path: root/build.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build.xml')
1 files changed, 471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a173a66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<project name="SemanticScuttle" default="zip" basedir=".">
+ <!--
+ SemanticScuttle phing build file.
+ This script should provide a one-stop tool for all administrative
+ tasks around SemanticScuttle, like creating a release version,
+ tagging a release, running unit tests etc.
+ -->
+ <property file="build.properties" />
+ <property file="html.properties" />
+ <property name="version-m" value="0.98" />
+ <property name="version" value="0.98.5" />
+ <property name="stability" value="beta" />
+ <property name="releasenotes" value="
+- Fix bug #109: preserve privacy setting from Delicious export files
+ (Thanks to David Glenck)
+- Fix bug #110: Document solution for &quot;searching slashes&quot;
+- Fix bug #111: Comments in config.php mention *.inc.php files
+ (José María Mateos [rinze])
+- Fix bug: Do not use eregi functions anymore
+" />
+ <property name="zipfile" value="${phing.project.name}-${version}.zip" />
+ <property name="pkgfile" value="${phing.project.name}-${version}.tgz" />
+ <property name="distfile" value="dist/${zipfile}" />
+ <property name="distpkgfile" value="dist/pear/${pkgfile}" />
+ <property name="sfproject" value="SemanticScuttle" />
+ <property name="sffilepath" value="s/se/semanticscuttle/" />
+ <property name="svnpath" value="https://semanticscuttle.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/semanticscuttle/" />
+ <fileset id="fs.zip" dir=".">
+ <include name="data/**"/>
+ <include name="doc/**"/>
+ <include name="src/**"/>
+ <include name="www/**"/>
+ <include name="scripts/avahi-export.php"/>
+ <include name="scripts/fix-unfiled-tags.php"/>
+ <exclude name="**/.gitignore/"/>
+ <exclude name="**/.svn/"/>
+ <exclude name="data/config.php"/>
+ <exclude name="data/config.testing.php"/>
+ <exclude name="data/config.testing-tmp.php"/>
+ <exclude name="data/locales/messages.po"/>
+ <exclude name="data/locales/*/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po"/>
+ <exclude name="src/php-gettext/examples/" />
+ <exclude name="src/php-gettext/tests/"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <fileset id="fs.doc" dir="doc">
+ <include name="ChangeLog"/>
+ <include name="**.txt"/>
+ <include name="**.rst"/>
+ <include name="**/*.rst"/>
+ <exclude name="LICENSE.txt"/>
+ <exclude name="developers/TODO.rst"/>
+ <exclude name="allinone.rst"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <taskdef name="rST" classname="phing.tasks.ext.rSTTask" />
+ <taskdef name="d51pearpkg2" classname="phing.tasks.ext.d51PearPkg2Task" />
+ <target name="zip" depends="check"
+ description="Create zip file for release"
+ >
+ <!--
+ The release file is for end users, so it is safe to
+ remove anything developer-related.
+ Test your zip with: unzip -l SemanticScuttle-0.95.0.zip
+ -->
+ <echo msg="Creating distribution zip for SemanticScuttle ${version}"/>
+ <delete file="${distfile}" failonerror="false"/>
+ <zip destfile="${distfile}" prefix="${phing.project.name}-${version}/">
+ <fileset refid="fs.zip"/>
+ </zip>
+ </target>
+ <target name="package" depends="check"
+ description="Creates the pear package"
+ >
+ <d51pearpkg2 dir="." baseinstalldir="/">
+ <name>SemanticScuttle</name>
+ <summary>A social bookmarking tool</summary>
+ <description>
+ A social bookmarking tool experimenting with new features
+ like structured tags or collaborative descriptions of tags.
+ </description>
+ <channel>semanticscuttle.sourceforge.net</channel>
+ <lead user="cweiske" name="Christian Weiske" email="cweiske@cweiske.de" />
+ <license>GPL</license>
+ <version release="${version}" api="${version}" />
+ <stability release="${stability}" api="${stability}" />
+ <notes>${releasenotes}</notes>
+ <dependencies>
+ <php minimum_version="5.2.0" />
+ <pear minimum_version="1.8.1" />
+ <package name="HTML_QuickForm2"
+ channel="pear.php.net"
+ minimum_version="0.4.0"
+ />
+ <!-- unit tests: -->
+ <package name="HTML_Request2"
+ channel="pear.php.net"
+ minimum_version="2.0.0"
+ />
+ <package name="Stream_Var"
+ channel="pear.php.net"
+ minimum_version="1.1.0"
+ />
+ </dependencies>
+ <!-- map directory (key) to role -->
+ <dirroles key="www">www</dirroles>
+ <dirroles key="data">data</dirroles>
+ <dirroles key="doc">doc</dirroles>
+ <dirroles key="scripts">doc</dirroles>
+ <dirroles key="src">php</dirroles>
+ <dirroles key="tests">test</dirroles>
+ <!-- do not add the following files to the package.
+ copied from excludes above -->
+ <ignore>**/.gitignore</ignore>
+ <ignore>**/.svn</ignore>
+ <ignore>build*</ignore>
+ <ignore>data/config.php</ignore>
+ <ignore>data/config.testing.php</ignore>
+ <ignore>data/config.testing-tmp.php</ignore>
+ <ignore>data/locales/messages.po</ignore>
+ <ignore>data/locales/*/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po</ignore>
+ <ignore>dist/**</ignore>
+ <ignore>src/php-gettext/examples/**</ignore>
+ <ignore>src/php-gettext/tests/**</ignore>
+ <ignore>*.properties</ignore>
+ <ignore>semanticscuttle-dump.sql</ignore>
+ <ignore>*.tgz</ignore>
+ <replacement path="src/SemanticScuttle/header.php"
+ type="pear-config" from="@data_dir@" to="data_dir"
+ />
+ <replacement path="src/SemanticScuttle/header.php"
+ type="pear-config" from="@www_dir@" to="www_dir"
+ />
+ <replacement path="src/SemanticScuttle/Config.php"
+ type="pear-config" from="@data_dir@" to="data_dir"
+ />
+ <replacement path="src/SemanticScuttle/Config.php"
+ type="pear-config" from="@www_dir@" to="www_dir"
+ />
+ <replacement path="www/www-header.php"
+ type="pear-config" from="@data_dir@" to="data_dir"
+ />
+ <replacement path="tests/prepare.php"
+ type="pear-config" from="@data_dir@" to="data_dir"
+ />
+ <changelog version="0.98.5" date="2013-03-20" license="GPL">
+- Fix bug #109: preserve privacy setting from Delicious export files
+ (Thanks to David Glenck)
+- Fix bug #110: Document solution for "searching slashes"
+- Fix bug #111: Comments in config.php mention *.inc.php files
+ (José María Mateos [rinze])
+- Fix bug: Do not use eregi functions anymore
+ </changelog>
+ <changelog version="0.98.4" date="2012-01-21" license="GPL">
+- Fix bug #3439729: URLs were escaped too often in bookmark list
+- Fix bug: Subtitle was not escaped
+- Fix bug #3388219: Incorrect URL when cancelling tag2tag-actions
+- Fix bug #3393951: Logo images missing on bookmark page
+- Fix bug #3399815: PHP error in opensearch API in 0.98.3
+- Fix bug #3407728: Can't delete users from admin page
+- Fix bug #3431742: open_basedir problems with /etc/ config files
+- Fix bug #3436624: Wrong URL for Delicious API when importing
+- Fix bug #3463481: RSS feed show warnings in feedvalidator.org
+- Fix bug #3384416: Use URL with protocol in bookmarklet
+- Fix bug: Invalid HTML when website thumbnails are activated
+- Fix bug #3413459: Thumbnails not in one line
+- Fix bug #3468293: Delicious import does not preserve private links
+- Fix bug #3396727: Title of http://lesscss.org/ not loaded
+- Fix bug #3111254: getIdFromUser() always returns an integer now (part 2)
+- Implement request #3403609: fr_CA translation update
+- Implement patch #3476011: PostgreSQL tables can not be initialized
+ (Frédéric Fauberteau [triaxx])
+ </changelog>
+ <!-- 0.98.3 was not needed -->
+ <changelog version="0.98.2" date="2011-08-08" license="GPL">
+- Fix bug #3385724: Rename tag ends with XML Parsing Error
+- Fix bug #3386178: "system:unfiled" secret tag does not work
+- Fix bug #3384416: Update documentation to explain HTTP/HTTPS root problem
+- Fix bug #3382126: Linked tags does not work for tags with spaces
+- Fix delicious API help page link
+ </changelog>
+ <changelog version="0.98.1" date="2011-08-01" license="GPL">
+- Fix bug #3375635: XML parsing problem in top.inc.php
+- Fix bug #3375428: Forgot to remove some old dojo files
+- Fix bug #3160512: Make SemanticScuttle work with FastCGI
+- Fix bug #3376618: Broken tag completion for private bookmarks
+ </changelog>
+ <changelog version="0.98.0" date="2011-07-21" license="GPL">
+- Switch to jQuery and drop dojo
+- Implement request #2928950: Private keys for RSS feeds (Mark Pemberton)
+- Implement request #3164348: Configurable default privacy (Brett Dee)
+- Implement request #1989987: Theming support
+- Implement request #3054906: Show user's full name instead of nickname
+- Implement patch #3059829: update ``FR_CA`` translation
+- Fix bug #3187177: Wrong URL / Export XML Bookmarks
+- Fix bug #3097187: Using opensearch with two tags does not work in Firefox
+- Fix bug #3251877: French translation JavaScript Bug when editing bookmarks
+- Fix bug #3168521: Title of tag-filtered RSS Feed is broken
+- Fix bug #2853627: Javascript warning
+- Fix bug in ``getTagsForBookmarks()`` that fetched all tags
+- Fix privacy issue when fetching tags of several users
+- Fix Google custom search XML
+- Show error message on mysqli connection errors
+- Update php-gettext library to 1.0.10
+- ``api/posts/add`` respects the 'replace' parameter now
+- Only URLs with an allowed protocol may be added to the database
+- Support HTTPS connections when ``$root`` is not configured
+- SQL schema version table to ease future database upgrades
+- Documentation is written with rST (reStructuredText) now
+- Support per-host configuration files
+ </changelog>
+ <changelog version="0.97.0" date="2010-06-09" license="GPL">
+- Many SQL optimizations - SemanticScuttle shows bookmarks 4 times faster now
+- New config option to skip "SET NAMES UTF8" call: $dbneedssetnames
+- Do not highlight admin bookmarks when $enableAdminColors is disabled
+- Add russian translation
+- Make HTML export follow the specifications a bit better
+- Fix bug #2953732: faulty error message for duplicate bookmarks
+- Fix bug #2960663: do not send content-type headers twice for ajax/api scripts
+- Fix bug #2976593: fr_FR locale is vietnamese
+ </changelog>
+ <!-- <dirroles key="bin">script</dirroles> -->
+ <!-- <replacement path="bin/doctrine" type="pear-config" from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" /> -->
+ <!-- <release>
+ <install as="doctrine" name="bin/doctrine" />
+ -->
+ </d51pearpkg2>
+ <!-- time to fix the package.xml file since the task does not
+ allow everything we need:
+ - strip the base directory names like src, data and www
+ - remove that dumb baseinstalldir from files
+ - md5sums are generated automatically when packaging
+ -->
+ <!-- yes, we need to generate a 2nd file and move it back -->
+ <copy file="package.xml" tofile="package2.xml" overwrite="true">
+ <filterchain>
+ <replaceregexp>
+ <!-- remove md5sums -->
+ <regexp
+ pattern="md5sum=&quot;[a-z0-9]{32}&quot; "
+ replace=""
+ />
+ <!-- remove baseinstalldir for files -->
+ <regexp
+ pattern="&lt;file baseinstalldir=&quot;/&quot;"
+ replace="&lt;file"
+ />
+ <!-- install-as for different directories -->
+ <regexp
+ pattern="(&lt;file name=&quot;data/(.+?)&quot;)"
+ replace="\1 install-as=&quot;\2&quot;"
+ />
+ <regexp
+ pattern="(&lt;file name=&quot;doc/(.+?)&quot;)"
+ replace="\1 install-as=&quot;\2&quot;"
+ />
+ <regexp
+ pattern="(&lt;file name=&quot;tests/(.+?)&quot;)"
+ replace="\1 install-as=&quot;\2&quot;"
+ />
+ <regexp
+ pattern="(&lt;file name=&quot;www/(.+?)&quot;)"
+ replace="\1 install-as=&quot;SemanticScuttle/\2&quot;"
+ />
+ <regexp
+ pattern="(&lt;file name=&quot;src/(.+?)&quot;)"
+ replace="\1 install-as=&quot;\2&quot;"
+ />
+ </replaceregexp>
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <move file="package2.xml" tofile="package.xml" overwrite="true" />
+ <!-- package up -->
+ <exec command="pear package" passthru="true" />
+ <move file="${pkgfile}" todir="dist/pear/" />
+ <delete file="package.xml" failonerror="true" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="build-docs" description="render documentation">
+ <rST format="html" uptodate="true"
+ toolparam="--stylesheet=res/docs/style.css"
+ >
+ <fileset refid="fs.doc"/>
+ <mapper type="regexp" from="^doc/(.+?)(.rst|.txt)?$" to="dist/docs/\1.html"/>
+ <filterchain>
+ <replacetokenswithfile dir="res/docs">
+ <
+ </replacetokenswithfile>
+ </filterchain>
+ </rST>
+ </target>
+ <target name="clean-docs" description="delete rendered documentation files">
+ <delete dir="dist/docs" includeemptydirs="yes"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="release" depends="check,zip,package,deploy-sf"
+ description="Release the version on sourceforge"
+ >
+ <!-- meta-target -->
+ </target>
+ <!--
+ /home/frs/project/s/se/semanticscuttle/SemanticScuttle/v0.94/
+ /home/frs/project/s/se/semanticscuttle/SemanticScuttle/v0.94/SemanticScuttle-v0.94.zip
+ /home/frs/project/s/se/semanticscuttle/SemanticScuttle/v0.94/SemanticScuttle-v0.94.1.zip
+ https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Release%20files%20for%20download
+ -->
+ <target name="deploy-sf" depends="check,zip"
+ description="Upload release to sourceforge"
+ >
+ <delete dir="dist/deploy-sf" /><!-- make empty -->
+ <mkdir dir="dist/deploy-sf" />
+ <mkdir dir="dist/deploy-sf/v${version-m}" />
+ <copy file="${distfile}" tofile="dist/deploy-sf/v${version-m}/${zipfile}"/>
+ <!-- test
+ <exec command="rsync -av dist/deploy-sf/ /tmp/test/" escape="false" />
+ -->
+ <exec
+ command="rsync -av -e ssh dist/deploy-sf/ ${sfuser},${sfproject}@frs.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/${sffilepath}/${sfproject}/"
+ escape="false" checkreturn="false"
+ />
+ <!-- rsync always returns code 23 on sourceforge releases, so we
+ can't check return values -->
+ </target>
+ <target name="deploy-sf-pear" depends="check,package"
+ description="Update PEAR channel + website on sourceforge"
+ >
+ <available file="${websitedir}"
+ type="dir" property="available.websitedir"
+ />
+ <fail unless="available.websitedir"
+ message="Website directory not set"
+ />
+ <!--
+ 1. rsync channel data from sourceforge to local, deleting
+ superfluous channel files. Need to do that so pirum knows
+ all previous releases when adding the new package
+ 2. update channel with pirum update
+ 3. rsync to sourceforge
+ -->
+ <exec
+ command="rsync --include-from=.rsync-include-files --delete -avP -e ssh ${sfuser},${sfproject}@web.sourceforge.net:htdocs/ ."
+ dir="${websitedir}"
+ escape="false" checkreturn="false"
+ passthru="true"
+ />
+ <exec
+ command="pirum add ${websitedir} ${distpkgfile}"
+ passthru="true"
+ />
+ <!-- fix the generated html -->
+ <!-- yes, we need to generate a 2nd file and move it back -->
+ <copy file="${websitedir}/index.html" tofile="${websitedir}/pirum.html" overwrite="true">
+ <filterchain>
+ <replaceregexp>
+ <!-- make meta links relative -->
+ <regexp
+ pattern="href=&quot;http://semanticscuttle.sourceforge.net/"
+ replace="href=&quot;"
+ />
+ <!-- add sourceforge logo -->
+ <regexp
+ pattern="powered by "
+ replace="powered by ${html.sflogo} and "
+ />
+ </replaceregexp>
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- overwrite pirum generated index with our own -->
+ <copy file="${websitedir}/our-index.html" tofile="${websitedir}/index.html" overwrite="true" />
+ <!-- add our custom css -->
+ <append
+ destFile="${websitedir}/pirum.css"
+ file="${websitedir}/pirum-custom.css"
+ />
+ <!-- rsync always returns code 23 on sourceforge releases, so we
+ can't check return values -->
+ <exec
+ command="rsync --include-from=.rsync-include-files -avP -e ssh . ${sfuser},${sfproject}@web.sourceforge.net:htdocs/"
+ dir="${websitedir}"
+ escape="false" checkreturn="false"
+ passthru="true"
+ />
+ </target>
+ <target name="deploy-docs" depends="build-docs"
+ description="sync docs to sourceforge website"
+ >
+ <copy todir="${websitedir}/docs">
+ <fileset dir="dist/docs">
+ <include name="**"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <exec
+ command="rsync -avP -e ssh . ${sfuser},${sfproject}@web.sourceforge.net:htdocs/docs"
+ dir="${websitedir}/docs"
+ escape="false" checkreturn="false"
+ passthru="true"
+ />
+ </target>
+ <target name="deploy-demo"
+ description="sync demo to sourceforge website"
+ >
+ <exec
+ command="rsync -avP -e ssh . ${sfuser},${sfproject}@web.sourceforge.net:htdocs/demo"
+ dir="${websitedir}/demo"
+ escape="false" checkreturn="false"
+ passthru="true"
+ />
+ </target>
+ <target name="check"
+ description="Check variables"
+ >
+ <fail unless="version" message="Version not defined!" />
+ <fail unless="sfuser" message="Sourceforge username not defined!" />
+ <fail unless="sfproject" message="Sourceforge project name not defined!" />
+ <fail unless="sffilepath" message="Sourceforge project file path not defined!" />
+ <mkdir dir="dist" />
+ </target>