path: root/includes/js/dojox/image/SlideShow.js
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authormensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
committermensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
commite44a7e37b6c7b5961adaffc62b9042b8d442938e (patch)
tree95b67c356e93163467db2451f2b8cce84ed5d582 /includes/js/dojox/image/SlideShow.js
parenta62b9742ee5e28bcec6872d88f50f25b820914f6 (diff)
New feature: basic Ajax suggestion for tags and implementation of Dojo toolkit
git-svn-id: https://semanticscuttle.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/semanticscuttle/trunk@151 b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/image/SlideShow.js')
1 files changed, 598 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/image/SlideShow.js b/includes/js/dojox/image/SlideShow.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4767cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/image/SlideShow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.image.SlideShow"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.image.SlideShow"] = true;
+// dojox.image.SlideShow courtesy Shane O Sullivan, licensed under a Dojo CLA
+// For a sample usage, see http://www.skynet.ie/~sos/photos.php
+// @author Copyright 2007 Shane O Sullivan (shaneosullivan1@gmail.com)
+// TODO: more cleanups
+ [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated],
+ {
+ // summary: A Slideshow Widget
+ // imageHeight: Number
+ // The maximum height of an image
+ imageHeight: 375,
+ // imageWidth: Number
+ // The maximum width of an image.
+ imageWidth: 500,
+ // title: String
+ // the initial title of the SlideShow
+ title: "",
+ // titleTemplate: String
+ // a way to customize the wording in the title. supported parameters to be populated are:
+ // ${title} = the passed title of the image
+ // ${current} = the current index of the image
+ // ${total} = the total number of images in the SlideShow
+ //
+ // should add more?
+ titleTemplate: '${title} <span class="slideShowCounterText">(${current} of ${total})</span>',
+ // noLink: Boolean
+ // Prevents the slideshow from putting an anchor link around the displayed image
+ // enables if true, though still will not link in absence of a url to link to
+ noLink: false,
+ // loop: Boolean
+ // true/false - make the slideshow loop
+ loop: true,
+ // hasNav: Boolean
+ // toggle to enable/disable the visual navigation controls
+ hasNav: true,
+ // images: Array
+ // Contains the DOM nodes that individual images are stored in when loaded or loading.
+ images: [],
+ // pageSize: Number
+ // The number of images to request each time.
+ pageSize: 20,
+ // autoLoad: Boolean
+ // If true, then images are preloaded, before the user navigates to view them.
+ // If false, an image is not loaded until the user views it.
+ autoLoad: true,
+ // autoStart: Boolean
+ // If true, the SlideShow begins playing immediately
+ autoStart: false,
+ // fixedHeight: Boolean
+ // If true, the widget does not resize itself to fix the displayed image.
+ fixedHeight: false,
+ // imageStore: Object
+ // Implementation of the dojo.data.api.Read API, which provides data on the images
+ // to be displayed.
+ imageStore: null,
+ // linkAttr: String
+ // Defines the name of the attribute to request from the store to retrieve the
+ // URL to link to from an image, if any.
+ linkAttr: "link",
+ // imageLargeAttr: String
+ // Defines the name of the attribute to request from the store to retrieve the
+ // URL to the image.
+ imageLargeAttr: "imageUrl",
+ // titleAttr: String
+ // Defines the name of the attribute to request from the store to retrieve the
+ // title of the picture, if any.
+ titleAttr: "title",
+ // slideshowInterval: Number
+ // Time, in seconds, between image transitions during a slideshow.
+ slideshowInterval: 3,
+ templateString:"<div dojoAttachPoint=\"outerNode\" class=\"slideShowWrapper\">\n\t<div style=\"position:relative;\" dojoAttachPoint=\"innerWrapper\">\n\t\t<div class=\"slideShowNav\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onclick: _handleClick\">\n\t\t\t<div class=\"dijitInline slideShowTitle\" dojoAttachPoint=\"titleNode\">${title}</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"navNode\" class=\"slideShowCtrl\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onclick: _handleClick\">\n\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"navPrev\" class=\"slideShowCtrlPrev\"></span>\n\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"navPlay\" class=\"slideShowCtrlPlay\"></span>\n\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"navNext\" class=\"slideShowCtrlNext\"></span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"largeNode\" class=\"slideShowImageWrapper\"></div>\t\t\n\t\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"hiddenNode\" class=\"slideShowHidden\"></div>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n",
+ // _tempImgPath: URL
+ // URL to the image to display when an image is not yet fully loaded.
+ _tempImgPath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojo", "resources/blank.gif"),
+ // _imageCounter: Number
+ // A counter to keep track of which index image is to be loaded next
+ _imageCounter: 0,
+ // _tmpImage: DomNode
+ // The temporary image to show when a picture is loading.
+ _tmpImage: null,
+ // _request: Object
+ // Implementation of the dojo.data.api.Request API, which defines the query
+ // parameters for accessing the store.
+ _request: null,
+ postCreate: function(){
+ // summary: Initilizes the widget, sets up listeners and shows the first image
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ var img = document.createElement("img");
+ // FIXME: should API be to normalize an image to fit in the specified height/width?
+ img.setAttribute("width", this.imageWidth);
+ img.setAttribute("height", this.imageHeight);
+ if(this.hasNav){
+ dojo.connect(this.outerNode, "onmouseover", function(evt){
+ try{_this._showNav();}
+ catch(e){} //TODO: remove try/catch
+ });
+ dojo.connect(this.outerNode, "onmouseout", function(evt){
+ try{_this._hideNav(evt);}
+ catch(e){} //TODO: remove try/catch
+ });
+ }
+ this.outerNode.style.width = this.imageWidth + "px";
+ img.setAttribute("src", this._tempImgPath);
+ var _this = this;
+ this.largeNode.appendChild(img);
+ this._tmpImage = this._currentImage = img;
+ this._fitSize(true);
+ this._loadImage(0, function(){
+ _this.showImage(0);
+ });
+ this._calcNavDimensions();
+ },
+ setDataStore: function(dataStore, request, /*optional*/paramNames){
+ // summary: Sets the data store and request objects to read data from.
+ // dataStore:
+ // An implementation of the dojo.data.api.Read API. This accesses the image
+ // data.
+ // request:
+ // An implementation of the dojo.data.api.Request API. This specifies the
+ // query and paging information to be used by the data store
+ // paramNames:
+ // An object defining the names of the item attributes to fetch from the
+ // data store. The three attributes allowed are 'linkAttr', 'imageLargeAttr' and 'titleAttr'
+ this.reset();
+ var _this = this;
+ this._request = {
+ query: {},
+ start: request.start || 0,
+ count: request.count || this.pageSize,
+ onBegin: function(count, request){
+ _this.maxPhotos = count;
+ }
+ };
+ if(request.query){ dojo.mixin(this._request.query, request.query); }
+ if(paramNames){
+ dojo.forEach(["imageLargeAttr", "linkAttr", "titleAttr"], function(attrName){
+ if(paramNames[attrName]){ this[attrName] = paramNames[attrName]; }
+ }, this);
+ }
+ var _complete = function(items){
+ _this.showImage(0);
+ _this._request.onComplete = null;
+ if(_this.autoStart){
+ _this.toggleSlideShow();
+ }
+ };
+ this.imageStore = dataStore;
+ this._request.onComplete = _complete;
+ this._request.start = 0;
+ this.imageStore.fetch(this._request);
+ },
+ reset: function(){
+ // summary: Resets the widget to its initial state
+ // description: Removes all previously loaded images, and clears all caches.
+ while(this.largeNode.firstChild){
+ this.largeNode.removeChild(this.largeNode.firstChild);
+ }
+ this.largeNode.appendChild(this._tmpImage);
+ while(this.hiddenNode.firstChild){
+ this.hiddenNode.removeChild(this.hiddenNode.firstChild);
+ }
+ dojo.forEach(this.images, function(img){
+ if(img && img.parentNode){ img.parentNode.removeChild(img); }
+ });
+ this.images = [];
+ this.isInitialized = false;
+ this._imageCounter = 0;
+ },
+ isImageLoaded: function(index){
+ // summary: Returns true if image at the specified index is loaded, false otherwise.
+ // index:
+ // The number index in the data store to check if it is loaded.
+ return this.images && this.images.length > index && this.images[index];
+ },
+ moveImageLoadingPointer: function(index){
+ // summary: If 'autoload' is true, this tells the widget to start loading
+ // images from the specified pointer.
+ // index:
+ // The number index in the data store to start loading images from.
+ this._imageCounter = index;
+ },
+ destroy: function(){
+ // summary: Cleans up the widget when it is being destroyed
+ if(this._slideId) { this._stop(); }
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ },
+ showNextImage: function(inTimer, forceLoop){
+ // summary: Changes the image being displayed to the next image in the data store
+ // inTimer: Boolean
+ // If true, a slideshow is active, otherwise the slideshow is inactive.
+ if(inTimer && this._timerCancelled){return false;}
+ if(this.imageIndex + 1 >= this.maxPhotos){
+ if(inTimer && (this.loop || forceLoop)){ this.imageIndex = -1; }
+ else{
+ if(this._slideId){ this._stop(); }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ var _this = this;
+ this.showImage(this.imageIndex + 1, function(){
+ if(inTimer){ _this._startTimer(); }
+ });
+ return true;
+ },
+ toggleSlideShow: function(){
+ // summary: Switches the slideshow mode on and off.
+ if(this._slideId){
+ this._stop();
+ }else{
+ dojo.toggleClass(this.domNode,"slideShowPaused");
+ this._timerCancelled = false;
+ var success = this.showNextImage(true, true);
+ if(!success){
+ this._stop();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getShowTopicName: function(){
+ // summary: Returns the topic id published to when an image is shown
+ // description:
+ // The information published is: index, title and url
+ return (this.widgetId || this.id) + "/imageShow";
+ },
+ getLoadTopicName: function(){
+ // summary: Returns the topic id published to when an image finishes loading.
+ // description:
+ // The information published is the index position of the image loaded.
+ return (this.widgetId ? this.widgetId : this.id) + "/imageLoad";
+ },
+ showImage: function(index, /* Function? */callback){
+ // summary: Shows the image at index 'index'.
+ // index: Number
+ // The position of the image in the data store to display
+ // callback: Function
+ // Optional callback function to call when the image has finished displaying.
+ if(!callback && this._slideId){ this.toggleSlideShow(); }
+ var _this = this;
+ var current = this.largeNode.getElementsByTagName("div");
+ this.imageIndex = index;
+ var showOrLoadIt = function() {
+ //If the image is already loaded, then show it.
+ if(_this.images[index]){
+ while(_this.largeNode.firstChild){
+ _this.largeNode.removeChild(_this.largeNode.firstChild);
+ }
+ _this.images[index].style.opacity = 0;
+ _this.largeNode.appendChild(_this.images[index]);
+ _this._currentImage = _this.images[index]._img;
+ _this._fitSize();
+ var onEnd = function(a,b,c) {
+ var img = _this.images[index].firstChild;
+ if(img.tagName.toLowerCase() != "img"){img = img.firstChild;}
+ title = img.getAttribute("title");
+ if(_this._navShowing){
+ _this._showNav(true);
+ }
+ dojo.publish(_this.getShowTopicName(), [{
+ index: index,
+ title: title,
+ url: img.getAttribute("src")
+ }]);
+ if(callback) { callback(a,b,c); }
+ _this._setTitle(title);
+ };
+ dojo.fadeIn({
+ node: _this.images[index],
+ duration: 300,
+ onEnd: onEnd
+ }).play();
+ }else{
+ //If the image is not loaded yet, load it first, then show it.
+ _this._loadImage(index, function(){
+ dojo.publish(_this.getLoadTopicName(), [index]);
+ _this.showImage(index, callback);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ //If an image is currently showing, fade it out, then show
+ //the new image. Otherwise, just show the new image.
+ if(current && current.length > 0){
+ dojo.fadeOut({
+ node: current[0],
+ duration: 300,
+ onEnd: function(){
+ _this.hiddenNode.appendChild(current[0]);
+ showOrLoadIt();
+ }
+ }).play();
+ }else{
+ showOrLoadIt();
+ }
+ },
+ _fitSize: function(force){
+ // summary: Fits the widget size to the size of the image being shown,
+ // or centers the image, depending on the value of 'fixedHeight'
+ // force: Boolean
+ // If true, the widget is always resized, regardless of the value of 'fixedHeight'
+ if(!this.fixedHeight || force){
+ var height = (this._currentImage.height + (this.hasNav ? 20:0));
+ dojo.style(this.innerWrapper, "height", height + "px");
+ return;
+ }
+ dojo.style(this.largeNode, "paddingTop", this._getTopPadding() + "px");
+ },
+ _getTopPadding: function(){
+ if(!this.fixedHeight){return 0;}
+ // summary: Returns the padding to place at the top of the image to center it vertically.
+ return (this.imageHeight - this._currentImage.height)/2;
+ },
+ _loadNextImage: function(){
+ //summary: Load the next unloaded image.
+ if(!this.autoLoad){ return; }
+ while(this.images.length >= this._imageCounter && this.images[this._imageCounter]){
+ this._imageCounter++;
+ }
+ this._loadImage(this._imageCounter);
+ },
+ _loadImage: function(index, callbackFn){
+ // summary: Load image at specified index
+ // description:
+ // This function loads the image at position 'index' into the
+ // internal cache of images. This does not cause the image to be displayed.
+ // index:
+ // The position in the data store to load an image from.
+ // callbackFn:
+ // An optional function to execute when the image has finished loading.
+ if(this.images[index] || !this._request) { return; }
+ var pageStart = index - (index % this.pageSize);
+ this._request.start = pageStart;
+ this._request.onComplete = function(items){
+ var diff = index - pageStart;
+ if(items && items.length > diff){
+ loadIt(items[diff]);
+ }else{ /* Squelch - console.log("Got an empty set of items"); */ }
+ }
+ var _this = this;
+ var loadIt = function(item){
+ var url = _this.imageStore.getValue(item, _this.imageLargeAttr);
+ var img = document.createElement("img");
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div._img = img;
+ var link = _this.imageStore.getValue(item,_this.linkAttr);
+ if(!link || _this.noLink){ div.appendChild(img);
+ }else{
+ var a = document.createElement("a");
+ a.setAttribute("href", link);
+ a.setAttribute("target","_blank");
+ div.appendChild(a);
+ a.appendChild(img);
+ }
+ div.setAttribute("id",_this.id + "_imageDiv" + index);
+ dojo.connect(img, "onload", function(){
+ _this._fitImage(img);
+ div.setAttribute("width",_this.imageWidth);
+ div.setAttribute("height",_this.imageHeight);
+ dojo.publish(_this.getLoadTopicName(), [index]);
+ _this._loadNextImage();
+ if(callbackFn){ callbackFn(); }
+ });
+ _this.hiddenNode.appendChild(div);
+ var titleDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ dojo.addClass(titleDiv, "slideShowTitle");
+ div.appendChild(titleDiv);
+ _this.images[index] = div;
+ img.setAttribute("src", url);
+ var title = _this.imageStore.getValue(item,_this.titleAttr);
+ if(title){ img.setAttribute("title",title); }
+ }
+ this.imageStore.fetch(this._request);
+ },
+ _stop: function(){
+ // summary: Stops a running slide show.
+ if(this._slideId){ clearTimeout(this._slideId); }
+ this._slideId = null;
+ this._timerCancelled = true;
+ dojo.removeClass(this.domNode,"slideShowPaused");
+ },
+ _prev: function(){
+ // summary: Show the previous image.
+ // FIXME: either pull code from showNext/prev, or call it here
+ if(this.imageIndex < 1){ return; }
+ this.showImage(this.imageIndex - 1);
+ },
+ _next: function(){
+ // summary: Show the next image
+ this.showNextImage();
+ },
+ _startTimer: function(){
+ // summary: Starts a timeout to show the next image when a slide show is active
+ var id = this.id;
+ this._slideId = setTimeout(function(){dijit.byId(id).showNextImage(true);}, this.slideshowInterval * 1000);
+ },
+ _calcNavDimensions: function() {
+ // summary:
+ // Calculates the dimensions of the navigation controls
+ dojo.style(this.navNode, "position", "absolute");
+ //Place the navigation controls far off screen
+ dojo.style(this.navNode, "top", "-10000px");
+ //Make the navigation controls visible
+ dojo._setOpacity(this.navNode, 99);
+ this.navPlay._size = dojo.marginBox(this.navPlay);
+ this.navPrev._size = dojo.marginBox(this.navPrev);
+ this.navNext._size = dojo.marginBox(this.navNext);
+ dojo._setOpacity(this.navNode, 0);
+ dojo.style(this.navNode, "position", "");
+ dojo.style(this.navNode, "top", "");
+ },
+ _setTitle: function(title){
+ // summary: Sets the title of the image to be displayed
+ // title: String
+ // The String title of the image
+ this.titleNode.innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(this.titleTemplate,
+ { title: title, current: 1 + this.imageIndex, total: this.maxPhotos});
+ },
+ _fitImage: function(img) {
+ // summary: Ensures that the image width and height do not exceed the maximum.
+ // img: Node
+ // The image DOM node to optionally resize
+ var width = img.width;
+ var height = img.height;
+ if(width > this.imageWidth){
+ height = Math.floor(height * (this.imageWidth / width));
+ img.setAttribute("height", height + "px");
+ img.setAttribute("width", this.imageWidth + "px");
+ }
+ if(height > this.imageHeight){
+ width = Math.floor(width * (this.imageHeight / height));
+ img.setAttribute("height", this.imageHeight + "px");
+ img.setAttribute("width", width + "px");
+ }
+ },
+ _handleClick: function(/* Event */e){
+ // summary: Performs navigation on the images based on users mouse clicks
+ // e:
+ // An Event object
+ switch(e.target){
+ case this.navNext:this._next(); break;
+ case this.navPrev:this._prev(); break;
+ case this.navPlay:this.toggleSlideShow(); break;
+ }
+ },
+ _showNav: function(force){
+ // summary:
+ // Shows the navigation controls
+ // force: Boolean
+ // If true, the navigation controls are repositioned even if they are
+ // currently visible.
+ if(this._navShowing && !force){return;}
+ dojo.style(this.navNode, "marginTop", "0px");
+ dojo.style(this.navPlay, "marginLeft", "0px");
+ var wrapperSize = dojo.marginBox(this.outerNode);
+ var margin = this._currentImage.height - this.navPlay._size.h - 10 + this._getTopPadding();
+ if(margin > this._currentImage.height){margin += 10;}
+ dojo[this.imageIndex < 1 ? "addClass":"removeClass"](this.navPrev, "slideShowCtrlHide");
+ dojo[this.imageIndex + 1 >= this.maxPhotos ? "addClass":"removeClass"](this.navNext, "slideShowCtrlHide");
+ var _this = this;
+ if(this._navAnim) {
+ this._navAnim.stop();
+ }
+ if(this._navShowing){return;}
+ this._navAnim = dojo.fadeIn({node: this.navNode, duration: 300,
+ onEnd: function(){_this._navAnim=null;}});
+ this._navAnim.play();
+ this._navShowing = true;
+ },
+ _hideNav: function(/* Event */e){
+ // summary: Hides the navigation controls
+ // e: Event
+ // The DOM Event that triggered this function
+ if(!e || !this._overElement(this.outerNode, e)) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if(this._navAnim) {
+ this._navAnim.stop();
+ }
+ this._navAnim = dojo.fadeOut({node: this.navNode,duration:300,
+ onEnd: function(){_this._navAnim=null;}});
+ this._navAnim.play();
+ this._navShowing = false;
+ }
+ },
+ _overElement: function(/*DomNode*/element, /*Event*/e){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns whether the mouse is over the passed element.
+ // Element must be display:block (ie, not a <span>)
+ //When the page is unloading, if this method runs it will throw an
+ //exception.
+ if(typeof(dojo)=="undefined"){return false;}
+ element = dojo.byId(element);
+ var m = {x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY};
+ var bb = dojo._getBorderBox(element);
+ var absl = dojo.coords(element, true);
+ var left = absl.x;
+ return (m.x >= left
+ && m.x <= (left + bb.w)
+ && m.y >= absl.y
+ && m.y <= (top + bb.h)
+ ); // boolean
+ }