path: root/includes/js/dojox/uuid/generateTimeBasedUuid.js
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authormensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
committermensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
commite44a7e37b6c7b5961adaffc62b9042b8d442938e (patch)
tree95b67c356e93163467db2451f2b8cce84ed5d582 /includes/js/dojox/uuid/generateTimeBasedUuid.js
parenta62b9742ee5e28bcec6872d88f50f25b820914f6 (diff)
New feature: basic Ajax suggestion for tags and implementation of Dojo toolkit
git-svn-id: b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/uuid/generateTimeBasedUuid.js')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/uuid/generateTimeBasedUuid.js b/includes/js/dojox/uuid/generateTimeBasedUuid.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20be9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/uuid/generateTimeBasedUuid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid"] = true;
+dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid = function(/*String?*/ node){
+ // summary:
+ // This function generates time-based UUIDs, meaning "version 1" UUIDs.
+ // description:
+ // For more info, see
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ // node:
+ // A 12-character hex string representing either a pseudo-node or
+ // hardware-node (an IEEE 802.3 network node). A hardware-node
+ // will be something like "017bf397618a", always with the first bit
+ // being 0. A pseudo-node will be something like "f17bf397618a",
+ // always with the first bit being 1.
+ // examples:
+ // string = dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid();
+ // string = dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid("017bf397618a");
+ // dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid.setNode("017bf397618a");
+ // string = dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid(); // the generated UUID has node == "017bf397618a"
+ var uuidString = dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid._generator.generateUuidString(node);
+ return uuidString; // String
+dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid.isValidNode = function(/*String?*/ node){
+ var HEX_RADIX = 16;
+ var integer = parseInt(node, HEX_RADIX);
+ var valid = dojo.isString(node) && node.length == 12 && isFinite(integer);
+ return valid; // Boolean
+dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid.setNode = function(/*String?*/ node){
+ // summary:
+ // Sets the 'node' value that will be included in generated UUIDs.
+ // node: A 12-character hex string representing a pseudoNode or hardwareNode.
+ dojox.uuid.assert((node === null) || this.isValidNode(node));
+ this._uniformNode = node;
+dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid.getNode = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns the 'node' value that will be included in generated UUIDs.
+ return this._uniformNode; // String (a 12-character hex string representing a pseudoNode or hardwareNode)
+dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid._generator = new function(){
+ // Number of hours between October 15, 1582 and January 1, 1970:
+ // Number of seconds between October 15, 1582 and January 1, 1970:
+ // dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid.GREGORIAN_CHANGE_OFFSET_IN_SECONDS = 12219292800;
+ // --------------------------------------------------
+ // Private variables:
+ var _uuidPseudoNodeString = null;
+ var _uuidClockSeqString = null;
+ var _dateValueOfPreviousUuid = null;
+ var _nextIntraMillisecondIncrement = 0;
+ var _cachedMillisecondsBetween1582and1970 = null;
+ var _cachedHundredNanosecondIntervalsPerMillisecond = null;
+ // --------------------------------------------------
+ // Private constants:
+ var HEX_RADIX = 16;
+ function _carry(/* array */ arrayA){
+ // summary:
+ // Given an array which holds a 64-bit number broken into 4 16-bit
+ // elements, this method carries any excess bits (greater than 16-bits)
+ // from each array element into the next.
+ // arrayA: An array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ arrayA[2] += arrayA[3] >>> 16;
+ arrayA[3] &= 0xFFFF;
+ arrayA[1] += arrayA[2] >>> 16;
+ arrayA[2] &= 0xFFFF;
+ arrayA[0] += arrayA[1] >>> 16;
+ arrayA[1] &= 0xFFFF;
+ dojox.uuid.assert((arrayA[0] >>> 16) === 0);
+ }
+ function _get64bitArrayFromFloat(/* float */ x){
+ // summary:
+ // Given a floating point number, this method returns an array which
+ // holds a 64-bit number broken into 4 16-bit elements.
+ var result = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ result[3] = x % 0x10000;
+ x -= result[3];
+ x /= 0x10000;
+ result[2] = x % 0x10000;
+ x -= result[2];
+ x /= 0x10000;
+ result[1] = x % 0x10000;
+ x -= result[1];
+ x /= 0x10000;
+ result[0] = x;
+ return result; // Array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ }
+ function _addTwo64bitArrays(/* array */ arrayA, /* array */ arrayB){
+ // summary:
+ // Takes two arrays, each of which holds a 64-bit number broken into 4
+ // 16-bit elements, and returns a new array that holds a 64-bit number
+ // that is the sum of the two original numbers.
+ // arrayA: An array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ // arrayB: An array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ dojox.uuid.assert(dojo.isArray(arrayA));
+ dojox.uuid.assert(dojo.isArray(arrayB));
+ dojox.uuid.assert(arrayA.length == 4);
+ dojox.uuid.assert(arrayB.length == 4);
+ var result = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ result[3] = arrayA[3] + arrayB[3];
+ result[2] = arrayA[2] + arrayB[2];
+ result[1] = arrayA[1] + arrayB[1];
+ result[0] = arrayA[0] + arrayB[0];
+ _carry(result);
+ return result; // Array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ }
+ function _multiplyTwo64bitArrays(/* array */ arrayA, /* array */ arrayB){
+ // summary:
+ // Takes two arrays, each of which holds a 64-bit number broken into 4
+ // 16-bit elements, and returns a new array that holds a 64-bit number
+ // that is the product of the two original numbers.
+ // arrayA: An array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ // arrayB: An array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ dojox.uuid.assert(dojo.isArray(arrayA));
+ dojox.uuid.assert(dojo.isArray(arrayB));
+ dojox.uuid.assert(arrayA.length == 4);
+ dojox.uuid.assert(arrayB.length == 4);
+ var overflow = false;
+ if(arrayA[0] * arrayB[0] !== 0){ overflow = true; }
+ if(arrayA[0] * arrayB[1] !== 0){ overflow = true; }
+ if(arrayA[0] * arrayB[2] !== 0){ overflow = true; }
+ if(arrayA[1] * arrayB[0] !== 0){ overflow = true; }
+ if(arrayA[1] * arrayB[1] !== 0){ overflow = true; }
+ if(arrayA[2] * arrayB[0] !== 0){ overflow = true; }
+ dojox.uuid.assert(!overflow);
+ var result = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ result[0] += arrayA[0] * arrayB[3];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[0] += arrayA[1] * arrayB[2];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[0] += arrayA[2] * arrayB[1];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[0] += arrayA[3] * arrayB[0];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[1] += arrayA[1] * arrayB[3];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[1] += arrayA[2] * arrayB[2];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[1] += arrayA[3] * arrayB[1];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[2] += arrayA[2] * arrayB[3];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[2] += arrayA[3] * arrayB[2];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[3] += arrayA[3] * arrayB[3];
+ _carry(result);
+ return result; // Array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ }
+ function _padWithLeadingZeros(/* string */ string, /* int */ desiredLength){
+ // summary:
+ // Pads a string with leading zeros and returns the result.
+ // string: A string to add padding to.
+ // desiredLength: The number of characters the return string should have.
+ // examples:
+ // result = _padWithLeadingZeros("abc", 6);
+ // dojox.uuid.assert(result == "000abc");
+ while(string.length < desiredLength){
+ string = "0" + string;
+ }
+ return string; // string
+ }
+ function _generateRandomEightCharacterHexString() {
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a randomly generated 8-character string of hex digits.
+ // FIXME: This probably isn't a very high quality random number.
+ // Make random32bitNumber be a randomly generated floating point number
+ // between 0 and (4,294,967,296 - 1), inclusive.
+ var random32bitNumber = Math.floor( (Math.random() % 1) * Math.pow(2, 32) );
+ var eightCharacterString = random32bitNumber.toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ while(eightCharacterString.length < 8){
+ eightCharacterString = "0" + eightCharacterString;
+ }
+ return eightCharacterString; // String (an 8-character hex string)
+ }
+ this.generateUuidString = function(/*String?*/ node){
+ // summary:
+ // Generates a time-based UUID, meaning a version 1 UUID.
+ // description:
+ // JavaScript code running in a browser doesn't have access to the
+ // IEEE 802.3 address of the computer, so if a node value isn't
+ // supplied, we generate a random pseudonode value instead.
+ // node: An optional 12-character string to use as the node in the new UUID.
+ if(node){
+ dojox.uuid.assert(dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid.isValidNode(node));
+ }else{
+ if(dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid._uniformNode){
+ node = dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid._uniformNode;
+ }else{
+ if(!_uuidPseudoNodeString){
+ var pseudoNodeIndicatorBit = 0x8000;
+ var random15bitNumber = Math.floor( (Math.random() % 1) * Math.pow(2, 15) );
+ var leftmost4HexCharacters = (pseudoNodeIndicatorBit | random15bitNumber).toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ _uuidPseudoNodeString = leftmost4HexCharacters + _generateRandomEightCharacterHexString();
+ }
+ node = _uuidPseudoNodeString;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!_uuidClockSeqString){
+ var variantCodeForDCEUuids = 0x8000; // 10--------------, i.e. uses only first two of 16 bits.
+ var random14bitNumber = Math.floor( (Math.random() % 1) * Math.pow(2, 14) );
+ _uuidClockSeqString = (variantCodeForDCEUuids | random14bitNumber).toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ }
+ // Maybe we should think about trying to make the code more readable to
+ // newcomers by creating a class called "WholeNumber" that encapsulates
+ // the methods and data structures for working with these arrays that
+ // hold 4 16-bit numbers? And then these variables below have names
+ // like "wholeSecondsPerHour" rather than "arraySecondsPerHour"?
+ var now = new Date();
+ var millisecondsSince1970 = now.valueOf(); // milliseconds since midnight 01 January, 1970 UTC.
+ var nowArray = _get64bitArrayFromFloat(millisecondsSince1970);
+ if(!_cachedMillisecondsBetween1582and1970){
+ var arraySecondsPerHour = _get64bitArrayFromFloat(60 * 60);
+ var arrayHoursBetween1582and1970 = _get64bitArrayFromFloat(dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid._generator.GREGORIAN_CHANGE_OFFSET_IN_HOURS);
+ var arraySecondsBetween1582and1970 = _multiplyTwo64bitArrays(arrayHoursBetween1582and1970, arraySecondsPerHour);
+ var arrayMillisecondsPerSecond = _get64bitArrayFromFloat(1000);
+ _cachedMillisecondsBetween1582and1970 = _multiplyTwo64bitArrays(arraySecondsBetween1582and1970, arrayMillisecondsPerSecond);
+ _cachedHundredNanosecondIntervalsPerMillisecond = _get64bitArrayFromFloat(10000);
+ }
+ var arrayMillisecondsSince1970 = nowArray;
+ var arrayMillisecondsSince1582 = _addTwo64bitArrays(_cachedMillisecondsBetween1582and1970, arrayMillisecondsSince1970);
+ var arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 = _multiplyTwo64bitArrays(arrayMillisecondsSince1582, _cachedHundredNanosecondIntervalsPerMillisecond);
+ if(now.valueOf() == _dateValueOfPreviousUuid){
+ arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582[3] += _nextIntraMillisecondIncrement;
+ _carry(arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582);
+ _nextIntraMillisecondIncrement += 1;
+ if (_nextIntraMillisecondIncrement == 10000) {
+ // If we've gotten to here, it means we've already generated 10,000
+ // UUIDs in this single millisecond, which is the most that the UUID
+ // timestamp field allows for. So now we'll just sit here and wait
+ // for a fraction of a millisecond, so as to ensure that the next
+ // time this method is called there will be a different millisecond
+ // value in the timestamp field.
+ while (now.valueOf() == _dateValueOfPreviousUuid) {
+ now = new Date();
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ _dateValueOfPreviousUuid = now.valueOf();
+ _nextIntraMillisecondIncrement = 1;
+ }
+ var hexTimeLowLeftHalf = arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582[2].toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ var hexTimeLowRightHalf = arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582[3].toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ var hexTimeLow = _padWithLeadingZeros(hexTimeLowLeftHalf, 4) + _padWithLeadingZeros(hexTimeLowRightHalf, 4);
+ var hexTimeMid = arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582[1].toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ hexTimeMid = _padWithLeadingZeros(hexTimeMid, 4);
+ var hexTimeHigh = arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582[0].toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ hexTimeHigh = _padWithLeadingZeros(hexTimeHigh, 3);
+ var hyphen = "-";
+ var versionCodeForTimeBasedUuids = "1"; // binary2hex("0001")
+ var resultUuid = hexTimeLow + hyphen + hexTimeMid + hyphen +
+ versionCodeForTimeBasedUuids + hexTimeHigh + hyphen +
+ _uuidClockSeqString + hyphen + node;
+ resultUuid = resultUuid.toLowerCase();
+ return resultUuid; // String (a 36 character string, which will look something like "b4308fb0-86cd-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66")
+ }