path: root/includes/js/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js b/includes/js/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..642237b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._editor.plugins.FontChoice"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._editor.plugins.FontChoice"] = true;
+dojo.requireLocalization("dijit._editor", "FontChoice", null, "zh,pt,da,tr,ru,de,sv,ja,he,ROOT,fi,nb,el,ar,pt-pt,cs,fr,es,ko,nl,zh-tw,pl,it,hu");
+ dijit._editor._Plugin,
+ {
+ // summary:
+ // This plugin provides three dropdowns for setting font information in the editor
+ //
+ // description:
+ // The commands provided by this plugin are:
+ //
+ // * fontName
+ // | Provides a dropdown to select from a list of generic font names
+ // * fontSize
+ // | Provides a dropdown to select from a list of pre-defined font sizes
+ // * formatBlock
+ // | Provides a dropdown to select from a list of styles
+ // |
+ //
+ // which can easily be added to an editor by including one or more of the above commands
+ // in the `plugins` attribute as follows:
+ //
+ // | plugins="['fontName','fontSize',...]"
+ //
+ // It is possible to override the default dropdown list by providing an Array for the `custom` property when
+ // instantiating this plugin, e.g.
+ //
+ // | plugins="[{name:'dijit._editor.plugins.FontChoice', command:'fontName', custom:['Verdana','Myriad','Garamond']},...]"
+ //
+ // Alternatively, for `fontName` only, `generic:true` may be specified to provide a dropdown with
+ // [CSS generic font families](
+ //
+ // Note that the editor is often unable to properly handle font styling information defined outside
+ // the context of the current editor instance, such as pre-populated HTML.
+ _uniqueId: 0,
+ buttonClass: dijit.form.FilteringSelect,
+ _initButton: function(){
+ //TODO: would be nice to be able to handle comma-separated font lists and search within them
+ var cmd = this.command;
+ var names = this.custom ||
+ {
+ fontName: this.generic ? ["serif", "sans-serif", "monospace", "cursive", "fantasy"] : // CSS font-family generics
+ ["Arial", "Times New Roman", "Comic Sans MS", "Courier New"],
+ fontSize: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], // sizes according to the old HTML FONT SIZE
+ formatBlock: ["p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "pre"]
+ }[cmd];
+ var strings = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "FontChoice");
+ var items =, function(value){
+ var name = strings[value] || value;
+ var label = name;
+ switch(cmd){
+ case "fontName":
+ label = "<div style='font-family: "+value+"'>" + name + "</div>";
+ break;
+ case "fontSize":
+ // we're stuck using the deprecated FONT tag to correspond with the size measurements used by the editor
+ label = "<font size="+value+"'>"+name+"</font>";
+ break;
+ case "formatBlock":
+ label = "<" + value + ">" + name + "</" + value + ">";
+ }
+ return { label: label, name: name, value: value };
+ });
+ items.push({label: "", name:"", value:""}); // FilteringSelect doesn't like unmatched blank strings
+ dijit._editor.plugins.FontChoice.superclass._initButton.apply(this,
+ [{ labelType: "html", labelAttr: "label", searchAttr: "name", store: new
+ { data: { identifier: "value", items: items } })}]);
+ this.button.setValue("");
+ this.connect(this.button, "onChange", function(choice){
+ if(this.updating){ return; }
+ // FIXME: IE is really messed up here!!
+ if(dojo.isIE && "_savedSelection" in this){
+ var b = this._savedSelection;
+ delete this._savedSelection;
+ this.editor.focus();
+ this.editor._moveToBookmark(b);
+ }else{
+// this.editor.focus();
+ dijit.focus(this._focusHandle);
+ }
+ if(this.command == "fontName" && choice.indexOf(" ") != -1){ choice = "'" + choice + "'"; }
+ this.editor.execCommand(this.editor._normalizeCommand(this.command), choice);
+ });
+ },
+ updateState: function(){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ var _e = this.editor;
+ var _c = this.command;
+ if(!_e || !_e.isLoaded || !_c.length){ return; }
+ if(this.button){
+ var value = _e.queryCommandValue(this.editor._normalizeCommand(_c)) || "";
+ // strip off single quotes, if any
+ var quoted = dojo.isString(value) && value.match(/'([^']*)'/);
+ if(quoted){ value = quoted[1]; }
+//console.log("selected " + value);
+ if(this.generic && _c == "fontName"){
+ var map = {
+ "Arial": "sans-serif",
+ "Helvetica": "sans-serif",
+ "Myriad": "sans-serif",
+ "Times": "serif",
+ "Times New Roman": "serif",
+ "Comic Sans MS": "cursive",
+ "Apple Chancery": "cursive",
+ "Courier": "monospace",
+ "Courier New": "monospace",
+ "Papyrus": "fantasy"
+// ,"????": "fantasy" TODO: IE doesn't map fantasy font-family?
+ };
+//console.log("mapped to " + map[value]);
+ value = map[value] || value;
+ }else if(_c == "fontSize" && value.indexOf && value.indexOf("px") != -1){
+ var pixels = parseInt(value);
+ value = {10:1, 13:2, 16:3, 18:4, 24:5, 32:6, 48:7}[pixels] || value;
+ }
+ this.updating = true;
+ this.button.setValue(value);
+ delete this.updating;
+ }
+ // FIXME: IE is *really* b0rken
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ this._savedSelection = this.editor._getBookmark();
+ }
+ this._focusHandle = dijit.getFocus(this.editor.iframe);
+ },
+ setToolbar: function(){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ var forRef = this.button;
+ if(!{ = dijit._scopeName+"EditorButton-"+this.command+(this._uniqueId++); } //TODO: is this necessary? FilteringSelects always seem to have an id?
+ var label = dojo.doc.createElement("label");
+ dojo.addClass(label, "dijit dijitReset dijitLeft dijitInline");
+ label.setAttribute("for",;
+ var strings = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "FontChoice");
+ label.appendChild(dojo.doc.createTextNode(strings[this.command]));
+, this.button.domNode, "before");
+ }
+ }
+dojo.subscribe(dijit._scopeName + ".Editor.getPlugin",null,function(o){
+ if(o.plugin){ return; }
+ switch({
+ case "fontName": case "fontSize": case "formatBlock":
+ o.plugin = new dijit._editor.plugins.FontChoice({command:});
+ }