path: root/includes/js/dojox/help/_base.js
diff options
authormensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-14 15:39:19 +0000
committermensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-14 15:39:19 +0000
commit1c5685d68f1b73270fb814fe04cbb490eb90ba5f (patch)
tree3d3ada08a934b96fc31531f1327690d7edc6f766 /includes/js/dojox/help/_base.js
parent104d59099e048688c4dbac37d72137006e396558 (diff)
Minor fix: Remove DOJO library (60Mo) replaced by link to Google CDN (online DOJO library)
git-svn-id: https://semanticscuttle.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/semanticscuttle/trunk@159 b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/help/_base.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 473 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/help/_base.js b/includes/js/dojox/help/_base.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 109f3ca..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/help/_base.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.help._base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dojox.help._base"] = true;
-console.warn("Script causes side effects (on numbers, strings, and booleans). Call dojox.help.noConflict() if you plan on executing code.");
-dojox.help = {
- // summary:
- // Adds the help function to all variables.
- locate: function(/*String*/ searchFor, /*String|Object|String[]|Object[]*/ searchIn, /*Number*/ maxResults){
- // summary:
- // Search for dojo functionality that has something to do with the given string.
- // description:
- // Search for locally available data; variable names and any cached
- // documentation results for matches containing our search parameter
- // searchFor
- // The string to search for.
- // searchIn:
- // The namespaces to search in. Defaults to dojox.help._namespaces
- // maxResults:
- // The maximum number of results.
- maxResults = maxResults || 20;
- var namespaces = [];
- var roots = {};
- var root;
- if(searchIn){
- if(!dojo.isArray(searchIn)){
- searchIn = [searchIn];
- }
- for(var i = 0, namespace; namespace = searchIn[i]; i++){
- root = namespace;
- if(dojo.isString(namespace)){
- namespace = dojo.getObject(namespace);
- if(!namespace){
- continue;
- }
- }else if(dojo.isObject(namespace)){
- root = namespace.__name__;
- }else{
- continue;
- }
- // Add to a list of namespace objects (in object form)
- namespaces.push(namespace);
- if(root){
- root = root.split(".")[0];
- if(!roots[root] && dojo.indexOf(dojox.help._namespaces, root) == -1){
- // Refresh anything that's not part of our global namespace list
- dojox.help.refresh(root);
- }
- roots[root] = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!namespaces.length){
- namespaces.push({ __name__: "window" });
- dojo.forEach(dojox.help._namespaces, function(item){ roots[item] = true; });
- }
- var found = [];
- out:
- for(var i = 0, namespace; namespace = namespaces[i]; i++){
- var name = namespace.__name__ || "";
- var shorter = dojo.some(namespaces, function(item){
- // Return true if we find a namespace below
- // the current namespace
- item = item.__name__ || "";
- return (name.indexOf(item + ".") == 0);
- });
- if(name && !shorter){
- root = name.split(".")[0];
- var names = [];
- if(name == "window"){
- for(root in dojox.help._names){
- if(dojo.isArray(dojox.help._names[root])){
- names = names.concat(dojox.help._names[root]);
- }
- }
- }else{
- names = dojox.help._names[root];
- }
- for(var j = 0, variable; variable = names[j]; j++){
- if((name == "window" || variable.indexOf(name + ".") == 0) && variable.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchFor) != -1){
- if(variable.slice(-10) == ".prototype"){ continue; }
- var obj = dojo.getObject(variable);
- if(obj){
- found.push([variable, obj]);
- if(found.length == maxResults){
- break out;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- dojox.help._displayLocated(found);
- if(!+dojo.isFF){
- return "";
- }
- },
- refresh: function(/*String?*/ namespace, /*Boolean?*/ recursive){
- // summary:
- // Useful if you reset some values, and want to restore their
- // help function
- // namespace:
- // The string-representation of a namespace.
- // recursive:
- // Whether to recurse through the namespace.
- if(arguments.length < 2){
- recursive = true;
- }
- dojox.help._recurse(namespace, recursive);
- },
- noConflict: function(/*Object?*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Use this function when you want to resolve the problems
- // created by including a dojox.help package.
- // item:
- // If you pass an item, only that item will be cleaned
- if(arguments.length){
- return dojox.help._noConflict(item);
- }else{
- while(dojox.help._overrides.length){
- var override = dojox.help._overrides.pop();
- var parent = override[0];
- var key = override[1];
- var child = parent[key];
- parent[key] = dojox.help._noConflict(child);
- }
- }
- },
- init: function(/*String[]*/ namespaces, /*Boolen?*/ noConflict){
- // summary:
- // Should be called by one of the implementations. Runs startup code
- // namespaces:
- // Any namespaces to add to the default (dojox.help._namespaces)
- // noConflict:
- // Whether to start in noConflict mode
- if(namespaces){
- dojox.help._namespaces.concat(namespaces);
- }
- dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
- dojo.require = (function(require){
- return function(){
- dojox.help.noConflict();
- require.apply(dojo, arguments);
- if(dojox.help._timer){
- clearTimeout(dojox.help._timer);
- }
- dojox.help._timer = setTimeout(function(){
- dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
- dojox.help.refresh();
- dojox.help._timer = false;
- });
- }, 500);
- }
- })(dojo.require);
- dojox.help._recurse();
- });
- },
- _noConflict: function(item){
- if(item instanceof String){
- return item.toString();
- }else if(item instanceof Number){
- return +item;
- }else if(item instanceof Boolean){
- return (item == true);
- }else if(dojo.isObject(item)){
- delete item.__name__;
- delete item.help;
- }
- return item;
- },
- _namespaces: ["dojo", "dojox", "dijit", "djConfig"],
- _rpc: new dojox.rpc.Service(dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.rpc", "documentation.smd")),
- _attributes: ["summary", "type", "returns", "parameters"],
- _clean: function(self){
- var obj = {};
- for(var i = 0, attribute; attribute = dojox.help._attributes[i]; i++){
- var value = self["__" + attribute + "__"];
- if(value){
- obj[attribute] = value;
- }
- }
- return obj;
- },
- _displayLocated: function(located){
- // summary:
- // Stub function to be overridden in one of the dojox.help packages
- throw new Error("_displayLocated should be overridden in one of the dojox.help packages");
- },
- _displayHelp: function(loading, obj){
- // summary:
- // Stub function to be overridden in one of the dojox.help packages
- throw new Error("_displayHelp should be overridden in one of the dojox.help packages");
- },
- _addVersion: function(obj){
- if(obj.name){
- obj.version = [dojo.version.major, dojo.version.minor, dojo.version.patch].join(".");
- var parts = obj.name.split(".");
- if(parts[0] == "dojo" || parts[0] == "dijit" || parts[0] == "dojox"){
- obj.project = parts[0];
- }
- }
- return obj;
- },
- _stripPrototype: function(original){
- var name = original.replace(/\.prototype(\.|$)/g, ".");
- var search = name;
- if(name.slice(-1) == "."){
- search = name = name.slice(0, -1);
- }else{
- name = original;
- }
- return [search, name];
- },
- _help: function(){
- var name = this.__name__;
- var search = dojox.help._stripPrototype(name)[0];
- var attributes = [];
- for(var i = 0, attribute; attribute = dojox.help._attributes[i]; i++){
- if(!this["__" + attribute + "__"]){
- attributes.push(attribute);
- }
- }
- dojox.help._displayHelp(true, { name: this.__name__ });
- if(!attributes.length || this.__searched__){
- dojox.help._displayHelp(false, dojox.help._clean(this));
- }else{
- this.__searched__ = true;
- dojox.help._rpc.get(dojox.help._addVersion({
- name: search,
- exact: true,
- attributes: attributes
- })).addCallback(this, function(data){
- if(this.toString === dojox.help._toString){
- this.toString(data);
- }
- if(data && data.length){
- data = data[0];
- for(var i = 0, attribute; attribute = dojox.help._attributes[i]; i++){
- if(data[attribute]){
- this["__" + attribute + "__"] = data[attribute];
- }
- }
- dojox.help._displayHelp(false, dojox.help._clean(this));
- }else{
- dojox.help._displayHelp(false, false);
- }
- });
- }
- if(!+dojo.isFF){
- return "";
- }
- },
- _parse: function(data){
- delete this.__searching__;
- if(data && data.length){
- var parameters = data[0].parameters;
- if(parameters){
- var signature = ["function ", this.__name__, "("];
- this.__parameters__ = parameters;
- for(var i = 0, parameter; parameter = parameters[i]; i++){
- if(i){
- signature.push(", ");
- }
- signature.push(parameter.name);
- if(parameter.types){
- var types = [];
- for(var j = 0, type; type = parameter.types[j]; j++){
- types.push(type.title);
- }
- if(types.length){
- signature.push(": ");
- signature.push(types.join("|"));
- }
- }
- if(parameter.repeating){
- signature.push("...");
- }
- if(parameter.optional){
- signature.push("?");
- }
- }
- signature.push(")");
- this.__source__ = this.__source__.replace(/function[^\(]*\([^\)]*\)/, signature.join(""));
- }
- if(this.__output__){
- delete this.__output__;
- console.log(this);
- }
- }else{
- dojox.help._displayHelp(false, false);
- }
- },
- _toStrings: {},
- _toString: function(data){
- if(!this.__source__){
- return this.__name__;
- }
- var first = (!this.__parameters__);
- this.__parameters__ = [];
- if(data){
- dojox.help._parse.call(this, data);
- }else if(first){
- this.__searching__ = true;
- dojox.help._toStrings[dojox.help._stripPrototype(this.__name__)[0]] = this;
- if(dojox.help._toStringTimer){
- clearTimeout(dojox.help._toStringTimer);
- }
- dojox.help._toStringTimer = setTimeout(function(){ dojox.help.__toString(); }, 50);
- }
- if(!first || !this.__searching__){
- return this.__source__;
- }
- var message = "function Loading info for " + this.__name__ + "... (watch console for result) {}";
- if(!+dojo.isFF){
- this.__output__ = true;
- return message;
- }
- return {
- toString: dojo.hitch(this, function(){
- // Detect if this was called by Firebug
- this.__output__ = true;
- return message;
- })
- };
- },
- __toString: function(){
- if(dojox.help._toStringTimer){
- clearTimeout(dojox.help._toStringTimer);
- }
- var names = [];
- dojox.help.noConflict(dojox.help._toStrings);
- for(var name in dojox.help._toStrings){
- names.push(name);
- }
- while(names.length){
- dojox.help._rpc.batch(dojox.help._addVersion({
- names: names.splice(-50, 50),
- exact: true,
- attributes: ["parameters"]
- })).addCallback(this, function(datas){
- for(var i = 0, data; data = datas[i]; i++){
- fn = dojox.help._toStrings[data.name];
- if(fn){
- dojox.help._parse.call(fn, [data]);
- delete dojox.help._toStrings[data.name];
- }
- }
- });
- }
- },
- _overrides: [],
- _recursions: [],
- _names: {},
- _recurse: function(/*String?*/ namespace, /*Boolean?*/ recursive){
- if(arguments.length < 2){
- recursive = true;
- }
- var items = [];
- if(namespace && dojo.isString(namespace)){
- dojox.help.__recurse(dojo.getObject(namespace), namespace, namespace, items, recursive);
- }else{
- for(var i = 0, namespace; namespace = dojox.help._namespaces[i]; i++){
- if(window[namespace]){
- dojox.help._recursions.push([window[namespace], namespace, namespace]);
- window[namespace].__name__ = namespace;
- if(!window[namespace].help){
- window[namespace].help = dojox.help._help;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- while(dojox.help._recursions.length){
- var recursion = dojox.help._recursions.shift();
- dojox.help.__recurse(recursion[0], recursion[1], recursion[2], items, recursive);
- }
- for(var i = 0, item; item = items[i]; i++){
- delete item.__seen__;
- }
- },
- __recurse: function(namespace, root, name, items, recursive){
- for(var key in namespace){
- if(key.match(/([^\w_.$]|__[\w_.$]+__)/)){
- continue;
- }
- var item = namespace[key];
- if(typeof item == "undefined"
- || item === document
- || item === window
- || item === dojox.help._toString
- || item === dojox.help._help
- || item === null
- || (+dojo.isIE && item.tagName)
- || item.__seen__
- ) {
- continue;
- }
- var isFunction = dojo.isFunction(item);
- var isObject = dojo.isObject(item) && !dojo.isArray(item) && !item.nodeType;
- var itemName = (name) ? (name + "." + key) : key;
- if(itemName == "dojo._blockAsync"){
- continue;
- }
- if(!item.__name__){
- var parent = null;
- if(dojo.isString(item)){
- parent = String;
- }else if(typeof item == "number"){
- parent = Number;
- }else if(typeof item == "boolean"){
- parent = Boolean;
- }
- if(parent){
- item = namespace[key] = new parent(item);
- }
- }
- item.__seen__ = true;
- item.__name__ = itemName;
- (dojox.help._names[root] = dojox.help._names[root] || []).push(itemName);
- items.push(item);
- if(!isFunction){
- dojox.help._overrides.push([namespace, key]);
- }
- if((isFunction || isObject) && recursive){
- dojox.help._recursions.push([item, root, itemName]);
- }
- if(isFunction){
- if(!item.__source__){
- item.__source__ = item.toString().replace(/^function\b ?/, "function " + itemName);
- }
- if(item.toString === Function.prototype.toString){
- item.toString = dojox.help._toString;
- }
- }
- if(!item.help){
- item.help = dojox.help._help;
- }
- }
- }