "ሊንጋላኛ",
-"lo": "ላውስኛ",
-"lt": "ሊቱአኒያን",
-"lv": "ላትቪያን",
-"mg": "ማላጋስኛ",
-"mi": "ማዮሪኛ",
-"mk": "ማከዶኒኛ",
-"ml": "ማላያላምኛ",
-"mn": "ሞንጎላዊኛ",
-"mo": "ሞልዳቫዊና",
-"mr": "ማራዚኛ",
-"ms": "ማላይኛ",
-"mt": "ማልቲስኛ",
-"my": "ቡርማኛ",
-"na": "ናኡሩ",
-"ne": "ኔፓሊኛ",
-"nl": "ደች",
-"no": "ኖርዌጂያን",
-"oc": "ኦኪታንኛ",
-"om": "ኦሮምኛ",
-"or": "ኦሪያኛ",
-"pa": "ፓንጃቢኛ",
-"pl": "ፖሊሽ",
-"ps": "ፑሽቶኛ",
-"pt": "ፖርቱጋሊኛ",
-"qu": "ኵቿኛ",
-"rm": "ሮማንስ",
-"rn": "ሩንዲኛ",
-"ro": "ሮማኒያን",
-"ru": "ራሽኛ",
-"rw": "ኪንያርዋንድኛ",
-"sa": "ሳንስክሪትኛ",
-"sd": "ሲንድሂኛ",
-"sg": "ሳንጎኛ",
-"si": "ስንሃልኛ",
-"sk": "ስሎቫክኛ",
-"sl": "ስሎቪኛ",
-"sm": "ሳሞአኛ",
-"sn": "ሾናኛ",
-"so": "ሱማልኛ",
-"sq": "ልቤኒኛ",
-"sr": "ሰርቢኛ",
-"ss": "ስዋቲኛ",
-"st": "ሶዞኛ",
-"su": "ሱዳንኛ",
-"sv": "ስዊድንኛ",
-"sw": "ስዋሂሊኛ",
-"ta": "ታሚልኛ",
-"te": "ተሉጉኛ",
-"tg": "ታጂኪኛ",
-"th": "ታይኛ",
-"ti": "ትግርኛ",
-"tk": "ቱርክመንኛ",
-"tl": "ታጋሎገኛ",
-"tn": "ጽዋናዊኛ",
-"to": "ቶንጋ",
-"tr": "ቱርክኛ",
-"ts": "ጾንጋኛ",
-"tt": "ታታርኛ",
-"tw": "ትዊኛ",
-"ug": "ኡዊግሁርኛ",
-"uk": "ዩክረኒኛ",
-"ur": "ኡርዱኛ",
-"uz": "ኡዝበክኛ",
-"vi": "ቪትናምኛ",
-"vo": "ቮላፑክኛ",
-"wo": "ዎሎፍኛ",
-"xh": "ዞሳኛ",
-"yi": "ይዲሻዊኛ",
-"yo": "ዮሩባዊኛ",
-"za": "ዡዋንግኛ",
-"zh": "ቻይንኛ",
-"zu": "ዙሉኛ",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ar",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "AE"},
-{_reference: "BH"},
-{_reference: "DZ"},
-{_reference: "EG"},
-{_reference: "IQ"},
-{_reference: "JO"},
-{_reference: "KW"},
-{_reference: "LB"},
-{_reference: "LY"},
-{_reference: "MA"},
-{_reference: "OM"},
-{_reference: "QA"},
-{_reference: "SA"},
-{_reference: "SD"},
-{_reference: "SY"},
-{_reference: "TN"},
-{_reference: "YE"},
-name: "العربية",
-"aa": "الأفارية",
-"ab": "الأبخازية",
-"ae": "الأفستية",
-"af": "الأفريقية",
-"ak": "الأكانية",
-"am": "الأمهرية",
-"an": "الأراجونية",
-"ar": "العربية",
-"as": "الأسامية",
-"av": "الأفاريكية",
-"ay": "الأيمارا",
-"az": "الأذرية",
-"ba": "الباشكيرية",
-"be": "البيلوروسية",
-"bg": "البلغارية",
-"bh": "البيهارية",
-"bi": "البيسلامية",
-"bm": "البامبارا",
-"bn": "البنغالية",
-"bo": "التبتية",
-"br": "البريتونية",
-"bs": "البوسنية",
-"ca": "الكاتالوينية",
-"ce": "الشيشانية",
-"ch": "التشامورو",
-"co": "الكورسيكية",
-"cr": "الكرى",
-"cs": "التشيكية",
-"cu": "سلافية كنسية",
-"cv": "التشفاش",
-"cy": "الولزية",
-"da": "الدانماركية",
-"de": "الألمانية",
-"dv": "المالديفية",
-"dz": "الزونخاية",
-"el": "اليونانية",
-"en": "الانجليزية",
-"eo": "اسبرانتو",
-"es": "الأسبانية",
-"et": "الأستونية",
-"eu": "لغة الباسك",
-"fa": "الفارسية",
-"ff": "الفلة",
-"fi": "الفنلندية",
-"fj": "الفيجية",
-"fo": "الفارويز",
-"fr": "الفرنسية",
-"fy": "الفريزيان",
-"ga": "الأيرلندية",
-"gd": "الغيلية الأسكتلندية",
-"gl": "الجاليكية",
-"gn": "الجوارانى",
-"gu": "الغوجاراتية",
-"gv": "المنكية",
-"ha": "الهوسا",
-"he": "العبرية",
-"hi": "الهندية",
-"ho": "الهيرى موتو",
-"hr": "الكرواتية",
-"ht": "الهايتية",
-"hu": "الهنغارية",
-"hy": "الأرمينية",
-"hz": "الهيريرو",
-"ia": "اللّغة الوسيطة",
-"id": "الأندونيسية",
-"ie": "الانترلينج",
-"ig": "الايجبو",
-"ii": "السيتشيون يى",
-"ik": "الاينبياك",
-"io": "الايدو",
-"is": "الأيسلاندية",
-"it": "الايطالية",
-"iu": "الاينكتيتت",
-"ja": "اليابانية",
-"jv": "الجاوية",
-"ka": "الجورجية",
-"kg": "الكونغو",
-"ki": "الكيكيو",
-"kj": "الكيونياما",
-"kk": "الكازاخستانية",
-"kl": "الكالاليست",
-"km": "الخميرية",
-"kn": "الكانادا",
-"ko": "الكورية",
-"kr": "الكانيورى",
-"ks": "الكاشميرية",
-"ku": "الكردية",
-"kv": "الكومى",
-"kw": "الكورنية",
-"ky": "القيرغستانية",
-"la": "اللاتينية",
-"lb": "اللوكسمبرجية",
-"lg": "الجاندا",
-"li": "الليمبرجيشية",
-"ln": "اللينجالا",
-"lo": "اللاوية",
-"lt": "اللتوانية",
-"lu": "اللبا-كاتانجا",
-"lv": "اللاتفية",
-"mg": "المالاجاشية",
-"mh": "المارشالية",
-"mi": "الماورية",
-"mk": "المقدونية",
-"ml": "الماليالام",
-"mn": "المنغولية",
-"mo": "المولدوفية",
-"mr": "الماراثى",
-"ms": "لغة الملايو",
-"mt": "المالطية",
-"my": "البورمية",
-"na": "النورو",
-"nb": "البوكمالية النرويجية",
-"nd": "النديبيل الشمالى",
-"ne": "النيبالية",
-"ng": "الندونجا",
-"nl": "الهولندية",
-"nn": "النينورسك النرويجي",
-"no": "النرويجية",
-"nr": "النديبيل الجنوبى",
-"nv": "النافاجو",
-"ny": "النيانجا، التشيتشوا، التشوا",
-"oc": "الأوكيتان (بعد 1500)، بروفينسية",
-"oj": "الأوجيبوا",
-"om": "الأورومو",
-"or": "الأورييا",
-"os": "الأوسيتيك",
-"pa": "البنجابية",
-"pi": "البالية",
-"pl": "البولندية",
-"ps": "البشتونية",
-"pt": "البرتغالية",
-"qu": "الكويتشوا",
-"rm": "الرهايتو-رومانس",
-"rn": "الرندى",
-"ro": "الرومانية",
-"ru": "الروسية",
-"rw": "الكينيارواندا",
-"sa": "السنسكريتية",
-"sc": "السردينية",
-"sd": "السيندى",
-"se": "السامي الشمالى",
-"sg": "السانجو",
-"si": "السريلانكية",
-"sk": "السلوفاكية",
-"sl": "السلوفانية",
-"sm": "الساموائية",
-"sn": "الشونا",
-"so": "الصومالية",
-"sq": "الألبانية",
-"sr": "الصربية",
-"ss": "السواتى",
-"su": "السودانية",
-"sv": "السويدية",
-"sw": "السواحلية",
-"ta": "التاميلية",
-"te": "التيلجو",
-"tg": "الطاجيكية",
-"th": "التايلاندية",
-"ti": "التيجرينيا",
-"tk": "التركمانية",
-"tl": "التاغالوغية",
-"tn": "التسوانية",
-"to": "تونجا - جزر تونجا",
-"tr": "التركية",
-"ts": "السونجا",
-"tt": "التتارية",
-"tw": "التوى",
-"ty": "التاهيتية",
-"ug": "الأغورية",
-"uk": "الأوكرانية",
-"ur": "الأردية",
-"uz": "الاوزباكية",
-"ve": "الفيندا",
-"vi": "الفيتنامية",
-"wa": "الولونية",
-"wo": "الولوف",
-"yi": "اليديشية",
-"yo": "اليوروبية",
-"za": "الزهيونج",
-"zh": "الصينية",
-{ type: "language", iso: "as",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-name: "অসমীয়া",
-"as": "অসমীয়া",
-{ type: "language", iso: "az",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "AZ"},
-name: "azərbaycanca",
-"az": "azərbaycanca",
-{ type: "language", iso: "be",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "BY"},
-name: "Беларускі",
-"ar": "арабскі",
-"be": "Беларускі",
-"de": "нямецкі",
-"en": "англійскі",
-"es": "іспанскі",
-"fr": "французскі",
-"hi": "хіндзі",
-"it": "італьянскі",
-"ja": "японскі",
-"pt": "партугальскі",
-"ru": "рускі",
-"zh": "кітайскі",
-{ type: "language", iso: "bg",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "BG"},
-name: "Български",
-"ab": "Абхазски",
-"af": "Африканс",
-"am": "Амхарски",
-"ar": "Арабски",
-"av": "Аварски",
-"ay": "Аймара",
-"az": "Азърбайджански",
-"ba": "Башкирски",
-"be": "Беларуски",
-"bg": "Български",
-"bi": "Бислама",
-"bn": "Бенгалски",
-"bo": "Тибетски",
-"br": "Бретонски",
-"bs": "Босненски",
-"ca": "Каталонски",
-"ce": "Чеченски",
-"co": "Корсикански",
-"cs": "Чешки",
-"cu": "Църковно славянски",
-"cy": "Уелски",
-"da": "Датски",
-"de": "Немски",
-"dv": "Дивехи",
-"el": "Гръцки",
-"en": "Английски",
-"eo": "Есперанто",
-"es": "Испански",
-"et": "Естонски",
-"eu": "Баски",
-"fa": "Персийски",
-"fi": "Фински",
-"fr": "Френски",
-"ga": "Ирландски",
-"gd": "Шотландски галски",
-"gu": "Гуджарати",
-"he": "Иврит",
-"hi": "Хинди",
-"hr": "Хърватски",
-"ht": "Хаитянски",
-"hu": "Унгарски",
-"hy": "Арменски",
-"id": "Индонезийски",
-"io": "Идо",
-"is": "Исландски",
-"it": "Италиански",
-"ja": "Японски",
-"jv": "Явански",
-"ka": "Грузински",
-"kg": "Конгоански",
-"ki": "кикуйу",
-"kk": "Казахски",
-"km": "Кхмерски",
-"ko": "Корейски",
-"ks": "Кашмирски",
-"ku": "Кюрдски",
-"ky": "Киргизски",
-"la": "Латински",
-"lb": "Люксембургски",
-"lo": "Лаоски",
-"lt": "Литовски",
-"lv": "Латвийски",
-"mg": "Малгашки",
-"mi": "Маорски",
-"mk": "Македонски",
-"ml": "Малаялам",
-"mn": "Монголски",
-"mo": "Молдовски",
-"ms": "Малайски",
-"mt": "Малтийски",
-"my": "Бирмански",
-"ne": "Непалски",
-"nl": "Холандски",
-"no": "Норвежки",
-"ny": "Чинянджа",
-"os": "Осетски",
-"pa": "Пенджабски",
-"pl": "Полски",
-"ps": "Пущу",
-"pt": "Португалски",
-"qu": "Кечуа",
-"rm": "Реторомански",
-"rn": "Рунди",
-"ro": "Румънски",
-"ru": "Руски",
-"rw": "Киняруанда",
-"sa": "Санкскритски",
-"sc": "Сардински",
-"sg": "Санго",
-"sh": "Сърбохърватски",
-"si": "Синхалски",
-"sk": "Словашки",
-"sl": "Словенски",
-"sm": "Самоански",
-"so": "Сомалийски",
-"sq": "Албански",
-"sr": "Сръбски",
-"ss": "Суази",
-"st": "Сесуто",
-"sv": "Шведски",
-"sw": "Суахили",
-"ta": "Тамилски",
-"te": "Телугу",
-"tg": "Таджикски",
-"th": "Таи",
-"tk": "Туркменски",
-"tr": "Турски",
-"tt": "Татарски",
-"ty": "Таитянски",
-"uk": "Украински",
-"ur": "Урду",
-"uz": "Узбекски",
-"vi": "Виетнамски",
-"zh": "Китайски",
-"zu": "Зулуски",
-{ type: "language", iso: "bn",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "BD"},
-{_reference: "IN"},
-name: "বাংলা",
-"bn": "বাংলা",
-{ type: "language", iso: "bs",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "BA"},
-"de": "njemački",
-"en": "engleski",
-"es": "španjolski",
-"fr": "francuski",
-"it": "talijanski",
-"ja": "japanski",
-"pt": "portugalski",
-"ru": "ruski",
-"zh": "kineski",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ca",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ES"},
-name: "català",
-"aa": "àfar",
-"ab": "abkhaz",
-"af": "afrikaans",
-"am": "amhàric",
-"ar": "àrab",
-"as": "assamès",
-"ay": "aimara",
-"az": "àzeri",
-"ba": "baixkir",
-"be": "bielorús",
-"bg": "búlgar",
-"bh": "bihari",
-"bi": "bislama",
-"bn": "bengalí",
-"bo": "tibetà",
-"br": "bretó",
-"ca": "català",
-"co": "cors",
-"cs": "txec",
-"cy": "gal·lès",
-"da": "danès",
-"de": "alemany",
-"dz": "bhutanès",
-"el": "grec",
-"en": "anglès",
-"eo": "esperanto",
-"es": "espanyol",
-"et": "estonià",
-"eu": "basc",
-"fa": "persa",
-"fi": "finès",
-"fj": "fijià",
-"fo": "feroès",
-"fr": "francès",
-"fy": "frisó",
-"ga": "irlandès",
-"gd": "escocès",
-"gl": "gallec",
-"gn": "guaraní",
-"gu": "gujarati",
-"ha": "hausa",
-"he": "hebreu",
-"hi": "hindi",
-"hr": "croat",
-"hu": "hongarès",
-"hy": "armeni",
-"ia": "interlingua",
-"id": "indonesi",
-"ie": "interlingue",
-"ik": "inupiak",
-"is": "islandès",
-"it": "italià",
-"iu": "inuktitut",
-"ja": "japonès",
-"jv": "javanès",
-"ka": "georgià",
-"kk": "kazakh",
-"kl": "greenlandès",
-"km": "cambodjà",
-"kn": "kannada",
-"ko": "coreà",
-"ks": "caixmiri",
-"ku": "kurd",
-"ky": "kirguís",
-"la": "llatí",
-"ln": "lingala",
-"lo": "laosià",
-"lt": "lituà",
-"lv": "letó",
-"mg": "malgaix",
-"mi": "maori",
-"mk": "macedoni",
-"ml": "malaialam",
-"mn": "mongol",
-"mo": "moldau",
-"mr": "marathi",
-"ms": "malai",
-"mt": "maltès",
-"my": "birmà",
-"na": "nauruà",
-"ne": "nepalès",
-"nl": "neerlandès",
-"no": "noruec",
-"oc": "occità",
-"om": "oromo (afan)",
-"or": "oriya",
-"pa": "panjabi",
-"pl": "polonès",
-"ps": "paixto",
-"pt": "portuguès",
-"qu": "quètxua",
-"rm": "retoromànic",
-"rn": "kirundi",
-"ro": "romanès",
-"ru": "rus",
-"rw": "kinyarwanda",
-"sa": "sànscrit",
-"sd": "sindhi",
-"sg": "sango",
-"sh": "serbo-croat",
-"si": "sinhalès",
-"sk": "eslovac",
-"sl": "eslovè",
-"sm": "samoà",
-"sn": "shona",
-"so": "somali",
-"sq": "albanès",
-"sr": "serbi",
-"ss": "siswati",
-"st": "sotho",
-"su": "sundanès",
-"sv": "suec",
-"sw": "swahili",
-"ta": "tàmil",
-"te": "telugu",
-"tg": "tadjik",
-"th": "thai",
-"ti": "tigrinya",
-"tk": "turcman",
-"tl": "tagàlog",
-"tn": "tswana",
-"to": "tonga",
-"tr": "turc",
-"ts": "tsonga",
-"tt": "tàtar",
-"tw": "twi",
-"ug": "uigur",
-"uk": "ucraïnès",
-"ur": "urdú",
-"uz": "uzbek",
-"vi": "vietnamita",
-"vo": "volapuk",
-"wo": "wòlof",
-"xh": "xosa",
-"yi": "jiddish",
-"yo": "ioruba",
-"za": "zhuang",
-"zh": "xinés",
-"zu": "zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "cs",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "CZ"},
-name: "Čeština",
-"aa": "Afarština",
-"ab": "Abcházština",
-"af": "Afrikánština",
-"am": "Amharština",
-"ar": "Arabština",
-"as": "Assaméština",
-"ay": "Aymárština",
-"az": "Azerbajdžánština",
-"ba": "Baskirština",
-"be": "Běloruština",
-"bg": "Bulharština",
-"bh": "Biharština",
-"bi": "Bislámština",
-"bn": "Bengálština",
-"bo": "Tibetština",
-"br": "Bretaňština",
-"ca": "Katalánština",
-"co": "Korsičtina",
-"cs": "Čeština",
-"cy": "Velština",
-"da": "Dánština",
-"de": "Němčina",
-"dz": "Bhútánština",
-"el": "Řečtina",
-"en": "Angličtina",
-"eo": "Esperanto",
-"es": "Španělština",
-"et": "Estonština",
-"eu": "Baskičtina",
-"fa": "Perština",
-"fi": "Finština",
-"fj": "Fidži",
-"fo": "Faerština",
-"fr": "Francouzština",
-"fy": "Fríština",
-"ga": "Irština",
-"gd": "Skotská galština",
-"gl": "Haličština",
-"gn": "Guaranština",
-"gu": "Gujaratština",
-"gv": "Manština",
-"ha": "Hausa",
-"he": "Hebrejština",
-"hi": "Hindština",
-"hr": "Chorvatština",
-"hu": "Maďarština",
-"hy": "Arménština",
-"ia": "Interlingua",
-"id": "Indonéština",
-"ie": "Interlingue",
-"ik": "Inupiakština",
-"is": "Islandština",
-"it": "Italština",
-"iu": "Inuktitutština",
-"ja": "Japonština",
-"jv": "Javánština",
-"ka": "Gruzínština",
-"kk": "Kazachština",
-"kl": "Grónština",
-"km": "Kambodžština",
-"kn": "Kannadština",
-"ko": "Korejština",
-"ks": "Kašmírština",
-"ku": "Kurdština",
-"ky": "Kirgizština",
-"la": "Latina",
-"ln": "Lingalština",
-"lo": "Laoština",
-"lt": "Litevština",
-"lv": "Lotyština",
-"mg": "Malgaština",
-"mi": "Maorština",
-"mk": "Makedonština",
-"ml": "Malabarština",
-"mn": "Mongolština",
-"mo": "Moldavština",
-"mr": "Marathi",
-"ms": "Malajština",
-"mt": "Maltština",
-"my": "Barmština",
-"na": "Nauru",
-"ne": "Nepálština",
-"no": "Norština",
-"oc": "Occitan",
-"om": "Oromo (Afan)",
-"or": "Oriya",
-"pa": "Paňdžábština",
-"pl": "Polština",
-"ps": "Pashto (Pushto)",
-"pt": "Portugalština",
-"qu": "Kečuánština",
-"rm": "Rétorománština",
-"rn": "Kirundi",
-"ro": "Rumunština",
-"ru": "Ruština",
-"rw": "Kinyarwandština",
-"sa": "Sanskrt",
-"sd": "Sindhi",
-"sg": "Sangho",
-"sh": "Srbochorvatština",
-"si": "Sinhálština",
-"sk": "Slovenština",
-"sl": "Slovinština",
-"sm": "Samoyština",
-"sn": "Shona",
-"so": "Somálština",
-"sq": "Albánština",
-"sr": "Srbština",
-"ss": "Siswatština",
-"st": "Sesotho",
-"su": "Sundanština",
-"sv": "Švédština",
-"sw": "Svahilština",
-"ta": "Tamilština",
-"te": "Telugština",
-"tg": "Tádžičtina",
-"th": "Thajština",
-"ti": "Tigrinijština",
-"tk": "Turkmenština",
-"tl": "Tagalog",
-"tn": "Setswanština",
-"to": "Tonga",
-"tr": "Turečtina",
-"ts": "Tsonga",
-"tt": "Tatarština",
-"tw": "Twi",
-"ug": "Uighurština",
-"uk": "Ukrajinština",
-"ur": "Urdština",
-"uz": "Uzbečtina",
-"vi": "Vietnamština",
-"vo": "Volapuk",
-"wo": "Wolof",
-"xh": "Xhosa",
-"yi": "Jidiš",
-"yo": "Yoruba",
-"za": "Zhuang",
-"zh": "Čínština",
-"zu": "Zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "cy",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "GB"},
-name: "Cymraeg",
-"ar": "Arabeg",
-"cy": "Cymraeg",
-"de": "Almaeneg",
-"en": "Saesneg",
-"es": "Sbaeneg",
-"fr": "Ffrangeg",
-"hi": "Hindi",
-"it": "Eidaleg",
-"ja": "Siapaneeg",
-"pt": "Portiwgaleg",
-"ru": "Rwsieg",
-"zh": "Tseineeg",
-{ type: "language", iso: "da",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "DK"},
-name: "Dansk",
-"aa": "afar",
-"ab": "abkhasisk",
-"ae": "avestan",
-"af": "afrikaans",
-"ak": "akan",
-"am": "amharisk",
-"an": "aragonesisk",
-"ar": "arabisk",
-"as": "assamesisk",
-"ay": "Aymara",
-"az": "aserbajdsjansk",
-"ba": "bashkir",
-"be": "hviderussisk",
-"bg": "bulgarsk",
-"bh": "bihari",
-"bi": "bislama",
-"bm": "bambara",
-"bn": "bengalsk",
-"bo": "Tibetansk",
-"br": "bretonsk",
-"bs": "bosnisk",
-"ca": "katalansk",
-"ce": "tjetjensk",
-"ch": "chamorro",
-"co": "Korsikansk",
-"cr": "Cree",
-"cs": "Tjekkisk",
-"cu": "Kirkeslavisk",
-"cv": "Chuvash",
-"cy": "Walisisk",
-"da": "Dansk",
-"de": "Tysk",
-"dv": "Divehi",
-"dz": "Dzongkha",
-"ee": "Ewe",
-"el": "Græsk",
-"en": "Engelsk",
-"eo": "Esperanto",
-"es": "Spansk",
-"et": "Estisk",
-"eu": "baskisk",
-"fa": "Persisk",
-"ff": "Fulah",
-"fi": "Finsk",
-"fj": "Fijian",
-"fo": "Færøsk",
-"fr": "Fransk",
-"fy": "Frisisk",
-"ga": "Irsk",
-"gd": "Gælisk (skotsk)",
-"gl": "Galicisk",
-"gn": "Guarani",
-"gu": "Gujaratisk",
-"gv": "Manx",
-"ha": "Hausa",
-"he": "Hebraisk",
-"hi": "Hindi",
-"ho": "Hiri Motu",
-"hr": "Kroatisk",
-"ht": "Haitisk",
-"hu": "Ungarsk",
-"hy": "armensk",
-"hz": "Herero",
-"ia": "Interlingua",
-"id": "Indonesisk",
-"ie": "Interlingue",
-"ig": "Igbo",
-"ii": "Sichuan Yi",
-"ik": "Inupiaq",
-"io": "Ido",
-"is": "Islandsk",
-"it": "Italiensk",
-"iu": "Inuktitut",
-"ja": "Japansk",
-"jv": "Javanesisk",
-"ka": "Georgisk",
-"kg": "Kongo",
-"ki": "Kikuyu",
-"kj": "Kuanyama",
-"kk": "Kasakhisk",
-"kl": "Kalaallisut",
-"km": "Khmer",
-"kn": "Kannaresisk",
-"ko": "Koreansk",
-"kr": "Kanuri",
-"ks": "Kashmiri",
-"ku": "Kurdisk",
-"kw": "Cornisk",
-"ky": "Kirgisisk",
-"la": "Latin",
-"lb": "Luxembourgsk",
-"lg": "Ganda",
-"li": "Limburgsk",
-"ln": "Lingala",
-"lo": "Lao",
-"lt": "Litauisk",
-"lu": "Luba-Katanga",
-"lv": "Lettisk",
-"mg": "Malagasy",
-"mh": "Marshallese",
-"mi": "Maori",
-"mk": "Makedonsk",
-"ml": "Malayalam",
-"mn": "Mongolsk",
-"mo": "Moldovisk",
-"mr": "Marathisk",
-"ms": "Malay",
-"mt": "Maltesisk",
-"my": "burmesisk",
-"na": "Nauru",
-"nb": "Norsk Bokmål",
-"nd": "Ndebele, Nord",
-"ne": "Nepalesisk",
-"ng": "Ndonga",
-"nl": "Hollandsk",
-"nn": "Nynorsk",
-"no": "Norsk",
-"nr": "Ndebele, Syd",
-"nv": "Navajo",
-"ny": "Nyanja; Chichewa; Chewa",
-"oc": "Occitansk (efter 1500); Provencalsk",
-"oj": "Ojibwa",
-"om": "Oromo",
-"or": "Oriya",
-"os": "Ossetisk",
-"pa": "Punjabi",
-"pi": "Pali",
-"pl": "Polsk",
-"ps": "Pashto (Pushto)",
-"pt": "Portugisisk",
-"qu": "Quechua",
-"rm": "Rætoromansk",
-"rn": "Rundi",
-"ro": "Rumænsk",
-"ru": "Russisk",
-"rw": "Kinyarwanda",
-"sa": "Sanskrit",
-"sc": "Sardinsk",
-"sd": "Sindhi",
-"se": "Nordsamisk",
-"sg": "Sango",
-"sh": "Serbokroatisk",
-"si": "Singalesisk",
-"sk": "Slovakisk",
-"sl": "Slovensk",
-"sm": "Samoansk",
-"sn": "Shona",
-"so": "Somalisk",
-"sq": "albansk",
-"sr": "Serbisk",
-"ss": "Swati",
-"st": "Sotho, Southern",
-"su": "Sundanesisk",
-"sv": "Svensk",
-"sw": "Swahili",
-"ta": "Tamilsk",
-"te": "Telugu",
-"tg": "Tajik",
-"th": "Thailandsk",
-"ti": "Tigrinya",
-"tk": "Turkmensk",
-"tl": "Tagalog",
-"tn": "Tswana",
-"to": "Tonga (Tongaøerne)",
-"tr": "Tyrkisk",
-"ts": "Tsonga",
-"tt": "Tatarisk",
-"tw": "Twi",
-"ty": "Tahitiansk",
-"ug": "Uigurisk",
-"uk": "Ukrainsk",
-"ur": "Urdu",
-"uz": "Usbekisk",
-"ve": "Venda",
-"vi": "Vietnamesisk",
-"vo": "Volapük",
-"wa": "Vallonsk",
-"wo": "Wolof",
-"xh": "Xhosa",
-"yi": "Jiddisch",
-"yo": "Yoruba",
-"za": "Zhuang",
-"zh": "Kinesisk",
-"zu": "Zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "de",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "AT"},
-{_reference: "BE"},
-{_reference: "CH"},
-{_reference: "DE"},
-{_reference: "LI"},
-{_reference: "LU"},
-name: "Deutsch",
-"aa": "Afar",
-"ab": "Abchasisch",
-"ae": "Avestisch",
-"af": "Afrikaans",
-"ak": "Akan",
-"am": "Amharisch",
-"an": "Aragonesisch",
-"ar": "Arabisch",
-"as": "Assamesisch",
-"av": "Awarisch",
-"ay": "Aymará-Sprache",
-"az": "Aserbaidschanisch",
-"ba": "Baschkirisch",
-"be": "Weißrussisch",
-"bg": "Bulgarisch",
-"bh": "Biharisch",
-"bi": "Bislama",
-"bm": "Bambara-Sprache",
-"bn": "Bengalisch",
-"bo": "Tibetisch",
-"br": "Bretonisch",
-"bs": "Bosnisch",
-"ca": "Katalanisch",
-"ce": "Tschetschenisch",
-"ch": "Chamorro-Sprache",
-"co": "Korsisch",
-"cr": "Cree",
-"cs": "Tschechisch",
-"cu": "Kirchenslawisch",
-"cv": "Tschuwaschisch",
-"cy": "Kymrisch",
-"da": "Dänisch",
-"de": "Deutsch",
-"dv": "Maledivisch",
-"dz": "Bhutanisch",
-"ee": "Ewe-Sprache",
-"el": "Griechisch",
-"en": "Englisch",
-"eo": "Esperanto",
-"es": "Spanisch",
-"et": "Estnisch",
-"eu": "Baskisch",
-"fa": "Persisch",
-"ff": "Ful",
-"fi": "Finnisch",
-"fj": "Fidschianisch",
-"fo": "Färöisch",
-"fr": "Französisch",
-"fy": "Friesisch",
-"ga": "Irisch",
-"gd": "Schottisch-Gälisch",
-"gl": "Galizisch",
-"gn": "Guarani",
-"gu": "Gujarati",
-"gv": "Manx",
-"ha": "Hausa",
-"he": "Hebräisch",
-"hi": "Hindi",
-"ho": "Hiri-Motu",
-"hr": "Kroatisch",
-"ht": "Kreolisch",
-"hu": "Ungarisch",
-"hy": "Armenisch",
-"hz": "Herero-Sprache",
-"ia": "Interlingua",
-"id": "Indonesisch",
-"ie": "Interlingue",
-"ig": "Igbo-Sprache",
-"ii": "Sichuan Yi",
-"ik": "Inupiak",
-"io": "Ido-Sprache",
-"is": "Isländisch",
-"it": "Italienisch",
-"iu": "Inukitut",
-"ja": "Japanisch",
-"jv": "Javanisch",
-"ka": "Georgisch",
-"kg": "Kongo",
-"ki": "Kikuyu-Sprache",
-"kj": "Kwanyama",
-"kk": "Kasachisch",
-"kl": "Grönländisch",
-"km": "Kambodschanisch",
-"kn": "Kannada",
-"ko": "Koreanisch",
-"kr": "Kanuri-Sprache",
-"ks": "Kaschmirisch",
-"ku": "Kurdisch",
-"kv": "Komi-Sprache",
-"kw": "Kornisch",
-"ky": "Kirgisisch",
-"la": "Latein",
-"lb": "Luxemburgisch",
-"lg": "Ganda-Sprache",
-"li": "Limburgisch",
-"ln": "Lingala",
-"lo": "Laotisch",
-"lt": "Litauisch",
-"lu": "Luba",
-"lv": "Lettisch",
-"mg": "Madagassisch",
-"mh": "Marschallesisch",
-"mi": "Maori",
-"mk": "Mazedonisch",
-"ml": "Malayalam",
-"mn": "Mongolisch",
-"mo": "Moldauisch",
-"mr": "Marathi",
-"ms": "Malaiisch",
-"mt": "Maltesisch",
-"my": "Birmanisch",
-"na": "Nauruisch",
-"nb": "Norwegisch Bokmål",
-"nd": "Ndebele-Sprache (Nord)",
-"ne": "Nepalesisch",
-"ng": "Ndonga",
-"nl": "Niederländisch",
-"nn": "Norwegisch Nynorsk",
-"no": "Norwegisch",
-"nr": "Ndebele-Sprache (Süd)",
-"nv": "Navajo-Sprache",
-"ny": "Chewa-Sprache",
-"oc": "Okzitanisch",
-"oj": "Ojibwa-Sprache",
-"om": "Oromo",
-"or": "Orija",
-"os": "Ossetisch",
-"pa": "Pandschabisch",
-"pi": "Pali",
-"pl": "Polnisch",
-"ps": "Afghanisch (Paschtu)",
-"pt": "Portugiesisch",
-"qu": "Quechua",
-"rm": "Rätoromanisch",
-"rn": "Rundi-Sprache",
-"ro": "Rumänisch",
-"ru": "Russisch",
-"rw": "Ruandisch",
-"sa": "Sanskrit",
-"sc": "Sardisch",
-"sd": "Sindhi",
-"se": "Nord-Samisch",
-"sg": "Sango",
-"sh": "Serbo-Kroatisch",
-"si": "Singhalesisch",
-"sk": "Slowakisch",
-"sl": "Slowenisch",
-"sm": "Samoanisch",
-"sn": "Shona",
-"so": "Somali",
-"sq": "Albanisch",
-"sr": "Serbisch",
-"ss": "Swazi",
-"st": "Süd-Sotho-Sprache",
-"su": "Sudanesisch",
-"sv": "Schwedisch",
-"sw": "Suaheli",
-"ta": "Tamilisch",
-"te": "Telugu",
-"tg": "Tadschikisch",
-"th": "Thai",
-"ti": "Tigrinja",
-"tk": "Turkmenisch",
-"tl": "Tagalog",
-"tn": "Tswana-Sprache",
-"to": "Tongaisch",
-"tr": "Türkisch",
-"ts": "Tsonga",
-"tt": "Tatarisch",
-"tw": "Twi",
-"ty": "Tahitisch",
-"ug": "Uigurisch",
-"uk": "Ukrainisch",
-"ur": "Urdu",
-"uz": "Usbekisch",
-"ve": "Venda-Sprache",
-"vi": "Vietnamesisch",
-"vo": "Volapük",
-"wa": "Wallonisch",
-"wo": "Wolof",
-"xh": "Xhosa",
-"yi": "Jiddisch",
-"yo": "Joruba",
-"za": "Zhuang",
-"zh": "Chinesisch",
-"zu": "Zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "dv",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "MV"},
-name: "ދިވެހިބަސް",
-{ type: "language", iso: "dz",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "BT"},
-name: "རྫོང་ཁ",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ee",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "GH"},
-{_reference: "TG"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "el",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "CY"},
-{_reference: "GR"},
-name: "Ελληνικά",
-"ar": "Αραβικά",
-"be": "Λευκορωσικά",
-"bg": "Βουλγαρικά",
-"bn": "Μπενγκάλι",
-"bo": "Θιβετιανά",
-"bs": "Βοσνιακά",
-"ca": "Καταλανικά",
-"co": "Κορσικανικά",
-"cs": "Τσεχικά",
-"cy": "Ουαλικά",
-"da": "Δανικά",
-"de": "Γερμανικά",
-"el": "Ελληνικά",
-"en": "Αγγλικά",
-"es": "Ισπανικά",
-"et": "Εσθονικά",
-"eu": "Βασκικά",
-"fa": "Περσικά",
-"fi": "Φινλανδικά",
-"fr": "Γαλλικά",
-"ga": "Ιρλανδικά",
-"gd": "Σκωτικά Κελτικά",
-"he": "Εβραϊκά",
-"hi": "Χίντι",
-"hr": "Κροατικά",
-"hu": "Ουγγρικά",
-"hy": "Αρμενικά",
-"id": "Ινδονησιακά",
-"is": "Ισλανδικά",
-"it": "Ιταλικά",
-"ja": "Ιαπωνικά",
-"ka": "Γεωργιανά",
-"ko": "Κορεατικά",
-"la": "Λατινικά",
-"lt": "Λιθουανικά",
-"lv": "Λετονικά",
-"mk": "Σλαβομακεδονικά",
-"mn": "Μογγολικά",
-"mo": "Μολδαβικά",
-"mt": "Μαλτεζικά",
-"nl": "Ολλανδικά",
-"no": "Νορβηγικά",
-"pl": "Πολωνικά",
-"pt": "Πορτογαλικά",
-"ro": "Ρουμανικά",
-"ru": "Ρωσικά",
-"sh": "Σερβοκροατικά",
-"sk": "Σλοβακικά",
-"sl": "Σλοβενικά",
-"sq": "Αλβανικά",
-"sr": "Σερβικά",
-"sv": "Σουηδικά",
-"th": "Ταϊλανδικά",
-"tr": "Τουρκικά",
-"uk": "Ουκρανικά",
-"vi": "Βιετναμεζικά",
-"yi": "Ιουδαϊκά",
-"zh": "Κινεζικά",
-{ type: "language", iso: "en",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "AS"},
-{_reference: "AU"},
-{_reference: "BE"},
-{_reference: "BW"},
-{_reference: "BZ"},
-{_reference: "CA"},
-{_reference: "GB"},
-{_reference: "GU"},
-{_reference: "HK"},
-{_reference: "IE"},
-{_reference: "IN"},
-{_reference: "JM"},
-{_reference: "MH"},
-{_reference: "MP"},
-{_reference: "MT"},
-{_reference: "NA"},
-{_reference: "NZ"},
-{_reference: "PH"},
-{_reference: "PK"},
-{_reference: "SG"},
-{_reference: "TT"},
-{_reference: "UM"},
-{_reference: "US"},
-{_reference: "VI"},
-{_reference: "ZA"},
-{_reference: "ZW"},
-name: "English",
-"aa": "Afar",
-"ab": "Abkhazian",
-"ae": "Avestan",
-"af": "Afrikaans",
-"ak": "Akan",
-"am": "Amharic",
-"an": "Aragonese",
-"ar": "Arabic",
-"as": "Assamese",
-"av": "Avaric",
-"ay": "Aymara",
-"az": "Azerbaijani",
-"ba": "Bashkir",
-"be": "Belarusian",
-"bg": "Bulgarian",
-"bh": "Bihari",
-"bi": "Bislama",
-"bm": "Bambara",
-"bn": "Bengali",
-"bo": "Tibetan",
-"br": "Breton",
-"bs": "Bosnian",
-"ca": "Catalan",
-"ce": "Chechen",
-"ch": "Chamorro",
-"co": "Corsican",
-"cr": "Cree",
-"cs": "Czech",
-"cu": "Church Slavic",
-"cv": "Chuvash",
-"cy": "Welsh",
-"da": "Danish",
-"de": "German",
-"dv": "Divehi",
-"dz": "Dzongkha",
-"ee": "Ewe",
-"el": "Greek",
-"en": "English",
-"eo": "Esperanto",
-"es": "Spanish",
-"et": "Estonian",
-"eu": "Basque",
-"fa": "Persian",
-"ff": "Fulah",
-"fi": "Finnish",
-"fj": "Fijian",
-"fo": "Faroese",
-"fr": "French",
-"fy": "Western Frisian",
-"ga": "Irish",
-"gd": "Scottish Gaelic",
-"gl": "Galician",
-"gn": "Guarani",
-"gu": "Gujarati",
-"gv": "Manx",
-"ha": "Hausa",
-"he": "Hebrew",
-"hi": "Hindi",
-"ho": "Hiri Motu",
-"hr": "Croatian",
-"ht": "Haitian",
-"hu": "Hungarian",
-"hy": "Armenian",
-"hz": "Herero",
-"ia": "Interlingua",
-"id": "Indonesian",
-"ie": "Interlingue",
-"ig": "Igbo",
-"ii": "Sichuan Yi",
-"ik": "Inupiaq",
-"io": "Ido",
-"is": "Icelandic",
-"it": "Italian",
-"iu": "Inuktitut",
-"ja": "Japanese",
-"jv": "Javanese",
-"ka": "Georgian",
-"kg": "Kongo",
-"ki": "Kikuyu",
-"kj": "Kuanyama",
-"kk": "Kazakh",
-"kl": "Kalaallisut",
-"km": "Khmer",
-"kn": "Kannada",
-"ko": "Korean",
-"kr": "Kanuri",
-"ks": "Kashmiri",
-"ku": "Kurdish",
-"kv": "Komi",
-"kw": "Cornish",
-"ky": "Kirghiz",
-"la": "Latin",
-"lb": "Luxembourgish",
-"lg": "Ganda",
-"li": "Limburgish",
-"ln": "Lingala",
-"lo": "Lao",
-"lt": "Lithuanian",
-"lu": "Luba-Katanga",
-"lv": "Latvian",
-"mg": "Malagasy",
-"mh": "Marshallese",
-"mi": "Maori",
-"mk": "Macedonian",
-"ml": "Malayalam",
-"mn": "Mongolian",
-"mo": "Moldavian",
-"mr": "Marathi",
-"ms": "Malay",
-"mt": "Maltese",
-"my": "Burmese",
-"na": "Nauru",
-"nb": "Norwegian Bokmål",
-"nd": "North Ndebele",
-"ne": "Nepali",
-"ng": "Ndonga",
-"nl": "Dutch",
-"nn": "Norwegian Nynorsk",
-"no": "Norwegian",
-"nr": "South Ndebele",
-"nv": "Navajo",
-"ny": "Nyanja; Chichewa; Chewa",
-"oc": "Occitan (post 1500); Provençal",
-"oj": "Ojibwa",
-"om": "Oromo",
-"or": "Oriya",
-"os": "Ossetic",
-"pa": "Punjabi",
-"pi": "Pali",
-"pl": "Polish",
-"pt": "Portuguese",
-"qu": "Quechua",
-"rm": "Rhaeto-Romance",
-"rn": "Rundi",
-"ro": "Romanian",
-"ru": "Russian",
-"rw": "Kinyarwanda",
-"sa": "Sanskrit",
-"sc": "Sardinian",
-"sd": "Sindhi",
-"se": "Northern Sami",
-"sg": "Sango",
-"sh": "Serbo-Croatian",
-"si": "Sinhalese",
-"sk": "Slovak",
-"sl": "Slovenian",
-"sm": "Samoan",
-"sn": "Shona",
-"so": "Somali",
-"sq": "Albanian",
-"sr": "Serbian",
-"ss": "Swati",
-"st": "Southern Sotho",
-"su": "Sundanese",
-"sv": "Swedish",
-"sw": "Swahili",
-"ta": "Tamil",
-"te": "Telugu",
-"tg": "Tajik",
-"th": "Thai",
-"ti": "Tigrinya",
-"tk": "Turkmen",
-"tl": "Tagalog",
-"tn": "Tswana",
-"to": "Tonga (Tonga Islands)",
-"tr": "Turkish",
-"ts": "Tsonga",
-"tt": "Tatar",
-"tw": "Twi",
-"ty": "Tahitian",
-"ug": "Uighur",
-"uk": "Ukrainian",
-"ur": "Urdu",
-"uz": "Uzbek",
-"ve": "Venda",
-"vi": "Vietnamese",
-"vo": "Volapük",
-"wa": "Walloon",
-"wo": "Wolof",
-"xh": "Xhosa",
-"yi": "Yiddish",
-"yo": "Yoruba",
-"za": "Zhuang",
-"zh": "Chinese",
-"zu": "Zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "eo",
-countries: [
-name: "esperanto",
-"aa": "afara",
-"ab": "abĥaza",
-"af": "afrikansa",
-"am": "amhara",
-"ar": "araba",
-"as": "asama",
-"ay": "ajmara",
-"az": "azerbajĝana",
-"ba": "baŝkira",
-"be": "belorusa",
-"bg": "bulgara",
-"bh": "bihara",
-"bi": "bislamo",
-"bn": "bengala",
-"bo": "tibeta",
-"br": "bretona",
-"ca": "kataluna",
-"co": "korsika",
-"cs": "ĉeĥa",
-"cy": "kimra",
-"da": "dana",
-"de": "germana",
-"dz": "dzonko",
-"el": "greka",
-"en": "angla",
-"eo": "esperanto",
-"es": "hispana",
-"et": "estona",
-"eu": "eŭska",
-"fa": "persa",
-"fi": "finna",
-"fj": "fiĝia",
-"fo": "feroa",
-"fr": "franca",
-"fy": "frisa",
-"ga": "irlanda",
-"gd": "gaela",
-"gl": "galega",
-"gn": "gvarania",
-"gu": "guĝarata",
-"ha": "haŭsa",
-"he": "hebrea",
-"hi": "hinda",
-"hr": "kroata",
-"hu": "hungara",
-"hy": "armena",
-"ia": "interlingvao",
-"id": "indonezia",
-"ie": "okcidentalo",
-"ik": "eskima",
-"is": "islanda",
-"it": "itala",
-"iu": "inuita",
-"ja": "japana",
-"jv": "java",
-"ka": "kartvela",
-"kk": "kazaĥa",
-"kl": "gronlanda",
-"km": "kmera",
-"kn": "kanara",
-"ko": "korea",
-"ks": "kaŝmira",
-"ku": "kurda",
-"ky": "kirgiza",
-"la": "latino",
-"ln": "lingala",
-"lo": "laŭa",
-"lt": "litova",
-"lv": "latva",
-"mg": "malagasa",
-"mi": "maoria",
-"mk": "makedona",
-"ml": "malajalama",
-"mn": "mongola",
-"mr": "marata",
-"ms": "malaja",
-"mt": "malta",
-"my": "birma",
-"na": "naura",
-"ne": "nepala",
-"nl": "nederlanda",
-"no": "norvega",
-"oc": "okcitana",
-"om": "oroma",
-"or": "orijo",
-"pa": "panĝaba",
-"pl": "pola",
-"ps": "paŝtua",
-"pt": "portugala",
-"qu": "keĉua",
-"rm": "romanĉa",
-"rn": "burunda",
-"ro": "rumana",
-"ru": "rusa",
-"rw": "ruanda",
-"sa": "sanskrito",
-"sd": "sinda",
-"sg": "sangoa",
-"sh": "serbo-Kroata",
-"si": "sinhala",
-"sk": "slovaka",
-"sl": "slovena",
-"sm": "samoa",
-"sn": "ŝona",
-"so": "somala",
-"sq": "albana",
-"sr": "serba",
-"ss": "svazia",
-"st": "sota",
-"su": "sunda",
-"sv": "sveda",
-"sw": "svahila",
-"ta": "tamila",
-"te": "telugua",
-"tg": "taĝika",
-"th": "taja",
-"ti": "tigraja",
-"tk": "turkmena",
-"tl": "filipina",
-"tn": "cvana",
-"to": "tongaa",
-"tr": "turka",
-"ts": "conga",
-"tt": "tatara",
-"tw": "akana",
-"ug": "ujgura",
-"uk": "ukraina",
-"ur": "urduo",
-"uz": "uzbeka",
-"vi": "vjetnama",
-"vo": "volapuko",
-"wo": "volofa",
-"xh": "ksosa",
-"yi": "jida",
-"yo": "joruba",
-"za": "ĝuanga",
-"zh": "ĉina",
-"zu": "zulua",
-{ type: "language", iso: "es",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "AR"},
-{_reference: "BO"},
-{_reference: "CL"},
-{_reference: "CO"},
-{_reference: "CR"},
-{_reference: "DO"},
-{_reference: "EC"},
-{_reference: "ES"},
-{_reference: "GT"},
-{_reference: "HN"},
-{_reference: "MX"},
-{_reference: "NI"},
-{_reference: "PA"},
-{_reference: "PE"},
-{_reference: "PR"},
-{_reference: "PY"},
-{_reference: "SV"},
-{_reference: "US"},
-{_reference: "UY"},
-{_reference: "VE"},
-name: "español",
-"aa": "afar",
-"ab": "abjaso",
-"ae": "avéstico",
-"af": "afrikaans",
-"ak": "akan",
-"am": "amárico",
-"an": "aragonés",
-"ar": "árabe",
-"as": "asamés",
-"av": "avar",
-"ay": "aymara",
-"az": "azerí",
-"ba": "bashkir",
-"be": "bielorruso",
-"bg": "búlgaro",
-"bh": "bihari",
-"bi": "bislama",
-"bm": "bambara",
-"bn": "bengalí",
-"bo": "tibetano",
-"br": "bretón",
-"bs": "bosnio",
-"ca": "catalán",
-"ce": "checheno",
-"ch": "chamorro",
-"co": "corso",
-"cr": "cree",
-"cs": "checo",
-"cu": "eslavo eclesiástico",
-"cv": "chuvash",
-"cy": "galés",
-"da": "danés",
-"de": "alemán",
-"dv": "divehi",
-"ee": "ewe",
-"el": "griego",
-"en": "inglés",
-"eo": "esperanto",
-"es": "español",
-"et": "estonio",
-"eu": "vasco",
-"fa": "farsi",
-"ff": "fula",
-"fi": "finés",
-"fo": "feroés",
-"fr": "francés",
-"fy": "frisón",
-"ga": "irlandés",
-"gd": "gaélico escocés",
-"gl": "gallego",
-"gn": "guaraní",
-"gu": "gujarati",
-"gv": "gaélico manés",
-"ha": "hausa",
-"he": "hebreo",
-"hi": "hindi",
-"ho": "hiri motu",
-"hr": "croata",
-"ht": "haitiano",
-"hu": "húngaro",
-"hy": "armenio",
-"hz": "herero",
-"ia": "interlingua",
-"id": "indonesio",
-"ie": "interlingue",
-"ig": "igbo",
-"ii": "sichuan yi",
-"ik": "inupiak",
-"io": "ido",
-"is": "islandés",
-"it": "italiano",
-"iu": "inuktitut",
-"ja": "japonés",
-"jv": "javanés",
-"ka": "georgiano",
-"kg": "kongo",
-"ki": "kikuyu",
-"kj": "kuanyama",
-"kk": "kazajo",
-"kl": "groenlandés",
-"km": "jemer",
-"kn": "canarés",
-"ko": "coreano",
-"kr": "kanuri",
-"ks": "cachemiro",
-"ku": "kurdo",
-"kv": "komi",
-"kw": "córnico",
-"ky": "kirghiz",
-"la": "latín",
-"lb": "luxemburgués",
-"lg": "ganda",
-"li": "limburgués",
-"ln": "lingala",
-"lo": "laosiano",
-"lt": "lituano",
-"lu": "luba-katanga",
-"lv": "letón",
-"mg": "malgache",
-"mh": "marshalés",
-"mi": "maorí",
-"mk": "macedonio",
-"ml": "malayalam",
-"mn": "mongol",
-"mo": "moldavo",
-"mr": "marathi",
-"ms": "malayo",
-"mt": "maltés",
-"my": "birmano",
-"na": "nauruano",
-"nb": "bokmal noruego",
-"nd": "ndebele septentrional",
-"ne": "nepalí",
-"ng": "ndonga",
-"nn": "nynorsk noruego",
-"no": "noruego",
-"nr": "ndebele meridional",
-"nv": "navajo",
-"ny": "nyanja",
-"oc": "occitano (después del 1500)",
-"oj": "ojibwa",
-"om": "oromo",
-"or": "oriya",
-"os": "osético",
-"pa": "punjabí",
-"pi": "pali",
-"pl": "polaco",
-"ps": "pashto",
-"pt": "portugués",
-"qu": "quechua",
-"rm": "reto-romance",
-"rn": "kiroundi",
-"ro": "rumano",
-"ru": "ruso",
-"rw": "kinyarwanda",
-"sa": "sánscrito",
-"sc": "sardo",
-"sd": "sindhi",
-"se": "sami septentrional",
-"sg": "sango",
-"sh": "serbocroata",
-"sk": "eslovaco",
-"sl": "esloveno",
-"sm": "samoano",
-"sn": "shona",
-"so": "somalí",
-"sq": "albanés",
-"sr": "serbio",
-"ss": "siswati",
-"st": "sesotho",
-"su": "sundanés",
-"sv": "sueco",
-"sw": "swahili",
-"ta": "tamil",
-"te": "telugu",
-"tg": "tayiko",
-"th": "tailandés",
-"tl": "tagalo",
-"tn": "setchwana",
-"to": "tonga (Islas Tonga)",
-"tr": "turco",
-"ts": "tsonga",
-"tw": "twi",
-"ty": "tahitiano",
-"ug": "uigur",
-"uk": "ucraniano",
-"ur": "urdu",
-"uz": "uzbeko",
-"ve": "venda",
-"vi": "vietnamita",
-"wa": "valón",
-"wo": "uolof",
-"xh": "xhosa",
-"yo": "yoruba",
-"za": "zhuang",
-"zh": "chino",
-"zu": "zulú",
-{ type: "language", iso: "et",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "EE"},
-name: "Eesti",
-"ar": "Araabia",
-"bg": "Bulgaaria",
-"cs": "Tiehhi",
-"da": "Taani",
-"de": "Saksa",
-"el": "Kreeka",
-"en": "Inglise",
-"es": "Hispaania",
-"et": "Eesti",
-"fi": "Soome",
-"fr": "Prantsuse",
-"he": "Heebrea",
-"hr": "Horvaadi",
-"hu": "Ungari",
-"it": "Itaalia",
-"ja": "Jaapani",
-"ko": "Korea",
-"lt": "Leedu",
-"lv": "Läti",
-"nl": "Hollandi",
-"no": "Norra",
-"pl": "Poola",
-"pt": "Portugali",
-"ro": "Rumeenia",
-"ru": "Vene",
-"sk": "Slovaki",
-"sl": "Sloveeni",
-"sv": "Rootsi",
-"tr": "Türgi",
-"zh": "Hiina",
-{ type: "language", iso: "eu",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ES"},
-name: "euskara",
-"de": "alemanera",
-"en": "ingelera",
-"es": "espainiera",
-"eu": "euskara",
-"fr": "frantsesera",
-"it": "italiera",
-"ja": "japoniera",
-"pt": "portugalera",
-"ru": "errusiera",
-"zh": "txinera",
-{ type: "language", iso: "fa",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "AF"},
-{_reference: "IR"},
-name: "فارسی",
-"az": "ترکی آذربایجانی",
-"bs": "بوسنیایی",
-"cu": "اسلاوی کلیسایی",
-"ii": "یی سیچوان",
-"iu": "اینوکتیتوت",
-"li": "لیمبورگی",
-"lu": "لوبایی‐کاتانگا",
-"ng": "ندونگایی",
-"pi": "پالی",
-"tr": "ترکی استانبولی",
-{ type: "language", iso: "fi",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "FI"},
-name: "suomi",
-"aa": "afar",
-"ab": "abhaasi",
-"ae": "avesta",
-"af": "afrikaans",
-"ak": "akan",
-"am": "amhara",
-"an": "aragonia",
-"ar": "arabia",
-"as": "assami",
-"av": "avaari",
-"ay": "aimara",
-"az": "azeri",
-"ba": "baškiiri",
-"be": "valkovenäjä",
-"bg": "bulgaria",
-"bh": "bihari",
-"bi": "bislama",
-"bm": "bambara",
-"bn": "bengali",
-"bo": "tiibet",
-"br": "bretoni",
-"bs": "bosnia",
-"ca": "katalaani",
-"ce": "tšetšeeni",
-"ch": "tšamorro",
-"co": "korsika",
-"cr": "cree",
-"cs": "tšekki",
-"cu": "kirkkoslaavi",
-"cv": "tšuvassi",
-"cy": "kymri",
-"da": "tanska",
-"de": "saksa",
-"dv": "divehi",
-"dz": "dzongkha",
-"ee": "ewe",
-"el": "kreikka",
-"en": "englanti",
-"eo": "esperanto",
-"es": "espanja",
-"et": "viro",
-"eu": "baski",
-"ff": "fulani",
-"fi": "suomi",
-"fj": "fidži",
-"fo": "fääri",
-"fr": "ranska",
-"fy": "länsifriisi",
-"ga": "iiri",
-"gd": "gaeli",
-"gl": "galicia",
-"gn": "guarani",
-"gv": "manx",
-"ha": "hausa",
-"he": "heprea",
-"hi": "hindi",
-"ho": "hiri-motu",
-"hr": "kroatia",
-"ht": "haiti",
-"hu": "unkari",
-"hy": "armenia",
-"hz": "herero",
-"ia": "interlingua",
-"id": "indonesia",
-"ie": "interlingue",
-"ig": "igbo",
-"ii": "sichuanin-yi",
-"ik": "inupiatun",
-"io": "ido",
-"is": "islanti",
-"it": "italia",
-"iu": "inuktitut",
-"ja": "japani",
-"jv": "jaava",
-"ka": "georgia",
-"kg": "kongo",
-"ki": "kikuju",
-"kj": "kuanjama",
-"kk": "kazakki",
-"kl": "kalaallisut; grönlanti",
-"km": "khmer",
-"kn": "kannada",
-"ko": "korea",
-"kr": "kanuri",
-"ks": "kašmiri",
-"ku": "kurdi",
-"kv": "komi",
-"kw": "korni",
-"ky": "kirgiisi",
-"la": "latina",
-"lb": "luxemburg",
-"lg": "ganda",
-"li": "limburg",
-"ln": "lingala",
-"lo": "lao",
-"lt": "liettua",
-"lu": "luba (Katanga)",
-"lv": "latvia",
-"mg": "malagassi",
-"mh": "marshall",
-"mi": "maori",
-"mk": "makedonia",
-"ml": "malajalam",
-"mn": "mongoli",
-"mo": "moldavia",
-"mr": "marathi",
-"ms": "malaiji",
-"mt": "malta",
-"my": "burma",
-"na": "nauru",
-"nb": "norja (bokmål)",
-"nd": "ndebele, pohjois-",
-"ne": "nepali",
-"ng": "ndonga",
-"nl": "hollanti",
-"nn": "norja (nynorsk)",
-"no": "norja",
-"nr": "ndebele, etelä-",
-"nv": "navajo",
-"ny": "njandža",
-"oc": "oksitaani",
-"oj": "odžibwa",
-"om": "oromo",
-"or": "orija",
-"os": "osseetti",
-"pa": "pandžabi",
-"pi": "paali",
-"pl": "puola",
-"ps": "paštu",
-"pt": "portugali",
-"qu": "ketšua",
-"rm": "retoromaani",
-"rn": "rundi",
-"ro": "romania",
-"ru": "venäjä",
-"rw": "ruanda",
-"sa": "sanskrit",
-"sc": "sardi",
-"sd": "sindhi",
-"se": "saame, pohjois-",
-"sg": "sango",
-"si": "sinhali",
-"sk": "slovakki",
-"sl": "sloveeni",
-"sm": "samoa",
-"sn": "šona",
-"so": "somali",
-"sq": "albania",
-"sr": "serbia",
-"ss": "swazi",
-"st": "sotho, etelä-",
-"su": "sunda",
-"sv": "ruotsi",
-"sw": "swahili",
-"ta": "tamil",
-"te": "telugu",
-"tg": "tadžikki",
-"th": "thai",
-"ti": "tigrinja",
-"tk": "turkmeeni",
-"tl": "tagalog",
-"tn": "tswana",
-"to": "tonga (Tonga)",
-"tr": "turkki",
-"ts": "tsonga",
-"tt": "tataari",
-"tw": "twi",
-"ty": "tahiti",
-"ug": "uiguuri",
-"uk": "ukraina",
-"ur": "urdu",
-"uz": "uzbekki",
-"ve": "venda",
-"vi": "vietnam",
-"vo": "volapük",
-"wa": "valloni",
-"wo": "wolof",
-"xh": "xhosa",
-"yi": "jiddiš",
-"yo": "joruba",
-"za": "zhuang",
-"zh": "kiina",
-"zu": "zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "fo",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "FO"},
-name: "føroyskt",
-"fo": "føroyskt",
-{ type: "language", iso: "fr",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "BE"},
-{_reference: "CA"},
-{_reference: "CH"},
-{_reference: "FR"},
-{_reference: "LU"},
-{_reference: "MC"},
-name: "français",
-"aa": "afar",
-"ab": "abkhaze",
-"ae": "avestique",
-"af": "afrikaans",
-"ak": "akan",
-"am": "amharique",
-"an": "aragonais",
-"ar": "arabe",
-"as": "assamais",
-"av": "avar",
-"ay": "aymara",
-"az": "azéri",
-"ba": "bachkir",
-"be": "biélorusse",
-"bg": "bulgare",
-"bh": "bihari",
-"bi": "bichlamar",
-"bm": "bambara",
-"bn": "bengali",
-"bo": "tibétain",
-"br": "breton",
-"bs": "bosniaque",
-"ca": "catalan",
-"ce": "tchétchène",
-"ch": "chamorro",
-"co": "corse",
-"cr": "cree",
-"cs": "tchèque",
-"cu": "slavon d’église",
-"cv": "tchouvache",
-"cy": "gallois",
-"da": "danois",
-"de": "allemand",
-"dv": "maldivien",
-"dz": "dzongkha",
-"ee": "éwé",
-"el": "grec",
-"en": "anglais",
-"eo": "espéranto",
-"es": "espagnol",
-"et": "estonien",
-"eu": "basque",
-"fa": "persan",
-"ff": "peul",
-"fi": "finnois",
-"fj": "fidjien",
-"fo": "féroïen",
-"fr": "français",
-"fy": "frison",
-"ga": "irlandais",
-"gd": "gaélique écossais",
-"gl": "galicien",
-"gn": "guarani",
-"gu": "goudjrati",
-"gv": "manx",
-"ha": "haoussa",
-"he": "hébreu",
-"hi": "hindi",
-"ho": "hiri motu",
-"hr": "croate",
-"ht": "haïtien",
-"hu": "hongrois",
-"hy": "arménien",
-"hz": "héréro",
-"ia": "interlingua",
-"id": "indonésien",
-"ie": "interlingue",
-"ig": "igbo",
-"ii": "yi de Sichuan",
-"ik": "inupiaq",
-"io": "ido",
-"is": "islandais",
-"it": "italien",
-"iu": "inuktitut",
-"ja": "japonais",
-"jv": "javanais",
-"ka": "géorgien",
-"kg": "kongo",
-"ki": "kikuyu",
-"kj": "kuanyama",
-"kk": "kazakh",
-"kl": "groenlandais",
-"km": "khmer",
-"kn": "kannada",
-"ko": "coréen",
-"kr": "kanouri",
-"ks": "kashmiri",
-"ku": "kurde",
-"kv": "komi",
-"kw": "cornique",
-"ky": "kirghize",
-"la": "latin",
-"lb": "luxembourgeois",
-"lg": "ganda",
-"li": "limbourgeois",
-"ln": "lingala",
-"lo": "lao",
-"lt": "lituanien",
-"lu": "luba-katanga",
-"lv": "letton",
-"mg": "malgache",
-"mh": "marshall",
-"mi": "maori",
-"mk": "macédonien",
-"ml": "malayalam",
-"mn": "mongol",
-"mo": "moldave",
-"mr": "marathe",
-"ms": "malais",
-"mt": "maltais",
-"my": "birman",
-"na": "nauruan",
-"nb": "bokmål norvégien",
-"nd": "ndébélé du Nord",
-"ne": "népalais",
-"ng": "ndonga",
-"nl": "néerlandais",
-"nn": "nynorsk norvégien",
-"no": "norvégien",
-"nr": "ndébélé du Sud",
-"nv": "navaho",
-"ny": "nyanja",
-"oc": "occitan (après 1500)",
-"oj": "ojibwa",
-"om": "galla",
-"or": "oriya",
-"os": "ossète",
-"pa": "pendjabi",
-"pi": "pali",
-"pl": "polonais",
-"ps": "pachto",
-"pt": "portugais",
-"qu": "quechua",
-"rm": "rhéto-roman",
-"rn": "roundi",
-"ro": "roumain",
-"ru": "russe",
-"rw": "rwanda",
-"sa": "sanskrit",
-"sc": "sarde",
-"sd": "sindhi",
-"se": "sami du Nord",
-"sg": "sango",
-"sh": "serbo-croate",
-"si": "singhalais",
-"sk": "slovaque",
-"sl": "slovène",
-"sm": "samoan",
-"sn": "shona",
-"so": "somali",
-"sq": "albanais",
-"sr": "serbe",
-"ss": "swati",
-"st": "sotho du Sud",
-"su": "soundanais",
-"sv": "suédois",
-"sw": "swahili",
-"ta": "tamoul",
-"te": "télougou",
-"tg": "tadjik",
-"th": "thaï",
-"ti": "tigrigna",
-"tk": "turkmène",
-"tl": "tagalog",
-"tn": "setswana",
-"to": "tongan (Îles Tonga)",
-"tr": "turc",
-"ts": "tsonga",
-"tt": "tatar",
-"tw": "twi",
-"ty": "tahitien",
-"ug": "ouïgour",
-"uk": "ukrainien",
-"ur": "ourdou",
-"uz": "ouzbek",
-"ve": "venda",
-"vi": "vietnamien",
-"vo": "volapük",
-"wa": "wallon",
-"wo": "wolof",
-"xh": "xhosa",
-"yi": "yiddish",
-"yo": "yoruba",
-"za": "zhuang",
-"zh": "chinois",
-"zu": "zoulou",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ga",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IE"},
-name: "Gaeilge",
-"aa": "Afar",
-"ab": "Abcáisis",
-"ae": "Aivéistis",
-"af": "Afracáinis",
-"ar": "Araibis",
-"as": "Asaimis",
-"az": "Asarbaiseáinis",
-"ba": "Baiscíris",
-"be": "Bealarúisis",
-"bg": "Bulgáiris",
-"bn": "Beangálais",
-"bo": "Tibéadais",
-"br": "Briotáinis",
-"bs": "Boisnis",
-"ca": "Catalóinis",
-"ce": "Sisinis",
-"co": "Corsaicis",
-"cr": "Craíais",
-"cs": "Seicis",
-"cu": "Slavais na hEaglaise",
-"cv": "Suvaisis",
-"cy": "Breatnais",
-"da": "Danmhairgis",
-"de": "Gearmáinis",
-"el": "Gréigis",
-"en": "Béarla",
-"eo": "Esperanto",
-"es": "Spáinnis",
-"et": "Eastóinis",
-"eu": "Bascais",
-"fa": "Peirsis",
-"fi": "Fionnlainnis",
-"fj": "Fidsis",
-"fo": "Faróis",
-"fr": "Fraincis",
-"fy": "Freaslainnais",
-"ga": "Gaeilge",
-"gd": "Gaeilge na hAlban",
-"gu": "Gúisearáitis",
-"gv": "Mannainis",
-"he": "Eabhrais",
-"hi": "Hiondúis",
-"hr": "Cróitis",
-"hu": "Ungáiris",
-"hy": "Airméinis",
-"ia": "Interlingua",
-"id": "Indinéisis",
-"ie": "Interlingue",
-"ik": "Inupiaq",
-"io": "Ido",
-"is": "Íoslainnais",
-"it": "Iodáilis",
-"iu": "Ionúitis",
-"ja": "Seapáinis",
-"jv": "Iávais",
-"ka": "Seoirsis",
-"kk": "Casachais",
-"kn": "Cannadais",
-"ko": "Cóiréis",
-"ks": "Caismíris",
-"kw": "Cornais",
-"ky": "Cirgeasais",
-"la": "Laidin",
-"lb": "Leitseabuirgis",
-"lo": "Laosais",
-"lt": "Liotuáinis",
-"lv": "Laitvis",
-"mg": "Malagásais",
-"mi": "Maorais",
-"mk": "Macadóinis",
-"ml": "Mailéalaimis",
-"mn": "Mongóilis",
-"mo": "Moldáivis",
-"mr": "Maraitis",
-"mt": "Maltais",
-"my": "Burmais",
-"na": "Nárúis",
-"nb": "Ioruais Bokmål",
-"ne": "Neipealais",
-"nl": "Ollainnais",
-"nn": "Ioruais Nynorsk",
-"no": "Ioruais",
-"nv": "Navachóis",
-"oc": "Ocatáinis (tar éis 1500); Provençal",
-"os": "Óiséitis",
-"pa": "Puinseaibis",
-"pl": "Polainnis",
-"ps": "Paisteo",
-"pt": "Portaingéilis",
-"qu": "Ceatsuais",
-"ro": "Romáinis",
-"ru": "Rúisis",
-"sa": "Sanscrait",
-"sc": "Sairdínis",
-"sd": "Sindis",
-"se": "Sáimis Thuaidh",
-"sh": "Seirbea-Chróitis",
-"sk": "Slóvacais",
-"sl": "Slóvéinis",
-"sm": "Samóis",
-"so": "Somálais",
-"sq": "Albáinis",
-"sr": "Seirbis",
-"sv": "Sualainnis",
-"sw": "Svahaílis",
-"ta": "Tamailis",
-"th": "Téalainnis",
-"tl": "Tagálaigis",
-"tr": "Tuircis",
-"tt": "Tatarais",
-"ty": "Taihítis",
-"uk": "Úcráinis",
-"ur": "Urdais",
-"uz": "Úisbéicis",
-"vi": "Vítneamais",
-"wa": "Vallúnais",
-"yi": "Giúdais",
-"zh": "Sínis",
-"zu": "Súlúis",
-{ type: "language", iso: "gl",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ES"},
-name: "galego",
-"gl": "galego",
-{ type: "language", iso: "gu",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-name: "ગુજરાતી",
-"gu": "ગુજરાતી",
-{ type: "language", iso: "gv",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "GB"},
-name: "Gaelg",
-"gv": "Gaelg",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ha",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "GH"},
-{_reference: "NE"},
-{_reference: "NG"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "he",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IL"},
-name: "עברית",
-"aa": "אתיופית",
-"ab": "אבחזית",
-"ae": "אבסטן",
-"af": "אפריקנית",
-"ak": "אקאן",
-"am": "אמהרית",
-"ar": "ערבית",
-"as": "אסאמית",
-"az": "אזרית",
-"ba": "בשקירית",
-"be": "בלארוסית",
-"bg": "בולגרית",
-"bn": "בנגלית",
-"bo": "טיבטית",
-"br": "ברטונית",
-"bs": "בוסנית",
-"ca": "קטלונית",
-"ce": "צ'צ'נית",
-"co": "קורסיקאית",
-"cs": "צ׳כית",
-"cy": "וולשית",
-"da": "דנית",
-"de": "גרמנית",
-"dv": "דיבהי",
-"el": "יוונית",
-"en": "אנגלית",
-"eo": "אספרנטו",
-"es": "ספרדית",
-"et": "אסטונית",
-"eu": "בסקית",
-"fa": "פרסית",
-"fi": "פינית",
-"fj": "פיג'ית",
-"fo": "פארואזית",
-"fr": "צרפתית",
-"ga": "אירית",
-"gd": "סקוטית גאלית",
-"gl": "גליציאנית",
-"gu": "גוג'ראטית",
-"ha": "האוסה",
-"he": "עברית",
-"hi": "הינדית",
-"hr": "קרואטית",
-"ht": "האיטית",
-"hu": "הונגרית",
-"hy": "ארמנית",
-"id": "אינדונזית",
-"is": "איסלנדית",
-"it": "איטלקית",
-"ja": "יפנית",
-"ka": "גרוזינית",
-"kk": "קזחית",
-"ko": "קוריאנית",
-"ks": "קשמירית",
-"ku": "כורדית",
-"la": "לטינית",
-"lb": "לוקסמבורגית",
-"lt": "ליטאית",
-"lv": "לטבית",
-"mg": "מלגשית",
-"mi": "מאורית",
-"mk": "מקדונית",
-"mn": "מונגולית",
-"mo": "מולדבית",
-"mr": "מארתית",
-"mt": "מלטזית",
-"my": "בורמזית",
-"nb": "נורבגית שפת הספר (בוקמול)",
-"ne": "נפאלית",
-"nl": "הולנדית",
-"nn": "נורבגית חדשה (נינורשק)",
-"no": "נורווגית",
-"nv": "נבחו",
-"pl": "פולנית",
-"ps": "פאשטו",
-"pt": "פורטוגזית",
-"ro": "רומנית",
-"ru": "רוסית",
-"sa": "סנסקרית",
-"sc": "סרדינית",
-"sd": "סינדהית",
-"sh": "סרבו-קרואטית",
-"sk": "סלובקית",
-"sl": "סלובנית",
-"sm": "סמואית",
-"so": "סומלית",
-"sq": "אלבנית",
-"sr": "סרבית",
-"sv": "שוודית",
-"sw": "סווהילית",
-"ta": "טמילית",
-"th": "תאי",
-"tk": "טורקמנית",
-"tr": "טורקית",
-"uk": "אוקראינית",
-"ur": "אורדו",
-"uz": "אוזבקית",
-"vi": "ויאטנמית",
-"yi": "יידיש",
-"zh": "סינית",
-"zu": "זולו",
-{ type: "language", iso: "hi",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-name: "हिंदी",
-"aa": "अफ़ार",
-"ab": "अब्खाज़ियन्",
-"af": "अफ्रीकी",
-"am": "अम्हारिक्",
-"ar": "अरबी",
-"as": "असामी",
-"ay": "आयमारा",
-"az": "अज़रबैंजानी",
-"ba": "बशख़िर",
-"be": "बैलोरूशियन्",
-"bg": "बल्गेरियन्",
-"bh": "बिहारी",
-"bi": "बिस्लामा",
-"bn": "बँगाली",
-"bo": "तिब्बती",
-"br": "ब्रेटन",
-"ca": "कातालान",
-"co": "कोर्सीकन",
-"cs": "चेक",
-"cy": "वेल्श",
-"da": "डैनीश",
-"de": "ज़र्मन",
-"dz": "भुटानी",
-"el": "ग्रीक",
-"en": "अंग्रेजी",
-"eo": "एस्पेरान्तो",
-"es": "स्पेनिश",
-"et": "ऐस्तोनियन्",
-"eu": "बास्क्",
-"fa": "पर्शियन्",
-"fi": "फिनिश",
-"fj": "फ़ीजी",
-"fo": "फिरोज़ी",
-"fr": "फ्रेंच",
-"fy": "फ्रीज़न्",
-"ga": "आईरिश",
-"gd": "स्काट्स् गायेलिक्",
-"gl": "गैलिशियन्",
-"gn": "गुआरानी",
-"gu": "गुज़राती",
-"ha": "होउसा",
-"he": "हिब्रीऊ",
-"hi": "हिंदी",
-"hr": "क्रोएशन्",
-"hu": "हंगेरी",
-"hy": "अरमेनियन्",
-"ia": "ईन्टरलिंगुआ",
-"id": "इन्डोनेशियन्",
-"ie": "ईन्टरलिंगुइ",
-"ik": "इनुपियाक्",
-"is": "आईस्लैंडिक्",
-"it": "ईटालियन्",
-"iu": "इनूकीटूत्",
-"ja": "जापानी",
-"jv": "जावानीस",
-"ka": "जॉर्जीयन्",
-"kk": "कज़ाख",
-"kl": "ग्रीनलैंडिक",
-"km": "कैम्बोडियन्",
-"kn": "कन्नड़",
-"ko": "कोरीयन्",
-"ks": "काश्मिरी",
-"ku": "कुरदीश",
-"ky": "किरघिज़",
-"la": "लैटीन",
-"ln": "लिंगाला",
-"lo": "लाओथीयन्",
-"lt": "लिथुनियन्",
-"lv": "लाटवियन् (लेट्टीश)",
-"mg": "मालागासी",
-"mi": "मेओरी",
-"mk": "मैसेडोनियन्",
-"ml": "मलयालम",
-"mn": "मोंगोलियन",
-"mo": "मोलडावियन्",
-"mr": "मराठी",
-"ms": "मलय",
-"mt": "मालटिस्",
-"my": "बर्लिस",
-"na": "नायरू",
-"ne": "नेपाली",
-"nl": "डच्",
-"no": "नार्वेजीयन्",
-"oc": "ओसीटान",
-"om": "ओरोमो (अफ़ान)",
-"or": "उड़िया",
-"pa": "पंजाबी",
-"pl": "पॉलिश",
-"ps": "पॉशतो (पुशतो)",
-"pt": "पुर्तुगी",
-"qu": "क्वेशुआ",
-"rm": "रहेय्टो-रोमान्स",
-"rn": "किरून्दी",
-"ro": "रूमानीयन्",
-"ru": "रुसी",
-"rw": "किन्यारवाण्डा",
-"sa": "संस्कृत",
-"sd": "सिन्धी",
-"sg": "साँग्रो",
-"sh": "सेर्बो-क्रोएशन्",
-"si": "शिंघालीस्",
-"sk": "स्लोवाक्",
-"sl": "स्लोवेनियन्",
-"sm": "सामोन",
-"sn": "सोणा",
-"so": "सोमाली",
-"sq": "अल्बेनियन्",
-"sr": "सर्बियन्",
-"ss": "सीस्वाटि",
-"st": "सेसोथो",
-"su": "सुन्दानीस",
-"sv": "स्विडिश",
-"sw": "स्वाहिली",
-"ta": "तमिल",
-"te": "तेलेगु",
-"tg": "ताजिक्",
-"th": "थाई",
-"ti": "तिग्रीन्या",
-"tk": "तुक्रमेन",
-"tl": "तागालोग",
-"tn": "सेत्स्वाना",
-"to": "टोंगा",
-"tr": "तुक्रीश",
-"ts": "सोंगा",
-"tt": "टाटर",
-"tw": "ट्वी",
-"ug": "उईघुर",
-"uk": "यूक्रेनियन्",
-"ur": "ऊर्दु",
-"uz": "उज़बेक्",
-"vi": "वियेतनामी",
-"vo": "वोलापुक",
-"wo": "वोलोफ",
-"xh": "षोसा",
-"yi": "येहुदी",
-"yo": "योरूबा",
-"za": "ज़ुआंग",
-"zh": "चीनी",
-"zu": "ज़ुलू",
-{ type: "language", iso: "hr",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "HR"},
-name: "hrvatski",
-"ar": "arapski",
-"av": "avarski",
-"be": "bjeloruski",
-"bg": "bugarski",
-"cs": "češki",
-"cu": "crkvenoslavenski",
-"cy": "velški",
-"da": "danski",
-"de": "njemački",
-"el": "grčki",
-"en": "engleski",
-"eo": "esperanto",
-"es": "španjolski",
-"et": "estonijski",
-"fa": "perzijski",
-"fi": "finski",
-"fr": "francuski",
-"fy": "frizijski",
-"ga": "irski",
-"he": "hebrejski",
-"hr": "hrvatski",
-"hu": "mađarski",
-"hy": "armenski",
-"is": "islandski",
-"it": "talijanski",
-"ja": "japanski",
-"km": "kmerski",
-"ko": "korejski",
-"la": "latinski",
-"lt": "litvanski",
-"lv": "latvijski",
-"mk": "makedonski",
-"mn": "mongolski",
-"mt": "malteški",
-"ne": "nepalski",
-"nl": "nizozemski",
-"no": "norveški",
-"pl": "poljski",
-"pt": "portugalski",
-"ro": "rumunjski",
-"ru": "ruski",
-"sk": "slovački",
-"sl": "slovenski",
-"sq": "albanski",
-"sr": "srpski",
-"sv": "švedski",
-"tr": "turski",
-"uk": "ukrajinski",
-"vi": "vijetnamski",
-"zh": "kineski",
-{ type: "language", iso: "hu",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "HU"},
-name: "magyar",
-"aa": "afar",
-"ab": "abház",
-"af": "afrikai",
-"am": "amhara",
-"ar": "arab",
-"as": "asszámi",
-"ay": "ajmara",
-"az": "azerbajdzsáni",
-"ba": "baskír",
-"be": "belorusz",
-"bg": "bolgár",
-"bh": "bihari",
-"bi": "bislama",
-"bn": "bengáli",
-"bo": "tibeti",
-"br": "breton",
-"ca": "katalán",
-"co": "korzikai",
-"cs": "cseh",
-"cy": "walesi",
-"da": "dán",
-"de": "német",
-"dz": "butáni",
-"el": "görög",
-"en": "angol",
-"eo": "eszperantó",
-"es": "spanyol",
-"et": "észt",
-"eu": "baszk",
-"fa": "perzsa",
-"fi": "finn",
-"fj": "fidzsi",
-"fo": "feröeri",
-"fr": "francia",
-"fy": "fríz",
-"ga": "ír",
-"gd": "skót (gael)",
-"gl": "galíciai",
-"gn": "guarani",
-"gu": "gudzsaráti",
-"ha": "hausza",
-"he": "héber",
-"hi": "hindi",
-"hr": "horvát",
-"hu": "magyar",
-"hy": "örmény",
-"ia": "interlingua",
-"id": "indonéz",
-"ie": "interlingue",
-"ik": "inupiak",
-"is": "izlandi",
-"it": "olasz",
-"iu": "inuktitut",
-"ja": "japán",
-"jv": "jávai",
-"ka": "grúz",
-"kk": "kazah",
-"kl": "grönlandi",
-"km": "kambodzsai",
-"kn": "kannada",
-"ko": "koreai",
-"ks": "kasmíri",
-"ku": "kurd",
-"ky": "kirgiz",
-"la": "latin",
-"ln": "lingala",
-"lo": "laoszi",
-"lt": "litván",
-"lv": "lett",
-"mg": "madagaszkári",
-"mi": "maori",
-"mk": "macedón",
-"ml": "malajalam",
-"mn": "mongol",
-"mo": "moldvai",
-"mr": "marati",
-"ms": "maláj",
-"mt": "máltai",
-"my": "burmai",
-"na": "naurui",
-"ne": "nepáli",
-"nl": "holland",
-"no": "norvég",
-"oc": "okszitán",
-"om": "oromói",
-"or": "orija",
-"pa": "pandzsábi",
-"pl": "lengyel",
-"ps": "pastu (afgán)",
-"pt": "portugál",
-"qu": "kecsua",
-"rm": "rétoromán",
-"rn": "kirundi",
-"ro": "román",
-"ru": "orosz",
-"rw": "kiruanda",
-"sa": "szanszkrit",
-"sd": "szindi",
-"sg": "sango",
-"sh": "szerb-horvát",
-"si": "szingaléz",
-"sk": "szlovák",
-"sl": "szlovén",
-"sm": "szamoai",
-"sn": "sona",
-"so": "szomáli",
-"sq": "albán",
-"sr": "szerb",
-"ss": "sziszuati",
-"st": "szeszotó",
-"su": "szundanéz",
-"sv": "svéd",
-"sw": "szuahéli",
-"ta": "tamil",
-"te": "telugu",
-"tg": "tadzsik",
-"th": "thai",
-"ti": "tigrinya",
-"tk": "türkmén",
-"tl": "tagalog",
-"tn": "szecsuáni",
-"to": "tonga",
-"tr": "török",
-"ts": "conga",
-"tt": "tatár",
-"tw": "tui",
-"ug": "ujgur",
-"uk": "ukrán",
-"ur": "urdu",
-"uz": "üzbég",
-"vi": "vietnámi",
-"vo": "volapük",
-"wo": "volof",
-"xh": "hosza",
-"yi": "zsidó",
-"yo": "joruba",
-"za": "zsuang",
-"zh": "kínai",
-"zu": "zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "hy",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "AM"},
-name: "Հայերէն",
-"hy": "Հայերէն",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ia",
-countries: [
-{ type: "language", iso: "id",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ID"},
-name: "Bahasa Indonesia",
-"aa": "Afar",
-"ab": "Abkhaz",
-"ae": "Avestan",
-"af": "Afrikaans",
-"ak": "Akan",
-"am": "Amharik",
-"ar": "Arab",
-"as": "Assam",
-"av": "Avarik",
-"ay": "Aymara",
-"az": "Azerbaijan",
-"ba": "Bashkir",
-"be": "Belarusia",
-"bg": "Bulgaria",
-"bh": "Bihari",
-"bi": "Bislama",
-"bm": "Bambara",
-"bn": "Bengal",
-"bo": "Tibet",
-"br": "Breton",
-"bs": "Bosnia",
-"ca": "Catalan",
-"ce": "Chechen",
-"ch": "Chamorro",
-"co": "Korsika",
-"cr": "Cree",
-"cs": "Ceko",
-"cv": "Chuvash",
-"cy": "Welsh",
-"da": "Denmark",
-"de": "Jerman",
-"dv": "Divehi",
-"dz": "Dzongkha",
-"ee": "Ewe",
-"el": "Yunani",
-"en": "Inggris",
-"eo": "Esperanto",
-"es": "Spanyol",
-"et": "Estonian",
-"eu": "Basque",
-"fa": "Persia",
-"ff": "Fulah",
-"fi": "Finlandia",
-"fj": "Fiji",
-"fo": "Faro",
-"fr": "Perancis",
-"fy": "Frisi",
-"ga": "Irlandia",
-"gd": "Gaelik Skotlandia",
-"gl": "Gallegan",
-"gn": "Guarani",
-"gu": "Gujarati",
-"gv": "Manx",
-"ha": "Hausa",
-"he": "Ibrani",
-"hi": "Hindi",
-"ho": "Hiri Motu",
-"hr": "Kroasia",
-"hu": "Hungaria",
-"hy": "Armenia",
-"hz": "Herero",
-"ia": "Interlingua",
-"id": "Bahasa Indonesia",
-"ie": "Interlingue",
-"ig": "Igbo",
-"ii": "Sichuan Yi",
-"ik": "Inupiaq",
-"io": "Ido",
-"is": "Icelandic",
-"it": "Italian",
-"ja": "Japanese",
-"jv": "Jawa",
-"ka": "Georgian",
-"kg": "Kongo",
-"ki": "Kikuyu",
-"kj": "Kuanyama",
-"kk": "Kazakh",
-"kl": "Kalaallisut",
-"km": "Khmer",
-"kn": "Kannada",
-"ko": "Korea",
-"kr": "Kanuri",
-"ks": "Kashmir",
-"ku": "Kurdi",
-"kv": "Komi",
-"kw": "Cornish",
-"ky": "Kirghiz",
-"la": "Latin",
-"lb": "Luxembourg",
-"lg": "Ganda",
-"li": "Limburg",
-"ln": "Lingala",
-"lo": "Lao",
-"lt": "Lithuania",
-"lu": "Luba-Katanga",
-"lv": "Latvian",
-"mg": "Malagasi",
-"mh": "Marshall",
-"mi": "Maori",
-"mk": "Macedonian",
-"ml": "Malayalam",
-"mn": "Mongolian",
-"mo": "Moldavian",
-"mr": "Marathi",
-"ms": "Malay",
-"mt": "Maltese",
-"my": "Burma",
-"na": "Nauru",
-"nb": "Norwegian Bokmål",
-"ne": "Nepal",
-"ng": "Ndonga",
-"nl": "Belanda",
-"nn": "Norwegian Nynorsk",
-"no": "Norwegian",
-"nv": "Navajo",
-"ny": "Nyanja; Chichewa; Chewa",
-"oj": "Ojibwa",
-"om": "Oromo",
-"or": "Oriya",
-"os": "Ossetic",
-"pa": "Punjabi",
-"pi": "Pali",
-"pl": "Polish",
-"ps": "Pashto (Pushto)",
-"pt": "Portugis",
-"qu": "Quechua",
-"rm": "Rhaeto-Romance",
-"rn": "Rundi",
-"ro": "Romanian",
-"ru": "Russian",
-"rw": "Kinyarwanda",
-"sa": "Sanskrit",
-"sc": "Sardinian",
-"sd": "Sindhi",
-"se": "Northern Sami",
-"sg": "Sango",
-"sh": "Serbo-Croatian",
-"si": "Sinhalese",
-"sk": "Slovak",
-"sl": "Slovenian",
-"sm": "Samoan",
-"sn": "Shona",
-"so": "Somali",
-"sq": "Albanian",
-"sr": "Serbian",
-"ss": "Swati",
-"su": "Sundan",
-"sv": "Swedia",
-"sw": "Swahili",
-"ta": "Tamil",
-"te": "Telugu",
-"tg": "Tajik",
-"th": "Thai",
-"ti": "Tigrinya",
-"tk": "Turkmen",
-"tl": "Tagalog",
-"tn": "Tswana",
-"tr": "Turkish",
-"ts": "Tsonga",
-"tt": "Tatar",
-"tw": "Twi",
-"ty": "Tahitian",
-"ug": "Uighur",
-"uk": "Ukrainian",
-"ur": "Urdu",
-"uz": "Uzbek",
-"ve": "Venda",
-"vi": "Vietnamese",
-"vo": "Volapük",
-"wa": "Walloon",
-"wo": "Wolof",
-"xh": "Xhosa",
-"yi": "Yiddish",
-"yo": "Yoruba",
-"za": "Zhuang",
-"zh": "Cina",
-"zu": "Zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ig",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "NG"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "is",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IS"},
-name: "Íslenska",
-"ab": "Abkasíska",
-"ae": "Avestíska",
-"af": "Afríkanska",
-"ak": "Akan",
-"am": "Amharíska",
-"an": "Aragonska",
-"ar": "Arabíska",
-"as": "Assamska",
-"av": "Avaríska",
-"ay": "Aímara",
-"az": "Aserska",
-"ba": "Baskír",
-"be": "Hvítrússneska",
-"bg": "Búlgarska",
-"bh": "Bíharí",
-"bi": "Bíslama",
-"bm": "Bambara",
-"bn": "Bengalska",
-"bo": "Tíbeska",
-"br": "Bretónska",
-"bs": "Bosníska",
-"ca": "Katalónska",
-"ce": "Tsjetsjenska",
-"ch": "Kamorró",
-"co": "Korsíska",
-"cr": "Krí",
-"cs": "Tékkneska",
-"cu": "Kirkjuslavneska",
-"cv": "Sjúvas",
-"cy": "Velska",
-"da": "Danska",
-"de": "Þýska",
-"dv": "Dívehí",
-"dz": "Dsongka",
-"ee": "Eve",
-"el": "Nýgríska (1453-)",
-"en": "Enska",
-"eo": "Esperantó",
-"es": "Spænska",
-"et": "Eistneska",
-"eu": "Baskneska",
-"fa": "Persneska",
-"ff": "Fúla",
-"fi": "Finnska",
-"fj": "Fídjeyska",
-"fo": "Færeyska",
-"fr": "Franska",
-"fy": "Frísneska",
-"ga": "Írska",
-"gd": "Skosk gelíska",
-"gl": "Gallegska",
-"gn": "Gvaraní",
-"gu": "Gújaratí",
-"gv": "Manx",
-"ha": "Hása",
-"he": "Hebreska",
-"hi": "Hindí",
-"ho": "Hírímótú",
-"hr": "Króatíska",
-"ht": "Haítíska",
-"hu": "Ungverska",
-"hy": "Armenska",
-"hz": "Hereró",
-"ia": "Interlingva",
-"id": "Indónesíska",
-"ie": "Interlingve",
-"ig": "Ígbó",
-"ii": "Sísúanjí",
-"ik": "Ínúpíak",
-"io": "Ídó",
-"is": "Íslenska",
-"it": "Ítalska",
-"iu": "Inúktitút",
-"ja": "Japanska",
-"jv": "Javanska",
-"ka": "Georgíska",
-"kg": "Kongó",
-"ki": "Kíkújú",
-"kj": "Kúanjama",
-"kk": "Kasakska",
-"kl": "Grænlenska",
-"km": "Kmer",
-"kn": "Kannada",
-"ko": "Kóreska",
-"kr": "Kanúrí",
-"ks": "Kasmírska",
-"ku": "Kúrdneska",
-"kv": "Komíska",
-"kw": "Korníska",
-"ky": "Kirgiska",
-"la": "Latína",
-"lb": "Lúxemborgíska",
-"lg": "Ganda",
-"li": "Limbúrgíska",
-"ln": "Lingala",
-"lo": "Laó",
-"lt": "Litháíska",
-"lu": "Lúbakatanga",
-"lv": "Lettneska",
-"mg": "Malagasíska",
-"mh": "Marshallska",
-"mi": "Maórí",
-"mk": "Makedónska",
-"ml": "Malajalam",
-"mn": "Mongólska",
-"mo": "Moldóvska",
-"mr": "Maratí",
-"ms": "Malaíska",
-"mt": "Maltneska",
-"my": "Burmneska",
-"na": "Nárúska",
-"nb": "Norskt bókmál",
-"nd": "Norðurndebele",
-"ne": "Nepalska",
-"ng": "Ndonga",
-"nl": "Hollenska",
-"nn": "Nýnorska",
-"no": "Norska",
-"nr": "Suðurndebele",
-"nv": "Navahó",
-"ny": "Njanja; Sísjeva; Sjeva",
-"oc": "Okkitíska (eftir 1500); Próvensalska",
-"oj": "Ojibva",
-"om": "Órómó",
-"or": "Óría",
-"os": "Ossetíska",
-"pa": "Púnjabí",
-"pi": "Palí",
-"pl": "Pólska",
-"ps": "Pastú",
-"pt": "Portúgalska",
-"qu": "Kvesjúa",
-"rm": "Retórómanska",
-"rn": "Rúndí",
-"ro": "Rúmenska",
-"ru": "Rússneska",
-"rw": "Kínjarvanda",
-"sa": "Sanskrít",
-"sc": "Sardínska",
-"sd": "Sindí",
-"se": "Norðursamíska",
-"sg": "Sangó",
-"sh": "Serbókróatíska",
-"si": "Singalesíska",
-"sk": "Slóvakíska",
-"sl": "Slóvenska",
-"sm": "Samóska",
-"sn": "Shona",
-"so": "Sómalska",
-"sq": "Albanska",
-"sr": "Serbneska",
-"ss": "Svatí",
-"st": "Suðursótó",
-"su": "Súndanska",
-"sv": "Sænska",
-"sw": "Svahílí",
-"ta": "Tamílska",
-"te": "Telúgú",
-"tg": "Tadsjikska",
-"th": "Taílenska",
-"ti": "Tígrinja",
-"tk": "Túrkmenska",
-"tl": "Tagalog",
-"tn": "Tsúana",
-"to": "Tongverska (Tongaeyjar)",
-"tr": "Tyrkneska",
-"ts": "Tsonga",
-"tt": "Tatarska",
-"tw": "Tví",
-"ty": "Tahítíska",
-"ug": "Úígúr",
-"uk": "Úkraínska",
-"ur": "Úrdú",
-"uz": "Úsbekska",
-"ve": "Venda",
-"vi": "Víetnamska",
-"vo": "Volapük",
-"wa": "Vallónska",
-"wo": "Volof",
-"xh": "Sósa",
-"yi": "Jiddíska",
-"yo": "Jórúba",
-"za": "Súang",
-"zh": "Kínverska",
-"zu": "Súlú",
-{ type: "language", iso: "it",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "CH"},
-{_reference: "IT"},
-name: "italiano",
-"aa": "afar",
-"ab": "abkhazian",
-"ae": "avestan",
-"af": "afrikaans",
-"ak": "akan",
-"am": "amarico",
-"an": "aragonese",
-"ar": "arabo",
-"as": "assamese",
-"av": "avaro",
-"ay": "aymara",
-"az": "azerbaigiano",
-"ba": "baschiro",
-"be": "bielorusso",
-"bg": "bulgaro",
-"bh": "bihari",
-"bi": "bislama",
-"bm": "bambara",
-"bn": "bengalese",
-"bo": "tibetano",
-"br": "bretone",
-"bs": "bosniaco",
-"ca": "catalano",
-"ce": "ceceno",
-"ch": "chamorro",
-"co": "corso",
-"cr": "cree",
-"cs": "ceco",
-"cu": "slavo della Chiesa",
-"cv": "chuvash",
-"cy": "gallese",
-"da": "danese",
-"de": "tedesco",
-"dv": "divehi",
-"dz": "dzongkha",
-"ee": "ewe",
-"el": "greco",
-"en": "inglese",
-"eo": "esperanto",
-"es": "spagnolo",
-"et": "estone",
-"eu": "basco",
-"fa": "persiano",
-"ff": "fulah",
-"fi": "finlandese",
-"fj": "figiano",
-"fo": "faroese",
-"fr": "francese",
-"fy": "frisone",
-"ga": "irlandese",
-"gd": "gaelico scozzese",
-"gl": "galiziano",
-"gn": "guarana",
-"gu": "gujarati",
-"gv": "manx",
-"ha": "haussa",
-"he": "ebraico",
-"hi": "hindi",
-"ho": "hiri motu",
-"hr": "croato",
-"ht": "haitiano",
-"hu": "ungherese",
-"hy": "armeno",
-"hz": "herero",
-"ia": "interlingua",
-"id": "indonesiano",
-"ie": "interlingue",
-"ig": "igbo",
-"ii": "sichuan yi",
-"ik": "inupiak",
-"io": "ido",
-"is": "islandese",
-"it": "italiano",
-"iu": "inuktitut",
-"ja": "giapponese",
-"jv": "giavanese",
-"ka": "georgiano",
-"kg": "kongo",
-"ki": "kikuyu",
-"kj": "kuanyama",
-"kk": "kazako",
-"kl": "kalaallisut",
-"km": "khmer",
-"kn": "kannada",
-"ko": "coreano",
-"kr": "kanuri",
-"ks": "kashmiri",
-"ku": "curdo",
-"kv": "komi",
-"kw": "cornico",
-"ky": "kirghiso",
-"la": "latino",
-"lb": "lussemburghese",
-"lg": "ganda",
-"li": "limburgese",
-"ln": "lingala",
-"lo": "lao",
-"lt": "lituano",
-"lu": "luba-katanga",
-"lv": "lettone",
-"mg": "malgascio",
-"mh": "marshallese",
-"mi": "maori",
-"mk": "macedone",
-"ml": "malayalam",
-"mn": "mongolo",
-"mo": "moldavo",
-"mr": "marathi",
-"ms": "malese",
-"mt": "maltese",
-"my": "birmano",
-"na": "nauru",
-"nd": "ndebele del nord",
-"ne": "nepalese",
-"ng": "ndonga",
-"nl": "olandese",
-"nn": "norvegese nynorsk",
-"no": "norvegese",
-"nr": "ndebele del sud",
-"nv": "navajo",
-"ny": "nyanja; chichewa; chewa",
-"oc": "occitano (post 1500); provenzale",
-"oj": "ojibwa",
-"om": "oromo",
-"or": "oriya",
-"os": "ossetico",
-"pa": "punjabi",
-"pi": "pali",
-"pl": "polacco",
-"ps": "pashto",
-"pt": "portoghese",
-"qu": "quechua",
-"rm": "lingua rhaeto-romance",
-"rn": "rundi",
-"ro": "rumeno",
-"ru": "russo",
-"rw": "kinyarwanda",
-"sa": "sanscrito",
-"sc": "sardo",
-"sd": "sindhi",
-"se": "sami del nord",
-"sg": "sango",
-"sh": "serbo-croato",
-"si": "singalese",
-"sk": "slovacco",
-"sl": "sloveno",
-"sm": "samoano",
-"sn": "shona",
-"so": "somalo",
-"sq": "albanese",
-"sr": "serbo",
-"ss": "swati",
-"st": "sotho del sud",
-"su": "sundanese",
-"sv": "svedese",
-"sw": "swahili",
-"ta": "tamil",
-"te": "telugu",
-"tg": "tagicco",
-"th": "thai",
-"ti": "tigrinya",
-"tk": "turcomanno",
-"tl": "tagalog",
-"tn": "tswana",
-"to": "tonga (Isole Tonga)",
-"tr": "turco",
-"ts": "tsonga",
-"tt": "tatarico",
-"tw": "ci",
-"ty": "taitiano",
-"ug": "uigurico",
-"uk": "ucraino",
-"ur": "urdu",
-"uz": "usbeco",
-"ve": "venda",
-"vi": "vietnamita",
-"wa": "vallone",
-"wo": "volof",
-"xh": "xosa",
-"yi": "yiddish",
-"yo": "yoruba",
-"za": "zhuang",
-"zh": "cinese",
-"zu": "zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "iu",
-countries: [
-name: "ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ ᑎᑎᕋᐅᓯᖅ",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ja",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "JP"},
-name: "日本語",
-"aa": "アファル語",
-"ab": "アブハズ語",
-"ae": "アヴェスタ語",
-"af": "アフリカーンス語",
-"ak": "アカン語",
-"am": "アムハラ語",
-"an": "アラゴン語",
-"ar": "アラビア語",
-"as": "アッサム語",
-"av": "アヴァル語",
-"ay": "アイマラ語",
-"az": "アゼルバイジャン語",
-"ba": "バシキール語",
-"be": "ベラルーシ語",
-"bg": "ブルガリア語",
-"bh": "ビハール語",
-"bi": "ビスラマ語",
-"bm": "バンバラ語",
-"bn": "ベンガル語",
-"bo": "チベット語",
-"br": "ブルトン語",
-"bs": "ボスニア語",
-"ca": "カタロニア語",
-"ce": "チェチェン語",
-"ch": "チャモロ語",
-"co": "コルシカ語",
-"cr": "クリー語",
-"cs": "チェコ語",
-"cu": "教会スラブ語",
-"cv": "チュヴァシュ語",
-"cy": "ウェールズ語",
-"da": "デンマーク語",
-"de": "ドイツ語",
-"dv": "ディベヒ語",
-"dz": "ゾンカ語",
-"ee": "エウェ語",
-"el": "ギリシャ語",
-"en": "英語",
-"eo": "エスペラント語",
-"es": "スペイン語",
-"et": "エストニア語",
-"eu": "バスク語",
-"fa": "ペルシア語",
-"ff": "フラニ語",
-"fi": "フィンランド語",
-"fj": "フィジー語",
-"fo": "フェロー語",
-"fr": "フランス語",
-"fy": "フリジア語",
-"ga": "アイルランド語",
-"gd": "スコットランド・ゲール語",
-"gl": "ガリシア語",
-"gn": "グアラニー語",
-"gu": "グジャラート語",
-"gv": "マン島語",
-"ha": "ハウサ語",
-"he": "ヘブライ語",
-"hi": "ヒンディー語",
-"ho": "ヒリモトゥ語",
-"hr": "クロアチア語",
-"ht": "ハイチ語",
-"hu": "ハンガリー語",
-"hy": "アルメニア語",
-"hz": "ヘレロ語",
-"ia": "インターリングア語",
-"id": "インドネシア語",
-"ie": "インターリング語",
-"ig": "イボ語",
-"ii": "四川イ語",
-"ik": "イヌピアック語",
-"io": "イド語",
-"is": "アイスランド語",
-"it": "イタリア語",
-"iu": "イヌクウティトット語",
-"ja": "日本語",
-"jv": "ジャワ語",
-"ka": "グルジア語",
-"kg": "コンゴ語",
-"ki": "キクユ語",
-"kj": "クアニャマ語",
-"kk": "カザフ語",
-"kl": "グリーンランド語",
-"km": "クメール語",
-"kn": "カンナダ語",
-"ko": "韓国語",
-"kr": "カヌリ語",
-"ks": "カシミール語",
-"ku": "クルド語",
-"kv": "コミ語",
-"kw": "コーンウォール語",
-"ky": "キルギス語",
-"la": "ラテン語",
-"lb": "ルクセンブルク語",
-"lg": "ガンダ語",
-"li": "リンブルフ語",
-"ln": "リンガラ語",
-"lo": "ラオ語",
-"lt": "リトアニア語",
-"lu": "ルバ・カタンガ語",
-"lv": "ラトビア語",
-"mg": "マダガスカル語",
-"mh": "マーシャル語",
-"mi": "マオリ語",
-"mk": "マケドニア語",
-"ml": "マラヤーラム語",
-"mn": "モンゴル語",
-"mo": "モルダビア語",
-"mr": "マラーティー語",
-"ms": "マレー語",
-"mt": "マルタ語",
-"my": "ビルマ語",
-"na": "ナウル語",
-"nb": "ノルウェー語 (ブークモール)",
-"nd": "北ンデベレ語",
-"ne": "ネパール語",
-"ng": "ンドンガ語",
-"nl": "オランダ語",
-"nn": "ノルウェー語 (ニーノシュク)",
-"no": "ノルウェー語",
-"nr": "南ンデベレ語",
-"nv": "ナバホ語",
-"ny": "ニャンジャ語、チチェワ語、チェワ語",
-"oc": "オック語 (1500以降)、プロバンス語",
-"oj": "オブジワ語",
-"om": "オロモ語",
-"or": "オリヤー語",
-"os": "オセト語",
-"pa": "パンジャブ語",
-"pi": "パーリ語",
-"pl": "ポーランド語",
-"ps": "パシュトゥー語",
-"pt": "ポルトガル語",
-"qu": "ケチュア語",
-"rm": "レト=ロマン語",
-"rn": "ルンディ語",
-"ro": "ルーマニア語",
-"ru": "ロシア語",
-"rw": "ルワンダ語",
-"sa": "サンスクリット語",
-"sc": "サルデーニャ語",
-"sd": "シンド語",
-"se": "北サーミ語",
-"sg": "サンゴ語",
-"sh": "セルボ=クロアチア語",
-"si": "シンハラ語",
-"sk": "スロバキア語",
-"sl": "スロベニア語",
-"sm": "サモア語",
-"sn": "ショナ語",
-"so": "ソマリ語",
-"sq": "アルバニア語",
-"sr": "セルビア語",
-"ss": "シスワティ語",
-"st": "南部ソト語",
-"su": "スンダ語",
-"sv": "スウェーデン語",
-"sw": "スワヒリ語",
-"ta": "タミール語",
-"te": "テルグ語",
-"tg": "タジク語",
-"th": "タイ語",
-"ti": "ティグリニア語",
-"tk": "トルクメン語",
-"tl": "タガログ語",
-"tn": "ツワナ語",
-"to": "トンガ語",
-"tr": "トルコ語",
-"ts": "ツォンガ語",
-"tt": "タタール語",
-"tw": "トウィ語",
-"ty": "タヒチ語",
-"ug": "ウイグル語",
-"uk": "ウクライナ語",
-"ur": "ウルドゥー語",
-"uz": "ウズベク語",
-"ve": "ベンダ語",
-"vi": "ベトナム語",
-"vo": "ボラピュク語",
-"wa": "ワロン語",
-"wo": "ウォロフ語",
-"xh": "コサ語",
-"yi": "イディッシュ語",
-"yo": "ヨルバ語",
-"za": "チワン語",
-"zh": "中国語",
-"zu": "ズールー語",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ka",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "GE"},
-name: "ქართული",
-"de": "გერმანული",
-"en": "ინგლისური",
-"es": "ესპანური",
-"fr": "ფრანგული",
-"it": "იტალიური",
-"ja": "იაპონური",
-"ka": "ქართული",
-"pt": "პორტუგალიური",
-"ru": "რუსული",
-"zh": "ჩინური",
-{ type: "language", iso: "kk",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "KZ"},
-name: "Қазақ",
-"kk": "Қазақ",
-{ type: "language", iso: "kl",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "GL"},
-name: "kalaallisut",
-"kl": "kalaallisut",
-{ type: "language", iso: "km",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "KH"},
-name: "ភាសាខ្មែរ",
-"aa": "ភាសាអាហ្វារ",
-"ae": "ភាសាអាវែស្តង់",
-"af": "ភាសាអាហ្វ្រីកាអាន",
-"an": "ភាសាអារ៉ាហ្គោន",
-"ar": "ភាសាអារ៉ាប់",
-"ay": "ភាសាអីម៉ារ៉ា",
-"az": "ភាសាអាហ៊្សែរបែហ្សង់",
-"be": "ភាសាបេឡារុស្ស",
-"bg": "ភាសាប៊ុលហ្ការី",
-"bh": "ភាសាបិហារ",
-"bm": "ភាសាបាម្បារា",
-"bn": "ភាសាបេន្កាលី",
-"bo": "ភាសាទីបេ",
-"ca": "ភាសាកាតាឡាន",
-"cs": "ភាសាឆេក",
-"da": "ភាសាដាណឺម៉ាក",
-"de": "ភាសាអាល្លឺម៉ង់",
-"dz": "ភាសាប៊ូតាន",
-"el": "ភាសាក្រិច",
-"en": "ភាសាអង់គ្លេស",
-"eo": "ភាសាអេស្ពេរ៉ាន្ទោ",
-"es": "ភាសាអេស្ប៉ាញ",
-"et": "ភាសាអេស្តូនី",
-"eu": "ភាសាបាស្កេ",
-"fi": "ភាសាហ្វាំងឡង់",
-"fj": "ហ្វ៉ីហ្ស៉ី",
-"fr": "ភាសាបារាំង",
-"ga": "ភាសាហ្កែលិគ",
-"gd": "ភាសាហ្កែលិគ [gd]",
-"gl": "ភាសាហ្កាលីស៉ី",
-"gn": "ភាសាហ្កួរ៉ានី",
-"gu": "ភាសាហ្កុយ៉ារាទី",
-"he": "ភាសាហេប្រិ",
-"hi": "ភាសាហ៉ិនឌី",
-"hu": "ភាសាហុងគ្រី",
-"hy": "ភាសាអារមេនី",
-"id": "ភាសាឥណ្ឌូនេស៊ី",
-"is": "ភាសាអ៉ីស្លង់",
-"it": "ភាសាអ៊ីតាលី",
-"ja": "ភាសាជប៉ុន",
-"jv": "ភាសាយ៉ាវា",
-"ka": "ភាសាហ្សកហ្ស៉ី",
-"kk": "ភាសាកាហ្សាក់ស្តង់់",
-"km": "ភាសាខ្មែរ",
-"kn": "ភាសាកិណាដា",
-"ko": "ភាសាកូរ៉េ",
-"ku": "ភាសាឃឺដ",
-"ky": "ភាសាគៀរហ្គីស្តង់",
-"la": "ភាសាឡាតំាង",
-"lo": "ភាសាឡាវ",
-"lt": "ភាសាលីទុយអានី",
-"lv": "ភាសាឡាតវីយ៉ា",
-"mg": "ភាសាម៉ាដាហ្កាសការ",
-"mi": "ភាសាម៉ោរី",
-"mk": "ភាសាម៉ាសេដូនី",
-"ml": "ភាសាម៉ាឡាឡាយ៉ាន",
-"mn": "ភាសាម៉ុងហ្គោលី",
-"mo": "ភាសាម៉ុលដាវី",
-"mr": "ភាសាម៉ារាធី",
-"ms": "ភាសាម៉ាលេស៉ី",
-"mt": "ភាសាម៉ាល់តា",
-"ne": "ភាសានេប៉ាល់",
-"nl": "ភាសាហុល្លង់",
-"no": "ភាសាន័រវែស",
-"or": "ភាសាអូរីយ៉ា",
-"pa": "ភាសាពូនយ៉ាប៊ី",
-"pl": "ភាសាប៉ូឡូញ",
-"pt": "ភាសាព័រទុយហ្កាល់",
-"qu": "ភាសាកេទ្ជូអា",
-"rn": "ភាសារូន្ឌី",
-"ro": "ភាសារូម៉ានី",
-"ru": "ភាសាรัរូស្ស៉ី",
-"sa": "ភាសាសំស្ក្រឹត",
-"sd": "ភាសាស៉ីន្ដី",
-"sk": "ភាសាស្លូវ៉ាគី",
-"sl": "ភាសាស្លូវ៉ានី",
-"sm": "ភាសាសាមូអា",
-"so": "ភាសាសូម៉ាលី",
-"sq": "ភាសាអាល់បានី",
-"su": "ភាំសាស៊ូដង់",
-"sv": "ភាសាស៊ុយអែដ",
-"sw": "ភាសាស្វាហ៉ីលី",
-"ta": "ភាសាតាមីល",
-"te": "ភាសាតេលូហ្គូ",
-"tg": "ភាសាតាដហ្ស៉ីគីស្តង់",
-"th": "ភាសាថៃ",
-"tk": "ភាសាទួគមេនីស្តង់",
-"to": "ភាសាតុងហ្គោ",
-"tr": "ភាសាទួរគី",
-"tt": "ភាសាតាតារ",
-"uk": "ភាសាអ៊ុយក្រែន",
-"ur": "ភាសាអ៊ូរ្ឌូ",
-"uz": "ភាសាអ៊ូហ្សបេគីស្តង់",
-"vi": "ភាសាវៀតណាម",
-"xh": "ភាសាឃសា",
-"yi": "ភាសាយីឌីហ្ស",
-"yo": "ភាសាយរូបា",
-"za": "ភាសាចួង",
-"zh": "ភាសាចិន",
-"zu": "ភាសាហ្ស៉ូលូ",
-{ type: "language", iso: "kn",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-name: "ಕನ್ನಡ",
-"kn": "ಕನ್ನಡ",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ko",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "KR"},
-name: "한국어",
-"aa": "아파르어",
-"ab": "압카즈어",
-"af": "남아공 공용어",
-"ak": "아칸어",
-"am": "암하라어",
-"an": "아라곤어",
-"ar": "아랍어",
-"as": "아샘어",
-"av": "아바릭어",
-"ay": "아이마라어",
-"az": "아제르바이잔어",
-"ba": "바슈키르어",
-"be": "벨로루시어",
-"bg": "불가리아어",
-"bh": "비하르어",
-"bi": "비슬라마어",
-"bm": "밤바라어",
-"bn": "벵골어",
-"bo": "티베트어",
-"br": "브르타뉴어",
-"bs": "보스니아어",
-"ca": "카탈로니아어",
-"ch": "차모로어",
-"co": "코르시카어",
-"cr": "크리어",
-"cs": "체코어",
-"cu": "교회슬라브어",
-"cv": "추바시어",
-"cy": "웨일스어",
-"da": "덴마크어",
-"de": "독일어",
-"dv": "디베히어",
-"dz": "부탄어",
-"ee": "에웨어",
-"el": "그리스어",
-"en": "영어",
-"eo": "에스페란토어",
-"es": "스페인어",
-"et": "에스토니아어",
-"eu": "바스크어",
-"fa": "이란어",
-"ff": "풀라어",
-"fi": "핀란드어",
-"fj": "피지어",
-"fo": "페로스어",
-"fr": "프랑스어",
-"fy": "프리지아어",
-"ga": "아일랜드어",
-"gd": "스코갤릭어",
-"gl": "갈리시아어",
-"gn": "구아라니어",
-"gu": "구자라트어",
-"gv": "맹크스어",
-"ha": "하우자어",
-"he": "히브리어",
-"hi": "힌디어",
-"ho": "히리 모투어",
-"hr": "크로아티아어",
-"ht": "아이티어",
-"hu": "헝가리어",
-"hy": "아르메니아어",
-"ia": "인터링거",
-"id": "인도네시아어",
-"ie": "인터링게어",
-"ig": "이그보어",
-"ii": "시츄안 이어",
-"ik": "이누피아크어",
-"io": "이도어",
-"is": "아이슬란드어",
-"it": "이탈리아어",
-"iu": "이눅티투트어",
-"ja": "일본어",
-"jv": "자바어",
-"ka": "그루지야어",
-"kg": "콩고어",
-"ki": "키쿠유어",
-"kj": "쿠안야마어",
-"kk": "카자흐어",
-"kl": "그린랜드어",
-"km": "캄보디아어",
-"kn": "카나다어",
-"ko": "한국어",
-"kr": "칸누리어",
-"ks": "카슈미르어",
-"ku": "크르드어",
-"kv": "코미어",
-"kw": "콘월어",
-"ky": "키르기스어",
-"la": "라틴어",
-"lb": "룩셈부르크어",
-"lg": "간다어",
-"li": "림버거어",
-"ln": "링갈라어",
-"lo": "라오어",
-"lt": "리투아니아어",
-"lu": "루바-카탄가어",
-"lv": "라트비아어",
-"mg": "마다가스카르어",
-"mh": "마셜제도어",
-"mi": "마오리어",
-"mk": "마케도니아어",
-"ml": "말라얄람어",
-"mn": "몽골어",
-"mo": "몰다비아어",
-"mr": "마라티어",
-"ms": "말레이어",
-"mt": "몰타어",
-"my": "버마어",
-"na": "나우루어",
-"nb": "보크말 노르웨이어",
-"nd": "은데벨레어, 북부",
-"ne": "네팔어",
-"ng": "느동가어",
-"nl": "네덜란드어",
-"nn": "뉘노르스크 노르웨이어",
-"no": "노르웨이어",
-"nr": "은데벨레어, 남부",
-"nv": "나바호어",
-"ny": "니안자어; 치츄어; 츄어",
-"oc": "옥시트어",
-"oj": "오지브웨이어",
-"om": "오로모어 (아판)",
-"or": "오리야어",
-"os": "오세트어",
-"pa": "펀잡어",
-"pi": "팔리어",
-"pl": "폴란드어",
-"ps": "파시토어 (푸시토)",
-"pt": "포르투칼어",
-"qu": "케추아어",
-"rm": "레토로만어",
-"rn": "반투어(부룬디)",
-"ro": "루마니아어",
-"ru": "러시아어",
-"rw": "반투어(루완다)",
-"sa": "산스크리트어",
-"sc": "사르디니아어",
-"sd": "신디어",
-"se": "북부 사미어",
-"sg": "산고어",
-"sh": "세르보크로아티아어",
-"si": "스리랑카어",
-"sk": "슬로바키아어",
-"sl": "슬로베니아어",
-"sm": "사모아어",
-"sn": "쇼나어",
-"so": "소말리아어",
-"sq": "알바니아어",
-"sr": "세르비아어",
-"ss": "시스와티어",
-"st": "세소토어",
-"su": "순단어",
-"sv": "스웨덴어",
-"sw": "스와힐리어",
-"ta": "타밀어",
-"te": "텔루구어",
-"tg": "타지키스탄어",
-"th": "태국어",
-"ti": "티그리냐어",
-"tk": "투르크멘어",
-"tl": "타갈로그어",
-"tn": "세츠와나어",
-"to": "통가어",
-"tr": "터키어",
-"ts": "총가어",
-"tt": "타타르어",
-"tw": "트위어",
-"ty": "타히티어",
-"ug": "위구르어",
-"uk": "우크라이나어",
-"ur": "우르두어",
-"uz": "우즈베크어",
-"ve": "벤다어",
-"vi": "베트남어",
-"vo": "볼라퓌크어",
-"wa": "왈론어",
-"wo": "올로프어",
-"xh": "반투어(남아프리카)",
-"yi": "이디시어",
-"yo": "요루바어",
-"za": "주앙어",
-"zh": "중국어",
-"zu": "줄루어",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ku",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IQ"},
-{_reference: "IR"},
-{_reference: "SY"},
-{_reference: "TR"},
-name: "kurdî",
-{ type: "language", iso: "kw",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "GB"},
-name: "kernewek",
-"kw": "kernewek",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ky",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "KG"},
-name: "Кыргыз",
-"de": "немисче",
-"en": "англисче",
-"es": "испанча",
-"fr": "французча",
-"it": "италиянча",
-"ja": "япончо",
-"pt": "португалча",
-"ru": "орусча",
-"zh": "кытайча",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ln",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "CD"},
-{_reference: "CG"},
-name: "lingála",
-{ type: "language", iso: "lo",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "LA"},
-name: "ລາວ",
-{ type: "language", iso: "lt",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "LT"},
-name: "Lietuvių",
-"ar": "Arabų",
-"bg": "Bulgarų",
-"bn": "Bengalų",
-"cs": "Čekų",
-"da": "Danų",
-"de": "Vokiečių",
-"el": "Graikų",
-"en": "Anglų",
-"es": "Ispanų",
-"et": "Estų",
-"fi": "Suomių",
-"fr": "Prancūzų",
-"he": "Hebrajų",
-"hi": "Hindi",
-"hr": "Kroatų",
-"hu": "Vengrų",
-"it": "Italų",
-"ja": "Japonų",
-"ko": "Korėjiečių",
-"lt": "Lietuvių",
-"lv": "Latvių",
-"nl": "Olandų",
-"no": "Norvegų",
-"pl": "Lenkų",
-"pt": "Portugalų",
-"ro": "Rumunų",
-"ru": "Rusų",
-"sk": "Slovakų",
-"sl": "Slovėnų",
-"sv": "Švedų",
-"th": "Tajų",
-"tr": "Turkų",
-"zh": "Kinų",
-{ type: "language", iso: "lv",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "LV"},
-name: "latviešu",
-"ar": "arābu",
-"bg": "bulgāru",
-"cs": "čehu",
-"da": "dāņu",
-"de": "vācu",
-"el": "grieķu",
-"en": "angļu",
-"es": "spāņu",
-"et": "igauņu",
-"fi": "somu",
-"fr": "franču",
-"he": "ivrits",
-"hr": "horvātu",
-"hu": "ungāru",
-"it": "itāliešu",
-"ja": "japāņu",
-"ko": "korejiešu",
-"lt": "lietuviešu",
-"lv": "latviešu",
-"nl": "holandiešu",
-"no": "norvēģu",
-"pl": "poļu",
-"pt": "portugāļu",
-"ro": "rumāņu",
-"ru": "krievu",
-"sk": "slovāku",
-"sl": "slovēņu",
-"sv": "zviedru",
-"tr": "turku",
-"zh": "ķīniešu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "mk",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "MK"},
-name: "македонски",
-"de": "германски",
-"en": "англиски",
-"es": "шпански",
-"fr": "француски",
-"it": "италијански",
-"ja": "јапонски",
-"mk": "македонски",
-"pt": "португалски",
-"ru": "руски",
-"zh": "кинески",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ml",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-name: "മലയാളം",
-{ type: "language", iso: "mn",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "MN"},
-name: "Монгол хэл",
-"de": "герман",
-"en": "англи",
-"es": "испани",
-"fr": "франц",
-"it": "итали",
-"ja": "япон",
-"pt": "португали",
-"ru": "орос",
-"zh": "хятад",
-{ type: "language", iso: "mr",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-name: "मराठी",
-"aa": "अफार",
-"ab": "अबखेजियन",
-"af": "अफ्रिकान्स",
-"am": "अमहारिक",
-"ar": "अरेबिक",
-"as": "असामी",
-"ay": "ऐमरा",
-"az": "अज़रबाइजानी",
-"ba": "बष्किर",
-"be": "बैलोरुसियन",
-"bg": "बल्गेरियन",
-"bh": "बीहारी",
-"bi": "बिसलमा",
-"bn": "बंगाली",
-"bo": "तिबेटियन",
-"br": "ब्रेटन",
-"ca": "कटलन",
-"co": "कोर्सिकन",
-"cs": "ज़ेक",
-"cy": "वेल्ष",
-"da": "डानिष",
-"de": "जर्मन",
-"dz": "भूटानी",
-"el": "ग्रीक",
-"en": "इंग्रेजी",
-"eo": "इस्परान्टो",
-"es": "स्पानिष",
-"et": "इस्टोनियन्",
-"eu": "बास्क",
-"fa": "पर्षियन्",
-"fi": "फिन्निष",
-"fj": "फिजी",
-"fo": "फेरोस्",
-"fr": "फ्रेन्च",
-"fy": "फ्रिसियन्",
-"ga": "ऐरिष",
-"gd": "स्काटस् गेलिक",
-"gl": "गेलीशियन",
-"gn": "गौरानी",
-"gu": "गुजराती",
-"ha": "हौसा",
-"he": "हेबृ",
-"hi": "हिन्दी",
-"hr": "क्रोयेषियन्",
-"hu": "हंगेरियन्",
-"hy": "आर्मीनियन्",
-"ia": "इन्टरलिंग्वा",
-"id": "इन्डोनेषियन",
-"ie": "इन्टरलिंग",
-"ik": "इनूपियाक",
-"is": "आईसलान्डिक",
-"it": "इटालियन",
-"iu": "इनुकिटुट्",
-"ja": "जापनीस्",
-"jv": "जावनीस्",
-"ka": "जार्जियन्",
-"kk": "कज़क",
-"kl": "ग्रीनलान्डिक",
-"km": "कंबोडियन",
-"kn": "कन्नड",
-"ko": "कोरियन्",
-"ks": "कश्मीरी",
-"ku": "कुर्दिष",
-"ky": "किर्गिज़",
-"la": "लाटिन",
-"ln": "लिंगाला",
-"lo": "लाओतियन्",
-"lt": "लिथुआनियन्",
-"lv": "लाट्वियन् (लेट्टिष)",
-"mg": "मलागसी",
-"mi": "माओरी",
-"mk": "मसीडोनियन्",
-"ml": "मलियालम",
-"mn": "मंगोलियन्",
-"mo": "मोल्डावियन्",
-"mr": "मराठी",
-"ms": "मलय",
-"mt": "मालतीस्",
-"my": "बर्मीस्",
-"na": "नौरो",
-"ne": "नेपाली",
-"nl": "डच",
-"no": "नोर्वेजियन",
-"oc": "ओसिटान्",
-"om": "ओरोमो (अफान)",
-"or": "ओरिया",
-"pa": "पंजाबी",
-"pl": "पोलिष",
-"ps": "पष्टो (पुष्टो)",
-"pt": "पोर्चुगीस्",
-"qu": "क्वेचओ",
-"rm": "रहटो-रोमान्स्",
-"rn": "किरुन्दी",
-"ro": "रोमानियन्",
-"ru": "रष्यन्",
-"rw": "किन्यार्वान्डा",
-"sa": "संस्कृत",
-"sd": "सिंधी",
-"sg": "सांग्रो",
-"sh": "सेर्बो-क्रोयेषियन्",
-"si": "सिन्हलीस्",
-"sk": "स्लोवाक",
-"sl": "स्लोवेनियन्",
-"sm": "समोन",
-"sn": "शोना",
-"so": "सोमाली",
-"sq": "आल्बेनियन्",
-"sr": "सेर्बियन्",
-"ss": "सिस्वती",
-"st": "सेसोथो",
-"su": "सुंदनीस्",
-"sv": "स्वीडिष",
-"sw": "स्वाहिली",
-"ta": "तमिळ",
-"te": "तेलंगू",
-"tg": "तजिक",
-"th": "थाई",
-"ti": "तिग्रिन्या",
-"tk": "तुर्कमेन",
-"tl": "तगालोग",
-"tn": "सेत्स्वाना",
-"to": "तोंगा",
-"tr": "तुर्किष",
-"ts": "त्सोगा",
-"tt": "टटार",
-"tw": "त्वि",
-"ug": "उधूर",
-"uk": "युक्रेनियन्",
-"ur": "उर्दू",
-"uz": "उज़बेक",
-"vi": "वियत्नामीज़",
-"vo": "ओलापुक",
-"wo": "उलोफ",
-"xh": "क्स्होसा",
-"yi": "इद्दिष",
-"yo": "यूरुबा",
-"za": "झ्हुन्ग",
-"zh": "चिनीस्",
-"zu": "जुलू",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ms",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "BN"},
-{_reference: "MY"},
-name: "Bahasa Melayu",
-"ms": "Bahasa Melayu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "mt",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "MT"},
-name: "Malti",
-"aa": "Afar",
-"ab": "Abkażjan",
-"ae": "Avestan",
-"af": "Afrikans",
-"ak": "Akan",
-"am": "Amħariku",
-"an": "Aragonese",
-"ar": "Għarbi",
-"as": "Assamese",
-"av": "Avarik",
-"ay": "Ajmara",
-"az": "Ażerbajġani",
-"ba": "Baxkir",
-"be": "Belarussu",
-"bg": "Bulgaru",
-"bh": "Biħari",
-"bi": "Bislama",
-"bm": "Bambara",
-"bn": "Bengali",
-"bo": "Tibetjan",
-"br": "Brenton",
-"bs": "Bosnijan",
-"ca": "Katalan",
-"ce": "Ċeċen",
-"ch": "Ċamorro",
-"co": "Korsiku",
-"cr": "Krij",
-"cs": "Ċek",
-"cu": "Slaviku tal-Knisja",
-"cv": "Ċuvax",
-"cy": "Welx",
-"da": "Daniż",
-"de": "Ġermaniż",
-"dv": "Diveħi",
-"dz": "Dżongka",
-"ee": "Ewe",
-"el": "Grieg",
-"en": "Ingliż",
-"eo": "Esperanto",
-"es": "Spanjol",
-"et": "Estonjan",
-"eu": "Bask",
-"fa": "Persjan",
-"ff": "Fulaħ",
-"fi": "Finlandiż",
-"fj": "Fiġi",
-"fo": "Fawriż",
-"fr": "Franċiż",
-"fy": "Friżjan",
-"ga": "Irlandiż",
-"gd": "Galliku Skoċċiż",
-"gl": "Gallegjan",
-"gn": "Gwarani",
-"gu": "Guġarati",
-"gv": "Manks",
-"ha": "Ħawsa",
-"he": "Ebrajk",
-"hi": "Ħindi",
-"ho": "Ħiri Motu",
-"hr": "Kroat",
-"ht": "Haitian",
-"hu": "Ungeriż",
-"hy": "Armenjan",
-"hz": "Ħerero",
-"ia": "Interlingua",
-"id": "Indoneżjan",
-"ie": "Interlingue",
-"ig": "Igbo",
-"ii": "Sichuan Yi",
-"ik": "Inupjak",
-"io": "Ido",
-"is": "Iżlandiż",
-"it": "Taljan",
-"iu": "Inukitut",
-"ja": "Ġappuniż",
-"jv": "Ġavaniż",
-"ka": "Ġorġjan",
-"kg": "Kongo",
-"ki": "Kikuju",
-"kj": "Kuanyama",
-"kk": "Każak",
-"kl": "Kalallisut",
-"km": "Kmer",
-"kn": "Kannada",
-"ko": "Korejan",
-"kr": "Kanuri",
-"ks": "Kaxmiri",
-"ku": "Kurdiż",
-"kv": "Komi",
-"kw": "Korniku",
-"ky": "Kirgiż",
-"la": "Latin",
-"lb": "Letżburgiż",
-"lg": "Ganda",
-"li": "Limburgish",
-"ln": "Lingaljan",
-"lo": "Lao",
-"lt": "Litwanjan",
-"lu": "Luba-Katanga",
-"lv": "Latvjan (Lettix)",
-"mg": "Malagażi",
-"mh": "Marxall",
-"mi": "Maori",
-"mk": "Maċedonjan",
-"ml": "Malajalam",
-"mn": "Mongoljan",
-"mo": "Moldavjan",
-"mr": "Marati",
-"ms": "Malajan",
-"mt": "Malti",
-"my": "Burmiż",
-"na": "Nawuru",
-"nb": "Bokmahal Norveġiż",
-"nd": "Ndebele, ta’ Fuq",
-"ne": "Nepaliż",
-"ng": "Ndonga",
-"nl": "Olandiż",
-"nn": "Ninorsk Norveġiż",
-"no": "Norveġiż",
-"nr": "Ndebele, t’Isfel",
-"nv": "Navaħo",
-"ny": "Ċiċewa; Njanġa",
-"oc": "Provenzal (wara 1500)",
-"oj": "Oġibwa",
-"om": "Oromo (Afan)",
-"or": "Orija",
-"os": "Ossettiku",
-"pa": "Punġabi",
-"pi": "Pali",
-"pl": "Pollakk",
-"ps": "Paxtun",
-"pt": "Portugiż",
-"qu": "Keċwa",
-"rm": "Reto-Romanz",
-"rn": "Rundi",
-"ro": "Rumen",
-"ru": "Russu",
-"rw": "Kinjarwanda",
-"sa": "Sanskrit",
-"sc": "Sardinjan",
-"sd": "Sindi",
-"se": "Sami ta’ Fuq",
-"sg": "Sango",
-"sh": "Serbo-Kroat",
-"si": "Sinħaliż",
-"sk": "Slovakk",
-"sl": "Sloven",
-"sm": "Samojan",
-"sn": "Xona",
-"so": "Somali",
-"sq": "Albaniż",
-"sr": "Serb",
-"ss": "Swati",
-"st": "Soto, t’Isfel",
-"su": "Sundaniż",
-"sv": "Svediż",
-"sw": "Swaħili",
-"ta": "Tamil",
-"te": "Telugu",
-"tg": "Taġik",
-"th": "Tajlandiż",
-"ti": "Tigrinja",
-"tk": "Turkmeni",
-"tl": "Tagalog",
-"tn": "Zwana",
-"to": "Tongan (Gżejjer ta’ Tonga)",
-"tr": "Tork",
-"ts": "Tsonga",
-"tt": "Tatar",
-"tw": "Twi",
-"ty": "Taħitjan",
-"ug": "Wigur",
-"uk": "Ukranjan",
-"ur": "Urdu",
-"uz": "Użbek",
-"ve": "Venda",
-"vi": "Vjetnamiż",
-"vo": "Volapuk",
-"wa": "Walloon",
-"wo": "Wolof",
-"xh": "Ħoża",
-"yi": "Jiddix",
-"yo": "Joruba",
-"za": "Żwang",
-"zh": "Ċiniż",
-"zu": "Żulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "nb",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "NO"},
-name: "bokmål",
-"aa": "afar",
-"ab": "abkhasisk",
-"ae": "avestisk",
-"af": "afrikaans",
-"ak": "akan",
-"am": "amharisk",
-"an": "aragonsk",
-"ar": "arabisk",
-"as": "assamisk",
-"av": "avarisk",
-"ay": "aymara",
-"az": "aserbajdsjansk",
-"ba": "basjkirsk",
-"be": "hviterussisk",
-"bg": "bulgarsk",
-"bh": "bihari",
-"bi": "bislama",
-"bm": "bambara",
-"bn": "bengali",
-"bo": "tibetansk",
-"br": "bretonsk",
-"bs": "bosnisk",
-"ca": "katalansk",
-"ce": "tsjetsjensk",
-"ch": "chamorro",
-"co": "korsikansk",
-"cr": "cree",
-"cs": "tsjekkisk",
-"cu": "kirkeslavisk",
-"cv": "tsjuvansk",
-"cy": "walisisk",
-"da": "dansk",
-"de": "tysk",
-"dv": "divehi",
-"dz": "dzongkha",
-"ee": "ewe",
-"el": "gresk",
-"en": "engelsk",
-"eo": "esperanto",
-"es": "spansk",
-"et": "estisk",
-"eu": "baskisk",
-"fa": "persisk",
-"ff": "fulani",
-"fi": "finsk",
-"fj": "fijiansk",
-"fo": "færøysk",
-"fr": "fransk",
-"ga": "irsk",
-"gd": "skotsk gælisk",
-"gl": "galicisk",
-"gn": "guarani",
-"gu": "gujarati",
-"gv": "manx",
-"ha": "hausa",
-"he": "hebraisk",
-"hi": "hindi",
-"ho": "hiri motu",
-"hr": "kroatisk",
-"ht": "haitisk",
-"hu": "ungarsk",
-"hy": "armensk",
-"hz": "herero",
-"ia": "interlingua",
-"id": "indonesisk",
-"ie": "interlingue",
-"ig": "ibo",
-"ii": "sichuan-yi",
-"ik": "unupiak",
-"io": "ido",
-"is": "islandsk",
-"it": "italiensk",
-"iu": "inuktitut",
-"ja": "japansk",
-"jv": "javanesisk",
-"ka": "georgisk",
-"kg": "kikongo",
-"ki": "kikuyu",
-"kj": "kuanyama",
-"kk": "kasakhisk",
-"km": "khmer",
-"kn": "kannada",
-"ko": "koreansk",
-"kr": "kanuri",
-"ks": "kasjmiri",
-"ku": "kurdisk",
-"kv": "komi",
-"kw": "kornisk",
-"ky": "kirgisisk",
-"la": "latin",
-"lb": "luxemburgsk",
-"lg": "ganda",
-"li": "limburgisk",
-"ln": "lingala",
-"lo": "laotisk",
-"lt": "litauisk",
-"lu": "luba-katanga",
-"lv": "latvisk",
-"mg": "madagassisk",
-"mh": "marshallesisk",
-"mi": "maori",
-"mk": "makedonsk",
-"ml": "malayalam",
-"mn": "mongolsk",
-"mo": "moldavisk",
-"mr": "marathi",
-"ms": "malayisk",
-"mt": "maltesisk",
-"my": "burmesisk",
-"na": "nauru",
-"nb": "bokmål",
-"nd": "nord-ndebele",
-"ne": "nepalsk",
-"ng": "ndonga",
-"nl": "nederlandsk",
-"nn": "nynorsk",
-"no": "norsk",
-"nr": "sør-ndebele",
-"nv": "navajo",
-"ny": "nyanja",
-"oc": "oksitansk (etter 1500)",
-"oj": "ojibwa",
-"om": "oromo",
-"or": "oriya",
-"os": "ossetisk",
-"pa": "panjabi",
-"pi": "pali",
-"pl": "polsk",
-"ps": "pashto",
-"pt": "portugisisk",
-"qu": "quechua",
-"rm": "retoromansk",
-"rn": "rundi",
-"ro": "rumensk",
-"ru": "russisk",
-"rw": "kinjarwanda",
-"sa": "sanskrit",
-"sc": "sardinsk",
-"sd": "sindhi",
-"se": "nordsamisk",
-"sg": "sango",
-"sh": "serbokroatisk",
-"si": "singalesisk",
-"sk": "slovakisk",
-"sl": "slovensk",
-"sm": "samoansk",
-"sn": "shona",
-"sq": "albansk",
-"sr": "serbisk",
-"ss": "swati",
-"st": "sør-sotho",
-"su": "sundanesisk",
-"sv": "svensk",
-"sw": "swahili",
-"ta": "tamil",
-"te": "telugu",
-"tg": "tatsjikisk",
-"th": "thai",
-"ti": "tigrinja",
-"tk": "turkmensk",
-"tl": "tagalog",
-"tn": "tswana",
-"to": "tonga (Tonga-øyene)",
-"tr": "tyrkisk",
-"ts": "tsonga",
-"tt": "tatarisk",
-"tw": "twi",
-"ty": "tahitisk",
-"ug": "uigurisk",
-"uk": "ukrainsk",
-"ur": "urdu",
-"uz": "usbekisk",
-"ve": "venda",
-"vi": "vietnamesisk",
-"vo": "volapyk",
-"wa": "vallonsk",
-"wo": "wolof",
-"xh": "xhosa",
-"yi": "jiddisk",
-"yo": "joruba",
-"za": "zhuang",
-"zh": "kinesisk",
-"zu": "zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ne",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "NP"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "nl",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "BE"},
-{_reference: "NL"},
-name: "Nederlands",
-"aa": "Afar",
-"ab": "Abchazisch",
-"ae": "Avestisch",
-"af": "Afrikaans",
-"ak": "Akan",
-"am": "Amhaars",
-"an": "Aragonees",
-"ar": "Arabisch",
-"as": "Assamees",
-"av": "Avarisch",
-"ay": "Aymara",
-"az": "Azerbeidzjaans",
-"ba": "Basjkiers",
-"be": "Wit-Russisch",
-"bg": "Bulgaars",
-"bh": "Bihari",
-"bi": "Bislama",
-"bm": "Bambara",
-"bn": "Bengalees",
-"bo": "Tibetaans",
-"br": "Bretons",
-"bs": "Bosnisch",
-"ca": "Catalaans",
-"ce": "Chechen",
-"ch": "Chamorro",
-"co": "Corsicaans",
-"cr": "Cree",
-"cs": "Tsjechisch",
-"cu": "Kerkslavisch",
-"cv": "Tsjoevasjisch",
-"cy": "Welsh",
-"da": "Deens",
-"de": "Duits",
-"dv": "Divehi",
-"dz": "Dzongkha",
-"ee": "Ewe",
-"el": "Grieks",
-"en": "Engels",
-"eo": "Esperanto",
-"es": "Spaans",
-"et": "Estlands",
-"eu": "Baskisch",
-"fa": "Perzisch",
-"ff": "Fulah",
-"fi": "Fins",
-"fj": "Fijisch",
-"fo": "Faeröers",
-"fr": "Frans",
-"fy": "Fries",
-"ga": "Iers",
-"gd": "Schots Gaelic",
-"gl": "Galicisch",
-"gn": "Guarani",
-"gu": "Gujarati",
-"gv": "Manx",
-"ha": "Hausa",
-"he": "Hebreeuws",
-"hi": "Hindi",
-"ho": "Hiri Motu",
-"hr": "Kroatisch",
-"ht": "Haïtiaans",
-"hu": "Hongaars",
-"hy": "Armeens",
-"hz": "Herero",
-"ia": "Interlingua",
-"id": "Indonesisch",
-"ie": "Interlingue",
-"ig": "Igbo",
-"ii": "Sichuan Yi",
-"ik": "Inupiaq",
-"io": "Ido",
-"is": "IJslands",
-"it": "Italiaans",
-"iu": "Inuktitut",
-"ja": "Japans",
-"jv": "Javaans",
-"ka": "Georgisch",
-"kg": "Kongo",
-"ki": "Kikuyu",
-"kj": "Kuanyama",
-"kk": "Kazachs",
-"kl": "Kalaallisut",
-"km": "Khmer",
-"kn": "Kannada",
-"ko": "Koreaans",
-"kr": "Kanuri",
-"ks": "Kashmiri",
-"ku": "Koerdisch",
-"kv": "Komi",
-"kw": "Cornish",
-"ky": "Kirgizisch",
-"la": "Latijn",
-"lb": "Luxemburgs",
-"lg": "Ganda",
-"li": "Limburgs",
-"ln": "Lingala",
-"lo": "Lao",
-"lt": "Litouws",
-"lu": "Luba-Katanga",
-"lv": "Letlands",
-"mg": "Malagasisch",
-"mh": "Marshallees",
-"mi": "Maori",
-"mk": "Macedonisch",
-"ml": "Malayalam",
-"mn": "Mongools",
-"mo": "Moldavisch",
-"mr": "Marathi",
-"ms": "Maleis",
-"mt": "Maltees",
-"my": "Birmees",
-"na": "Nauru",
-"nb": "Noors - Bokmål",
-"nd": "Ndebele, noord-",
-"ne": "Nepalees",
-"ng": "Ndonga",
-"nl": "Nederlands",
-"nn": "Noors - Nynorsk",
-"no": "Noors",
-"nr": "Ndebele, zuid-",
-"nv": "Navajo",
-"ny": "Nyanja",
-"oc": "Langue d’Oc (na 1500)",
-"oj": "Ojibwa",
-"om": "Oromo",
-"or": "Oriya",
-"os": "Ossetisch",
-"pa": "Punjabi",
-"pi": "Pali",
-"pl": "Pools",
-"ps": "Pashto",
-"pt": "Portugees",
-"qu": "Quechua",
-"rm": "Retoromaans",
-"rn": "Rundi",
-"ro": "Roemeens",
-"ru": "Russisch",
-"rw": "Kinyarwanda",
-"sa": "Sanskrit",
-"sc": "Sardinisch",
-"sd": "Sindhi",
-"se": "Noord-Samisch",
-"sg": "Sango",
-"sh": "Servokroatisch",
-"si": "Singalees",
-"sk": "Slowaaks",
-"sl": "Sloveens",
-"sm": "Samoaans",
-"sn": "Shona",
-"so": "Somalisch",
-"sq": "Albanees",
-"sr": "Servisch",
-"ss": "Swati",
-"st": "Sotho, zuid",
-"su": "Sundanees",
-"sv": "Zweeds",
-"sw": "Swahili",
-"ta": "Tamil",
-"te": "Teloegoe",
-"tg": "Tadzjik",
-"th": "Thai",
-"ti": "Tigrinya",
-"tk": "Turkmeens",
-"tl": "Tagalog",
-"tn": "Tswana",
-"to": "Tonga (Tonga-eilanden)",
-"tr": "Turks",
-"ts": "Tsonga",
-"tt": "Tataars",
-"tw": "Twi",
-"ty": "Tahitisch",
-"ug": "Uighur",
-"uk": "Oekraïens",
-"ur": "Urdu",
-"uz": "Oezbeeks",
-"ve": "Venda",
-"vi": "Vietnamees",
-"vo": "Volapük",
-"wa": "Wallonisch",
-"wo": "Wolof",
-"xh": "Xhosa",
-"yi": "Jiddisch",
-"yo": "Joruba",
-"za": "Zhuang",
-"zh": "Chinees",
-"zu": "Zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "nn",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "NO"},
-name: "nynorsk",
-"aa": "afar",
-"ab": "abkhasisk",
-"ae": "avestisk",
-"af": "afrikaans",
-"ak": "akan",
-"am": "amharisk",
-"an": "aragonsk",
-"ar": "arabisk",
-"as": "assamisk",
-"av": "avarisk",
-"ay": "aymara",
-"az": "aserbajdsjansk",
-"ba": "basjkirsk",
-"be": "kviterussisk",
-"bg": "bulgarsk",
-"bh": "bihari",
-"bi": "bislama",
-"bm": "bambara",
-"bn": "bengali",
-"bo": "tibetansk",
-"br": "bretonsk",
-"bs": "bosnisk",
-"ca": "katalansk",
-"ce": "tsjetsjensk",
-"ch": "chamorro",
-"co": "korsikansk",
-"cr": "cree",
-"cs": "tsjekkisk",
-"cu": "kyrkjeslavisk",
-"cv": "tsjuvansk",
-"cy": "walisisk",
-"da": "dansk",
-"de": "tysk",
-"dv": "divehi",
-"dz": "dzongkha",
-"ee": "ewe",
-"el": "gresk",
-"en": "engelsk",
-"eo": "esperanto",
-"es": "spansk",
-"et": "estisk",
-"eu": "baskisk",
-"fa": "persisk",
-"ff": "fulani",
-"fi": "finsk",
-"fj": "fijiansk",
-"fo": "færøysk",
-"fr": "fransk",
-"fy": "vestfrisisk",
-"ga": "irsk",
-"gd": "skotsk-gælisk",
-"gl": "galicisk",
-"gn": "guarani",
-"gu": "gujarati",
-"gv": "manx",
-"ha": "hausa",
-"he": "hebraisk",
-"hi": "hindi",
-"ho": "hiri motu",
-"hr": "kroatisk",
-"ht": "haitisk",
-"hu": "ungarsk",
-"hy": "armensk",
-"hz": "herero",
-"ia": "interlingua",
-"id": "indonesisk",
-"ie": "interlingue",
-"ig": "ibo",
-"ii": "sichuan-yi",
-"ik": "inupiak",
-"io": "ido",
-"is": "islandsk",
-"it": "italiensk",
-"iu": "inuktitut",
-"ja": "japansk",
-"jv": "javanesisk",
-"ka": "georgisk",
-"kg": "kikongo",
-"ki": "kikuyu",
-"kj": "kuanyama",
-"kk": "kasakhisk",
-"kl": "kalaallisut; grønlandsk",
-"km": "khmer",
-"kn": "kannada",
-"ko": "koreansk",
-"kr": "kanuri",
-"ks": "kasjmiri",
-"ku": "kurdisk",
-"kv": "komi",
-"kw": "kornisk",
-"ky": "kirgisisk",
-"la": "latin",
-"lb": "luxemburgsk",
-"lg": "ganda",
-"li": "limburgisk",
-"ln": "lingala",
-"lo": "laotisk",
-"lt": "litauisk",
-"lu": "luba-katanga",
-"lv": "latvisk",
-"mg": "madagassisk",
-"mh": "marshallesisk",
-"mi": "maori",
-"mk": "makedonsk",
-"ml": "malayalam",
-"mn": "mongolsk",
-"mo": "moldavisk",
-"mr": "marathi",
-"ms": "malayisk",
-"mt": "maltesisk",
-"my": "burmesisk",
-"na": "nauru",
-"nb": "bokmål",
-"nd": "nord-ndebele",
-"ne": "nepalsk",
-"ng": "ndonga",
-"nl": "nederlandsk",
-"nn": "nynorsk",
-"no": "norsk",
-"nr": "sør-ndebele",
-"nv": "navajo",
-"ny": "nyanja",
-"oc": "oksitansk (etter 1500)",
-"oj": "ojibwa",
-"om": "oromo",
-"or": "oriya",
-"os": "ossetisk",
-"pa": "panjabi",
-"pi": "pali",
-"pl": "polsk",
-"ps": "pashto",
-"pt": "portugisisk",
-"qu": "quechua",
-"rm": "retoromansk",
-"rn": "rundi",
-"ro": "rumensk",
-"ru": "russisk",
-"rw": "kinjarwanda",
-"sa": "sanskrit",
-"sc": "sardinsk",
-"sd": "sindhi",
-"se": "nordsamisk",
-"sg": "sango",
-"si": "singalesisk",
-"sk": "slovakisk",
-"sl": "slovensk",
-"sm": "samoansk",
-"sn": "shona",
-"so": "somali",
-"sq": "albansk",
-"sr": "serbisk",
-"ss": "swati",
-"st": "sørsotho",
-"su": "sundanesisk",
-"sv": "svensk",
-"sw": "swahili",
-"ta": "tamil",
-"te": "telugu",
-"tg": "tatsjikisk",
-"th": "thai",
-"ti": "tigrinja",
-"tk": "turkmensk",
-"tl": "tagalog",
-"tn": "tswana",
-"to": "tonga (Tonga-øyane)",
-"tr": "tyrkisk",
-"ts": "tsonga",
-"tt": "tatarisk",
-"tw": "twi",
-"ty": "tahitisk",
-"ug": "uigurisk",
-"uk": "ukrainsk",
-"ur": "urdu",
-"uz": "usbekisk",
-"ve": "venda",
-"vi": "vietnamesisk",
-"vo": "volapyk",
-"wa": "vallonsk",
-"wo": "wolof",
-"xh": "xhosa",
-"yi": "jiddisk",
-"yo": "joruba",
-"za": "zhuang",
-"zh": "kinesisk",
-"zu": "zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "nr",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ZA"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "ny",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "MW"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "om",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ET"},
-{_reference: "KE"},
-name: "Oromoo",
-"om": "Oromoo",
-{ type: "language", iso: "or",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-name: "ଓଡ଼ିଆ",
-{ type: "language", iso: "pa",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-{_reference: "PK"},
-name: "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ",
-"pa": "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ",
-{ type: "language", iso: "pl",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "PL"},
-name: "polski",
-"ar": "arabski",
-"bg": "bułgarski",
-"bn": "bengalski",
-"ca": "kataloński",
-"cs": "czeski",
-"cy": "walijski",
-"da": "duński",
-"de": "niemiecki",
-"el": "grecki",
-"en": "angielski",
-"es": "hiszpański",
-"et": "estoński",
-"eu": "baskijski",
-"fi": "fiński",
-"fr": "francuski",
-"he": "hebrajski",
-"hi": "hindi",
-"hr": "chorwacki",
-"hu": "węgierski",
-"it": "włoski",
-"ja": "japoński",
-"ko": "koreański",
-"lt": "litewski",
-"lv": "łotewski",
-"mt": "maltański",
-"nl": "niderlandzki",
-"no": "norweski",
-"pl": "polski",
-"pt": "portugalski",
-"ro": "rumuński",
-"ru": "rosyjski",
-"sk": "słowacki",
-"sl": "słoweński",
-"sv": "szwedzki",
-"th": "tajski",
-"tr": "turecki",
-"zh": "chiński",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ps",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "AF"},
-name: "پښتو",
-"ar": "عربي",
-"de": "الماني",
-"el": "یوناني",
-"en": "انګلیسي",
-"et": "حبشي",
-"fa": "فارسي",
-"fi": "فینلنډي",
-"fr": "فرانسوي",
-"he": "عبري",
-"hi": "هندي",
-"hy": "ارمني",
-"it": "ایټالوي",
-"ja": "جاپانی",
-"ku": "کردي",
-"la": "لاتیني",
-"mg": "ملغاسي",
-"mk": "مقدوني",
-"mn": "مغولي",
-"ms": "ملایا",
-"pl": "پولنډي",
-"ps": "پښتو",
-"pt": "پورتګالي",
-"ru": "روسي",
-"sa": "سنسکریټ",
-"sv": "سویډنی",
-"tg": "تاجک",
-"tk": "ترکمني",
-"tt": "تاتار",
-"uz": "ازبکي",
-"zh": "چیني",
-{ type: "language", iso: "pt",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "BR"},
-{_reference: "PT"},
-name: "português",
-"aa": "afar",
-"ab": "abkhazian",
-"ae": "avéstico",
-"af": "africâner",
-"ak": "Akan",
-"am": "amárico",
-"an": "aragonês",
-"ar": "árabe",
-"as": "assamês",
-"av": "avaric",
-"ay": "aimara",
-"az": "azerbaijano",
-"ba": "bashkir",
-"be": "bielo-russo",
-"bg": "búlgaro",
-"bh": "biari",
-"bi": "bislamá",
-"bm": "bambara",
-"bn": "bengali",
-"bo": "tibetano",
-"br": "bretão",
-"bs": "bósnio",
-"ca": "catalão",
-"ce": "chechene",
-"ch": "chamorro",
-"co": "córsico",
-"cr": "cree",
-"cs": "tcheco",
-"cu": "eslavo eclesiástico",
-"cv": "chuvash",
-"cy": "galês",
-"da": "dinamarquês",
-"de": "alemão",
-"dv": "divehi",
-"dz": "dzonga",
-"ee": "eve",
-"el": "grego",
-"en": "inglês",
-"eo": "esperanto",
-"es": "espanhol",
-"et": "estoniano",
-"eu": "basco",
-"fa": "persa",
-"ff": "fula",
-"fi": "finlandês",
-"fj": "fijiano",
-"fo": "feroês",
-"fr": "francês",
-"fy": "frisão",
-"ga": "irlandês",
-"gd": "gaélico escocês",
-"gl": "galego",
-"gn": "guarani",
-"gu": "guzerate",
-"gv": "manx",
-"ha": "hauçá",
-"he": "hebraico",
-"hi": "hindi",
-"ho": "hiri motu",
-"hr": "croata",
-"ht": "haitiano",
-"hu": "húngaro",
-"hy": "armênio",
-"hz": "herero",
-"ia": "interlíngua",
-"id": "indonésio",
-"ie": "interlingue",
-"ig": "ibo",
-"ii": "sichuan yi",
-"ik": "Inupiaq",
-"io": "ido",
-"is": "islandês",
-"it": "italiano",
-"iu": "inuktitut",
-"ja": "japonês",
-"ka": "georgiano",
-"kg": "congolês",
-"ki": "quicuio",
-"kj": "Kuanyama",
-"kk": "cazaque",
-"kl": "groenlandês",
-"km": "cmer",
-"kn": "canarês",
-"ko": "coreano",
-"kr": "canúri",
-"ks": "kashmiri",
-"ku": "curdo",
-"kv": "komi",
-"kw": "córnico",
-"ky": "quirguiz",
-"la": "latim",
-"lb": "luxemburguês",
-"lg": "luganda",
-"li": "limburgish",
-"ln": "lingala",
-"lo": "laosiano",
-"lt": "lituano",
-"lu": "luba-catanga",
-"lv": "letão",
-"mg": "malgaxe",
-"mh": "marshallês",
-"mi": "maori",
-"mk": "macedônio",
-"ml": "malaiala",
-"mn": "mongol",
-"mo": "moldávio",
-"mr": "marata",
-"ms": "malaio",
-"mt": "maltês",
-"my": "birmanês",
-"na": "nauruano",
-"nb": "bokmål norueguês",
-"nd": "ndebele, north",
-"ne": "nepali",
-"ng": "dongo",
-"nl": "holandês",
-"nn": "nynorsk norueguês",
-"no": "norueguês",
-"nr": "ndebele, south",
-"nv": "navajo",
-"ny": "nianja; chicheua; cheua",
-"oc": "occitânico (após 1500); provençal",
-"oj": "ojibwa",
-"om": "oromo",
-"or": "oriya",
-"os": "ossetic",
-"pa": "panjabi",
-"pi": "páli",
-"pl": "polonês",
-"ps": "pashto (pushto)",
-"pt": "português",
-"qu": "quíchua",
-"rm": "rhaeto-romance",
-"rn": "rundi",
-"ro": "romeno",
-"ru": "russo",
-"rw": "kinyarwanda",
-"sa": "sânscrito",
-"sc": "sardo",
-"sd": "sindi",
-"se": "northern sami",
-"sg": "sango",
-"sh": "servo-croata",
-"si": "cingalês",
-"sk": "eslovaco",
-"sl": "eslovênio",
-"so": "somali",
-"sq": "albanês",
-"sr": "sérvio",
-"ss": "swati",
-"st": "soto, do sul",
-"su": "sundanês",
-"sv": "sueco",
-"sw": "suaíli",
-"ta": "tâmil",
-"te": "telugu",
-"tg": "tadjique",
-"th": "tailandês",
-"ti": "tigrínia",
-"tk": "turcomano",
-"tn": "tswana",
-"to": "tonga (ilhas tonga)",
-"tr": "turco",
-"ts": "tsonga",
-"tt": "tatar",
-"tw": "twi",
-"ty": "taitiano",
-"ug": "uighur",
-"uk": "ucraniano",
-"ur": "urdu",
-"uz": "usbeque",
-"ve": "venda",
-"vi": "vietnamita",
-"vo": "volapuque",
-"wa": "walloon",
-"wo": "uolofe",
-"xh": "xosa",
-"yi": "iídiche",
-"yo": "ioruba",
-"za": "zhuang",
-"zh": "chinês",
-"zu": "zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ro",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "RO"},
-name: "Română",
-"ar": "Arabă",
-"bg": "Bulgară",
-"cs": "Cehă",
-"da": "Daneză",
-"de": "Germană",
-"el": "Greacă",
-"en": "Engleză",
-"es": "Spaniolă",
-"et": "Estoniană",
-"fi": "Finlandeză",
-"fr": "Franceză",
-"he": "Ebraică",
-"hr": "Croată",
-"hu": "Maghiară",
-"it": "Italiană",
-"ja": "Japoneză",
-"ko": "Coreeană",
-"lt": "Lituaniană",
-"lv": "Letonă",
-"nl": "Olandeză",
-"no": "Norvegiană",
-"pl": "Poloneză",
-"pt": "Portugheză",
-"ro": "Română",
-"ru": "Rusă",
-"sk": "Slovacă",
-"sl": "Slovenă",
-"sv": "Suedeză",
-"tr": "Turcă",
-"zh": "Chineză",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ru",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "RU"},
-{_reference: "UA"},
-name: "русский",
-"aa": "афар",
-"ab": "абхазский",
-"ae": "авестийский",
-"af": "африкаанс",
-"am": "амхарский",
-"an": "арагонский",
-"ar": "арабский",
-"as": "ассамский",
-"av": "аварский",
-"ay": "аймара",
-"az": "азербайджанский",
-"ba": "башкирский",
-"be": "белорусский",
-"bg": "болгарский",
-"bh": "бихари",
-"bi": "бислама",
-"bm": "бамбарийский",
-"bn": "бенгальский",
-"bo": "тибетский",
-"br": "бретонский",
-"bs": "боснийский",
-"ca": "каталанский",
-"ce": "чеченский",
-"ch": "чаморро",
-"co": "корсиканский",
-"cr": "криийский",
-"cs": "чешский",
-"cu": "церковнославянский",
-"cv": "чувашский",
-"cy": "валлийский",
-"da": "датский",
-"de": "немецкий",
-"dz": "дзонг-кэ",
-"ee": "эве",
-"el": "греческий",
-"en": "английский",
-"eo": "эсперанто",
-"es": "испанский",
-"et": "эстонский",
-"eu": "баскский",
-"fa": "персидский",
-"fi": "финский",
-"fj": "фиджи",
-"fo": "фарерский",
-"fr": "французский",
-"fy": "фризский",
-"ga": "ирландский",
-"gd": "гэльский",
-"gl": "галисийский",
-"gn": "гуарани",
-"gu": "гуджарати",
-"gv": "мэнский",
-"ha": "хауса",
-"he": "иврит",
-"hi": "хинди",
-"hr": "хорватский",
-"ht": "гаитянский",
-"hu": "венгерский",
-"hy": "армянский",
-"hz": "гереро",
-"ia": "интерлингва",
-"id": "индонезийский",
-"ie": "интерлингве",
-"ig": "игбо",
-"ik": "инупиак",
-"is": "исландский",
-"it": "итальянский",
-"iu": "инуктитут",
-"ja": "японский",
-"jv": "яванский",
-"ka": "грузинский",
-"kg": "конго",
-"ki": "кикуйю",
-"kj": "кунама",
-"kk": "казахский",
-"kl": "эскимосский (гренландский)",
-"km": "кхмерский",
-"kn": "каннада",
-"ko": "корейский",
-"kr": "канури",
-"ks": "кашмири",
-"ku": "курдский",
-"kv": "коми",
-"kw": "корнийский",
-"ky": "киргизский",
-"la": "латинский",
-"lb": "люксембургский",
-"lg": "ганда",
-"ln": "лингала",
-"lo": "лаосский",
-"lt": "литовский",
-"lu": "луба-катанга",
-"lv": "латышский",
-"mg": "малагасийский",
-"mh": "маршальский",
-"mi": "маори",
-"mk": "македонский",
-"ml": "малаялам",
-"mn": "монгольский",
-"mo": "молдавский",
-"mr": "маратхи",
-"ms": "малайский",
-"mt": "мальтийский",
-"my": "бирманский",
-"na": "науру",
-"nb": "норвежский",
-"nd": "ндебели (северный)",
-"ne": "непальский",
-"nl": "голландский",
-"nn": "новонорвежский",
-"no": "норвежский",
-"nr": "ндебели (южный)",
-"nv": "навахо",
-"ny": "ньянджа",
-"oc": "окситанский",
-"oj": "оджибва",
-"om": "оромо",
-"or": "ория",
-"os": "осетинский",
-"pa": "панджаби (пенджаби)",
-"pi": "пали",
-"pl": "польский",
-"ps": "пашто (пушту)",
-"pt": "португальский",
-"qu": "кечуа",
-"rm": "ретороманский",
-"rn": "рунди",
-"ro": "румынский",
-"ru": "русский",
-"rw": "киньяруанда",
-"sa": "санскрит",
-"sc": "сардинский",
-"sd": "синдхи",
-"se": "саамский (северный)",
-"sg": "санго",
-"sh": "сербскохорватский",
-"si": "сингальский",
-"sk": "словацкий",
-"sl": "словенский",
-"sm": "самоанский",
-"sn": "шона",
-"so": "сомали",
-"sq": "албанский",
-"sr": "сербский",
-"ss": "свази",
-"st": "сото южный",
-"su": "сунданский",
-"sv": "шведский",
-"sw": "суахили",
-"ta": "тамильский",
-"te": "телугу",
-"tg": "таджикский",
-"th": "тайский",
-"ti": "тигринья",
-"tk": "туркменский",
-"tl": "тагалог",
-"tn": "тсвана",
-"to": "тонга",
-"tr": "турецкий",
-"ts": "тсонга",
-"tt": "татарский",
-"tw": "тви",
-"ty": "таитянский",
-"ug": "уйгурский",
-"uk": "украинский",
-"ur": "урду",
-"uz": "узбекский",
-"ve": "венда",
-"vi": "вьетнамский",
-"vo": "волапюк",
-"wo": "волоф",
-"xh": "ксоза",
-"yi": "идиш",
-"yo": "йоруба",
-"za": "чжуань",
-"zh": "китайский",
-"zu": "зулу",
-{ type: "language", iso: "rw",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "RW"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "sa",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-name: "संस्कृत",
-{ type: "language", iso: "se",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "NO"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "sh",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "BA"},
-{_reference: "CS"},
-{_reference: "YU"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "sk",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "SK"},
-name: "slovenský",
-"ar": "arabský",
-"bg": "bulharský",
-"cs": "český",
-"da": "dánsky",
-"de": "nemecký",
-"el": "grécky",
-"en": "anglický",
-"es": "španielsky",
-"et": "estónsky",
-"fi": "fínsky",
-"fr": "francúzsky",
-"he": "hebrejský",
-"hr": "chorvátsky",
-"hu": "maďarský",
-"it": "taliansky",
-"ja": "japonský",
-"ko": "kórejský",
-"lt": "litovský",
-"lv": "lotyšský",
-"nl": "holandský",
-"no": "nórsky",
-"pl": "poľský",
-"pt": "portugalský",
-"ro": "rumunský",
-"ru": "ruský",
-"sk": "slovenský",
-"sl": "slovinský",
-"sv": "švédsky",
-"tr": "turecký",
-"zh": "čínsky",
-{ type: "language", iso: "sl",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "SI"},
-name: "Slovenščina",
-"ar": "Arabščina",
-"bg": "Bolgarščina",
-"cs": "Češčina",
-"da": "Danščina",
-"de": "Nemščina",
-"el": "Grščina",
-"en": "Angleščina",
-"es": "Španščina",
-"et": "Estonščina",
-"fi": "Finščina",
-"fr": "Francoščina",
-"he": "Hebrejščina",
-"hr": "Hrvaščina",
-"hu": "Madžarščina",
-"it": "Italijanščina",
-"ja": "Japonščina",
-"ko": "Korejščina",
-"lt": "Litovščina",
-"lv": "Letonščina",
-"nl": "Nizozemščina",
-"no": "Norveščina",
-"pl": "Poljščina",
-"pt": "Portugalščina",
-"ro": "Romunščina",
-"ru": "Ruščina",
-"sk": "Slovaščina",
-"sl": "Slovenščina",
-"sv": "Švedščina",
-"tr": "Turščina",
-"zh": "Kitajščina",
-{ type: "language", iso: "so",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "DJ"},
-{_reference: "ET"},
-{_reference: "KE"},
-{_reference: "SO"},
-name: "Soomaali",
-"so": "Soomaali",
-{ type: "language", iso: "sq",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "AL"},
-name: "shqipe",
-"ar": "Arabisht",
-"de": "Gjermanisht",
-"en": "Anglisht",
-"es": "Spanjisht",
-"fr": "Frengjisht",
-"hi": "Hindi",
-"it": "Italisht",
-"ja": "Japanisht",
-"pt": "Portugeze",
-"ru": "Rusisht",
-"sq": "shqipe",
-"zh": "Kineze",
-{ type: "language", iso: "sr",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "BA"},
-{_reference: "CS"},
-{_reference: "YU"},
-name: "Српски",
-"af": "Африканерски",
-"ar": "Арапски",
-"be": "Белоруски",
-"bg": "Бугарски",
-"br": "Бретонски",
-"ca": "Каталонски",
-"co": "Корзикански",
-"cs": "Чешки",
-"da": "Дански",
-"de": "Немачки",
-"el": "Грчки",
-"en": "Енглески",
-"eo": "Есперанто",
-"es": "Шпански",
-"et": "Естонски",
-"eu": "Баскијски",
-"fa": "Персијски",
-"fi": "Фински",
-"fr": "Француски",
-"ga": "Ирски",
-"he": "Хебрејски",
-"hi": "Хинди",
-"hr": "Хрватски",
-"hu": "Мађарски",
-"hy": "Арменски",
-"id": "Индонезијски",
-"is": "Исландски",
-"it": "Италијански",
-"ja": "Јапански",
-"ka": "Грузијски",
-"km": "Кмерски",
-"ko": "Корејски",
-"ku": "Курдски",
-"ky": "Киргиски",
-"la": "Латински",
-"lt": "Литвански",
-"lv": "Летонски",
-"mk": "Македонски",
-"mn": "Монголски",
-"mo": "Молдавски",
-"my": "Бурмански",
-"nl": "Холандски",
-"no": "Норвешки",
-"pl": "Пољски",
-"pt": "Португалски",
-"rm": "Рето-Романски",
-"ro": "Румунски",
-"ru": "Руски",
-"sa": "Санскрит",
-"sh": "Српско-Хрватски",
-"sk": "Словачки",
-"sl": "Словеначки",
-"sq": "Албански",
-"sr": "Српски",
-"sv": "Шведски",
-"sw": "Свахили",
-"tr": "Турски",
-"uk": "Украјински",
-"vi": "Вијетнамски",
-"yi": "Јидиш",
-"zh": "Кинески",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ss",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ZA"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "st",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ZA"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "sv",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "FI"},
-{_reference: "SE"},
-name: "svenska",
-"aa": "afar",
-"ab": "abchasiska",
-"ae": "avestiska",
-"af": "afrikaans",
-"ak": "akan",
-"am": "amhariska",
-"an": "aragonesiska",
-"ar": "arabiska",
-"as": "assamesiska",
-"av": "avariskt språk",
-"ay": "aymara",
-"az": "azerbajdzjanska",
-"ba": "basjkiriska",
-"be": "vitryska",
-"bg": "bulgariska",
-"bh": "bihari",
-"bi": "bislama",
-"bm": "bambara",
-"bn": "bengali",
-"bo": "tibetanska",
-"br": "bretonska",
-"bs": "bosniska",
-"ca": "katalanska",
-"ce": "tjetjenska",
-"ch": "chamorro",
-"co": "korsikanska",
-"cr": "cree",
-"cs": "tjeckiska",
-"cu": "kyrkslaviska",
-"cv": "tjuvasjiska",
-"cy": "walesiska",
-"da": "danska",
-"de": "tyska",
-"dv": "divehi",
-"dz": "bhutanesiska",
-"ee": "ewe",
-"el": "grekiska",
-"en": "engelska",
-"eo": "esperanto",
-"es": "spanska",
-"et": "estniska",
-"eu": "baskiska",
-"fa": "persiska",
-"ff": "fulani",
-"fi": "finska",
-"fj": "fidjianska",
-"fo": "färöiska",
-"fr": "franska",
-"fy": "västfrisiska",
-"gd": "höglandsskotska",
-"gl": "galiciska",
-"gn": "guaraní",
-"gu": "gujarati",
-"gv": "manx",
-"ha": "haussa",
-"he": "hebreiska",
-"hi": "hindi",
-"ho": "hirimotu",
-"hr": "kroatiska",
-"ht": "haitiska",
-"hu": "ungerska",
-"hy": "armeniska",
-"hz": "herero",
-"ia": "interlingua",
-"id": "indonesiska",
-"ie": "interlingue",
-"ig": "ibo",
-"ii": "szezuan i",
-"ik": "inupiak",
-"io": "ido",
-"is": "isländska",
-"it": "italienska",
-"iu": "inuktitut",
-"ja": "japanska",
-"jv": "javanesiska",
-"ka": "georgiska",
-"kg": "kikongo",
-"ki": "kikuyu",
-"kj": "kuanyama",
-"kk": "kazakstanska",
-"kl": "grönländska",
-"km": "kambodjanska; khmeriska",
-"kn": "kanaresiska; kannada",
-"ko": "koreanska",
-"kr": "kanuri",
-"ks": "kashmiriska",
-"ku": "kurdiska",
-"kv": "kome",
-"kw": "korniska",
-"ky": "kirgisiska",
-"la": "latin",
-"lb": "luxemburgiska",
-"lg": "luganda",
-"li": "limburgiska",
-"ln": "lingala",
-"lo": "laotiska",
-"lt": "litauiska",
-"lu": "luba-katanga",
-"lv": "lettiska",
-"mg": "malagassiska",
-"mh": "marshalliska",
-"mi": "maori",
-"mk": "makedonska",
-"ml": "malayalam",
-"mn": "mongoliska",
-"mo": "moldaviska",
-"mr": "marathi",
-"ms": "malajiska",
-"mt": "maltesiska",
-"my": "burmesiska",
-"na": "nauru",
-"nb": "norska (bokmål)",
-"ne": "nepalesiska",
-"ng": "ndonga",
-"nn": "nynorska",
-"no": "norska",
-"nv": "navaho",
-"ny": "nyanja",
-"oc": "provensalska (efter 1500); occitanska",
-"oj": "odjibwa; chippewa",
-"om": "oromo",
-"or": "oriya",
-"os": "ossetiska",
-"pa": "punjabi",
-"pi": "pali",
-"pl": "polska",
-"ps": "pashto; afghanska",
-"pt": "portugisiska",
-"qu": "quechua",
-"rn": "rundi",
-"ro": "rumänska",
-"ru": "ryska",
-"rw": "rwanda; kinjarwanda",
-"sa": "sanskrit",
-"sc": "sardiska",
-"sd": "sindhi",
-"sg": "sango",
-"si": "singalesiska",
-"sk": "slovakiska",
-"sl": "slovenska",
-"sm": "samoanska",
-"sn": "shona; manshona",
-"so": "somaliska",
-"sq": "albanska",
-"sr": "serbiska",
-"ss": "swati",
-"su": "sundanesiska",
-"sv": "svenska",
-"sw": "swahili",
-"ta": "tamil",
-"te": "telugiska",
-"tg": "tadzjikiska",
-"th": "thailändska",
-"ti": "tigrinja",
-"tk": "turkmeniska",
-"tl": "tagalog",
-"tn": "tswana",
-"to": "tonganska",
-"tr": "turkiska",
-"ts": "tsonga",
-"tt": "tatariska",
-"tw": "twi",
-"ty": "tahitiska",
-"ug": "uiguriska",
-"uk": "ukrainska",
-"ur": "urdu",
-"uz": "uzbekiska",
-"ve": "venda",
-"vi": "vietnamesiska",
-"vo": "volapük",
-"wa": "vallonska",
-"wo": "wolof",
-"xh": "xhosa",
-"yi": "jiddisch",
-"yo": "yoruba",
-"za": "zhuang",
-"zh": "kinesiska",
-"zu": "zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "sw",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "KE"},
-{_reference: "TZ"},
-name: "Kiswahili",
-"de": "kijerumani",
-"en": "kiingereza",
-"es": "kihispania",
-"fr": "kifaransa",
-"it": "kiitaliano",
-"ja": "kijapani",
-"pt": "kireno",
-"ru": "kirusi",
-"sw": "Kiswahili",
-"zh": "kichina",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ta",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-name: "தமிழ்",
-"aa": "அபார்",
-"ab": "அப்காஸின்",
-"af": "ஆப்ரிகன்ஸ்",
-"am": "அம்ஹாரிக்",
-"ar": "அரபு",
-"as": "அஸ்ஸாமி",
-"ay": "அயமரா",
-"az": "அசர்பாய்ஜானி",
-"ba": "பாஷ்கிர்0",
-"be": "பைலோருஷ்ன்",
-"bg": "பல்கேரியன்",
-"bh": "பிஹாரி",
-"bi": "பிஸ்லாமா",
-"bn": "வங்காளம்",
-"bo": "திபெத்து",
-"br": "பிரிடன்",
-"ca": "காடலான்",
-"co": "கார்சியன்",
-"cs": "செக்",
-"cy": "வெல்ஷ்",
-"da": "டானிஷ்",
-"de": "ஜெர்மன்",
-"dz": "புடானி",
-"el": "கிரேக்கம்",
-"en": "ஆங்கிலம்",
-"eo": "எஸ்பரேன்டோ",
-"es": "ஸ்பேனிஷ்",
-"et": "எஸ்டோனியன்",
-"eu": "பஸ்க்",
-"fa": "பர்ஸியன்",
-"fi": "பின்னிஷ்",
-"fj": "பிஜி",
-"fo": "பைரோஸி",
-"fr": "பிரெஞ்சு",
-"fy": "பிரிஷியன்",
-"ga": "ஐரிஷ்",
-"gd": "ஸ்காட்ஸ் காலெக்",
-"gl": "கெலிஸியன்",
-"gn": "குரானி",
-"gu": "குஜராத்தி",
-"ha": "ஹொஸா",
-"he": "ஹுப்ரு",
-"hi": "இந்தி",
-"hr": "கரோஷியன்",
-"hu": "ஹங்கேரியன்",
-"hy": "ஆர்மேனியன்",
-"ia": "இன்டர்லிங்குவா [ia]",
-"id": "இந்தோனேஷியன்",
-"ie": "இன்டர்லிங்குவா",
-"ik": "இனுபெக்",
-"is": "ஐஸ்லென்டிக்",
-"it": "இத்தாலியன்",
-"iu": "இனுகிடட்",
-"ja": "ஜப்பானீஸ்",
-"jv": "ஜாவானீஸ்",
-"ka": "கன்னடம்",
-"kk": "கசாக்",
-"kl": "கிரின்லென்டிக்",
-"km": "கம்போடியன்",
-"kn": "கன்னடா",
-"ko": "கொரியன்",
-"ks": "காஷ்மிரி",
-"ku": "குர்திஷ்",
-"ky": "கிர்கிஷ்",
-"la": "லாதின்",
-"ln": "லிங்காலா",
-"lo": "லோத்தியன்",
-"lt": "லுத்தேனியன்",
-"lv": "லேட்வியன் (லேட்டிஷ்)",
-"mg": "மலகெஸி",
-"mi": "மோரி",
-"mk": "மெக்கடோனியன்",
-"ml": "மலையாளம்",
-"mn": "மங்கோலியன்",
-"mo": "மோல்டேவியன்",
-"mr": "மராத்தி",
-"ms": "மலாய்",
-"mt": "மால்டிஸ்",
-"my": "பர்மிஸ்",
-"na": "நாரூ",
-"ne": "நேப்பாலி",
-"nl": "டச்சு",
-"no": "நார்வேகியன்",
-"oc": "ஆகிடியன்",
-"om": "ஒரோம (அபன்)",
-"or": "ஒரியா",
-"pa": "பஞ்சாபி",
-"pl": "போலிஷ்",
-"ps": "பேஷ்டோ (புஷ்டோ)",
-"pt": "போர்த்துகீஸ்",
-"qu": "கியுசா",
-"rm": "ரைட்டோ-ரோமென்ஸ்",
-"rn": "கிருந்தி",
-"ro": "ரோமேனியன்",
-"ru": "ரஷியன்",
-"rw": "கின்யர்வென்டா",
-"sa": "சமஸ்கிருதம்",
-"sd": "சிந்தி",
-"sg": "சென்க்ரோ",
-"sh": "செர்போ-க்ரோஷியன்",
-"si": "சிங்களம்",
-"sk": "ஸ்லோவெக்",
-"sl": "ஸ்லோவினேயின்",
-"sm": "ஸெமோன்",
-"sn": "ஷோனா",
-"so": "சோமாலி",
-"sq": "அல்பெனியன்",
-"sr": "சர்பியன்",
-"ss": "ஷிஸ்வாதி",
-"st": "ஷெஸ்ஸோதோ",
-"su": "சுடானீஸ்",
-"sv": "ஷீவிடிஸ்",
-"sw": "சுவாஹிலி",
-"ta": "தமிழ்",
-"te": "தெலுங்கு",
-"tg": "தாஜிக்",
-"th": "தாய்",
-"ti": "டிக்ரின்யா",
-"tk": "டர்க்மென்",
-"tl": "டாகாலோக்",
-"tn": "ஸெட்ஸ்வானா",
-"to": "டோங்கா",
-"tr": "டர்கிஷ்",
-"ts": "ஸோங்கா",
-"tt": "டாடர்",
-"tw": "த்திவி",
-"ug": "யுகுர்",
-"uk": "உக்ரேனியன்",
-"ur": "உருது",
-"uz": "உஸ்பெக்",
-"vi": "வியட்நாமிஸ்",
-"vo": "ஒலபுக்",
-"wo": "ஒலோப்",
-"xh": "ஹோஷா",
-"yi": "ஈத்திஷ",
-"yo": "யோருப்பா",
-"za": "ஜுவாங்",
-"zh": "சீனம்",
-"zu": "ஜூலூ",
-{ type: "language", iso: "te",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-name: "తెలుగు",
-"ar": "అరబిక్",
-"de": "ఙర్మన్",
-"en": "ఆంగ్లం",
-"es": "స్పానిష్",
-"fr": "ఫ్రెంచ్",
-"hi": "హిందీ",
-"it": "ఇటాలియన్ భాష",
-"ja": "జపాను భాష",
-"pt": "పొర్చుగల్ భాష",
-"ru": "రష్యన్ భాష",
-"te": "తెలుగు",
-"zh": "చైనా భాష",
-{ type: "language", iso: "tg",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "TJ"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "th",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "TH"},
-name: "ไทย",
-"aa": "อาฟา",
-"ab": "แอบกาเซีย",
-"af": "แอฟริกัน",
-"ak": "อาคาน",
-"am": "อัมฮาริค",
-"an": "อาราโกนิส",
-"as": "อัสสัมมิส",
-"av": "อาวาริก",
-"ay": "ไอมารา",
-"az": "อาเซอร์ไบจานี",
-"ba": "บาสช์กีร์",
-"be": "บายโลรัสเซีย",
-"bg": "บัลแกเรีย",
-"bh": "บิฮารี",
-"bi": "บิสลามา",
-"bm": "บามบารา",
-"bo": "ทิเบต",
-"br": "บรีทัน",
-"bs": "บอสเนีย",
-"ca": "แคตาแลน",
-"ce": "เชเชิน",
-"co": "คอร์ซิกา",
-"cr": "ครี",
-"cu": "เชอร์ชสลาวิก",
-"cv": "ชูวาส",
-"cy": "เวลส์",
-"da": "เดนมาร์ก",
-"de": "เยอรมัน",
-"dv": "ดิเวฮิ",
-"dz": "ดซองคา",
-"ee": "อีเว",
-"el": "กรีก",
-"en": "อังกฤษ",
-"eo": "เอสเปอรันโต",
-"es": "สเปน",
-"et": "เอสโตเนีย",
-"eu": "แบสก์",
-"fa": "เปอร์เซีย",
-"ff": "ฟูลาฮ์",
-"fi": "ฟิน",
-"fj": "ฟิจิ",
-"fo": "ฟาโรส",
-"fr": "ฝรั่งเศส",
-"fy": "ฟรีสแลนด์",
-"ga": "ไอริช",
-"gd": "สก็อตส์เกลิค",
-"gl": "กะลีเชีย",
-"gn": "กัวรานี",
-"gu": "กูจาราติ",
-"gv": "มานซ์",
-"ha": "โฮซา",
-"he": "ฮิบรู",
-"hi": "ฮินดี",
-"ho": "ฮิริโมทุ",
-"hr": "โครเอเทีย",
-"ht": "ไฮเทียน",
-"hu": "ฮังการี",
-"hy": "อาร์มีเนีย",
-"hz": "เฮียร์โร",
-"id": "อินโดนีเชีย",
-"ie": "อินเตอร์ลิงค์",
-"ig": "อิกโบ",
-"ii": "สิชวนยิ",
-"ik": "ไอนูเปียก",
-"io": "อิโด",
-"is": "ไอซ์แลนด์ดิค",
-"it": "อิตาลี",
-"iu": "ไอนุกติตัท",
-"ja": "ญี่ปุ่น",
-"jv": "ชวา",
-"ka": "จอร์เจียน",
-"kg": "คองโก",
-"ki": "กิกุยุ",
-"kj": "กวนยามา",
-"kk": "คาซัค",
-"kl": "กรีนแลนด์ดิค",
-"km": "เขมร",
-"kn": "กานาดา",
-"ko": "เกาหลี",
-"kr": "กานุริ",
-"ks": "คัชมีรี",
-"ku": "เคิด",
-"kv": "โกมิ",
-"kw": "คอร์นิส",
-"ky": "เคอร์กิซ",
-"la": "ละติน",
-"lb": "ลักเซมเบิร์ก",
-"lg": "กานดา",
-"li": "ลิมเบิร์ก",
-"ln": "ลิงกาลา",
-"lo": "ลาว",
-"lt": "ลิธัวเนีย",
-"lu": "ลูกา-กาทันกา",
-"lv": "แลตเวีย (เลททิสช์)",
-"mg": "มาลากาซี",
-"mh": "มาร์แชลลิส",
-"mi": "เมารี",
-"mk": "แมซีโดเนีย",
-"ml": "มาลายาลัม",
-"mn": "มองโกล",
-"mo": "โมดาเวีย",
-"mr": "มาราที",
-"ms": "มลายู",
-"mt": "มอลตา",
-"my": "พม่า",
-"na": "นอรู",
-"nb": "นอร์เวย์บอกมอล",
-"nd": "เอ็นเดเบเลเหนือ",
-"ne": "เนปาล",
-"ng": "ดองกา",
-"nl": "ฮอลันดา",
-"nn": "นอร์เวย์ไนนอรส์ก",
-"no": "นอร์เวย์",
-"nv": "นาวาโจ",
-"ny": "เนียนจา; ชิเชวา; เชวา",
-"oc": "ออกซิทัน",
-"oj": "โอจิบวา",
-"om": "โอโรโม (อาฟาน)",
-"or": "โอริยา",
-"os": "ออสเซทิก",
-"pa": "ปัญจาป",
-"pi": "บาลี",
-"pl": "โปแลนด์",
-"ps": "พาสช์โต (พุสช์โต)",
-"pt": "โปรตุเกส",
-"qu": "คิวชัว",
-"rm": "เรโต-โรแมนซ์",
-"rn": "คิรันดี",
-"ro": "โรมัน",
-"ru": "รัสเซีย",
-"rw": "คินยาวันดา",
-"sa": "สันสกฤต",
-"sc": "ซาร์ดิเนียน",
-"sd": "ซินดิ",
-"se": "ซามิเหนือ",
-"sg": "สันโค",
-"sh": "เซอร์โบ-โครเอเทียน",
-"si": "สิงหล",
-"sk": "สโลวัค",
-"sl": "สโลเวเนีย",
-"sm": "ซามัว",
-"sn": "โซนา",
-"so": "โซมาลี",
-"sq": "แอลเบเนีย",
-"sr": "เซอร์เบีย",
-"ss": "ซีสวาติ",
-"st": "เซโสโท",
-"su": "ซันดานีส",
-"sv": "สวีเดน",
-"sw": "ซวาฮิรี",
-"ta": "ทมิฬ",
-"te": "ทิลูกู",
-"tg": "ทาจิค",
-"th": "ไทย",
-"ti": "ทิกรินยา",
-"tk": "เติร์กเมน",
-"tl": "ตากาล็อก",
-"tn": "เซตสวานา",
-"to": "ทองก้า",
-"tr": "ตุรกี",
-"ts": "ซองกา",
-"tt": "ตาด",
-"tw": "ทวี",
-"ty": "ทาฮิเทียน",
-"ug": "อุยกัว",
-"uk": "ยูเครน",
-"ur": "อิรดู",
-"uz": "อุสเบค",
-"ve": "เวนดา",
-"vi": "เวียดนาม",
-"vo": "โวลาพุก",
-"wa": "วอลลูน",
-"wo": "วูลอฟ",
-"xh": "โซสา",
-"yi": "ยีดิช",
-"yo": "โยรูบา",
-"za": "จวง",
-"zh": "จีน",
-"zu": "ซูลู",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ti",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ER"},
-{_reference: "ET"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "tn",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ZA"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "tr",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "TR"},
-name: "Türkçe",
-"aa": "Afar",
-"ab": "Abazca",
-"af": "Afrikaan Dili",
-"am": "Amharik",
-"ar": "Arapça",
-"av": "Avar Dili",
-"ay": "Aymara",
-"az": "Azerice",
-"ba": "Başkırt Dili",
-"be": "Beyaz Rusça",
-"bg": "Bulgarca",
-"bh": "Bihari",
-"bi": "Bislama",
-"bn": "Bengal Dili",
-"bo": "Tibetçe",
-"br": "Breton Dili",
-"bs": "Bosna Dili",
-"ca": "Katalan Dili",
-"ce": "Çeçence",
-"co": "Korsika Dili",
-"cs": "Çekçe",
-"cu": "Kilise Slavcası",
-"cv": "Çuvaş",
-"cy": "Gal Dili",
-"da": "Danca",
-"de": "Almanca",
-"dz": "Bhutan Dili",
-"ee": "Ewe",
-"el": "Yunanca",
-"en": "İngilizce",
-"eo": "Esperanto",
-"es": "İspanyolca",
-"et": "Estonya Dili",
-"eu": "Bask Dili",
-"fa": "Farsça",
-"fi": "Fince",
-"fj": "Fiji Dili",
-"fo": "Faroe Dili",
-"fr": "Fransızca",
-"fy": "Frizye Dili",
-"ga": "İrlanda Dili",
-"gd": "İskoç Gal Dili",
-"gl": "Galiçya Dili",
-"gn": "Guarani",
-"gu": "Gujarati",
-"ha": "Hausa",
-"he": "İbranice",
-"hi": "Hint Dili",
-"hr": "Hırvatça",
-"ht": "Haiti Dili",
-"hu": "Macarca",
-"hy": "Ermenice",
-"ia": "Interlingua",
-"id": "Endonezya Dili",
-"ie": "Interlingue",
-"ik": "Inupiak",
-"io": "Ido",
-"is": "İzlandaca",
-"it": "İtalyanca",
-"iu": "Inuktitut",
-"ja": "Japonca",
-"jv": "Java Dili",
-"ka": "Gürcüce",
-"kk": "Kazak Dili",
-"kl": "Grönland Dili",
-"km": "Kamboçya Dili",
-"kn": "Kannada",
-"ko": "Korece",
-"ks": "Keşmirce",
-"ku": "Kürtçe",
-"ky": "Kırgızca",
-"la": "Latince",
-"lb": "Lüksemburg Dili",
-"ln": "Lingala",
-"lo": "Laos Dili",
-"lt": "Litvanya Dili",
-"lv": "Letonya Dili",
-"mg": "Malaga Dili",
-"mh": "Marshall Adaları Dili",
-"mi": "Maori",
-"mk": "Makedonca",
-"ml": "Malayalam",
-"mn": "Moğol Dili",
-"mo": "Moldavya Dili",
-"mr": "Marathi",
-"ms": "Malay",
-"mt": "Malta Dili",
-"my": "Birmanya Dili",
-"na": "Nauru",
-"nb": "Norveç Kitap Dili",
-"nd": "Kuzey Ndebele",
-"ne": "Nepal Dili",
-"nl": "Hollanda Dili",
-"nn": "Norveççe Nynorsk",
-"no": "Norveççe",
-"nr": "Güney Ndebele",
-"oc": "Occitan (1500 sonrası); Provençal",
-"oj": "Ojibwa",
-"om": "Oromo (Afan)",
-"or": "Oriya",
-"os": "Oset",
-"pa": "Pencap Dili",
-"pl": "Polonya Dili",
-"ps": "Peştun Dili",
-"pt": "Portekizce",
-"qu": "Quechua",
-"rm": "Rhaeto-Roman Dili",
-"rn": "Kirundi",
-"ro": "Romence",
-"ru": "Rusça",
-"rw": "Kinyarwanda",
-"sa": "Sanskritçe",
-"sc": "Sardunya Dili",
-"sd": "Sindhi",
-"se": "Kuzey Sami",
-"sg": "Sangho",
-"sh": "Sırp-Hırvat Dili",
-"si": "Sinhal Dili",
-"sk": "Slovakça",
-"sl": "Slovence",
-"sm": "Samoa Dili",
-"sn": "Shona",
-"so": "Somali Dili",
-"sq": "Arnavutça",
-"sr": "Sırpça",
-"ss": "Siswati",
-"st": "Sesotho",
-"su": "Sudan Dili",
-"sv": "İsveççe",
-"sw": "Swahili",
-"ta": "Tamil",
-"te": "Telugu",
-"tg": "Tacik Dili",
-"th": "Tay Dili",
-"ti": "Tigrinya",
-"tk": "Türkmence",
-"tl": "Tagalog",
-"tn": "Setswana",
-"to": "Tonga (Tonga Adaları)",
-"tr": "Türkçe",
-"ts": "Tsonga",
-"tt": "Tatarca",
-"tw": "Twi",
-"ty": "Tahiti Dili",
-"ug": "Uygurca",
-"uk": "Ukraynaca",
-"ur": "Urduca",
-"uz": "Özbekçe",
-"vi": "Vietnam Dili",
-"vo": "Volapuk",
-"wo": "Wolof",
-"xh": "Xhosa",
-"yi": "Yiddiş",
-"yo": "Yoruba",
-"za": "Zhuang",
-"zh": "Çince",
-"zu": "Zulu",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ts",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ZA"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "tt",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "RU"},
-name: "Татар",
-{ type: "language", iso: "uk",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "UA"},
-name: "Українська",
-"aa": "Афарська",
-"ab": "Абхазька",
-"af": "Африканс",
-"am": "Амхарік",
-"ar": "Арабська",
-"as": "Ассамська",
-"ay": "Аймара",
-"az": "Азербайджанська",
-"ba": "Башкирська",
-"be": "Білоруська",
-"bg": "Болгарська",
-"bh": "Біхарійська",
-"bi": "Бісламійська",
-"bn": "Бенгальська",
-"bo": "Тибетська",
-"br": "Бретонська",
-"ca": "Каталонська",
-"co": "Корсиканська",
-"cs": "Чеська",
-"cy": "Валлійська",
-"da": "Датська",
-"de": "Німецька",
-"dz": "Дзонг-ке",
-"el": "Грецька",
-"en": "Англійська",
-"eo": "Есперанто",
-"es": "Іспанська",
-"et": "Естонська",
-"eu": "Басків",
-"fa": "Перська",
-"fi": "Фінська",
-"fj": "Фіджі",
-"fo": "Фарерська",
-"fr": "Французька",
-"fy": "Фризька",
-"ga": "Ірландська",
-"gd": "Гаельська",
-"gl": "Галісійська",
-"gn": "Гуарані",
-"gu": "Гуяраті",
-"ha": "Хауса",
-"he": "Іврит",
-"hi": "Гінді",
-"hr": "Хорватська",
-"hu": "Угорська",
-"hy": "Вірменська",
-"ia": "Інтерлінгва",
-"id": "Індонезійська",
-"ie": "Інтерлінгве",
-"ik": "Інупіак",
-"is": "Ісландська",
-"it": "Італійська",
-"ja": "Японська",
-"jv": "Яванська",
-"ka": "Грузинська",
-"kk": "Казахська",
-"kl": "Калааллісут",
-"km": "Кхмерська",
-"kn": "Каннада",
-"ko": "Корейська",
-"ks": "Кашмірська",
-"ku": "Курдська",
-"ky": "Киргизька",
-"la": "Латинська",
-"ln": "Лінгала",
-"lo": "Лаоська",
-"lt": "Литовська",
-"lv": "Латвійська",
-"mg": "Малагасійська",
-"mi": "Маорі",
-"mk": "Македонська",
-"ml": "Малайялам",
-"mn": "Монгольська",
-"mo": "Молдавська",
-"mr": "Маратхі",
-"ms": "Малайська",
-"mt": "Мальтійська",
-"my": "Бірманська",
-"na": "Науру",
-"ne": "Непальська",
-"nl": "Голландська",
-"no": "Норвезька",
-"oc": "Окитан",
-"om": "Оромо",
-"or": "Орія",
-"pa": "Панджабі",
-"pl": "Польська",
-"ps": "Пашто",
-"pt": "Португальська",
-"qu": "Кечуа",
-"rm": "Ретророманські діалекти",
-"rn": "Кірундійська",
-"ro": "Румунська",
-"ru": "Російська",
-"rw": "Кінаруанда",
-"sa": "Санскрит",
-"sd": "Сіндтхі",
-"sg": "Сангро",
-"sh": "Сербсько-хорватська",
-"si": "Сингальська",
-"sk": "Словацька",
-"sl": "Словенська",
-"sm": "Самоанська",
-"sn": "Шона",
-"so": "Сомалі",
-"sq": "Албанська",
-"sr": "Сербська",
-"ss": "Сісваті",
-"st": "Сото, південний діалект",
-"su": "Суданська",
-"sv": "Шведська",
-"sw": "Суахілі",
-"ta": "Тамільська",
-"te": "Телугу",
-"tg": "Таджицька",
-"th": "Тайська",
-"ti": "Тигріні",
-"tk": "Туркменська",
-"tl": "Тагальська",
-"tn": "Сетсванська",
-"to": "Тонга (острови Тонга)",
-"tr": "Турецька",
-"ts": "Тсонго",
-"tt": "Татарська",
-"tw": "Тві",
-"ug": "Уйгурська",
-"uk": "Українська",
-"ur": "Урду",
-"uz": "Узбецька",
-"vi": "Вʼєтнамська",
-"vo": "Волапак",
-"wo": "Волоф",
-"xh": "Кхоса",
-"yi": "Ідиш",
-"yo": "Йоруба",
-"za": "Зуанг",
-"zh": "Китайська",
-"zu": "Зулуська",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ur",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "IN"},
-{_reference: "PK"},
-name: "اردو",
-"ur": "اردو",
-{ type: "language", iso: "uz",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "AF"},
-{_reference: "UZ"},
-name: "Ўзбек",
-{ type: "language", iso: "ve",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ZA"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "vi",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "VN"},
-name: "Tiếng Việt",
-"ar": "Tiếng A-rập",
-"az": "Tiếng Ai-déc-bai-gian",
-"be": "Tiếng Bê-la-rút",
-"bg": "Tiếng Bun-ga-ri",
-"bo": "Tiếng Tây Tạng",
-"ca": "Tiếng Ca-ta-lăng",
-"cs": "Tiếng Séc",
-"da": "Tiếng Đan Mạch",
-"de": "Tiếng Đức",
-"el": "Tiếng Hy Lạp",
-"en": "Tiếng Anh",
-"eo": "Tiếng Quốc Tế Ngữ",
-"es": "Tiếng Tây Ban Nha",
-"et": "Tiếng E-xtô-ni-a",
-"fa": "Tiếng Ba Tư",
-"fi": "Tiếng Phần Lan",
-"fr": "Tiếng Pháp",
-"ga": "Tiếng Ai-len",
-"he": "Tiếng Hê-brơ",
-"hi": "Tiếng Hin-đi",
-"hr": "Tiếng Crô-a-ti-a",
-"hu": "Tiếng Hung-ga-ri",
-"hy": "Tiếng Ác-mê-ni",
-"ia": "Tiếng Khoa Học Quốc Tế",
-"id": "Tiếng In-đô-nê-xia",
-"is": "Tiếng Ai-xơ-len",
-"it": "Tiếng Ý",
-"ja": "Tiếng Nhật",
-"jv": "Tiếng Gia-va",
-"km": "Tiếng Campuchia",
-"kn": "Tiếng Kan-na-đa",
-"ko": "Tiếng Hàn Quốc",
-"la": "Tiếng La-tinh",
-"lo": "Tiếng Lào",
-"lt": "Tiếng Lít-va",
-"lv": "Tiếng Lát-vi-a",
-"mk": "Tiếng Ma-xê-đô-ni-a",
-"mn": "Tiếng Mông Cổ",
-"ms": "Tiếng Ma-lay-xi-a",
-"ne": "Tiếng Nê-pan",
-"nl": "Tiếng Hà Lan",
-"no": "Tiếng Na Uy",
-"pl": "Tiếng Ba Lan",
-"pt": "Tiếng Bồ Đào Nha",
-"ro": "Tiếng Ru-ma-ni",
-"ru": "Tiếng Nga",
-"sa": "Tiếng Phạn",
-"sk": "Tiếng Xlô-vác",
-"sl": "Tiếng Xlô-ven",
-"so": "Tiếng Xô-ma-li",
-"sq": "Tiếng An-ba-ni",
-"sr": "Tiếng Séc-bi",
-"sv": "Tiếng Thụy Điển",
-"th": "Tiếng Thái",
-"tr": "Tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ",
-"uk": "Tiếng U-crai-na",
-"uz": "Tiếng U-dơ-bếch",
-"vi": "Tiếng Việt",
-"yi": "Tiếng Y-đit",
-"zh": "Tiếng Trung Quốc",
-{ type: "language", iso: "xh",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ZA"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "yo",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "NG"},
-{ type: "language", iso: "zh",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "CN"},
-{_reference: "HK"},
-{_reference: "MO"},
-{_reference: "SG"},
-{_reference: "TW"},
-name: "中文",
-"aa": "阿法文",
-"ab": "阿布哈西亚文",
-"ae": "阿维斯塔文",
-"af": "南非荷兰文",
-"ak": "阿肯文",
-"am": "阿姆哈拉文",
-"ar": "阿拉伯文",
-"as": "阿萨姆文",
-"av": "阿瓦尔文",
-"ay": "艾马拉文",
-"az": "阿塞拜疆文",
-"ba": "巴什客尔文",
-"be": "白俄罗斯文",
-"bg": "保加利亚文",
-"bh": "比哈尔文",
-"bi": "比斯拉马文",
-"bm": "班巴拉文",
-"bn": "孟加拉文",
-"bo": "西藏文",
-"br": "布里多尼文",
-"bs": "波斯尼亚文",
-"ca": "加泰罗尼亚文",
-"ce": "车臣文",
-"ch": "查莫罗文",
-"co": "科西嘉文",
-"cr": "克里族文",
-"cs": "捷克文",
-"cu": "宗教斯拉夫文",
-"cv": "楚瓦什文",
-"cy": "威尔士文",
-"da": "丹麦文",
-"de": "德文",
-"dv": "迪维希文",
-"dz": "不丹文",
-"ee": "幽文",
-"el": "希腊文",
-"en": "英文",
-"eo": "世界文",
-"es": "西班牙文",
-"et": "爱沙尼亚文",
-"eu": "巴斯克文",
-"fa": "波斯文",
-"ff": "夫拉文",
-"fi": "芬兰文",
-"fj": "斐济文",
-"fo": "法罗文",
-"fr": "法文",
-"fy": "弗里斯兰文",
-"ga": "爱尔兰文",
-"gd": "苏格兰- 盖尔文",
-"gl": "加利西亚文",
-"gn": "瓜拉尼文",
-"gu": "古加拉提文",
-"gv": "马恩岛文",
-"ha": "豪撒文",
-"he": "希伯来文",
-"hi": "印地文",
-"ho": "新里木托文",
-"hr": "克罗地亚文",
-"hu": "匈牙利文",
-"hy": "亚美尼亚文",
-"hz": "赫雷罗文",
-"ia": "拉丁国际文 Interlingua",
-"id": "印度尼西亚文",
-"ie": "拉丁国际文 Interlingue",
-"ig": "伊格博文",
-"ii": "四川话",
-"ik": "依奴皮维克文",
-"io": "爱德莪文(人工语言)",
-"is": "冰岛文",
-"it": "意大利文",
-"iu": "爱斯基摩文",
-"ja": "日文",
-"jv": "爪哇文",
-"ka": "格鲁吉亚文",
-"kg": "刚果文",
-"ki": "吉库尤文",
-"kj": "关琊玛文",
-"kk": "哈萨克文",
-"kl": "格陵兰文",
-"km": "柬埔寨文",
-"kn": "埃纳德文",
-"ko": "韩文",
-"kr": "卡努里文",
-"ks": "克什米尔文",
-"ku": "库尔德文",
-"kv": "科米文",
-"kw": "凯尔特文",
-"ky": "吉尔吉斯文",
-"la": "拉丁文",
-"lb": "卢森堡文",
-"lg": "卢干达文",
-"li": "淋布尔吉文",
-"ln": "林加拉文",
-"lo": "老挝文",
-"lt": "立陶宛文",
-"lu": "鲁巴加丹加文",
-"lv": "拉脫維亞文",
-"mg": "马尔加什文",
-"mh": "马绍尔文",
-"mi": "毛利文",
-"mk": "马其顿文",
-"ml": "马来亚拉姆文",
-"mn": "蒙古文",
-"mo": "摩尔多瓦文",
-"mr": "马拉地文",
-"ms": "马来文",
-"mt": "马耳他文",
-"my": "缅甸文",
-"na": "瑙鲁文",
-"nb": "挪威博克马尔文",
-"nd": "北恩德贝勒文",
-"ne": "尼泊尔文",
-"ng": "恩东加文",
-"nl": "荷兰文",
-"nn": "挪威尼诺斯克文",
-"no": "挪威文",
-"nr": "南部恩德贝勒文",
-"nv": "纳瓦霍文",
-"ny": "尼昂加文;切瓦文;切瓦文",
-"oc": "奥西坦文",
-"oj": "奥季布瓦文",
-"om": "阿曼文",
-"or": "欧里亚文",
-"os": "奥塞提文",
-"pa": "旁遮普文",
-"pi": "帕利文",
-"pl": "波兰文",
-"ps": "普什图文",
-"pt": "葡萄牙文",
-"qu": "盖丘亚文",
-"rm": "里托罗曼斯文",
-"rn": "基隆迪文",
-"ro": "罗马尼亚文",
-"ru": "俄文",
-"rw": "卢旺达文",
-"sa": "梵文",
-"sc": "萨丁文",
-"sd": "信德语",
-"se": "北萨迷文",
-"sg": "桑戈文",
-"sh": "塞波尼斯-克罗地亚文",
-"si": "僧伽罗文",
-"sk": "斯洛伐克文",
-"sl": "斯洛文尼亚文",
-"sm": "萨摩亚文",
-"sn": "塞内加尔文",
-"so": "索马里文",
-"sq": "阿尔巴尼亚文",
-"sr": "塞尔维亚文",
-"ss": "辛辛那提文",
-"st": "塞索托文",
-"su": "巽他语",
-"sv": "瑞典文",
-"sw": "斯瓦希里文",
-"ta": "泰米尔文",
-"te": "泰卢固文",
-"tg": "塔吉克文",
-"th": "泰文",
-"ti": "提格里尼亚文",
-"tk": "土库曼文",
-"tl": "塔加路族文",
-"tn": "突尼斯文",
-"to": "汤加文",
-"tr": "土耳其文",
-"ts": "特松加文",
-"tt": "鞑靼文",
-"tw": "台湾文",
-"ty": "塔西提文",
-"ug": "维吾尔文",
-"uk": "乌克兰文",
-"ur": "乌尔都文",
-"uz": "乌兹别克文",
-"ve": "文达文",
-"vi": "越南文",
-"vo": "沃拉普克文",
-"wa": "華隆文",
-"wo": "沃尔夫文",
-"xh": "科萨语",
-"yi": "依地文",
-"yo": "约鲁巴文",
-"za": "藏文",
-"zh": "中文",
-"zu": "祖鲁文",
-{ type: "language", iso: "zu",
-countries: [
-{_reference: "ZA"},
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/languages.sh b/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/languages.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d353ee..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/languages.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-echo "["
-for lang in $(ls [a-z][a-z].xml |sed s/.xml//)
- echo '{ type: "language", iso: "'${lang}'",'
- # countries that use this language
- echo 'countries: ['
- ls ${lang}_[A-Z][A-Z].xml | sed -e 's/^.*_/{_reference: "/' -e 's/.xml/"},/'
- echo '],'
- # name of this language (in this language)
- grep '<language type="'${lang}'"[ >]' ${lang}.xml |head -1 |sed -e 's/.*<language type=".."[^>]*>/name: "/' -e 's/<\/language>/",/'
- # names of other langauges (in this language)
- grep '<language type="..">' ${lang}.xml |sed -e 's/.*<language type=//' -e 's/<\/language>/",/' -e 's/>/: "/' -e 's/-->//'
- echo '},'
-echo "]"
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/sprite.html b/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/sprite.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c34ef3e..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/i18n/sprite.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2319 +0,0 @@
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- function generate(){
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- filter(function(row){ return dojo.query("img", row).length; } ).
- map(function(row){
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- a = dojo.query("td:nth-child(1) a:nth-child(2)", row)[0],
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- var country = {
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- " background-position: " + -1*style.l + "px " + -1*style.t + "px;",
- " width: " + img.width + "px;",
- " height: " + img.height + "px;",
- "}"].join("\n") + "\n";
- });
- css.value = ".countryIcon {\n\tbackground-image: url('flags.png');\n}\n\n" + val;
- }
- </script>
-<h1>Flag Sprite/CSS Generator</h1>
-<button onclick="generate();">generate</button>
-<div style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 10px;">
- <div style="position:relative" id="sprite"></div>
-<textarea id="css" cols=100 rows=20>push generate to fill in</textarea>
-<h1>Country names, flags, and ISO code</h1>
-<p>data taken from <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1">wikipedia ISO 3166-1 site</a></p>
-<table id="source" style="height: 300px; overflow: auto;">
-<th width="300">Official country names used by the ISO 3166/MA</th>
-<th><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-1_numeric" title="ISO 3166-1 numeric">Numeric</a></th>
-<th><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-3" title="ISO 3166-1 alpha-3">Alpha-3</a></th>
-<th><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2" title="ISO 3166-1 alpha-2">Alpha-2</a></th>
-<th>Local ISO codes</th>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Afghanistan"><img alt="Flag of Afghanistan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg/22px-Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Afghanistan" title="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</a></td>
-<td id="AF">AF</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AF" title="ISO 3166-2:AF">ISO 3166-2:AF</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Aaland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Åland"><img alt="Flag of Åland" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Aaland.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/40/Flag_of_Aaland.svg/22px-Flag_of_Aaland.svg.png" height="14" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/%C3%85land" title="Åland">Åland Islands</a></td>
-<td id="AX">AX</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:AX&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:AX">ISO 3166-2:AX</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Albania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Albania"><img alt="Flag of Albania" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Albania.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/36/Flag_of_Albania.svg/22px-Flag_of_Albania.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Albania" title="Albania">Albania</a></td>
-<td id="AL">AL</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AL" title="ISO 3166-2:AL">ISO 3166-2:AL</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Algeria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Algeria"><img alt="Flag of Algeria" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Algeria.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/77/Flag_of_Algeria.svg/22px-Flag_of_Algeria.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Algeria" title="Algeria">Algeria</a></td>
-<td id="DZ">DZ</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:DZ" title="ISO 3166-2:DZ">ISO 3166-2:DZ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_American_Samoa.svg" class="image" title="Flag of American Samoa"><img alt="Flag of American Samoa" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_American_Samoa.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/87/Flag_of_American_Samoa.svg/22px-Flag_of_American_Samoa.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/American_Samoa" title="American Samoa">American Samoa</a></td>
-<td id="AS">AS</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:AS&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:AS">ISO 3166-2:AS</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Andorra.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Andorra"><img alt="Flag of Andorra" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Andorra.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/19/Flag_of_Andorra.svg/22px-Flag_of_Andorra.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Andorra" title="Andorra">Andorra</a></td>
-<td id="AD">AD</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AD" title="ISO 3166-2:AD">ISO 3166-2:AD</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Angola.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Angola"><img alt="Flag of Angola" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Angola.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/Flag_of_Angola.svg/22px-Flag_of_Angola.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Angola" title="Angola">Angola</a></td>
-<td id="AO">AO</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AO" title="ISO 3166-2:AO">ISO 3166-2:AO</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Anguilla.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Anguilla"><img alt="Flag of Anguilla" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Anguilla.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Flag_of_Anguilla.svg/22px-Flag_of_Anguilla.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Anguilla" title="Anguilla">Anguilla</a></td>
-<td id="AI">AI</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:AI&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:AI">ISO 3166-2:AI</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Antarctica.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Antarctica"><img alt="Flag of Antarctica" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Antarctica.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fa/Flag_of_Antarctica.svg/22px-Flag_of_Antarctica.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Antarctica" title="Antarctica">Antarctica</a></td>
-<td id="AQ">AQ</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:AQ&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:AQ">ISO 3166-2:AQ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Antigua and Barbuda"><img alt="Flag of Antigua and Barbuda" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/89/Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg/22px-Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Antigua_and_Barbuda" title="Antigua and Barbuda">Antigua and Barbuda</a></td>
-<td id="AG">AG</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AG" title="ISO 3166-2:AG">ISO 3166-2:AG</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Argentina.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Argentina"><img alt="Flag of Argentina" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Argentina.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Flag_of_Argentina.svg/22px-Flag_of_Argentina.svg.png" height="14" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Argentina" title="Argentina">Argentina</a></td>
-<td id="AR">AR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AR" title="ISO 3166-2:AR">ISO 3166-2:AR</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Armenia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Armenia"><img alt="Flag of Armenia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Armenia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2f/Flag_of_Armenia.svg/22px-Flag_of_Armenia.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Armenia" title="Armenia">Armenia</a></td>
-<td id="AM">AM</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:AM&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:AM">ISO 3166-2:AM</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Aruba.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Aruba"><img alt="Flag of Aruba" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Aruba.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/Flag_of_Aruba.svg/22px-Flag_of_Aruba.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Aruba" title="Aruba">Aruba</a></td>
-<td id="AW">AW</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:AW&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:AW">ISO 3166-2:AW</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Australia"><img alt="Flag of Australia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b9/Flag_of_Australia.svg/22px-Flag_of_Australia.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Australia" title="Australia">Australia</a></td>
-<td id="AU">AU</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AU" title="ISO 3166-2:AU">ISO 3166-2:AU</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Austria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Austria"><img alt="Flag of Austria" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Austria.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Flag_of_Austria.svg/22px-Flag_of_Austria.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Austria" title="Austria">Austria</a></td>
-<td id="AT">AT</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AT" title="ISO 3166-2:AT">ISO 3166-2:AT</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Azerbaijan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Azerbaijan"><img alt="Flag of Azerbaijan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Azerbaijan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Flag_of_Azerbaijan.svg/22px-Flag_of_Azerbaijan.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Azerbaijan" title="Azerbaijan">Azerbaijan</a></td>
-<td id="AZ">AZ</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AZ" title="ISO 3166-2:AZ">ISO 3166-2:AZ</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Bahamas.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Bahamas"><img alt="Flag of the Bahamas" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Bahamas.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/93/Flag_of_the_Bahamas.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_Bahamas.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/The_Bahamas" title="The Bahamas">Bahamas</a></td>
-<td id="BS">BS</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:BS&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:BS">ISO 3166-2:BS</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bahrain.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bahrain"><img alt="Flag of Bahrain" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bahrain.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2c/Flag_of_Bahrain.svg/22px-Flag_of_Bahrain.svg.png" height="13" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bahrain" title="Bahrain">Bahrain</a></td>
-<td id="BH">BH</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:BH" title="ISO 3166-2:BH">ISO 3166-2:BH</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bangladesh"><img alt="Flag of Bangladesh" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f9/Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg/22px-Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg.png" height="13" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bangladesh" title="Bangladesh">Bangladesh</a></td>
-<td id="BD">BD</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:BD" title="ISO 3166-2:BD">ISO 3166-2:BD</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Barbados.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Barbados"><img alt="Flag of Barbados" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Barbados.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ef/Flag_of_Barbados.svg/22px-Flag_of_Barbados.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Barbados" title="Barbados">Barbados</a></td>
-<td id="BB">BB</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:BB" title="ISO 3166-2:BB">ISO 3166-2:BB</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belarus.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Belarus"><img alt="Flag of Belarus" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belarus.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/85/Flag_of_Belarus.svg/22px-Flag_of_Belarus.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Belarus" title="Belarus">Belarus</a></td>
-<td id="BY">BY</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:BY" title="ISO 3166-2:BY">ISO 3166-2:BY</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Belgium"><img alt="Flag of Belgium" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg/22px-Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Belgium" title="Belgium">Belgium</a></td>
-<td id="BE">BE</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:BE" title="ISO 3166-2:BE">ISO 3166-2:BE</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belize.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Belize"><img alt="Flag of Belize" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belize.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e7/Flag_of_Belize.svg/22px-Flag_of_Belize.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Belize" title="Belize">Belize</a></td>
-<td id="BZ">BZ</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:BZ&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:BZ">ISO 3166-2:BZ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Benin.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Benin"><img alt="Flag of Benin" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Benin.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0a/Flag_of_Benin.svg/22px-Flag_of_Benin.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Benin" title="Benin">Benin</a></td>
-<td id="BJ">BJ</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:BJ" title="ISO 3166-2:BJ">ISO 3166-2:BJ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bermuda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bermuda"><img alt="Flag of Bermuda" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bermuda.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Flag_of_Bermuda.svg/22px-Flag_of_Bermuda.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bermuda" title="Bermuda">Bermuda</a></td>
-<td id="BM">BM</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:BM&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:BM">ISO 3166-2:BM</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bhutan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bhutan"><img alt="Flag of Bhutan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bhutan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/91/Flag_of_Bhutan.svg/22px-Flag_of_Bhutan.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bhutan" title="Bhutan">Bhutan</a></td>
-<td id="BT">BT</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:BT&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:BT">ISO 3166-2:BT</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bolivia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bolivia"><img alt="Flag of Bolivia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bolivia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Flag_of_Bolivia.svg/22px-Flag_of_Bolivia.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bolivia" title="Bolivia">Bolivia</a></td>
-<td id="BO">BO</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:BO" title="ISO 3166-2:BO">ISO 3166-2:BO</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina"><img alt="Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg/22px-Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" title="Bosnia and Herzegovina">Bosnia and Herzegovina</a></td>
-<td id="BA">BA</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:BA&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:BA">ISO 3166-2:BA</a></td>
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-<td id="BV">BV</td>
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-<td id="IO">IO</td>
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-<td id="BI">BI</td>
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-<td id="KH">KH</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:KH" title="ISO 3166-2:KH">ISO 3166-2:KH</a></td>
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-<td id="CA">CA</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:CA" title="ISO 3166-2:CA">ISO 3166-2:CA</a></td>
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-<td id="CX">CX</td>
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-<td id="GF">GF</td>
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-<td id="PF">PF</td>
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-<td id="TF">TF</td>
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-<td id="GM">GM</td>
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-<td id="GE">GE</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:DE" title="ISO 3166-2:DE">ISO 3166-2:DE</a></td>
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-<td id="GH">GH</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GH" title="ISO 3166-2:GH">ISO 3166-2:GH</a></td>
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-<td id="GR">GR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GR" title="ISO 3166-2:GR">ISO 3166-2:GR</a></td>
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-<td id="GL">GL</td>
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-<td id="GD">GD</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GD" title="ISO 3166-2:GD">ISO 3166-2:GD</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guadeloupe"><img alt="Flag of Guadeloupe" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/22px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guadeloupe" title="Guadeloupe">Guadeloupe</a><span class="reference plainlinksneverexpand" id="ref_COM"><sup><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#endnote_COM" class="external autonumber" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#endnote_COM" rel="nofollow">[2]</a></sup></span></td>
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-<td id="GU">GU</td>
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-<td id="GT">GT</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GT" title="ISO 3166-2:GT">ISO 3166-2:GT</a></td>
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-<td id="GG">GG</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GG" title="ISO 3166-2:GG">ISO 3166-2:GG</a></td>
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-<td id="GN">GN</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GN" title="ISO 3166-2:GN">ISO 3166-2:GN</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guinea-Bissau.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guinea-Bissau"><img alt="Flag of Guinea-Bissau" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guinea-Bissau.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/01/Flag_of_Guinea-Bissau.svg/22px-Flag_of_Guinea-Bissau.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guinea-Bissau" title="Guinea-Bissau">Guinea-Bissau</a></td>
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-<td id="GY">GY</td>
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-<td id="HT">HT</td>
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-<td id="HM">HM</td>
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-<td id="HN">HN</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:HK" title="ISO 3166-2:HK">ISO 3166-2:HK</a></td>
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-<td id="HU">HU</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:HU" title="ISO 3166-2:HU">ISO 3166-2:HU</a></td>
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-<td id="IS">IS</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:IS" title="ISO 3166-2:IS">ISO 3166-2:IS</a></td>
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-<td id="ID">ID</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:ID" title="ISO 3166-2:ID">ISO 3166-2:ID</a></td>
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-<td id="IR">IR</td>
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-<td id="IQ">IQ</td>
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-<td id="IE">IE</td>
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-<td id="IM">IM</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:IM" title="ISO 3166-2:IM">ISO 3166-2:IM</a></td>
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-<td id="IL">IL</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:IL" title="ISO 3166-2:IL">ISO 3166-2:IL</a></td>
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-<td id="IT">IT</td>
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-<td id="JM">JM</td>
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-<td id="JO">JO</td>
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-<td id="KZ">KZ</td>
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-<td id="KI">KI</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:KI" title="ISO 3166-2:KI">ISO 3166-2:KI</a></td>
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-<td id="KP">KP</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:KP" title="ISO 3166-2:KP">ISO 3166-2:KP</a></td>
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-<td id="KR">KR</td>
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-<td id="KW">KW</td>
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-<td id="KG">KG</td>
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-<td id="LA">LA</td>
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-<td id="LB">LB</td>
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-<td id="LR">LR</td>
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-<td id="MO">MO</td>
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-<td id="MK">MK</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:MK" title="ISO 3166-2:MK">ISO 3166-2:MK</a></td>
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-<td id="MV">MV</td>
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-<td id="MU">MU</td>
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-<td id="MX">MX</td>
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-<td id="FM">FM</td>
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-<td id="MD">MD</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:MD" title="ISO 3166-2:MD">ISO 3166-2:MD</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Monaco.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Monaco"><img alt="Flag of Monaco" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Monaco.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Flag_of_Monaco.svg/22px-Flag_of_Monaco.svg.png" height="18" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Monaco" title="Monaco">Monaco</a></td>
-<td id="MC">MC</td>
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-<td id="MN">MN</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:MN" title="ISO 3166-2:MN">ISO 3166-2:MN</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montenegro.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Montenegro"><img alt="Flag of Montenegro" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montenegro.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/64/Flag_of_Montenegro.svg/22px-Flag_of_Montenegro.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Montenegro" title="Montenegro">Montenegro</a></td>
-<td id="ME">ME</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:ME" title="ISO 3166-2:ME">ISO 3166-2:ME</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montserrat.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Montserrat"><img alt="Flag of Montserrat" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montserrat.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d0/Flag_of_Montserrat.svg/22px-Flag_of_Montserrat.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Montserrat" title="Montserrat">Montserrat</a></td>
-<td id="MS">MS</td>
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-<td id="MA">MA</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:MA" title="ISO 3166-2:MA">ISO 3166-2:MA</a></td>
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-<td id="MZ">MZ</td>
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-<td id="MM">MM</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Namibia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Namibia"><img alt="Flag of Namibia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Namibia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/Flag_of_Namibia.svg/22px-Flag_of_Namibia.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Namibia" title="Namibia">Namibia</a></td>
-<td id="NA">NA</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nauru.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nauru"><img alt="Flag of Nauru" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nauru.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/30/Flag_of_Nauru.svg/22px-Flag_of_Nauru.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nauru" title="Nauru">Nauru</a></td>
-<td id="NR">NR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:NR" title="ISO 3166-2:NR">ISO 3166-2:NR</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nepal.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nepal"><img alt="Flag of Nepal" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nepal.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9b/Flag_of_Nepal.svg/16px-Flag_of_Nepal.svg.png" height="20" width="16"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nepal" title="Nepal">Nepal</a></td>
-<td id="NP">NP</td>
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-<td id="NL">NL</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:NL" title="ISO 3166-2:NL">ISO 3166-2:NL</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Netherlands Antilles"><img alt="Flag of the Netherlands Antilles" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Netherlands_Antilles" title="Netherlands Antilles">Netherlands Antilles</a></td>
-<td id="AN">AN</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of New Caledonia"><img alt="Flag of New Caledonia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/22px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/New_Caledonia" title="New Caledonia">New Caledonia</a></td>
-<td id="NC">NC</td>
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-<td id="NZ">NZ</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:NZ" title="ISO 3166-2:NZ">ISO 3166-2:NZ</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nicaragua"><img alt="Flag of Nicaragua" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/19/Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg/22px-Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg.png" height="13" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nicaragua" title="Nicaragua">Nicaragua</a></td>
-<td id="NI">NI</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:NI" title="ISO 3166-2:NI">ISO 3166-2:NI</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niger.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Niger"><img alt="Flag of Niger" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niger.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f4/Flag_of_Niger.svg/22px-Flag_of_Niger.svg.png" height="19" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Niger" title="Niger">Niger</a></td>
-<td id="NE">NE</td>
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-<td id="NG">NG</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:NG" title="ISO 3166-2:NG">ISO 3166-2:NG</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niue.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Niue"><img alt="Flag of Niue" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niue.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/01/Flag_of_Niue.svg/22px-Flag_of_Niue.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Niue" title="Niue">Niue</a></td>
-<td id="NU">NU</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norfolk_Island.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Norfolk Island"><img alt="Flag of Norfolk Island" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norfolk_Island.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Flag_of_Norfolk_Island.svg/22px-Flag_of_Norfolk_Island.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Norfolk_Island" title="Norfolk Island">Norfolk Island</a></td>
-<td id="NF">NF</td>
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-<td id="MP">MP</td>
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-<td id="NO">NO</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:NO" title="ISO 3166-2:NO">ISO 3166-2:NO</a></td>
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-<td id="OM">OM</td>
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-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:PW" title="ISO 3166-2:PW">ISO 3166-2:PW</a></td>
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-<td id="PT">PT</td>
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-<td id="TH">TH</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TH" title="ISO 3166-2:TH">ISO 3166-2:TH</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_East_Timor.svg" class="image" title="Flag of East Timor"><img alt="Flag of East Timor" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_East_Timor.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Flag_of_East_Timor.svg/22px-Flag_of_East_Timor.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/East_Timor" title="East Timor">Timor-Leste</a></td>
-<td id="TL">TL</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TL" title="ISO 3166-2:TL">ISO 3166-2:TL</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Togo.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Togo"><img alt="Flag of Togo" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Togo.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/68/Flag_of_Togo.svg/22px-Flag_of_Togo.svg.png" height="14" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Togo" title="Togo">Togo</a></td>
-<td id="TG">TG</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:TG&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:TG">ISO 3166-2:TG</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tokelau"><img alt="Flag of Tokelau" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg/22px-Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tokelau" title="Tokelau">Tokelau</a></td>
-<td id="TK">TK</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:TK&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:TK">ISO 3166-2:TK</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tonga.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tonga"><img alt="Flag of Tonga" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tonga.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Flag_of_Tonga.svg/22px-Flag_of_Tonga.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tonga" title="Tonga">Tonga</a></td>
-<td id="TO">TO</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TO" title="ISO 3166-2:TO">ISO 3166-2:TO</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Trinidad and Tobago"><img alt="Flag of Trinidad and Tobago" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/64/Flag_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago.svg/22px-Flag_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago.svg.png" height="13" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Trinidad_and_Tobago" title="Trinidad and Tobago">Trinidad and Tobago</a></td>
-<td id="TT">TT</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TT" title="ISO 3166-2:TT">ISO 3166-2:TT</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tunisia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tunisia"><img alt="Flag of Tunisia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tunisia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Flag_of_Tunisia.svg/22px-Flag_of_Tunisia.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tunisia" title="Tunisia">Tunisia</a></td>
-<td id="TN">TN</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TN" title="ISO 3166-2:TN">ISO 3166-2:TN</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkey.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Turkey"><img alt="Flag of Turkey" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkey.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Flag_of_Turkey.svg/22px-Flag_of_Turkey.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turkey" title="Turkey">Turkey</a></td>
-<td id="TR">TR</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TR" title="ISO 3166-2:TR">ISO 3166-2:TR</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Turkmenistan"><img alt="Flag of Turkmenistan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg/22px-Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turkmenistan" title="Turkmenistan">Turkmenistan</a></td>
-<td id="TM">TM</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TM" title="ISO 3166-2:TM">ISO 3166-2:TM</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands"><img alt="Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a0/Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turks_and_Caicos_Islands" title="Turks and Caicos Islands">Turks and Caicos Islands</a></td>
-<td id="TC">TC</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:TC&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:TC">ISO 3166-2:TC</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tuvalu"><img alt="Flag of Tuvalu" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/38/Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg/22px-Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tuvalu" title="Tuvalu">Tuvalu</a></td>
-<td id="TV">TV</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:TV" title="ISO 3166-2:TV">ISO 3166-2:TV</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uganda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uganda"><img alt="Flag of Uganda" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uganda.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4e/Flag_of_Uganda.svg/22px-Flag_of_Uganda.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uganda" title="Uganda">Uganda</a></td>
-<td id="UG">UG</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:UG" title="ISO 3166-2:UG">ISO 3166-2:UG</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ukraine.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ukraine"><img alt="Flag of Ukraine" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ukraine.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/Flag_of_Ukraine.svg/22px-Flag_of_Ukraine.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Ukraine" title="Ukraine">Ukraine</a></td>
-<td id="UA">UA</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:UA" title="ISO 3166-2:UA">ISO 3166-2:UA</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United Arab Emirates"><img alt="Flag of the United Arab Emirates" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cb/Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_Arab_Emirates" title="United Arab Emirates">United Arab Emirates</a></td>
-<td id="AE">AE</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:AE" title="ISO 3166-2:AE">ISO 3166-2:AE</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United Kingdom"><img alt="Flag of the United Kingdom" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ae/Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_Kingdom" title="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</a></td>
-<td id="GB">GB</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:GB" title="ISO 3166-2:GB">ISO 3166-2:GB</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"><img alt="Flag of the United States" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="12" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a></td>
-<td id="US">US</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:US" title="ISO 3166-2:US">ISO 3166-2:US</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of United States Minor Outlying Islands"><img alt="Flag of United States Minor Outlying Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="12" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_States_Minor_Outlying_Islands" title="United States Minor Outlying Islands">United States Minor Outlying Islands</a></td>
-<td id="UM">UM</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:UM&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:UM">ISO 3166-2:UM</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uruguay.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uruguay"><img alt="Flag of Uruguay" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uruguay.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/Flag_of_Uruguay.svg/22px-Flag_of_Uruguay.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uruguay" title="Uruguay">Uruguay</a></td>
-<td id="UY">UY</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:UY&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:UY">ISO 3166-2:UY</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uzbekistan"><img alt="Flag of Uzbekistan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/84/Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg/22px-Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uzbekistan" title="Uzbekistan">Uzbekistan</a></td>
-<td id="UZ">UZ</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:UZ" title="ISO 3166-2:UZ">ISO 3166-2:UZ</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Vanuatu"><img alt="Flag of Vanuatu" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bc/Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg/22px-Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg.png" height="13" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Vanuatu" title="Vanuatu">Vanuatu</a></td>
-<td id="VU">VU</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:VU&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:VU">ISO 3166-2:VU</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Venezuela.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Venezuela"><img alt="Flag of Venezuela" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Venezuela.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/06/Flag_of_Venezuela.svg/22px-Flag_of_Venezuela.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Venezuela" title="Venezuela">Venezuela</a></td>
-<td id="VE">VE</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:VE" title="ISO 3166-2:VE">ISO 3166-2:VE</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vietnam.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Vietnam"><img alt="Flag of Vietnam" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vietnam.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/21/Flag_of_Vietnam.svg/22px-Flag_of_Vietnam.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Vietnam" title="Vietnam">Viet Nam</a></td>
-<td id="VN">VN</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:VN" title="ISO 3166-2:VN">ISO 3166-2:VN</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the British Virgin Islands"><img alt="Flag of the British Virgin Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/British_Virgin_Islands" title="British Virgin Islands">Virgin Islands, British</a></td>
-<td id="VG">VG</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:VG&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:VG">ISO 3166-2:VG</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States Virgin Islands"><img alt="Flag of the United States Virgin Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_States_Virgin_Islands" title="United States Virgin Islands">Virgin Islands, U.S.</a></td>
-<td id="VI">VI</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:VI&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:VI">ISO 3166-2:VI</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Wallis and Futuna"><img alt="Flag of Wallis and Futuna" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/22px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Wallis_and_Futuna" title="Wallis and Futuna">Wallis and Futuna</a></td>
-<td id="WF">WF</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:WF&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:WF">ISO 3166-2:WF</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Western_Sahara.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Western Sahara"><img alt="Flag of Western Sahara" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Western_Sahara.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/Flag_of_Western_Sahara.svg/22px-Flag_of_Western_Sahara.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Western_Sahara" title="Western Sahara">Western Sahara</a></td>
-<td id="EH">EH</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:EH&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:EH">ISO 3166-2:EH</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Yemen.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Yemen"><img alt="Flag of Yemen" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Yemen.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/89/Flag_of_Yemen.svg/22px-Flag_of_Yemen.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Yemen" title="Yemen">Yemen</a></td>
-<td id="YE">YE</td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/ISO_3166-2:YE" title="ISO 3166-2:YE">ISO 3166-2:YE</a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="lightgray">
-<td colspan="5"></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zambia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Zambia"><img alt="Flag of Zambia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zambia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/06/Flag_of_Zambia.svg/22px-Flag_of_Zambia.svg.png" height="15" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Zambia" title="Zambia">Zambia</a></td>
-<td id="ZM">ZM</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:ZM&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:ZM">ISO 3166-2:ZM</a></td>
-<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Zimbabwe"><img alt="Flag of Zimbabwe" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6a/Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg/22px-Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg.png" height="11" width="22"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Zimbabwe" title="Zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</a></td>
-<td id="ZW">ZW</td>
-<td><a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_3166-2:ZW&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="ISO 3166-2:ZW">ISO 3166-2:ZW</a></td>
-<h1>Country Continent Mapping</h1>
-<p>abstracted from <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_continent">wikipedia continent country page</a></p>
-<table id="continents">
-<!-- Africa -->
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Algeria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Algeria"><img alt="Flag of Algeria" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Algeria.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/77/Flag_of_Algeria.svg/50px-Flag_of_Algeria.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Algeria" title="Algeria">Algeria</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Algiers" title="Algiers">Algiers</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Angola.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Angola"><img alt="Flag of Angola" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Angola.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/Flag_of_Angola.svg/50px-Flag_of_Angola.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Angola" title="Angola">Angola</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Luanda" title="Luanda">Luanda</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Benin.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Benin"><img alt="Flag of Benin" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Benin.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0a/Flag_of_Benin.svg/50px-Flag_of_Benin.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Benin" title="Benin">Benin</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Porto-Novo" title="Porto-Novo">Porto-Novo</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Cotonou" title="Cotonou">Cotonou</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Botswana.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Botswana"><img alt="Flag of Botswana" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Botswana.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fa/Flag_of_Botswana.svg/50px-Flag_of_Botswana.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Botswana" title="Botswana">Botswana</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Gaborone" title="Gaborone">Gaborone</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Burkina_Faso.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Burkina Faso"><img alt="Flag of Burkina Faso" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Burkina_Faso.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/31/Flag_of_Burkina_Faso.svg/50px-Flag_of_Burkina_Faso.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Burkina_Faso" title="Burkina Faso">Burkina Faso</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Ouagadougou" title="Ouagadougou">Ouagadougou</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Burundi.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Burundi"><img alt="Flag of Burundi" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Burundi.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/50/Flag_of_Burundi.svg/50px-Flag_of_Burundi.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Burundi" title="Burundi">Burundi</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bujumbura" title="Bujumbura">Bujumbura</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cameroon.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cameroon"><img alt="Flag of Cameroon" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cameroon.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/Flag_of_Cameroon.svg/50px-Flag_of_Cameroon.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cameroon" title="Cameroon">Cameroon</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Yaound%C3%A9" title="Yaoundé">Yaoundé</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cape_Verde.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cape Verde"><img alt="Flag of Cape Verde" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cape_Verde.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/38/Flag_of_Cape_Verde.svg/50px-Flag_of_Cape_Verde.svg.png" height="29" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cape_Verde" title="Cape Verde">Cape Verde</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Praia" title="Praia">Praia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Central_African_Republic.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Central African Republic"><img alt="Flag of the Central African Republic" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Central_African_Republic.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6f/Flag_of_the_Central_African_Republic.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Central_African_Republic.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Central_African_Republic" title="Central African Republic">Central African Republic</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bangui" title="Bangui">Bangui</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Chad.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Chad"><img alt="Flag of Chad" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Chad.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/Flag_of_Chad.svg/50px-Flag_of_Chad.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Chad" title="Chad">Chad</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/N%27Djamena" title="N'Djamena">N'Djamena</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Comoros.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Comoros"><img alt="Flag of the Comoros" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Comoros.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/94/Flag_of_the_Comoros.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Comoros.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Comoros" title="Comoros">Comoros</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Moroni%2C_Comoros" title="Moroni, Comoros">Moroni</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo"><img alt="Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6f/Flag_of_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo" title="Democratic Republic of the Congo">Congo, Democratic Republic of</a></b> (also known as <b>Congo-Kinshasa</b>, formerly known as <b>Zaire</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Kinshasa" title="Kinshasa">Kinshasa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Republic of the Congo"><img alt="Flag of the Republic of the Congo" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/Flag_of_the_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Republic_of_the_Congo" title="Republic of the Congo">Congo, Republic of</a></b> (also known as <b>Congo-Brazzaville</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Brazzaville" title="Brazzaville">Brazzaville</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cote_d%27Ivoire.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Côte d'Ivoire"><img alt="Flag of Côte d'Ivoire" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cote_d%27Ivoire.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/86/Flag_of_Cote_d%27Ivoire.svg/50px-Flag_of_Cote_d%27Ivoire.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/C%C3%B4te_d%27Ivoire" title="Côte d'Ivoire">Côte d'Ivoire</a></b> (commonly known as <b>Ivory Coast</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Yamoussoukro" title="Yamoussoukro">Yamoussoukro</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Abidjan" title="Abidjan">Abidjan</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Djibouti.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Djibouti"><img alt="Flag of Djibouti" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Djibouti.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/34/Flag_of_Djibouti.svg/50px-Flag_of_Djibouti.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Djibouti" title="Djibouti">Djibouti</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Djibouti%2C_Djibouti" title="Djibouti, Djibouti">Djibouti</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Egypt.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Egypt"><img alt="Flag of Egypt" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Egypt.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/Flag_of_Egypt.svg/50px-Flag_of_Egypt.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Egypt" title="Egypt">Egypt</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Cairo" title="Cairo">Cairo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Equatorial_Guinea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Equatorial Guinea"><img alt="Flag of Equatorial Guinea" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Equatorial_Guinea.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/31/Flag_of_Equatorial_Guinea.svg/50px-Flag_of_Equatorial_Guinea.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Equatorial_Guinea" title="Equatorial Guinea">Equatorial Guinea</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Malabo" title="Malabo">Malabo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Eritrea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Eritrea"><img alt="Flag of Eritrea" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Eritrea.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/29/Flag_of_Eritrea.svg/50px-Flag_of_Eritrea.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Eritrea" title="Eritrea">Eritrea</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Asmara" title="Asmara">Asmara</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ethiopia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ethiopia"><img alt="Flag of Ethiopia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ethiopia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/71/Flag_of_Ethiopia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Ethiopia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Ethiopia" title="Ethiopia">Ethiopia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Addis_Ababa" title="Addis Ababa">Addis Ababa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Gabon.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Gabon"><img alt="Flag of Gabon" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Gabon.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/04/Flag_of_Gabon.svg/50px-Flag_of_Gabon.svg.png" height="38" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Gabon" title="Gabon">Gabon</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Libreville" title="Libreville">Libreville</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_The_Gambia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of The Gambia"><img alt="Flag of The Gambia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_The_Gambia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/77/Flag_of_The_Gambia.svg/50px-Flag_of_The_Gambia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/The_Gambia" title="The Gambia">Gambia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Banjul" title="Banjul">Banjul</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ghana.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ghana"><img alt="Flag of Ghana" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ghana.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/19/Flag_of_Ghana.svg/50px-Flag_of_Ghana.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Ghana" title="Ghana">Ghana</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Accra" title="Accra">Accra</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guinea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guinea"><img alt="Flag of Guinea" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guinea.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ed/Flag_of_Guinea.svg/50px-Flag_of_Guinea.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guinea" title="Guinea">Guinea</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Conakry" title="Conakry">Conakry</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guinea-Bissau.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guinea-Bissau"><img alt="Flag of Guinea-Bissau" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guinea-Bissau.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/01/Flag_of_Guinea-Bissau.svg/50px-Flag_of_Guinea-Bissau.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guinea-Bissau" title="Guinea-Bissau">Guinea-Bissau</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bissau" title="Bissau">Bissau</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kenya.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kenya"><img alt="Flag of Kenya" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kenya.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/Flag_of_Kenya.svg/50px-Flag_of_Kenya.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kenya" title="Kenya">Kenya</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Nairobi" title="Nairobi">Nairobi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Lesotho.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Lesotho"><img alt="Flag of Lesotho" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Lesotho.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4a/Flag_of_Lesotho.svg/50px-Flag_of_Lesotho.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Lesotho" title="Lesotho">Lesotho</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Maseru" title="Maseru">Maseru</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Liberia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Liberia"><img alt="Flag of Liberia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Liberia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b8/Flag_of_Liberia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Liberia.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Liberia" title="Liberia">Liberia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Monrovia" title="Monrovia">Monrovia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Libya.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Libya"><img alt="Flag of Libya" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Libya.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Flag_of_Libya.svg/50px-Flag_of_Libya.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Libya" title="Libya">Libya</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tripoli" title="Tripoli">Tripoli</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Madagascar.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Madagascar"><img alt="Flag of Madagascar" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Madagascar.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bc/Flag_of_Madagascar.svg/50px-Flag_of_Madagascar.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Madagascar" title="Madagascar">Madagascar</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Antananarivo" title="Antananarivo">Antananarivo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Malawi.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Malawi"><img alt="Flag of Malawi" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Malawi.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d1/Flag_of_Malawi.svg/50px-Flag_of_Malawi.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Malawi" title="Malawi">Malawi</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Lilongwe" title="Lilongwe">Lilongwe</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mali.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mali"><img alt="Flag of Mali" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mali.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/Flag_of_Mali.svg/50px-Flag_of_Mali.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mali" title="Mali">Mali</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bamako" title="Bamako">Bamako</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mauritania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mauritania"><img alt="Flag of Mauritania" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mauritania.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/43/Flag_of_Mauritania.svg/50px-Flag_of_Mauritania.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mauritania" title="Mauritania">Mauritania</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Nouakchott" title="Nouakchott">Nouakchott</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mauritius.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mauritius"><img alt="Flag of Mauritius" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mauritius.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/77/Flag_of_Mauritius.svg/50px-Flag_of_Mauritius.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mauritius" title="Mauritius">Mauritius</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Port_Louis" title="Port Louis">Port Louis</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mayotte"><img alt="Flag of Mayotte" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mayotte" title="Mayotte">Mayotte</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Mamoudzou" title="Mamoudzou">Mamoudzou</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Morocco.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Morocco"><img alt="Flag of Morocco" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Morocco.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2c/Flag_of_Morocco.svg/50px-Flag_of_Morocco.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Morocco" title="Morocco">Morocco</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Rabat" title="Rabat">Rabat</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mozambique.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mozambique"><img alt="Flag of Mozambique" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mozambique.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d0/Flag_of_Mozambique.svg/50px-Flag_of_Mozambique.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mozambique" title="Mozambique">Mozambique</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Maputo" title="Maputo">Maputo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Namibia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Namibia"><img alt="Flag of Namibia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Namibia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/Flag_of_Namibia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Namibia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Namibia" title="Namibia">Namibia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Windhoek" title="Windhoek">Windhoek</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niger.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Niger"><img alt="Flag of Niger" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niger.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f4/Flag_of_Niger.svg/50px-Flag_of_Niger.svg.png" height="43" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Niger" title="Niger">Niger</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Niamey" title="Niamey">Niamey</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nigeria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nigeria"><img alt="Flag of Nigeria" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nigeria.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/79/Flag_of_Nigeria.svg/50px-Flag_of_Nigeria.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nigeria" title="Nigeria">Nigeria</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Abuja" title="Abuja">Abuja</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Réunion"><img alt="Flag of Réunion" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/R%C3%A9union" title="Réunion">Réunion</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas department of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Saint-Denis%2C_R%C3%A9union" title="Saint-Denis, Réunion">Saint-Denis</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Rwanda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Rwanda"><img alt="Flag of Rwanda" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Rwanda.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/Flag_of_Rwanda.svg/50px-Flag_of_Rwanda.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Rwanda" title="Rwanda">Rwanda</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kigali" title="Kigali">Kigali</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Helena.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Helena"><img alt="Flag of Saint Helena" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Helena.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/Flag_of_Saint_Helena.svg/50px-Flag_of_Saint_Helena.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Helena" title="Saint Helena">Saint Helena</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Jamestown%2C_Saint_Helena" title="Jamestown, Saint Helena">Jamestown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sao_Tome_and_Principe.svg" class="image" title="Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe"><img alt="Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sao_Tome_and_Principe.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/Flag_of_Sao_Tome_and_Principe.svg/50px-Flag_of_Sao_Tome_and_Principe.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/S%C3%A3o_Tom%C3%A9_and_Pr%C3%ADncipe" title="São Tomé and Príncipe">Sao Tome and Principe</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/S%C3%A3o_Tom%C3%A9" title="São Tomé">São Tomé</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Senegal.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Senegal"><img alt="Flag of Senegal" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Senegal.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fd/Flag_of_Senegal.svg/50px-Flag_of_Senegal.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Senegal" title="Senegal">Senegal</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Dakar" title="Dakar">Dakar</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Seychelles.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Seychelles"><img alt="Flag of the Seychelles" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Seychelles.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/Flag_of_the_Seychelles.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Seychelles.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Seychelles" title="Seychelles">Seychelles</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Victoria%2C_Seychelles" title="Victoria, Seychelles">Victoria</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sierra_Leone.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Sierra Leone"><img alt="Flag of Sierra Leone" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sierra_Leone.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/Flag_of_Sierra_Leone.svg/50px-Flag_of_Sierra_Leone.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Sierra_Leone" title="Sierra Leone">Sierra Leone</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Freetown" title="Freetown">Freetown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Somalia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Somalia"><img alt="Flag of Somalia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Somalia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a0/Flag_of_Somalia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Somalia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Somalia" title="Somalia">Somalia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Mogadishu" title="Mogadishu">Mogadishu</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_South_Africa.svg" class="image" title="Flag of South Africa"><img alt="Flag of South Africa" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_South_Africa.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/Flag_of_South_Africa.svg/50px-Flag_of_South_Africa.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/South_Africa" title="South Africa">South Africa</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Pretoria" title="Pretoria">Pretoria</a> (administrative), <a href="/wiki/Cape_Town" title="Cape Town">Cape Town</a> (legislative), <a href="/wiki/Bloemfontein" title="Bloemfontein">Bloemfontein</a> (judicial)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sudan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Sudan"><img alt="Flag of Sudan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sudan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/01/Flag_of_Sudan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Sudan.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Sudan" title="Sudan">Sudan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Khartoum" title="Khartoum">Khartoum</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Swaziland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Swaziland"><img alt="Flag of Swaziland" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Swaziland.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1e/Flag_of_Swaziland.svg/50px-Flag_of_Swaziland.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Swaziland" title="Swaziland">Swaziland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Mbabane" title="Mbabane">Mbabane</a> (administrative), <a href="/wiki/Lobamba" title="Lobamba">Lobamba</a> (royal and legislative)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tanzania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tanzania"><img alt="Flag of Tanzania" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tanzania.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/38/Flag_of_Tanzania.svg/50px-Flag_of_Tanzania.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tanzania" title="Tanzania">Tanzania</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Dodoma" title="Dodoma">Dodoma</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Dar_es_Salaam" title="Dar es Salaam">Dar es Salaam</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Togo.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Togo"><img alt="Flag of Togo" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Togo.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/68/Flag_of_Togo.svg/50px-Flag_of_Togo.svg.png" height="31" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Togo" title="Togo">Togo</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Lom%C3%A9" title="Lomé">Lomé</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tunisia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tunisia"><img alt="Flag of Tunisia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tunisia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Flag_of_Tunisia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Tunisia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tunisia" title="Tunisia">Tunisia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tunis" title="Tunis">Tunis</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uganda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uganda"><img alt="Flag of Uganda" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uganda.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4e/Flag_of_Uganda.svg/50px-Flag_of_Uganda.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uganda" title="Uganda">Uganda</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kampala" title="Kampala">Kampala</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><i><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Western_Sahara.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Western Sahara"><img alt="Flag of Western Sahara" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Western_Sahara.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/Flag_of_Western_Sahara.svg/50px-Flag_of_Western_Sahara.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Western_Sahara" title="Western Sahara">Western Sahara</a></b></i> – <a href="/wiki/El_Aai%C3%BAn" title="El Aaiún">El Aaiún</a> (unofficial)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zambia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Zambia"><img alt="Flag of Zambia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zambia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/06/Flag_of_Zambia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Zambia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Zambia" title="Zambia">Zambia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Lusaka" title="Lusaka">Lusaka</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Africa</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Zimbabwe"><img alt="Flag of Zimbabwe" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6a/Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg/50px-Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Zimbabwe" title="Zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Harare" title="Harare">Harare</a></td></tr>
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-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Afghanistan"><img alt="Flag of Afghanistan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Afghanistan" title="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kabul" title="Kabul">Kabul</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Armenia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Armenia"><img alt="Flag of Armenia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Armenia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2f/Flag_of_Armenia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Armenia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Armenia" title="Armenia">Armenia</a></b><sup id="_ref-europe_0" class="reference"><a href="#_note-europe" title="">[2]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Yerevan" title="Yerevan">Yerevan</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Azerbaijan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Azerbaijan"><img alt="Flag of Azerbaijan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Azerbaijan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Flag_of_Azerbaijan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Azerbaijan.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Azerbaijan" title="Azerbaijan">Azerbaijan</a></b><sup id="_ref-europe_1" class="reference"><a href="#_note-europe" title="">[2]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Baku" title="Baku">Baku</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bahrain.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bahrain"><img alt="Flag of Bahrain" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bahrain.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2c/Flag_of_Bahrain.svg/50px-Flag_of_Bahrain.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bahrain" title="Bahrain">Bahrain</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Manama" title="Manama">Manama</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bangladesh"><img alt="Flag of Bangladesh" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f9/Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg/50px-Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bangladesh" title="Bangladesh">Bangladesh</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Dhaka" title="Dhaka">Dhaka</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bhutan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bhutan"><img alt="Flag of Bhutan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bhutan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/91/Flag_of_Bhutan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Bhutan.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bhutan" title="Bhutan">Bhutan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Thimphu" title="Thimphu">Thimphu</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory.svg" class="image" title="Flag of British Indian Ocean Territory"><img alt="Flag of British Indian Ocean Territory" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/Flag_of_the_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/British_Indian_Ocean_Territory" title="British Indian Ocean Territory">British Indian Ocean Territory</a></i><sup id="_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#_note-1" title="">[3]</a></sup> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Brunei.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Brunei"><img alt="Flag of Brunei" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Brunei.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9c/Flag_of_Brunei.svg/50px-Flag_of_Brunei.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Brunei" title="Brunei">Brunei</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bandar_Seri_Begawan" title="Bandar Seri Begawan">Bandar Seri Begawan</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cambodia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cambodia"><img alt="Flag of Cambodia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cambodia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/83/Flag_of_Cambodia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Cambodia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cambodia" title="Cambodia">Cambodia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Phnom_Penh" title="Phnom Penh">Phnom Penh</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the People's Republic of China"><img alt="Flag of the People's Republic of China" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fa/Flag_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/People%27s_Republic_of_China" title="People's Republic of China">China, People's Republic of</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Beijing" title="Beijing">Beijing</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Republic of China"><img alt="Flag of the Republic of China" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/72/Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Republic_of_China" title="Republic of China">China, Republic of</a></b> (commonly known as <b>Taiwan</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Taipei" title="Taipei">Taipei</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Christmas_Island.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Christmas Island"><img alt="Flag of Christmas Island" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Christmas_Island.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/67/Flag_of_Christmas_Island.svg/50px-Flag_of_Christmas_Island.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Christmas_Island" title="Christmas Island">Christmas Island</a></i><sup id="_ref-australia_0" class="reference"><a href="#_note-australia" title="">[4]</a></sup> (overseas territory of Australia)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands"><img alt="Flag of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b9/Flag_of_Australia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Australia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cocos_%28Keeling%29_Islands" title="Cocos (Keeling) Islands">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</a></i><sup id="_ref-australia_1" class="reference"><a href="#_note-australia" title="">[4]</a></sup> (overseas territory of Australia)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cyprus.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cyprus"><img alt="Flag of Cyprus" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cyprus.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d4/Flag_of_Cyprus.svg/50px-Flag_of_Cyprus.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cyprus" title="Cyprus">Cyprus</a></b><sup id="_ref-europe_2" class="reference"><a href="#_note-europe" title="">[2]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Nicosia" title="Nicosia">Nicosia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Georgia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Georgia (country)"><img alt="Flag of Georgia (country)" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Georgia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0f/Flag_of_Georgia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Georgia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Georgia_%28country%29" title="Georgia (country)">Georgia</a></b><sup id="_ref-europe_3" class="reference"><a href="#_note-europe" title="">[2]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Tbilisi" title="Tbilisi">Tbilisi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Hong_Kong.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Hong Kong"><img alt="Flag of Hong Kong" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Hong_Kong.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5b/Flag_of_Hong_Kong.svg/50px-Flag_of_Hong_Kong.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong" title="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Special_administrative_region_%28People%27s_Republic_of_China%29" title="Special administrative region (People's Republic of China)">special administrative region of the People's Republic of China</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_India.svg" class="image" title="Flag of India"><img alt="Flag of India" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_India.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Flag_of_India.svg/50px-Flag_of_India.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/India" title="India">India</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/New_Delhi" title="New Delhi">New Delhi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Indonesia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Indonesia"><img alt="Flag of Indonesia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Indonesia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9f/Flag_of_Indonesia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Indonesia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Indonesia" title="Indonesia">Indonesia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Jakarta" title="Jakarta">Jakarta</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Iran.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Iran"><img alt="Flag of Iran" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Iran.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ca/Flag_of_Iran.svg/50px-Flag_of_Iran.svg.png" height="29" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Iran" title="Iran">Iran</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tehran" title="Tehran">Tehran</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Iraq.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Iraq"><img alt="Flag of Iraq" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Iraq.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/Flag_of_Iraq.svg/50px-Flag_of_Iraq.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Iraq" title="Iraq">Iraq</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Baghdad" title="Baghdad">Baghdad</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Israel.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Israel"><img alt="Flag of Israel" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Israel.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d4/Flag_of_Israel.svg/50px-Flag_of_Israel.svg.png" height="36" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Israel" title="Israel">Israel</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Jerusalem" title="Jerusalem">Jerusalem</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Japan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Japan"><img alt="Flag of Japan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Japan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9e/Flag_of_Japan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Japan.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Japan" title="Japan">Japan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tokyo" title="Tokyo">Tokyo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Jordan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Jordan"><img alt="Flag of Jordan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Jordan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c0/Flag_of_Jordan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Jordan.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Jordan" title="Jordan">Jordan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Amman" title="Amman">Amman</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kazakhstan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kazakhstan"><img alt="Flag of Kazakhstan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kazakhstan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d3/Flag_of_Kazakhstan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Kazakhstan.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kazakhstan" title="Kazakhstan">Kazakhstan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Astana" title="Astana">Astana</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_North_Korea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of North Korea"><img alt="Flag of North Korea" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_North_Korea.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/51/Flag_of_North_Korea.svg/50px-Flag_of_North_Korea.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/North_Korea" title="North Korea">Korea, Democratic People's Republic of</a></b> (commonly known as <b>North Korea</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Pyongyang" title="Pyongyang">Pyongyang</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_South_Korea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of South Korea"><img alt="Flag of South Korea" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_South_Korea.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/09/Flag_of_South_Korea.svg/50px-Flag_of_South_Korea.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/South_Korea" title="South Korea">Korea, Republic of</a></b> (commonly known as <b>South Korea</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Seoul" title="Seoul">Seoul</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kuwait.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kuwait"><img alt="Flag of Kuwait" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kuwait.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/aa/Flag_of_Kuwait.svg/50px-Flag_of_Kuwait.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kuwait" title="Kuwait">Kuwait</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kuwait_City" title="Kuwait City">Kuwait City</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kyrgyzstan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kyrgyzstan"><img alt="Flag of Kyrgyzstan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kyrgyzstan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c7/Flag_of_Kyrgyzstan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Kyrgyzstan.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kyrgyzstan" title="Kyrgyzstan">Kyrgyzstan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bishkek" title="Bishkek">Bishkek</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Laos.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Laos"><img alt="Flag of Laos" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Laos.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/56/Flag_of_Laos.svg/50px-Flag_of_Laos.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Laos" title="Laos">Laos</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Vientiane" title="Vientiane">Vientiane</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Lebanon.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Lebanon"><img alt="Flag of Lebanon" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Lebanon.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/59/Flag_of_Lebanon.svg/50px-Flag_of_Lebanon.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Lebanon" title="Lebanon">Lebanon</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Beirut" title="Beirut">Beirut</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Macau.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Macau"><img alt="Flag of Macau" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Macau.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/63/Flag_of_Macau.svg/50px-Flag_of_Macau.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Macau" title="Macau">Macau</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Special_administrative_region_%28People%27s_Republic_of_China%29" title="Special administrative region (People's Republic of China)">special administrative region of the People's Republic of China</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Malaysia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Malaysia"><img alt="Flag of Malaysia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Malaysia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/66/Flag_of_Malaysia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Malaysia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Malaysia" title="Malaysia">Malaysia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kuala_Lumpur" title="Kuala Lumpur">Kuala Lumpur</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Putrajaya" title="Putrajaya">Putrajaya</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Maldives.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Maldives"><img alt="Flag of the Maldives" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Maldives.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0f/Flag_of_Maldives.svg/50px-Flag_of_Maldives.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Maldives" title="Maldives">Maldives</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Mal%C3%A9" title="Malé">Malé</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mongolia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mongolia"><img alt="Flag of Mongolia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mongolia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4c/Flag_of_Mongolia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Mongolia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mongolia" title="Mongolia">Mongolia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Ulaanbaatar" title="Ulaanbaatar">Ulaanbaatar</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Myanmar.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Myanmar"><img alt="Flag of Myanmar" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Myanmar.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8c/Flag_of_Myanmar.svg/50px-Flag_of_Myanmar.svg.png" height="28" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Myanmar" title="Myanmar">Myanmar</a></b> (formerly known as <b>Burma</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Naypyidaw" title="Naypyidaw">Naypyidaw</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nepal.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nepal"><img alt="Flag of Nepal" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nepal.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9b/Flag_of_Nepal.svg/50px-Flag_of_Nepal.svg.png" height="61" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nepal" title="Nepal">Nepal</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kathmandu" title="Kathmandu">Kathmandu</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Oman.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Oman"><img alt="Flag of Oman" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Oman.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Flag_of_Oman.svg/50px-Flag_of_Oman.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Oman" title="Oman">Oman</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Muscat%2C_Oman" title="Muscat, Oman">Muscat</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Pakistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Pakistan"><img alt="Flag of Pakistan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Pakistan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/32/Flag_of_Pakistan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Pakistan.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Pakistan" title="Pakistan">Pakistan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Islamabad" title="Islamabad">Islamabad</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><i><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Palestine.svg" class="image" title="Palestinian flag"><img alt="Palestinian flag" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Palestine.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/Flag_of_Palestine.svg/50px-Flag_of_Palestine.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Palestinian_territories" title="Palestinian territories">Palestinian territories</a></b></i> (collectively the territories of the <a href="/wiki/West_Bank" title="West Bank">West Bank</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Gaza_Strip" title="Gaza Strip">Gaza Strip</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Philippines"><img alt="Flag of the Philippines" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/99/Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Philippines" title="Philippines">Philippines</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Manila" title="Manila">Manila</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Qatar.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Qatar"><img alt="Flag of Qatar" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Qatar.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/65/Flag_of_Qatar.svg/50px-Flag_of_Qatar.svg.png" height="20" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Qatar" title="Qatar">Qatar</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Doha" title="Doha">Doha</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saudi Arabia"><img alt="Flag of Saudi Arabia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0d/Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saudi_Arabia" title="Saudi Arabia">Saudi Arabia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Riyadh" title="Riyadh">Riyadh</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Singapore.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Singapore"><img alt="Flag of Singapore" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Singapore.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Flag_of_Singapore.svg/50px-Flag_of_Singapore.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Singapore" title="Singapore">Singapore</a></b> – Singapore<sup id="_ref-city-state_0" class="reference"><a href="#_note-city-state" title="">[5]</a></sup></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sri_Lanka.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Sri Lanka"><img alt="Flag of Sri Lanka" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sri_Lanka.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Flag_of_Sri_Lanka.svg/50px-Flag_of_Sri_Lanka.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Sri_Lanka" title="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Sri_Jayawardenepura" title="Sri Jayawardenepura">Sri Jayawardenepura</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Syria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Syria"><img alt="Flag of Syria" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Syria.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/53/Flag_of_Syria.svg/50px-Flag_of_Syria.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Syria" title="Syria">Syria</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Damascus" title="Damascus">Damascus</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tajikistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tajikistan"><img alt="Flag of Tajikistan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tajikistan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d0/Flag_of_Tajikistan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Tajikistan.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tajikistan" title="Tajikistan">Tajikistan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Dushanbe" title="Dushanbe">Dushanbe</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Thailand.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Thailand"><img alt="Flag of Thailand" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Thailand.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a9/Flag_of_Thailand.svg/50px-Flag_of_Thailand.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Thailand" title="Thailand">Thailand</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bangkok" title="Bangkok">Bangkok</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_East_Timor.svg" class="image" title="Flag of East Timor"><img alt="Flag of East Timor" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_East_Timor.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Flag_of_East_Timor.svg/50px-Flag_of_East_Timor.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/East_Timor" title="East Timor">Timor-Leste</a></b> (commonly known as <b>East Timor</b>) – <a href="/wiki/Dili" title="Dili">Dili</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkey.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Turkey"><img alt="Flag of Turkey" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkey.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Flag_of_Turkey.svg/50px-Flag_of_Turkey.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turkey" title="Turkey">Turkey</a></b><sup id="_ref-europe_4" class="reference"><a href="#_note-europe" title="">[2]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Ankara" title="Ankara">Ankara</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Turkmenistan"><img alt="Flag of Turkmenistan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turkmenistan" title="Turkmenistan">Turkmenistan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Ashgabat" title="Ashgabat">Ashgabat</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United Arab Emirates"><img alt="Flag of the United Arab Emirates" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cb/Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_Arab_Emirates" title="United Arab Emirates">United Arab Emirates</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Abu_Dhabi" title="Abu Dhabi">Abu Dhabi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uzbekistan"><img alt="Flag of Uzbekistan" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/84/Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg/50px-Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uzbekistan" title="Uzbekistan">Uzbekistan</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tashkent" title="Tashkent">Tashkent</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vietnam.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Vietnam"><img alt="Flag of Vietnam" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vietnam.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/21/Flag_of_Vietnam.svg/50px-Flag_of_Vietnam.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Vietnam" title="Vietnam">Vietnam</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Hanoi" title="Hanoi">Hanoi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Asia</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Yemen.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Yemen"><img alt="Flag of Yemen" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Yemen.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/89/Flag_of_Yemen.svg/50px-Flag_of_Yemen.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Yemen" title="Yemen">Yemen</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Sana%27a" title="Sana'a">Sana'a</a></td></tr>
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-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Albania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Albania"><img alt="Flag of Albania" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Albania.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/36/Flag_of_Albania.svg/50px-Flag_of_Albania.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Albania" title="Albania">Albania</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tirana" title="Tirana">Tirana</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Andorra.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Andorra"><img alt="Flag of Andorra" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Andorra.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/19/Flag_of_Andorra.svg/50px-Flag_of_Andorra.svg.png" height="35" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Andorra" title="Andorra">Andorra</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Andorra_la_Vella" title="Andorra la Vella">Andorra la Vella</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Austria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Austria"><img alt="Flag of Austria" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Austria.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Flag_of_Austria.svg/50px-Flag_of_Austria.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Austria" title="Austria">Austria</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Vienna" title="Vienna">Vienna</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belarus.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Belarus"><img alt="Flag of Belarus" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belarus.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/85/Flag_of_Belarus.svg/50px-Flag_of_Belarus.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Belarus" title="Belarus">Belarus</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Minsk" title="Minsk">Minsk</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Belgium"><img alt="Flag of Belgium" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg/50px-Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Belgium" title="Belgium">Belgium</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Brussels" title="Brussels">Brussels</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina"><img alt="Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg/50px-Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" title="Bosnia and Herzegovina">Bosnia and Herzegovina</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Sarajevo" title="Sarajevo">Sarajevo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bulgaria"><img alt="Flag of Bulgaria" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg/50px-Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bulgaria" title="Bulgaria">Bulgaria</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Sofia" title="Sofia">Sofia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Croatia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Croatia"><img alt="Flag of Croatia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Croatia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Flag_of_Croatia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Croatia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Croatia" title="Croatia">Croatia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Zagreb" title="Zagreb">Zagreb</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Czech Republic"><img alt="Flag of the Czech Republic" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cb/Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Czech_Republic" title="Czech Republic">Czech Republic</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Prague" title="Prague">Prague</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Denmark.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Denmark"><img alt="Flag of Denmark" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Denmark.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9c/Flag_of_Denmark.svg/50px-Flag_of_Denmark.svg.png" height="38" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Denmark" title="Denmark">Denmark</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Copenhagen" title="Copenhagen">Copenhagen</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Estonia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Estonia"><img alt="Flag of Estonia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Estonia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8f/Flag_of_Estonia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Estonia.svg.png" height="32" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Estonia" title="Estonia">Estonia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tallinn" title="Tallinn">Tallinn</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Faroe_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Faroe Islands"><img alt="Flag of the Faroe Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Faroe_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3c/Flag_of_the_Faroe_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Faroe_Islands.svg.png" height="36" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Faroe_Islands" title="Faroe Islands">Faroe Islands</a></i> (overseas territory of Denmark) – <a href="/wiki/T%C3%B3rshavn" title="Tórshavn">Tórshavn</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Finland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Finland"><img alt="Flag of Finland" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Finland.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bc/Flag_of_Finland.svg/50px-Flag_of_Finland.svg.png" height="31" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Finland" title="Finland">Finland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Helsinki" title="Helsinki">Helsinki</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of France"><img alt="Flag of France" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/France" title="France">France</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Paris" title="Paris">Paris</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Germany.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Germany"><img alt="Flag of Germany" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Germany.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/ba/Flag_of_Germany.svg/50px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Germany" title="Germany">Germany</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Berlin" title="Berlin">Berlin</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Gibraltar.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Gibraltar"><img alt="Flag of Gibraltar" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Gibraltar.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/02/Flag_of_Gibraltar.svg/50px-Flag_of_Gibraltar.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Gibraltar" title="Gibraltar">Gibraltar</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – Gibraltar<sup id="_ref-city-state_1" class="reference"><a href="#_note-city-state" title="">[5]</a></sup></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Greece.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Greece"><img alt="Flag of Greece" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Greece.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5c/Flag_of_Greece.svg/50px-Flag_of_Greece.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Greece" title="Greece">Greece</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Athens" title="Athens">Athens</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guernsey.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guernsey"><img alt="Flag of Guernsey" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guernsey.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fa/Flag_of_Guernsey.svg/50px-Flag_of_Guernsey.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guernsey" title="Guernsey">Guernsey</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Crown_dependency" title="Crown dependency">British crown dependency</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Saint_Peter_Port" title="Saint Peter Port">Saint Peter Port</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Hungary.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Hungary"><img alt="Flag of Hungary" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Hungary.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Flag_of_Hungary.svg/50px-Flag_of_Hungary.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Hungary" title="Hungary">Hungary</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Budapest" title="Budapest">Budapest</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Iceland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Iceland"><img alt="Flag of Iceland" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Iceland.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Flag_of_Iceland.svg/50px-Flag_of_Iceland.svg.png" height="36" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Iceland" title="Iceland">Iceland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Reykjav%C3%ADk" title="Reykjavík">Reykjavík</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ireland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ireland"><img alt="Flag of Ireland" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ireland.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/45/Flag_of_Ireland.svg/50px-Flag_of_Ireland.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Republic_of_Ireland" title="Republic of Ireland">Ireland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Dublin" title="Dublin">Dublin</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Isle_of_Man.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Isle of Man"><img alt="Flag of the Isle of Man" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Isle_of_Man.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bc/Flag_of_the_Isle_of_Man.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Isle_of_Man.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Isle_of_Man" title="Isle of Man">Isle of Man</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Crown_dependency" title="Crown dependency">British crown dependency</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Douglas%2C_Isle_of_Man" title="Douglas, Isle of Man">Douglas</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Italy.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Italy"><img alt="Flag of Italy" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Italy.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/03/Flag_of_Italy.svg/50px-Flag_of_Italy.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Italy" title="Italy">Italy</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Rome" title="Rome">Rome</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Jersey.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Jersey"><img alt="Flag of Jersey" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Jersey.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1c/Flag_of_Jersey.svg/50px-Flag_of_Jersey.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Jersey" title="Jersey">Jersey</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Crown_dependency" title="Crown dependency">British crown dependency</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Saint_Helier" title="Saint Helier">Saint Helier</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Latvia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Latvia"><img alt="Flag of Latvia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Latvia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/84/Flag_of_Latvia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Latvia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Latvia" title="Latvia">Latvia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Riga" title="Riga">Riga</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Liechtenstein.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Liechtenstein"><img alt="Flag of Liechtenstein" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Liechtenstein.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Flag_of_Liechtenstein.svg/50px-Flag_of_Liechtenstein.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Liechtenstein" title="Liechtenstein">Liechtenstein</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Vaduz" title="Vaduz">Vaduz</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Lithuania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Lithuania"><img alt="Flag of Lithuania" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Lithuania.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Flag_of_Lithuania.svg/50px-Flag_of_Lithuania.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Lithuania" title="Lithuania">Lithuania</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Vilnius" title="Vilnius">Vilnius</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Luxembourg"><img alt="Flag of Luxembourg" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/da/Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg/50px-Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Luxembourg" title="Luxembourg">Luxembourg</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Luxembourg%2C_Luxembourg" title="Luxembourg, Luxembourg">Luxembourg</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Macedonia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Republic of Macedonia"><img alt="Flag of the Republic of Macedonia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Macedonia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/Flag_of_Macedonia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Macedonia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Republic_of_Macedonia" title="Republic of Macedonia">Macedonia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Skopje" title="Skopje">Skopje</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Malta.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Malta"><img alt="Flag of Malta" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Malta.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/73/Flag_of_Malta.svg/50px-Flag_of_Malta.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Malta" title="Malta">Malta</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Valletta" title="Valletta">Valletta</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Moldova.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Moldova"><img alt="Flag of Moldova" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Moldova.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/Flag_of_Moldova.svg/50px-Flag_of_Moldova.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Moldova" title="Moldova">Moldova</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Chi%C5%9Fin%C4%83u" title="Chişinău">Chişinău</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Monaco.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Monaco"><img alt="Flag of Monaco" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Monaco.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Flag_of_Monaco.svg/50px-Flag_of_Monaco.svg.png" height="40" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Monaco" title="Monaco">Monaco</a></b> – Monaco<sup id="_ref-city-state_2" class="reference"><a href="#_note-city-state" title="">[5]</a></sup></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montenegro.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Montenegro"><img alt="Flag of Montenegro" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montenegro.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/64/Flag_of_Montenegro.svg/50px-Flag_of_Montenegro.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Montenegro" title="Montenegro">Montenegro</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Podgorica" title="Podgorica">Podgorica</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Netherlands"><img alt="Flag of the Netherlands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/20/Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Netherlands" title="Netherlands">Netherlands</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Amsterdam" title="Amsterdam">Amsterdam</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/The_Hague" title="The Hague">The Hague</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norway.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Norway"><img alt="Flag of Norway" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norway.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d9/Flag_of_Norway.svg/50px-Flag_of_Norway.svg.png" height="36" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Norway" title="Norway">Norway</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Oslo" title="Oslo">Oslo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Poland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Poland"><img alt="Flag of Poland" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Poland.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/Flag_of_Poland.svg/50px-Flag_of_Poland.svg.png" height="31" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Poland" title="Poland">Poland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Warsaw" title="Warsaw">Warsaw</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Portugal.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Portugal"><img alt="Flag of Portugal" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Portugal.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5c/Flag_of_Portugal.svg/50px-Flag_of_Portugal.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Portugal" title="Portugal">Portugal</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Lisbon" title="Lisbon">Lisbon</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Romania.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Romania"><img alt="Flag of Romania" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Romania.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/73/Flag_of_Romania.svg/50px-Flag_of_Romania.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Romania" title="Romania">Romania</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bucharest" title="Bucharest">Bucharest</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Russia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Russia"><img alt="Flag of Russia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Russia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/Flag_of_Russia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Russia" title="Russia">Russia</a></b><sup id="_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#_note-2" title="">[6]</a></sup> – <a href="/wiki/Moscow" title="Moscow">Moscow</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_San_Marino.svg" class="image" title="Flag of San Marino"><img alt="Flag of San Marino" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_San_Marino.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b1/Flag_of_San_Marino.svg/50px-Flag_of_San_Marino.svg.png" height="38" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/San_Marino" title="San Marino">San Marino</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/San_Marino%2C_San_Marino" title="San Marino, San Marino">San Marino</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Serbia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Serbia"><img alt="Flag of Serbia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Serbia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/Flag_of_Serbia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Serbia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Serbia" title="Serbia">Serbia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Belgrade" title="Belgrade">Belgrade</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Slovakia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Slovakia"><img alt="Flag of Slovakia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Slovakia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e6/Flag_of_Slovakia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Slovakia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Slovakia" title="Slovakia">Slovakia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bratislava" title="Bratislava">Bratislava</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Slovenia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Slovenia"><img alt="Flag of Slovenia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Slovenia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/Flag_of_Slovenia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Slovenia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Slovenia" title="Slovenia">Slovenia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Ljubljana" title="Ljubljana">Ljubljana</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Spain.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Spain"><img alt="Flag of Spain" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Spain.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Flag_of_Spain.svg/50px-Flag_of_Spain.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Spain" title="Spain">Spain</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Madrid" title="Madrid">Madrid</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sweden.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Sweden"><img alt="Flag of Sweden" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Sweden.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4c/Flag_of_Sweden.svg/50px-Flag_of_Sweden.svg.png" height="31" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Sweden" title="Sweden">Sweden</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Stockholm" title="Stockholm">Stockholm</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Switzerland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Switzerland"><img alt="Flag of Switzerland" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Switzerland.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/Flag_of_Switzerland.svg/50px-Flag_of_Switzerland.svg.png" height="50" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Switzerland" title="Switzerland">Switzerland</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Berne" title="Berne">Berne</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ukraine.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ukraine"><img alt="Flag of Ukraine" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ukraine.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/Flag_of_Ukraine.svg/50px-Flag_of_Ukraine.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Ukraine" title="Ukraine">Ukraine</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kiev" title="Kiev">Kiev</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United Kingdom"><img alt="Flag of the United Kingdom" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ae/Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_Kingdom" title="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/London" title="London">London</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Europe</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Vatican_City.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Vatican City"><img alt="Flag of the Vatican City" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Vatican_City.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/Flag_of_the_Vatican_City.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Vatican_City.svg.png" height="50" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Vatican_City" title="Vatican City">Vatican City</a></b> – Vatican City<sup id="_ref-city-state_3" class="reference"><a href="#_note-city-state" title="">[5]</a></sup></td></tr>
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-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Anguilla.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Anguilla"><img alt="Flag of Anguilla" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Anguilla.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Flag_of_Anguilla.svg/50px-Flag_of_Anguilla.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Anguilla" title="Anguilla">Anguilla</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/The_Valley%2C_Anguilla" title="The Valley, Anguilla">The Valley</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Antigua and Barbuda"><img alt="Flag of Antigua and Barbuda" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/89/Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg/50px-Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Antigua_and_Barbuda" title="Antigua and Barbuda">Antigua and Barbuda</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Saint_John%27s%2C_Antigua_and_Barbuda" title="Saint John's, Antigua and Barbuda">Saint John's</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Aruba.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Aruba"><img alt="Flag of Aruba" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Aruba.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/Flag_of_Aruba.svg/50px-Flag_of_Aruba.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Aruba" title="Aruba">Aruba</a></i> (overseas country in the <a href="/wiki/Kingdom_of_the_Netherlands" title="Kingdom of the Netherlands">Kingdom of the Netherlands</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Oranjestad%2C_Aruba" title="Oranjestad, Aruba">Oranjestad</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Bahamas.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Bahamas"><img alt="Flag of the Bahamas" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Bahamas.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/93/Flag_of_the_Bahamas.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Bahamas.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/The_Bahamas" title="The Bahamas">Bahamas</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Nassau%2C_Bahamas" title="Nassau, Bahamas">Nassau</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Barbados.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Barbados"><img alt="Flag of Barbados" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Barbados.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ef/Flag_of_Barbados.svg/50px-Flag_of_Barbados.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Barbados" title="Barbados">Barbados</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bridgetown" title="Bridgetown">Bridgetown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belize.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Belize"><img alt="Flag of Belize" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Belize.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e7/Flag_of_Belize.svg/50px-Flag_of_Belize.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Belize" title="Belize">Belize</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Belmopan" title="Belmopan">Belmopan</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bermuda.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bermuda"><img alt="Flag of Bermuda" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bermuda.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Flag_of_Bermuda.svg/50px-Flag_of_Bermuda.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bermuda" title="Bermuda">Bermuda</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Hamilton%2C_Bermuda" title="Hamilton, Bermuda">Hamilton</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the British Virgin Islands"><img alt="Flag of the British Virgin Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/British_Virgin_Islands" title="British Virgin Islands">British Virgin Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Road_Town" title="Road Town">Road Town</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Canada.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Canada"><img alt="Flag of Canada" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Canada.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cf/Flag_of_Canada.svg/50px-Flag_of_Canada.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Canada" title="Canada">Canada</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Ottawa" title="Ottawa">Ottawa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Cayman_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cayman Islands"><img alt="Flag of Cayman Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Cayman_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0f/Flag_of_the_Cayman_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Cayman_Islands.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cayman_Islands" title="Cayman Islands">Cayman Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/George_Town%2C_Cayman_Islands" title="George Town, Cayman Islands">George Town</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of France"><img alt="Flag of France" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a> <a href="/wiki/Clipperton_Island" title="Clipperton Island">Clipperton Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Costa_Rica.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Costa Rica"><img alt="Flag of Costa Rica" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Costa_Rica.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f2/Flag_of_Costa_Rica.svg/50px-Flag_of_Costa_Rica.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Costa_Rica" title="Costa Rica">Costa Rica</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/San_Jos%C3%A9%2C_Costa_Rica" title="San José, Costa Rica">San José</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cuba.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Cuba"><img alt="Flag of Cuba" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Cuba.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bd/Flag_of_Cuba.svg/50px-Flag_of_Cuba.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cuba" title="Cuba">Cuba</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Havana" title="Havana">Havana</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Dominica.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Dominica"><img alt="Flag of Dominica" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Dominica.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/Flag_of_Dominica.svg/50px-Flag_of_Dominica.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Dominica" title="Dominica">Dominica</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Roseau" title="Roseau">Roseau</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Dominican_Republic.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Dominican Republic"><img alt="Flag of the Dominican Republic" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Dominican_Republic.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9f/Flag_of_the_Dominican_Republic.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Dominican_Republic.svg.png" height="31" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Dominican_Republic" title="Dominican Republic">Dominican Republic</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Santo_Domingo" title="Santo Domingo">Santo Domingo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_El_Salvador.svg" class="image" title="Flag of El Salvador"><img alt="Flag of El Salvador" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_El_Salvador.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/34/Flag_of_El_Salvador.svg/50px-Flag_of_El_Salvador.svg.png" height="28" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/El_Salvador" title="El Salvador">El Salvador</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/San_Salvador" title="San Salvador">San Salvador</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Greenland.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Greenland"><img alt="Flag of Greenland" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Greenland.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/09/Flag_of_Greenland.svg/50px-Flag_of_Greenland.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Greenland" title="Greenland">Greenland</a></i> (overseas territory of Denmark) – <a href="/wiki/Nuuk" title="Nuuk">Nuuk</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Grenada.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Grenada"><img alt="Flag of Grenada" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Grenada.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bc/Flag_of_Grenada.svg/50px-Flag_of_Grenada.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Grenada" title="Grenada">Grenada</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Saint_George%27s%2C_Grenada" title="Saint George's, Grenada">Saint George's</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guadeloupe"><img alt="Flag of Guadeloupe" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guadeloupe" title="Guadeloupe">Guadeloupe</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas department of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Basse-Terre" title="Basse-Terre">Basse-Terre</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guatemala.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guatemala"><img alt="Flag of Guatemala" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guatemala.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ec/Flag_of_Guatemala.svg/50px-Flag_of_Guatemala.svg.png" height="31" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guatemala" title="Guatemala">Guatemala</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Guatemala_City" title="Guatemala City">Guatemala City</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Haiti.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Haiti"><img alt="Flag of Haiti" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Haiti.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/56/Flag_of_Haiti.svg/50px-Flag_of_Haiti.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Haiti" title="Haiti">Haiti</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Port-au-Prince" title="Port-au-Prince">Port-au-Prince</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Honduras.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Honduras"><img alt="Flag of Honduras" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Honduras.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/82/Flag_of_Honduras.svg/50px-Flag_of_Honduras.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Honduras" title="Honduras">Honduras</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Tegucigalpa" title="Tegucigalpa">Tegucigalpa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Jamaica.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Jamaica"><img alt="Flag of Jamaica" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Jamaica.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0a/Flag_of_Jamaica.svg/50px-Flag_of_Jamaica.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Jamaica" title="Jamaica">Jamaica</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kingston%2C_Jamaica" title="Kingston, Jamaica">Kingston</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Martinique"><img alt="Flag of Martinique" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Martinique" title="Martinique">Martinique</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas department of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Fort-de-France" title="Fort-de-France">Fort-de-France</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mexico.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Mexico"><img alt="Flag of Mexico" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Mexico.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fc/Flag_of_Mexico.svg/50px-Flag_of_Mexico.svg.png" height="29" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Mexico" title="Mexico">Mexico</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Mexico_City" title="Mexico City">Mexico City</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montserrat.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Montserrat"><img alt="Flag of Montserrat" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Montserrat.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d0/Flag_of_Montserrat.svg/50px-Flag_of_Montserrat.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Montserrat" title="Montserrat">Montserrat</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Plymouth%2C_Montserrat" title="Plymouth, Montserrat">Plymouth</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Brades" title="Brades">Brades</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Navassa Island"><img alt="Flag of Navassa Island" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Navassa_Island" title="Navassa Island">Navassa Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Netherlands Antilles"><img alt="Flag of the Netherlands Antilles" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Netherlands_Antilles" title="Netherlands Antilles">Netherlands Antilles</a></i> (overseas country in the <a href="/wiki/Kingdom_of_the_Netherlands" title="Kingdom of the Netherlands">Kingdom of the Netherlands</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Willemstad%2C_Netherlands_Antilles" title="Willemstad, Netherlands Antilles">Willemstad</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nicaragua"><img alt="Flag of Nicaragua" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/19/Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg/50px-Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nicaragua" title="Nicaragua">Nicaragua</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Managua" title="Managua">Managua</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Panama.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Panama"><img alt="Flag of Panama" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Panama.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ab/Flag_of_Panama.svg/50px-Flag_of_Panama.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Panama" title="Panama">Panama</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Panama_City" title="Panama City">Panama City</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Puerto_Rico.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Puerto Rico"><img alt="Flag of Puerto Rico" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Puerto_Rico.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Flag_of_Puerto_Rico.svg/50px-Flag_of_Puerto_Rico.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Puerto_Rico" title="Puerto Rico">Puerto Rico</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>) – <a href="/wiki/San_Juan%2C_Puerto_Rico" title="San Juan, Puerto Rico">San Juan</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Barthelemy"><img alt="Flag of Saint Barthelemy" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Barthelemy" title="Saint Barthelemy">Saint Barthelemy</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Gustavia%2C_Saint_Barthelemy" title="Gustavia, Saint Barthelemy">Gustavia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis"><img alt="Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/Flag_of_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis.svg/50px-Flag_of_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis" title="Saint Kitts and Nevis">Saint Kitts and Nevis</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Basseterre" title="Basseterre">Basseterre</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Lucia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Lucia"><img alt="Flag of Saint Lucia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Lucia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9f/Flag_of_Saint_Lucia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Saint_Lucia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Lucia" title="Saint Lucia">Saint Lucia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Castries" title="Castries">Castries</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Martin (France)"><img alt="Flag of Saint Martin (France)" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Martin_%28France%29" title="Saint Martin (France)">Saint Martin</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Marigot%2C_Saint_Martin" title="Marigot, Saint Martin">Marigot</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Pierre and Miquelon"><img alt="Flag of Saint Pierre and Miquelon" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon" title="Saint Pierre and Miquelon">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Saint-Pierre%2C_Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon" title="Saint-Pierre, Saint Pierre and Miquelon">Saint-Pierre</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"><img alt="Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6d/Flag_of_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines.svg/50px-Flag_of_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines" title="Saint Vincent and the Grenadines">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Kingstown" title="Kingstown">Kingstown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Trinidad and Tobago"><img alt="Flag of Trinidad and Tobago" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/64/Flag_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago.svg/50px-Flag_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Trinidad_and_Tobago" title="Trinidad and Tobago">Trinidad and Tobago</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Port_of_Spain" title="Port of Spain">Port of Spain</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands"><img alt="Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a0/Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Turks_and_Caicos_Islands" title="Turks and Caicos Islands">Turks and Caicos Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Cockburn_Town" title="Cockburn Town">Cockburn Town</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"><img alt="Flag of the United States" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Washington%2C_D.C." title="Washington, D.C.">Washington, D.C.</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>North America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States Virgin Islands"><img alt="Flag of the United States Virgin Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/United_States_Virgin_Islands" title="United States Virgin Islands">United States Virgin Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Charlotte_Amalie%2C_United_States_Virgin_Islands" title="Charlotte Amalie, United States Virgin Islands">Charlotte Amalie</a></td></tr>
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-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Argentina.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Argentina"><img alt="Flag of Argentina" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Argentina.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Flag_of_Argentina.svg/50px-Flag_of_Argentina.svg.png" height="32" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Argentina" title="Argentina">Argentina</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Buenos_Aires" title="Buenos Aires">Buenos Aires</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bolivia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bolivia"><img alt="Flag of Bolivia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Bolivia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Flag_of_Bolivia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Bolivia.svg.png" height="34" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bolivia" title="Bolivia">Bolivia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Sucre" title="Sucre">Sucre</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/La_Paz" title="La Paz">La Paz</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Brazil.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Brazil"><img alt="Flag of Brazil" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Brazil.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Flag_of_Brazil.svg/50px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png" height="35" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Brazil" title="Brazil">Brazil</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bras%C3%ADlia" title="Brasília">Brasília</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Chile.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Chile"><img alt="Flag of Chile" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Chile.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/78/Flag_of_Chile.svg/50px-Flag_of_Chile.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Chile" title="Chile">Chile</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Santiago%2C_Chile" title="Santiago, Chile">Santiago</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Colombia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Colombia"><img alt="Flag of Colombia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Colombia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/21/Flag_of_Colombia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Colombia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Colombia" title="Colombia">Colombia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Bogot%C3%A1" title="Bogotá">Bogotá</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ecuador.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Ecuador"><img alt="Flag of Ecuador" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Ecuador.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e8/Flag_of_Ecuador.svg/50px-Flag_of_Ecuador.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Ecuador" title="Ecuador">Ecuador</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Quito" title="Quito">Quito</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Falkland_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Falkland Islands"><img alt="Flag of the Falkland Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Falkland_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/83/Flag_of_the_Falkland_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Falkland_Islands.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Falkland_Islands" title="Falkland Islands">Falkland Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Stanley%2C_Falkland_Islands" title="Stanley, Falkland Islands">Stanley</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of French Guiana"><img alt="Flag of French Guiana" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/French_Guiana" title="French Guiana">French Guiana</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas department of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Cayenne" title="Cayenne">Cayenne</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guyana.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guyana"><img alt="Flag of Guyana" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guyana.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/99/Flag_of_Guyana.svg/50px-Flag_of_Guyana.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guyana" title="Guyana">Guyana</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Georgetown%2C_Guyana" title="Georgetown, Guyana">Georgetown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Paraguay.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Paraguay"><img alt="Flag of Paraguay" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Paraguay.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/Flag_of_Paraguay.svg/50px-Flag_of_Paraguay.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Paraguay" title="Paraguay">Paraguay</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Asunci%C3%B3n" title="Asunción">Asunción</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Peru.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Peru"><img alt="Flag of Peru" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Peru.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cf/Flag_of_Peru.svg/50px-Flag_of_Peru.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Peru" title="Peru">Peru</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Lima" title="Lima">Lima</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Suriname.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Suriname"><img alt="Flag of Suriname" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Suriname.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/60/Flag_of_Suriname.svg/50px-Flag_of_Suriname.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Suriname" title="Suriname">Suriname</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Paramaribo" title="Paramaribo">Paramaribo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uruguay.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Uruguay"><img alt="Flag of Uruguay" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Uruguay.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/Flag_of_Uruguay.svg/50px-Flag_of_Uruguay.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Uruguay" title="Uruguay">Uruguay</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Montevideo" title="Montevideo">Montevideo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>South America</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Venezuela.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Venezuela"><img alt="Flag of Venezuela" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Venezuela.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/06/Flag_of_Venezuela.svg/50px-Flag_of_Venezuela.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Venezuela" title="Venezuela">Venezuela</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Caracas" title="Caracas">Caracas</a></td></tr>
-<!-- Americas: Oceania -->
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_American_Samoa.svg" class="image" title="Flag of American Samoa"><img alt="Flag of American Samoa" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_American_Samoa.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/87/Flag_of_American_Samoa.svg/50px-Flag_of_American_Samoa.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/American_Samoa" title="American Samoa">American Samoa</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Pago_Pago" title="Pago Pago">Pago Pago</a> (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Fagatogo" title="Fagatogo">Fagatogo</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Australia"><img alt="Flag of Australia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b9/Flag_of_Australia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Australia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Australia" title="Australia">Australia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Canberra" title="Canberra">Canberra</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"><img alt="Flag of the United States" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a> <a href="/wiki/Baker_Island" title="Baker Island">Baker Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Cook_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Cook Islands"><img alt="Flag of the Cook Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Cook_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/35/Flag_of_the_Cook_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Cook_Islands.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Cook_Islands" title="Cook Islands">Cook Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Associated_state" title="Associated state">territory in free association</a> with New Zealand) – <a href="/wiki/Avarua" title="Avarua">Avarua</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Fiji.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Fiji"><img alt="Flag of Fiji" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Fiji.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/ba/Flag_of_Fiji.svg/50px-Flag_of_Fiji.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Fiji" title="Fiji">Fiji</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Suva" title="Suva">Suva</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_French_Polynesia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of French Polynesia"><img alt="Flag of French Polynesia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_French_Polynesia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/db/Flag_of_French_Polynesia.svg/50px-Flag_of_French_Polynesia.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/French_Polynesia" title="French Polynesia">French Polynesia</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Papeete" title="Papeete">Papeete</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guam.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Guam"><img alt="Flag of Guam" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Guam.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/07/Flag_of_Guam.svg/50px-Flag_of_Guam.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Guam" title="Guam">Guam</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Hag%C3%A5t%C3%B1a" title="Hagåtña">Hagåtña</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"><img alt="Flag of the United States" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a> <a href="/wiki/Howland_Island" title="Howland Island">Howland Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"><img alt="Flag of the United States" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a> <a href="/wiki/Jarvis_Island" title="Jarvis Island">Jarvis Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"><img alt="Flag of the United States" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a> <a href="/wiki/Johnston_Atoll" title="Johnston Atoll">Johnston Atoll</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"><img alt="Flag of the United States" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a> <a href="/wiki/Kingman_Reef" title="Kingman Reef">Kingman Reef</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kiribati.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Kiribati"><img alt="Flag of Kiribati" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Kiribati.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d3/Flag_of_Kiribati.svg/50px-Flag_of_Kiribati.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Kiribati" title="Kiribati">Kiribati</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/South_Tarawa" title="South Tarawa">South Tarawa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Marshall_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Marshall Islands"><img alt="Flag of the Marshall Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Marshall_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2e/Flag_of_the_Marshall_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Marshall_Islands.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Marshall_Islands" title="Marshall Islands">Marshall Islands</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Majuro" title="Majuro">Majuro</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Micronesia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia"><img alt="Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Micronesia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ed/Flag_of_Micronesia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Micronesia.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Federated_States_of_Micronesia" title="Federated States of Micronesia">Micronesia</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Palikir" title="Palikir">Palikir</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"><img alt="Flag of the United States" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a> <a href="/wiki/Midway_Atoll" title="Midway Atoll">Midway Atoll</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nauru.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Nauru"><img alt="Flag of Nauru" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Nauru.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/30/Flag_of_Nauru.svg/50px-Flag_of_Nauru.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Nauru" title="Nauru">Nauru</a></b> – no official capital (seat of government at <a href="/wiki/Yaren" title="Yaren">Yaren</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of New Caledonia"><img alt="Flag of New Caledonia" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/New_Caledonia" title="New Caledonia">New Caledonia</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Noum%C3%A9a" title="Nouméa">Nouméa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg" class="image" title="Flag of New Zealand"><img alt="Flag of New Zealand" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg/50px-Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/New_Zealand" title="New Zealand">New Zealand</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Wellington" title="Wellington">Wellington</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niue.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Niue"><img alt="Flag of Niue" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Niue.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/01/Flag_of_Niue.svg/50px-Flag_of_Niue.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Niue" title="Niue">Niue</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Associated_state" title="Associated state">territory in free association</a> with New Zealand) – <a href="/wiki/Alofi" title="Alofi">Alofi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norfolk_Island.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Norfolk Island"><img alt="Flag of Norfolk Island" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norfolk_Island.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Flag_of_Norfolk_Island.svg/50px-Flag_of_Norfolk_Island.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Norfolk_Island" title="Norfolk Island">Norfolk Island</a></i> (overseas territory of Australia) – <a href="/wiki/Kingston%2C_Norfolk_Island" title="Kingston, Norfolk Island">Kingston</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Northern_Mariana_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Northern Mariana Islands"><img alt="Flag of the Northern Mariana Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Northern_Mariana_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e0/Flag_of_the_Northern_Mariana_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Northern_Mariana_Islands.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Northern_Mariana_Islands" title="Northern Mariana Islands">Northern Mariana Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Saipan" title="Saipan">Saipan</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Palau.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Palau"><img alt="Flag of Palau" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Palau.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Flag_of_Palau.svg/50px-Flag_of_Palau.svg.png" height="31" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Palau" title="Palau">Palau</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Melekeok" title="Melekeok">Melekeok</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"><img alt="Flag of the United States" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a> <a href="/wiki/Palmyra_Atoll" title="Palmyra Atoll">Palmyra Atoll</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Papua_New_Guinea.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Papua New Guinea"><img alt="Flag of Papua New Guinea" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Papua_New_Guinea.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e3/Flag_of_Papua_New_Guinea.svg/50px-Flag_of_Papua_New_Guinea.svg.png" height="38" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Papua_New_Guinea" title="Papua New Guinea">Papua New Guinea</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Port_Moresby" title="Port Moresby">Port Moresby</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Pitcairn_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Pitcairn Islands"><img alt="Flag of the Pitcairn Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Pitcairn_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/Flag_of_the_Pitcairn_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Pitcairn_Islands.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Pitcairn_Islands" title="Pitcairn Islands">Pitcairn Islands</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Adamstown%2C_Pitcairn_Island" title="Adamstown, Pitcairn Island">Adamstown</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Samoa.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Samoa"><img alt="Flag of Samoa" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Samoa.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/31/Flag_of_Samoa.svg/50px-Flag_of_Samoa.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Samoa" title="Samoa">Samoa</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Apia" title="Apia">Apia</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Solomon_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the Solomon Islands"><img alt="Flag of the Solomon Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_Solomon_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/74/Flag_of_the_Solomon_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_Solomon_Islands.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Solomon_Islands" title="Solomon Islands">Solomon Islands</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Honiara" title="Honiara">Honiara</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tokelau"><img alt="Flag of Tokelau" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg/50px-Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tokelau" title="Tokelau">Tokelau</a></i> (overseas territory of New Zealand) – no official capital (each atoll has its own administrative centre)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tonga.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tonga"><img alt="Flag of Tonga" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tonga.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Flag_of_Tonga.svg/50px-Flag_of_Tonga.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tonga" title="Tonga">Tonga</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Nuku%27alofa" title="Nuku'alofa">Nuku'alofa</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Tuvalu"><img alt="Flag of Tuvalu" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/38/Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg/50px-Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Tuvalu" title="Tuvalu">Tuvalu</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Funafuti" title="Funafuti">Funafuti</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><b><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Vanuatu"><img alt="Flag of Vanuatu" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bc/Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg/50px-Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg.png" height="30" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Vanuatu" title="Vanuatu">Vanuatu</a></b> – <a href="/wiki/Port_Vila" title="Port Vila">Port Vila</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the United States"><img alt="Flag of the United States" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/50px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png" height="26" width="50"></a> <a href="/wiki/Wake_Island" title="Wake Island">Wake Island</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/Insular_area" title="Insular area">overseas territory of the United States</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Oceania</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Wallis and Futuna"><img alt="Flag of Wallis and Futuna" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Wallis_and_Futuna" title="Wallis and Futuna">Wallis and Futuna</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>) – <a href="/wiki/Mata-Utu" title="Mata-Utu">Mata-Utu</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Antarctica</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norway.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Bouvet Island"><img alt="Flag of Bouvet Island" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Norway.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d9/Flag_of_Norway.svg/50px-Flag_of_Norway.svg.png" height="36" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Bouvet_Island" title="Bouvet Island">Bouvet Island</a></i> (overseas territory of Norway)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Antarctica</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="image" title="Flag of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands"><img alt="Flag of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_France.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/50px-Flag_of_France.svg.png" height="33" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/French_Southern_and_Antarctic_Lands" title="French Southern and Antarctic Lands">French Southern Territories</a></i> (<a href="/wiki/French_overseas_territory" title="French overseas territory">overseas territory of France</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Antarctica</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="image" title="Flag of Heard Island and McDonald Islands"><img alt="Flag of Heard Island and McDonald Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Australia.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b9/Flag_of_Australia.svg/50px-Flag_of_Australia.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/Heard_Island_and_McDonald_Islands" title="Heard Island and McDonald Islands">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</a></i> (overseas territory of Australia)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Antarctica</td><td><i><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands.svg" class="image" title="Flag of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"><img alt="Flag of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands.svg" class="thumbborder" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ed/Flag_of_South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands.svg/50px-Flag_of_South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands.svg.png" height="25" width="50"></a>&nbsp;<a href="/wiki/South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands" title="South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</a></i><sup id="_ref-3" class="reference"><a href="#_note-3" title="">[7]</a></sup> (<a href="/wiki/British_overseas_territory" title="British overseas territory">overseas territory of the United Kingdom</a>)</td></tr>
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail.html b/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eae49f..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
- <title>Demo Mail Application</title>
- <style type="text/css">
- @import "../../dojo/resources/dojo.css";
- @import "../themes/soria/soria.css";
- @import "mail/mail.css";
- </style>
- <style type="text/css">
- #inbox .dijitSplitterH { height: 5px }
- #inbox .dijitSplitterV { width: 5px }
- </style>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../dojo/dojo.js"
- djConfig="isDebug: false, parseOnLoad: true, defaultTestTheme: 'soria'"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../tests/_testCommon.js"></script>
- <!--
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../dijit.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../dijit-all.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
- -->
- <script type="text/javascript">
- // Use profile builds, if available. Since we use pretty much all of the widgets, just use dijit-all.
- // A custom profile would provide some additional savings.
- dojo.require("dijit.dijit");
- dojo.require("dijit.dijit-all");
- dojo.require("dojo.parser");
- dojo.require("dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore");
- dojo.require("dijit.dijit");
- dojo.require("dijit.Declaration");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.Button");
- dojo.require("dijit.Menu");
- dojo.require("dijit.Tree");
- dojo.require("dijit.Tooltip");
- dojo.require("dijit.Dialog");
- dojo.require("dijit.Toolbar");
- dojo.require("dijit._Calendar");
- dojo.require("dijit.ColorPalette");
- dojo.require("dijit.Editor");
- dojo.require("dijit._editor.plugins.LinkDialog");
- dojo.require("dijit.ProgressBar");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.ComboBox");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.CheckBox");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.FilteringSelect");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.Textarea");
- dojo.require("dijit.layout.BorderContainer");
- dojo.require("dijit.layout.AccordionContainer");
- dojo.require("dijit.layout.TabContainer");
- dojo.require("dijit.layout.ContentPane");
- dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
- dijit.setWaiRole(dojo.body(), "application");
- });
- var paneId=1;
- // for "new message" tab closing
- function testClose(pane,tab){
- return confirm("Are you sure you want to leave your changes?");
- }
- // fake mail download code:
- var numMails;
- var updateFetchStatus = function(x){
- if (x == 0) {
- dijit.byId('fakeFetch').update({ indeterminate: false });
- return;
- }
- dijit.byId('fakeFetch').update({ progress: x });
- if (x == numMails){
- dojo.fadeOut({ node: 'fetchMail', duration:800,
- // set progress back to indeterminate. we're cheating, because this
- // doesn't actually have any data to "progress"
- onEnd: function(){
- dijit.byId('fakeFetch').update({ indeterminate: true });
- dojo.byId('fetchMail').style.visibility='hidden'; // remove progress bar from tab order
- }
- }).play();
- }
- }
- var fakeReport = function(percent){
- // FIXME: can't set a label on an indeterminate progress bar
- // like if(this.indeterminate) { return " connecting."; }
- return dojo.string.substitute("Fetching: ${0} of ${1} messages.", [percent*this.maximum, this.maximum]);
- }
- var fakeDownload = function(){
- dojo.byId('fetchMail').style.visibility='visible';
- numMails = Math.floor(Math.random()*10)+1;
- dijit.byId('fakeFetch').update({ maximum: numMails, progress:0 });
- dojo.fadeIn({ node: 'fetchMail', duration:300 }).play();
- for (var i=0; i<=numMails; i++){
- setTimeout(function(){updateFetchStatus(i);},((i+1)*(Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+400)));
- }
- }
- // fake sending dialog progress bar
- var stopSendBar = function(){
- dijit.byId('fakeSend').update({indeterminate: false});
- dijit.byId('sendDialog').hide();
- tabs.selectedChildWidget.onClose = function(){return true;}; // don't want confirm message
- tabs.closeChild(tabs.selectedChildWidget);
- }
- var showSendBar = function(){
- dijit.byId('fakeSend').update({ indeterminate: true });
- dijit.byId('sendDialog').show();
- setTimeout(function(){stopSendBar();}, 3000);
- }
- </script>
-<body class="soria">
- <div dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore" jsId="mailStore"
- url="mail/mail.json"></div>
- <!-- Inline declaration of a table widget (thanks Alex!) -->
- <table dojoType="dijit.Declaration"
- widgetClass="demo.Table" class="demoTable"
- defaults="{ store: null, query: { query: { type: 'message' } }, columns: [ { name: 'From', attribute: 'sender' }, { name: 'Subject', attribute: 'label' }, { name: 'Sent on', attribute: 'sent',
- format: function(v){ return dojo.date.locale.format(dojo.date.stamp.fromISOString(v), {selector: 'date'}); }
- } ] }">
- <thead dojoAttachPoint="head">
- <tr dojoAttachPoint="headRow"></tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody dojoAttachPoint="body">
- <tr dojoAttachPoint="row"></tr>
- </tbody>
- <script type="dojo/method">
- dojo.forEach(this.columns, function(item, idx){
- var icn = item.className||"";
- // add a header for each column
- var tth = document.createElement("th");
- tth.innerHTML = "<span class='arrowNode'></span> "+ item.name;
- tth.className = icn;
- dojo.connect(tth, "onclick", dojo.hitch(this, "onSort", idx));
- this.headRow.appendChild(tth);
- // and fill in the column cell in the template row
- this.row.appendChild(document.createElement("td"));
- this.row.lastChild.className = icn;
- }, this);
- this.runQuery();
- </script>
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onSort" args="index">
- var ca = this.columns[index].attribute;
- var qs = this.query.sort;
- // clobber an existing sort arrow
- dojo.query("> th", this.headRow).removeClass("arrowUp").removeClass("arrowDown");
- if(qs && qs[0].attribute == ca){
- qs[0].descending = !qs[0].descending;
- }else{
- this.query.sort = [{
- attribute: ca,
- descending: false
- }];
- }
- var th = dojo.query("> th", this.headRow)[index];
- dojo.addClass(th, (this.query.sort[0].descending ? "arrowUp" : "arrowDown"));
- this.runQuery();
- </script>
- <script type="dojo/method" event="runQuery">
- this.query.onBegin = dojo.hitch(this, function(){ dojo.query("tr", this.body).orphan(); });
- this.query.onItem = dojo.hitch(this, "onItem");
- this.query.onComplete = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
- dojo.query("tr:nth-child(odd)", this.body).addClass("oddRow");
- dojo.query("tr:nth-child(even)", this.body).removeClass("oddRow");
- });
- this.store.fetch(this.query);
- </script>
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onItem" args="item">
- var tr = this.row.cloneNode(true);
- dojo.query("td", tr).forEach(function(n, i, a){
- var tc = this.columns[i];
- var tv = this.store.getValue(item, tc.attribute)||"";
- if(tc.format){ tv = tc.format(tv, item, this.store); }
- n.innerHTML = tv;
- }, this);
- this.body.appendChild(tr);
- dojo.connect(tr, "onclick", this, function(){ this.onClick(item); });
- </script>
- </table>
- <!-- Inline declaration for programmatically created "New Message" tabs -->
- <div dojoType="dijit.Declaration"
- widgetClass="mail.NewMessage">
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.BorderContainer" dojoAttachPoint="container" title="Composing..." closeable="true">
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="top" style="height:60px; overflow: visible; z-index: 10; color:#666;">
- <table width="100%">
- <tr style="padding-top:5px;">
- <td style="padding-left:20px; padding-right: 8px; text-align:right;"><label for="${id}_to">To:</label></td>
- <td width=100%>
- <select dojoType="dijit.form.ComboBox" id="${id}_to" hasDownArrow="false">
- <option></option>
- <option>adam@yahoo.com</option>
- <option>barry@yahoo.com</option>
- <option>bob@yahoo.com</option>
- <option>cal@yahoo.com</option>
- <option>chris@yahoo.com</option>
- <option>courtney@yahoo.com</option>
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="padding-left: 20px; padding-right:8px; text-align:right;"><label for="${id}_subject">Subject:</label></td>
- <td width=100%>
- <select dojoType="dijit.form.ComboBox" id="${id}_subject" hasDownArrow="false">
- <option></option>
- <option>progress meeting</option>
- <option>reports</option>
- <option>lunch</option>
- <option>vacation</option>
- <option>status meeting</option>
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <hr noshade size="1">
- </div>
- <!-- new message part -->
- <!-- FIXME: editor as direct widget here doesn't init -->
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="center" href="mail/newMail.html"></div>
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="bottom" style="height:32px" align="center">
- <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" iconClass="mailIconOk"
- >Send
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick">
- var toField = dojo.byId("${id}_to");
- if (toField.value == ""){
- alert("Please enter a recipient address");
- }else{
- showSendBar();
- }
- </script>
- </button>
- <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" iconClass="mailIconCancel"
- >Cancel
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick">
- tabs.closeChild(tabs.selectedChildWidget);
- </script>
- </button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.BorderContainer" id="main">
- <!-- toolbar with new mail button, etc. -->
- <div dojoType="dijit.Toolbar" region="top" style="height:25px;">
- <div id="getMail" dojoType="dijit.form.ComboButton"
- iconClass="mailIconGetMail" optionsTitle="Mail Source Options">
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick">
- fakeDownload();
- </script>
- <span>Get Mail</span>
- <ul dojoType="dijit.Menu">
- <li dojoType="dijit.MenuItem" iconClass="mailIconGetMail">Yahoo</li>
- <li dojoType="dijit.MenuItem" iconClass="mailIconGetMail">GMail</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <span dojoType="dijit.Tooltip" connectId="getMail">Click to download new mail.</span>
- <button
- id="newMsg" dojoType="dijit.form.Button"
- iconClass="mailIconNewMessage">
- New Message
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick">
- /* make a new tab for composing the message */
- var newTab = new mail.NewMessage({id: "new"+paneId }).container;
- dojo.mixin(newTab,
- {
- title: "New Message #" + paneId++,
- closable: true,
- onClose: testClose
- }
- );
- tabs.addChild(newTab);
- tabs.selectChild(newTab);
- </script>
- </button>
- <span dojoType="dijit.Tooltip" connectId="newMsg">Click to compose new message.</span>
- <button id="options" dojoType="dijit.form.Button" iconClass="mailIconOptions">
- &nbsp;Options
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick">
- dijit.byId('optionsDialog').show();
- </script>
- </button>
- <div dojoType="dijit.Tooltip" connectId="options">Set various options</div>
- </div>
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.TabContainer" id="tabs" jsId="tabs" region="center">
- <!-- main section with tree, table, and preview -->
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.BorderContainer" id="inbox" title="Inbox" design="sidebar">
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionContainer" region="leading" minSize="20" style="width:20%;" splitter="true">
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionPane" title="Folders">
- <div dojoType="dijit.Tree" id="mytree" store="mailStore"
- childrenAttr="folders" query="{type:'folder'}" label="Folders">
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick" args="item">
- if(!item){
- return; // top level node in tree doesn't correspond to any item
- }
- /* filter the message list to messages in this folder */
- table.query.query = {
- type: "message",
- folder: mailStore.getValue(item, "id")
- };
- table.runQuery();
- </script>
- <script type="dojo/method" event="getIconClass" args="item">
- return (item && mailStore.getValue(item, "icon")) || "mailIconFolderDocuments";
- </script>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionPane" title="Address Book">
- <span dojoType="demo.Table" store="mailStore"
- query="{ query: { type: 'address' }, columns: [ {name: 'User name', attribute: 'label'} ], sort: [ { attribute: 'label' } ] }"
- id="addresses" style="width: 100%">
- <script type="dojo/method" event="preamble">
- this.query = { type: "address" };
- this.columns = [
- {
- name: "Name",
- attribute: "label"
- }
- ];
- </script>
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick" args="item">
- table.query.query.sender = mailStore.getValue(item, "sender");
- delete table.query.query.folder;
- table.runQuery();
- </script>
- </span>
- </div>
- </div> <!-- end of Accordion -->
- <!-- list of messages pane -->
- <div id="listPane" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="top" minSize="20" style="height:134px;" splitter="true">
- <span dojoType="demo.Table" store="mailStore"
- query="{ query: { type: 'message' }, sort: [ { attribute: 'label' } ] }"
- id="foo" jsId="table" style="width: 100%">
- <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick" args="item">
- var sender = this.store.getValue(item, "sender");
- var subject = this.store.getValue(item, "label");
- var sent = dojo.date.locale.format(
- dojo.date.stamp.fromISOString(this.store.getValue(item, "sent")),
- {formatLength: "long", selector: "date"});
- var text = this.store.getValue(item, "text");
- var messageInner = "<span class='messageHeader'>From: " + sender + "<br>" +
- "Subject: "+ subject + "<br>" +
- "Date: " + sent + "<br><br></span>" +
- text;
- dijit.byId("message").setContent(messageInner);
- </script>
- </span>
- </div> <!-- end of listPane -->
- <!-- message preview pane -->
- <div id="message" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="center" minSize="20">
- <p>
- This is a simple application mockup showing some of the dojo widgets:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>layout widgets: BorderContainer, AccordionContainer</li>
- <li>TooltipDialog, Tooltip</li>
- <li>Tree</li>
- <li>form widgets: Button, DropDownButton, ComboButton, FilteringSelect, ComboBox</li>
- <li>Editor</li>
- </ul>
- <p>
- The message list above originally contains all the messages, but you can filter it
- by clicking on items in the left Accordion.
- Then click on the messages in the above list to display them.
- There's no server running, so the app is just a facade and it doesn't really do anything.
- <!-- TODO: delete button (we can delete since we are using ItemFileWriteStore -->
- </p>
- <p>
- <span style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS',Textile,cursive; color: blue; font-style: italic;">-- Bill</span>
- </p>
- </div> <!-- end of "message" -->
- </div> <!-- end of inbox -->
- </div> <!-- end of TabContainer -->
- <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="bottom" id="footer" align="left">
- <span style="float:right;">DojoMail v1.0 (demo only)</span>
- <div id="fetchMail" style="opacity:0;visibility:hidden">
- <div annotate="true" id="fakeFetch" dojoType="dijit.ProgressBar" style="height:15px; width:275px;" indeterminate="true" report="fakeReport"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div> <!-- end of main -->
- <div dojoType="dijit.Dialog" id="optionsDialog" title="Options:">
- <table>
- <tr><td style="text-align:right;"><label for="option1">Transport type:</label></td><td>
- <select id="option1" dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect">
- <option value="pop3">POP3</option>
- <option value="imap">IMAP</option>
- </select></td></tr>
- <tr><td style="text-align:right;"><label for="option2">Server:</label></td><td><input id="option2" dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox" type="text">
- </td></tr>
- <tr><td style="text-align:right;"><input type="checkbox" id="fooCB" dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"></td><td><label for="fooCB">Leave messages on Server</label></td></tr>
- <tr><td style="text-align:right;"><input type="checkbox" id="fooCB2" dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"></td><td><label for="fooCB2">Remember Password</label></td></tr>
- <tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;">
- <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit" iconClass="mailIconOk">OK</button>
- <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit" iconClass="mailIconCancel">Abort</button>
- </td></tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- <div dojoType="dijit.Dialog" id="sendDialog" title="Sending Mail">
- <div id="sendMailBar" style="text-align:center">
- <div id="fakeSend" dojoType="dijit.ProgressBar" style="height:15px; width:175px;" indeterminate="true" ></div>
- </div>
- <div>
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/icons.gif b/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/icons.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index d0b1760..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/icons.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/icons.png b/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/icons.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f333fbe..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/icons.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/mail.css b/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/mail.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 13474c4..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/mail.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-html, body, #main{
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- overflow: hidden;
- padding: 0 0 0 0;
- margin: 0 0 0 0;
- font: 10pt Arial,Myriad,Tahoma,Verdana,sans-serif;
-#banner, #footer {
-background-color: #ededff;
-color: #333;
-#banner { text-align:right; }
-#listPane tr:hover, #listPane td:hover, .dijitTreeContent:hover {
- background-color: #ededed;
- color: #333;
- cursor: pointer;
-#listPane tr, #listPane td { cursor: pointer; }
-table.demoTable {
- border-collapse: collapse;
-th {
- background-color: #4f8ce5;
- color: #666;
- font-weight:: bold !important;
- margin:0;
- padding:3px;
- background-image:url('../../themes/soria/images/titleBar.png');
- background-position:0px -1px;
-.dijitRtl caption,
-.dijitRtl th {
- text-align:right;
-th .arrowNode {
- position:relative;
- float:left;
- top:4px;
- left:4px;
- width:16px;
- height:16px;
-.dijitRtl th .arrowNode{
- float:right;
-th.arrowUp .arrowNode {
- margin-right: 5px;
- margin-top: -4px;
- margin-bottom: 5px;
- width: 15px;
- height:15px;
- background:transparent url("../../themes/soria/images/spriteRoundedIconsSmall.png") -45px top no-repeat;
-th.arrowDown .arrowNode {
- margin-right: 5px;
- margin-top: -4px;
- margin-bottom: 5px;
- width: 15px;
- height:15px;
- background:transparent url("../../themes/soria/images/spriteRoundedIconsSmall.png") -15px top no-repeat;
-.demoTable td { padding:3px; }
-.demoTable {
- border-spacing:0;
- padding:0; margin:0;
- width:98%;
-.oddRow {
- background-color: #f2f5f9;
-#message {
- padding: 8px;
-.subject {
- background: gray;
- width: 100%;
- padding-top: 5px;
- padding-bottom: 10px;
-.message {
- border: black 2px;
-.messageHeader {
- font:12pt Arial,sans-serif;
- font-weight:bold;
- color:#333;
-body .dojoSplitPane {
- background: #ededff;
- overflow: auto;
-.mailIconTrashcanFull {
- background-image: url('icons.png');
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- width: 16px;
- height: 16px;
- text-align: center;
- padding-right:4px;
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconCancel,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconOptions,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconFolderDocuments,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconFolderInbox,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconFolderSent,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconGetMail,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconNewMessage,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconMailbox,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconOk,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconTrashcanFull {
- background-image: url('icons.gif');
-.mailIconCancel { background-position: 0px; }
-.mailIconOptions { background-position: -22px; }
-.mailIconFolderDocuments { background-position: -44px; }
-.mailIconFolderInbox { background-position: -66px; }
-.mailIconFolderSent { background-position: -88px; }
-.mailIconGetMail { background-position: -110px; }
-.mailIconNewMessage { background-position: -132px; }
-.mailIconMailbox { background-position: -154px; }
-.mailIconOk { background-position: -176px; }
-.mailIconTrashcanFull { background-position: -198px; }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/mail.css.commented.css b/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/mail.css.commented.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 02e2635..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/mail.css.commented.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-html, body, #main{
- width: 100%; /* make the body expand to fill the visible window */
- height: 100%;
- overflow: hidden; /* erase window level scrollbars */
- padding: 0 0 0 0;
- margin: 0 0 0 0;
- font: 10pt Arial,Myriad,Tahoma,Verdana,sans-serif;
-#banner, #footer {
-background-color: #ededff;
-color: #333;
-#banner { text-align:right; }
-/* list of messages
-TODO: If i add the rules below as a plain tr/td it seems to mess up accordion, tree, etc. ???
-#listPane tr:hover, #listPane td:hover, .dijitTreeContent:hover {
- background-color: #ededed;
- color: #333;
- cursor: pointer;
-#listPane tr, #listPane td { cursor: pointer; }
-table.demoTable {
- border-collapse: collapse;
-th {
- background-color: #4f8ce5;
- color: #666;
- font-weight:: bold !important;
- margin:0;
- padding:3px;
- background-image:url('../../themes/soria/images/titleBar.png');
- background-position:0px -1px;
-.dijitRtl caption,
-.dijitRtl th {
- text-align:right;
-th .arrowNode {
- position:relative;
- float:left;
- top:4px;
- left:4px;
- width:16px;
- height:16px;
-.dijitRtl th .arrowNode{
- float:right;
-th.arrowUp .arrowNode {
- margin-right: 5px;
- margin-top: -4px;
- margin-bottom: 5px;
- width: 15px;
- height:15px;
- background:transparent url("../../themes/soria/images/spriteRoundedIconsSmall.png") -45px top no-repeat;
-th.arrowDown .arrowNode {
- margin-right: 5px;
- margin-top: -4px;
- margin-bottom: 5px;
- width: 15px;
- height:15px;
- background:transparent url("../../themes/soria/images/spriteRoundedIconsSmall.png") -15px top no-repeat;
-.demoTable td { padding:3px; }
-.demoTable {
- border-spacing:0;
- padding:0; margin:0;
- width:98%;
-.oddRow {
- background-color: #f2f5f9;
-#message {
- padding: 8px;
-/* Stuff for new messages */
-.subject {
- background: gray;
- width: 100%;
- padding-top: 5px;
- padding-bottom: 10px;
-.message {
- border: black 2px;
-.messageHeader {
- font:12pt Arial,sans-serif;
- font-weight:bold;
- color:#333;
-body .dojoSplitPane {
- background: #ededff;
- overflow: auto;
-/* Icons */
-.mailIconTrashcanFull {
- background-image: url('icons.png'); /* mail icons sprite image */
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- width: 16px;
- height: 16px;
- text-align: center;
- padding-right:4px;
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconCancel,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconOptions,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconFolderDocuments,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconFolderInbox,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconFolderSent,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconGetMail,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconNewMessage,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconMailbox,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconOk,
-.dj_ie6 .mailIconTrashcanFull {
- background-image: url('icons.gif');
-.mailIconCancel { background-position: 0px; }
-.mailIconOptions { background-position: -22px; }
-.mailIconFolderDocuments { background-position: -44px; }
-.mailIconFolderInbox { background-position: -66px; }
-.mailIconFolderSent { background-position: -88px; }
-.mailIconGetMail { background-position: -110px; }
-.mailIconNewMessage { background-position: -132px; }
-.mailIconMailbox { background-position: -154px; }
-.mailIconOk { background-position: -176px; }
-.mailIconTrashcanFull { background-position: -198px; }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/mail.json b/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/mail.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 67f1a04..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/mail.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- identifier: 'id',
- label: 'label',
- items: [
- // Hierarchy of folders
- { type: 'folder', id: 'inbox', label:'Inbox', icon:'mailIconFolderInbox' },
- { type: 'folder', id: 'deleted', label:'Trash', icon:'mailIconTrashcanFull' },
- { type: 'folder', id: 'save', label:'Save', folders:[
- { id: 'work', label:'stuff for work'},
- { id: 'fun', label:'stuff for fun'}
- ]},
- // Address book (list of people that have sent me messages)
- { type: 'address', id: 'adam', label: "Adam Arlen" },
- { type: 'address', id: 'bob', label: "Bob Baxter" },
- { type: 'address', id: 'carrie', label: "Carrie Crow" },
- // Flat list of messages (each message lists it's folder)
- { type: 'message', id: 'node1.1', folder: 'inbox', label: "today's meeting", sender: "Adam Arlen", sent: "2005-12-19",
- text: "Today's meeting is cancelled.<br>Let's do it tomorrow instead.<br><br>Adam" },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node1.2', folder: 'inbox', label: "remaining work", sender: "Bob Baxter", sent: "2005-12-18",
- text:
- "<p>Hey, we need to talk about who's gonna do all the left over work. Pick a day you want to meet: <div dojoType='dijit._Calendar'></div></p>"
- },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node1.3', folder: 'inbox', label: "Hey, look!", sender: "Carrey Crown", sent: "2005-12-17", text:
- "This is our new simple mail app. What do you think? <br><br>You can navigate around this demo with arrows and tabs ... <br><br>Regards,<br>Carrey"
- },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node1.4', folder: 'inbox', label: "paint", sender: "David Davis", sent: "2005-12-16", text:
- "<p>what color is good for the new office?</p><div dojoType='dijit.ColorPalette'></div><p>Let me know soon</p>"
- },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node2.1', folder: 'deleted', label: "today's meeting", sender: "Madam Marlen", sent: "2005-12-19",
- text: "Today's meeting is cancelled.<br>Let's do it tomorrow instead.<br><br>Madam" },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node2.2', folder: 'deleted', label: "congratulations", sender: "Rob Raxter", sent: "2005-12-18", text: " Good job on that project! " },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node2.3', folder: 'deleted', label: "schedule", sender: "Carrie Crow", sent: "2005-12-17", text: " Are we still on schedule?<br>The deadline is next Friday. " },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node2.4', folder: 'deleted', label: "paint", sender: "Daniel Dooey", sent: "2005-12-16", text:
- "<p>what color is good for the new office?</p><div dojoType='dijit.ColorPalette'></div><p>Let me know soon</p>"
- },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node3.1', folder: 'work', label: "today's meeting", sender: "Bob Baxter", sent: "2005-12-19",
- text: "Today's meeting is cancelled.<br>Unnecessary.<br><br>Bob" },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node3.2', folder: 'work', label: "remaining work", sender: "Bob Baxter", sent: "2005-12-18", text: " Are we still on schedule?<br>The deadline is next Friday. " },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node3.3', folder: 'work', label: "lunch", sender: "Bob Baxter", sent: "2005-12-17", text:
- "Where do you want to go for lunch?<br><br><ul><li>Fresh Choice<li>Starbucks<li>Dominos</ul><br><br>Let me know..."
- },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node3.4', folder: 'work', label: "paint", sender: "Bob Baxter", sent: "2005-12-16", text:
- "<p>what color is good for the new office?</p><div dojoType='dijit.ColorPalette'></div><p>Let me know soon</p>"
- },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node4.1', folder: 'fun', label: "today's meeting", sender: "Jack Jackson", sent: "2005-12-19",
- text: "Today's meeting is cancelled.<br>Let's do it friday instead.<br><br>Joe" },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node4.2', folder: 'fun', label: "remaining work", sender: "Jack Jackson", sent: "2005-12-18",
- text:
- "<p>Hey, we need to talk about who's gonna do all the left over work. Pick a day you want to meet: <div dojoType='dijit._Calendar'></div></p>"
- },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node4.3', folder: 'fun', label: "lunch", sender: "Jack Jackson", sent: "2005-12-17", text:
- "Where do you want to go for lunch?<br><br><ul><li>Indian<li>Mexican<li>Chinese<li>Japanese<li>Pizza</ul><br><br>Let me know..."
- },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node4.4', folder: 'fun', label: "paint", sender: "Jack Jackson", sent: "2005-12-16", text:
- "<p>what color is good for the new office?</p><div dojoType='dijit.ColorPalette'></div><p>Let me know soon</p>"
- },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node5.1', folder: 'deleted', label: "today's meeting", sender: "Jill Jones", sent: "2005-12-19",
- text: "Today's meeting is cancelled.<br>Let's do it thursday instead.<br><br>Jill" },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node5.2', folder: 'deleted', label: "remaining work", sender: "Jill Jones", sent: "2005-12-18",
- text:
- "<p>Hey, we need to talk about who's gonna do all the left over work. Pick a day you want to meet: <div dojoType='dijit._Calendar'></div></p>"
- },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node5.3', folder: 'deleted', label: "lunch", sender: "Jill Jones", sent: "2005-12-17", text:
- "Where do you want to go for lunch?<br><br><ul><li>McDonalds<li>Burger King<li>KFC</ul><br><br>Let me know..."
- },
- { type: 'message', id: 'node5.4', folder: 'deleted', label: "paint", sender: "Jill Jones", sent: "2005-12-16", text:
- "<p>what color is good for the new office?</p><div dojoType='dijit.ColorPalette'></div><p>Let me know soon</p>"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/newMail.html b/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/newMail.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f269ad3..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/mail/newMail.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<textarea dojoType="dijit.Editor" style="overflow:auto"
- extraPlugins="[{name:'dijit._editor.plugins.LinkDialog'}]"
-<i> This is just a sample message. There is email-address auto-complete in the to: field.
-<br><br> give it a whirl.
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao.html b/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 113a750..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- <title>Dojo Globalization Hello World</title>
- <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
- // set the global locale for Dojo from the request parameter
- var result = location.href.match(/[\?\&]locale=([^\&]+)/);
- djConfig = {locale: result && result[1] || "en-us"}; // default locale is en-us
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript" isDebug="true" src="../../dojo/dojo.js"></script>
- <style type="text/css">
- @import "../../dojo/resources/dojo.css";
- @import "../themes/tundra/tundra.css";
- @import "../themes/tundra/tundra_rtl.css";
- body {padding:1em}
- </style>
- <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
- dojo.require("dojo.date.locale");
- dojo.require("dojo.number");
- dojo.require("dojo.string");
- dojo.require("dojo.parser");
- dojo.require("dijit.form.DateTextBox");
- // load the resource bundle for HelloWorld
- dojo.requireLocalization("dijit.demos.nihao", "helloworld");
- var resourceBundle;
- dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
- // create the DateTextBox from the HTML segment with the dojoType set
- dojo.parser.parse();
- // make current locale selected
- dojo.byId('langList').value = dojo.locale;
- // get the resource bundle object of the current global locale
- resourceBundle = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dijit.demos.nihao", "helloworld");
- // do formatting and update the resource strings
- dojo.byId('locale').innerHTML = resourceBundle.localeSelect;
- dojo.byId('content').innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(
- resourceBundle.contentStr,
- [dojo.date.locale.format(new Date(), {selector:'date', formatLength:'long'})]);
- dojo.byId('date').innerHTML = resourceBundle.dateSelect;
- dateChanged();
- });
- function localeChanged(){
- open("nihao.html?locale=" + dojo.byId("langList").value, "_self");
- }
- function dateChanged(){
- if(resourceBundle){
- var stamp = dijit.byId("dateBox").getValue();
- if(stamp){
- dojo.byId('secondsToGo').innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(
- resourceBundle.dateStr,
- [dojo.number.format((stamp - new Date()) / 1000)]);
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
- </head>
- <body class="tundra">
- <h1>Dojo Globalization Hello World</h1>
- <p>
- <span id="locale"></span>
- <select id="langList" onchange="localeChanged();" >
- <option value="en-us">en-US</option>
- <option value="fr-fr">fr-FR</option>
- <option value="zh-cn">zh-CN</option>
- </select>
- </p>
- <hr>
- <p id="content"></p>
- <p>
- <span id="date"></span>
- <input id="dateBox" type="text" dojoType="dijit.form.DateTextBox" constraints="{formatLength:'long'}" onchange="dateChanged();">
- </p>
- <p id="secondsToGo"></p>
- </body>
-</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/en/helloworld.js b/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/en/helloworld.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c726e3..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/en/helloworld.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-({"localeSelect":"Locale:","contentStr":"Hello Dojo Globalization! Today is ${0}.","dateSelect":"Select a date:","dateStr":"${0} seconds to go from now."}) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/fr/helloworld.js b/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/fr/helloworld.js
deleted file mode 100644
index aaa5560..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/fr/helloworld.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-({"localeSelect":"Lieu :","contentStr":"Bonjour globalisation de Dojo! Aujourd'hui est ${0}.","dateSelect":"Choisir une date :","dateStr":"${0} secondes à aller dès maintenant."}) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/helloworld.js b/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/helloworld.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c726e3..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/helloworld.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-({"localeSelect":"Locale:","contentStr":"Hello Dojo Globalization! Today is ${0}.","dateSelect":"Select a date:","dateStr":"${0} seconds to go from now."}) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/zh/helloworld.js b/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/zh/helloworld.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 881d0d3..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dijit/demos/nihao/nls/zh/helloworld.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-({"localeSelect":"区域:","contentStr":"你好Dojo全球化! 今天是${0}。","dateSelect":"选择一个日期:","dateStr":"距离现在还有${0}秒。"}) \ No newline at end of file